' "I"': CTAr- VlLUniGTOII,;. If, C - . . ' " . - .; - . ..., .. -. . f ' ' v . , ' . the wort-sf, sh'PP?d - abroad and cepjtable "Sfshl ir, f?' aC; author vtiT v.!11 v P.e . labeled i and ea products. It also authorizes thP enter Ihe packing houses and requires that those, establishments shall-be mkintained in a sanitary, condition, gives, the, inspectors access .to all del partments of- them, and forbids Inter state .commerce in fresh meats .which are not marked by the inspectors. The expense of the inspection is "to be borne by owners and a fine of $10,000 'A- 7 AU. two years are fixed as the, penalties for the violation of the nrovisiftTi The ; greater part of the tima :- otne agricultural bill was detoted to . mscusson or the provision for a gov etninent inspection of lerain S art o tnv McCumber made an effort to' have the measure so amended ' as to require the issuance of cerUficates. of. such .in spection but failed. A number of . other bills 'were mass ed during the day The, sea level Panama canal bill was made the unfinished -business of the senate. . The message of the "House declin ing to accept the Senate-amendments tc the railroad - rate bill was received, but - the Senate conferees were not named. v ., -,V-, v. ; The . Senate, adjourned until Mon day. ' ; ; X SEABOARD . SELLS BONDS rn CONFERENG E ..Five Republicans' In FT -ia With nemo crats In Opposition , . PUBLICANS WON 144 JO 105 ; -.jon contended That Confer 2pP?SltLuid Prevent House From , 'voting Pr or A9alnst ?enae Amendments A" Row. ire to The Morning" Star, v . far. yeas 144,r nays, 105, pres; f Twenty five Republicans vpt r'the Democrats in the nega- I I VI 11 -- j lil like to vutc j- taking iue yuoiuuu vuui, . uicj vote airecuy w xavor incurring m ocuaw omeuu Jente relating to the subjects nam- !' The conferees on the railroad rate 1 1 the part of the House are Hep I of Iowa; merman, of New . York; on of Alabama, xne confer ee part of the Senate have .rfbeen selected. ' ' : I nr-Vn1 on t inrtnir ilia fne House i"""- """"s - deration of the rule sending; the bill to conference, the fear of i members being that the rule S. disagreed to the Senate7 amend- iLsts en bloc, might liave an- in C on the conference .and give m an opportunity, if they, so dflsir jtoTote out the express" company aendment, the amendment relating j pipe lines and the - sleeping '-car oadment. ; - " "je I' question of veracity was raised jetfeen Mr. Cooper, of Wisconsin and jr. Hepburn, of Iowa, over a conver- jaon in wnicu uic wuw aic&cu jiave participated with a member- of je Senate and in which, Mr. : Cooper jrted, the member of the House jMthe Senator reffered to agreed that Se smiled "express , company " to the railroad rate bill iofld not remain in th bill. . Both lr. Hepburn and Mr. Cooper were ex ceedingly angry and they" glared, at ae another during their colloquy. Intense excitement prevailed during 4is exchange of words,; members crowding the aisles aiid . filling; the pe in front of the speaker's deslc Be speaker pounded'for order but to wpnrpose. When he could be heard abore the uproar, Mr. Cooper said that ns not the only gentleman to to similar statements were made ffilthere is no purpose, no object, on Ejpt to deliberately misrepresent flatsbteinent.'" ' , - 3Ir. Hepburn: "Why don't you say il ft was who told you? - " Mr. Cooper responded by slaying that if could not understand w;hy- the ptoen asked the question unless iad heard the rumor going around. "Ton placed me in an embarrassing Ksition and I had to tell -you- what w told, me. And I told' the- truth.v statement, was made to me in tsidence, and concerning thegentle- from Iowa, and i therefore, can Re names." . "V"-' V This closed the colloquy. V ; - ' . Williams, of Mississippi, and Mr. WnnohdY'bf Missouri, both antagon- the rule. Mr. WilUams insisted ' if the amendments were sent to ence jn gross that ' the House tosli be at the mercy of . the. . con and he desired to have a vote me of the ampnrtfnpntR. TT stated had sueeested to the commit- on rules that if the-House was Wtted to vote on five amendments ould agree to allow the other ments to be non-concurred to in This, however, was refused and Was, therefore comnpllpd tn nrntest ta rule that would take away the,House its constitutional pre- Satives. " ' ' :: ' . , . , - "Hepburn rnsp to ovlnin Ma nrw He said he stood with Mr. Wil- the minority leader in present- 4 solid front to the: Senate, and 0f two sides of the House there should be a 'non-concur- gross. v;'v;- Grosvenor said that when the . fence report came in there Would ponunity for the Hose of Repre- to vote separately on every fnt on which a separate . vote Z was then adopted.- " the tt rate bU1 had been disposed 3b0.USe t00k UP he pension cal- a "iUCU WaS tVlQ T-fMirrlo-r. nrlaii.fnii iris. of Missippi, the minor-' fowrn, v.,T outlt Joy to those having ifhp v on the House calendar to biii ana(unced after the sec inTaS Under consideration that S all i ded to PPse with all his Sreno , Sislation' until a confer X kZ couli be had on: statehoodl egtn T of the fact that dema- Cof difort the opposition of twa, y t0 Pension-bills, when KouJ n? opposition to such bills, sent oDjecuonsior iPasVT' ay 25 The ' Senate K hni the. icuitural ? appro 00 oon Carrying' an appropriation i te ' 0' and without a -wpd of W. Ul an ohioi aj , -vvuuu , liuiu etui mten n insPection of . fresh naed for consumption .The . .. . - - - ... - . . , : m u . EH I or V ii, ml o. , , j. S 6 ' . The Servant Question; J The Gas Range solves. "t -- - i . " the servant question. Bet ter took with Gas. v f-4 S3 3 1 may26-lt Sale to' Get $1,750,000 to Largely In crease Rolling Stock. ' By "Wire to The Mornlncr f?tar. a Norfolk,, Va., May 2 5-For the .pur pose or extensively -Increasing its roll ingv stock the. Seaboard Air Line rail way nas-sold' to S. Loringof Bos ton, $1,750,000 5 per "cent, equipment bonds, dated June 1, 1906. .The bonds wilt mature serially from, one to ten years. ' The proceeds will; be used in the purchase of 437 box cars 1,000 gon dola cars and 10 locomotives. - j 1 1 1 ANTICO AN A TO 1T AVk7 W.0PECO SKI8NK QOAITEI SRES IS ccmts each; a FOR 2S cents CLUKTT.CABODY.. CO. Muni or ciuctt xv-aeNAcH mT- STOR1A For InfaDts and Children. Tta Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the. - - . - H ,v giiAtnre.of ANNOUNCE WENT 'FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the; cEIce of. Sheriff of "New Hanover County at the coming : elec tion, "subject to;.th e teill of the Demo cratic party at the primary to be held September, 19thA ;106. i 'iM ,i-..V4i"r p apr29-tf SI PERCY CO WAN. ANNOUNCEMENT. V: Thanking my friends "and the, pub lic, for their liberal support inith0 -pzsX, I respectfully an'noiince myself a can didate for the of&ce of Sheriff of New Hanover ' county, subject to the .will of the Democratic primaries to be hejd September 19th. apS-lt ' . ; W. H. BIDDLE. , TO . TH E DEMOC RATS O F N E W : SHANOVR COUNTY ; ! The ". undersigned " respectfully an nnnnrea'that he will be a candidate for the office -of Sheriff of : New -Hanover County, subject o the will of the Dem ocratic" primary. .' -V;'- ; THOS. C. JAMES. . may20 Sun,wed,Fri-6w ":-;'-::- TO THE DEMOCRAT! C VOTERS OP - f N EW, HANOVER CO UNTY. With a" high , appreciatioaof ; the kindifj?ss shown me by my Democratic friends m the past in electing me: to thel 'Office of rciek )of . the ; Superior dourt of ihiai County, c I . hereby-aV nonncer myseJf a candidate1 for re-ele . Uoii tc- thai ri) 0 port atthe approaching -primary, f ; ... ; JOHN D. TAYLOR ' ; apr r28-tf ' . - v Just arriVed-A car-load Red BlUa, whit a Bliss and Ear lr;Bose. A le Une of Qrocenes. aju .ur write f or qnototions, we can give yofl Close prcea. .v, ia24-t . ' v ifse Big O for nnatarl irritatioaf or ulcertion Painless. And not aatrin- la t to 6 i7 Garnteei V V4. .rrY f . f.00. T3 bott.f-2-.- - The ruiurchison National Bank OF WILMINGTON", Ji C. -.XT' V $500,000 - - 300,000 Capital a!id Surplus -r - -Shareholders' liability - - .'' .-. -&M, . S800,opo , - .; Merchants, Banks arid others are invited ' to become regular' customers of the Bank that has shown its confidence and encouragement in the develop ment of this sectidn. ' v . '. - ( y .Not the oldest 'oK youngest" but the BIGGEST and STRONGEST Bank in Eastern riprthiCarolirjaVnd still growing. ; ' i v '. may26-tf ; :;'---v; r ', 'v" fu ' : t - NEVER MMD DISTMGE Never Mind? . VVeather---Never Minc About Messengers. THREE .PHONES 192 and 1 1277 Call Over Either I Don't . worry about the ques tion of reaching a good drug . restore. , Simply call us upOur : compound bicycle service is at 5your service bcjth ways--to take your orders and, deliver it. . Our ' Phone . service Is - a . bbonitoi ;a : score of families.' Our drugs arfet pure and, every v prescription tent to" tfi it. store,' is filledlbya; . registered druggist. :-ffl'JgtMi We Solicit GOOD Accouritsi TlME-: r . iJ.-;. ";'"' N.i E. Corner Fifth and Castle 'Streets it' n r m IXI H H Prescription Druggist. may23-tt" SAVINGS ACCOUNT QFOAPIES Thla Baals' jaakea 'very , effort - to" make thl. a pleaaant'auad aati-s factory. ; plaee ' for ! ladle; to Iteep their moaey. . :iv : v ,iVtVe' 'hare a aeparate Toom a4 rladow i fortheir- jfebnTealeaee aaa rwe pay out to them oaly ner crisp f Ua'VWe, pay "4 per cent INTEREST; reom es aavmgs Bank .Next. to The -Orton Hotel. Braaclt VlS North; i'oartli suf TOTAL .ASSETS .OVER.-$850,000.00. ; may -20-tf-:.4; ' U , :iv;v , AAAAAAAAAAAAA444A4AAMtAMee may-20-tf;- . . : - . . ; . ,-'.r,i - r .v. - ; ' The dain 'in new building and industry v ia ;NortK 'Carolina ! t ? greater than at any period In the 'state's history.. ' The North Caf T Viina Home Insurance . Company of Raleigh, N. C, should receive 1U proposition . of this prosperity as; compared with the 'percentage of. new , J :busines given to it In ' periods of less industrral activity. Give It: f L.;.nn.n hm rf-fil rabla new properties' you have : to offer. It T: wni help to build up our home State and continue the great era of X : prosperity now enjoyed - by vour people. u.:?f XcV V--.-." ' WALKER TAYLOR,' Agent, VyilngtoflN DPP DAL BALL .BEARING Sectional BookCases. These cases are made. in. solid ma hogany giarters sawed pat; and plain oak? polished finisb. All Book Sec tioils have ball-bearing doors with au tomatic air cushions. v Book, sections can be " moved - without displacing A favorite Took case,-for, the hjpme. A i . . , ( ' . a. tiVaY-'iug'Jbeath Kills ansects .oh .the vegetables.; Justtheltgf or talbw Works'Jsplendidly; on tomatoes. v . Does not injure plants,; but really 1 ferVes.'as'.p1fttrf '. No danger asin using 'Arsenic. f : ' Produces better quality! - Increases ' the. yield. .. . 3 -- For Sale by Sole Agents, QtSr the old style of book leases. ( ; ; Deiosset ii Bookseller and Stationer. OTT.VS.f i -' :V, "it , a5caltdl9cKibbons;foiv iOc: at Rehder's to-day." : "5. $2.00 -Bed Spreads for. $13 at Rea der's to-day.N.. Worth Co Phone 246 Phone 246 ' ri." ?T WAR REM, J ;; Proprietor. OAKERY inay20-tf ' . M1 The shoe that vm give ' comfortto enlarged joWjjjV: and tender toes. In tace ;jn and Congress. . . !l ' SOLD ONLY 6Y ; i-5 PEEERSOW & 'RULFS'tj 7 North Front Street . S ' V ; Wilmington, N. C.'-W Ml '"' V-'--':-"'- .vr. if . r ; may 24 tf . Tie Place your deposit with the Strongest Bank, Atlantic National Bank. Capital. - ' - . - - $125,000 Surplus and Profits - - - -: $225,000 (All earned in ! the conduct of its business, none paid in by stockholders.); , t - ; - Is t the OLDEST, commerical bank in this section. -Its ' long and faith ul service,' its 'prompt, accurate ; and carefift methods;lts polite and court eous attention, commend' it to your consideration. ' s ' ' may22-tf . . s ' - . .- - SeecOfliinnie " Harvest follows seedtime. Lilccwise ri opening of a savings account. Have you an ac ; count with us? The lilmington Savings & Trust 1!o.i ; WUmington, nc V7 ' : Absolutely Secure. s - ; : . aprs-tt . - -" J miorMdod 1 Reasons ? Wny Vill be to the interest of every, one to BUY AT THE LITTLE STORE FROM NOW ON. FlfrST REASON- -It is. bur. aim to open at No. 9 North Front Street with an entire new st ock. . , . - - ' - - .SECOND: REASONWe. will soon tak e our. annual inventory, Wd we(wouldi 1 S '. .' ' :t ' ' .rather sell for 1 ess than take instock. '- 'Ov" - YOU A TRADE WILL BE APPRFP.I ATPn RV f i -'C . . XOyfl TRADE WILL. BE APPRECIATED BY " Agents for La Grecque. Corsets. T":. ' ' " 1 " . '. j.- For the e , 'youngsters and : ' the grown lip: .ones. too. : ,may2a-tf OLOMONSSSHOESMOREl f - v'i . v'r:' s i - .rjm i COMMIS StnVime e r - 75if:U ss: -r-': court of nS v . 5 - -, the case -of Charleai Sheard a4minis"- .: ' trator of Jane Williams. deceasewT' . " est bidder for cash,; on Monday the 4th;-- - -day, of .Junc lSOC. at-12 o'clock M? fSf lowin desqribdproperfir MnV ! v tW estvof. the-Weitellin "t &&Mtt ' i street, thence runs West with 4a : ' - ern une of rangr6istreet37'l-2 ieet ?i ' thenceforth parallel with Tenth stelet r ' ' ' 60 feet thence 'EastparallelVwlOr . X?'-?'rt. . ance- street; 27 1-2 . ft tl2ZztZ f ? r f JXeetj thence ?5tparallels with Wv ELECTRICAL. goods of ; allisc imay vbe procured of , mb. i Ouriptitees Jarecry ; modeW at0 andthe. if;-; - ::;- v. y:g?WpOTALlTY of ..the work j.we ;. do cannot be sur passed. Xiet , lis figure on the contract if you 4re. thinkhig v of equiping your huilding :,with any,: Electrical appli ance, make a? specialty ot Elec tric Fans; : OUTHERN j ELECTRIC CO.; : ? ; 14 N. .;.CL may il3-tf .' -V.7 4;.' -YJ O A O "37 O Si X Bean the Signature of Th3 K'rad tou Kan Always Bc:i warrtlv T,oni irT ."'"vc "Uiir tZl z ru lr. vuu 2 emn . street 60 - '. v mayia-tlU Je4 : Commissioner v C tTHE DEMOCRAT NEvyH ano vzniCommfiM : I for the Mnd support giyen- me m the - past, ,andat sameijUme azmounce y- : wlf a tdidatepnominaU r j ertyand every mi,7i3 i3 c"-- ' Inclined to tuycr . cf real cstato ad- new Local. r ' - ;t i'l 1 0 el 1 1 ! r