stie': noniniTG stah.' v7iliiingtoi .5. ?' AGENTS 3 . : ... ;1'V . 0 HAVE GRADUATED Annuai Commehcement Exercises , ' at Popular JEastem Carolina Female . ColtegeDr? Blackwell's Sermon. M .. - ; and r-WMR Sy Littleton, 'N. May 2rhe;aii-: IJfSt S ! v jnial comniencement exerds?s of Lit " tleton Female, (ilege caintb a'close -;- ' yesterday evening at. 8 : 30 o'clock "with : . a recital by. the musical and -elocution A vjiw ... pupils of the school. .1he. commence ment exercises this year. "have, been most notable and were a proper. finale V to one of the most successful years in the history of the college.' President Rhodes and his "corps of: efficient as sistants are - doing & wonderful work here and xfewv people realize the im portance of what isi really being, done. The exercises uegun . last Sunday witi an adress on Christian Education by President Rhodes with, special re- l ference to Littleton Female College ' and its' correlated work. The address ,was an able one and heard by a large congregation. , ' ; J The annual sermon was by the Rev. ? : i & llvin S. ackwelir'ry.'B:; pastor of the Freemason' Baptist., church, of Norfolk, Va.7-formerly, of : Wilmington.' ;. v it was a gem. of .eloquence and an in '. piration to the large number Awhp i'.- heard it' . r ; .' The sermon was in the big audi torium of the college, which was filled to the utmost with the students,! their v friends and the . people of LitUeon. It was a moving and very powerful ef foftj. quite unlike: the usual- baccaJau reate sermon, and therefore the more enjoyable. 'f.3;;..-":'-- "; , Dr. Blakwell.pok as his, text the last words of the.' i sermon on the mount. .:'' -v-v .v ' -; v "We are all builders for eternity," ; . 'began the speaker. He wen on to show that , Jesus took the ttitude to ward us as i arcEitects. of . our v being, for the building rour character, and - came as the Master , Architect to in- struct us in our work. ip' . Th literary address was "delivered by Governor Glenn the same evening at 8:30 o'clock. It was a masterly effort and was listened to by a " very large audience. ' . . The graduating exercises took place 1 '-' Thursday ,morning. Diplomas were awarded to, the following graduates: Beatrice Anderson; HalifaxV Bessie Bayhes, Gordonton ; - Miriam- Best, Fre . riont; Juanita Boyce, Rich Square; Dora Carraway, Goldsborfer : Lottie Eure, Halifax; '. Hattie Green, : Beau mont; Virginia Hart, Pinopolis, Va.; Mollie HollQwelV;Newbern; Mary Mc ? Cullen, Wilmington; Kate Park, Per- ; ; Ty's Mill, Va.; Jennie Rue, Littleton. - . The graduating exercises too"k place in the auditorium1 -of the collegewhich - was filled to the doors. ; . The' art exhibits -in rthe. studio . Wed- nesday 'afternoon anMThursday -inorn-r ing was much enjoyed and showed that excellent ,w6rk is, being done In this department., f v -A pleasing incident of the exercises was the annual banquet of thec almuni. J One of the responses to toasts was by y theRev AMcCullen, pastor ot tiie Fifth; eettMethodist church, of !"Wil ;Vingtonhis daughter, Miss Mary Mc .CuUen being" one of the . popular grad nates of the' schqol -the past year Mr. -4" kMcCuJIen" was heardv with greatvinter- est by the" alumni and the student body r . in generals ' v : " ' .. I I I 1? know that So I . tea i ' . ir Ti -v.--.-.: . 1 - : . -AM I , -i "-r Totsttynedda irni: in ; never iforSet that first tastc and U motsture proof package. vNATlONAL BI5CU IT- COM PANT mm " IUU i : V : Mil m rr i a. . mm -1 j lititeis lur passage uu au iritina are sold- by this company.' and accepted - by. passengers with the understanding that this company will not be liable JCoc fail ure to run its trains on : schedule time or -for, such, sdelays-as may be' incident to , their, operation. " Care ' is exercised to give correct time of connecting lines but this company will not. be, liable for errors or omissions. ... . . ' Mi m n i I BIG BARGAINS.- ' ' : Iron Safes. One Safe weight 3,500 pounds. - ; v , 6 Safes weigh 1,000 lbs. each. 1 Safe weigh 500 lbs. each. ;V SAM'L bear, sr.. & sonst IS market Street, . . , ' , - 4' -J f ' ' - vf Vi!mingtonf,N. C. apr 12-tf .-. - ' ' v" WHERE DID YOU GET, THAT NICE ' SPRING .SUIT? : u: -" rrx ... ' The Hotter, and Clothier; " ' v Go"adDol.itewise LATEST "STYS t AND LOWEST. p - - prices; v - 24 NORTH FRONT STREET.T f may 13-tf ' .y,;4- Yf ' ;, :v- . ( ..'Deaths from Appendicitis.. f. decreasj in. the same -ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life" "Pills in creases. They save: you from dan ger and bring quick- and painless re riease" from- constipation and the ills ; growing out of it. Strength and vigor V always follow, their use.. . Guaranteed ; oy an aruggisis. ' zpc. ' i ry. . uiem. .. . Fruit and Vegetable Trains Nos. l and' 4 connect at Golds-, boro with. Atlantic-ast, Line trains ls f ollow3; No.' i J,., southbound: No. 42. northbound, and with Southern Rail way train s- No westbound, r ar 4 Nov112 eastboiind' t fe; :.; v.- Trains NosIZ and- conned? at GoI boro with Southern ; Railway trains -aa follows " No4 108, eastbound:-No. 135. westbound, and - with r Atlantic Coast Line trains as. follows: Na' 49. sbunth bound. and No.. 48 northbound, v . T - Pullman Sleeplnsr Car and Parlor Car pservice has been discontinued for th reason. - - K. E. I BUNCH.' : ,wdel2-tf - Trafflci Jif artasrerv barrels: . ; Big ; Excursion . to FayettevlUe. v- ;-. ;' t , "All aboard, f or Fayette ville': Is : the cry of the wise and knowing bnes .. those who know that the $1.25 excur sion to he given "to Fayetteville oh : Monday, June 4th,' is worth . many; , ' times that amount. It is up to you to . . - get in .lineand be .classe with those ' who .know,: a good , thing, i -.This' trip s - promisesto . be one of the most suc - . essful ol : the; season. This big ex-cursion-will be under the management : . of ,ThomassH. Knight, which is a suffi Sengranteeith t; is prnisediThe conduct of his ,ex - V vctirslons- is f.too well known- for com i0t. inenLraih tieayes "A;-CL. depot at -.. s ; 7: 30 : A. M.; an?i wll leave iFayetteville :i;f6n the return . at' 10 : 00 P. M.,- One thousand good bar rels f or sale at bargain, to make room.. Just right for shipping - fruit and ; vegee tables. ' ''r':'-C THE SOUTHERN COnOH OIL ;C0; Charlotte, N. -C. p-.s v;; raay 9-tf Valuable Tra6t risf , Timber :-anaV- a: Saw Mill, .Tram-Track-, and Other Ma .y chinery.- . ; - -. , . . - Acting under and pursuant to the terms and cdnditions of a certain deed of trust, dated January 18th, 1906 and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for -Pendberi County, ; N: tC in Book No. 48,. at page et se4. executed by theNe.alrMorset Lumber,; Company; to; me as trustee, default having, been made in the payment of' the-'- sum , or sums of money secured 'thereunder, and being required so to do by; the .bene ficiary, therein mentioned It vwlil sell. at public auction; to the highest bidder, at . the saw- mill : of ; aid Neat-Morse Lumber Company," near Watha,A(for- mvriy - ojjcn ; .. wasmngton j, . fender county, in. u. .on , .r , , ..;..,, .vk- . THURSDAY, MAT 24th90ff;:? 1 AT 12 0'CL.OCK,.M. - the' following propertytwitt:lr- First.'. -All nf JtYiP' Saw-Log Timber standing oh that por- V1- tne mi;,, jtiony- swamp 'jfarm: owied by Mrs..Eliabeth -A,-Murphy, v-""uitLeu ai iwo ' million ieet. . . r - Second.' All fit. tholiimhfli . iifinm i one a Je tract since January, 18th, v,,a.uu now at mm site or the Neal Morse. Lumber Company, , near -Watha,- unr(i- 411 of the 5 logs now, cut ahdl tract " ' ' v v "'7 vaao auuvc thfoUhK taw pl10 the -said Neal-MoVse S;:ar .Watha,.NK" a, traS?1- "Shts, rail ind -4 ......... , " , G. W. 'Podts, . postmaster J 'at liver . ton;' Ia nearly Jpst-his life and .was fobbed4, of ' all comfort, according to '::;;7:.::fV "is letter, 'which says ; "For . 20 years fejt :vfs ft II had f chronla liver: mhlain whloh r' S '; . , led. to such a? -severe case iv of jaun . iealrveTimy s fler rnallsttirh '''''v, 'e& ywj'whett-y- d Eleciric J Mtei's'i which wrrd -me . ; - and haves.kept ; ine : well foiv 'eleveh Mr. years-Siire Stsitre tt or iBilirttsnpaftJ fgfTaisia, Weakness and all Stom : ? Vi;-(3iIver,f KldneylandBladir The Kind Marc Always Boit " -v - t'F - - " - . T .- - t -t I III '-.- - r C..V -r-pdhrtFjordet The Dance iatinato-nighist : it leaves ine Jtseach at .11.45. p. M. n Ittk F11'noiler, Macfiinery ' tf Everv De scf iption ranecttid? with' mm fS--nitfi located .at , or elratha N her iCompany ' v lt5 re , -Mini t x -ixvio. v- rasn as tr. ., w.. . . proceeds as may- be :nesHir01 ine the expenses of tIT.M Pay ue: expenses i or executing this trt includinsr n. tit-nat' & ."is trust. pei centutnaKoSnSS and, remaining unpffi0116 debt,-$4,062.31andlnterest- from the 10th;day-of JamSry il9ol?S Paid,- and, the balance ; if aAy II" paid at . such time and .in such as the said Neal-Morsi'Te.S1?1161, trustee. , may ?0-5t V. Aiianuc LOCAlt PASSENGER SCHEDULE. ' . .Effective, Dec 10, 1905. EASTERN,- TIME. . EASTBOUND Lv. Goldsboro ". . . . . . ' Best's LaGrange ...... " : Falling Creek . " Kinston' , Caswell ....... . " Covet...... " Tuscarora ... . . . At. 'Newbern - . . . . . . Lv. Newbern .-. . .. .. " Riverdale ...... Croatan ........ " Havel ock. . . . . . . . " Newport : . . . . .'. r. " Wildwood Mansfield Ar.'Morehead - City Morehead: City Depot...' " Besrufort (BMC&OSSCo). No. 1 No., 3. Dally Daily A.M.P.M. 3.40 4.01 : 8.00 5.Z1 . 8.S2 8.43 8.56 9.13 9.41 9.51 10.10 10.15 10.34 10.38 10.50 11.06 11.12 11.16 11.30 11.40 P.M. 12.20 4.13 4.25 4.40 4.52 5.16 6.26 5.48 5.55 6.18 6.22 6.35 6.52 6.58 7.02 7.20 7.30 8.10 No. 3 No.4 WESTBOUND Lv, Beaufort (BMC&OSSCo) . ' Morehead city Depot Morehead. City ... i . . . ' Mansneld ........... . " -Wildwood . . . V . s- Newport .. ... . . ..V " Havel ock .. . . . . . V . ;. . . Cro3-tSLii Riverdale; . .'.v.;. . Ar. Newbern . . . .". . .'. Lv. Newbern TJ, , v . . " Tuscarora ; , ; . . c;ove ....;,si-vwj. rallv Dallv .M. A M. P. Dover " Caswell " Kinston " Palling CreeltfWv'r;; Best's.i . .'.tK,jf.yv Ar. Goldsboro - ."v. ..v 7.00 7.40 7.50 8.01 8.05 8.11 8.27 8.39 S.43 9.05 9.10 9.31 9.41 9.58 10-.08 10.22 10.35 10V47 10.58 11.20 3.35 4.15 4.22 4.33 4.37 4.43 4.59 5.11 5.15 5.40 5.48 6.10 6.20 6.36 6.46 -7.00 7.13 7.26 7.37 7.55 41 THE HUB 1 STOPv AND. THINK OF TH E GR EAT BARGAINiSAT TH E HUB.;VOUR AL' V I N BRAND .O F: CLOTH IN bAKES THE: LEAD. 1 r- ' , . '- Our sweir line of SHOES the talk 1 . of the townOur, bargain, day is every day. : v i-ft'i : " :i Your . patronage. : ear ysblicite.dJ . " - Yours ' BfiPENNY!& CO ir. --; ! -; 603''No4th''st.: may 13-tf. :: 603 No. 4tH St. Cikesfj:;Mndf11$l I ; tCrackers-Packages ' jSid' loosed :;;vv'Candiesl ,Irg kndv small stick. Penny - goods of rnany- kinds 1 ' Che;segBst quality.';. J3ut.ter,Gpia ; Medal. Jtesetve&-l0c BellerH.4;-.r; Prese'rSrcllTSellers"?i'& HEIlHasfiaRentCo f Whblesaf a firoce'ra.: -3?: :?At a; bargafnff o . cash' ' 6r .time. r one ; Boda 1-Water Pountaiii t complete with, marble 'counter. . Original cqst ?1,200. ; Address P, O. -Box 86clty-7-may. I7:l-wk - - V '1; .:;;:.;v;.ETERlSCOMING.;-;.::- f Ariel fOiir Traded Will Find iJs Ready. ? Besides the best selected Steck of Foot; Wear ! we ever had ' on iiand . be fore, we. expect to keep them coming to meet the increased ; demands , made upon us of late.' The Complelest Lines of Douglas and Florsheim. r0 :;;f HIGH AND LOW CUT H OES for men now on hand. Also, the inosV attractive line ; of , Low,' Cuts in ali Leathers for Ladles, Misses and Child ren. Our premiums'-consistlng of Tari. ous useful household necessities are veryj popular, and are worthy of notice, v '.Respectfully, i MERCER & EVANS "CO. : ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. 'In the-supply-, business Is S' selling your customers the Best Belts that can be made. Best Eavy Brass Valves, Indestructible 'Packings. " Good Steam Ing Boilers.. Smooth Ru9ing Engines, and prompt shipments.; Call, Phone, Wire' brWrite to-day. V.' ' N INTER-STATE) MACHINERY" & SUP- :! WLY CO. . . ; . ' T. 4. PRATT, General Manager. - ' T. D. LOVE, President. 204206 N. Water Street, -r j Wilmington, N. C. Local and Long -Distant Phones, yy,,'- No. 439. : tnay9-tf .. . - . .. The J ones House C; i-j: ' r i " .. r ; -"- , -J; " '- ; Atkinson; N. C. ' Is .Mow Open for the Patronage of the Board by the Day, Week i ; or Month. Special AttentiorTto Travelling Men. Rates,; Reasonable. .. v-, MRS. J.) B. JOIES, iProi). mch SO tf r HUGH MacRAE & ' CO 9 'if WB BUY AlfD SEtl40N COMMISSION, SOUTHERN SECURITIES, - c6ttON;MlLL STOCKSW KAII.W A V . - V;.;r.. . . r-' iii Northwest arid South Effective AprU 15th,aL90&; Between Wilmlngrton and Wewr-York. 12.25 p s--.- 2.55 p 5.10 p 7.75 p 11.00 p ;4.15 a' 6.20 a 7.15 a 8.40 a 11 00 p lL.v . . Arl; 9.25 p New. York 6.30 a; 1jv - - i. Ar - - - ' 12s19 aPhiIadelphia 2.35 aj 2.51 al Baltimore 11.17 p 'iLrv j-u- Lvf ' . 4.30 a Wash'ngt'n 8.36 p 9.40 a Richmond J 4.55 p , v - IliV ,Lv 4.00 p Raleigh 11.50 a 6.16piS'th'n , Pn's 9,45 af jAr , - IjV ---i 7.30 pi Hamlet : . 8.50 aj - v l,v- - : Ar. L - . 7.50 pi -;r Hamlet 8.40 a : ". ?Ar X.vl -' -.t,'. 11.59 p Wilmingt'nl '4.30 a' 4.15 p i.45 p 11.32 a 9.55 a . n 6.10 a lilO a 11.06 p 10.00 p 7t35p 3.00 p Between Wllmlnsrton. Norfolk and 4 ? Portsmouth. - ..' . 8.24 p 9. 00 p ... ...j 2.33 a 4.15 a' 7.15 a' - . H 8.40 a 1.00 p' iLv - Ar . 9.00 a Norfolk 15.45 p "8.00 a ILv Lv - 9.25 a Porthm't'h j 5 :30 p . 7.45 a , Lv Lv - 2.10 p Henderson 1.07 p 2.35 a Lv . . L.v . 4.00 p Raleigh jll.50a 1.10 a ; Ar -. Lv 7.30 p Hamlet ! 8.50 a 10.00 p Lv ,Ar . . . 7.50 p Hamlet ! 8.40a 8.40p . (Ar . LivJ: H'V-'i ''.' . 11.59 pl.TVilmingfn f 4.30 aj 3.00 p Between "Vilmingrton,v?. Atlanta! ' and . , . Birmingham. - , , 1.00 pmAr Ar 2.10 pm 7.40 pm 9.00 pm Lv 11.23 pm Lv 2.00 am 4.10 am 7.10 am 8.40 am Lv v Lv Ar : Lv . Birmingham Atlanta , Atlanta : Athens Greenwood Chester Hamlet '- Hamlet . "Wilmington Ar LV Arl Lv. Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv 11.55 am 6.30 am 6.10 am 3.41 am 1.08 am 10.50 pm 7.50 pm 7.35 pm 3.00 pm Schednle ; ttt iBffect. March The arrivals and aZ,-. en, as . information as well ?s k ;l"onare not V;.. yORTHBOUyp Lv.; Wilmington Ar;- .Goldsboro -". . An.. Wilson z:z: '. Ar. Rocky ilount A.r.Norfolk?.., Ar.Welon ...... Ar. Petersburg . Ar. Richmond . . A. Washington r . Baltimore . . .1 Ar. rnuaaeipaia Ar. New York . . Ot 111 f r . i u au. n mi n -" vn 9: No. ..'12 1; 1 'E . . . ... . 11 4t) p m iu a m SQPTHBoran 9 09 :? mm Lv. New York . Yr. Philadelphia ar. tsaiumore . Ar, Washington Ar. Norfolk . . . Lv. Richmond , Ar. Petersburg Ac Weldon . Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. Wilson Ar. Goldsboro ...... Ar. Wilmington T 1 25 a ml .1 tl 2 ss: 2 12 p m 3 zi p m 25 p m 01 pm 11 32 nm 6 58 a m iw 00 a ml 1 j. uop: BETWEEN WII.MINGTOX Vn SOUTH SOUTHBnrrD J MJ. - Daily. DalIy 1 ' l v W!luHugt nl6 00 Ami 1 ii wli Ar.. Florence. ..19 35 am 7 40 n Ar Charlesfn.jl 20pmi S Ar Tampa V-.-. .1 ' i At i IVOR.THBOTTVD. SB fc&;-:::.:!?ffSi?. afflS8lt".::::,ilSsi !! Florence 750SanS' HCTWEEIV WI.MINCT(mv Between Wilmington. . Savannah, Jaek- :;o':-'-: sonvllle and . Tampa. .- 8.30'amlLv 5.20 pm Ar 7.50 pm Lv 12.10 am ;4.25 am 6.25 am 8.40 am 8.40 am 1.00 pmAr Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv yy Tampa Jacksonville .Jacksonville Savannah Columbia Camden . v Hamlet Hamlet'" Wilmingtpn", 6.35 pm 9.20 am 8.55 am 4.45 am 1.2 5 -am Lv 12.24 am 10.15 pm pm 3.00 pm :Ar Lv Ar Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv Between Wilmington, Charlotte and . " ' Rutherfordton.-' 4.30 ) al Lv 7.23 a 7.46 a 3.03 a 8.40 a 9.00 a 10,55 a 11.50 a! ' I .4.00 p 5.32 p ; 6.40 p 8.00 p' Arl 3.00 pi Wilmlngt'n 1L59 p .1.00 p ' ILV .- Lvl ' . I 6.58 aj 5.35 pi Lumberton 9.32 1)110.3,9 a .t. T vrl v 6.004l Pembroke ? 9.07 pf 9.25 a :- ILv -Lv 6.30 p Maxton 8.44 pf 9.30 a LV .- LV 6.57 p Laurinburg I 8.27 p 9.11 a i I AC - , JUVJ . 7.35 p .Hamlet' 7.50 p . ILv.. ' Lvr 7.50 p Hamlet 7.30 p ' ' - Lv- . 'V Lv ; - 9.30 pi Monroe j 5.55 p ILv " Lvl ' ' 10.25 p( Charlotte 5.00 pl;4.45 a V Ar Charlotte 10.15 . ILv - l4vW.?v Lincolnfn . 8.4o a Lv Lvl ' Shelby v 7.45 a Ar . "Lv Ruth'fort'nf 6.30 a : tn 8.40 a 7.10 a 5.40 a For Pullman reservations address W. B. Rose, C T. A., 'Phone No. Z: - . : , . C. H.. GATTIS, 'T. P.J A.," ' r ---y " --.f.- --:,RaleIgh, -N. C. Clyde Steamship Mew York. Wilmington 1 - Georgetown .1 North and South Carolina State Bonds. ALSO STOCKS LISTED ON NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE TOCK' EX. i .' CHANGES. -i- .-v?' " ''. New York for Wilmington, N. C. V S. S. Navahoe, Friday ; . . . June, 1, 1906 S. S. New York, Friday . .June ,8, 1906 Wilmington, N. C, for New York. T S: S. New York,-Saturday. June 2,' 1906 S. S. Navahoe, Saturday.. June 9, '1906 UFrom Wilmington, N. to Xaeorge- SS. New York; Mbnuiay i May 28, 1906 sr ST Navahoe, Monday . : June ;4,; 1906. 5 ;Bqth - steamers have; good .passenger. '; --J-:. -f . ; j-i-. -: - - 1 , . ,. "The : best armor is to '. keep ; but Tot Gun Shot." ' -; . Why ;;not keep' out -of the range of trouble , bjihaving your prescriptions fllled-v- her xrhM :ii(iiiifv'.:'fmm adulteration: or trouble from poor qual ity i of Cdrugs ia. avoided. rgw ?pOVm G. AHHBNS, Draggtst. -.Phone 644. v . f .- . . - A fresh supply i of these favorite brands jxist received : PRfNck' GEORGE ILlTpRO- 1 ; EL BELMONT DAINTIES. TrMGemlCigartStdre;" apr 20-tf' A. Lv. Wilmington Ar; San ford TXT west ei-TT- Dailv ni0,? 1 " a. m ar, Ar. Fayettesvllle .112 20 d miiV J?.?" ' 1 SSpmlLv !" HRTWVEN WILMINGTON AfflTir" " BERN. N. Bound . . . Daily ex Suii b3 juv. wnminrton. .is 55 n mi a . 7r", ArNewbern . v... . fi io 5 f 4S ?n ; Trains Nos. 42- and 41 carry P man Sleeping Cars between Wifmi wasmngton connecting with lr.S vanla R. R. for 11 r,r A enn,Tl W T rD a Trt r v Passenger Traffic Manager ' mch 2S-tf 6 and Carolina Steam ship Company. Steamer Froslbufg leaves BaltimorJ for Wilmington, June 2nd. For Freight rates etc. Apply to M. L; W. WILLIAMS, Gen. iUkgr " KBaltimrirp. Mr? WALTER j SMALLB ONES, Agl, vv llmington, N. C. . may ,. 22tf ; ... To The Beach SUBURBAN SCHEDULE la Effect Slay 21, 1906. ' Leave - ; Wilmingtbn. 6.00,am - - -:-- Preieht otiIt. ' ' . r Through bills of lading and - lowest ; through rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South. .Carolina. For freight and passage apply to" -v'v-'H. G. SMALLBONES. Suntv : ' - r 'W"ilmington.K.iV CL1DE MILNE, G. ,F. A;. . NeWtorfc j :THEO. G. EGER, V.-P., & G .M. 1 ;y - - 290 Broadway, New Tork. - ' 4 weuerai uuices, ner-st jx. . Jarcn. ZIO ; may26-t v. ..' v-. ...... . SOUTH PORT & CAROLINA BEACH Vl- S.- BOAT: LI N E SCH EDU LE Str. ' Wilmington leaves- da1lyexcept Saturday, and Sunday, 9:15 A. JL--; Xeaye"; Saturday 4:45"- Al . 'M.f . and 2 P. i M. ' J v ? ' vf-" -. ; leayfnM AJ" Mtand2 -30p;i Tjuchihgat. Carolina Beach and all points . on i Lower .Cape Fear; - 'Uf' k ' - v .: J..W. , HARPER. . may6-tr x. :! Leave ' "j "Wrightsville 6.S0an Leave Bead! r V 8.15am 9.45am! 10.45 11.15 am 11.45 ami 12.15 pm 12.45P 1.15 pnj , 1.4o pm , .: ...... 2.15 pml , ...... 2.45pm . 3.15pm 3.45pq , 4.15 pm 5.15 pq 5.45 pm 6.15 pq Mm .. .. 7.15 m . .. 7.45 pq 8.15 pm j ..! 8.45 pm " 9.15 pn ' . ! 9.45 pn '10.15 pc . . 10.4dPE ". . 111.45 pn ,Daily except Sunday. . ! Wednesday and Saturday only. 7.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 11.30 am 12.00 m 12.30 pm : 1.00 pm 1.30 pm v 2.00 pm 2.30 pm -3.00 pm 3.30 pm 4.00 pm 4.30 pm - 5.00 pm 5.30 pm . 6.00 pm : . 6,30 pm .. 7.00 pm . 7.30 pm 8.00 ! 8.30 pm . 1 9.00 pm . ! 9.30 pm, , 0.00 pm . .- - , FREIGHT SCHEDULE. (Daily Except Sunday.) ieav&th1 and Orange, 10 A. M. and 401 Freisrht depot onen from 8:00 A. h . 6.00 P. M. ' , " ma'yM-tf ':: A RELIABLE JEWELER. , CliFiriteamlioat ' ; i -' :U ' ' t ill 1 IM ana iniano wany I- have opened a ; business? ab' Nb. 6 iwrhii -,. oecona aireei wnere,, you vcan get the: broken watch 'fixed,; old' clocks, t and jejyerjr- description.; of jewelry 'repaired at" short notice I have had ..years - of 'J experience . In r the business, and eyery ; article , which' leaves my piace is giiapranteedj have recetiylinstaii and rtool to do up-to-date work. Give me" a' trial.- :-:&;-? ', r JOHN O. STEWART, apr5-tf 6 North Second CtreetT -rtrrT TMrT-vnTOTV. N. Ing steamers u and North : East Rivers. a' - - . . thA capo uperaung Bteamo - - StaH fre!5 Rooms and superh are. Ai"" - jj accommodations 'for t all carg e.J nolvonvt thrnntrh TllllS Of lading rAiiriAAta with f oil local ana iU steamers r at Wilmington, aii w DniHmnro "Philadelpm? wi. iivi. --CAofim find i"i- waterway points.. j. y. -'- eral' Agents at'Fayetteville, N. deM-Su&Tu-tf 7 . fSnmotimpa - a rfasslfied ad. is v i-Waifrfl to the first dred pebplO who read it but is j finding money ty the one hundred first person.;!- V.',. ;, 1 1 - . I

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