;Vt'. r""' ' " . - i . ..' 3V t .- Ac- - -A :v.. SOUTHERN PRESHHEMS ACT CI 1." vf'W l&er Referred to Various Presbyteries for Report Back ito General - Assembly Next May Heresy By -Wire tp the Greenville, S. C., May 25 The Gen-, era! Assembly of the Southern Presby terian' Church 'todaydisposed ofttie committee reports on closerela.tions, decided : upon'.' Birmingham, jAla:, for the - meeting ' place' of the ssernbly next year, and made a final declaration on the' Caldwell heresy case. Y , v ' A few. minor reports were received "and disposed of before " the) matter of closer relations was taken up.' 'Sever al addresses were ;made favoring the adoption of, the majority nsywy w ypon the records of the Assembly, but committee ;;and,' the minority: report , f urther , f ornvii: action was . ten. A - . - . '. . w '- " -fi V s was also supported, when Dr. T. r A. Wharton, offered a resolution. that-the matter be referred with all reports to 'the different .'Presbyteries for consid- erationv before, .the General Assembly ' shall 'take, final. action. After a spirit- ed discussion the resolution -was adopt :;ed lay a vote of 89 to 84, thujg dispos- " i'ing of tn subject until May 1907. : ' The! special. committee named . fo .! formulate the: judgment of the General - Assembly as a court in the Caldwell . case, : reported that in sustaining the complaint ; of the session of the. First !! iTfesbyterian:; church vef Fort "Wbrtb, against the Synod of Texas, the action V of the Synod was reversed ; and that ' by this reversal of judgment Ttev. Wm. t B. Caldwell, has , been, since the day . of his; reception in the Presbytery of 1 Fort "Worth' and is now a member of that ' Presbytery, and that ; since . the Hate November 30, 1904 of ?hls ,in- x r stallation as pastor of the First Pres: been and felnow pastor of that churchri The complaint of Dr. s. 'against the Synod of Virginia yfflje AMERICAN LEAGUE.: Washington XyCleveland 4. rr Philadelphia, Ql St, Louis 2. v -" New York, :15, Detroit, 5. - -: Boston,r3 Chago 0 -'J;- -M- N ATloS AL LE AGU it ' Cincinnatl;il;i kiUadelphi X $ p : -SLouis, 4; New-Hfork, 3:: c. Pittsburg, 2' ; Brooklyn,' 0. v . - - JSCWLiTMERN LEAGME- , '. . . i .- . . ' . v - . - - r-- I , Montgomery T; Little Kock, 6. ! ! . Shreveport-Atlanta, ; rain, v -New Orleans-Bif mingham, . rain. - Memphis-Nashyilie, rain. i. V " SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Augusta-Columbia, rain, v ; f ; Savannah, ; Jacksonville, 7. ' . Charleston, i; Macon, 4. . ; .iQyj; :";.-. i '. v;-i:;;-,::,s.;',":f" ifti? VIRGIN r A LEAGUE. :- V r Richmond, 15; ' Danville, 3. . Lynchburg; ,1; :Rpanoke, 5..' .: .:" " " TortsmouthVNorfolk, il; : CO LLEGEr GAMES.- At New .York-Cornell,. 3 ;.,Fordham, MEXICAN VESSEL SEIZU RES. r Our Fishermen' Tresspassed on Waters ' ; ' Sister Republic r , , ' By Wire toThe Mornins Star.' J j -Washington, May .25.-The State De partment has ' received through Mrt; . Mariscal, the JVIexicau. mfnister for foreign affairs,, the; reply of that' govt . emnient to tne .inquiry addressed by , i the - Department ; relative to the . grounds for ' the - seizure by Mexican gunboats of several American fishing schoohers from Pensacola,. Mobile and. '- Galveston. The minister's note states the exact spots, the latitude and longi- tude where the . seizures were made, and ..consultation of the charts makes i it appear tht If -these locations ' are -: correctly- -stated; the American boats were' undoubtedly within Mexican wa ters.?Tlie! f act r ia: referred to that for ; a long : time 5,the. waters of campeche . bay have been . fished by foreign ves ' sels without protest; but now after hav ' ing given the necessary warning to de- " sist, the Mexican government is deter- mined to. ie3erve -a.11 ; fishing rights therein; for'.its' own. citizens. ? Reef s Vi:. and ' fslands .iie bulVin these - waters " many miles from the. shore line . but r ; according j tcv the , construction placed by our State Department, in'v the case - - of American, fisheries -upon" the Fed- eral "rights, :-the . waters. ; surrounding these islands are closed to foreign nsnermemv ; ' v v It appears that there is "nothing to ; oe done now. but .await the outcome . of the legal proceedings to take place in the Mexican courts as the rgsult of the seizures, the American fishermen being meanwhile out on bail v - -. - r ,MenB,$1.25, "Negligee-Shirts for 97c. at Rehder's to-dayr'-., , : YvToinenfs 1.00r?Whitevsiippers for Tic. at" Rehder's to-day s ' ... - , . ... . "... Morning, Star. . ' - . s ';..''- r considered ' before the v final adjourn- ment of the Assembly. This complaint is known .as ihe "polygamyVcase." " - The afternoon session was ; given over to committee reports of various kinds,' with number; of interesting addresses, suggested by; these reports. ? Among these! were ;titiev protests of Dr. John .V. McGall, Dr. W.s EBoggsr and others against Ute action jof the Assembly in receiving'the judgment' in the Caldwell case without objections These -protests; were ordered - spread "The report of -, the ' auditing ' committee- was .next 'considered. This . com nttee recommended . e.afepropriai tion of $5,000 fprv th . Stillman? Insti tute, the same amount' for urantCoI-5 lege,, and ; an appropriation; also for Westninslfer " College. J . was hounced ' that., the , Church . had come into possession of two lagacies of $50, 000 eack, the' Washingtop West legacy and the Lease Fund legacy ' ' - ..In connection with the newly author ized Committee on Church and Christ: iau Educathpn, . which is to be estabr lished in headquarters at f Atlanta it .was recommended that Rev. G. H. CJornelson, of .Concord,. N. C, T)e ap pointed secretary .with a salary )f $2000 a year. This suggestion has not vcft; reached a o-f'::Z':--i : 1 he Standing Committee bnrForeign Missions submitted.' its - report which wfcs adopted. It provides that 35 ad ditional missionaries shall be sent out during -.he coming year and recbm- men-Js . that the church, raise $325,000 enuring the year for foreign missions. WlKtLtTS. i A Continued improvement was report ed yesterday in..the condition of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Vat' New York. 'It is. now two day s slnce she had v a! a inking spelt, ; , ::f'. y 4 'l The suryiyprs rot .the 15th New Jer sey volunteer iegimQt S. A., rwith friends,; making- a party l68 :in :.num-beryisited- thebatttefield JiJjSpott feylyania. county. Ya';n' Wednesday. Tbe regiment belonged to the .corps of GeneraUJohn Sedgwick who was klU- ed " near potteylvania'vH iMayi IB, ine Aianarajan.iiaeKwar;Oi , uaroaa, accompanied by:his,wife an members of -sthevyalc-arty, , 'yesterday,: paid a visit to liMunlL; YiijhjBr the Prince, pair tributeo jihevmembYjr?pf George Washington: ""He was a gieat man hesaid. 1 i haveread" of hiq deeds many,, many j. times, and i sha n read of .themyaga!n:.' ; The thief of Jeso.stoleroni $1,500. to $20 frdthesidence of Sheriff A. i H.Etheredge Jit -lanteo, N. C, Thursday ,'nigtt, yesterday return ed.the small vsafe containing the cash and valuable i-documents : -with .every thing .intact, ; but $20QUn. cash - which was missing. There. is'stili no clue as to the identiy of the guilty. ' ' , ,i - --r ; . .. ' V TROOPS TO REMAIN; IN JFRISCO.- Conditions Such That They Should Not B Removed . 7 . By Wire to The-Morning Star. ' Washington, May ' 25. Secretary V Taft has instructed Major General Greeley in command of the Pacific di vision, to make llrrangemeflt to retain the military forces in 'charge -of relief work, in San Francisco .until July. 1st,' if such action' be? necessary.- Ml " General Greeley advised "the vWar Department aboufc a. week agothat he expected to -withdraw all . trdops and turn the f relief work Over entirely -tc civilians on June 1st, but appeals from California ::.t Senators v.and members tof the Congress caused the War Depart; ment to order aH retention, of tlib.1 mili tary forces in- the stricken city longer in case the situation demand It, -v--.-- '. As D2.000 persons wre fed yester- aay ana tne numDer, oi reiugeesvstur in need . of, assistance. . does not "de crease as rapidly as was hoped for the relief work seemsto ; the War. Depart ment to be a greater: task than should be unloaded upon a - civilian ' organlza tion until It is 'known to be capable of meeting the-emergency, . : '-r J--- x PRESIDENT CASSETT TO RETURN Scandal in Pennsylvania Railroad Af -H fairs is 'disturbing i Hima - r -Philadelphia, May; 25. Announced " , " "e morningr siar. : . "aire at me jfennsyivania ldiiiuau omce m this city to-day, that President Cpsatt: for home from Cherbourg, Prance,' this morning. xr. v,ctssau went abroad for a '.holi day trip on -May 9th. Vis believed that; the revelations made , before -the Interstate Commerce Commissioriere responsible for Mr.' Cassatfa chaiige of plans. e is expected to reach this wuuiry awuraayj June 2. " Men 50c. Underwear il'atiehl : I CLOSER UNION QUESTION ALLEGED TRUST t V IN v FEItTILIZERS . 1 . - I ; Government . .Indicts Virginia Carolina 'Chemical. Co. and Acme Manufacturing Co" ARMOURS lANb:SVlFrS ASO .r- Indictment Contains. Six . Counts for Violation 'of Sherman Anti-Trust . Act Many Individuals and Firms ; '-v .Arc Prosecuted. ,- ; v . - ,? By Wire to -The, Morning Star. Nashville, May 25l-KThe grand jury of v the United States Circuit dourt, which has been fnyetigating the alv legeH: f ertilizerutrust.. for' the past four weeks, todayV. returned an? - indlctmen; against J about,, eighty ; fertilizer manu facturers ' including a ! number of local men.''? The indictment contains v six counts detailing m specific -.form'"' 7 al leged .violations 'of "the Vatl-trusr laws and charging the defendants) with com bining "and ' being; engaged ina'; trust in .yirious partsH of 'the. country ' where fertilizers are manufactured ' and ; tier tified copies of' tne indictment will be sent to thje various i districts inhich the defendants reside ( and there serv ed. :. vThe defendants -.will be required to execute bonds for 'their appearance at .the October Uerm of the court' in this "cit when the ' cases . are -to be tried The grand jury examined iiuring the investigation 140 . witnesses and the indictment returned is a volumi nous document. st V, . ' The six counts In the indictment are In a 'double series of three each. v The first 'charge . the . def endahis with en gaging In a; conspiracy the - second count charge? the def endants - with ' con: piracy; ahd f the , third Jwith - conspir fng under section 6440 revised statutes to commit ' the offense of .engaging in a combination; as defined by the Sher-1 The punishment-under-; Section 5440 is two years iin prison .and a 'tlO.OOO fine;-:-;, v -j:"t;-; - The third count is neiw In 'form and procedtire. - It chafgesthe 'committing of - an off ense , J against the ' United States by engaging In:' a .combination in restraint of tfade.r as defined and prohibited by the Sherman. Act ;; The. style of the rase':bie.Jn!iictr ment;dot;isilJnite(iates ginla-CaroUiaCliemical Cbmpany,et aL, and the4 Indictment fsescribed as "indictment for : -violating vact ;bf .Con- gresr. approved Julyj2..,;i890, 'and, en titleAncV. to Yprotectrthe trade and 'commerced agalnstmlawful ; re straints and monopolies andiSectioh 5440 ' revised." statute's'tJnited VPtates. F Poliowing is a Ust of the individuals indicted as officers,7 agents' or attor neys, of the , accused corporations and firms; l-'v;1:; ,' . Samuel ;T, : MbrganiVp tesques;"Whitttei yicf ''presientPrank Danceyiandr Prank ilcbx, man agers, aiid agents 1 of $ theyirginia Car blina'' Chemical .'Company ; J." Rice Smith, agentof Jthe Virginia Carolina Chemical Company . and president ' - of the Georgia Chemical v Works Austin Carpenter.; and Charles -H McDow ell, managers iand fagent. and., Charles Gi Wilson,' agents and rattornebf Ar mour & Co.; Fred. G. Brqwn, president and. treasurer of the . Anderson Phos phate ; and Oil Company; -Frank vBur bridge, ; pf esident,iand WilliamJ.; Mc- Cormack, treasurer ; of Ithe Eterman Fertilizer Coany ; v George B: Bra- den president Qf : the Federal Chemical Company, of Delaware and Kentucky.; Augustus J D. Adair and .James D. ' Mc- Arley, oificers and agentsVof the Fur- man. Farm Improvement Company and members of the firm1 of A. D. -Adair '& McCarthy BrothersjWilliam -CDeC Kessler.V secretary :tarid treasfurerof the Gouldin Eertilizing.Company. (Lim ited) ; James; GTinesley; president of the ,MarIetta Fertilizer Company and vice president ' of Jthe Tennessee Chem ical Company;, Wttllahr p.. Rhea, - gen eral rmanager'of ;itii4' Nashvilleertili: zer Company ;illiamU Peel presi dent, oi, tneuia jLommion uuano voi"- pany brimi ReedVicetresident ana general .manager, .ana . isaac may u Phbspbate 3 Compaihy ; Frank S, Roy; ster;,. president;: rand Charles : F.' Bur roughs, ..vice presidentTiaf the - F. "S. Rpysterv Guano Company J. : Ives, aii Gnanb Company ? and ; member. : of trm qf Willcbx,' lyes CT.;PorW Paining, vice Vpresia'6fti! South-, erd States "Phosphate 'and Fertilizer Company and, T. , Garland Tinsley, pf esldektland I treasurer ; bf the Tjenes-i see' Chemical Ctimttanjil''- of ewJersey 't ArmJfio.pt Iilii. hols ; t Acme Manufacturing Company, of JN6rth Carolina? Alabama. Chemiea Company pl JNew uerseyjs 4 Anaersou; Phosphate anpV Oii; Company of Carolina ;VAshepoo Fertilizer Company of ; South Carolina; Blackshear"Manu-farturing-Companyi oltryGeora;a;BU. wan Fertilizer Company, of Southr Car: pllnar FederarcaiemicalrvC6mpany, of fcelawarer Federal .Chemical Company of Kentucky; ; Furinah : ;Farm Improve ment Company, of - Georgia;. Goulding Fertilizer Company - ; j(LIm(ted), . - of Great Britain and Ireland; . ' Goulding Fertilizer -Company of Florida"; Gulf port Cotton ' Oil; Fertilizer ' and " Manu facturing Company,1 cf Georgii; Home; fThe following firms ah( corporaffons were1, maicteiyf rjffiWM rnE DISCLOSURES ; AT Pint ADELPHIA Sensational Testimony Against ucMani QkitmaA Rv t W11U9JITUI1IM m.m VMM rCoaI Operator ; ,r BUSINESS WAS DESTROYED On Account of Discrimination Coal Company -Hats -Lost Money Nearly ; - Three Years Refused to Gbte Officials Stock. By Wire to The MorningrStar. : ; Philadelphia, May 25. Several inter- esting .developments marked the clos ing session of i the Interstate ' Com merce Commission's investigation into the alleged ' discrimination by "rail roads f in the distribution ; of cars , in the bituminous coal field. .The Com mission adjourned to-day to meet' at, a time and place to be decided upon later. " lext- weel ; the members" of he commission will go ;to Washlnjg on to examine the evidence presented during the hearings" in this city and. ft is likely y the ; investigation will be; re sumed in that . city . either ' the latter pat of next week or early the follow- Testimony of a " sensational charac ter was givem to-day Ijy P. "Albertson Royneburg, general , manager ' of the Reickard Brothers, coal operators, with offices in this pity. -jHe stated "that within ; the : last two and a hair years his company's car supply had been so inadequate that the business v'had been practically ruined. He . declared that other companies bad; been, favor ed in the distribution of cars and said he had -no doubt that discrimiuatioij had been practiced against his com pany because it had failed to - make gifts of stock to ; the. railroad officials. He gave.it as "his, opinion tHat 'Presi- the discrimination, y v , ' ) 7' Through- rrailro"ad employes ?'JtvVwas developed; that; for.'a number - of , years arid until recentlythe Berwind-White Company's coal- was shipped' tQtlde- water without being weighed." ' - In stead the railroad i estimated-: ;the weight of - each .car by Adding 7 Ctfer cent, to the: capacity ofl'the figures stencilled cfn the oarl-.It vt"as ?aiso shown11 that ;i!the 'ISnsuehannaVCoal Company, . which v- is owned -by Pennsylvania rRaIlrcdilCo-op the .exclusive -use ov iireenvnie, iier, New York: harbor; J6d hs ;a "Vrtual monopoly- of the '"saie; ibf ! bunker.-CQal to tugs 'and smallsteamers:r ; ' It was" brought out .that tfertaintcdal companies are, givin- allowances for operating branch lines - or; spurs from the : railroad" made this "allowance to the ' Latrobe - Conneilsyiile ; Company when the 3pur was; operated by the. railnjad: . - -, - ;-;: :-hcZC v P. A. VonBoyheburgV general man- lager for Reikard Brothers & Co., mint- operators, -testified, thiVthe : business Of the company;had , been., practically ruihed through Inability to secure cars; Prom 4,100 . cars in 1901 the " supply was reduced gradualists; 522 In 1905 TherwitneB said that at one period his company was compelled to sell coal that cost -$1.48 to , produce , as low asr $1.05 in .oraer- to Keep the miners at work.v; Tbe mines.he ..said, -had,?been operated . at ' a V; loss for the, past'wc years and a; half. - ;:He had complain ed, he said; to almost'.eyery official of the Pehrisylvania ; Railroad, but , got no relief. --'v' I rbelleve," "sald;' the,, witness,' that somebody high up gave ; orders ' to freeze me out and all of the others "sim ply tff dllowed ; instructions. , I believe A :;Jj; pasatfHs 'responsible. ! I believe through tbe community ; ot f ; interest plan hentrIs-niost of ' the .' rail road systems and that; plan has worked giievotis nafmi to many . shippers." "Do you belie Ve' this policy has been a dopted Jf o the: purpose of ; faVortng certain operators?". ' asked i Mr: Glas- gow. r . ' :.;';,i; : Mostf-(assuredly The Brwihd- Whlte Company,- ;the Keystone Coal (Co., :and : others ; h.ave heen favored." vw ny were you,..poi . po lavoreu : . ; v'I uppbjbecause'Iv did "not give the railroad ofilcldls shares of stock in our company." ; i - ; V Mixture Guanp Company, of Georgia; J"acksonett;Ilize- ' ! Cctopany, 'of .:'Misss-; sippi ; XMarIetta'FerUlizer;CJpmpa Georgia; 'Meridian- Fertilizer Company,, of Mississippi; National fertilizer Com patnyTpf Tenhesser New Orleans Acid ahdFtrrtllizerm seyrVOld ' Dominion "bmpanyf of Geor gia ; ; Planter"JenpcM C6mpaay,T of Alabama;' Read Phbsphate v Company, of ; West Virginia; FS,Eloyster Guana C6 v- tot Virginia; ;v Savannah : Guano Company, iof Georgia' ;""Sbuthern' States Phospfcate;imdFe Georgia Standard; Chem'icar and Oil Company; of 'Alabama, Standard Gua- and - Chemical Manufacturing Compa ny bf Louisiana; Swift & Co., of 1111 hols; - Tennessee .Chemical Company, of ;Tennes"see;Tennessee Valley Fer tilizer; Company, of Alabama, and; the firm of A. D. ; Adair. & iHcCarthy Brbth- ers, and 'Wlllcox; -Ives & Co., which for merly carried .on business in 'North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Flor ida, Alabama, - Mississippi; Arkansas and' Tennessee. 'CP. Appellate vDivisioa ;of -New York Supreme c0 Renders Decision id Case of Gontrihiitinn ) Renders Decision id Case of Contribution , 'i ' J , By Wire to The Moraine Star.": New York, May 25. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court to-day handed down a decision discharging frbm custody George W.' Perkins whom the Supreme Court had held to await the action of the grand jury on a tech nical charge of ; grd larcehy in con-1 nection with the campaign contribu tions of the New York XAie; Insur ance Company to the Republican Na tional Committee. The proceedings a'gainst Mr. Perkins was instituted. by District Attorney Jerome for. tW purr pose of securing :-. a 1 ruling upon '.what chargeMf. any, those who made such contributions may vbe indicted. A charge was- made against Mrr Perkins, who was formerly vice-president.' 9f the New York Life Insurance Company arid .his case v was immediately taken before Supreme Court Justice "Greeri baum on a writ - of 'habeas'co'rpus: Jus tice Greenbaum dismissed this x writ and held Mr. Perkins-for action by the grand jury. -.v ' : Each justice wriote an - opiiiion that Mr. Perkins could not be held guilty of larceny. , . . - ' :v ;DLjtrict . Attorney Jerome uosnjiear-i danced. ;;-':. . mm m mm Matting From China C This is simply to Inform you atiur;posedhs were imported THIS seaiwn . We dobt shpw ypi the assortment v(e are showing;, the prices are right. No Charge will be jX-made for laying Mattings bbbght of us this week. Bathing Suits, Ladies Ah. Immense Stock Every Garment x , Made by Expe rts--A II N ew This - i ' : y ' :Seaaon. 1 : -y-r '-'a'.. Ladies Suits $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and , '. upward. - ; '. ? ' ' - Gents Suit$iq6 $1.50 and .. --upwarojVv- ::-- rr , v Boys' Suits 50c, 75c. and . $00 jeacK ' Misses; Suits-$1.25; $1.50, and $i00: ,each.- X .. ::--- il,7 Bathing Shoes, White and Black-e; :-Wd;(35ca.;palr Bathing .Caps 25c 35cv"50 andi"f f ? ; each. ;" , l-"-: rft.liM:-sX':) JAPENESE STRAW BASKETS AND'-;; ' :-.-. - SU IT ' CASES: ;v;;p. -The kind for Beach travels-Baskets, ' i 25c" to : $151 Suit - Cases,' fife to$i :l : each. Porch ' Screens, - $1.25; to $3!p0 ea.ch.'';v-.:'- :' ; x . ' ''V'V : '.VU-'' :v7' " K-A:iiZ - "";s - . ' willllltdFi ,We- have received" our ' Duck ' Hats, -! ' White ! Straw Sajlors-ghorn ' Fia'ts!. for Midsummer wear. All trimmed Oiilinery -at reduced Prices. KM C DISSOLUTION -NOTICE. Thei copjirtnershft) heretofore ;est- ing between the undersigned ; under tie firm name and-style of" Willard"& Giles has been - this day, by mutual consent, dissolve''-rVSi Mr. Willard has disposed of Ms in terest in , the insurance . business con ducted and carried on by- said' firm to Messrs.- Clayton : .Gllis; and. Glayton Giles, Jr.,' and bespeaka f or; them a continuance of the liberal patronage neretoiore ; exienn ea tne Mate r firm of Willard & Giles. ; &m.-&:& " This the 25th day of Mayy 1906. '".V':-;.-;. M.;SWILLARDr c V 1 ; CLAYTON , Gl LES. ; : .CO-PARTNERSHi P NOTICE. The undersigned have'this day form ed a ,00-partnership' under the- 'firm name, and style of k Willard; & j Giles Company, for x the- purpose bf carryV ing on the general insurance, business in the ' city of Wilmington,' ; N.' :; C. ' ;; .hjnew; firm succeeds to the husi ness lately conducted in said City un der the firm name of. Willard & Giles, andsks for a continuance bf tiie pat ronage lately enjoyed by slid-firm. ' ' L; Mr. ;E M. Beery; whoVf Or'-a long num oer 4 or years, has been connected ith;erfirm of ard &TGUeswilI continuey;his connection ; wlth;the ?tin-. defsighed Sl-:A ': Dated this the 5th daylof May, l9J6l :CX$:4A CLAYTON GILES, : MvKCLAYTON-i GILES, JR. ma'y2C-tf ::V:i:yhM:-i. -f: ZESf To Members of r Hanover "JLodge, No. Brothers: . . . - p .; . .,t ;You are Jhereby oered"Ttb-meet at the residence of Mr, IC K McKeithan, 9X0; South Sixth 4; street, at 3 o'clock, tMs(Saturda-f? af ternpbntoirattend theVtuneral of our deceased qrother; CfKeithamfrt i-TByrder;of the jGr, ' . - M-:-'; ;;john-; e. wood, l may21t fmby : N : Vi Sec-reta-T- ; LARCENY LIES AGAIHSI pORfiE: PERKlf, Republican Campaign Fund ing the : court's decissinn a.. . 'T shall appeal this case of - Appeals and ; get a final there." . ' Justice. Mclaughlin who prevailing opinion said : the : facts surrounding the I sitions upon which the warrant H was Issued, he; construed in the 1 liberal way; consistent with a ?? cial determination, I am of tT,0 , i , lue Ofe' that the crime of grand larpPJfl been committed as the same h? fined y the penel code. The defa l ant had a right to give of ms funds to the chairman of the Rei)1I5 can National Committee. The reS made ' the contribution at the reqn 1 of. the -prersiderit of the insrance pany with the; express understai!) irg that it would repay him. The m 5 ey . belonging to ' the insurance m pany was- appropriated 'openly avowedly' by the relator, after all I facts had been stated to the Pinan I vuuiiuiucc iu lciinuurse mm for fti tnpney.wnicn ne had previous! CO, tO than I THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY. and Jap an, '- :l .- :' V (' -" X 'V. f Does the factory pay it? Does the drummer pay it' JDoes the broker pay it? Does the j bbber pay it ? I)oes the Rv R. pay it) Does the steamer pay itr r,V. V NONfeVER! f :; Wilmte N. C ;may22tf ; . ' ;,f ' - X. 'LastfTwo ; Performances To-DV- - SLATER'S COMEDIANS. . MATINEE;THIS tAFTERNOON. - iFreht RagipTt.o'.RIch., eJ10-ano"-20 Cents. . ' c- r TO-NIGHT. , - J "TRACY, THEiOUTLAW." a3 -mA 02O-304-Cents. ': - Night seats Inow selling. mav26-lt : -:v.?'-v-o :: ! WoinlEm's"ciVfor 6 1-2C. Rehder's ;.to-day.:. . At-Lumiha 4ndsi; tonight. Gents and ' Children's Who Pays the r ' .FreW 111.CI0PEII, :r. t