)' . ??o;;-?-,:,v? -v1';-'-' : .' , .- , Xv .??:.v? . : v. .Y'-:-;v. . --??: ..- v, --.?': -: .-v.- -; . . 1;;-v;.:;-..v-.,' .' - , ; . - - -:.,.-?. i;:-v v-- - - ; . ? ' ' . : ' - ..... ' , . , . . . . v . -J 'fuming star;:: !" ' 711 ttW lYn 'i ; "vwr'- i" ; ' 1 " Subscription Terms, One Year, by Mall $5.00 Six lloatba, bj. Mall..... 2.50 Tniree .3Iontbs, by Midi . . 15 1 - -'-.- . ' ' 1 : . ;-'V?-v..'r!r.''i-,.,-'-.'V--i': ' ' , 1 1 ' i . . - . 1 --- ' --ii -- ' v JV-. - J I'f-'-'-i -'V.-i.: . - " . - . : . "T mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f0L.LXXVniKO.47 j-kitTI IMPS. v cablegrain . -Art J . 0p vnmmitted "SuieidA whpn to D6 an cbicu uc Mtuuier- the railway rate Din agreed and reported It to both from . Madrid ', this morning , says the supposed L of Congress, the -bill to. take t jq sixty tia i.tci xl yttssage I The Senate yesterday received the 0f the coniereuces on ine rate I Statehood bills, i; nf the Privilef f Mormon Senator Smoot; the Ufo receaes .-uuiu-mc-, niw-ww- Udmentto the rate bill, -and it will f stricken1 out LThe Senate yester 4 passed the. resolution prescribing i Jpoiicy for purchasing material for nl. the Democrats fail. C to induce the Republicans to make Uech of protecuon rne Jiever- mendment proviaing xor mspec- fir iff' dO! Uof Packin g houses is to be sub- .ted tv one of similar import, but LMncr the cost of inspection: fall on is governmeni iue - no ting oi Itgjcan miners at an Ameficau Inin 6 camp ai Cananea, Mex., on Friday tjited ia the killing of two Ameri C arid from 25 to 50 Mexicans; Qna Rangers crossed the border C tie rioters fled; the State Depart Q at Washington decides that it has authority to send "troops -into the Ujbry of a friendly power In the W , yesterday a parliamentary was avoided by . adjourning till. hsrsday. while Murphy, .of Missouri, Isleft on the floor gesticulating and testing against a ruling of . Speaker inion; the House 'passed , the nat ation bill to require all per fins making application f or citizen Jiip shall be able to speak the English linage President .- Roosevelt yea rly received the full report of 6,000 yds conceriJrgithe packing : house relations, the T same to be sen to Ess to-morrow New1- "JTok s 'Tnnpv fin '-atl : nnmtnol Aw jas, cotton market? cloise ' account 1 ;Sday;- Sour dull; '4 wheat steady,- No. red 94 nominal elevator ; corn : firm, Wl 58 1-2 nominal elevator; oats :ady, mixed 39; 'turpentine- firm, ii-2 to.fll; rosin firm; strained com U tojood 4.10 to 4.15 - - - t I pernor Glenn is toeiive-in,. ad i JMfie; iperajhfllord: kffizj ni. ;TVeBaye";faiied to ofe President RooseveltV next date The several candidates for solocitbr 3 cat considerable ice" in till chdice the nominee for Ck)ngresiTirF!S is now the' season, of the: year i13 the.fly.takes ; it for granted that always room at the top" of a fi lead, especially ' when : there is dm ru - - - - THE MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY," JUNE 3,il906. WHOLE KUJVIBEK;12014W ' -'-'- ,-..;. , .. - ... . '.j ..... ...... . 'a . i .. V ' ' ' ' " ' BALL SEASON QPENS Large Crowd Attended First ;Qame in City League Yes! -terday. Afternoon EXHIBITIONS WERE FINF viort oi w , . . . - . , , , .vwl hills and a fin thft ro. : - of the Wvijeges and; rEctions flT16 stlt- Giants -kn Rattlera" v-n rrom r. M,Q. A. and Monarchs .-Attendance Nearly Five Hundred , r andreat Interested Manifested. : of the Wadesboro lynchers j--wioiitc ui going to ine pemten pbr 15 years.- Some people may. treason to think after a while that is a serious thing for lynch" man makes money hy'deal- pthe stock market he has"ope- 3 Q Stocks." When hc tos hrnlep been "dabbling . in - stocks.?- P ie is ruined and commits sui- congressman Robert " Adams, tffagtovFriday. morning, he has ."gambling in stocks." ;Nearly five hundred -.people 'were ST1 HiUOn Pk terday S noon -and. witnessed two fine exhibi- onTnVf Nati0l.spori, beie opening games in th n.-rr t,?. t - . -"-a.O"uail .- .auuwea , up . splendidly and field CTed themselT well on the k ,L gamss yesterday' were a hright augury for the. season and the oFAxes ox exniomons .promise to drive dull care away from imany patrons of the sport on .hot . Saturday afternoon holidays, -i;. t ,:. - f " In the first game yesterday, begin ningat.3 o'clock, the ;M. S. Gs took ' A' Into camp. by a score of 6 to 1. . On a couple; of errors and hunched hits.; the jsix: winning runs were made by the Giants in the sec ond inning, but after that time, while they were unable to send a man around the; bags themselves ior more than once, the Y. m: a A.'s held ' the opposing - team - down: wall and ; some very fine ball playing was witnessed. .The score: v AyK7X: - ' R. H..E. M. S. G. . ; . . ,060 0 0 006 06 . 9 3 Y. M. a A.....0 0ir0 00 10 01 4.5 Batteries: .Brinkley ,and ' Seifert; Dills and King. ' Summary Earned runs: M. S. G., 4; Y.;M. C. A., 1. Two-base hits,- Seifert. Base on balls, Brinkley, 2. Struck out: Brinkley, 11 r Duls, - 5. ;;! Passed ball, King. First basV on" errors, KendalL Time, l:19. ?Umpirer Mr Louis Moore. In .the second game;? the Rattlers woii from the-MQnarchs(by a score 4 to -1 This was ;also a good, , fast Ksnappy game and was 'characterized by hard playing on ,Toth sides. . i h;s3ire4V'tfciI ItattfersHTOW'W Monarchs -v . ..-'r. 1- l l 6 .Batteries : Sailings and Moore ; Jack son and W. Gore.vi;y'r , ummaryaraed runs, Rattlers 3; Monarchy 0. .Two base hits. Sailings; Base -on Balls,1 Sailings; : Struck out Jackson, 4 ; .Sailings, 12; Double 'play, Myers to Ashe; 'First -base on errors, W. Gore, M. Gore, Terry' and William son. Hit- by pitched hall, Ashe." Time, 1:Q5.- -Umpire, Mr. Green.'; . 7 The games ;next Saturday" . will be even better natroauzed than on yes terday..- The fact ; that four teams oi th& material .included , in the City League were playing was a revelation .to , many who will be glad to give every .encouragement to tne sport. . Excursion This Weefc - - : A delightful moonlight excursion Is promised Tuesday night by the Bara ca and Philathea classes of Southslde Baptist-; church on the steaner ; Wit mington to Carolina nencu.. ineuus are invited. 'The steamer will leave at 7:45 P. M. and the fare will be only 25 cents. ' ' h Margaret naeeman. of Ralti- ' is suing Mr. Henry - 'CaHehder ft'000 damages, alleging that he H. ?nd kissed " h ef. It " wfll be J tod to convince the jury that enderdid that much damage, ;FPfid out in the evidence that f 4 years old. - ; DRIFTING TO SEA IN SKIFF Timely - Rescue of Jno. S. McEachern 'at Wrightsvllle Beach .Yesterday Evening Mrs. JacksohVParty. . , Drifting 'out into the open sea In a small boat without power of propulsion as the darkness of night was approach ing, was . the - frightful , sensation .that came to Mr. John S.- McEachern, the well' known young naval store factor, at Wrightsvllle Beach yesterday even ing about 7 o'clock, , Hisnimely res cues by Mr, W. J Moore, proprietor ,lhe Hotel Tarrymoore; and party of guests, including Mrs. Stonewall Jack son, Mr. W.E. Christian and others, of Atlanta, who happened to be in a larger boat f6r "a pleasure sail around Lthe Sound, was altogether providential. - Mr, McEachern was cruising around in the Sound late yesterday afternoon in, a small deadrise skiff , in which a gasolene engine had been installed as a motive power: . 'Near the ' mouth of Moore's Inlet, the engine became dis abled and while. Mr.' McEachern v was working with it, the skiff drifted out the inlet and -was being sWept straight out to sea; Mr. McEachern. realized his danger' when It was almost too late and as the tiny" craft' was, being bOrhe by the rolliag waves' further andVfurth er to sea, , he shouted and signalled frantically to the shore for assistance. It came just in the nick of time for the young man's danger was observed by the party in Mr. V Moore's , larger .boat, which was put quickly to the rescue. They reached Mr. McEachern as he was some distance out and. as he had about ; decided, to jump over board and try as best he could to swim ashore. The party cf . ladles In nhe boat Including , Mrs. Jackson,; Miss Christian; Miss Morrison and others were drenched with- the breaking of the ? waves over their; own boat, but they all heroically remained calm and Mr. McEachern and his disabled craft were; towed - safely in. " FAVOR OF COMPANY Verdict For Plaintiff in Case of Solomon and OtherVAgainst Sewerage Company CLEARING UP; THE DOCKET "House Cleaning" So to Speak, Was the' Order YesterdayMirny Matters Disposed of Second . Wek Be-f ; - gins ;To-morrpw. MARRIED IN FAYETTEVILLE Miss Lillian ,t '. -Slocomb, Charming Young Brjde of Mr Neil' O.vErner J son,, of Wilmington Wedding - ,.: v Breakfast - The Automobile Club. The Wilmington Automobile Club has been organized ith Dr. A. H. Harriss, president;Gedrge B; EUlott; Esq., vice president;.; Walter -Sprunt, ; secretary and treasurer, and the officers with Mr, j Frank ,Herbst to . compose the .Govern- B. H. Brldgers, . D. R. Foster, Pem broke Jones, Esq., James Spriint, Neil D. Emerson, L. M. Noble, Thos. tt. Wright ; and Fred;E;"Herhst; ; The ob ject ; of : the club ; is mutual ' protection and to -: 'abate ; all . evils ' of the the", sport such as fast and reckless driving, etc.1 Ultimately a garage will be built at Wrightsvllle Sound where machines may. be left while owners go over to" the beach. ' 5 Jefferson : Davis' Birthday. . - To-day being Sunday, the annual ob servance of the birthday of Jefferson Davis, the beloved president of the Confederacy, by Cape Fear Chapter, TJ. D,-C will not take place until to morrow. The hour is5:30 and a large Attendance ; of ' members: is expected: On this - occasion Ti Crosses : Of ; Honor will be presented to the following vet erans : Mr. J. W. Bishop, Holly Ridge, Onslowcounty ; Mr. J . ; M , Rogers, Company B, First x North ; Carolina Regiment, and Rev. James A... Smith, Company D, First North Carolina Regi- ment, Heavy A Artillery. The last two named reside in this city. NEW A D V E RTI SEME NTS. ;the ; legislation reference, to K S10r government inspectiqh of J'and packing houses; it:is L . House is hesitating whether tlre the packers to pay for, the iJ0r wheth-er the 'expense partIy on cattle sellers and C Packers. Now,', here, we if8 aeady know who is ro- iu yay ior; tne mspecy e Charlotte Observer: ."The ashington correspondent Way, comes as tipst ha.v- Laical affiliations the as any man can, but who has from e teen assailed because he gence Urn. w 1 passed as a-Democrat, 3Biiti ben placed on Hon' U "8 black list There, are k6 m Nortn Carolina who 'wilV It lnh j - - v v . Z wiidebrahd on that true, . newspaper man aose. for ' news'- turn. count of -"his -political iQere is a; great 'deal 'of The s his 04 3ti, reporting fbr a newspa- riti ng for an organ,; Labor Hall mss Meeting. John Haar Announcement. ; - : PJ: C. .DeRosset Hammocks. . , ; C. W.' Yates & Co Kodaks. Consolidated Co. Gas Ranges. " ! Geo. O. Gaylord Summer Sale 3. J S & BoIomor.Clearing Sale. ; Hanlnic-,ithe Ha tierStraw Hats.-... Carolina -Beach Moonlight Excur sion. W. Munroe & Co. Only; One ; Girl for You, Southern - Electric Co. Electric Goods. " . - - F. E. Hashagen Co. White Knight Cigars. " " -v' r- McDonald Roof Paint Co. To Pro perty pwners. . ' - - - People's Savings Bank Quick; As: sets Ready Cash. " - v , . r . - Atlantic National Bank-Strength and Stability. : v ' Business'Locals. 1 Wanted Pony and .Turnout. Senographer Position Wanter, . Manager Double Your . Income. , C. P. B. Mahler House for Rent. j' . s.' J. Davis Up-to-Date ; Vehicles. S Rogers M'f'g Co. Salesman- Want- ed.' : ''li Howard C. Curtis Hotel, ior . itent or. Sale.v7- , : . - . - " - ' ' - Los'Affgeles Liaer toiwu ers Wanted. . ' ' '- . , - Lumlna. .v r , : - Cars run every half-hour to Lumina. 25 Photos 25 cents Gem Studio, 114 Market street. ;.'. ' Lumina Bowling Contest. In the play-off on the Lumlna bowl ing l alleys after 9 - o'clock last nigh Mr. R. C. Orr wonthe $5 prize offer ed by the- Consolidated Company , with a score of 432 -in-the three games. The other members Of the ; team scored as follows: J.- McRee Hatch, 366; 'Albert Aamond, 319. .This week a prize of $5 is offered for the five highest bowl- ing. Ofc alter y o ciock jsaiuraay vnignt. This gives opportunity . to a large num ber, and the interest-will of course be greater. M- - -- -Xr&y : Lumina, ' . , v . . -Cars run every half-hour to Lumina. To 'Speak to : Linemen ; ; . ; r Mr. Dale Smith, of Atlanta, president of .the First District of the Interna tional Brotherhood of Electrical Work ers,, has arrived In the city and : this afternoon. at'"3 ; o'clock .will speak to a mass meeting of organized workmen in Central Labor Hall, on the fourth floor of; the Atlantic a National Bank building. He wilLspeafc-witn special reference to the strike ., of telephone linemen and will -be .heard with much interest. . - . - ' ' ' J" Rev. T. P. Noe comes Mere.-- - , Rev. Thos. P. Noe; who for the past seven years has .been, in charge of the Parochial" School 4 of ' the s Diocese.; of East Carolina" at Beaufort, N. C, ar- rixred ? vesterday " af terrAooti and t has taken permanent charge of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd -in this city.He fs a man1 ' of fine education fed pleas-, ins address .-and the. parisn .jdi .Ht. James Is to be congratulated rupon hav ing him , come -to ;taker' charge of ; the imporiant work here. " ' ' ' r v ' , . LumIni:'-;'I'.i''".''.-''--i Cars run, every half-hour to .Lumina. By Instruction of His " Honor, Judge James .L.; Webb, who had listened-for several hours to, argument of counsel on both sides -as" to the law bearing on the case, 4he jury In the Superior Court which hadf in hearing the suit of" B. Solomon and others against the Wilmington Sewerage Co., yesterday morning returned' a verdict ir favor of the defendant corporation. .The is sues were submitted and answered;' by instruction of His Honor, as, follows : Did the defendant entr - into1 the contract or agreement with the plain tiff as "alleged in the complaint? - An swer, "yes." ;; Notwithstanding such contract or agreement, did the defendant have; the right to ; raise the annual rental on plaintiff as it did do, to take effect Jan. 1st 1903. Answer "yes." ' While the', first issue is favorable to the plaintiffs, the second issue author izes the advance in rate against which there was such strenuous opposition and attorneys' for the plaintiff signify their "Intention ;tov appeal to the Su preme Court ; '-' v" ; (. Yesterday was regular . "cleaning day" -f and Judge Webb put the clerk and the newspaper people busy.- The docket, was cleared of old cases that have been hanging fire for years and which have afforded no end of con fusion at ever.term of court. All these were gotten, out of the way and the court docket was right up to the min ute; whtn a; recess .was taken for- the week shortly before noon, , The, dispo sition qi'tne cases was as follows: . ' H. -1. Foard vs B. A.LarkIns: -and others f; judentrfpr; npn,: snithotloe to show cause why they" should hot be taxed 'with-costs. ; ) ;;-;?.- , Geo. R; French &: Son t vs. ; Durham Fertilizer Co. ;; judgment for. non suit; plaintiff ;tof pay osts.;; t7; V Standard Oil Co.. vs. Hardin . John son ;v judgment , for, hon - suit; 'plaintiff to. pay costs.. ; V ' ti-t S.,Behrends ;ys: Lucilla Westbrook; non suitpiainun. to pay costs.. ' . Jno; S. Watters- vs. American' Export & Mfg. Co. ; continued. . .. ; Matt J. Heyer vs. Annie E. Brown ; non suit; 'plaintiff to pay costs." Wm. E; Worth vs. T. J. JohnsbhV & Co.; continued. 1 i : - W A. Farriss vs. T J. Ferguson & Co.; judgment for non; suit; plaintiff to; pay . cost -. ; . .. : y. JJ L. -Boatwright, & Co.". vs. . T J. Ferguson ;& CO.; continued. S. W. Sanders vs. T. J Ferguson. & Co.; continued. .- 1? .-;; - Giles Cannon vs.; T. J. Ferguson j & Co.; non suit; plaintiff to pay costs. . Annie Bradley , vs., John Bradley; non suit; . plaintiff to pay costs. . R. W. Hicks -vs.VRichafd Graham; non suit; plaintiff to pa costs., ; :;; ! Parson Green & Co. vs.'' Myers- & Lewis, non suit; - plaintiff to pay. costs. R. . W. Hicks vs. D.' R.' Cooper; non suit; plaintiff, to pay costs. -X B. &t J. c! King vs. Michael Grlf fin, hon suit; plaintiff to ' pay '-costs. James G. Blaine vs. Daniel Howard, Exe'r.: - non .- suit; plaintiff to pay costs. . i',' ' i : R. T. Hicks vsB. F. King;: non suit; platattfl..toay.;.coW - Geo. .L." Miller vs. ," Geo. : E. ; Pope, non : suit; . plaintiff i to pay costs.. t v W TTlsrh smith vs. : Geo. E. Sim mons ; hori.suit; - plaintiff to : pay cost i Jtachel Smith vs.W.l'J SmithMnOh suit;- plaintiff - to pay cost .-;-? " Bertha Jefferson ,-vs. ! Edward ) Jeff er son: non suit; plaintiff to pay cost. Thad F. Tyler .vs. Geo. T. Bland, continued. ", - " - M. J. Corbett Co. -vs.' M. L. McLean &, Co.; y plaintiff to pay cdsts.v ;'" Jno. H. Brown, Admr.f vs. .A.:..C. L. T?Allroad. Co.: - non ' suit; . plaintiff to pay. costs. . -;. : .' :;:P'ffsiM Maude" P,inner vs. George Pinner; non suit;" plaintiff : to: pay costs.V ' - L. Gay vsJ Mary J. ay ; non suit; plaintiff ; to pay costs;:; 'y:x - F T. Mills vs. 'XI C. L. R- R-: Co. ; 60 -days allowed lamtiffitdifilecomi plaint and 60 days thereafter for ; de fehdaht to file answer - . " Delia Hall vs. Richard - Nixon ; non suit; plaintiff io3WS0M i David Moore ys; Annie Waddell;rcon- tinued; notice to. issue to piainian vj show eause why; he should not. be non suited., - . ' - - ' . City:of .Wilmington vsWIlmington Homestead and Loan Ass'n non; suit; plaintiff t0$f: V,Mack McKain vsAngoiai JumDer Co. ; non-suit; piaintiir to pay costs. ,r Yesterday: afternoon's Fay'etteville Observer v has the following account of a marriage in which very many Wil mington: friends areIntefested::::v "At 10:30 o'clock this morning Mr. N); D. " Emerson, of Wilmington; ' was united in : marriage to Miss Lillian - T. Slocomb,-: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ai rH. Slocomb, . in St. John's Epico-' pal church, the,' rector, Rjev. iL -W. Hughes, impressively pronouncing the j REALM OF POLITICS L V. Grady-Esq.,; Announces 1 Jiis Withdrawal . From Race For SoUcitorship -r " ----- . -. .... -.. , - -; - . ..- -. -!.- i . CONVENTIONS YESTERDAY! Reports From Brunswick; Columbus, - Sampson , and . Cumberland The , . -Allighrhent is RapidNotes of , 4 5.hC:the:v.Seveal-Meetings.' vr ' ; .A -A (Continued on. Sixth Page.) beautiful service.. The decorations of the church were of "ferns and ' Easter lillies in tasteful arrangement; .'and, as the bridal party passed; down the aisles, Lohengrin was given by Mrs; I. W. Hughes at the orfean. - " . "The church was packed to its ut. most, capacity vwitn a greati gathering of : handsomely gowned? women,-: and well-dressed men friends and : well-; wishersvof the -young pairj . .1 . : "The : ushers were, Messrs: ;1 Geo, James, Nof Washington, D. C.; Dr;. Pride Jones; M6ssrs.J;Hpraeel Emerson and Thomas-' Wright; of Wilmington; Df; J. Vance McGougan ' and Mr. C G. Rose, of. Fayetteville.. Tie groom's best man was . Mr. : Champion - McD. Davis, of . Wilmington. . ; . .7 ; "The maid of -honor, Miss :: Mary J Hinsdale Slocomb, sister of the bride, was - in costume ot, lingerie batiste, with lace ad embroidery trimming; het: bat was white Neapolitan, X and her bonquet was of white roses. The bridesmaids were Misses Elliott .Em erson, of "Wilmington; Emma Dunbar;, of Augusta, Ga.; Alice Matthews., and Marion Slocomb, of Fayetteville. Their dresses and hats were similar to those of the maid; pfThbnOr in material:but different in style and make. .TheyvCar- ried white sweet; peas and, fern. ; v i. ; ; "Thebride,, given away by hefath: er,. was' gowned . exquisitely , in wbite lace en train, elaborately trimmed. She wore, pearls, and carried a -shower bouquet of lillies of the valley. i "After, the ceremony, tne .ae from the church being : accompanied by the i musio . i of lendlssohn, (he bridaarty and Vfriends -Were-drireiH to I jJxe i wcomo jl amuy ipjne p.gyjcK, street, -Where 'were given ; a s reception anxl;weddlhgvbreakf ajst, thechemfr of color: belnff; green and ' white in the hall, v parlors and :, breakfast : .room. Punch and coffee were .seryed in the ijhxi-y -. ; ... - "The wedding . gifts were , numerous and exceptionally - beautiful,, among them ; being many from cities both north and. south. ... -.:: , y -r ;: ;.--.:: X: ;"Mr.ji and Mrs... Emerson ; took: the 12; 35 train northbound -train on ". the Atlantic Coast ILine R.vRfor ; their honeymoon trip, ; whieh 'will take in the coast of Maine, ' Ihe White . Moun tains, the , Adirondacks and 'Lakes George and; Champlain, C 'X X-X: 'X V, "Mrs. ; Emerson's ; gDing-a way, ; go wn was : of tailpr-made English - gray ; sult- At : Leonidas V.' Grady, Esq. of this city, ' who : recently; received ; the endorse- ment. of the Wilmington bar and was ; assured of a very complimentary . votb;; :; in? many other counties,: last night au-? -thoxized the announcement: of ? his ? withdrawal from the ra .for solteitor WXX in. this, the Fifth Judicial iDistrict. This r leaves - the field " to . Solicitor: Rodolph . ; ,. Duffy, who thus , far; has no opposition .; ;; fortretiomihation; and will ' be elected without a . dbiibt . Mr. - Grady found ; ' ': certain; influences at work In some of.;;? the - upper counties to ; the prejudice of the Interests of sonie of his friends, -:' r i he . says, and; this condition? of affairs strongly? Influenced.: hisl action in5 re tiring -from the race. He desires pub ' ' lcly,to thank his friends, in New Han over and elsewhere in the district f of ? their; loyal support and assures " themjt forts. ' His witHdrawl simplifies' mat ters; much! in New Hanpver . and friends will commend him for stand he has taken ,hV behalf of his frie.nds elsewhere ." Yesterday was a .day of conventions in this sections and reports were re ceived from all the counties'. .-The pri- , maries ; were ;. held in' Duplin but. the : convention will not be held; there until ; : Monday. No accurate 1-eport could be ? ; secured? from Duplin ' last ; night: ;?The: following -reports as to, the ,'conven- ' ? tions were received: ' - h????? BrunswickKCo'uri; ;? Southport, N; C," June 2. The Dem ocratic iconyention of Brunswick coun-1 , tyj -callfed for the purpose of seiectinK ? (-dele'gates,; to tke State;-; Judjcial, Con-, ; gssici-anenjKomi onyehtlons . - -v ":V' v., ' f. .'-V mat- ' J - i i:hi$ - -r to-day with" a;iarge crowd of ; delegates :?? XXMMiX and citizens in "attendance ;-The ton-v ;-'-?'H' - ?:-?' XnXX ,y T MR. CHARLI E CUTTS DEAD. Passed Away; Friday Night at Cordele, ?". irXX ? Ga. The Funeral. ' A telegram yesterday to Mr. Joseph H. Hinton conveyed the sad hews ' of the death- of Mr. Charlie Clinton Cutts tcTrelatives ,and many friends in this cityi The message was from Mr. John Cutts and njerely stated that his broth er passed' away at his home? in vor- dele, Ga., at-10: 30 o'clock Friday night. Mr. Cutts .was 39 years of .age and left Wilmington about 1896 for Cordele where, he engaged ; in ' the real estate business and : accumulated ? : quite a fortmier;Forsixyears;-he;vwas;mayjor;of Cordele; and was . quite : a ? prominent citizen: there. ? He ' married ' Miss - Col ville : and she with - several Children survive? him.. - The ): funeral will take" place at Cordele and the interment will be there. '?; v-v-??-i'-:;C-K? mx ventloniwas called to order by Cpunty ' Chalrmaji Geo. Hl Bellamyj . aclliig as temporary - chairman.'; f After electing permaoient offlcers the . convention set- V?:: c ; y tied down to business. The right to , . -' " -name delegates to Ue several cOnveh-4 tions was, upon ' motion, left to' the; " . " ; ? various townships,, and'after the town ? ; ;: -? ship delegates conferred, the various tXXXXSXX aeie gates were reportea-to tne convene tibn andpproyd, '.. v'-'.' . v ?. -, ' .":; . A resolution was then inttoduced ahof ? endorsing George" 1 Peschau, Esq.; of SouthporCfor;solcitor;otthe;S Judicial District; endorsing Geo. ?H. Bellamy for State Senator .from, Bruns- ?- wick and New.- Hanojer -?cQUntfes; and X?iX:i XtpXt endorsing' C. : CLybn of? ElizablthA:; XM Xii town,-for Judge-of the, Superior 'CourtT , ' , , The'esolutibnaisolitructea't , iral delegations torvote for thpse eh- - :?; - k: Resolutions? were. alsaipdSn4? dorsing the Hon. Franklin McNeill for: Corporation? Commissiorifer;? arid Hon F. .M?; Simmons for. United States Sena4 ;f . !PW?i Firemen Are Dissatisfied. ,- ; ? " . ? According to reports, there is much disaffection among the firemen of the city ; at the; feeble . ;respcmse;:of ;?;$he Board of Audit . and Finance to their appeal ;f or ?ari? increase in wages in view of cost of living and the; advance in wages in other ; lines. The . Depart ment; it: is "said, is : in danger of ; los ing' some of; Its very, best .men. . The increase asked was only $5 per month and it is -understood the Board of "Au dit ?and Finance will be ; asked; to re consider its action and' allow the men his amount.': -?. , ? . ? 4 ?! ,; ? Suit Oyer Timber Contract. 'i- ' In Justice Bornemann's court yester day an interesting civil suit .wastried iit which Eliza Atwood and her son. Thomas Atwood; brought suit against Henry Smith for the recovery ;of '$75 alleged; to be due" by contract on tim ber cut by Smith from famis in Feder- at Point township? The plaintiffs were represented byrooke G.Eriipie,.Esa.. andthedefendant by HeTbeH'M iny, Esq. Judgment y was given . ih fa vor of .the defendant. Plaintiffs t took an .appeaL to the Superior CourtL 3 Panel Photos 25 cents. GemStii- dio,114 .Market .street.?" ?-? -X ;?,. '--XX .:?" ; ?" .'. ,JThe surprise of. the - day,- however;; V- came- when George H. Bellamy offered V . a resolution jehdorsing Hon. H. L. ;God- XX - XX X- 7 wiri;fof;Harriett county, for' Congresa v. v, ? - " , ? - art A mini ifi Arllir nsmi4-t. ? ii": ' -f ? 1 ; gates . for: him. Up to thigvtime 1 the convention had been a; lovefea'st, with? -: out a jarring note, ; but ho sooner, had W-fv Mr. Bellamy .finished his remarks -up-' ;v-.- , on his resolution ' endorsing Mr; . God- ?i 4 ? ?? : ' : ' win,? then members ;excitedly : jumped ? ;. to theirfjeetutter ing prstsnng ?1 m& them, . several - known supportera. of ? Mr.- Godwin, iwho'; likewise iodMXMBMX against: suca; z. courses Mk- -Wilkes McKeithan made an impas- ' sKiueu speecn , protesung: against . m-?? .: struction for any one for Congress. M.v? C Guthrie, of , Southport, got the;; floorf ?J and, named Reprecentative G. bI Pat-.' 'X X'' ' terson for endorsement by the. conyeri-?: tton'and protested against the instruc " v tiohUor .MrJ;dwiri; Mr.' - -Bellamys ?,roltion?yMr spoke fat length against Mr. Bellamy's V ? . resolution and others followed, speak-:"' . ing either for . or against the :resolu-- X ? tion.vAmbng those who.- spoke' was :? ; ' ." Ggeg?Pscha)sh'b earnestly , X urged, in - view 1 pi? the. circumstanoe's, J ' thairno effort be ma.de rtonstnict for any one, but ; that the different caridi-. "" ' dates ; for ; Congress .be; allowed such ?" ' : vote; as they might ; have among '; the ' T J ; delegates ? .already "appointed? by ' the ' -. county convention, or as a vote wnniri show them entitled to' ? ? ? ; ? ? ? ? -?:l ? ?? ,r: xne 5eiiamy resolution was; finally ' -lft1;to?thoj several i township? delega???-? tions. "Aftrmariy?coriferehces,?Mr 'V v Bellamy's ; resolution, endorsing Mr ; d111 was adopted by the rnvpntf a' : by; a vote" of ,240 Samid many pro tests. ? Northwest ; township did : not v VOte. . ?.. ; ,: ;. ?.;:. w. ' '.-; -0. , - .'. Nte-Messrs.. H. E. Traelove ; ana 7 4' ; -'xximM 0. I CCpntinued ;on;Sixth .Pace.) a :.f?s