f V Mbe - (Horning Stav, Founded In ' .. a. WILLIAM H; BERNARD, Owner nd Editor , WILMINGTON. N. CX Sunday Moraine, Juue S - Entered as scondclS3 matter at the postoffie at WHminston k asunder the Act of Congress of .March 8, 1S79. - rVBt.ISHKHS ANNOUNCEMENT. f TIIE MORNING STAR, the oldest daily papr in North Carolina, is pub lished daily except Monday .00 a year. 42.50 for six months, $1.25, for three months, 50 cents for one jraohth to mail subscribers. Delivered to city subscribers at the rate of 45 cents per month for any period from one month to one year. v . ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY) One inch, one day. $1.00; two days, $1.50; three days, $2.00; four days, $2.50; Ave days, $3.00; one week. $3.50. two weeks, $6.50; three weeks, .5. one month, -$10.00; two months, $17.00. three months, $24.00; six months, $40.00. twelve months, $60.00. Twelve lines of solid Nonpariel type make one inch. THE WEEKLY STAR is published every Friday morning at $1.00 per year, 60 cents for six months, 30 cents for three months. ; . . All announcements of Fairs, Festi vals, Balls, Hops, Picnics,. Society Meetings, Political meetings, etc., will be charged regular advertising rates. Advertisements discontinued before the time contracted for has expired, charged transient . rates for time ,ac tualy published. ...' No advertisements inserted ; In ; Local Columns at any rate. ' ' All announcements ana recommenaa tions of candidates for office, whether in the shape of communications - or otherwise, Will be charged - as ' adver tisements. ... Payments for transient advertise ments must be made In advance. Known parties, or strangers with prop er reference, may pay monthly or: quar terly,' according to contract. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Express or in Registered Letten. Only such re mittances will be at the risk of the publisher. , , ; v Communications, unless they contain important news .or - discuss briefly and 'properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and,. if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be re jected if -the real name of the author is . withheld. - - '. - Notices of Marriage -or. Death, Trib utes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, etc., are charged for as ordinary adver tisements, but only .half : rates when paid for strictly in J advance. . . At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple an nouncement of Marriage or Death Advertisements inserted once a wee.k in Daily will be charged $1.00 per inch for each insertion. Every other day, -three-fourths of daily rate. '-: Twice a week, two-thirds of daily rate. Contract advertisers , will not be al lowed to exceedtheir space or adver tise any thing foreign to their regular business without) extra charge at tran sient rates. - i . . v Avertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty- per cent, extra. - Advertisements to t follow reading matter, or to occupy, any special place, will be. charged extra according to the position desired. ' . SPEAKER AND PRESIDENT hp APART. ; President Roosevelt, according to the Star's Washington' dispatches yes terday morning will send to Congress tomorrow the report of his emissaries sent to Chicago to inspect ' the pack ing houses. ' Enough of their report has leaked to cause a sensation in the : JJnited States ; and Europe : where the Chicago packing houses do a large .business as well as in this country. The affair promises to be a great sen sation, and it is hinted that the report "will create a greater division among Republicans than the rate bill. v President Roosevelt gives, as his reason for making the packing house disclosures public that packers were r endeavoring to defeat remedial legis lation and the House Committee ,6n Agriculture was showing a disposition to delay the progress of legislation on the subject There' was enough in the -dispatches yesterday morning to In dicate that in his message to Congress tomorrow the "President will ' have something to say that will rile ' the .House - committee, for the President's .action seems to be based on some vin- dictiveness against' the committee as well as against 'the packers. . ' The committee, however was not all that the President's message - tomor row is to stir up. He is going to make 'the exposure because the packers .and the committee, as 'alleged,' are trying to defeat Senator Beveridse's amend ment, already adopted by the Senate, providing for inspection of cattle, in spection of meats and products,5 and Inspection of the slaughter and packing houses. The President's message .will y not only, hit them bur if the Washing ton dispatches are true, Speaker; Can non will be hit, as it is., said , to be - "now definitely: established ; that, as already antlcinated: Sneaker ; Cannon is to be counted as leader of the op- toon,' plan,l which , has been attached . to the j agricultural : appropriation .as an amendment' : thereto." We are told i. . ..." - ... ..-..-,'-.-." V .'-;..':.t'. ;V' . ; ...... -t... .been developed gradually,! and those ' close to him are cautious and" guarded ; in their statements as to how far lie ' . Will frrx , in Vt. --.-.,x, -r. r ; . . . nv xu iiinin will rn t. T . a a r , that Wle the Speaker has no Wish owc ' out leuiiuiKW ann nap. sary meat inspectlpn he Is! opposed .to 'drastic and ; unreasonable" : legisla ... J - vv x m7L " st comparatively ilittle ;ialth in the expert ability of I th0 : j estigators whom President. Roosevelt . ".Bf ? Chicago to. examine intv - V"5 UOUSe COnditfona ln CWaf .Hm--r dispatches .yesterday v! moniing ' an: . unced that the President's message -; tomorrow take strong ground in a ui. xmmediate and drastic leg! V lation. to' correct, th v -exposed In lie report.' Thatls where the President will . go up against Un do Joe, orUncle Joe will part horses woth the President, if . reports : are true. 4 t '.;.v irf The "President evidently ad a hand in framing th Beveridge amendment. That -amendment j?rohibtts . any "per son, firm 1 or corporation which en-. gages in the ; interstate commerce of meat or meat products" to transport or offer for transport, , and any com mon carrier to transport or receive for transport between tSates, or to any foreign country, . "any carcasses or meat , or meat food products," unless the establishments in which they are prepared are ; "maintained in a" sani tary condition according to"; the rules and regulations prescribed by the Sec retary of Agriculture, as provided in section one hundred and eleven of this" Act." This is , followed by a pre vision for certificates from ' the Se retary' of Agriculture that such estab lishments have t been inspected , and approved, "as provided by section one hundred and; eleven; of this Act, which certificate shall be sufficient , evidence to ,any carrier of Interstate commerce that said establishments therein de scribed are maintained in the ; sanitary condition provided for In section one hundred and eleven, of this Act." - ' The criticism is made that the Bev- eridge amendment, as placed ? bodily by the Senate into the bill,-consisted of about 20 sections, and that it pur ports to amend section 111 of the bill which as a matter of fact is not divid ed Into sections. It iss declared 'that as it stands the Senate has bungled the .bill by taking, in the Beveridge amendment, and that, the "'House . will have a chance to put this important legislation in proper shape, thus get ting even with the Senate for emas culating the House railway rate bill. WILL MR. BLACKBURN RETIRE? - PLEASE Representative E. Spencer Black burn, North Carolina's only Republo lican Congressman, seemsJto be up aganst '.- it. , Since "de org'nizashun" appears to have won : the party ma chinery in the State agajn, there are appearances that the . Rollins-Butler faction" are gunning for Blackburn all along the line. We expressed that as The Star's observation of the political signs a few days ago, and now comes along the Charlotte Chronicle with some more evidence. Says Friday's Chronicle: ; . ' ' "u'ff : ' ' "Immediately after Blackburn's ac quittal in the Federal Court, at Greens, boro, the Rollins crowd began to call for harmony and thought Itwould be the "proper thing for Blackburn to sub side. It is funny. Under big head lines, The Industrial , News , prints a 'clarion '-call' from Mr.; Stewart, chair man of the Republican executive com mittee of Rowan county, who, after praising Mr. Rollins in-proper style, says he resigned f dr the Interest of the Republican party, and has retired to promote harmony and to heal-all di vosions 'and stop all contentions and bickeirngs In the party." Then he says: 'Now we will see If the Honorable Spencer Blackburn wants : the Repub lican party to prosper and to build up. If he does let him; retire. Yes, let him at once resign from Congress, and let 1 a man that has .been neutral take the nomination a the Congressional convention on ; the 27th of June, for the next term It would no doubt be a source of Immense comfort ;; to the Rollins faction if Mr. Blackburn, now that he is on top, should get off and let the other fellow up. These fellows who are so eager for harmony dttt not shout for Rollins to quit when they thought Rollins had Blackburn by the nape of the neck. As, long as Black burn's ox was being gored it was 'all right. ;The funny part Is li6w quick they are to shout for somebody to stop the fight .. as , soon as the Rollins ox begins to bellow." ;.; '.: ."; y: IX. seems that Rollins resigned for harmony' to set a precedent for Black burn to ; give up his .Congressional as pirations "4 for harmony. ; Blackburn won't' be caught in any; trap like that. -The Charlotte .Observer yesterday contributed a long article ; to the , out look. Among 1 other things, the Ob server-says: ' v 1 A" ' ' "In resigning v the . chairmanship of the Republican State executive com mittee at Greensboro, ' last -Saturday, Mr. Thomas S. Rollins said something like this: T take this .step- to "keep down any ; row i at the coming; State conventionv-i ,: ' -;V;ri ". Vn-;:. One never grows tired pi mm c r Puddings and fancy dishes of everv: Varietv pall on the taste, -but me jaaea as weu as ine . 'hearty appetite finds An "Q 'C ever-new, ; delight . ;in ii-M' can bo prepared in v Jell-O comes jn. ' 6 . fruit flavors . Lemon, Raspberry Strawberry. Orange, vChocolata and 0-'M igrocers verywhereiff cts. per pacfc age. , ir y XW-l ::4'n Mr Approved by Pure Food ComnnWoners. ; - Highest Award Gold MedaL' St L6ui3, 1904. . :, ; I Scad for colored I3nstrated recipe bool v l y jhe Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. m m mm mfem COMPLETE CURE OF DRUM HABIT Patient Who Took Treatment - at Greensboro Keeley Institute Says it Is God-Send to Unforunates. To Whom It May Concern: . ( Believe me, I would "not advise you wrongly. ; Npw you .may - reasonably ask "What Is the Keeley Treatment?" It is a" God-send .to you--it has been to me.A Will it do all that is claimed fort it? I most emphatically say yes. For almost two years it has been put to the test In - may case ; during which time I have not had the slightest .'de sire to return to ,the; use.of alcoholic stimulants, i There is no . doubt in my mind but. that' the Keeley Treatment will cure the disease caused by alcohol of no matter how long 'standing. ; ' I trusted , my case entirely, in i the hands of f the 7 medical director. .1 took a the treatment fairly, and as prescribed and my reward is a complete cure, restoration to business, my family, and complete happiness. I am now governed- by the v same conditions which prevailed before taking the first drink. .'" .. ,C .. . . D. H, BUTNER. v Greensboro, N. C, Nov: 24, 1904. " Send names and addresses of those who may be benefitten to the Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N. C. " y "If Mr. Rollins had the remotest idea that he "was throwing oil on troubled waters his ; delusion will have passed before the new mopn is full. There is an element in the Republican party that has declared war to the death to the Hon. Mary Ann Butler, that" splen did wire-puller and soft, but swift footed Washington politician. -Old line Republicans admit: that this foxy man of many victories as a manipulator and get-there leader is wise Industri ous and all-powerful as a1 stump speaker and vote-getter. ,but they , re sent the idea of: his taking charge of thS" machinery of their old party." Some-people love a fight, and it sems that one Is really to be fought. RfP VAN WINKLE OUTDONE. 1 . i After an absence of sixty-five years from Robeson county, of which he was a native, the Rev. Angus Johnson a few days ago returned to Red Springs from. Texas. He is now 97 years of age: , - , r It is not difficult to imagine that the venerable minister feels like; a siranga man In a strange land. So inay changes have taken placa at Red Springs in the last fifteen years that one would not recognize it as the same place, but to think ' of the changes in : thbse 65 years of absence of Mr: Johnson r When he left his na tive heath Robeson county was prac tically a wilderness, and it- will be as: tonishing " if Mr. Johnson "recognizes any place with which he wa3 familiar when he was a young man 32 years of age. Robeson must hare some very aged people if any of thei;- lemember Mr. Johnson' before he went away, as a child then 10 years old would be 75 years" of age now. It is to be hoped that Mr. John3vi will rajoy his. visit, and live manv years more of a most remarkable life: . ' ;; CURRENT COMMENT. The Philadelphia Inaulrer sneaks of Congress as consisting- of "many men of many minds." But come, now, isn't : the; number of minds consider ably less than the number of men? New. York Mail., . " v " rWith the president threatening to publish " the . Neill-Reynolds report if the beef trust opposes" the inspection provision, and the beef trust threaten ing to vflght inspection if he report i3 up and yell: "Play ball!" wasning- toh Post. . . ; ". -" - ' ; How silly it is for men to run mad on things ." political , and become es tranged from, a lifelong friend becafuse of petty political differences. ' The people 1 should convince! themselves that their choice is right, and regard less, of "hullabaloo," vote for that man: -Edgefield. (S. C.) , Chronicle. ; ,( ,y a, . t'Wo Vnurts nrfi trvine to break up horse-trading as a. profession, by. tak ing all of the fun out of It. A Jury in Spartanburg; has. just awarded a plain tiff ;-$150v damages for being worsted in a-trade. If a man canhot take ad vantage of hisfwits in a horse' trade. hOwr is he to exercise tnem7--'Fiorence (S. C.) TimesV !;' . : ; ..A few years' ago a Spanish mob tore down the United ' States shield from- the American, legation .building. in : faaana. . v xtratetuajr uic State flag floated from one of the win dow's, of the .royal, palace in . honort of the V marriage , of the young ; King1 Spain.' ; These days the war feelingils a 'thing that quickly' passes ' awayl CharlptW .bhronlcle, June i. ; ' ;-C--It ?seems jqiire a ! good; deal of money to;keep theAWhite Hou3e in repair: A- Baltimore Sun . ,'dlspatcli says ' the;;expense3 of "that building: for the year just ended will be flly tjvice ; asf jarge ;k-tsf, anyaiinU history, ; except 1903, " hen' the man sion 1 , was v remodeled. , The ', sundry civil bill .can-ies $113,000 for j expen ses at; the White. House, of whicli'JSo, 000 "is for . extraordinary ; repairs ; in refurnishing and ,$25,000 for traveling expenses of the President, his attend- ants and ' invited guests.' 'This new item, which( is without precedent,' 4s for the purpose of relieving the Presi dent fr6m the, embarrassment 1 of - ac cepting free trains from railway com panies, and is a very proper one. Charlotte Chronicle. - ' . " ' TWINKLINGS. v visltoi- Do you think baby is go ing to resemble his pa?,. Mr. A Yes, I'm sure he 13; he keeps me up every riight. Ally Sloper's Half-Hollday. v "So the multi-millionaires ; held a banquet -las"t night? Was there much excitement?" "I should say so." "What was th.e last thing served?" - 'Sub poenas." Chicago News. . -"Micky; wot's a ' philanthropist?:' "Well, it's like this--if I was to swipe a" quarter from ye when ye wasn't lookin'. , an, den offer . to give ye a dime, if .ye'd promise to buy a tooth brush ; wid it; I'd be one of them things." Life. .. 4: r-: ' -;vV "And when all your ; reforms , are established, I what will .happen, then ?" " Weil," " answered , the man who ; is earnest,- "but not bigoted. "Ii suppose, a lot of the other reformers will arise and want to go back to the good bid ways of their forefathers." Washing ton Star. ':4:'" ' .' ,:v"--, ."Don't you know," definitely ask ed the socialistic orator, -'that the peo ple are now crying out for . justice to keep her eye on the lawbreakers In high places?" "I don't care for that," returned the millionaire rebater, "as long a3 her bandage doesn't slip off." Baltimore American. . - 1 ? Said a distinguished politician to his son: "Look at . me M began as an alderman, and here I am atx the top of the tree; and what is my reward? Why, when I die my son you will be the ; greatest rascal in the city." To this the young hopeful replied : "Yes, dad, when you die, but not U.. then." London Tit-Bits. . ' ; v Death From Lockjaw never follows an Injury dressed with Buckjen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. . Oswald, merchant, of Rensseiaersville, N; Y.? writes: "It cur ed Seth Bttrch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and sores. 25c at all Druggists. . R.ftT.tfca Tne Kind You Have Always Signature ' of NOTICE. William M. Bellamy, administrator of i y.u;,h':?-x Henry Green,- V . v' . vs. Mary C. Green, widof of Henry Green, Henry Green, . Jr., . JanJe Green, , . i C-Mary Green, and josie Green, v: 'r To Mary Green and Josie Green: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by a decree of this CQurt,": you -have this day. been .made parties defendant to this action, and it appearing to the Court that' you are non-residents' of the State and cannot after due diligence be found therein, and ' that - you are necessary parties to . this cause, you are hereby notified to be and appear before me at my office, at the Court House in the City of Wilmington, on Saturday the 2Srd day of June, 1906, and show cause, i any you have,1 why the sale of six lots of land In the City of. "Wilmington this day sold by "William M. Bellamy, commissioner, to - Thomas H. Wright, Walter. Taf t, Joshua Green, W. J, Bel lamy and Mary C. Green, shall not -be confirmed. , And if you do not . appear then and there and show cause, judg ment will be entered against you. . - .This the 23rd day of May, 1908. -; JOHN D.. TAYLOR, : -Clerk bf tb Superior Court -of New .. Hanover County. W..N. HARRISS, Deputy Clerk. may24-Thu-4t The Only Restaurant 118 MARKET STREET Telephone 719 Wilmington, N. C. QUICK LU N CHES. Meals Furnished Any Part of City: Board ing by Day, Week or M onth. A GOOD MEAL FOR 25 CENTS. Nice RoonIn Conhectioii Accommodation Unejccelled. MRS. GEORGIE ULMER, Propri etres. may4-tf J:rv-S.;ii:'";-; ;':'"?'!. ;;. ...,..... Lights Cool Drinks For Hoi, Summer are Nothing more refreshing: For Im ported C; & C. Ginger Ale" and . Deli clous Ginger ie; ApoUinaris and Lith- J ,NeW Stand 131 Market 'St v Z 'Phone 1052. '' V..,.-.:---' : l inayltf ' - 4 ' V. Flour. 7 vt':nfi,-''i: of ptper GROCERIES. us. i our urders.c - Days Hay Mddfe Best renecnon STAR BUSINESS LOCALS! THE STARWILIj SEND WITH- ; OUT CHARGE, J D. T.'l (WEST- " ERN UNION) MESSENGERS j TO ' .YOUR PUACE OF BUSINESS OR ' RESID EN CE FOR ADVERTISE- T ? BIENTS FOR OUR BUSINESS LOCALS DEPARTMENT. "PHONX THE STAJl OFFICE, NO.' 5l4 1 - - lUTESWENTTIlVEr CTS. for each insertion of twenty-five v words, or , less. additional -words,; 'more than .twenty-five, one cent per word. posi TIVELY, cash: in advance: . CtheaS: b;kT MESSENGERS WILL ALSO CALL FOR TELE , GRAMS FOR' THE ; WESTERN BUNION TLEGRAPH CO OR FOR NOTES ; OR ; SMALL PACKAGES H TO v. be delivered ; any- t "WHERE IN V THE 4 CITY- NO CHARGE FdR THE' TELE-' GRAMS, AND. BUT r A SMALL CHARGE FOR v N"OTES I ; AND SMALL PACKAGES; FOR THIS SERVICE CALIT WESTERN UN-, SW .mUXICi i BU'l'.Ii'UH; Ail. ' VERTISEMENTS ALWAYS CALL JTHE ST AR? OFFICE, fPONE 51.. 3C WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CON- sighment of three-car-loads of up-to-date Vehicles, Harness : and Horses. Iemi-Coachesr Short-Neck Coaches, Couples', Victorias, Spider-Golf Wag ons, Basket-seat Umbrella-top Surrey's, Traps, Doctors Buggies, Run-a-bout Station Wagons, Pall-Bearers, Wagon and open and top buggies. Harness; both double, and! single. A large as sortment to select from. Horses, Sad dlers and Buggy .Horses, 7and a -few extra good mated teams. One pair of the finest Carriage Horses ever shown here. - Will be sold-cheap, for want- of room at S. P. Davis' Stables, 208 & 210 Market street. 'Phone 124. 1 - je3-lt ( :r.-"'S '-- . : ' FOR f RENT OR S ALE HOTEL Brunswick at Southport, N. C. House in perfect condition;' forty rooms; un furnished; immediate possession. -' Re liable and . -experienced .; parties only considered. Write at once to Howard C. Curtis, Southport, N. C. je3-2t TWO "TRAVELERS WANTED FOR each Staje;. J100 per . month; samples free; experience unnecessary. Los An geles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo..' , je3-lt ; ,. :, . -. -WANTED TO BUY; A PONY OR A pony and turnout. Address "V," 212 Red Cross street, Wilmington, - N. C. or call 'nhone 3fif. ...... 1p2-1t je3-lt WANTED A POSITION AS STENO- grapher by . young lady just returned from King's Business College. Ad dress "M," car Star. . Je3-lt FOR RENT HOUSE NO.. 415 NORTH Fourth ; street; all modern improve ments; cistern water. Apply to C. P. B. Mahler; 501 North Fourth street. 'Phone 184. ; - . je3-lt . SALESMEN,; MAKE 40 WEEKLY, selling our famous imperial 'disc ' talk ing machine direct from our factory. Also, Records. Rogers Mfg. Co., 48 West Twenty-seventh street, New York City. . ; , , jfe3rlt. : IF YOU "ARE EARNING LESS THAN $50- weekly,, we will show you : how to double your income or. salary. No in vestments required. v Address Manager, 18-20 River street, Chicago. jeSlt FOUND A BUNCH, OF KEYS ON Steamer Com pton,s wharf. Owner can get same- by applying to Star office and paying for advertisement. . i ; . ; iv . je 2 tf FOR SALE MY DRUG- BUSINESS No. 107. Princess, near Front streets It Is the best location In the city for the fountain, cigars ana prescription trade, as well as gen eral drugs. Terms - reasonable. Apply to Adolph G. Ahrens. ,' ; ' je 2 lw ' HAVING BOUGHT THE PALACE Market,I 'sliallbe pleased to serve my friends drthepuhlic th fifesri meats of all kird and game inseasan. J. w.tBateQn: Phorie. 72. 1e2-tf THE FntM OF RAGGETT BROTHERS has . been dissolved by mutual consent. J. F. Baggett having sold his Interest to L. W. Baggett who will continue the business urider the old firm name of Baggett Brothers: . K W. Baggett." J. F. Baggett. r . , f jel-3t NOTICHT IS HEREBy GIVEN THAT the undersigned will apply to the Board of Aldermen and the County Commis sioners for license to retail liquor from July 1st at N. W. corner ; Fourth and Nixon streets. -vL. P. Dennis. . jel-4t ' ..;-.:;-':v ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned will apply to the Board of '"Aidermen ! and the t County Qommissioner fort license to retail liq uor fromJuly, 1st- at "southeast ' corner of Grace . and - N. Water Streets. Tim Robinson & Co. . may30-l awic-4w" 7 ' ' J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t nfi nnrlorclomo1 - Mil . the Board of Aldermen of the City and to the Commissioners of New Hanover county for license to . retail liquor from July 1st at Southeast corner of Fourth and Nixon Btreets R. B. Futch. frwe ; .: May 30 6t HOTEL TARRYMOORE-flPPMS June : 1st: The ;' finest , and mo3t up-to- aate Summer resort on the 'North Carolina Coast. . Cuisine and service unexcelled. A haven of rest for' thnr seeking., to escapeVthe l'lieat and . dust oi tne city. A ; paradise for children. Every amusement pertaining to a flr3t class Summer; resort. W. , J. Moore, Prop. Wrightsville Beach, N. C J may 26-tf Bank, Darlington, S, C, to . Murchison oiiouai : canK, enclosing checks and Jii-rZ 1 ueeu osu suicaDie reward will be paid: for return vof thPSA pa pers. -J.--V. Gralneer.. cashier. f . r : , y not have ;An experienc- ed tinner:' tnnalnt' vnrii'- iniow Mnfa . , j v v. butiuuia With . a-paint guaranteed - f Ar threa years? cReferehce furnished. Percy I. Smith, Phones 952-1106. 4 No. 20, North Second street? r e raa29-6t ' - FOR i4 fsmimn & w. ; r' 1 1 11 wte Shoulders or: Anything' you may need In Fanev nnd J?tnriof-ri and Vegetables in season. Call 'phone 547 and- have-- vmir '.urnTita ' emiiiij niclcf;?ctalgr. may29-tf TfR f TT'.'V'n -'-'A 1rri ' r rr-rt rvvc, ... . . Hotels Tarrymoore are- cordially. Invit ed .to. attend the grand opening1 ball to be .given- there next Monday night. Juneth. ,.mayS0-5tv WANTPED A'f. FIRST CIASS CLOTH- iug uaiesman ana fitocK clerk . v. SPECIAL SAL TO-DAY SELU out ttMlay all ot my stock at reduced J..W..: Batsonr Grocer,; corner- Fourth Nun Btreets. , . , myj FOR SALE ONE ilttOTOR BoT good rtmning condiUon.c Apply top nl 126, City. -1 - J mvaVV 1,000 LOADS WOOD CHEAP will sell for. ttie next thlry days goiv7l ooard ends' for 35 cents a load at the$' three loads for Sl.OO.r.Send .your cam gola Lumber Co. TT?T-- HKflV.IVIin ; J ATWtfinf uWTT- cholceNorth Carolina hams.' Fresh veo every morning,: We carry the best fanp staDle errocerles. If you want anvthi y1 jcalf 'phone 547 S. F. Craig . mz MEN AND BOYSi .WAXTPn y I learn plumbing, i plastering-, briciri ? alogue. Coyne Bros.' Trade Sot New , York, Chicago, St. Louis. u may 13-t ;',.';'.' . - FRESH ARRIVALS -BAN AVs." pies. Onions.: Oranges. Cabbaee ' L.rish Potatoes, two cars just a A. & WinsteadV ; afl ! TOU BUSY TO WRITE AD VRn" ments.. Wilmington Pressine pi.:? ; THOU SHALT KNOW THE HiT "Forewarned is; Forearmed:" tcw oocirs, JtfooK, jusc published l tn, won what!! Vfmr'-1lf!8'9l: 1 rie-hto r te8 . v. ... . . ' ill VflK how- to-' maintain :theni; useful to hn13 ness men and mechanics, married men and single .women. Thousand,, spent yearly J by ; people who oueT know - better, - and would if bettt " formed.- Every boy and girl shr taught 1 - -rrr- - the general princinles i v rrrL. ... w in tv - x wv Avi uio Will PnnVi you to t draw i: legal documents S? law: a lit? uuaiucaa lurn n 11 Its -pages will tell you when tn ? court- and v when to avoid litip-f Prlno JS flft in Iw- av1o v""u. $2.50 in half Morocco binding; exDr ' age paid on -r. receipt of price. B0nv - .v. vn. n nnm.. agents snouia write lor terras. AcMre the President of this company, is one i the oldest and best-known publiD may22-tf - A RELIABLE JEWELER. I have opened a business at No. 5 North Second. Street where you can get the broken watch fixed, old clocks made -new, and every description V jewelry-repaired at short notice. have had years of experience In tie' business,) and every article whkij leaves my place is guaranteed. I recently installed modern machined and tools to do up-to-date work. Qm me a trial JOHN O. STEWART, apr5-tf S North Second Street Big Excursion to Fayetteville. "AH aboard for Fayetteville" is thi cry-of the wise and knowing ones- thoUe who know that the $1.25 excur- J J - 1 J T" 11 Ml ' siun 10 ; oe i given 10 1? ayeiievm! 03 Monday, June . 4th, is worth many! times-that amount. It is up to you get in line, and be classed with thosl who know, a good thing. This .promises to be one of the most cessful of the: season. This hige- J cursion will be under the managemei; of Thomas H. Knight, which is a sufi- 1 1 clent guarantee that it will be altef is promised. Th conduct of hia cursions Is too well known for cos ment. Train, leaves A. C. L. depot if 7330VA. M.; ,and wfll leave Fayette! on the return at p:00 P. M. I Notice is hereby giver that we have this day & bur Ice making plant an Ice . business to R. m Wallace, Trustee. Tn retirinor from the Ic1 business we wish to than! this community for tM generous support, and sq ucit a continuance 01 m same for our successor. Wm. E. Worth & Cq Offioe Cor. Nutt and Walnut Strei - Telephone No. 1265. April 11, 1906. FOR REGREATIO TAKE AN AUTOMOBILE RID PHONE 741. L. ki' loble. V ' Fred. E. HerM Automobiles chartered by d t . . ..... . i or - hour.; : Seating capacity four. ' may22, Turf,Sun-tf 1 .till Ooarsnteei vAJ i IrriUtion r "mtrrf - ' :c n W I! H H""- . J i ' C!HC5HATl,0.r 1 by raff J a. tonrier ' ,s , i W CiroaUT fen I