VOL. luSXynlNC) 5 6 . -WHOLE TJMBEB 12023. .v "" v . ; . x u ounciiwu mu vwas passed yes terday and signed , by . President .RooseJ velt wltneonsidebleeremon lahoma and Indian' Territory come in to the Unicni a the state of Oklaho ma and iesof-&ewM co : and. 'Arizona can; come in as' the State of Arizona" as soon-as they tote separately in tlflao6ft:I;. abling f act-Presideni V Roosevelt yesterday made rejoinder, to .Chairman Wadsworth's- statement about Si the meat inspection - blll?andT"While he ac; knowledges, that hie was in error about night inspection; he again , knrjcks the committee's bill the committee meets Monday to 1hsider the president's suggestions-:In the United .States Circuit Court! at?- Chicago !y esterdayV John Alexander 'Dbwledeclared that he r is Eltiah,the; Prophet,, and told Ihow the revelation case came upon him Tremendous "flpodsTaround Augus ta have "washed .away, bridges, v, under mined railroad tracks; . caused 1 two wrecks, fsnut down -cotton factories and ruined croDS : - reDorts of damaee by floods also fdme from Florence !and Savannah --Thfi Southern soft yarn spinners can't supply the demand and have decided, to. increase the orice of all grades- The horrors at Bialystok Russia continue, infuriated mobs con tinuing .to ' wreak vengenance on the Jews, who are fighting in revenge and despairr-rHRjepife;stait ive :, Uester of Georgia, died In. Washington last even ing from injuries from falling through a skylight in the apartment house in i which he - resided- New York mar kets: Money on" call, nominal, no loans; time loans, firm; spot cotton, quiet, lL20;fIirt firmbutauiet; wheat irregular jNo;2 red, 9 5--elevator; . corn firm; No. 2 ; 61 "1-2 eleva tor; oats firm, ;mixed,;45 .12;"itpenr tine steady,61; 611-2: irosin, firm, strained commo: to good, 4.a0rto 4.05 By a slight ;Change "of plumage he' Summer girl is "transformed into the' seashore "'igiricfSPC-1: The cry of "-tainted money' must cease now. TntedJbeef Jia) got it "skinned to death. The air ship is flying-Joe Caldweli'i ajMehlste resenuui oioopoiouua i . T-ti? -a - -, It really doeslseemtiiatj injttelcase of Wmiam' Jennl lends enchantment to the view. ; : .V Uncle Joe sesms t'tieconftdent; that any iheat'inspeonO)Ul?tle - will let the House pass will -be satisfactory Anyhow, our - esteemed v wntempor- arv, the News ' and1 . Observer, wiu fje more room-for Society news and tVVlike. u ' - aC'A The most . unfavorable 'development for Bryan is the ' announcementof a. prominent ;- Standard Oil man that he Tin support himr ;;; -. v ': President Castro, of Venezuela, who laid down the cares of office; and. re tired for a few months ' will resume devilment, July 5tlL - " We observe that some, of our ex changes are still v advertising "Bromb Dia." And, very iappropriately the ad vertisement is"" headed "Bromonia free." ? ' 'V.' 4H too many of7the gentlemen, repre senting "the classes" ''iumD into the 'ryan band wagon a ' trailer will have to be hitched on to accommodate "the masses." ' ':' : ; ' v' ' - J :' A Speaker Cannon was askedvf or . his opinion about the- nrondsed meat ' in flection bill but .instead of doing so Save a sort ofTsidwininsr ODinion at,cut One who is having so much; to auuut me jneat' inspection dm. - . . .- v aii exchange remarks that the pack- Eg houses le t' no : part of - a slaughter animal go to iwaste," even the tail teiDg canned" Wli - if sppttis! that if aey would only do s-all the; packers ua a tale unfold. u 13 stated that Gas Addick's. wh gS asain defeated ior the United ates Senate in Delaware a fedays ,r Wl11 try again :. next year eks and John T. - Patrick " 'Ad- would ke a good team - whe'ii . it Comes . to elusins to give"the:'fight.4-:lIS tt. . . , -m:Msh tnCle .Tnp'c Tm o n Af h 1 -rvcU Posed ieat inspection bill were veiled Km T a doubt lfle .White House burned ' when he uat Uncle Joe - said: ,"The floor me House is the placefor; debate, wation and action regarding; a vbich is pending iegislation.' s the way UcleJoeletspIe . when hft thiAta thpH rftcins VlMulLl rULII ILJs Wilmington prWrightsville Beach gressional Convention DELEGATES TO GREENSBORO ; - : '" '" J - c . - . . ' ?.-.. r-T -f -..- ; - r. ,T.-v v i ' v. ." . ,.- V Cairman G. J. Boney Announced List Fffrm New Hanover Yesterday y? Others Are Not Yet'Forthcom- . -. ing Notes of Interest. -There was a revival 'of interest in local political circles - yesterday upon the) ar6uhcement;of the delegates to the State convention by Chairman G. J. Boney; of the recent Democratic County Convention. Mr. Boney says it jrill bV several . days yet before, the delegates to 'the Congressional; Con vention are announced, most probably not until after the convention is' call ed. New Hanover, is entitled to .nine votes ' in the . State Convention, and that number of delegates and an equal numbejr of alternates are named. The list Is as follows: .' Jno. D. Bellamy, E.-K. Bryan, J; O. Carr, X E. Merritt, Walker Taylor,. R. H. Brady, C. W. Bishop, J. I. Metts and H. E. Bonitz. - ? - Alternates W. E. Springer, Jessie Wilder, C. W. Worth, J. T. Kerr, J. A; -Montgomery, C. C. "Brown, H. G. Fennell, H. C. Bear and W.' H. Yopp. ' The State Convention meets in Greensboro on July 5th., , but as there are no very marked contests this "year the attendance will likely, not be large. The - representation from New Han dover is composed of leading citizens from the wads .and townships of the county and all. the apopintments are regarded the best that could have been made, -v- : r "' -?:"'- ; : c' s The? Congressional Convention, r For; several; days there has-been a perstentTumpr-,tfiat ja majority of the executive committee of the Con gressional District . wej-e in favor of holdi4 the convention t;Fayetteville, but . yesterday, it; was ;earned from a reliable - source that f there f is ; yet hope -pf isecuringthel meeting v for Wilmingtonor rlgtsviUe Beach;? It divided as tothe piace of holding the' Convention, and that George HBella my,Esli; - of Brunswick cototy "has; theecidink yoteHThe; advantages of Wilmington i as the VlbgicaJ place" for the Convention; are easily Appreciated and : it - is hoped that influences can be : brought to bear .to ' get the - bijg meeting here: It is hardly' supposed that Mr. , Bellamy will be opposed to Wilmington, ; though he has not de finitely expressed himself as yet. The Convention could he easily accommo n.kA of wt-Ip-TisvUIa Beach or in . the court 'House oif Academy "of Music .in this city, wiimm&uuii , wow cessfble ; by five lines -of . railway and the schedules through the District are now such as would be of the. greatest convenience S to the , large vnumur 4 delegates who wiU be present and who should be. considered by the Con tee'in making its selection. There is scarcely a doubt but that a large ma jority of the delegates, nearly all ; of whom have heen appointed except in New Hanover county, would much pre fer to come Ato Wilmington or the Beafch. Fayetteville had the Conven tion four years ago when ; there was the only contest equal to the .pne.n. and that city could hardly strenuous, ly . resist the coming . of the Convea tion vto Wilmington this year. ', N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Piatt &' Haar Specials. ; . , ; v r Attention Odd Fellows. ,W. B. Cooper Salty. Salt. ; ;; r . ; Sol Bear & Co. Schlitz Beer.c .W' Munroe 'Co. Picnic For Two. Concord Chapter No. ltkR..A. M. Meeiin'g. - A ' -.1 ' , ; -S ,r ' ' .'Atlantic National Bank Place ;Your Account. : . . H: W. Polvogt Bargains. Company-Especial Business Locals: wariVofliTSdv orTGentleman; I. x'L. Works Agents Wanted. -$ Wanted--TwoV Furnished' Rooms; , S S. J. Davis Pasture -for--Horses. : e6R:'BateestaufantiForfSale. Carolina' Machinery JCoSaw Mills, Etc. : . ' ' .-,; V McDonald Paint Co: Roofswater- K McDonald alnoser Paint.'1 . ;. JilcDonald Painti-;Co.- -PropertyJ ; Carolina j Machinery ; Co. Engines . Carolina1' Cider wa,ii&r Salesmen Wanted.' . - . ' ;. Carolina . Machinery Co. ;Foos . Gasoline ' Engines; '1. i v ' ; ; : 4 S:- , No crowding,' ho' pushing; ;iio.: 4am-. ming and? a happyday:for- everybody at Carolina Beach to-day: - J ,cLmina. half f hour to .Cars Lumina. every MAY . NOT CLOSE HOSPITAL Congressmarr Patterson Telegraphs cretaty Shaw; Has Agreed t0 Re-open; the Matter. Stronger hopes than ever are now entertained that the Marine Hospital in this city will not be closed on Jul v Nlst, as iwasxorderod durine-the nast week. by Surgeon General Wyman up pn instructions from the Treasury De partment. ; ;-;.:' ":V0l''-: . Mr. L. : B. ; Rogers, president otlthi Merchants' . Association, and Mr. George R. French, secretary and treas urer of the Board of Managers, of the James Walker ' Memorial Hospital, were each in receipt of a telegram from Congressman Patterson yester day stating that Secretary Shaw had agreed to I re-opan the" matter and this is believed to be full of signifi cance. ' v.'"'--.- S' W . Both Congressman Patterson and Senator Simmons havebeen very ac tive in the matter and are due the thanks of. the community for their in terest. In a letter to Mr. Rogers, Con gressman Patterson says that the delegations , in Congress ( from . other parts of the country where hospitals have also been discontinued are also pressing, their claims before the De partment and their aid will belvalua ble in this connection. Mr. Patterson further says that the Wilmington hos pital being the only institution of the kind between Baltimore and Mobile and being so much nearer the ocean than other hospitals, he thinks they should he successful in their efforts to get a revocation of the order. ( The telegram to Mr. Rogers from Con gressman Patterson reads as follows : Mr. L. B. Rogers, President Wilming ton Merchants; Association: " - Secretary Shaw agrees to order an other investigation as to the Marine Hospital. Looks more favorable for prevention of discontinuance of. your hospital. G. B. PATTERSON. ' SCHOONER SABEAN IN PORT. Vessel That Was Thought to Have Y Been tost Off This Coast. The" British schooner E. . A, Sabean, Capt. . Sabean, which was ; thought to have ; been theyessel sunk; off X this coast durin$ihe;Btojm aof last, week. but 'which' later proved to beTthe "Jen nie. sweney, arrivea saieiy in pori yesterday rafter a; .very rough' passage irom Norfolk, Vii., with part; cargo of coal. She will, complete . . her cargo with shingles here for Kingston, Ja maica. Capt. Sabean is very well known 'in this port and 1 his friends are rejoiced that he is safely in. His viesself jwas in, here a year ago last Winter and when its' was reported that he was lost last week there were expressions' of ; regret at his untimely J fate The Sabean had been out from Norfolk since yesterday a week ago and was blown off i shore My the storm k)f Tuesday night. MEMORIAL SERVICES, TO-NIGHT.. Odd; Fellows Will Observe Honored Custom The Annual Sermon; The Odd ' Fellows, of Wilmington, will to-night observe their annual me morial service at4 St. Andrew's Pres byterian Church. The sermon' will be by the pastor, Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., a member of the fraternity and one who. may he expected to say some thing appropriate and eloquent. The members of the order and all visiting Odd Fellows are requested to assem ble at their lodge room at 7:30 o'clock this evening for the purpose of march ing to 'the church in a body and 'occu pying special seats reserved for them. - v .- mm ;; LUMINA;. BOWLING CONTEST. Prize Won a Second Time Last Night by R. C. Orr. ; ;.; V ' At the close of the. Lumina bowl ing contest last night, Mr. R. C. Orr "was again , the winner. His, score ana that of the others are as ioirows . v. C. Orr 409L. W. Austin i01, J. McRee Hatch, 379, C. R. .Brinkley 371 and A. F. Aamond 321 Mr Orr gets the prize of $5 offered by Mr Scott of the bowling- alley, ; for th : highest score : for the .week on the , play-off. . Another contest 'will begin at Lumina . this week. ,' W--:r- : .: '- K By? a Wilmington vComposeK ; ; ; ; Tbe Strenuous Life," -is the title of a march just placed on sale at' the music stores r6t 1 the country.' ,; it s composedf by Mr.xxW; Z. ' Corbett,. of this city, who adopts for his; musical; compositions ; the.same, nom ' de; plume of .Z. Fullblbodwhich ;he;J;has used "f 6r . a . inuihber of his poetical fwritings, ; The; marcn; is puousucu , uX George Willing Co., or .itimore, and is on "sale-, at-Stieff's i Music Store in this city. Mr. Corbett has received many congratulations from cometeit musical: critics : "the -successof -his effort, in 'this; latest production.- Plenty oimement a tCarOlina, Beach'sinanieor;- thoSewhp r,warit to' rest. - ' ' Lmlna. , - -Cars every half, hour to Lumina. THE-SUMMER SCHOOL Second Day's Session of Impor tant Body of Christian Wof k ; ers at : Wrightsville THE INTERESTING ADDRESSES programme For To-day , Will Be Found An Engaging OneAn Inereas9 ' Yesterday Many Others Com- ing This Week. ine second day's, sessions of the North Carolina Summer School at the Seashore Hotel, Wrightsville v beach, yesterday ;was marked by an increas ed attendance and able discourses up on tne, mvost approved methods of Sunday School work: While the at tendance Is not yet .large, visitors are constantly arriving and by the opening or tnis week there will be several hun dred persons on the beach for these meetings. r ; - The programme yesterday included a treatise of ., the four gospels by Dr. Hamill, Jhe dean daily drill by Miss Hilda : North, of .Washington, D. C. illustrating the International Sunday School Lessons; "The Corner Css" by Mrs. Hamill, Primary Specialist; "Teaching an Art," by Dr. Hamill; "Equinping ,the - School," by Prof. Carre, of Vanderbilt University; "Pro testantism," an able discourse by Dr. Scherer; of Newberry Oollegle, and "The Home Department,"1 by Dr. Hamill. . Dr. L. F. Beatty, of Marion, S. C, one ofy -the Sunday School edi tors, who was expected to come and speak on Sunday School Helps, tele graphed that owing to a death in his family, he could not be presentf This was a . great disappointment but the programme otherwise was very complete- and entertaining to the large 1 number of Sunday School : workers in attendance. . ' Miss Hilda North" arrived on- the morning train and took up her series of daily ;drlris r withj lapb'oard and pad sketching, ; which - will jbe a feature daily during the' institute. Miss North israecteljstto line ahdefficrof- lighted thit sews detainedfor; not longer than' a day. ;; , , , To-day at model Sunday' School will be conducted in the auditorium of the hotel by Dr. Hamill and . this will be found quite interesting to -all. At 11 : 16 o'clock Prof. Carre will speak in the absence of Bishop Atkins, who was expected to preach at that nour. At 4 o'clock in the . afternoon there will be a mass meeting of all Sunday School workers in the auditorium, "Home Life in Japan" will be discuss ed by President Scherer, of Newberry College; , "Famous Sunday - Schools," by Dr. Hamill, and ''Children of the Church," by Mrs. Hamill. it is expect ed that for these services there will fbe a large attendance from the city. All are most cordially invited. Ep worth League Conference. J The annual conference of the Ep worth League of-the North Carolina Conference assembled last night in the iHoteKTarrymoore, on the .beach, and there was a good attendance. Rev. G. T. Adams, the president was in the chair . and Rev. H. . B. Anderson, of Enfield, was present as secretary. Rev. Euclid McWhprter,'of Maxton, was -the first speaker and treated in a master ly way "Possibilities of the League to Meet the ..Demands of the Young , Life of the Church for Wholesome Amuse ment" Rev.;Mr. -Whorteriwas heard with a great deal of interest. . The next was an especially well prepared paper by Miss 'Minnie, C Hancock, of Newbern, who; discussed the literary side of the 1 Epwbrth LeagUe. Her pa per was really so well prepared and vauable .that by unanimous vote she was requested-to furnish a manu script of the same for . publication in the North Carolina. Christian " Advo cate. "How to Make the League Go" was an extremely practical address by C.? Ed. Taylor, Esq.; of SputhporL- Mr. Taylor has a splendid delivery and the subject matter of ; his address was in teresting and profitable X to all .who heard ? him. . f -; j; u-M- 3 Fokrtwing, the set addresses a ques tion box was opened and a very, enter-. tainihg discussion Jololwed; in which nearly all present ; took' a part, , this feature proving one o the most ant" of the evejiin'g.';-After this infor mal proceeding, " .business ; was taen up: Rev. MS Anderson declined:. reelection- as secretary and Rev. Euclid McWhorter . was chosen ; to succeed him.4 ; Rev. 7M1. Adams : r .1 as president and the. following vice presi dents .were announced; Rev. J( H, Frir zell, ot SanfordMIss'Ha TflTninsrtonfMisa?CaeDherl0f3 Southpbrt" and i Miss ;Minhie Hancock; of 'Newbjernvf ;s; L7 Duringithe progress of the : meeting the "Epworth, Leaguers; were delighted with ' several selections , y' the rConf er ence' Quartette, ? which'ii Composed- of Rev. A.' J. Parker, .of Wilmington, first tenor; Rev J. H. JFrizell," of Sanford," TWO KILLED AT MOUNT OLIVE i-iye; WiwcrossiSidewaik Down Megitp Boy and Another ' Wno Attempted to Release Him. : " - Special' Star Telegram. v ' -Mount Olive, N. C, June : 16. Ex citement and conste rnation : " r eigne d supreme here; this evening about 6: 30 o'clock amongii the large crowd that thronged the streets on Saturday when a young negro man Festus Winn, aged and a negro boy, John Williams, about seven years old,, were instantly killed by contact with- a telephone wire that had in some manner been broken and fallen across an electric light wire and then 'to the ground charged with 2,200 volts of electricity. In walking down , the sidewalk " it seems that the boy ' stepped . on .the live wire which. had formed a circuit by contact with the earth. This at tracted the attenti-on of those " near by and Festus Winn, the second Vic tim, ran o the boy's assistance. Im mediately upon touching the - boy, Winn was also hurled into eternity. One bther who attempted to ; release the boy from the, wire was hurled ful ly, ten feet away but not seriously in jured. . . . . Both1 of the dead bodies were horri bly burned and charred and presented a sickening apeparance to those who viewed them. The young neero man belonged to one of our most respecta ble colored , families.. Pounded the . Pastor. ' T ; - No pastor of a Wilmington church is more highly appreciated' by his con gregation than is the Rev. AJ, Par ker,, of . Bladen Street M. E. church and this was abundantly evidenced by an old-fashioned pounding which Rev. Mr: and Mrs. Parker received on Fri day evening. 'Quite without their keowledge the doors of the parsonage flew wide Just after the supper hour and in came pouring members of the congregation of all ages, sizes and j-sexes, led by Mr. and Mrs. ,J. L. Mid dletom They brought all kind of dain ties and :. substantiate as wejl and the Parkier larder . will vbe supplied? for days ; to , come hy. the generosity pf these good ,'pople'. 0 ' ' ,'; wlng aoSe thaH senger have ! made complaint of .; the' nuisance, Capt Harper of the . steamy er '.Wilmington;; has: announced thatin future a charge, of 25 cents ' will :be made; for all dogs ; transported on' the boat to afld irom the' beachnil South port. In deference to his many frienda among the dog owning fraternity; Capt. Harper desisted from, tnis ac tion as long as possible t but the num ber of . canines increased so- rapidly that he was forced to take the step. Were te dogs are leashed and un der the personal charge of the owner, the nUisance -is not so bad but it is impossible to,keep them tied and the new rule now goes into, effect at once. Baseball r. Excursion. y - ; The Market Street Giants of the City Baseball League will run an ex cursion to Carolina Beach oh Tues day evening of this week on the Steamer Wilmington. - "It will be a moonlight affair with lots of amuse ment for ; the - enjoyment "of ? all who take the trip. The boat will leave at 7:45 P. M. and the friends of the team are InVited.; The; fare will be only 25 cents and tickets may be had of any member of the team. .The boys promise everybody . a good time and the best of order. - V - ' United States Court' Tuesday. ' The United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Judge' Thosv R. Purnell, of Raleigh, presiding; will convene here Tuesday; the; especial, purpose of the special term being; the re-sentencing ' of the negro mutineers Aaams ana sawyer. While in attendance upon this session U. S. , Marshal ;Dockery will arrange for the hanging of the negro Scott, which will take place in the county jail, here. : ' ' '." ". '"?.-.-'.' "'-';-; Bladen Street M. E. Church To-day. . Z At Bladen Street M. E. Church , to flnv at 1 1 i A ' M .. t.bp. rrmarfisrotinit will 1 have ;the rare "pportundty;; of-listening 2V. J. H Frizzell of . Sanford, one j to Rev. of thejea'ding -men, jof ,th.ec.Qnj!erence At night Rev. Euclid McWorther; who is pleasantly known byr.; Wilmmgtom people will speak and at'bbth"services theNorthiCarplind -.Conference; Quartr e. win smg. second tenqr jT-SRev' ETv McWhorter, vpf Maxton,- first' bass, and Mr R.':M. Phil- ays, ot jctaieign, , secona oass. Tbe quartette is also, singing f oi "the Sum- rhier; School at the : beach and; is add- iletpthe Jsuccesstliat meeting." 'By ; special: request quar tette .will fsiig Cat iBladeniStreet M. Ei Church'ioy'Catbo , 'T apena KXne aayf a and-- enjoy yourself. 9: 30; 2: 30, and' 7: 45: Carolina Beach Boat leaves, at , Lmina. x - iCars every half hour to Lumina. - Two Execellent Games IrtjCity BaselwII iLeaguf .0jiiSS Park Yesterday ' THE SCORES WERE CLOSE Y. M4C, A; Defeated By Four to One land Ntonarchs by Four to Th - The Innings anjd Summary of .. Each Contest. t , In spite of v the damp. dlsaireeaiSi a i weather, there were over three hun- 5 dred of the "faithful" at Hilton Park yesterday afternoon f or; the third se ries of games in the" City Baseball ; ' League. Two fine exhibitions "were ; witnessed; the Y. M. C. A. going down before the'Seventh Street Rattlers and the Market Street Giants defeating the ; ' Monarchs. Both were by close scores, 1 he Rattlers winning fourao one and thev Market Street Giants fonrKtov three. All the tems were 4 downl to hard, fast playing and there' was mot k a dull moment from the time the um- pires? shouted "play ball" until the last man was out.. Many pronounced 'd thegames as good as were ever seen on the local diamond; barring none. The first game was betweenthe . Rat tiers and Y. M. C. A. -.and . fhfl Rhor-' .ing did not begin until-the second in ning when the winners put in two men.1 In the, fourth inning the-Y. M.: C. A. sent a man oyer, the plate and the. only one ot the , game.. 'The' Rattlers sent one' more across in the fifth - and r sixth innings but after that there was no more run-get'tihg. The Sco.re:. : ; . R. H. E. S: S. R. . ..00-2 0 1 1 0 0 x 4: 8. 4- 5 Y. M. C. A. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 f85 Summary Earned Runs; S. S.: R., 0; Y. M. C. A.J1. Two Rakp mt W T. King. First . Base on Balls; Duls, 1. Left on bases, Y. M. C. A:, 6. Dmble -plays, Alderman to Wllk ns-on to Ta-. ' ! lor. First, base on errors.'.Y. M. C. Al, r ' f 2; S. R., 1. Hit . by pitched ball, ; Brittain. - Time, 1: X5;i Umpire. "Mr. J. . Ed. -Imithi ':f0:BffM Jn -ihe second rgamWthe Monarchs - se -eggs for mem tor the remain. ing eight innings. The. Giants scored two in the , third "i inning and. two ; in I thev eighth, r thereby ; cinching the game.. : Up to that time t it - belonged tp;the;fonarchs but they": let it:liiil from; them at the critical moment andt too late - to be recovered. - ' VThe Score: -A-;:-,.' R.-H. E.';- fM. S. Ga . .O 0 2 0 0.0 ft' 9. V i. ' ''. a 1 Monarchs .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 ? t ., 7 ; ; Summary Earned Runs, hone: First Base on Balls, Gore, 1,-Jackson; "5. ' Struck out, by Gore, 10; by Jackson, 3. t Left on bases; Monarchs 2 ; MV; S.;; vx. &. . p irst base on errors. M" S g:. 1 Time Moore. lao; Umpire - Mrr, Louis" At Carolina Beach Tp-day. - ' A pleasant day is assuredl everybody ' who takes the trip ; to Carolina Beach..!' ;-to-day. ;- There will be -three trips"of ' the: steamer and at the : beach there r will b3 found lots' to intereseand'prove' V ' a diversion for the toilers of 4he week, -There are now ample; arrangements V for; those who desire to 'remain ; over for a meal and the patronage in this .; line is increasing. :The . fare ' for the round trip 46 Carolina Beach is 25 cents." . : ; ;. ; ' 'only Examinedj.FprJrorn Lieutenants t ghes-Mould, ''Mur- - ' : ray, Stayton and Cotteh,' of the Unit- : -' ' ' ; . ed States Army . post at Fort'Caswell; will proceed to Forf' Monnde to" be ' examined for ; ? promotidh;.i ILieuts; ; v' c : Hughes and jMould:f6rapm,d1 Lieuts.;-' Murray Stayton '. andv Cotten . - for First Lieutenants..". ' The -three' last name wil1 stay at Fortifonroe and spend; a year at the. Artillery; School ior officers. , . . v.. ' '. ''V- Their Infant VtWiMsUWMiM :' Friends j of Mri: laSMrsljuiidK Moore; of ; 520 Brunswick street.1 will sympathizetwiththemlinthe OI their Infant son, Paul p; Moore.'. a&e ' - i. j days,' which occurred before day -yes-- ; . - !, I . aixc .remaAus ;. were . . ' :." .: I taken; yesterday:. naorning : ;to Burgaw," .- :r J 1 ss. u., ior mterment.:i.Vfr-fcr&sf '.-.. T- Police CpurtYesterday. v- l . , - There were- only' two cases' before Mayor .yesterday, - both plain .drunks-' James Anderson.-oolorpd mrrct v.- .' Officer J.; X Moore, was' fined$5 - and costs , and ttiie same pnnlshment was v meted, out to ; O. J. Amett, wite, ar-: restedby ;6fficer :S. A. Nichols; for thesam;6ffence.N , . . - Pictures of x'Frisco Disaster. ; -: The next offering in Tthe ' Snmrnftr stock vat the lAcademv;, of nvfncU Wri ; hean up-to-date moving picture shD featuring scenes -of: the - San jFrancis co ; disaster.. - The: attraction comesi week ffrfom. tomorrow night and;"111 no doubt prove an . attractive''onV-V Mm "v i ..V'. .' m f ' :'--.i".S 1 . ...' .' , ; ." ) ! -4 4 t