- t PAGE TWO. : TM ;aai morning 3tar wtlmington jfSc.S : r f 4 Sbe flUorning Stat. Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, Owner, and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. rC. Wednesday Morning, June 20. Entered as ,second-class matter at the postofflce at Wilmington, ,N. C, under, the Act of Congress of March S. 1879. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. ; . ' f . THE MORNING . STAR, the oldest daily paper in North Carolina, is pub lished daily except Monday, $5.00 a year, $2.50 for- six months, JI.25 for three-months, 50 cents for one month to mail-subscribers.. Delivered to city subscribers at the rate of 45 cents per ' month for any period from one month to one year. - ; , ADVERTISING RATES (DAIiD One inch, - one day, J 1:00; two days $1.50; three days, $2.00; four days, $2.50; five days, $3.00; one week. $8.50: . two weeks, $6.50; f three iweeks, .&; one-month, $10.00; two months, $17.00; ' three months, $24.00; six months, $40.00; 'twelve months, $60.00. Twelve, lines -of .solid Nonpariel type .make one inch. THE WEEKLY STAR is published every Friday morning at $1.00 per year, 60 cents , for six months, 30 : cents for three months. " ' ----v - ; All ' announcements ofi Fairs, Festi vals, Balls, Hops, Picnics, Society Meetings, Political meetings, etc., will be charged regular advertising rates. Advertisements discontinued r. before the time contracted for, has ' expired, charged transient rates for time ac- tualy published. . ; -S i- v r No advertisements inserted in Local Columns at any rate. v ; All announcements and recommenda tions of candidates for office, whether . In the shape -" of- communications or otherwise, will be charged as adver tisemerits. :t: . v- - ; " ' Payments - for transient . advertise v ments must be made in advance. . Known parties, or strangers with prop er rererence, may pay monthly or quar- terly, - according to contract. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Express or in Registered Letter. Only such re mittances will be a,t the risk of the publisher. - ' : Communications, unless they contain important news or discuss briefly and ' properly, subjects of. real interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be re jected if the real name of the author is withheld.- - . Notices of Marriage or Death, Trib ute of Respect, Resolutions, of Thanks, etc, are charged for as ordinary ad ver- , tisements, --, but only half rates when paid .for strictly in advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple an- i nouncement of Marriage or Death . . Advertisements inserted once a wcek' in vauy win be charged $1.00 per inch for - each - insertion. Every other day, .three-fourths of -daily rate. .Twice a week, two-thirds of daily, rate. - Contract advertisers win not be al lowed to ; exceed their, space or adver tise anything foreign to their regular business1 without extra charge at tran sient rates, j . . . - .Avertisements Kept under the head of "New Advertisements", will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Advertisements to . follow reading matter, or to occupy any special piace, will be charged extra according to tha position desired. U P TO P R ESI D ENT ROOS EVELT. In the debate on' the Panama canal bill in Congress last week the Demo crats made 'a strenuous effort to save the taxpayers of this country millions of - dollars In the purchase of material for canal construction. That effort consisted in so -amending the act as to j prevenS extortton on the part! pt " the protected -trusts who are benefi ciaries of the tariff laws and yet hare , it in; their power' to make the govern ment pay milch higher, prices for ma terial j than the same can be - had in f foreign; countries.' The purpose of the Democrats was not to make business for - fpreign manufacturers , and and 'contractors but to .see that the highly favored people of that class in this country shall not be left in a posi tion to take advantage, of the govern ment: that coddles and nestles them. As a matter of course, the Republi cans opposed what the Democrats ad" vocated for the protection of the; peo ple, -who. are to foot the enormous ex pense of constructing the canal. With - the usual demagogic plea that mate- rial shiould .be purchased In America : for the -benefit of the working man the' Republicans brushed the Demo ' crats aside, , but not until iiohn Sharp ' . Williams and others ' exposed their hy pocrisy by showing ' that V the stanfl - .patters' were really legislating in fa tok of their pettrusts and monopolies. 'However, the Republicans would not .. dare pass -the canal bill in a shape that would altogether leave :. the gov- ' ernmentat.the. mercy of the protected . , r trusts ; of this, country, for the. House on Saturday adopted the Senate reso lutlon as to the purchase of canal ma . ' , terial. That resolution provides that - the purchases for canal material must ; be of home - manufacture f and . produc ' tion,. from . the lowest responsible bid ders, except in "the v; event . that , the President may -J consider the bids ex eextofoitant ETA SHR . CMP ,VBGK tortionate. 'We hafen't any; idea that the stand-patters would, have J made even that much , concession - for the government , (the people) tit l lt had not beeru for the aggressive wDemo cratic minority! jjBvery. Democrat; in ;tMs country wants; the canal 'material J Purchased from home4 manufacturers s r and producers and ttiere' was'no idea ' Soing Into the, foreign markets ex-,- cept in instances to prevent the gdy-' , ernment from being robbed by the trusts at home. . , " : r-?6 resolution , as passed by I both - - SJSKf ;?ay-throw some ' 'safeguard ' aroiflid the purchase of material, but SlK T 16 the sident - to decide ' 2m!!PrIC6Uor material- ahd - me e extortionate He is the sole judge, but how As he. tor do ; ifun iess he; calls '-for bids- from V foreign manufacturers ;and ' producers ? : Except through ihe" consuls "or .a,V bureau or mission ; ha , would; liave ;iio ; other means' of: ascertaining -prices abroad; and if he calls ,uponi foreigners : to .bid he - would not expect thehV. to : submit bids merely ' to ' enable ' hini to - decide whether home prices are extortionate, for the European bidders would , nat urally expect a square : deal if ." their bids were lowest: a Nevertheless, ; it is helieVed that if ' President Rpbsevelt, with his discretion to consider; prices extortionate, is really in - a position to protect the 'interests of the "govern ment. He may be, too : much of a stand-patter to consider higher-priced American material .extortionate, but at "any; rate it is ;up,.tP him.;- He can, If he so minds, hold the "resolution over the heads of American, manufacturers and producers in order to compel them to , put in reasonable bids. V; It is his right to' do so and it is hoped that he will - consider that it is.- his. duty to scruUnize prices closely and not shut his eyes when they haver the ap pearance of extortion. l There are a good ; many .Instances in which the President should com pare prices. In the debate in the House last week,; the Demcfcrats did not fail to point out; some of the dis crepances in the price of a good deal of material needed in the construction of the canal. For one instance, atten tion was called td a statement of Pur chasing Agent Ross, of .the Canal Com mission, that he could get foreign steel rails laid down in Panama for $26.40 a ton, whereas American railways are paying $28 a ton for rails at the steel mills. That shows a difference of $1.60 a ton in favor of foreign rails, not to mention the freight to be added ffor the transportation of the $28 Amer ican rails from here to Panama. It should not be forgotten that steel rail manufacturers in this country are wil ling to compete in foreign countries with their railmakers, guaranteeing to pay the freight across the ocean and lay down "rails as cheap or cheap er than the foreigners can purchase rails in their own- countries. As a matter of fact, American rails are sold cheaper in Europe than they are at home, the showing made by the Demo crats in the House debate being that the foreigner gets his American rails 25 per cent, lower than the American con sumer pays. The . President will he compelled to have help, however, if he is to look at the price tags on material for the great Isthmian water way, but Congress has left it to him to compare prices in apy old way he is a mind to. ' , - -.-' ECONOMY THAT IS A SHAME. .The annual meetings of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly and State Association of County Superin tendents, m" Raleigh the, past week; were full of interest and vital import ance to the cause of . education in North Carolina. These gatherings are bound tp prove beneficial not only to the teachers and those In charge of our educational system but will be fruitful in awakening, action in better ing . the work and raising, the profes sion of teaching to a higher plane. The standard j is higher than - the pay war rants and the State ought to congratu late itself that it get3 a great deal for very little. . The Star "has sevefal times advocat ed better pay, for the teachers of North Carolina, and therefore heartily '-en-dorses 1 the address - of President Charles D. Mclver, of the State . Nor mal College, delivered at the meeting I of the county superintendents. He ad vocated legislation for. the, fixing of a minimum Vsalary.: fori county superin tendents, , and; said that the : time had come when the i salaries of county "su perintendents must be increased. The average salary is double what it was five years ago, he said, but $500 a year is not sufficient salary for a per son who has in his charge the care of from $10,000 to $40,000 worth of prop erty and the inspiration of 50 to 150 school teachers.'- "North Carolina is not. doing its duty to its county super intendents," he declared. "If a boun ty has ; $30,000 invested; in a mill it will not; employ a $500 man tosuper Mnvirrin-n xnalce a f Gallon Cost 25 Cents tf- Catt lie- made in! itf minutes, savincr ' time .11 1 r . and - money, - and it's always good. Nocook ing.heatingorfussing, t Four kinds i ' Van illa, Chocolate, Straw berry and, Unflavored. Icecream If VOnr tnf r-y hamlMt bAM'VfrVTs -.-- 3 Jc. to us and two packagfea and oar lUustrated .to x . recipe book will be mailed von. - - lU LMMM VhmViuuI ... . I " "vow v JJ. a. ij.: ; AMOLEK- y f CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZES 15 OCNT8 EACH ; . 3 FOR 25 OCNT8 , v cuotTTi ftMooy 4 cp. icy; 'MAKIKt Of CLWtTT AND MOMAMON H1IIT vise it.". : . Dr. Mclver is quite - right. The coun ty would know better-than to do busi ness like that and it is time to get the educational Interest on"a practical bas is too. While , speaking particularly for ; the . county f superintendents, Dr. Mclver brought in t-the collateral sub ject of better' pay for; teachers. He said he was sure there was not a- man teacher, in the State who could hot re ceive twice his present compensation if he would enter a commercial or in dustrial avovation. Women., go to the State Normal and Industrial CPllege and take a year's business course, cost ing'her about $150, .nd from- that in vestment she obtains a position which pays her $40 or $50 per month, for 12 months, a year. Other women invest $700 or $800 in their education to be come teachers-, and ' receive only. $35 or $40 per month, for only eight months in a year. The condition-is alarming, but can yqu- wonder that the tendency" of the 'women is to enter the business professions, leaving the avocation of the school room? t r We will have ,to i quit boasting of ourl progress in-.education until we get a better idea of the value-of the teachers who are doing the work con cerning which we ar; proud to boasts W.e must do the square thing by th noble men and .women who are giving enlightment and learning to the State. Teachers ought to be paid enough sal ary; to Induce them to make teaching a profession instead of a makeshift tin they can get better employmente Trained and experienced teachers prof essionals-r-are whaV we need and the best way, to be assured of them is to make educational work interesting to them by salaries that will entertain them a while. The legislature could consider no more important, matter than that dis cussed so ably and pointedly by Dr. Mclver. We have not given his argu ment; merely mentioning a few points to concur in what he strongly pre sented and lucidly set forth. North Carolina must quit practicing economy on its teaoher3. It is econo my that is a shame. . CUEEENT COMMENT. While' the idea of cleaning up all the trusts is. so popular, somebody oughts to start on the Soap Trust. Atlanta Journal. It is ilnderstood, however,', that Pennsylvania railroad employes"; may still be fired for other offenses than picking up money and gifts that may be flung at themJ Philadelphia In quirer. .. . Jesse E. James, of Missouri, son of the notorious Je3se James, seems to be of quite a different sort. He has just been admitted to the bar. Out law and in law! New York Commer cial. ; - .t ; Col. W. W. Lumpkin has, an nounced himself as a candidate for United States Senator -against Sena tor Tillman. The Colonel is an ex cellent gentleman, but he . ( always yrould have - his joke. Columbia Recoru. . ! ";'. When. Congressman Wads worth presented his inspection bill the Pres ident sniffed as though the odor wa 3 bad. Charleston News and Courier. ; Making due allowance for "future possibilities, it appears to be perfectly safe to say that Addicks ha 3 passed. Chicago Tribune. - The President wishes Congress to know ; that he has the . whip hand -In the canar matter. If Congress pro vides for the construction of a sea level canal he . will .1; veto the measure, be cause he doesn't want . that kind. ' It will, therefore, be. a lock , canal or nothing. : And it must be ;v admitted that pie President has very" much of the argument In his favor,:;--Savahnah News.'.; -: :r- . .-T'There ; is a , movement; on in Lon don" to lock up": all y anarchists . . The English are in some respects a very practical people.--New York; World. V"--It''Vwas ; inevitable thatthe. Presi dent's recent activity in shaping Ueg islatlon so that It would comport with hsUUea of hat iis demandeby; pub lic" interests should; render 1 him; liable to ; critcism in various " quarters,- The charge is , brought against Mr: Roose velt that in 5 his; desire to ? secureCre sults; he has; gone much .further: than h:sh'ould"galwith.3 durveiard for the of . his office. 'The- President, say1 his of; his oce. ! The President, say' his critics should leave to Congress ;the work of maMng laws; for the country. It ! is , his privilege .to recommend " to Congress the' enactment of -such legis lation as '. the public welfare reauiresi Regardless bt. the right) or iwrbng: of x-resiuenc v jttooseveit's r attitude;---' it" seemsi to he very 'difficult ;to"-force V i ... f . t certain .kind .of legislation through botlvjfhousei "of Congress unless the Executive, : takesa ' , 1 handBaltimore ; TWINKLINGS. ; i. Choice cf Environment Lady (at railway ' refreshment counter) -rWill you -please give me a bath; bun? Wai- tre 3s -Will you eat it ; here or. in - a 5 Mrs. Muggins Since Mrs. ..New rlche's husband made all ,hi3 money she . has the doctor continually.-r Mrs: Bugglns Yes, I hear she is suffering from nervous jprbsperity. Philadel phia Record. ' ;; .': ;?" v :y :' X i:- ::--y "Do you think that municipal own ership would eliminate graft. "I am not quite sure," answered Senator Sorr ghum, ' whether it-would eliminate it; cr simply originate a hew . kind.": Washington Star. ' Patient "How much will an op eration for appendicitis cost?" Phy sician "Two hundred dollars." Pa tient "I haven't got that amount". Physician "Then I'll' have to operate on you for something less expensive." Brooklyn Kfe. ;; "Correspondent wants to know who are the greatest stamp collectors in the country," "said . the assistant briefly. "Does he inclose stamp for reply?" answered the editor. "Yes." '.'Then tell him we are." Chicago Daily News. . -lost actors," remarked the talk ative boarder, "seem to think they can't get too far front cn. the bill board" "Yes," interrupted -xrs. Star vem. "Quite unlike some other DeoDle who believe they can't get top far back on the board bill." Philadelphia Ledger. Teacher Now, Robert," do 'you know what an isoceles triangle is? Boy Yes'm. Teacher Well, , what is it? Boy It's one uv dem t'ipgs I gits ier. not knowing wot it is. Judge. First Burglar Did Bill git much out of dat last burglary? Second Bur glarNo. He got 30 little dat his awyer advised him ter plead guilty. Judge. ' . " UNHAPPINtSS DISPELLED. Men and Women Unanimous About It. Many, women ween and wall anu refuse to be 'comforted because their once mag nificent tresses have become thin and faded. Jiany men incline to profanity because the flies bite through the thin thatch on their cranlums. It will be good news- to the miserable of both sexes, to learn that Nejfbro's . Herpicide has been placed upon the market.4 This la the new scalp germicide and antiseptic, that acts by destroying the germ or microbe that la the underlying cause of all hair de struction. Herpicide is a. new TH-emi ra tion, made after a new formula on an entirely new principle. Anyone who' haa tried it' will testify as to Its worth; Try it yourself and be convinced. Sold by' leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for aampfe to The Herpicide Co.. De troit. Mich. . '.. HARD LNS POARMACT, Special mt. Where are you going this Summer? If you have , not. decided,, investigate Piedmont Springs, ,N. C. Tousands. of Southern people have visited this fa mous resort within the last century. The best water in the, world. No mos quitoes, Pleasant days. Cool , nights. Beautiful 0 scenery. , . An inexpensive hi'omelike 'place, situated-among the hills' and mountains of Piedmont, N. C. For terms and f information write J. M. GODDARD & SONS, Piedmont Springs, N. C. . f - V je 17-2taw Sun & "vred-6wk. . . .Deadly Serpent . Bites Are - as common in India as ar stom ach and liver disorders with us. ' For the latter however there is a'sure rem edy:. Electric Bitters; the great re storative medicine, of which S. A. Borwn, of Bennettsville, S. C, says: 'There restored my wife to perfect health, after years- of suffering; with Electric Bitters . cure chills and fever, malaria, billlousness, lame back, kid ney; troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by all Druggists. Price 50c. ; . . SPECIAL RATES- .to -. Raleigh N. C.f and Return Account of N. C. Summer School and Teach ers' Assembly, Jufteuly, via Seaboara Air Line Ry. Account , of the Teachers Assembly, Raleigh, N. C, June 12th45th, the Sea board will sell round trfp tickets from all points in North .Carolina, includ ing . Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk Boy kins, :Va., at rate. .' of one first-class fare plus 25 cents, plus $2.00 for round trip, the.t $2.Q0 being the membership fee. Tickets (sold, July 21th'-14th with final return limit of June l&th. . By de posit of ticket with Special Agent, Ra leigh, N. C, on or before June 18th and payment of fee of fifty bents same can be extended until July 7th, the allow- J ing those; so desiring to remain over Account of theSummer School RaV ieigh, ? N.i:.C.t : June 16th-July 6th, : Sea board will : sell round .trip tickets rate of. one fare: plu3 25 f cepts ! tof roirntd trip, from same points as Iwill "apply for : the .'Teachers' Assembly, V with eight selling . dates; June V ' 15th-l fith. 18th, 19th; ; 25th and: 26th,':and July 2nd ' and: 3rd., with ' fimal1: return limit juir7tiiyWs Your "Photo r oh Z post cards. 2S cents: Gem ; ' Studio, J - M Market street.-- t -' . - - V- - " . Advertise in the Morning Star. -, ur iieBxime-uiDies, etc.," address, i;:ir?CHAS?HGATTIS,TP- ; "i. ,:; ; Raleigh, : N: C.; STflRl ;. I - BUSINESS LOCALS! H .THE? STAR WILi; gEJTD. WITH-; OUT CHARGE, A. D. T, '(WEST-; ERN UBTION) MESSEIVGEyRS CTO I ; YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS OR i i RESIDENCE. FOR, ADVERTISE MENTS FOR' OUR BUSINESS : LOCALS. DEPARTMENT. rPHqNK . THE' STAR OFFICE, NO. 51. . RATES TWENTY-FIVE CTS. FORftEApH:, INSERTION OF. TWENTY-FIVE WORDS, -OR V LESS. - ADDITIONAL WORDS,? MORE THAN . TWENTY-FIVE, ONE CENT PERXwORD. ipOSI-1 , TIVELY, CASH IN ADVANCE. . THE A. D. T. MESSENGERS v. WILL ALSO CALL FOR TELE- ? GRAMS TOR THE " WESTERN UNION TLEGRAPH CO., OR FOR NOTES OR SMALL PACKAGES TO BE DELIVERED ' -ANY- '' is WHERE . IN :. THE t ; CIT Y.; NO CHARGE FOR THE TELE- . GRAMS?' AWD BUT 'A; SMALL CHARGE:; FOR - NOTES ' AND ; SMALL PACKAGES. FOR . THIS ) SERVICE CALL" WESTERN UN--, ION, 'PHONE 2. BUT FOR AD-t VERTISEMEN'TS ALW AYS CALL5 THE STAR OFFICE, 'PHONE 5L FOR SALE GOOD DRAFT HORSE rock cart; and . harness. . Price . very cheap. Apply northeast corner of Eighth and Wooster streets. . jel9-lt FOR SALiE A nice foturoom cottage on Brunswick between 6 and 7th streets. Fine renting location, nice home, A good in vest meat. Apply to J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate Agents. :." - ; je-19 3t WANTED Position by ladyistenographer ami BisLHiiL DooKKeeper. xnree years ex perlence. Best reference. Address, "Visiter.' unrw otar. - je-jv 2tp IjOST. On Fourth between Prlnnpaa anH Dock, or Dock between Fourth and Ifth or tf inn Detweeu ruock and Princess then down Princess to Fourth : a sold crescent nln with forget-me-not setting. Liberal reward if re- inrnea to star Office - Je-19 tf FLOWERS.-I have purchased the entire stock of the Wilmington Floral garden. I shall hold a bargain sale every afternoon from 4 to frjo clock at the green house, at Six teenth anot ' Market, F,or 'ash only. Will xvciiuer. ;r : . . : . v . te-19 3t . i THE BbrCTTRSTniv nysr nvnDvura Presbyterian , Sundav Hfhnni tn snntn AH(1 OHt tOiRAAnn AtPimor WIItmIti frw-M Thn.j day J une 2lfet. : Bbat leaves at 9:15 o'clock A. tfx. j arc uu cents. . . je-19 St " DRESSED CHICKENS AT THE PAL- ace iuarnet to-day. Phone 872. . jel6-tf u. - I HEREBY ' GIVE NOTICE TH4T will apply to the Board 'of Aldermen for a license to retail liquors. at 619, Northwest corner Seventh and Castle street, in this Tclty. J. C. Walton. jel6-30days ,' - aBN AHD BOYS WASTED-Learn plumbing,, plastering, bricklaying. Special o otiiuiarexiip nity aonars, easy pay ments: nosltlon sruaranteert: freft Coyne Bros.- Trade Schools, New York, Chica go, hi. luouis. v Juei5tf JTOR .jCHOJCEA Ni tC . HAMS OR Shoulders or anything you may need in-. Fancy and? Staple Groceries, Fruits and V.egretables in season. Call 'phone 547. and have your wants supplied quick. S-vP.; Craig-.-- may29-tf An Atltiinidbile The CAR is now ready for DAYLIGHT and MOONLIGHT TRIPS on the Ocean Front. FROM "LUMilNA" TO MOORE'S IN LET AND BACK FR ONLY 25c. FOR ADULTS; CHILDREN, 15cv ' THE ONLY' WAY TO GET FRESH, PURE OCEAN SALT BREEZES. The Automobile Touring and Amusement Co. L..M. NOpLE FRED. E, HERBST '.may28, Tu,Fri,Sua-U - ATTENTION SMOKERS! A fresh supply of these favorite brands just received : , PRINCE GEORGE. v EL TORO. EL BELMONT DAINTIES. ti The Gem Cigar Store," apr? 20-tf Smoko 66 Higher In Price and Higher in Quality. fU'. WHITE KNIGHTS V PyFfjP inde,Q aid makes, you feel richyou pay V riickle f or a 10c." Cigir get; on to "your; pabney's - worth, r 1' J. ; We ;-areAgentsT'for the factory and ' do not sell consumers.' , - Wholesale Grocers. -, t" 210 WATER STREET.; '-7 , 3el0-tf v p Along I7ris:htsvi He Beach Carblfn a Tie. ,.u ktowels; shower baths and rubs ctTk , TWO LARGE loms for rent .t Toomsfor-rent , with, bath Apply No, 412 North Third. tuu ausi to WRITE ADvpd ments. Wilmington Pressing ffi iif8 ARRjnrALS--BANAN7r plec: Onions, Oranges, Cabbag? Lrish Potatoes; t T-arn ao 4. " Tse A: U -Winstead. " JUSI iiifl'Yoii Could Til Of in the yay of Doors and Windows and a great many things! yuu never tnougiit of, bu Nt ' " ui wmcn you stand iD need. Why not give us a chance ta convince you that money spent will result in Satisfaction giving. J. W. Murchison & Co. may 25-tf DO NT BE "SHOCKED." By having an imperfect system of culiar element to deal with, and oaly t 1 eXDertS Can bflTlrtlA it nrnnorlv Wa M. MAW W S J I f V T Install systems of' Electric Bells and I Push buttons, Electric Lighting, Mo-' tor Machinery, -etc., and do everything in connection with Electrical work. Our charges" are reasonable and our; work second to none in thoroughness; and efficiency. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC CO., Phone 901 - 121 PrinSt ' Have just received a larg ship-. inent of Electric Fans both ceilsig; and desk. r je3-tf Kiln Dried Meal! We have arriving daily best Vr. W. G. Kiln-Dried Meal which we guaran tee to keep indefinitely sweet and pure. Can give immediate shipment. Over ten thousand f bushels bought before recent advance. ' Send us your orders for this and other groceries. STONE & CO. may29-tf , HUGH MahRflE & CO.,! mm Rftr Aim tmf t mMMISSIOA SOUTHERN .'SECURITIES. COTTON rki STOCKS, North and South' Carolina State " ;; Bonds. AJLSO STOCKS LISTED ON NEW YOBl AND BALTIMORE STOCK EX CHANGES. A RELIABLE JEWELER. I haves opened ".a business at No. North .Second : Street where you can get the broken watch fixed, old clocks made new,, and every description of jewelry i repaired at short notice. I have had ; years of Experience in e , business, ' and i every article wliic& leaves my place is guaranteed. I h&w recently Installei modern machinery and tools to do up-to-date work. Give meta-triaL r " JOHN O. STEWART, apr&-tl S iNOrtn second on", TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS or i , ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Withua high . appreciation of the kindness shown' me by my Democratic friends in the past in electing me to the . Office ; of ; Clerk of the- Superior Court Qf this County.1 I ,hereby an nounce myself if candidate for re-ele tion to that office, and ' ask your sup port at the approaching primary. T,..;-t .. . . . ..'j- Eyeryth V I " . - H N D. TA YLO R. V