... . . r Si. . 1 --1 a . -. !f t. . - ;- i?V 7 JLL XA j A ; ZX j H 1 V0 six Months, y Mail.,., 2.5a I f'l'l . ' . ' - ' ' "T - x 7'I " ' . ' V " ; . Three Months by llaU.. 15 I a.' jmjIINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1906. i-.nrents. are idisarm- fl:,Tn; and give the dis- if rSion an ovation; W CVIUZ succeed Taft as C Peabo-dy trutees yes- "?otPd $6,000 for eauca- ,pp r Carolina -W. : R. Iv sent a letter accept- llW and attacking lSs, the Republican. t.BUB.nfration lawyer iLh and German steam- British teen fat W chartered ta carry Titornnt: Marine r"iiha tne am. v.-. -...-j. ... to ,nt out a veiled argument S I ing the Republican nom accepting .York far Governor of JNew ,xorK carles E. Hughes said Lt will not pe tJ Pour " .men t 101 , -st. ininred In. a :ana.:6Xatxd9vat.the bf"1"! :. Bai.ti- Steei vvvx, ... . , Seventynve uu 3 tninp ia the Poca- W 114 . or j manv will field yeBtera . v U Pces gaspipe .rpbbed rrl..v $s.ooo in, gold. tahned a clerK :eu. x- fcd to,Cba by. Psiaent rt at the reuuest of Secre- at St Louis yesieruay, . wb y team oi in Auiciv,au aglle, won the pennanx 01 xn ,eason- Three Amenuaus aic slot in Mexico for murdering i to get the insurance cm their -Chairman Shonts has reach mttiVe decision that the Pana- y be built by contract -A Gjrinan Lloyd steamsnip wm Jctober 18th from- Bremen to Won with several hundred im- its Hoke Smith was elect- krnor of Georgia yesterday k opposition except for a small bt for his only oppnent, a so- ; candidate New York mar- Money on call firm, 4 1-2 tot 6 ni, ruling rate 5 1-2, closing ; offered at 5 1-2; spot cotton aid steady, 10.55; flour" dull Soot steady; wheat steady, no. U elevator; corn easy, ;No, 2, klor; oats asy; mixed, rr ke.firm, 66 12 to 67; rosin flORNE DAMAGE SUIT y w ' s ' . f mmmmm - -:-' . y- y . . Evidence - All in ' by Yestesday Noon and Argument to Jury . I ; Has Begun. WILL BE COMPLETED TODAY - . : .(,' . . - . . - : . Frank Meier Case May Be Taken Up This Afternoon Lawyers Lfmited to Three Hours on a. Side bY 1 i Judge Jones. WHOLE 12100. HOMICIDE IN WAKE Dairyman:Dealt Death QJow to White , Man Near, Raleigh-Liabmty 0f : Fraternal Orders to Insurance Ta Charter Granted. - es ient Roosevelt says we have Isfes-on Cuba, However, after it through intervening with her me she had better not 'do ' it prersays: "If you are a poli- yw will never get an office m around the house." Sure, He must get out and do his on the stump. reason the wife of ij politician 1 like (to have, herf husband's 13 sitting, around in ! the parlor 13 they smoke tke kind of husband hands around. could have ."intervention" there b a fraudulent eiec- ;Wtfd States, there ' are declared for tariff rfivion ron ma -uuic. we nave .. however, that when Sets among a lot of Re office ;dothe to-home holders who would alma act take the The Home damage suilt in which the Consolidated Company, is the plaintiff will probably reach the jury in the Su perior Court by to-day noon. All day yesterday, was laken up with; the com pletion of the testimony and argument by counsel ito the jury, 'which.1 will be concluded with 1 two .speeches this morning. At the outset Jtfdge Jones limited the speeches to three hours on & side and about two hours of this yet remains. Iredell Meares, Esq;:, who was left with an hour and a quarter for a close for ithe company, had taken up 25 minutes of the time when the court took recess ;for the . day at 6 o'clock yesterday evening and Herbert Mcdammy, Esq., has an hour in "which -to close for the plaintiff Home. Then will follow the charge Of His- Honor, Judge Jones, and the issues will be submitted. - The next case to be taken up will probably be Frank Meier, Admr. againstt the Consolidated Compaiiy Mn which heavy damages are asked for the killing Y of the plaintiff's brother about two years ago on the uburban line near Greenville station. Should that case be taken up, it will likely re quire the balanpe of tthe week for trial. Court took a recess at 6 o'clock yester day evening until 9:15 o'clock this morning. j' .. ' The Home case was resumed yester day with the introduction of additional witnesses ; for Ihe" defendant company, tthese having been Mr. C. S. Pridgen, formerly a lineman.", for the Southern Bell Telephone d Company, and Mr. C. H. Thonyson,. a salesman at the time for EJ. N.rPctornear:whose-storelie accident occurred. - , For the j defendant Messrs. T. S. McManus, manager of the telephone company; Mr. E. C. Yarbrough, a line man for tlie telephone -company, and B. M. Lehue, a policeman at that time. Horne, the; plaintiff, was recalled; to contradict certain testimony, given in by other witnesses. v Col. Walker Taylor, City Clerk and Treasurer Fowler and others gave the plaintiff Home an excellent character. With this testimony in, the argument began, Mr. George Rountree opening for (the plaintiff in an able presenta tion, especially of the law, In a speech of. a little more than an hour. Mr. Junius Davis made a remarkably fine presentation of the case for the Con solidated Company in an address of 45 minutes and was followed in a clear, concise statement of the facts, and the law in behalf of the plaintiff by J. O. Carr Esq. -Robert Ruark, Esq., gave an excellent nummary of the testimony and the law bearing on ithe facts in an address of 45 minutes. He was followed by Woodus Kellum, for the Dlaintiff . who made one of the besit ar guments of his career at the bar. Mr. . ... - yr -. ' otinriv. 'hft- Meares oegau ms ayccuu wj . fore 6 o'clock and will complete the same upon the reassembling of court this morning. it is" ade to keep quiet Requirements. mdn named Gourdain, a aS0) Was rnnnlno- nil iasistw -o v.ix ac vmg a xenn ltiary. He has nnw at. from which we infer thai in a fa,-,. . . . . way. -io get into if the law is enforced. J1 Evening Times- acted 1(1 W t'n ...... . ' 1 1rect fairness to ftOIhA . cmg its price r tO $5 AA m, P 01 The a . teleSrapbic aes m ooociated Press costs anre th3n the tatal X 1.. the small daily pa- atj,00aate- The Times is ' .i a year. CARGO OF 16,580 BALES. With .(Special Star 7 'r-wU.V C, October 3.-Chari Wton superintendent. of the,Holdie rJ ?rm' n6ar Ral fatally, in jured A. .C. Mooneyham, a farm hand, this afternoon , by striking him on the head with , a shovel. There had been Dad feelinff .hiaf-araoTi - ' -"-p;"ocu ms wo men sev eral hnnra N T , . . w 3 witnesses claim that Mooneyham was advancing on him with a stick when Layton dealt him a blow with a shovel -which crushed in Mooneyham' skull. The injured man was put in a wagon and driven to Rex Hospital here but died on the road. Layton surrendered and was committed to jail to-night without bail, until the hearing Friday at noon. Layton has a Wife but no children. Mooneyham leaves a wife and fonir children. ' v After the altercation between the two men, Mooneyham's wife ,came -tip and .saw her husband lying on the ground. She made at Layton, who struck her between the eyes with, his fist and knocked her down. She is in a serious condition. Both men are about 45 years old. The question of the liability of fra ternal orders having a benefit branch for its members for the State license tax tinder North Carolina insurance laws and their subjection ito the in surance laws of this State, is being pressed on Commissioner of Insurance J. R. Youne: lust now for n miino- Mr. William J. Bellamy, of Wilming ton; is here as attorney, for, the Order of Eagles, incorporated under the laws of Washington State, with authority to organize a fraternal society or order with benefits for its members and is conferring with the Insurance Com missioner regarding this matter. Other orders of the same character doing business In the, State are much inter ested in the movement. No fight is to be made, it being the purpose of I the order to pay the tax and comply with the . State laws if the Commissioner rules that jUiey-jatp operate in his State.; ; ' A' nw enterprise was chartered for Clinton, Sampson county, this morn ing. It is the Union County Grocery Co., with $5,000 capital by A. R. BIz zell, H. A." Grady and others. T AY LOR'S BAZAAR YESTERDAY. ' . ' V Annual Opening of Fall and Winter Millinery and Dry Goods. Taylor's Bazaar, oh Market street, was thronged with ladies yesterday in response to invitations to the annual opening of Fall and Winter millinery at that popular efiitablishment. For ytears the Bazaar has been noted for the exclusiveness of its display and the good taste that is exercised in the selection of articles for every de partment. This year is proving no exception to the rule and all the vis itors yesterday were deligMed with What they saw. The Misses Taylor spent some time , in the North just prior to the opening of the season and have' many new offerings that will appeal to those who worship at the shrine of fashion. The opening con tinues until this evening and all the ladies of Wilmington are cordially inf Vited to visit the store whether they desire to by just now or not j A specialty is made ati the opening of the sale of ladies' garments and other ready-to-wear goods that will be found quite up . to tlie styles in every particular. NOVEL RENT HEARING - " -' -;. ' - Syrian in ' Possession of South , Front Street Store Refuses to Vacate. IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT New : Hardware Firm Must Go Else Where as Oriental Wiins Suit' Against Real Estate Agent The Trial liy Jury. The possession of the stores at 19 21 Front street, formerly occupied as salesrooms by the supply department of the Wilmington Iron Works, was the subject of an interesting and hotly conteslted -suit before Justices John J. Furlong and George Harriss yesterday afternoon. The premises are at pres ent occupied by one Josh Simon, a Sy rian merchant - who wants to retain the stand. At the same time James Owen- Reilly, thte real estate agent, representing the owners, desires pos session of the place and had already rented to Messrs. Sweeney & Sloan, the new, hardware firm', which expect ed to begin business October 1st, but was unable to get possession. ' The sufit- was ah action foejectment against Simon, who was represented by Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, and set up a prior claim to the rental of the stores. Mr. Reilly was represented by ex-Judge E. K. Bryan. The case was first moved from Justice Furlong, who set the hearing before Justice George Harriss. y Upon the calling of the case before; ithe latter magistrate, the de fendant's attorney asked for "a jury trial and after some difficulty the fol lowing were empanelled: Messrs. J. A Springer, T. W. Wood, W. E. Glenn, Henry Hewett, G. W. Mathews and J. T. Runge. The hearing lasted for some timei and drew quite a large croWd of spectators The jury retired for a verdict and were unable to agree for 4o minutes when a verdict was finally returned in favor of the Syrian merchant An appeal was taken to; the Superior Qourt by Mr. Reillyand the case will likely hang; fire " for a year or more, Simon in the meantime remaining in possession of the place. Messrs. Sweeney & . Sloan In the meantime have rented anolther store in the Wessell block "on Market street and will open there. ' Clonal p n, Keimblican chair PubHc ' m att6ntion to ations b "ment". against kHl C0rD0TationS to cam- bJ: ltt?urance comm. " to'eie '?0 thUsands of a, . Rcosevelt haven't p: Rhlrv Annlo-Saxon Clears Cotton for Bremen. The big British steamer Anglo-Sax on Cleared-last fcighit from the . com presses of Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son with . a cotton cargo of 16,580 bales, '8,425,997 pounds, valued at $885,000. It 'Is notavrecord-breaking cargo so far as the number , of bales is concerned, the same ship 'having carried 17,000 bales one season before, but in the number of pounds tne oom heine heavier, the ship has about as much .of the fleecy sta pie bejow .her hatches as was evx carried out of tie port. Capt. George H. Moore is thee clever. master of the Anglo-Saxon and he will sail early this morning for Bremen, Germany. Sever al nhv shins, almost as large a w Angloaxon, are now at .the compress on Aam hA Railine: in a few days. It will be interesting to note the eUgt difference in the tonnage and the car rying capacity, of the steamers. . wait for Geo.: O. GayJorsmillinery opening.- ' - -- rr-r-- y . y . . -rtnt-n rinats. 412.50 Ladies new size j $8.50 at Rehder's. Only 'threejmpre days, of Gaylord's Tearing Old Buildings Away. Contractors yesterday began tearing away the present buildings ait south east corner of Front and Grace streets to make way for the nandsome five- story structure which Mr. J. H. Brun- jes will erect for Messrs. I. M. Bear & Co. The building will be completed as soon as possible and will be occu pied by Messrs. Bear & Co., by the next Fall season. DEATH OF B. C. BORDEAUX. RALEIGH TO COAST Through Trains From Capital City to Wilmington Over the New Line y Use Atlantic Yadkin Tracks From Fayetteville. - Yesterday afternoon's Fayietteville Observer has the following of interest in Wilmington: "President J. A. Mills, of the Raleigh Southport Railroad, who was in the city yesterday, said that within a week or two he will put a train on his road to run through from Raleigh to Wil mington, which will make fast time, leaving Raleigh in the afternoon and making the run to Wilmington in about four hours. yThe train, when it reachtes Fayetteville, will use the tracks of 'the AtlanticV& Yadkin divis- icn of the Atlantic Coast Line to Wilmington. 'It is- said that it is not improbable that the A. C. L. Wilminglton, Greens boro and Mount Airy "trains will 'use the passenger depot of the Raleigh & Southport, instead of the present de pot on upper Hay street. The Raleigh & Southport is going to. have a very pretty depot, work on which Is pro gressing rapidly." - AN EVENING WEDDING Miss Margaret Mcllhenny Catlett Bride of Mr. Clarence Lester. Ro'we. A VERY PRETTY CEREMONY In St. John's Church at Six O'clock In Presence of Large Assemblage of Guests, Popular Young People Wedded. McKANNA LIQUOR CURE. at Be Well Known Young Man Will Buried With Red Men Honors. Only a brief announcement ot the death of young Mr. Benjamin Cooper Bordeaux was contained in this paper yesterday morning. Mr. Bordeaux passed away at 2:50 o'clock at his home, No.. 314 Harnett street, after an illness of only a short ttime! He was 27 years old and had lived in this city for some time, numbering his friends hv thfi Krre. He was last, emnloved with the Portner Brewing Company inJ this (city and was held, in the highest esteem by ; his employer, Mr. Banck. Out of respect to Mr. Bordeaux, the offices of the company will be closed in this city to-day from 10 o'clock un til noon. - Mr. Bordeaux leaves a wife and two children, of this city, and . his molther,, three brothers and two sisters living in Pender" county. They' all have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. ..Mr. Bordeaux was a leading member of Eyota Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, and the funeral will be con ducted with the honors of that organ ization from the late residence at 10 o'clock this morning. Elsewhere will be found an official j notice calling all Red Men to assemple at their wig wam this morning for the purpose of attending the services in a body. Special Sermon by Pastor Hale First Baptist Church Last Night. Forty:six members of the class of fifty-odd patients who are taking the McKanna Three-Day Liquor Cure in the lecture room of the First Baptist church, . were present last night at a special service conducted by Pastor Hale at which he talked on the sub ject "The Three-Day Liquor Cure and its Results in Wilmington to Date." The discourse was highly commenda tory of Dr. McKanna and his work in. Wilmington and the service was of more than especial interest. An incident, somewhat sensational -A. in its nature, wa the opening of a telegram at the rquest 'tf ; Dr. Hale by a member of the congregation atfd its reading to the public as a partof the discourse. The telegram was in reply to one sent by Dr. Hale to hisi brother-in-law in Reidsville the home of the McKanna cure, yesterday af ternoon and was as follows: "Z. H. Neal, ;Reidsville, N. C. "Have McKanna patients' there stay ed cured from the liquor habit. An swer. f: FRED. D. HALE" At the request of Dr. McKanna the reply to the telegram was not opened by anyone interested and was handed to a member of the congregation last night to be read out to all, no one knowing the contents until it was read. The reply was as follows: "Rev. Fred. D., Hale, D. D., Wilming- N. C. 1 "Every one of Dr. McKanna's Reidsville patients has stayed . cured. "Z. H. NEAL." It is unnecessary to say that the re sult was very gratifying to Dr. Mc Kanna and to the large number of his patients in the church auditorium. AT PLATT & HAAR'S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Red MenAttention. OtJto Banok Brewery Closed. Piatt & Haar-Salesman Wanted. Academy of Music Sylvia Lynden. A. B. Leach, & Co. Equipment Bonds. r. , C P. B. Mahler Real Estate Agent N " ' A. S. Holden Sti John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Business" Locals. Milton Farm Berkshire Boar. 1 Novelty , Works Foreman Wanted. . C. P- B. Mahler Real Estate for Rent and Sale. . Mr. and Mrs. Toon Bereaved. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Toon extend their sincere sympathy ito them in the death of their infant son, Thomas Glenn, aged three months, which occurred yesterday morning' at 6:30jo'clock alt the fam ily home in this city, No. 516 Princess street 'The funeral will be conducted this morning at 10:30 tfclock from the residence and the interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. Demonstration at Popular Dry,, Goods I Establishment This Month. The following invitations are being mailed to ladies in the city: Madam: v ' . BeJieving you will be personally in terested, we exitend you a cordial in vitation to an Exhibition and Demonstration yV Of La Greoque Corsets y and Tailored Underwear, from October 15th, to 2th', 1906. An expert corsetiere dire'dt from the factory will be here to exhibit these latest styles. 'She i accomplishes wonderful figure improvement with v the - long shapely lines and perfect fit of La Grecque Corsets and Tailored Underwear. Come and left her show- you how to add to your shapeliness and bodily comfort ! - Very respectfully . PLATT & HAAR. Wilmington, N. C. Meet your friends at Gaylord's this week; big values. Ask for cake of soap free. Two carirer boys wanted to deliver The Morning Star to city subscribers. Apply at once. 25c table oil cloth all colors to-day L Mattings laid ''free if bought this week at Rehder's. Over 150 styles to select from; 10c and. up. 15c yard at' Gaylord's. j New lot Boys' Bhoes at ? Rehder's. The marriage of Miss Margaret Mc llhenny Catlett and Mr Clarence Les ter Rowe, in St. John's Episcopal church at six o'clock yesterday even ing, is described, as one of the pret tiest weddings .celebrated in (the city in scme itme. ' The interior of the church was tastefully, decorated with palms and ferns and over the wed ding scene was shed a soft illumina tion' from numerous wax) tapers, the effect being a charming one indeed. A large number of admiring friends and relatives were present to witness thie happy event. , 5 ' j The wedding marches were skilfullir rendered by Mr. Edward H. Munsoi the bridal party being ushered into this church promptly at the appointed hour with the bridal chorus from Lo hengrin. The party entered the church down the main aisle in the fol lowing order: 'Miss ..Lois' Stanley, of t Jacksonville, Fla., first bridesmaid, and Mr. George F. Catlett, groomsman; Miss Meta LeGrand and Miss Reba Myers, bridesmaids; Mr. Fab. J. Hay wood, of Raleigh, and Mr: George G. Thomas, Jr., groomsmen; .Miss Nan nie Humphreys, of Mobile, Ala., and Miss Jennie Hodgson of Washington, D. C, bridesmaids; Mr. J. McRee Hatch and Mr. Paul Li Cantwell, groomsmen; the maid of honor, Miss Sue Catlett, and the bride, -upon the arm of 'her father. Prof . Washington Catlett. " The bride was joined at the altar by the groom and his best man, Dr. D. L. Alexander, of Ann Arbor, Mich., who7 entered from the choir room to one . side. The service was read by the rector, the Rev. James Carmichael, D. D.,:the scene being at once beautiful and impressive. The ring service was used and the bride was given away by her father. The bride wore a lovely creation of radium silk and carried bride's roses. The maid of honor, a sister of the bride, wore pink silk, black chiffon hat with gloves to match and carried a bouquet of pink rpses. The brides maids were charmingly attired in white organdies, black chiffon1 hats, gloves to match, and carried lovely bouquets of pink bridesmaids roses. The ensemble at the altar was espe cially attractive. V, The exit from the church was in reverse order of that in which the party -entered and was to the glad some music of Mendelssohn's Wed-. ding March. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe re ceived the . hasty-' congratulations of many friends ami left on -the 6:50 northbound train for Linville and the mountains of Western North Carolina where they will spend their honey moon. After December 1st. they will be at home to friends in this city at No. 117 .Orange street Both the bride and groom are very popular in Wil mington, Miss Catlett being much loved and admired in a wide circle of friends and the groom having, lived here for several years and been con- nected with the various interests ot Messrs. Hugh McRae' & Company. At present he is in charge of the large Linville estate of Mr. MacRae in the mountains of Western North Caroling Tuesday evening the wedding par-v ty was delightfully entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Washington Catlett, on Orange street. A large number; ot very hand some wedding gifts attest; the -popularity of the young people. -v- Carolina Tranportation Co. ' A certificate of incorporation for the Carolina Transportation Co., which was recently chartered by the Secre tary of Sltate as noted in the Raleigh dispatches to the Star, was received by the Clerk of , the Superior Court here yesterday. The offices of the com pany will be at 18-22 South Water Bts. and the amount of capital stock is $5, 000 paid in and $25,000 authorized. The company may operate a general freight and . passenger line on the Cape Fear and tributaries and elsewhere It may be desired. . Forty-nine shares of the stock are each held by Messrs. J. W. Brooks and Ed. Taylor and two shares by J. Fletcher Ruark. '' ' ' ' i Gutters Must Be in Order. The ordinance recently passed by , the Board of Aldermen - requiring all y gutters from buildings to be placed under the sidewalks leading . to the curb and whicftswaa more recently sus pended until October 1st, to - give property owners an (opportunity of securing the labor,' is now ; being en forced. A number of prominent mer chants on the ,whart were haled to the police court 'yesterday and were let off upon condition that they have the work done immediately. Cither, warrants have been served and.'the owners will be before the. Mayor to day. Th list, of defendants yesterday i Included' Messrs.' J. A. Taylor, M." J. Heyer, J." C. Heyer and R.WHIcks. .; "": : T" : -.-v"y Rain coats for Misses and children at Rehder's. V :' '" ' r Rehder's opening- to-day and Friday. ' 4 "...I - 1 'A- V- -i b A 1 St.. 'i . v i-; ' ; t i v ,y "' 12 4, in:.-1 1 f-' , ' 1 I'. y I'-H ',:vi; ' v-; - 1l! ' ' f i ;....: 'j1 ,'.r ..,."6 d 1 ' '-rs - y - I. 3 . .t " u -1 ' t ( i'i 1 V ... i ' . y -.t l 1 K ' M - refund remittance. Big Sale. ; Have you oeen i i. l -y