- f r ' ' ,mmamm9mmmm ' , ' ' V ' ' ' - WlliliTGXOir UIjDAY, OOxOBUP. 21, 1CC3.V F . 77, ..... . , i vi ... m. Vfc mmmm, W Sn Society, m . I N. Xl jlflr ' Mrs. v. James Spru'nt is visiting VSu -:.X vf V'r4WiiViii Meads . la, Fayetteville. '....- i Al ii L.vJ ; -v vttttW IJV - DRESS .SHflF I The air of exdusiveness-7-that . distinctive touch . so much desired in our Diamond Brand dress shoes, is not there by accident. , y 1 ; 1t;WjX : Diamond Brand styles are designed by an officer of thb Company who has won his spurs as a master of footwear construction. . ..;.,:vi I --v'f Moreover, Diamond Brand v Dress Shoes are made by the best paid shoeworkmen, pf the is.eejeteii; " They fit faultlessly, snug up wider jnd hold their shape. - ? iVf f v (llOf SHOEMAKERS a MMJLKE MORE FINE SHOES THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE MTHFrnh- - Miss Janie Stranee was cordially welcomed home by her friends last I week. Mrs. ; Clayton Giles 'and Miss Lucile Murchison are ' on a visit; in Philadel phia 'and Ne-w Yor& Among the season's debutantes 'are N. Y.," is here and will spend the win ter : with Capt. and Mrs. William M.' Stevenson. Miss Lavender is an ac complished musician of exquisite touch, who perfectly understands the harmony rand technique of music and who will be quite an - addition to mu sical circles of this city. V -s. '., .v ' t - " II I SSSSs-.ia-.v.'ul- UUIIUVI . i a w ; r-"; C.,.. ,.-v 1 1 v ' j v' . . is a ' r dimes " . , - . r 4il Ah 1 1 5V Mrl and Mr. B. G. Paschall, of Wil son, ; N. C, announce the engagement of thalr rt.miB'ht-r filara TJllian ' to Mr. Mis3 .Jane JredeJl Green, .liliss Nannie William H. Newell, Jr. the ceremony noiiaaay: ana miss 'Alice Davis. to take place Wednesday, wovemDer ;vi '', -?";':;4.-fr' 28, 19061 Miss Pascball is one of WH- :M!sa .-.PSdlt-h: TavIat f Wato Pnroct I sorr'a ' mofst - r.harminfir ;;-vouner ladies is in;.the ctiv the mipst. nf ihpr- brother, l and has a score of friends, in this city. Mr. t Chas, B. Taylor, pa Orange street. Capt Newell is one; or ; the coast v 1 v "', Line's- most oonular conductors. There are many, who will regret to ' learn thst Miss- Hettie James is sick . Miss Virginia Bailey has entered in Kenansville. . at ' the home of the Miss Stuart's school for young ladies, Farriors, where she is , visiting. in Washington, D. C., and Will be very - Tnnoh TnisicKid hv frher frietins here. Mlss Ray Sneed is visiting friends Wilmington is represented; at Miss in Charlotte. Her friends will be Stuart's by a sextette of very attrac- ton ' to h, Jve a public library, I by itsj, well directed efforts arid gensroils do nation of hufldredi of . volumes, : will give a reception wheh ' the library is normally . opened to the public, v- :? :. Invitations v are out to the, marriage of Miss Mildred Davis oae of Wil mington's most charming ! young women, and Mr. Robert Bradford Adams,'; who is a'Cpopuiar..' officer of the Revenue Cutter Service and are: Mr. and Mrs Robert Burns Davis request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter . Mildred - ' . . to. . ; . '.' , Mr. KODert uraoiora Aaams, f - Xr U Umir on. the evening of Tuesday, the thir- knOCKS. We Have ;tnem tieth of October, at six o'clock, m many snapes an a Kinab. that vitMid;; hard SU John's Episcopal Church Wilmington, North Carolina. Admission to the "church' will be by card which is: Saint John's - Episcopal Church. Miss Mildred Davis, Miss Jeannie Peck and Miss Bessie Payne, around whom interest is centering, will be entertained next Saturday at luncheon by Mrs E.; Van ;B. Sapds:on Mason horo Sound. Mrs.' Sands' home which Sole Apnts for Lenox School Shoes A large lot of Krippen-dorf-Dittman Co-'s Cincin nati Shoes for Ladies. Dougks and Flprsheim Shoes for Men.; See them before buying elsewhere. 3 Save your purchase tickets and often spoken of v 'as . a "picture cot-1 get a, useful premiurii. f Mn4iCG flO An extra dividend of 10 per cent on the Capital Stock of thlc Com- Lflf record of that date. Dividend Checks will be held at Bank until tailed for. . : , " . ; ; .f :'-y,": x' . :r' : . - lie WQmington Savings and Trust Company pleased to welcome her home at the conclusion, of her visit. NORWOOD, president OPPOSITE j THE ORTON: H. WALTERS, ; . -Vic-President. C. E. TAYLOR, JR. Cashier. i y r X I 1 1 A YOUWG P Should acquire the habit of saving money sirccESS .-. -; jfM--;. is more a matter of thrift and economy than most people imagine. You can open an account with ; The People's (Savings BanEt, Next to The Orton. r ; j Branch, 704 North 4th Street. With a single Dollar 4 1 Per Cent. Interest Allowed. H. C. McQueen, President M. J. Corbett, Vice Pres. P. W. ! Dick, Cashier, . . , M. Miss Bessie McLaurin has 'returned to her ho-me at Bennettsville, S. C, after a pleasant (visit to Miss Mary Belle Sneed -on outh Front street. - Dr. and Mrs. W. T. MacMillan spent several days In Raleigh last week vis iting their daughter, Mrs. William J. Martin and Mrs.! C. E. Matthews. . Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Strudwick Nash arrived yesterday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Nash arid were cordially greeted by their many friends. . Mrs. Samuel P. Collier is in Mont gomery on a pleasant visit to her son, Mr. Samuel P. Collier, Jr., a former Wilmingtionian who has' a host of friends here. ; Mrs. Warren G. Elliott, Sr., and the Misses Mardita and Elizabeth Elliott will spend the Winter at "Kermore," Wrightsville Souria, the home of Mr and Mrs. George B. Elliott . Acrrppnhlft ffuests of Miss.- Martha Williams at "Halcyon Han" Masoai boro Sound are Miss Janie Williams and Miss Fan Williams, of Fayetteville and Miss. Jeanie Murchison, of this city. ' - tive younjg ladies who are Misses 'Mar guerite Holladay, Agnes McQueen, Fannie Murchison, Isabel" Smallbones, Virginia Bailey and Christine Steven son. .;. . . . Much interest is felt by the scores of friends of Miss Jeannie Savage Peek and Mr. George P. James in their . approaching marriage, which will take, place Wednesday, Novem ber fourteenth'. The couple are of the mast popular of Wilmington's young people, and the sincere wishes for a long life of happiness, are ex pressed by all' wfao have the pleasure of their acquaintance or friendship. 11 tf .... ... V"M North Carolina Depository. prders from the Country will meet with prompt ClrQlJ: )DJp)pil Nejft week Mrs. Henry P. West and Mrs. Thos. M. Green will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Faison Pierce at their cozy and comfortable bungalo in Warsaw, N. C. L There are no mote agreeable and lavish host and hostess than Mr. ftid Mrs. Pierce and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Pierce, the latter of whom have a mast attractive country home near Warsaw, which is supplied with all the comforts which modern conven ience can give. Hw" will doubtless receive a iew. additional ' touches of , beauty ' arid taste by decorations of pretty Autumn leaves and simple evergreens, in which flowering plants will be curi- nlnlv amns-ed to rive a touch Of color. In addition to the prospects brides a few of their intimate trics will be invited in their honor, av. par tial list of whom is, Mrs. Cameron F.- McRae, Miss Elliotte , Emerson, . Miss Meta LeGrand, Miss Mary .Payne, Mrs. James - M. .Stevenson and Miss Lizzie Peck. - . -i .. .. - - . . . To a large number' of friends and relatives in this city the approaching marriage ot Mr. Frank 'Marsden Lon don, formerly of . Pittsboro; N.' C, but now of New York, and Miss Augusta .Tnhnisnn. of Oranere. New Jersey, is not without t interest. Mr. London is young Carolinian who has forged Eespectfully, Mercer&Evans Go 21 tf sept attention. sept 23 tf we mm NORFOLK & WESTERN. SEABOARD COMMON. CHESAPTCATT-E! Sr tXXff A. C. T. np nn-Kr-KrpnTTnTTT A. C L. R. R. COMMON I li WIL. BANK STOCKS. NORTH CAROLINA BONDS, A C L. BONDS. AM. CIGAR CO. NOTES. AM. TOB. CO. BONDS. STEEL COMMON. C P Bolles & Company, 415 Southern Bldg I i mmmmmmmmmZmmmmmammmmmmm we mmmmE B K I wt-vti In tin a foot that the lit- tie store at 111 Market street was not half large enough to ac commodate our large stock ana constantly increasing - tradey we have moved to Nos. 39 Market and 19,' 21, 21.1-2 orth 2nd, where we will carry Hhe largest -and best assorted stock f urni; ture and ; House Furnishings in Eastern .Crolina..: Our prices are . possible only becuse of our load cash ; purcnases. i '. - ; . " " t i , " -a'V0 ',f,: - the wmiSMfMWlMM W HO LE8ALE NflOG'N ' Z t ? t 4 t y y y y y y y I ;i y y y vy T . i y y y The friends of Miss Nannie Hum phreys regret that she has returned to her home j in Washington, D. U, after a visit of several weeks in this city to the family of Professor- Wash ington Catlett ' The1 first eerman of the season will be "given by L'Arioso German Club on Tuesday evening, October thir tieth in the Masonic Temple ball roam, complimentary to the Davis Adams bridal party. . Miss Agnes Seabreeze who has been on pleasant visits pi .sumc months to friends in the North and West, returned to her home in this city yesterday and will be warmly welcomed by her friends. ; - . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Dougald McMillan and Mr. and Mrs, Robert CL DeRosset, who have been "doing" New York for the past two weeks, have returned to their homes after a most comfortable and delightful visit. Mr.1 and Mrs. William . Nehemiah warriss' have a charming visitor in Miss Mary S. Milton of Paenonian SnrMffs. Virginia, who is pleasantly known here. She has been warmly wel comed by former friends . ..- ivTiaa Marie '.Cralrfiill Manning, who has been a charming guest of Miss May Ella Rankin, has .returned vo Jacksonville, Florida, much to. the regret; of her hostess and the many friends made' while here and on the beach. ' : ;!-: ' v 'u- ' Miss. Edith Taylor Js the guest of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. nhas. E. Taylor, at their hospitable home on Orange Street Miss Taylor is one of Wake Forest's most popular young women and has received a cor dial welcome to Wilmington. I ttetaii Stores 129 Market? aW ftmSfeJ MiSoseph Mathers, of New York, who has been a guest of Mrs. E. Van - -t nrnalr . -Tl5.11 TP. B. Sands for tne past turn to ' her home to-morrow, to me neCTet of: many friends who nave en- ifninaiii Tiat Informialliy and Bnose who'hre had the pleasure of meet ing -her.-''.'' ; X" .v Miss Betsy London of " Pittsboro, v Mmat of Miss Jessie Cross- Will L w .V" o i well in Faetteville, this week. Both of these young , daaies are: vcu uiar here and in Fayetteville and their friends' feel that they, i will - lend a cnrm tothe Fair which will.be held in Fayetteville thisjweek. ; ' v H ; Friends la.' this city have received the following engraved invitation: Mr. and Mrs. George Rivers Seabrook invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Jennie . to Mr. Cecil Oswald, Wednesday evening, October twenty fourth, nineteen hundred and six at eight o'clock, Presbyterian Church, James Island, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy L. Fennell and Miss Charlotte Fennell are in New York on a visit of pleasure, of ten days or two weeks. Enroute they were' joined by Miss Mary Hardison at Rocky Mount. Miss Hardison is pleasantly remembered here as a charming guest of Miss Fennell. dur ing the past Summer. The party win visit all the attractions of note and as they are on pleasure bent it is the hope of their friends that their visit will be one of much comfort and sat isfaction. . It is a singular coincidence that three of Wilmington's prominent young men in society are to be mar ried in November and that neither of them will be married in this city. Cant. John Van B. Metts, wilf marry Miss Josephine Budd, in Petersburg, Va.; Mr. Marsden Bellamy, Jr., win wed Miss Sue Clark, in Tarboro, N. C, bd Mr. Thomas B. Willard will be" (united to Miss Helen Dozier in Etowah, N. C. The fourth marriage, in this circle, to be celebrated next month, is that of Mis Jeanie Peck and Mr. George , P. James, which will be in this city. - L V . - : Last Wednesday evening a society event of much interest in the pretty little town of Lincolnton, N. c, as well as in this city, was the marriage of Mr. John HaU, of .Wilmington, and Miss Katherine Boger Hoke, in. the First- Presbyterian Chdrch, of Lin colnton. The couple are exceedingly popular in their respective circles .and the many friends of the groom -take pleasure in the fact that the future home of Mr. , and Mrs. Hall .will be iii this city, where Mr. Hall. is, having put in readiness for his bride a) most com- f ortable j and . cozy , ; cottage at xu North Fifth street. f , . - ' Miss Jessie ; Hopkins, of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Elizabeth WaddelU of this city, will have charge of the new public library which will be opened in the City Kifll building . aborft the firsts of November. Miss Hopkins, who is a trained librarian, will be in charge, with - Miss WaddeM as her assistant. . The large hall Ms .; admir: ably suited for a ibrary and will ;.be suppUed .with all; the Httle comforts of a reading room; f The.r Sorbsia, .of Troy, which made it possible for Wilmlng- his way to the front in the great metropolis, and is now of the firm of P.nstlA. "London ComDanv, a prosperous firm of . designers ana decorators whose reputation has ex tended over manyv States. The bride- elect is a very bright and attractive whose character and personality have made for her many friends with whom she is justly pop ular. The marriage will take place in St Andrew's Episcopal church in Orange, New Jersey, on Saturday, November -the seventeenth. Nestled in the mountain's, near Henderson ville, N. C., is the pretty little town 4 of Etowah, where Miss Helen Dozier, of Columbus, Ga., and Mr. Thomas B. Willard, or tnis city, will plight their troth at "Bryn Avon," the Summer home of the Malletts, where Mr. and Mrs. Dozier have re- irtpri thA T)a,st season. The bride- elect is very popular in . this city where she was introduced by Mrs Gabriel Holmes. Mr. Willard also has many friends who have received the following invitations: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Preston Dozier invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Helen Mr! Thomas Blount Willard on Saturday, the third of November at highnoon. p "Bryn Avon." Etowah, North Carolina. '.'.' In St Bartholomew Episcopa Church in the town of v Pittsboro, N. C, Miss Anne Mauger Taylor an Mr . iRfi-mmmd (Strudwick Nash were united in marriage, .by the Rev. Rich ard W. Hogue, of this, city, Iste't Thurs day evening The ' .bride' was attired in; a becoming gown of white crepe de chine and: the historic old church had' been tastefully decorated for the occasion. - in place of the. customary bouaueti the bride carried in her hand to the - altar, -a pretty, white Trraver . book and hynmad. She . En tered the church on the arm of her brother Mr. Henry Taylor, while the groom,. was attended by his, brother, Mr. Henry IC Nash, Jr., as best: man; Miss Emma. Taylor,; of Raleigh, was he maid of honor and . the .only at tendamt of the bride The ushers, were, Mr. Ben j. Bell Jr., . Mr, , Burke H Bridgers and Piatt W. Davis. Besides the ushers, : those in attendance from, this city were,' Mrs. Joshua T. James, Misses-. Mary, Margaret uand, Dorothy Nash. The wedding; while quite ' sim ple : and unpretentious was neverthe less a very beautiful .one. An enter-, jtainment was given , the bridal party on- Wednesday evening -by Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. London, and Thursday night they .were the recipients of the hospitality of Mrs. Lawrence J. Houghton, at her comfortable heme. Friday night Mrv and Mrs. Nash spent the . day at the ancestral home or tne Nash's: in Hillsboro, N. C., and yes terday .arrived ! in the city on a visit of, a few days to Mr. Nash's parents. The young couple will make their home in ChcMeston S. 3. where' the groom 'has been located for some months. .; -.. , ? , :,. :: ;' -, '.. We desire to notily our friends and customers thdt on and after the first of October we will be iourid at Nosi 213 and 215 North Front street, where we will have a larger and better stock of Mill buppues man ever. Thanking you for your liberal patronage, we are, Yours respectfully, Hyman Supply Co. sept 26 tf . . HELLO! HELLO! WHO'S THAT? The Ohly Restauraiit ' Electric Fans. Coolest Place in Town. Why nay 50c a meal at other placet when you can get the quickest .ser vice and best meal for 25c at the The Only Retaurant, 118 Market Street I, Sour Kraut. Luzianna Coffee Gape Feat Trading Co., Phone 1013. nt 12 tf J. B. TAYLOR. Manager Fourth and Campbell Slfr f mm ifissv Eyerytii "Here, waiter, this beef is ' It Isn't fit for a;dog, to eat" don't 4at it 'Cleveland f Press. fierce. "Then Ing Ybii Could Think lifirn flnnrn rin'A llflnririiifr kiiici uuuio aiiu kJiuuuwo and a creat ,- raanv - ttnnors yuu uever? mougni 01, out ol which i you stand in neea. .x-r'-" Why hot give us a chance to convince , you that money spent will result in tm mm miarm ' & a m m mm mm''. Z ( a. '. 1 lBl rliirnhionti V P- 4. II4U1UIIIOUI1 O UU. may 25-tf -r: C'j "' y.V-.V?-W i; wanted, a young man who lias had some ezperienoe in hand composition and In working on T)unpV in, lino type department Apply at Th Morn ins Star office; :'-'- 3t - j Miss : Henrietta Lavender,

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