' . V (greatest r hi' YICTIMS pro BeP athcr Miami Hundreds ned- Storm's rted by the Bureau. Mornlntf Star. . .v. th ill- hill i r..i - ITude arrive .hero tooThe steamer iHntt S Key. the accH., la v " great some of relatives. damage, here 'by the storm Thursday;, ws; to:: shlppmg; Tie sponging fleet broke anchor and4 car ried -destruction , to Smaller; boats, of the:fishiii flect.eerenue cutter Fessenden was badly damaged at ttie. vru v eriuuen,: wnari, being beached near Uhmarine hwpltaTheHMal-; lory, liner .; Concha the ' Havana' liner Miami, and the": Philadelphia liner Al giers remained In port and sstfely rode out the storm. No damage was done; to, houses in; the city .and no lives were lostv . : ' ' ... Ik '-v.--' - l M s were burled uv be interred 7 f these 11 lasers who were - t0 work on tne arrived in port F-STdn m the sur- " No. 4, about Quartern East uoa&u movne SOUth to- f", r.ramling. ..nl1AS. r CONFEDERATE BATTLE. ABBEY. Several ' ...liner SlOre hfien sbui. W 4trnctlons i water wiu d, Lprers with supplies. 1 oa, of Miami, George Vctm Beach, and of es,t . onlv . Miami, wcic o(nPriShed in the cp WUW f .xnifl he as- kster mat - . red and fifty men were on -j k storm Vrse ot u,v - r w 9n The western Ion, w ft va tropical nuriiv;., .eastward through, the tits last Trsday BtrucK krolina caost at t.uu The Darometer v to 29.16 inches with , wind velocity of 64 miles M the north. No serious Wed. Tne SLOrm yiwo K xi x 1 Wng m a.souiuwwwiij fhut tne rait; ui uiyTvv-i, Ily slow. labilities at present axe iTpmain in auoui, it yiw i for the next 36 hours, al i erratic course that it has arsued makes it difficult to tte its future path. est, Fla., Ck;t. Work: Will Be Commenced at: Rlch- rnond In Short Tfme. ; - Ty Wife to The Mornlnar Star.) v Richmond, Va,, Oct. ,20.Apparenf ly -the last obstacle to , the building here of a Confederate Battle Abbey to cost $200,000 has been removed and .' work "on 5the structure will be gin in a short time, -it issaid. : A let ter received hy i Ldeutenaht Oovernor Ellyson, ' "from vNew York to-day an nounces that a Te-hearmg of the case, of Shaughnessy vs. ' the Confederate Memorial Association has been denied in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. ' General .IJhderwood', wflio was secretary for af long time of (the uonieaeraie Association, ciaimea a commission on the donation' -of $100,- 000 made by Charles Broadway Rouss, which the Association refused, and further steps toward: the building have - , ; been .prevented by this suit. Under-; wood assigned his claim to Shaugh bessy, hence the present title-ot the suit . some articles of chinaware of trivial During v the . rush i for: the counters in he.Vrear v of r the establishment where the bargains were - on display there was a crp of "there's a $5 bill oh the - flooiT' . by some perss6n evi- 5 dently facetiously v inclined. Several y-auas pent yver to pics up , tne Dill and in the wild scramble that . ensued women ; and children " were thrown from their, feet and trod dnt -' Others were thrown over and crushed against the counters. A bry 'ot thief 'by some woman whose pocketbook had een been snatched heightened the excite ment.- At this juncture-, the doors were closed and the human avalanche 'stopped." Phy&caitas eW r .hastily summoned and medica aid given. rss7j3: arjcv J.-Mafct - " , Madame Deartli, expert corsetiere of NewN York, will remain at pur store a , few days longer to fulfill engagements already made, and to welcome aU o A. TWELVE- LADIES '. "''-V ?y -v -v- INJURED, Wag , Caused Panic at Bargain Sale ' Y in -LbuisyilJer (By Wire to The Mornlnsr Star.) Ixu1sville, Oct. " O.-TwelVe per sons were injured in a panic during a bargain sale at a, store here to-day. The most - seriously- hurt are: Mrs. George Willlamls, arm ft(rolen, B LE AC H ER ', SE ATS x CO LL A PS ED. Many Injuredat ot Bajn Gameat Syracuse. V?-;..:' By Wire-to the .Mornlns: Star. Syracuse, N. .: Y., - Oct 20. During the progress of the foot ball game be tween;; the teanls; Jrom Syracuse and Colgate" Universities at New. Star Park heTe this afternoon,: aption. of the upper section of . the bleacher stands collapsed. The stands were detiselypaoked and four hundred per sons '. were precipitated into the en closure under the stands. No one was killed outright, but of the 100-or more injured the death of three of them Is' expected. The "Rev. Christopher: J. Donlgan, assistant pastor ,of - St. . Johns, The Evangelist Church, ' sustained an injury, to his M4tTV?virh mav nrove fatal. Pro- fessor W. MX.usk, principal of the Union Free School, Hamilton; also sus tained a ; serious r Injury 'io his spine and he is 4n. a .precarious condition ot a innitAV John West, of Rome, is injured: internally and , may die. The accident occurred" $ist : after. the resumption of play In the second half.' "The intensiB v rivalry-' between the two -teams brought out the largest crowd that has ever attended a foot Koii Wmo in. Svracuse. There were 8.000 persons in the stands and bleachers and on the side lines and 243 243 2310 v (This LaGrecque Belt Model strongly appeals to large women be cause it cures too prominent abdomen andThips naturally and per manently. Dresses fitted over . it keep their, original style and, fit to the end. : - . - - '! "'''-. .-; , ' -; The straight front, and full cut top encourage deep, natural b'reathlng, conform the bust to shapely lines and give the clear; bright complexion that comes through an erect poise and. uncramp ed figure. This is aTcorset that can be worn with ease and bene fit every hour of the. day. : f 205 For slender and medium figures this new model is without a peer. it will fit better, give more style and . shapelier rounded lines than any corset you have ever worn. Has short hip, well de fined, clean cut waist line and front lines complying with the de mand for medium high bust. 4 The JiniQue construction1 ot latticed ribbons; over a fine sheer body makes -It light and comfortable. Pliant to every movement ot the wearer, yet more durable -than many heavily built crsets A beautiful chic model bort of much study and experience 2310 ' Your new dress if fitted over this LaGreCW Lattice Ribbon Cor set will show a stylish personality entirely missing in the stero- typed lines of most corsets. w LaGrecque Lattice Ribbon Model for medium and slender figures is the lightest weight yet durabls corset made. A body of fine sheer material, latticid' over with ribbons that prevent splitting or stretching, allows complete freedom in every movement yet gives due firmness for support. Cool, light and flexible. Long waist, full length bust for full or stout figures. lian Williams,. her 12 yearjold daugh ter. Miss Ray Brascher. Mrs. Lenal mot nil throueh was at Forman. , ( . , fever heat. A number of other injured were -Suddenly there was a crash as fifty hurriedly taken away in carriages feet of the bleachers gave way and ordered by the mjanagdment.' , ' the occupants were thrown" into the Fully two - thousand were in the enclosure. People rusneo. irom 20. The store attracted by a cut rate sale of stands to tne ZIZ but a dozen meu uiwaou that led to the rear of the collapsed tW nd prevented a rush of the TWahove reoresents but a few of the many styles LaGrecque cprsete. A fit guaranteed for every figure. EasUy the best corset w w Don't fail to be fitted. No. Tn3. oct 21- tt i ' . " s,: : - SUNDAY SERVICES. Announcements by Wilmington Pas- tors for City Pulpits Today. TT-ct rhtirnn of Christ. Scientist, ' STAR 1NESS LOCALS! BOARDERS WANTED FIVE OR 0M.Von nonnl Oil tOi those sir vniine- m pn pan vrt crnnii hnaril n nrt I 5 ' " :' i , - , , wv. accommodations atr is 02 orange street; 1 Dxinea xmuci mv . , v,, txtnnA floor: A WV AWA XWV debris. The iffj the trip up on her. The "Fayette vine which has been in dry dock for several months undergoing extensive repairs, makes a. fine appearance." CTAR WILL SEND WITH- 31RGE, A. D. TV (WEST- hlON) MESSENGERS TO PLACE OF BUSINESS OR -EICB FOR ADVERTISE-. S FOR OUR BUSINESS II DEPARTMENT. TBOKE ITAR OFFICE, NO. 51 JeS 1TVKXTY-FIVE CPS. EACH INSERTION OP m-FiVB words, on ADDIVONAL WORDS, THAN TWENTY-FIVE, PUT PER ORD. FOSI- f-Ii CASH IN ADVANCE. t A, D. T. SIESSENOEIM ALSO CALL FOR TBLE- fi FOR THE WH STERN TLEGRArU CO OR f OR I OR SMALL PACKAGES BE DELIVERED ANY' W THE OtTY. NO 8B FOR TRR TW.I.nJ AJTD BUT A SMAIA FOR NOTES AND ! PACKAGES. FOR THIS ICE CALL WESTERN UN- PH(WE 2. BUT FOR AD- KTg ALWAYS CAIA. TAR OFFICE, PHONE tS. TWO TRAVRUINO S AI.Ri1HC. TV "vwvv each State, salary $35 per week and ex- 11 a ivi mnrl tr. so.. QrTlwa a-- -- ...v4 T.evaoon Sermon: "Proba- OUUJCUI. l Jim McKay, colored, of Lijlington, was. killed by a train on the Seaboard Air Line yards at Raleigh on Friday. -Washington, D. C, dispatch, Oct. m .1 '' 18: The application 01 tne jnotioik '1... x -rkov. ah atfl Invited, nna .Tnr1in(A nnnp(ps9nrv hotti- i . . . ' . iitunTei eTDIlf r iTIrm 1 Lei icaiu.1. l pies free. Los Angeles Cider Co., New SMTMERN. ,M " - 1 Market Street .M- BL church, South, rtnthArn railroad to construct a Tnrlr : v - Clot 1-1f I , . i I -..??vJLk-: ' . - .. ., i ... ,-ti. . bifer ibf AVbitration Is" Rejected ..ndtjwMr Hrtt",B1,!S;- flw mile bridge across Albemawe Offer bf Aito J Bfordf pa8tor: vPreaching- Sound has been referred to the De- - ku w miw mm w - - i n vb . u day at 11 A. M: ana 5 tr. partment of Labor, and Commerce rpr - WIIMINGTON LODGE, NO.' 25, uromernooa ot anway wieras mem- i . NnAtiatlon Monday evening, Oct; 22nd. at 8 o'clock. By Wire to The Mornifur star. mMHn; every Wed- ,. v Business of importance to he transact- washineton. October 20. The comMMrv' 'i"',,- 7Z- vT !1h. approve ,uy xxox Wxxxxxxx0x.. ed.- By order. of the. President. . Stephen i x, -w.i-iih, Df nesday eTenlng at 5 iQiwwu w 3 action was taken by tne war Oct. zi-if mitiee iciiiwuu - . . x, n v come. ... x xv oin iaAi-,irn Rallwav . Company who ere" mee. r " uepartment upoa viic 1 umv sHkA for an in- ecuuu - 4ixMJ v- .orviro at 10 O'CIOCK couuutwu h v ho annlitation un- crease in wages .has uecimea tne . , m ,f pfiJmiar services at on. M. Chubb, Secretary. m xxxv o- 1 icyaiuucut mivui .t Second Advent church:. Prayer anj 1 Mackenzie, chief of engin declined the song der consideration.- General ... .. - :x,x 11 o'clock. Sunday, aenww, o. . - ; . f th oninton that the abridge immediate setueiueu.w cn,? Arvice con- it i un- Evening rrajer - nf DUnt according to tne Tequireiueuiw lt.iB uu . flx from 7 tO ... . i xvk tkot . laid down oy japt wihsiow, uu iwo.x m Uie I V LiAa4inaA LOT Gxl65 ON FOURTH. STREET, between Brunswick and Bladen. Lot 66 x!65 on Second street, between Han over and Brunswick streets. C. P. B. Mahler. Oct 21-tf FOR RENT TWO WELL, FURNISH- L,o fnr nr. only need. apply.. No. 1 Postofflce ave- seems to be at an end and 11 .is un- Streeter from ' t 21-1t I - xx x.v .Amnonv -aril! m. dUCteO y W . . llf.WTPn A . , l O'CIOCK. XVCftlxllxx - WHO w hone The I l1"11! eighth ii ager o fthe situation at once u- Lutheran church, comer l a reason the fish com dressed a concniatory circular tne ,J:v.w-aitreett rTTW BtBOAINS. IN REALT3STATE xx, 1 torrna .thrf. mmTjanV OI S1XU1 ua . . o. wo . ViJ Tnt investments: 1 four- . ' a nvder. Dastor: ISineteentu ouu reri0rt : as to the effect the construe teen per cent, investment. Don t de ay would agree to.-: iu Lo after Trinity, English service, I jon of the bridge will have, on the' inniiHn owners 01 orooeny muai 1 . ,n,woH noptinations . Deiwwu iuc u; "" . nn n -m- Him-1 .. . - 1 . . 1 UJ jcuvnvu -" ' I . -tt - BarrirP. : ."D JT . x'x., l 4- , tno ertlTTi fl Konra Trnm HRme kum.i- i- - .. . i -u.;n i rvi vHsuex ox x. i iimi vruicuu - ui xxoax xxx i , . of nna Tnct nhnnA i Tho macninists weui uui v wh ill Li a l oaueu vuvv. wuw r . r . . . . . M xi x the evening 8 P. M. Pastor j. vv ?2t the situation will . not ; obstruct navi ... iMViui - Praver meet-1 . . ,ix,- Mil 74 TH 111 111 LWA " us the number of that vacant dwelling Glehth instant, and the general man-, w -' iht and consider It rented. D, R. Foster & W'x..'.! -M ad. tag every Tuesday nlgnt. Co., 206 Princess street, fnone zzu. Oct 21-tf. ' - . 1 War- engineer at Norfolk, who. investigated . the BlT.11AT.ian. W1M .UUL . UUHU UVl uo- Prayer meet- . , n11A;fw at KatlUU.-' JLUT7 liijr umvi, h- - issue' is that .of injurylto fishing in- SSJ "b: Ur'y CoTS fSK- omlttee.repIsentlnS.,the mJ- ." cordial to "."W Phone 1220. Oct 21-lttf. ,,at. an dthe company treaalUng In dty.Scnooi, a.... FOR BALE 6-room house ori Church KA.MAan 4h anri nth sts. Honae on 4th iZZatn Tiomtt nd Swan sts. House on Bth sW' between Bridge and Brunswick sts See CP. B, Mahler, agent. oct20tf lists an uLxic vvxi-rf . . x Qii ff0r r.f arbitration by the com- vitauLu -x. . I ..I X I "XX - vxw. ... - ... I x- T..1a V.T flOMB ou iuibi. yr ... the- com' pany. it . w y"- jan pa has declined. JNRIETTA LAVENDER, AN 1LeQ teacher of mnoin i. a... X7 XX5 P1616 course from ele- Wnri So,est- grades; including Jjwk. Sight-Readlng, Memo- N rinjm6 speuidiiiea Htv "i" no soutn sixtn L " rf X A. 11. i -YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 p .preierably with some ex r " ary goods stnro ihi olui omce. . !nrt !llt ffST'AK LAST NIGHT Fourth s;..fST IGH1 ftan;:,.;lccl ""age ana xay- Is S , 01. AlUllll f UUIU1 W ANTED A stout boy about 14 years old, to make flres, bring water and go on i nni, Vt the atmr office. . oc t9tf 1 auuo. - . -Vkervi A i.ito'a orAM.xM,teh. with - fob and B." on inside. . itewara h oct ldlt pd meat business f ,r VhV. rocer r.' ' care of Raleteh News and Observer, Oct. ox TxoTa Eniscopal Church, corner .e caboose and three cars a I " : . ... T?mirth and Orange streets, xvev. 20': w spabrease. rector: Morning prayer MoisviUe . yesterday morning LJa flnn at 11 A. Evening pray- freiffht train coins east broke a coup affairs were con- m t 8 P. M. . Sunday 0t harir down the hill oast the sta csnhool at 3:30-P. M.. Seats freev tion and stopped on a west; grade. at the wane, txvu-j ..prti. are cordially invited. , Then they broke and ran east again tween President Roosevelt; and bee- QHhPw'fr English Lutheran L the station where a man named retaries R'oot and ;TaftTne i-resi- . Nortii Fourth street,, Rev. C. pugh jumped upon the cars and put dent will leave New- York on a bat, . , rnastot: Sunday School brakes. One car jumped the Star. oct 18 lwk pd if tc AT YOUR BATHROOM with a Gas 7 .. vKge containing a pair --lauie reward If ratnrnoil Ali (11 X Birr-- x-j.i.T 'tTMir.. : - Nraliv , BURNISHED tee. ourtn- Apply to "V" care jgr-: oct 21-lf W ThJ oREE VERY DESIIU A. D,?e Southern, fifth floor. W rl "eal Estate and Col l Room 306. oct 21-lt Nilt?5 HEPRESNTAX1VE, lP0Tjnu." droi"ia over- live E'mW sel1 Paying line to IodtW . part or entire KBZ?2rtnity for right man. box 386. Greensboro. hSTr- oct. 21-2t R A ML . ... it. use. t, l OR ESTAB PenJrel5 dollars weekly eft oiPaid- Reference. 'Ad . Clows. Wilmington. N. fWApr-- oct 21-lt rr inn " w"i snow you how to Cmen oniy men of abii- TT . T -mn. 1 AllT---7---f a- UCt 21-lt PlaCe?SIIlALE LOT AT 04re RiAaaress for terms 'M. 1.'m.Hr w. 4i-lL" Je? s"ndries; ?25 per FIX ; Saturday U ovember the thirds our mind as the opening of 1fJ.B2 ??he oSoperative SulldWd LAss. iiatlon. Kacn snare "t ,t tii, of riir 1 si- now open at eood It will ao you. i rvnVrhome ThosPS. Wright, Secretary. oct6tf tleship on Noyempertu. . D r-in A M.. Preaching at 11 A. M. ana tracir blocking it for some time, jno the limited tim-mwrvmx uw. . p m; EverT person w th nnvnine of. Congress Jn Decern- ahnt choirch. UUV -vw - . I,' . . I rM- 1IJ.TJ UUUUAM w v ber he has .decided; to, shorten nw . Qr rtreetB,.Revh N. M. 4tVtVthA :isthmusao,.1hree,days, . T,rftJWAine at 11 A. V V MVw J .s L- . unrth naroiina Ham iff von warn a cxiuavw " . fir.i IT'frhone &47. We hav Bomcxu... . on Way. . We carry "plealed country produce In season, - w m Norln to serve one and all. S.; . craig, g tf Fourtn Bireei -. - - ' welcome. WflR im lured. comer i ?race J nnna otrOPTS. 1. XTX. I HI1RH HanRflE & CO., . . m v t-,c -ri v ii i s-i . am -www - M, and o r. -v I ; 3-30 P. M.; Prayer meeting weuuer Birr ajtd sell on 'wmu day. 8 P. M. iwul - ' ; ".! 1 ; W V i . . : ;v - .. .. r. . ' U . ' : ' 1 I Don't W- 1i-fI I waif .iV::: . " 4:-r:';: I for he 1 - ;J.rlj- I cod snap ; .'"'': I Get your GAS RADIATOR I B 1 . I" 1 and be prepared for if. 1 ' r- I If T oc 17 wed frl sun j' . - ' ' - - . " . ' .! MALAGA CRIES I CflrnU lexJ-"8 sundries t S5K U irl0'nia r-ri perience unnec ket It Cier, & Flavoring . juouis, MO. Oct 2l-lt 508 0r;nTeD.:ROOMS, -ait poob Autant Yates, 11 Churo ",r,Tl.u mlogton. - a.. - .1 - i i manufacaurer. saiaryu- extra corn first year, PfSSS! pMmUnust have missions and expenses, app1. capital se eood references and n Address Sured. 4P"5 Boxftirchicago, 11. v Manufacturer P. o. 4 Sundays oct 7 . .,,fnwTi'Y lato take GOOD WAic iu w ""f BmKjing sno several shares In thRuri Loan ' ABSociawuii.. v ourth series wn Worth $100 at maturity. PSV-totormation nrnrkinfirs of the Associat on r1tf4ftn the .y . -...-V . . .:'i,a Wn He - will be accompam by Mrs. Roosevelt. . a nHilmse Landmarlc ; -ripti Street M. E. Church, Rev. In theftrst years :of,nayigatlon on A j ParkeT pastbr: Preaching at 11 western waters, saya .the authorof M and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday School "Early . Steamboat Navigation on tne ; fa Dll cordially Mlssourl'RlYer to J'n(l . use all sorts of signals and marks to invited to attend. aeideeIrcourses. 40ne:had a cus- . . nm imnninirk certain CTOSSlng If he To Build A. C, U.Bnage. cenighto:ald of a Yesterday's Fayetteville Obesrver Tantoalgedto a family sayS:. "Mr. J. R. Goodwin, the en liviig' in ahoose At the foot of .the gier of the American Bridge ( Corn crossing directly In the course of the pany, of Pittsburg, and his assistant, hond Whenever a boat was coming M 1. j. . Baldwin, have arrived here tw rim? rati out 'to the bank, always . nnrr.Q 0f commencing vtne la exactly the same place, which was actual construction, of the new bridge in line with'l the. : channel, and barked for tne' wnson Short Cut division', of bis loudest, ijbpilot ran ...toward the k over the, Cape Fear SOUTHERN SECURITIES, COTTON MILL STOCKS. Ilorth and South Carolina State Bonds. "": ge street. Oct. 21-lt which I. '. .: -. . j. noafa As . - . . r 1 f 1 x. . w r-r iaati n am rixan . 2'x . 1 1 i nruiy. ... 1 .:. ,1 nifrnpr iiik. x. xic 1 1 iai i uccu. vuuucu"n " an l)arike" ip .'.th sprure oiiarters for noTt morni:icr;ti.?i ooai "" bjuxx .. wv, " . ... . tr -on a: sana bar. into wuicu ui them, lorty smiiea wutjuv" reiauvo w " ti roall to see Jr?7,, cneerfully given If ygc.jig."owen ReiHy h n fThidbourn or Sec. Jas. og ,.. Office 110 Princess st sun .... s- ' ' '-m 11 ttt m AP " . . M.T1U TRESH ARRIV. nles." ODiona. . Lrtsh Potatoes. A. S. .Winstead. Orange, y"--- 'rlved. Two car j r Ic22.tf Cabbage, oc22- pilot had run at full speed. sent here from Pittsburg. Order. The1 "City of Fayetteville." " . r Favettevllle -: : ' . . ' . .1 N X VVXIX-J - , Orderjls ttjaw ; observer says: X "The City of Fay tealth or t.ue ooay . lut? ic-i,-c irvv the sscurlty of the state. As-th j'oirajs to a house; iisl the bones .to tbe -'ft. ..Wft':Tn of raaa. so is order , to all nealth-of te r " a;. ettevUle-arrived here last night from Cityv-.pe-.ux, .u. r: ,f . wilminffton left ;to-day, witn;a cargo of 4 cotton.' Mt. S. P. MoNair and family and Mr. Ti D. Love made 'rrocosm'- of man. 300 barrals Lehigh Cement, 1,200 sacks Atlas Cement. 450 barrels Lime. 400 sacks Wood Fiber Plaster, 150,000 Shingles. . v 50,000 Standard Laths. - -75,000 No. Laths. : f Fire Brick, Clay, Ktc Orders solicited. XI B. THORPE & CO Phone 78. Foot of Ann Street..' APPLET. " ORANGES.' . CHALMERS' JELATINE. SHELLED ALMONDS. ENGLISH WALNUTS. CHALMER'S JELATINE. STUFFED DATES. ; ' JELLIES. AND X PRESERVES'. OF ALL KINDS. r . - , a GROW & TAYLOR, oct 14 .tf Phone 1053 ACADEMY off.lUSIC 5 GALA NIGHTS. 2 PRIZE MATiNEES ' : ; , ; ;: STARTING y' - : jy " TOESDAYi OCT; 23, ' f '' ' "' : .' ' .... . " '. ". ROBERT A. MANSFIELD v In the Latest New, York Success . The Lion and the iamb . 20 PFOPLE IN THE CAST 20 . ... . ... -., ,.,-: , Big TauderlUe Feature Nightly. r . v PRICES Night, 10, 20, 30; Matlness 10 and 20 OCt 20" 3t " ."::: X , To Cure a Co(d In One Day. . Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets: Druggists refund money if It falls to cujre. E. . W. GROVE'S. signa ture Is' on eachbox. 25c ; v. - . :r . f ..' , :- " '"v i . ' .. . -, s ... ... ! - . .. i ,r f, V - ( -i ; .' .. s "'1, ' .: ' '-.r'? if- .Hi V-' r. ; . r a- if.' I 1. i 1 ft'.