- f t 7 f" THE HORNING ' .mW0N THTOSDAY; OVSHBEIl.l, 1C03. .... v,.r--,.--r' -I,., 4.- PAGE TWO. She flDdrning Stat. Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. C. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Wilmington, N. C. under the Act of Congress of Marcli 3. 1879. Thursday, November 1, 1906. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. vnr Representative ; ;in . ' Congress 'Sixth District: Hannibal L: God- vin, of Harnett For Corporation' Commissioner: Franklin -McNeill, of Wake. For Judge Superior Court Fifth District: Oliver H. Allen, of Lenoir. or Solicitor Fifth District: Rodolph -Duffy, of Onslow. the other, is that; if we keep up. the colonial scheme there we. must have the biggest navy of all the countries of the world." The long and short of it is, if we persist ' in ."imperialism'' or "colonialism" we ' may as weir let" up on any antagonism to the "big stick" idea and all fall into line with Captain Hobson's advocated hoby and Presi dent Roosevelt's policy for a big naval establishment. If we keep the Phil ippines we must have a 'big navy, and if we don't have a big navy we will get caught napping when Japan or any other country takes a fancy to our far eastern possessions. The present scare is healthy for the "big stick' RURAL DELIVERY AND S00D ROAPS MEXICO BUSTS THE TRUSTS. Vr State Senate Eleventh Dis trict: George H. Bellamy, of Bruns wick.. . For Representative George L. Morton. For Sheriff S. Percy Cowan. For Clerk of the Superior Court John D. Taylor. ' For Register of Deeds John Haar. For Treasurer Hector McL. Green. 1 For Coroner C. D. Bell. I For County. Commissioners Duncan McEachern; William F. Robertson, H. L. Tollers? W. F. Alexander pud Mor rison W. Divine. ' . For Constable of Wilmington Town ship W. B. Savage. j i . . -. OUR RELATIONS WITH JAPAN. sawing- the -wood, Philadelphia Rec- ordV:.1:. - ' .' The Pullman Car . : Company , is making a futile effort no dodge .the new -railroad rate law.;' It claims to be i running a hotel on wheels. The scheme; however. ' wilt hot' work." A Chicago dispatch says that tne btaie of Illinois statutes, regulating hotels would require the Pullman company to nrovlde a register , for Its guests and see to it that everybody who en gages a berth registers. .. It will aiso have to install" an iron safe in each of its cars for, the safe custody of the money and valuables of: each guest. It will also have to reconstruct its. cars so that the doors will open 'out ward instead of inward. The Pullman company in its- attempt to ? play this game, will be very likely Jacked up. Charlotte Chronicle. TWINKLINGS. Government Requires the Country Must Have Good. Roads and Bridged , If ..It Expects, lyians . Streams Delivered Free. mmmmi tti i -mi win ueii i nursaay ov, Is If we were to judge from the edi torials of many newspapers in this country,, we are -in danger of a war with Japan because some Japanese pupils have been excluded from the public schools of San Francisco. That is a merely ipcal: incident, fox which the United States is in no way respon sible, and the Japanese are too sensi ble a people, to want to go to war many believe that while the school controversy, is of no consequence the Japanese are - merely looking for an excuse to auarrel with L; the United States in order to carry out a design to seize the Philippines. The New Orleans Picayune alluding to the in cident says: i v " . "This shows how prompt the Japa nese Government is to claim and main .tain its real or imagined rights against the, American people. There is a deep seated belief that there is something more behind tfiisi affair than the in dignation of a nation, because the Ja panese children in San Francisco were , excluded from the white schools and sent to one expressly provided. There tare those who believe that any ex cuse was wanted to pick va quarrel with the Unite I States, so that the Philippinv may. be seized before any efficient defense can be made. The Japanese Navy is near at hand, while . ours is many thousands of miles away;-' "' ;' ' ' . , "The treaty of peace between Japan end Russia, -made in the United States contained an express provision , that Manchuria,- whether occupied by Ja pan -or Russia, must be returne 1 in tact to . China. ' Notwithstanding this solemn .requirement of the treaty, having : fought a successful -war and obtained control of Manchuria, Japan now wnnts to remain in that region. Everything that coui be done to solid . ify Tapanese '''control over Manchuria has been do ne, and t was sV flagrant ly 'in violation of the terms of the treaty of Portsmouth that Secretary Root by direction of the President protested ;' nd demanded that " Japan observe the solemn pledges made in treaty and in repeated notes to the United States. Responding to the pro test, : Japan gave formal r assurances that it would withdraw from Manchu ria and not hinder American trade." We are not surprised to see that Japan is pursuing the policy attribut ed, to her with reference to Manchu ria. It is just what we expected that she would -do and we do not presume that many of the statesmen either of . the country or of European powers are at all , surprised that Japan is holding on to Manchuria and intended all, along to do so. . f; : We anticipate no' serious trouble with. Japan over the San Francisco school incident, but the alarm raised ovet the. -possibility or even the prob- a)"ty ? of : war serves to Impress two fad& ;upon us-one that our colonial adventure In the Philippines renders tfils country vulnerable to attack,, and The Savannah Morning News says: "The Mexican, government fights trusts in a practical and direct sort of way. When the meat trust advanced the price of meat to a practically pro hibitive figure, so far as . the poor were concerned, the government went into the business and undersold the trust, at the same time giving better meats. ! The competition had its s effect and; the trust quickly reduced prices. The government has made arrange ments whereby it can go into the meat business on a very large scale at any time the trust becomes too greedy.' That will give Col. Bryan a new wrinkle, fit might be a good Idea to hold a threat of Mexicanization over the beef trust In this country. NO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS. Says the Greensboro Industrial News (Rep.): "It may be possible that the Demo cratic leaders really labor under the delusion that they will carry the Eighth district; but if this be true, why are they piling into that district almost every prominent Democratic speaker in the State?" If the Democrats had an idea that they could carry "the -district without canvassing it, "delusion" would be a mighty good word to describe their State of belief, but the fact that they invaded the district with speakers is an evidence of faith that they could or would oarry it In the election. Faith without works is nothing, or words to that effect. Go pn. CURRENT COMMENT. Just about the time we get through; with the campaign we. must tackle the Legislature- - Raleigh Times. Senator Clark, of Montana, has had enough of the Senate. He is -able to own a seat in that body, but will j give it up, while others who are notj ableto buy one are anxious to geti a seat. It is the way of. the world Nashville American. Following our editorial yesterday on the system of prescription writing one doctor has discontinued his sub-! scription to The News. We expect ed no less, and will be entirely sat isfied if he, and the others Who are writing them promiscuously, will also cut out their prescriptions. It's a lit tle significant that one of this very doctor's patients was fined $20 in the Recorder's Court this morning for a prescription drunk. Charlotte News. The negro ministers of the Cen terville circuit of the Methodist church in Delaware have formed an association end pledged themselves to "denounce all crime and lawlessness" and to assist the authorites by every means in their power to bring viola tors of the law to their race to jus tice. The organization will do good work, if it lives up to its declara tions. Too often negro Violators of the. law are shielded and hidden by negroes, merely because of their col or. The way to make the law, re spected is to enforce it, without re spect to color. Savannah News. Arkansas has .Imposed a fine of $10,000 on a packing company for vio lating the State-anti-trust law. the ice trust men in Toledo, who were convicted last Summer of violating tne state's anti-trust law, have been moved one. stage nearer to the jail by the refusal of an Appellate Court to : interfere with their sentences. Tne Ohio courts have also convicted two other trusts, 'and the Supreme Court of Illinois has laid the axe at the root of the tree by enjoining the sale of one corporation to another, the effect of which was to create a , monopoly. l ne administration and the Republi can orators are, making all , the noise, nut tne. state courts, in accordance with the opinion of Mr. Cleveland, are -Physician's Wife: I need a new evening dress. Physician:' , "AU rightr my STIY IcoTc "dver my riist and find some fellow who can afford an operation for appendIcitIs.-New York Press. Old Chum: Your wife reminds me of a girl I once knew in Boston. Pret- tyman:i That's nothing, she is con tinually reminding me qf every girl I ever knew anywhere." Life. "What are you crying for, Bertie t" wish I had a. little boy to play with me." , 'You are too big now to cry for someone to play .with." "Well, then get met me a wife.V-Judge. r'lHe's ' a gentleman." 'Nonsense. He's a snob." "He always gives up his seat in a car to a woman." "That's be cause sitting down bags the knees of his trousers." Cleveland Leader. Father: "So you want to get married, eh? Tell me why, pray?" Daughter : "Oh, I suppose it's one of the traits I Inherited from my moth er." Chicago News. "You ought to think of helping me save something for a rainy day.'.' 'I thought of It to-day, and I have or dered you a nice umbrella and nae a dozen pairs of th$ swellest stockings you ever saw." Houston Post. "Here's something about the Dutch Stealing one of the Philippine Islands. I wonder what Uncle Sam will do about it?'L "Well, it would serve hem . right if he refused to take it back." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Great news!" cried Jack, evi dently excited. What is it?" asked his cousin May, "I'm going to marry Vera Koy." -Pshaw! That's not news. She asked me a month ago if I'd be her bridesmaid.'--Milwaukee Senti nel. ' 1 ' .V - Obtrusive Citizen -'Lask you, sir, are you one of those who profess to believe that tariff revision spells ruin?' Cautious Candidate "I have only to reply 43ir, that in all that relates in any way to. spelling I am proud to -stand squarely on the line with our peerless and fearless President, Theodore Roosevelt. (Applause long continued.) Puck. Beautify the X5 Mmpj lexion . , IN TEN DAYS. Nadinola The UN EQUALED BfcAVTI PIER; en dorsed' y tLouaands: guaranteed to remove freckles, pimples, 11 faciar discoloration and restore tte : L e a u t y - of ; vout . c worst casA ; n A a i l.OUt all leading inx storea, or hy mail. TnpMitA ,r nat;cnai. toilet cqm : tj,. Tesa. Soldi in Wilmington by Robt R. Bel lamyt and other Leading T - '. Druggists. The Star publishes by request : the following furnished by W. P. Edwards, rural letter carrier, on -Route No. 1, Franklintoh, N. C: " "; .'.. f"It is announced that the - govern ment will look more carefuly to the enforcement of Its rule regarding the roads over which rural free delivery Is est ablished- The - present require ment is: 'Roads traversed 1 shall be kept in good conditioned' unobstruct ed by gates;' there must be no un bridged creeks or streams not ford able at any season of the year . In many cases -'the - residents' along prcK posed routes have made improve; ments that enable them to obtain ru ral delivery service.- But sometimes the efforts to keep up the roads are relaxed. But the government has de cided that unless the roads "traveled by carriers are properly maintained the service will be withdrawn. The vtfvaf nfflrA "Denartment now calls on .a, vm vw- w x - t the carriers for reports on the roads. and will stop the service where the highways in question are bad. "The 35,973 rural delivery carriers now employed cover 863,363 miles daily, and it Is unreasonable to expect them to contend with neglected roads or to work for communities lacking the enterprise to keep their common highways in decent shape. ' Wherever a route is discontinued the inhabitants themselves will be t blame for it, for if alive to-their own interest and their duty to the public they would give their roads vigorous and constant attention. The idea that a route once authorized is necessary ily permanent is a mistake. Advice on the best methods of road working is upplied by the Agricultural Depart ment at Washington, D. C-, Division of Good Rads, and can be obtained for the mere asking. And a neighbor hood 1 that loses its rural delivery must itself bear the discredit for so unpleasant and humiliating an event." With a full stock of Oriental goods, N oveltle r . 7 w kuss an aj - rancy :pi! WM uiure. Bohi,,: ''Huan any Glassware, Cluny, Florentine an d Bohemian i ' Austrian pieces and table sets. Genuine Japan ese Ki Shawls .. monas and ha;:uain8 arid Persian and Turkish RUg s The Ladies' are especially invited to call and exarrw ne our 8t0cki GORRA & PJ ALOOF oct'30, 1 wk Bonitz Building, Princess between 2nd and """"""" """55 BITTEN BY VICIOUS DOG. Animal Eats and Lacerates Both Hands of Child. Gaffney, S. C, Oct 29. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Blish Scruggs, while lying in bed at home this afternoon, had both hands and arms eaten and lacerated by a vicious hog, which in some manner managed to get into the bed where the child was lying. Dr- Al len, who attended the child, says that it is probable the child will lose both hands. The child was alone in the house at the time, the parents being out looking after something about the yard- The child was a boy about two years of age. The Scruggs' live about twelve miles from Gaffney. Headache and Neuralgia from Colds LAKATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy re moves cause. , Call for full name.' Look for signature B. W. Grove. 25c. Harris Lithia Water, 'hfr strongest LI thin Water known told Harris' Lifhia Ginger Ale. . The best in Uie market. A. trial will convince you. H. L ROLLERS. fe25-tf , Good fhings To Eat J. We Deal in WILMINGTON DANK STOCKS, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING BONDS, DELGADQ MILL PIRAT MODTAAic a . w utNT BONDS, And other Local Securities. I C. P. BOLLES & COKU2PAN 415 Southern Building. I 1 " ' . . I 7 "White Knight" "White Knight" Cigars. Cigars Wti m omr voo ra 'nrv nttrnm tiun Vn 4-V. X ... .. . - j o uu vigai ua uau iuc iiuuieuse saie UllS wondf 1 1 J 11 ' . - I mi . cigar uas naame reason is mat none-nas met the expectafil wiwui uAiiuiivjo ""u ppxcoxakC aiuc (U1U YdUl IRQIT monejl worth. Try this brand only one time. The great sales are in coai quence of the popularity of the brand. The F. E. Mashagen Co., AGENTS FOR FACTORY. oct 27 tf WANTED TO BUY, a young dralt horse, weight about 1,200 . or 1,500 pounds. . . Apply to ;rT';V ,. Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons, HUGH HAE & 18 Market St. "oc iijtr ' Wilmington, N. C. TO KILL THE DANDRUFF UtiRM. r the Only Possible Way of Havlnis; An Effectire Cure. If you-see a woman or a man with lux uriant glossy hair,, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women and men have thin; brittle hair, they Owe it to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep arations ; that ."claim" to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herpicide tells you that dandruff is the result of a germ burrowing into .the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and its conse quent falling and -baldness, can only be had by killing the germ; and there is no other preparation that will destroy that germ but ; Newbro's Herpicide. "Destroy the cause, : and you remove the effect.' S old by leading druggists. Send 10c. in Btampo for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit Mich. HARDCPg PHAEMACY. Special W mi A Year of Blood. The year 1903 will long be remem bered in the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance, :,Ky., ..ag a year : of blood; which flowed, so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that- death seemed very near. )&e writes : "Severe bleed ing from the lungs and a . frightful cough had ; brought me at death's door when I began taking Dr. King's NewDiscovery , for Consumption, with tne-astounding result that after tak- ing four bottles I was completely re- storea anx as time, has proven per- manently, ; cured." . Guaranteed for Sore ; Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at R. :R. .Bellamy's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial ' bottle . f ree. ' . : , Fresh arrivals of Cocoanuts, Cran berries, Raisins. Mallard Grapes, Al monds, Brazil Nuts. Cape Feat Trading Co., ; J. B.TAYLOR. 'Manager. I . ACHEI 1 i' W J( - VJ I) PMTY 4 Jin SEM, N COHM1S! SOUTHERN SECURITIES COTTON MILL ST North and South Carolina Bonds. HELLO! HELLO! WHO'STH The Only Restaur Electric Fans. Coolest Place in To Why pay 50c a meal at othqr when you can get the quicks vice and best meal for 25c at The Only Retaur 118 Market Street Phone 1013., OCt 25 tf Fourth and Campbell Sts 10c Bottles 25c Bottle . 2 Doses 8 Doses TK The , average young woman of to day is busy. Beauty is : only another name for health, and it comes to 99 of j? very 100 who ' take Hbllister's Rocky Mountain Tea. , Tea or Tab lets, 35 cents. J. Hv Bunting Drug Co. ORDER Phono 246 3 Ice Cream and CAKE from us, and we will send ; y ou : nothina but the BEST. Yc Varretfs Steam Bakeiy x ;;':22 "Front Street; - E. F. ABEEK, Prop. , Opposite Masonic Temple. sept 29 tf ' , J . V- PROPOSAL INVITED. Bids will be received by the under signed, up, to November 3rd., for Dut. -ting in Sewerage, and necessary flx- iures at engine House at 6th and Cas tle streets and-Fourth street bridge. For specifications see the Chief of Fire Department, j 7 .IQ. MOORE, Chairman Public Bldg. Committee, - oct- 30 till. Nov. 3rd. - . Ask your dealer for it. july20-tf ' - v : from, the cTadleTup. By name and by tfade. : ' ' ' . ; Every garment' made to fit, and workmanship guaranteed. ; .. Agent for, two 9f the largest con cerns In the country. . HAAS TAILORING CO. 1 :': 1 V : BALTIMORE, MIX MARK8 AMHEIM; NEW YORK. AGENTS FOR n :'-' ; Together with this my line of Gents Furnishings are ; of th height of fash Ion ' New- styles, shipped ' me " every week. 1 . :: ' " ' siiuus (P.TIVtLOR, The Tailor. , . 109 PrlQceu St. v; that will stand J knocks. We have t :n mAnv chines alio ) XXX XAi.au. j r - SnlR Aaents for Lenox Scm eWnoe for LJOies- lXatx kjxvrww, TTlnfS ; Douglas and Flo See mem . .h-AKP tHC I Have your pun---get a iisefal premu;tful)f, Wercer&Evans OCt 10 tf sept 21 tf

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