1906. PAGE TWO THE MORNING STAB, WILBft INQTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 - , a - - Woe fBlomfno Star. Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. C. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Wilmington, N. C under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Friday, November 23, 190G. I JUDGE MEARES- T'Via Hoo h rf Tlldtro Oliver Pfindlfi 1 11 ' . V H I ii w ' ' uwv . . m ton Meares in Wilmington cm Wed nesday takes from our midst a dis tinguished citizen who occupied a -"unique position. He belonged to that type of Southerners who received their inspiration from the ante-war period, and wais one of the few remaining in North Carolina. He was a men of con spicuous ability, and there was about him that dignity aiad high sense of honor that so characterized the old Southern gentlemen. In nis case it was unassumed; it was natural and it was from one day to another during his life time. He was one of those men whose integrity was of the un impeachable character that pelf and place could not affect, and whose his life time. He was , one of those his city and State. METHODIST COLLEGE FOR MAXTON- The good town of Maxton is con gratulated upon its selection as the site of the college for young women to be established and conducted under the auspices of the Fayetteville and Rockingham district conferences of the North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church, South. The decision was made on Tuesday at Maxton where the committees of the two district conferences met to decide upon the location of the college, and receivo propositions from the towns anxious to secure the new educational insti tution. Delegations from Favette- ville, Sanford, Hamlet, and Red Springs appeared before the commit- ing a building lot free and $12,0001 in cash, and the other towns made liberal offers. Maxton tendered a site valued at $2,500 and $15,000 cash, and after duly considering the advantages of all the towns under consideration, the committees decided that those of Maxton outweighed all the others. That flourishing town will therefore be recommended to the conference as the location of the college- It appears that the new college is to be a much more pretentious institu tion than the casual mention of the enterprise heretofore indicated. It is announced that the Methodists will build a college second to none in North Carolina and that about a quarter of a million dollars will be expended upon the institution. Naturally the Maxton people are delighted at having secur ed the prize, and no doubt it will be of immense advantage to the commu nity both as a. business proposition and the educational up-lifting of the community,. All the competing towns were good ones, Maxton's success in winning is, therefore, all the more noteworthy. A $20,000,000 CONTRACT. Nothing speaks so emphatically and effectively for the development of this part of the South than the fact that it has become a matter of necessity to double track the main lines of rail way traversing our country. The ne cessity for double track lines indicates how enormously transportation from our States has developed and as a matter of course it all comes about as .a result of the vast increase of production from our factories and farms. These reflections were induc ed by the announcement that on Tues day at Charlotte the Southern Railway awarded a contract for double tracking the Atlanta and Charlotte division, once known as the "Air Line." In order that the magnitude of the enter prise may be properly appreciated, we take from yesterday's Charlotte Ob server the following: "The one topic of conversation in local railway circles yesterday was I the big contract let by the Southern Railway , company to Oliver Brothers of Knoxville, Tenn., for the grading straightening and double-tracking the main line between Charlotte and At lanta, Ga- The amount involved in the contract and the time required to complete it, were tne two questions most frequently asked. It is given on good .authority that the contractors have five years in whioh to finish their work and that over $20,000,000 is in-j volved. The present line is 267 miles in length. According to the new plans and specifications this line is to be worked over from start to finish. Where needed, the grades are to be reduced, the nils raised, new ties put in, the track straightened and tne oea generally improved. Tracks will run side by side and will be ballasted sim ilar to those of the great systems of the North. Every device known to science will be utilized in making the road as near perfect as possible. ThQ straightening of the line will necessa rily result in some smaller towns along the route being left high and dry. The surveys, however, have been made with a view to discarding as few as possible. "R. F. Rivinac & Company, sub-contractors operating in connection with Oliver Brothers, who are now engaged in building the new Southern freight yards near the junction north of the city, will begin work on the double tracking of the main line south from Charlotte as soon as the machines and supplies may be received- This will be some time next month. "The work on the freight yards will be pushed night and day, begin ning the first of next week- There will be between 600 and 800 hands em ployed, divided in day and night shifts. It is estimated that the yards will be ready for use some time next fall. "In the office of the register of deeds of Mecklenburg county, there is the biggest deed on file which has ever been recorded in the State. It is for $200,000,000. Copies have been filed in every county in the State through which the Southern lines run. A large part of this immense sum is being used in betterments, such as the double tracking of the system, the purchase of additional rolling stock, enlarging the terminal facilities and maklnp other improvement. "In magnitude, the contract with Oliver Btfothers surpasses anything that has happened recently having any connection whatever with Char lotte .or Piedmont Carolina." Th significance of a contract like that give out at Charlotte is two-fold the most important one that the South is no longer a one track country and the other that the tremendous expen ditures of money to accomplish the improvements is to go into the busi ness of this section. CURRENT COMMENT. Opportunity may never knock but once, hut others will do enough to make up for it. Dallas News. From the talk of some of its leaders the Republican party is already dread ing the lemon crop of 1908. Washing ton Post. When Senator Depew takes his seat in the Senate again there will be some curiosity as to the source of the bouquet on his desk. Atlanta Journal. Secretary Boneparte wants to re duce the number of rich men in the country, but he caai get more votes on a proposition to reduce the num ber of poor men. Washington Times. One of North Carolina's bier new insurance companies has been char tered at Albany to transact business in the State of New York. Southern in surance organizations ought to find the Emp're State ian encouraging field jUst now. Norfolk Landmark. The Episcopal ministers of Ne braska should have sounder reasons in morality and public policy than ap pears to the average lay mind for re fusing to celebrate the imarriage of a mam or woman who has a divorced partner living. There are many in stances of divorce in which both par ties were net guilty and yet rn' these cases the ministers would punish the innocent as well as the guilty. There would be grave danger of society if all ministers adopted this rule and it is almost certain that more harm than good would result from it Petersburg Index-Appeal. Senator Tillman is billed to speak in Chicago on the twenty-seventh in stant for the benefit of the Union Hos pital. The announcement of his en gagsmsint has aroused the negro pop ulation and an appeal has been imade through a negro paper to 'all brave and liberty-loving Afro-Americans in this city to assemble at Orchestra Hall and prevent Ben Tillman from speaking there." There is little doubt thiait this movement is the direct out come of the successful demonstration of Philadelphia negroes against Mr. Dixon's "Clansman." It remains to be seen whether or not the Mayor of Chicago will follow the example of Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia and siurrender to the demands of the mob. Richmond Times-Dispatch. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no others. I TWINKLINGS. fc unirimw Teacher Can you tell me what a palmist is? Scholar I know teacher. It's a woman who uses her hand in stead of her slipper. Judy. "I don't think I'll bet any more." "Why not? "My wife gives me blazes il I lose and confiscates the proceeds if I win." Louisville Qourier-Journal. George (imaking a' call) Dora, whprp is the Darrot this evening? Snueakv voice (from inside the closet) Jack you st0p it right now That makes six Chicago Times. Mrs. Askitt Is your daughter learning to play the piano by. note'' Mr. Newriche No, ma'am; I pay cash for her Wessons- Youngstown Tele gram. She I asked Dr. Price at dinner if he thought raw oysters were healthy He What did he say? She That he never knew one to complain. Illustra ted Bits. "John Lushup, how many drinks have you had?" "Two" "Why, you unmitigated " "Dozen at least, my love. I haven't lied to you yet." Pittsburg Post. "Who's the fat fellow V "Sh! the fat fellow is quite an inventor." "Well he doesn't look it." "Nevertheless, he is- He invented the Patent elastic Dinner Vest for Bon Vivants." Phil adelphia, Press. "Do ycu move in the isame c:rcle with her?" "I should say not," replied the sweet young thing with a dimple. "We wouldn't even live in the same square with her." Milwaukee Senti nel. A question of gravitation New ton had just discovered why the apple fell down. "But," he asked, "why do plums fall to those higher up?" Here with the great man hastily had busi nes down the street. New York Sun. Rollingstone Nomoss When peo ple has hydrophobia de very thought of water makes 'em isick. Thirsty Thingumob Is dat so? I bet I've had it all my life and didn't know what was de matter wid me. Philadelphia Record, Towne Yes, Gailey is a vestry man of our church. Browne Really? He doesnt behave as if he belonged to any church. Towne That's so, he be haves as if the -church belonged to him Philadelphia Press. Towne So Dumley married a col lege woman! It must be fierce for him to be tied to a woman who knows so much that he doesn't know. Brown O, that doesn't hurt him so much as the fact that she knows how much he doesn't know. Philadelphia Press. "Yes, that steam yacht over there has lost three owners within the past two years." "Dear, dear Water is a very treachorous element." Water. It isn't water that kails 'em it's the other stuff." Cleveland Plailn Dealer. Bjones Why the grouch? Psmith My wife called me a fool. Bjones Cheer up, it may not be true. Psmith But it is- She proved it. Went and dug up a bunch of my old love letters and read 'em to me. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Victim of summer hotel Dont you hire any servants at all to keep this hotel clean? My room is in an awful dirty condition. The proprietor That is the fault of the wind. You know, we advertised "swept by ocean breezes." Montreal Star. "Yis," said Casey, "the simple idiot sez to me: "Is Cassidy related to i ye?' says he" "Ddd he say that?" interrupted Cassidy. "He did, an sez I to him: Tf I thought Cassidy had wan drop o' my blood in hfs veins, I'd cut it out of him." "Faix, If I had I'd let ye." Philadelphia Press. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. A Year of Blood. The year 1903 will long be remem bered in the home of F. N. Tacket, of Vlliance, Ky., as a year of blood; hich flowed so copiously from Mr. acket's lungs that death seemed ery near. He writes: "Severe bleed lg from the lungs and a frightful ough j had brought me at death's oor, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, with the astounding result that after ta? ing four bottles I was completely stored and as time has proven jr manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and- Colds, at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. There is a good job waiting for men and women with brains. They must hustle all the time. Why not become a hustler by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea? Tea or tablets, 25 cents. J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co. ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE Bloleary hnm Proved that Dandruff Is Caused by a Gern . Science ta donig wonders these days In medicine as well as in mechanics. Since Adam lived, the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for. which no halt preparation has heretofore proved a suc cessful cure until Newbro's Herpiclde was put on the market. It is a scientific' prep, iratkm that kills the germ ttat makes landruff or scurf by digging into the acalp to get at the root of the hair, where it saps the vitality; causing itching ecalp falling hair, and finally baldness. .With out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly It is the only destroyer of dandruff. Sold .: by leading druggists. Send 10c. liv stamps for sample to The Herpi clde Co.. Detroit. Mich. ARDI3g PHARMACY. Special Arent DANDRUFF Is your" hair coming out by c great combsf ul ? Every combf ul causing a pang of fear for the fu ture. Does a white trail of dandruff sift over shoulders ? One bald spot has already ap peared. You manage to hide it. but it' is spreading rapidly. Is the hair you have , left turn ing gray or fading and makes you look old and homely when you are still young ? Have you tried many restora tives that gummed your hair into a sticky mass but accomplished nothing else ? Then Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the remedy you need. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is whol ly free from grease or sediment, and will neither gum the hair nor soil the clothing or pillows. It is clear and clean. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic stops falling hair and permanently ban ishes dandruff. It does this by destroying the cause the microbes. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will quickly cover the bald spots with n a vigorous growth of hair. We guarantee to grow hair on all heads where a, spark of life re mains in the roots and where the follicles have not grown over. It makes a delightful dressing, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. We sell a large bottle for fifty cents that we guarantee to do all we have claimed or refund your money. J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co. The Rexall Store. We Deal in WILMINGTON BANK STOCKS, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING BONDS, DELGADO MILL FIRST MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT BONDS. And other Local Securities. i C. P. BOLLES & COMPANY 415 Southern Building. oct 24 tf WANTED, RAW FURS AND HIDES. Sixty thousand pounds green salted hides; thirty thousand pounds dry hides; ten thousand pounds beeswax; ten thousand mink; five hundred ot ter; tern thousand raccoon; five thous and skunk; five thousand turkeys; twenty thousand dozen eggs. Highest market price guaranteed. We lead, others follow. Correspondence solicited. Yours for business. C. D. GILBERT & BRO. General Comtmiission Mercrants, No. 215 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. nov 18-tf. Fish! Fish! 150 Bbls. Mullets just ar rived; good quality and reas onable prices. Send in your orders at oncewill treat you right. BROOKS & TAYLOR. Phcne 478 Wilmington, A C. Nov l-tf7 Eat Some of Batson's Fresh Home-Made Sausage TO-DAY. I KEEl BROOKSFIELD FARM and ALL OTHER KINDS IN STOCK. PALACE MARKET, 'Phone No. 72. Quickest delivery , in city. mot 7-tf Large stock of Gro ceries of all kinds at Lowest Market Prices. Sam'l Bear, Sr., & Sons, 18 Market St. Wilmington, No. Car. no4-tf A REASON The United Drug Company, manufac turers of the Rexall Remedies, for whose preparations we are agents in this city, make 200 remedies, one for each ill. Each one is especially pre pared to cure one dis ease, and that only. This is an age of spe cialists. You don't contract with a plumb er to build your whole house, do you ? Why should you contract with one proprietary medicine to cure all your troubles. Oftentimes you run across a building con tractor who has a sepa rate plumbing depart ment, his own plastering department, and so on, all of which dovetail to gether and build the house. This is just what The United Drug Com pany is doing for you in the medicine line. They have cut down profits; they manufacture Rex all remedies for over 2,000 retail druggists. These druggists are the only intermediate profit that stand between The United Drug Company and the patient. Could The United Drug Company, of which we are a member, afford to make one poor medicine in this line? Does not common sense tell you that one poor medicine would ruin the sale of the other 199 preparations? If you bought a Rexall prepara tion and it didn't do for you what we claim it will, would you buy another one of cur articles ? We believe not. Therefore each preparation must be good it is good. We who are in the drug bus iness know the formulas of these Rexall prepara tions. We believe in them so implicitly that we stand back of them, with our guarantee to re fund you your money if they do not benefit you. l ! AGENTS FOR Shoes SHOES that will stand hard knocks. We have them in many shapes and kinds. Sole Agents for Lenox Schooi Shoes A large lot of Krippen-dorf-Dittman Co. 's Cincin nati Shoes for Ladies. Douglas and Florsheim Shoes for Men. See them before buying elsewhere. Save your purchase tickets and get a useful premium. Respectfully, Mercer & Evans Go sept 21 tr FRESH CEMENT. 300 barrals Lehigh Cement. 1,200 sacks Atlas Cement. 0 460 barrels Lime. 400 sacks Wood Fiber Plaster. 150,000 Shingles. 50,000 Standard Laths. 75,000 No. 2 Laths. Fire Brick, Clay, JEtc. Orders solicited. W. B. THORPE & CO Schoo mmm Phone 789 sept 53 tf Foot of Ann Street. . u L A H W Water T4. wrongest Utilj watet 8B1G Harris' tin. If. L mm m !e25-tf EH VJRES mot n ACHF 10c Bottles 2 8 25c Bottle july20-tf Tn Tho ft .1TTC T"W- Wk A -t n uoLnoAii aiti Willi run r 111 iiinrr ' h i Leave Leave Wilmington Wrlghtsville x 7.00 a m x6.30 a m x 8.30 a m x8.00 a m 10.00 a m xx9.00 a m 11.30 a m 11.00 a m 1.30 p m 12.30 p ra 3.00 p m 2.25 p m 5.00 p m 4.25 p m o.30 p m 5.55 p m 8.00 p m 7.30 p m 9.30 p m 9.00 p m 11.00 p m 10.30 p m xDally except Sunday. f . .3 . 1,4,- win man VlilC u 1U.UU l. 111. lliotvau Cars leaving Wilmington at 7 m 8.00 p. m. and 9.30 p. m. win vnnH Wr1rhlRv1llfi linle88 there gers for the ueacn. O U AS A wv-- half hour from 1 mi ifllMU'T I' cert Sunday at 4.00 pn- FrelgK from 2.00 to 4.00 p m. TT ADAraTK darning if you buy HplBgroo All the ootwlar sold only in mjm 6pairsforfc.5: ton, b pair For Indies; Egyptian Cotton six for a.oo. A guarantee ticua mch pair. . mm u nA i o Hum CLOTHING and to Buy. J. W. H. FU nov 15-tf mr n . w . ii, V C. G Successor iu - EYE. EAR. NOSE r. Office Hours: oct 23 1 roo The Jones H Atkinson, N- the Pa' It .ow upen ' public Board by the 0 or Mon- Specla- Attention to states, Reason-, MRS. J. 1 uv 16