j,, ...... ,Tbc Morning Star. Subscription Terms " . r.-1- ill ' OMt Dally Ur r Scat. ' -ix Intb. .br Mall . Three Months, by Jlall. f I-ir. v 7 f s - VOL. LXXX NO. 33 , - ' 'WIL1IINQX0N, ; FEtD AY, JANUARY 18, 1907, i . 1 V - - WHOLE KUMBEK 12liG. jj V"';' 1. OUTLINES.- AUrrcIns reports come from Jamai ca that siace th earth (jualce calamity oa Sioadar tbe Uland it alovlr siak laKJnto the : the '.property losa Is from tea to twentj-flre znllllca and the dead U estimated at from 00 to l.CrOO. incladlaK ashy prominent Eor Ilshxnea and Amcrlcsns: famine and pestilence threatens and the United States and England are hurrying for ward relief expeditions; it Is duxxer oos tor ships to approach Jamaica be cce the bottom of the sea has bear ed UP The Ko raker resolntioa for the la res ligation of the ehooting up of nrownsTille has the Republicans in the Senate between the devil and the deep blue ea; they fear to support I joraJcer compromise u oa prudent RooseTelt, yet at the wuxe t'na. lhey look oa every Demo cratic amendment as loaded; they will caucus about what to do Dr.'Ja. Woodoow. whoae evolution theory or to many years distracted the Presbyterian church, died in Colum bia. S. C. yesterday At Columbia. 3. C estTday Mrs. M. C. Blair, form erly Ml3 Ethel Barentlae. of Greens boro, hot and killed her husband, the cans betnj; his accusation of Infidelity against her The Florida railroad commlitoa yesterday fined the At lantic Coast Une tS.OOO and the Sea board Air IMm 12.000 for YloiaUon of the State railed U New York. markets: Money oa call easy 2 1-2 to 3 1-2 per cenL." ruling rate 3, clos ing bid and offered at 3 1-2T spot cot- too. 10 .poiaU higher, closing steady at 10.S0: fiour dull but Una: wheat firmer Na 2 red. 73 1-2 elCTator: corn ktrong. No, 2 M 1-2 elerator; oats, strong, mixed 40; turpentine firm 72 1-2 to 73; rosla firm. THE CRIMINAL COURT First ; Term . After. Holiday .Will Convene in New Hanover Mori day Morning. CLUB ENTERTAINED McKsnpa- ' Organization Ass jste-; " Ladles Qsve Dellflhtful Affair LaW Night at .First Baptlat; Church 4 Music and '-Heading.' . Wilmington has " seldom seen, a greater .rally of the friends of tem- 109 x CASES ARE DOCKETED Perance under similar circumstances public reception by the McKanna Club, Four Charges of Murder Will bo Pre sn5 Larg Number for Trivial " Charges Strong Argument in . Favor of Nw City Court. The Salisbury Post looks good to us- Etery town In North Carolina has the best people. The General Assembly hastens early to talte up the whiskey question. It'ls a cold day when the legislators are not dawning whiskey. ' -We should make war on shams, declares a reformer. Under his own adrice somebody wi!I bo apt to begin chasing the reformer. Nftii Hanover Superlar Ccurt tor the trial of criminal causes only, the first term after' the hell Jays, will oonvene Monday and remain In session two weeks. Judge .Long presiding.;' There are 100 cases on the docket, fo-ar of the defendants being charged with murder and eve ry mlnuti of the term will doubtless be taken "P ia dispos ing of the calendar. The defendants In these capital cases nrv young 1-on-nle. Snipes, white, chargtd with kill ing W. Lx, "Williams. In a Macltae street house a faw rocnths ago; Wil liam Ashe, the gulnea" negro charg ed with killing his paramour In Brook lyn last" Summer; Joe Murnhy, charg ed with inflicting the wounds whicn caused the death of a negro named Benjamin, who died, in Florence, . S. O, after leaTlng the hospital here, and Frank James, the negro ex-con-Tict, charged with the brutal murder of a colored woman by cutting her throat at Eleventh and Market streets just before the holidays An examination of the docket Is the strongest Imaginable argument In fa vor of the propod Recorder's Court, according to the view of the advocates of that measure. Twenty-two of the 109 cases are for assault and battery with a deadly weapon In which no se rious Injury was inflicted: 19 cases ar for petit larceny; 15 are for the common offence of carrying concealed weapons; nine are for retailing with out license and oa Sunday: S are for back costs: 5 are for nuisances; 4 for -x riri .honl J look before she leaps "murder: 2 for store breaking: 2 for ... - -- - . m s .. aays an old saw. In spite of this ad vice girl, go right on leaping, under the conviction that the girl "who hes itates is lost. Senator Foraker'a ' compromise rv- atU:gt highway robbery; 2 for burglary; 2 for receiving etolesv goods 2 for In Jury to personal property; 2 for doing business without-llcense; 2 for forci ble entry; and "Teach for keeping bawdy house, allowing bull dog to run olutian calling for an Investigation of the Brownsville affair lookft like run ning up the white flag. He may yet leave his ally. Senator Tillman, in the Held by hlmsel!. v tJO Point I claiming that she has thenly art glass factory in North Caj.a. Wilmington has had one for about 15 years inr more, conducted by Mr. EL V. Richards. He has done a good business in North Carol Inn and other States. A scientist predicts that the Inter nal fires of the earth will eventually make the world dry in 1.000 years. In the meantime some North Carolina legislators are not disposed to wait o long. They want to mako the State "dry." ' At Greensboro on -Wednesday night Governor Glenn delivered an address at the Sabbath Observance meeting. The North Carolina, Governor speaks on about as many subjects as Presi dent Roosevelt, except that of irrigation- The Governor is against "irriga tion.- roads and car breaking, while there sre one or two capiases and the like. Many of the defendants cn these charges have been or ar? still in Jail and It Is pointed out by the advocates of the Recorder's court mat ir xae dui was now In effect the large majority of these cases would be already off the docket and the defendants them selves .would already have paid the penalty of their misdeeds with a min imurr expense to the city and county It li armed that this docket at the T . n.i a! a Dresent term is a sniung vxinuyio of the work that there would be for n Ree order's Court without the large ex nense of one rf the regular higher courts and the enua or jusiice wouia be Just as fully met with satisfaction to all concerned. Solicitor- Duffy was her yesterday and took a look over the docket pre- Daratonr to taking up his duties on Monday morning. He was returning to bis home at Catherine lke. Ons low county, and will probably return to the city tomorrow assisted by the ladles of the congre gation. In the lecture room of the Firs Baptist church. The room was taste fully decorated according to a colof schemo of green and white and it-Is conservatively estimated that fcs many as five hundred were present during the evening. The McKanna Club never does things .by halves and with the assistance of the ladies of the church, they scored a magnificent triumph In their first public affair. The muslcal part of a very delight ful programme of exercises during the evening was directed by Mrs. Chasten r.nd among the favorite iDcal Vocalists who contributed selections were Mrs.' J. D. Edwards, Mrs. F. A. Muse, Miss. Maude Bullnck. Mr. Gilbert Foard and members of the Grace Church Quar tette composed of Messrs. Charles Dushan 11. E. O'Keef, C. E. Vale aid A. M. Bowden. Miss Irens Peterson was in charge of the literary part of of the programme and among the fea tures of this was a reading by Mrs. North, pronounced perfect by all who heard It, and recitations by Master Fred Hale, Jr., and Master Guy Le Moyne. Quite all the numbers were enthu siastically encored and all gracefully responded to. The Academy Orchestra furnished a number cf instrumental selections. The ladles of the church had charge of a very elegant spread of refresh ments that contributed no little bit to the pleasures of thole present and guesta of the evening. The McKanna Club members were present and ex tended a cordial greeting to many of their friends. m LEE CENTENNIAL Hundredth Anniversary Celebra tion in Wilmington at Academy Noon To-Morrow. ft y. . f SELMA CONNECTION GENERAL ' ASSEMBLY Corppration . Commission Gets Manda- jMorton of New HaHOVef IfltrO- .7 j; mus Against SouthCrn-Hospital Attendants r Acquitted in Nail Case Other Notes. ; - - - - . VHE ORDER OF EXERCISES Usual Parade of. Veterans and Military Address by'Dr. . Heniy Alexan- der White, of Columbia, S. C. Lunch for Old Soldiers RECRUITS FOR THE NAVY. Training Ship Wasp Will Reach Wil mington Monday Men Wanted. The United States Training Ship Wasp, Captain Groghan, Is expected here Monday from Norfolk, Va., via Beaufort, N. C, and will remain in :Dr. Henry Alexander White, the dis tinguished professor of church history ik the 'faculty of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Columbia,- S. d, who will i deliver the address for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birlhday of Gen eral Robert E. Lee in this city at noon tojiion owr; will arrive this afternoon and will h a guest of Mr. James Sprunt, cn Soath Front street. The committee accounts itself v fortunate in, securing Dr. White to deliver the ad dress -upon the occasion and he will no. doubt be heard. by a veb large au dience... Dr. White will remain in the city over Sunday1 and will conduct the services morning and evening at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on that day. Dr. McCluxe, the pastor, will be absent on a visit to his sister in Lew- isburg, Tenn. v All arrangements for the observance of the birthday" of Lee have.been com pleted and it is hoped that the peo ple of Wilmington will turn, out gen erally in honor of the immortal Con federate chieftain. Merchants and business men are urged to close their places at least during the hbnr of the exercises at the Academy oi aiusic. The service will begin at noon and will last not more than an hour add a half. The programme and order of parade of the veterans and military, chief features of the observance in Wilming ton, were announced by Brigadier General James I. Metts, the marshal, yesterday. "The procession will form on Mar ket street, the right resting on Fourth street in the following order: Platoon nf tnlinf: 4ho Marshal and Aides; (the Drum Corps; the . Third North Carolina Infantry Association; , uane TVKir Camn. No. 254. TJ. C. V.; Geo, (By Squ. , Bell Long Distance: Phone.) Raleigh, N. C, Jan., 17 the Cor poration Commission today secured from Judge ,E. B. Jones, holding Wake Superior Court here, - a r mandamus against the Southern Railway, direct ing the : company to show cause be f ore. him; at Lillington, February 5th, why connection should, not be main- duced Bill Separating Race on p Street Car Lines. ... :. ' "' "Ji r-y PROHIBITION IN BURKE 's S Ayery Fulfils Campaign :4 Pledge to 1 Country Vote in Measure Passed. Yesterday Mbre Railroad' and Corporation Laws. . A y house, allowing bull dog to run for a week, the object orthevfr- ' 59 Cnfed rgr. -affray, failure to work; ttreteiig the iecurlng" of rfeuTfiTorT! TEA AT THE ORTON. Hospital Circle of King's Daughter Arranging Prtty Affair. On the social calendar for next week ls a delightful tea to be given by the Hospital Circle of the King3 Daughters in une panors 01 1 ne vrxoa from 4" to 11 o'clock Tuesday after noon and evening- It la for the bene fit of the hospital fund for providing mattresses for the wards of the insti tution, a most.worny ooject. and an frieaiisf the cause are most cordial ly jarited. There will be a programm3 of music during the evening and dainty refreshments will be served. A num ber of the most prominent tames m the city are arranging for the affair, which promises to be altogether pleas ant. The contributions will beentlrely voluntary and all are most cordially Says tne itaieign .-cwb ana uoscn- er: Tho NashTllIo American Is bad- William Jacobs, the West Iedli !y off. It says that Georgia, Tennessea haif-breed who tried to hang himself in me ponce iuiuuu uic tcrday has been sent out to the roads to serve an additional 30 days sentence for drunkenness. He made no further attempt at suicide as threatened and seemed to be all right after the effects of his debauch had worn off. The Republicans of the Senate are In a condition of great purturbation over the Foraker resolution to inves coanectlon of the negro troopa there with. They do not wont to back up Foraker for fear that they will thus be going back on President Roosevelt, but at the same time whenever a Dem ocratic Senator offers an amendment they are afraid that it W the twla brother of a Trojan, horse. and Virginia are the three leading peanut Stites As a matter of fact where North Carolina !ts fa the head of the peanut table. The peanut crop tM not to be sneered atfor the United States cessus rained. it at $7,270,000 Lut year. Bat this doe not mean that North Carolica grows peanut pol-itlcUr.v- However, It must bp admit ted that tho drcnastaatial erfdence against them will be pretty stress If they do not satisfy the tmanlaouf & NEW ADVERTISEMTNTS. Attention Naval Reserves. J. Frank J arm an Pure Drugs. Peterson & Rulfs Red Cross Shoes. Wilmington Banka-IIoliday Closing jAm. nf Mukio 'MessarA from - f.M.f, tv- rv. i " United States Navy. Master a.t Arms P. J. Cheevey. of theishlp, arrived in Wilmington yesterday for the purpose of advertising the coming of the ship snd giving all necessary information to incjulrers concerning enlistment. He will remain in the city until the Wasp arrives. A few days will be spent at Beaufort in an effort to secure recruits there and then the ship will proceed to Wilmington. The Waspls a gunboat, 254 feet long and carries a crew of about forty men. While in port visitors will be admitted aboard and the coming of the little "man of war" is being look ed forward to with pleasure by those Interested in Uncle Sam's sea-flghting equipment. The examination of ap plicants for the service will take place aboard the boat daily between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. CARD OF THANKS ward youth of North Carolina. , The Saturday Icalng Post as crlbcs Mr. CortclyouY rapid rije a the world' to his Infinite capacity for silence. How About his chiefs cngov trpable loquacity? It" a funny rule that works the 'same results rem tho dumbnefs of an 071 It r and the con stant chatter of a Jay bird. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. IX H. OI. Chase Attention Naval Reserves. . . W. W. King, Chairman Shad Benches for Rent. : Business Locals. 1 Baggett Brothers-Cash Prices, p. o. Box.217 Bookkeeper Wanted. Wanted Position as Housekeeper. Unggett-Brothert Special Offerings For Sale Ttesldeace on North Third Street. '-',. v.. ".. . , ; Survivor' Committee Grateful for -Assistance With Recent Reunion. Editor Star: It is said that just after the fall of Fort Fisher a citizen from the North approached General Terry and accosted him as "the hero of Fort Fisher," but he. pointing to the dead and wounded men wearing the blue and the gray, said, "yonder are the heroes of Fisher." The he roes of the reunion are those who con tributed liberally of their means and extended such a splendid hopsltality to the men who were our guests and thus made the reunion a grand suc cess. We desire to, sincerely thank the citizens of Wilmington and all the gentlemen on the various commit tees for standing around us in this great undertaking, and express our cratitude and return our sincere thanks to Capt. John W.- Harper, of the steamer Wilmington, end Capt. M. T. Craig, of the steamer Atlantic, for the splendid manner in which tney carried us to and from the fort, uen- tlemen, one and all, you are entitled to as much glory and honor as either of us, for without you we could have done nothing. We also thank sincere- Jy all the boy8 and girls, who under tho leadership or fror. womersiey, and the Acme .Male Quartette, en chanted the large audience with their sweet singing. We also thank the spe cial band beneath the footlights for the excellent Instrumental music they furnished: the railroads for their con sideration, and last but not least, we thank the Star, the Mesenger and the Dispatch for the powerful Influence of their pens. R. W. PRICE, . Forth Committee. R. K. Bryan, Esq.. of Scott's Hill, spant yesterday in the city on pro fessional business. ' Wanted, a young man- of thorough English education, who is a resident of Wilmington; . td assist In clerical work and 1 local ire porting in the Star face, Best references required. ; ""Outing at Winter' Park.- . ' Taie the children to "Winter Park Cars to Winter Park at 3. 3:30, 4 and 4:CI P. M, . .lw prat'o Veteran's: Wilmington Light In fantry; Wilmington Division, No. 1, North Carolina Naval Brigade; Ool. Walker Taylor's Boys' Brigade; Car riage with Orator and Chaplain. "The column will form as above in front of W. L. I. Armory, and move promptly at 11:30 A. M. down Mar ket street to Front street, thence on Front to Chestnut, on Chestnut to Third street, on Third to Princess, thence to the opera house, where the following exercises will be observed: -Prayer by Rev. J. M. Wells, Ph. D.; sonc-. "Dixie." by. choir and audience; address by Rev. Henry Alexander White, D. D.; hymn, "How Firm a Foundation Ye Saints of the Lord"; reading of Gen. Lee's farewell address at Appomattox by Gen. Jas. I. Metts; hymn "For all the Saints Who from Their1 Labors 'Rest"; presentation of Cross of Honor; "Old North State," by the choir and audience; benedic tion." All Confederate veterans of good standing are invited to participate in thA narade and partake of the lunch- on that is to be served to the old sol diers after the exercises at the W. L. j I. Armory, by the Daughters of the j Confederacy. x The Daughters of the Chapter are rAmiPRtwl to assemble at the armory at 11 A. M. for the purpose of attend ing in a body the exercises at thfc Academy of Music. All commanders will have their respective companies In line at 11:15 A. M. as the cojumn will move promptly at 11: 3Q A. M. The boys and the girls from the High School who contributed so much to the success of the (reception to the Blue and the Gray at the Academy of Music on Tuesday evening are re quested to attend the Lee Centennial nrt takA nart In the singing. They will occupy seats reserved for them in the dress circle on the, right hand side as far back as their numbers will re quire. The members of the various .com mittees of the Daughters of Confed praeT. who have the celebration In charge are urged to be dn attendance at the armory on r naay auu oawxxx day mornings to assist with the work that is to be done. - The following general order to tn? Daughters of Confederacy is issued: "To The Daughters: "On January 19th the' Cape Fear fihnntpr. TT. D c. shall be constitut ed a committee of the whole for the nroTxr observance of .the day ana 11 chiii hA .hn'iutv n.s well as the pleas ure of, each member to assist in the necessary preparations; also to partic ipate In the ceremonies of the. day. .f MRS. M. S. WILLARD, MRS.' CUTHBERT MARTIN, Pres. Secretary All visiting Daughters .are .requested to Join, Cape Fear,:Chapter in their observance. ' - . ' - at Selma, N. C. This is a proceeding ! independent of the suit for penalties instituted some days ago by the Com mission against the Southern for re fusal to obey the order of the Com mission requiring this connection. The four attendants in the,insane hospital here charged with the mur der.' of, the patient Nail, were found not guilty in .Wake Superior Court today after a trial lasting all the week. It wilL be recalled that it was charged that the attendants beat the patient cruelly, causing his death, in effecting his recapture. The defence was that Nail died of exhaustion incident to his capture and mental. condition. The recommendations of State In surance Commissioner J. R. Young, sent to Governor Glenn and the Gen eral Assembly this afternoon- include the enactment of some ' law regulating the placing of fire escapes on largs buildings, also a law requiring , fire insurance companies to provide what is known as a safety fund to guard against great fife losses, that some portion of the taxes received from fire insurance companies be set aside for the benefit of disabled firemen and their families instead of adding addi tional tax on the insurance companies for this purpose. As to life insurance legislation the Commissioner advises that the Legis-, lature go slow because the State is just now developing a large business at home and citizens have much at stake in life insurance companies; He wants all policies for less than' $500 approved as to form by the State Com missioner. He asks new laws as to non-forfeiture; prohibit diversion of funds for political purposes;. -prohibit misrepresentation; prohibit discrimi-' nation; define status of persons solic- tained with the Atlantic Coast Line By So.- Bell Long Distant Phone. "'v'.yV Raleigh, JN. C, Jan. lT.In., the House today the Avery "billf making Buirke county and the city of Morgan ton prohibition by legislative enactment was passed after a' pnolongedX debate TheV Vote was 102 to - 2: ; ThecityfA Morgan ten has repeatedly voted; for saloonsvi but Representative Avery "was elected largely by - the people of the ; . county on a prohibition ssue 'and 'p- now delivers the iwds..' makes the whole county dry the vote , from the rural districts more than ..off- ' setting the vote for saloon in .the town of MorgantonThe bill n6w jiejs ( to the Senate and it is said that it 1 will pass there also though a fightis : expected to develop. -; - v -v.v;.f ,i: - In the House also today Preston, of Mecklenburg, dntroduced by unani mous consent a bill to establish a re4 formatory and training school for way- ' ' ward, depraved and criminal children . ! of the State. ;, v. ' Another bill of interest vwas by : Peele, of Scotland county, to - prevent ' and punish negligence of railroad em ployes. It provides that for careless- -ness and'negligence in causing wrebks, " , the emplo.ye guilty shall be ; punish-a- ble for a misdemeanor x by a fine and . imprisonment in the discretion-of ! the I trial judge in the Superior Court Further, that where persons are killed . cr death results from injuries received within a period of 12 month's "the em ploye responsible fcr the wreck' shall, . oe imprisoned for from three s to 20 years in the penitentiary and if: only injuries are caused by the carelessness or negligence in causing a wreck and -there is no death, ' "t?m punishment shall. be from two manthsto five years: Faithful to his pledges in ' the WH- ,. 7 I w ? t-' ' -r 1 ' . for reincorporation of assessment com panics as legal reserve companies; re quire policies to contain all of con tract. He asks that all companies, be re quired to carry present value of all deferred dividends as a liability, keep individual accounts of accumulations, in each policy to be furnished on de-f mand and provide fof withdrawal of dividends at certain periods. The Commissioner endorses the Governor's recommendation for com panies to be required to invest in North Carolina securities. As to building and loan - associa tions the Commissioner ask that they be required to procure license from the Commissioner, that the Commis sioner have the power to cancel li cense for violation of the law or for bad business methods; allow compa nies to make loans on their stock to a certain per cent of the amount paid; require the same license fee for B. & L. agents as for insurance agents. iting insurance; regulate disburse-1 aitnrui to his pledges in. tne WIN ments"": retirement of capital r prbviaeihwn-gtott - campaign; Morton of ;New nancver toaay mtrpauced ; ;and will urge the passage of a bill . separating the white and colored traces : on -the street car lines and inter-urban sys-" 1 Took f His Automcbil3. Mr. D. Russell Foster offers a re- warck of $25 for the arrest and con viction of the party or parties who last night between 9 and 10 o'clock took without authority from in front of the First Presbyterian church his automo bile, ! No. 23, leaving it later in the middle of the street at: Second and Nun streets. M.r. Foster was attend ing a reception given in the lecture room of the church to the young men of the congregation and when he came out was surprised to find his machine missing. It was some time later that he found the automobile at the loca tion stated, bearing every evidence of a furious drive and the batery cells considerably depleted as the result of misuse. He is rightfully indignant at this treatment and threatens vigor ous prosecution if the guilty persons are apprehended. 1 ,' ... .'r?y Si.; -:' A-',;- . $50'REWARDI ' f A reward of $50,iS offered for the apprehension ana - evidence 6Uflicieut to convict the narty or partfes -who last night, between the'hours of . 9 and 10 o'clock.1 took from in 'front of the First Presbyterian Church; , without Reception to Young Men. A delightful reception was given yes terday evening in the AbbieChad- bounr Memorial Hall complimentary to the young men of the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. James H. Chadbourn presided ' and during the evening there was a pro gramme of music and several short, but interesting talks. Refreshments were served. NEGRO FORGED CHECK. Pp68ented Paper and Received Cash From Southern National. - i Robert Allen; colored, was arrested yesterday - at second and Market streets by Officer T. G. Evans on -a warrant sworn out by Mr. . W. B. Drake,. Jr., assistant cashier; charging him with the 'forgery of aV -check- for $3 . on. the Southern, National Bank. lt a alleged- that Allen, a who is a negro of above the; average of intelligence, forged the - name of John S. Hughes to;the check, presented' it'-for?-pay-- ment and ' received the money. -He will have a hearing, before the Mayor today t'- noon having been - arrested r'on'able ; cause have not purchased tick terns of the State. The bill ' was ' rev ' ferred to committee. v ' r - 1 ' Koonce, of Onslow, introduced a ball which is regarded as ? important by many members. It creates State' ; , Insurance Commission jfo regulate 4 in surance in the State . arid ds to consist of the Governor, Commissioner1 of In surance and other State officers whov compose the council of State- Other . bills introduced in the House -today ; were: - ;-v ,,r By Manning, of Durham to author ize the Corporation Commission 4to re quire railroads to operate" extra pas- senger trains when necessary and to' require specific connection. r ' Benson, of Pamlico, to create a dis- , pensary in his county. :v . The . bill of Mr. Laughinghouse, which was tabled in the House lyester-' ; day, was reintroduced today to , apply V only to Mr. Laughinghouse's. county -V of Pitt. It provides that where pris- .--oners are confined 'iri county jails r;., awaiting trials, if they so elect, they'll may be sent , to the roads and have whatever time they have senred be fore court credited on any sentences ; : they may receive and if they are ac- . quitted of the charge against thenfe they will receive pay for the time serv- ed on the reads. The bill . passed as : to Pitt county with the addition of abour thirty others, which members from the different counties, asked to have included. Those in the eastern part of the States besides Pitt are' Onslow, Cumberland, Harnett- 'and j Richmond. .: ; y - . v,;.: A bill was passed in the House xe-' quiring members of the State V Board V of Agriculture to be practical farm- A resolution was passed directing r members of the House to write r' to . their county officers and ascertain the : uuuiutjr 01 msane t persons now , con fined in jails and county homes; this ; for the information of the Legislature in providing more adequate accommo-? dations for these unfortunates.1 A joint resolution was-adopted , urg- ' mg members of -Congress: from fNorth v. .-:;; -: . uaronna to renew the .hght . tor the r forest- reserve and directing Governor Glenn to attend the conference of Southern governors in Washington to r ; morrow with the end in view of fur- : -thering this movement, v i " V "ci ' -i ' In tKe Senate,;';i;; :..'-y . In the - Senate today a notable bill was by Reeves; Xo require " transpor tation . companies to furnish adequate,' - hear supply .- for shipments of ' freight , olfered. . , y-" . v''y:y - !' Bellamy, of Brunswickv'f to T amend 1.1 Chapter 173, Laws of 1905. relative to the ? free passage 'of fish! in ther" Cape , Fear "river. - ' - . 'ir'W Kluttz, of Rowan to compel proper delivery of telegrams. . ,i - 'Among the ' bills passed in ;the Sen- . ; - vv , , . ate today was Uhe -one to i, abolish v ' Marclr .term of SuperioBCoiut,in"Oris- i low;" CTheBreese bill toTpre vent rail roads - from .charging more . than- reg- ; ular ; fare, when' passengers . for reas- ; '. w'.t.'- "'-"; .'V V- -U - authority- Automobile No. '3.' h" x I just-after the session" of police court' " l. KUxiajX auiiu ' yesteraay.- , - : " - " f-onianueuon rourin ragv.jt J 7 - s