TTTn H0ILIIHG CTAJX XlJLUUiQTQU, U1DAX, . JAUUiu&x u, vuj. bcflnonuno Star. founded In 1817. ropcllit party went . Into dissolution.', Our Impression,", however,. Is that not enough of . frem elapsed " Into the Democratic party , to , Constitute an clement of trouble In the ranks. PLANT RETARDATION. WILLIAM M. BERKARO, Owner and Editor. CnttrJ as cond-CJ matter at t&s poatoSea at wiimlnctoo. ft. C undr Whs Act of Conr of Mr X. lilt. i TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Friday. January 18- ANTI LOBDYIST BILL PASSES. The North Carolina House of Rep- closer together Thi Charlotte Cbroulclo makes this true observation: The cry of the cotton mills Is not ilone for more labor but for labor that Is at the same time better train ed and better taught There Is many an opening today for the right men - - . - I I A . J at big salaries, dui men quauueu iu handle the work cannot be rouna. '"Ti a main f rouble are taai in our (system of education those who hare school advantage too long defer that apprenticeship work necessary to I make a practical manager. While those who hare to work In boyhood nri vouth ret no fairer education reaentaUves oa Wednesday passed "the antJtobbytst bill of Mr. Dlckett. of FYaaklla county. It now goes to the Senate and In all probability will a-con a li. as there Is evidently m very strong sentiment In its favor. Reprcseatative George I. Morton, of New Hanover, strenuously opposed l bill In the Hous and. upon its paaaage. called for the ayes and nays. The tremendous favor with which the bill Is reicarded was manifested In the fact that the bill was passed by 79 ayes to 31 nays. If the bill pass the Senate the effect will be to make pro fessional lobbjlsts of persons who at tempt to Influnc legislation one war or aactnec. lor u .s as x-rnitiuuS , secure leguiauoa as ii is u.-i.i It by the persistent efforts known to lobbyists. The Ilickett bill as passed requires iwrsoaa interested In promoting or op-, posiag legislation, for compensation as agats or "attorneys, to register their aases In a book to be kept for pub lic Inspection la the office of the Sec retary of State, together with the came of the person, firm or corpora tion employing such agents or attor ney fcr the purpose of lobbying. Lobbying, as It is understood. !s the effort to influence members of the General Assembly- for or against legislation, and- the term Is derived from the fact that persons generally bo Interested tackle and button-hole the members in the lobby as the most convenient place to get at them- How ew. a fellow can -lobby" at the ho tels and boarding houses or on the streets, and It is presumed that the bill alms to reach the lobbyist wher ever he des his work. The bill pro- upon conviction, at Technical education Is one oi tne great needs in the South. There is a wide field for tho young men with technical education and training. The man with the technical knowledge can train and manage the laborers and the more intelligent the man the bet ter equipped he Is for a useful and successful career. There Is money Id technical knowledge and our . young h. ..ft. a at 1 men wno cnisn meir eaucauons aim have no opportunity In the profes sional lines could do no better than to take a thorough course In seme of the technical branches. There is more money and a wider field for useful ness for such a young man than there Is in clerking or keeping books. We seo opportunities every day for the man with technical knowledge and training. Metho of FroIcJiiar Flower v . - r ... :';. Oat of Senaon.' it.. ? -.' v Lilies or tin? ralley and many other plants are now placed on "the market cf (he world's great cities mouths aft er they nro out of season. This Is ac corupllsbeU by "plant retardation holdlug Lack the development by aicans of cold and darkness until what erer time is desired. Then they are once more subjected to light and warmth, when they blossom. The most prominent feature of a plant re tardation establishment is the huge cold storage building in which the plants are stowed away. Under the care of the guide the visitor passes the portals. Iu a moment he steps from the warmth and light of n summer's day Into the cold bitterness or a win ter's nlghf, the darkness of which is but feebly relieved by the flickering band lanterns. The Interior of the building Is divided Into various cham bers, and each one of these Is allotted to some particular kind of plant. One chamber Is full of lily of the valley roots, the next is packed with boxes containing lllluin bulbs, while again a compartment is crammed with small potted plants of azalea and spiraea. Each and all of these varieties are in a Uonnaut conuiuon. sleeping uwujr their time entirely unconscious of the changing seasons iu the outside world. Tbe walls of the chambers are thickly coated with n deiosit of frost crystals, and millions of these flash like dia monds In resiwnse to the rays of light from the lamp. Tbe degree of cold is usually obtained by means of a com pressed air apparatus, and the freez ing current Is led into the different thambers through wooden channels. In course of time these passages get on nni r pnnnpnmr s 1 uluuui uuiviihiu 1, 11 niroiu ncHoUlJ i 111 THE C. I 1 f : S THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY." CARPETS iERY CHbAPl Our 'normar prices "are always lower 'than others dealers ask for sim ilar qualities, and when .we anuounce 4 abnormal; rates, as this . week, they verge upon the sensational. Stock readjostmeat brought, a gteat many- to the- surface-rWe tell you of them: $10 t.10 . . M .. .83; $25.00 .220 11.00 100 . .35 1.50 A xmlnlster Carpets, sewed and layed, this week . . . . 1.20 Sultan Velvets, Parlor, Hail and Stair laid ,;. ..-- ... 1.15 Pody nrusseis Rooms, Hall and Staira .....r.... .... 1.00 Brussels Carpet, Rooms, Hall and Stairs ....;........ 'A lot of edd lengths in Brussels Carpets 50c and 6fc SO 00 Axminlster Art Squares 9x12, this week 25.00 Axminlster Art Squares 9x12, this week' X 12.50 Wool and Fiber 9x12 Art Squares this week 12.00 All Fiber. Art Squares 9x12 this week i .... . 50c Fiber Carpet, sewed and laid thi3 week, per yard, 0 CLOAK AND SUIT ROOM NEWS. We want to reduce our large stock of Ladies' Coats amd Coat Suits Prices like these should clean them all out: - s - 12 00 Black and Navy Blue Cheviots Suits this week $10.00 18.00 Broadcloth Suits, Noby Styles, this week 15.00 20.00 Broadcloth Suits Neatly made, and trimmed, only 17.50 25.00 Suits, Fancy Mixed Materials and Cloths this week 2000 30.00 Suits, all Shade Chiffon Broadcloth this week 25.00 35.00 Suits, Mixtures and Broadcloth, this week ' 28.50 TRIMMED MILLINERY At one-third gains inhe stock to select from. off regular price some great frar- , When , some dear member of ypnr familjr is sick and in need " of ; medicines; it is . your Wnole duty to go get for them the best -and ; that in the shortest possi- ble.time. : Our medicines are tho best to be had, and our delivery 4 service ;is v certainly withoii. ANOTHER REAS There are two Reg - Pharmacists in i this s. x ac t that is . highly appn k by all the-doctors and be by . everybody co- Another very, commend , ture invour : prescrpviM tti ftn f i a th a fact that , sent-; out by. us is -thereby obviating times mistake , 01 f& tions mixed; A ch ;read directions s.m nccp ue 111 iiiiiiui 1 James m Druggis! Cor. 5th & Castle S 1 irnu iKlfV 11 11 1 1 t jan 9-tf . BLANKETS, COMFORTS AND DOWN QUILTS All at reduced i prices. Southern Trading Stamps given with all cash purchases. THE C. W. POLVOGT CO. FOGl dec. 30-3t. it GET GTJRRHXT COUMEXT. In deciding to strike for higher wages and notifying the company 24 hours In advance of such Intention, is a little out of the ordinary, but this Is what the Western Union messen ger boys did yesterday. Greensboro Record- The Durham merchants are exact ly right in demanding laws preventing discriminations by express companies and for a reduction of freight rates In Xorth Carolina. Bur they are wrong n demanding a repeal of the home- lead law and favoring drastic gar- Ishee and other like laws. Raleigh News and OlMcrrer rides punishment. thm i4t ration of a trial iudge. The Dlckett bill as It was passeu. j it looks totus like Mr. Justice is going kowever. included an amrnamem u, Mr. Doughtoo. cf Allegheny county, vxexpting bona-nde o2clals cf all corporations whoso expenses onlj are Pld. Mr. Morton Is said to hare op posed the bill to -an extensive and able argument, declaring it to be clxsa legislation of the rankest sort, la that It discriminated against cor poratioa and also against Individuals, because it permitted lawyer to come for a fee. while others coild net do SOL Hev York has a UU regulating loh tfjitc. and 'it may be a good thing for North Carolina to hsve one. Howerer. what's the matter with requiring all persons or delegations lobbying or lafJacocicg legislation, whether paid or aot. to'register and sUte at In terest they are for or against? They caa Ute cnJer oath whether they are m-erttnr for Day or for nothing. By reentering th? whole outfit we can get at " the manner cr means by wnlcn joeoe? Ml! ar defeated and others are passed. The fellows who Is not work rag for pay can do about as much da:2sge as the paid lobbylst. GLENN AFTER OVERMAN'S SEAT. The Washington Herald probably picked It up as gossip abcul the capi tol that Governor It- B. Glenn Is likely to make a fight for a seat In the Unit ed States Senate in 1303 against Sen ator Lee S. Overman, who, it Is as urned. will seek a second term. Sen ator Overman Is now serving his first term and has two years mire to serve- When his term Is out the field will be open to Senator Overman and all comers for the next term, and from time to time Governor Glenn has been mentioned as his mcjt formidable op ponent for the honor. Whether the Herald Is correctly Informed or not. we Lake from It tbe following concern ing the possibility of Governor Glenn's candidacy: "Although Senator Overman term will not expire for two years the North Carcllca delegation Is getting considerably stirred up over the pros pect of a possible Senatorial contest tn their State that will provoke great excitement. Mr. Overman has taken high rank la the Senate, and Is re garded one of the soundest law yers In the body, but It appears that Governor Glenn is making extensive preparations to coolest the Senator ships wtth him. The governor is said to be quietly crganlzieg the forces of opposition, and In doing so is making excellent cse of the patronage at his disposal. Mr. Overman. It Is said, was neteT popular with the element of the Tar Heel Democracy wblch Joined the populist movement in the early nineties and divided the State between the Populists and Republi cans, and now tnat this radical ele ment Is back in the Democratic party It seems that its Influence is being exerted against him. Governor Glenn of course. Is taking full advantage of tho situation and is supposed already tc hare made considerable headway acainst . Mr. Overman. However, the Senator knows the politics of his S'-ate thoroughly and has made such an excellent record in Washing ton that his supporters In the North Carolina contingent here believe that he will prove invmcible when the local sat comes on." Who aid the Populists have coma back Into the Democratic party? The Republicans In North Carolina claim that they absorbed the Populists. It would be interesting to know which party got the most of them when the a little too far when he under takes to regulate the advertising'bus Iness of the newspapers of the State for them. It will soon come to pass that an editor will have to consult a copy of the Revised Statutes before he "can make a move Charlotte Chronicle. --A proposition is pending before the North Carolina Legislature to fix 2 1-2 cents as the first class fare on railroads and two cents as second class. After everybody else gets through helping themselves to cheap er passenger rates maybe the rail roads In Tennessee will voluntarily re duce the'-r fares. If not what are we going to do about It?--Chattanooga TI:uc. I I choked with hoarfrost, and It becomes necessary for a man to enter them and clean the accumulation away. This la a cold Job. In places the temperature Is as low as 20 degrees below zero. The costume bf a workman engaged in this clearing out operation is prac tically an arctic outfit. Every part of the body with the exception of small holes for eyes and mouth must be nrotected with thick wool. Other wise serious frostbites would ensue. Retarded nlants may be kept In check for eight months or at times as long ns n year, and curiously enough they do not seem to be any the worse for the treatment. Indeed, the experl ence seems to make them grow all the faster when they are allowed to make n start. Some varieties grow at a tre mendous rate when they are brought Into heat. Chicago News. 133 liarlra V. Mked Mechanics. Cbanes V. of Spain, like Louis XVI. of France, was particularly fond of timepieces nnd had n decided taste for mechanics. When In derniauy he In vented a carriage for his own accom modation, wad after his alxlicatlon he would amuse himself In making little puppets soldiers informing their ex-O crclse. girls dancing with their tam bourines nnd little wooden birds that would fly In nnd out of the wlutbw. TwnnnjHos. -"There should be no secrets- be tween husband and wife. says the Cynical Bachelor, "except what they really think of each other. Philadel phia Record Sympathetic Sister Cheer up. Ar thur. Mabel has treated ycu badly In Jilting you. but you will soon foget her. Arthur (moodily Not fpr a, long time. Sis. I fear. The lovely Jewelry I gave her was purchased on the easy payment system, Pearson's Weekly. Some kind of Weapon Needed Tbe waiter girl knew a thing or two about table etiquette. So she sniffed scornfully as she siid: "It's not our custom to serve a knife with pie." "No? remarked the patron In sur prise. "Then bring me an ax." Christian Register. In Contempt -The Crusty Judge (sternly) Didn't you tell me. sir, when I purchased these ecirs that to the best of your knowledge and belief they were strictly fresh? The Grocer - Certainly. . sir! How long do you think I could remain In this business If I furnished a certificate of reason able doubt with each egg I scld? Puck. A Reasonable Reqartl, Pa. Uncle .Intnes hns given me his steamer trunk." "Well, what of It?" "Now. pa. don't be peevish. Couldn't you give me a trip to Europe to sort of round out Uncle James present? Tlooston Chronicle. THE HABIT " AND GO TO GEO. O. CAYLO BIG DEPARTMENT STORES For? aDoes Tlhios WeeOs is 25 pieces of dotted Swiss, large and small dots, worth 12 I-2c and 15c yrd., Our price -' 10s yd. Ask to see our Muslin Underwear for ladies, on the 2nd floor. Boys' Clothing We are style and lower in prices. leaders in Three Gopd !? Suitable for farnpr watl We- hare, oar usual llae of goods: SEED OATS. SALMON, - PULL CREAM CHEESE. CmKES AND CRACKERS. BAGGING AND TIE8. SARDINES. . And a full stock of other groceries always on hand. Hall & Pearsall. oct 12 tt (INCORPORATED Buy your matting this week at Gay lord's remnant sale. Ladies' Kimonas, all colors, 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.75, $1.98 and $2.25. 36-inch taffeta .silk $1.25 kind all col- ors; 98c yd. 36-inche Hack each towels, 12 l-2c kind, . 10c To ttte. "And you didn't propose to her?" "No." "Why?" I was leading up to It, but suddenly noted that her voice had n sort of pre vious engagement ring." Smart Set. Oar millinery week. 25 per cent off this Children's 12 l-2c heavy ribbed Hos iery this week, per pair 10c Men's heavy fleeced shirts, 50c values, this week 39c Boy's and girls' undersuits, per suit 25c The Crossett shoes for men, $3.50 and $4.00. We have 50 all wool blankets we sold for $5.00, will close out at $3.50 per pr. Large stock of Gro ceries of all kinds at Lowest Market Prices. Sam'l Bear, Sr.9&Sons, 18 Market St. Wilmington. No. Car. noHf Iapps' luiich counter OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. J W. Capps has secured the services of Betsie Maloney,. a noted cook and extecds to tbe public a cordial wel cone to his aew lunch counter. Hid motto: "A8& for Betsie and Get the Best" Everything 1m and Oat of Season. CAPPS. LUNCH COUNTER i" n-tl C. T. MeKeithim. fer. - - -v --r Ask to see our remnant department. 1-2 PRICE. Circumstances arc beyond th con trol of inau. but his conduct Is In his own power. Beaumont. Qnlle neicnlar. "The last time I saw Gaylcy he wasn't very cr regular in his habits." "Oh, he'H ery regular now." 'Well. well. I didn't think he'd ever reform. " "lie hasn't. Hi habits are all bad now." Philadelphia Ledger. Ask for Stamps for Each 10-eenf Purchase. All Mail Orders Will Have Prompt Attention. IKIi FOR THE SCALP A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. A - Hardin's Palace Pharmacy (GEO 126 ang 28 tf South Front Street. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. W. Two Looki. He climbed down from the pay car. with hU month's vage still in his band. "Sure, ye must be fcelin' rich. Tat. with all ye haro there." said a by stander. "Ami what docs thin siuulfy to me?' answered Pat. "Just two looks, wan whin I get It and wan whin I glre It to the ould woman. Life. Jmt mm TV II. Singleton No man can tell Just what a woman will do next, Wedderly And irs Jut as well he can't Otherwise he'd be snre to do something alto gether dlffcrwjt Chicago News. Appointments of Presiding Elder L. Cuninggim, First Round. Magnolia, Rose Hill Jan. 13-14 Scott's Hill, Prospect Jan 19 Wilmington, Grace Jan 20 Wilmington, Bladen Street Jan 20 Town Creek, Bethel Jan 2C-27 snanotte, snaron Feb 2-3 Carver's Creek, Hebron Feb 9-10 White and Chadbourn, Whlte- Tille Feb 10-11 New River, Sasad's Ferry (Kicnl) Feb 14 Jacksonville and Richlands, Rich , Feb. 1G-17 Columbus. Board man Feb 23-24 Clinton, Clinton Mar 2-3 sonthport ........ Mar 9-10 Onslow, Queen Vi Creek .... Mar. 16-17 208, 210, jan-13-tf. Three Stores, 212 North Front Street YOUR HAT He that mutt retrivrn the Dutch. out by extra vaganca by parsimony Fron -rter Tear. C.I.I. vm. - oiuiiu nen ,reen -was courting wi young wiuow a couple of years J cciared he couldn't live with out her. Jones-And did he marry her? Smith-Yes. And now be Is trying to a uiTorce on the grounds that it's Impossible to live with her.-Exchange. A Saltmbta Book. Customer (hesitatingly) I suppose er you have some er suitable books for a man-ex-about to f be married? BookselletwCertalnly, sir. Hera. John, show this gentleman some of our ao. count books, largest size. , '.' Mar Ba a StylLafc One, Bat It Hakes Trvuble. jl man usually ours a bat that's "in trie.", but the , modern hat for men has iocs u answer ior. ; Baldheads are growliJc more numer 00a every day. Hats make excellent brsadln places for ths parasitic ' germs which sap the life from the roots of the hair. . . When your hair begins to fall out and your scsJp is full of Dandruff it Is a sure sign that these countless crerms ax busily at work. 'v . , . - There Is but one way to overcome the trouble and .Jem tho germs that way Is to apply Newbro's Herpicide to the scalp it will kill the germs and healthy hair Is sure to -result. Cold by lead In tamps for ssj IHtroIt. Mich. r Two sixes 50 cehtk and si on: HARD IN '8 PHARMACY Special Afl t I FOUND! FOUND! The Proper Place to Buy a Christmas Gilt tor a Man. A Box of Fine Cigars, A French Brier tTodd Pipe. A Meerschatm Pipe, A Smoker's Otftfit A Flno Tbacco Potickv . yny of tko abava articles asd many xaore that w have In stck wjll . pleaso the man. . f THE CECUJ CICAK CO., 'Phono 190. No. lb North Front 6taeet. Hake Your Money IVork We allow 4 per cent interest and can guarantee safety. Capital .. 5O,OO0.OO Net Profits 24,812J39 Deposits 626,469.37 Atlantic Trust & Banking h MATT J. HEYBR, MUJEOK CAUJER, President , Cashier. (Southern Building.) nov 25-tf Electrical Contractors DUY YOUR mm AT OUR STORE SCli(0) Southern Trading Stamps vvilh All Cash . , Purchases. ' . Ki',., j - - All wiring the ; way ,wlrig should 9 done. Ifs by expeis; TfeUxse Wh practical men ad kaow fhe.hnstoffis That's the difference between onrs an-d some other's. SUTTON & I-JILLIAMSOU. Phone 1336. Office. Room R Smith -Banding, jan 1-tf . t ' j ' ' ' H. O. BUCKWHEAT. SUNBEAM AND CHECKER'S BUCK- --WHEAT, MAPLE AND VANILLA SYRUP. I NORTH CAROLINA BUCKWHEAT. FRE6H EGGS - PICKLED PIGS FEET. r - PHONE 1052. J ; H FlICHS; Head f 0 iFobf Ourfitters, CR0W &-JAYLOR, 1 i :t "'j.iV: 1 1 .1 I: . tut f ,'.'tV '. 4 1 fi A- 1 J - ,1 A f n 4 '3 vi'V-1-'- I I ' -