-. It - v- x . ibc nnociiirio Star. Founded In 1S67. WILLIAM H. BERNARD. Owntr and Editor. WILMINGTON. N C Entered &s eonl-ciaja nuttier t th peetoOc at WJinldcton. i. under I th Act of Consrrree of March I. lltf. ' NORTH Roads Association. An association like thiu Is a good thing to have, and it remains for the Bun combo people to back it up In the election to be held next month. The people of North Carolina are learning that an expenditure for good roads from the country to the towns Is a good Investment for the- whole county. It develops the resources or the county as nothing else will In ro great, a measure. The people's money cannot be put to better use, with the certainty to get back satis factory returns. 'iMRMSHERsmmmm i CAROLINA SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE. Wednesday. January 23. 1907. ROOSEVELTS LUCK. The evident motive of tho origins! i'oraker rwalutlea for the l:ivesUsa tfon of the shooting up of Ilrownsville by tho negro troojw was to call In qrastion coostltutlonal right of President Roosevelt to dismiss a bat talion of-troops without their clay In court. Tillman evidently sided with him oo that ground, for tho South Carolina Senator admitted that the negro troops wvre respcn&ible for tho 'shooting up." However, on Monday Koraker secured the passage of hi i jubsOtute. which only calls for an In quiry late t!w f.ic:s cf the shooting op" end in no way calls In question tho President's constitutional author ity to dismiss In tho event that tho in quiry develop tho facts to warrant the dismissal of the troops. To a man np a tree, the picture below 6hows ! Tillman deserted and standing by himself In contending for trhat For aker started out to do but fluked. There tsa't any harm in the Fora ker aubJtituu. it will bring out the OTldonco already In bund. Tho Pres ident doubticsts took advantage of th? caoadment of Senator Blackburn to a&ip tho opposition in his own party. Lucky Roosevelt! Tho Democrats (Southern ones) had better nursed their chins, kept out of it and let the Rnpublicacs fight out their own family rxtf. The Forakcr resolution surely dl-J erve tho purpose cf getting Demo crats to saying mean things to ach other and In the "ran tangle" the Re publicans get out cf It a harmony -circks In their own ranks- It will be especially noticed that none of the Republican Senators abused their er rant confrere from Ohio. Anyhow, -the Dlackburn amendment Co Foraker's Hrownsvilla resolution drew tho fangs cut cf the Foraker motive. Forakcr was driven to cover and he nimbly took to it under the prooense of harmony 12 his ixurty cankjs. When wc get In a hole wo liable to seize any kind of an old rope that Is dangling around where wo can gtt hold cf it to pull ourselves ouL This 1& an Interesting view of the ituation as given Tuesday night from Washington by the correspondent of S Charlotia Observer: "Tonight the United States Senate oadershlp Is happy and contented, whlk: the Senate Democrats aro rath er dofeful and unhappy. Tho superb Aldrich discipline has served once more to atract tho Republicans from a most precarious situation, superin duced by this llrownjvllJe business, wfclch threatened to disrupt the party. President Rooseviit had let it be un decVXKxi that to would regard the act of the Republicans who voted again; thj Blackburn resolution rco agnizing his authrrity to discharge the egro battalion, not enly as a re buke to him lr this Immediate matter but that he wouM feci warranted In concluding that such Republicans were hoping to embarrass him In his efforts Co curb the trusts and corporation The splendid city of Baltimore Is 'full of North Carolinians and many 01 mem are auiuut, iuc muo. ou.oo ful and prominent men of the Monu mental City. Mr. John Wilbur Jen kins, the well known newspaper man. Is president of the North Carolina Society of Baltimore, and It Is Inter esting to observe that he announces that the society will give its ban quct at tho Hotel Rennert. January 25. Tho speakers will be Senators Overman and Tillman. Congressman Claude Kltchin, Cardinal Gibbons, Governor Warfleld. Mayor Tlmanus, Charles O. Hill and President Jenkins. Wo claim Cardinal Gibbons as a North Carolinian, for he resided in this State many years. He served the Catholic church at Raleigh and for many years was pastor of St. Thom as Pro-Cathedral in Wilmington. The fact is, he is a Wilmingtonian and 1 1 n A n I THE HOME . ' t . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' '; 's ' ' . X" ' r .; - . ' '' " : ' ;:.."::'! PHONE NO. 172. COR. SECOND AND MARKET STREETS. We are the Exclusive Selling Agents for many of the latest and best ? things in the House Furnishing line, Prominent among them is the Famous Bernstein Three-Piece Metal Beds Recognized to be the Best, Ostermoors World Renown Felt Mattress, Known the world over, Derby and Gunn Office Furniture, conced ed the finest in America, F. A. Whitney Baby Carriages and Go-Carts, Pioneers in the Carriage Business, and we have just added another that for merit is the equal of any of the splendid lines mentioned, This is the , mk&l&mw -'" ----TT ' , ' ........ many are the devoted personal friends he haa in our city. CURRENT COJ CNT. The first thing Senator Tillman knows, some enterprising manager will Jerk him off the lecture platform and book him in some high-class mu seum circuitRichmond Tlmes-Dls-patch. The Panama canal is certainly progressing very nicely. The con tractors who have bid on the worK are now quarreling over the awarding t the Job. Washington Post. Trusts, car and coal shortages and color lines have taken the place 01 the crime of 73. tne sliver quesuou vnd Imperialism as national issues. Seattle Post lntelllgencer. It is estimated that about G.000 young colored citizens will enter tho world next year to assume the dlgni tv of "Joseph Benson Foraker" as ..111.. - PMiplnr. a ironi name. ijuismih- wuv. Journal. Those advertisements advlsln? leople to flee from the chilly blasts of winter and siend the season In Jamaica are not looking as good as they did p. while ago. Washington Post. James J. Hill says It will take! five years to relieve the car short age. Provided, of course, that the people foolishly persist in loading themselves down with Republican prosperity. Washington Post. When Japan builds a few more cotton mills she will be as reluctant to go to war with the United States as Great Britain is. Atlanta Journal. The Shah of Persia left S00 wid ow?. It falls to tho lot of a few men to infuse eo much new life into so ciety. Louisville Courier-Journal. Whiskey and work fell out ages pgo when work found whiskey to bo a liar. Noah drank of the wine be cause It told him It would help him In his work. It laid him In his tent Instead. Since then the two have been incompatible, although whiskey still tells the same old lie that it can help work. Detroit News. The Nashville American is not quite correct when it says that the three leading peanut states are Geor gia. Tennessoe and Virginia. In con sidering Georgia our contemporary possibly confused "gophers" ACETYLENE LARflP, don't confuse this on account of its name with any other Lamp you ever saw, it is not in any sense the same. Generates its own Gas, no wick, yn I no Cnimney, no Oil, no Dirt, absolutely Safe, Superior to any light for the Library or for read ing or sewing. You must see this light however to get any kind of conception of what it is. We will be pleased to demonstrate or send this iP Lamp to your Home for trial. While we had a great Christmas trade, don't get the idea that our Stock is broken or incom- olete. We keep right up with the demand and are receiving new shipments every day. Grand Rapids pieces just received, your Furniture wants. ttnn MAGNIFICENT MAHOG HjUlf AN Y Upright Piano Was luw $300. Our Special price siay Terms 81 Cash,. per month. Stool and scarf included. : . ' r ffnnn this beautiful, rich Tfc y I II I mahogany piano originally VfcUU cost $375, less than a year 'ago; it is slightly used , three pedals, lull iron frame, finest Ivory 4seys, gen uine ebony harps, fine touch, patent repeating action; there is no carving, he member, the money is on the inside. STIEFF G. S, Edwards. Mgr. Third Street, Opposite City Hall. hjan-16-tf. FOR--SALE I Three Gdod Mules Suitable for fam or wagon use. We have our UBtl line of seasonable goods: - A, 7 SEED OATS. SALMON ULL CREAM CHEESE. CKES AND CRACKERS. BAGGING AND TIES. SARDINES. And a full stock of other groceries always on hand. Hall & Pearsall. (INCORPORATED OCt 12 tf Big lot of See us for Large stock of Cro ceries of all kinds at Lowest Market Prices. 1 Sam'l Bear, Sr., & Sons, 18 Market St. Wilmington. NorCar. no4-tf over this idea of tellins all he knows the better it will lx for everybody." Wrrshinslon Star. f "Hut." said the man who consid ered himself smart, "when your wife starts talking on an embarrassing sub ject, why don't you change the sub ject?" "You don't know my wife." re plied Peckham. "She'd simply ex haust the new subject, and then take up the old one where she left off." Philadelphia Press. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. BUY YOUR Appointments of Presiding Elder W. L. Coniiggim, First Round. Town Creek, Bethel Jan 2C-27 Shallotte, Sharon Feb 2-3 Carver's Creek, Hebron Feb 9-10 White and Chadbourn, White- vllle Feb 10-11 New niver, Snead's Ferry (Night) Feb 14 Jacksonville and Ricblands. Rich Feb. 1C-17 Itics. but when it comes to the de lightful neanut. gToundnut. plndcr. As many Senators declined view j ground pen. goober, or by whatever Columbus. Doardman Feb 23-24 with I Clinton. Clinton Mar 2-3 eoobers ' which are ouite different Southport Mar 9-10 things. It Is true that Georgia is some-J Onslow. Queens Creek Mar. 16-17 times quite productive of peanut ol AT OUR STORE Southern Trading Stamps wilh All Cash Purchases. J. W. H. FUCHS. Head to'Foot Ourf irters. jan-13-tf. . CAPPS' LUNCH COUNTER OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. J W. Capps has secured the services of Betsie Maloriey, a noted cook and extends to thef public a cordial wel come to his new lunch counter. Hid motto: "Ask for" Betsie and Get the Best." Everything in and Out of Season. . j CAPPS. LUNCH COUNTER, n9-tf C. T. McKeithen, Mgr. the siiuatlcn in Chi light it will bo cwn that a crisis was faced by the party. "Correspondingly great, therefore. vixs the rejoicing iu the Republican caxop when I: was announced that a way to harmony had been found through a reaioluUon introduced by Senator Foraker. which dees not rals-j the quesUcn of the legality or Justice of the Irclik-ntR action In discharg ing the negro. Not only did the Re publicans heave a sigh of relief when th-y were pullel out of this admltted'y doop hok. but they had tho pleasure of hearing the Democrats, who have for twp days been rejoicing at the evident discern ft turn of their opponents say mean things about one acothcr." The question is. what hav the Dem ocrats gotten out of their row? The old man and hki old woman joined in against them, jls usual. ' f the dozen other local names it may be known, we have to take off our hct to North Carolina first, then Vir ginia. In Scotch, tar and goobers. North Carolina tops the column. .nnah News. TWINKLINGS. GOOD ROADS AN INVESTMENT. A dispatch from Asheville on Tues day announces that the people of that city and Uuncombe county will vote tho Question of Issuing $250,000 In bccU for the macadamizing of the roAds of the county. The election will -b held on Thursday. February 31. hn4 during the thirty days between this atel the day of the special rlccttoo the. Good Roads Asso cUticn and others Interested in the qneMIon of roads will wace an active campaign to carry the election in fa vor of the bonds. Tho election was called in pursu ance of a written request Hied Jan car3T 7th. with the Board of fVmnt Commissioners and "una a result of'0!"8 t0 niako speech esr f Certain "Yes. dear. I was married last month. I'd like you to call on me and see the pretty little flat I have." "I've seen him. my dear!" Life. First new Congressman: 'How did you catch the Speaker's eye?" Second new Congressman: "I bor rowed a fiver from him." New York Sun. "No man can see into the future." "Can't he? You just stck a pin Into this prophecy: In less than two months your wife will tell you the coat she bought last week Is out of Jdate." Cleveland Press. Chaplelgh: I was aw out late lawst night, and the aw wcsult was I had a head on me this mawnlnir. !doncher know. Miss Caustiaue: Well. .... " ' I 11 i were you I a stay out late every ujrul nicago uajiy rsews. "I suppose you write for. posterity?" observed the visitor to the scribe with bulging brow. "Me? Not on your life", frankly responded tho person ad dressed. "Ever notice anv eh MVa ha. ing signed by posterity?" Philadel phia Public Ledger. "Juggins is In a terrific state of nervous alcoholism." said one unfeel ing friend. "Yes," answered- the oth er. "He always used to be shak ing for tho drink. Now he's drink Star f0F tbe hAkes-" Washington ""You ar k favor Pf. giving new imT ; 01 txjngrcss more opportn- Cured of Lung Trouble. "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C .O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C "I had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant, both day and night. Fina'ly I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued ! this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of oersons aro healod every year. Guaran teed at It. R. Bellamy's drug store- 50 rnts and $1.00. Trial bottle free. OUR PAST RECORD. We feel is sufficient guarantee that your business, if entrusted to m, will be handled to your entire SATISFACTION. The People's Savings Bank. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED. Next to Tho Orton Hotel. Branch 704 North Fuorth Street. h. c. McQueen . m. j. corbett, f. w. dick, President. Vice-President Cashier. Kate Outdoor life is good for ner vous people. It occupies the mind pleasantly. Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea, cheers the heart and makes life worth living. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. J. II. Bunting Drug Co. Cars To Winter Park. . Daily at 3, 3:30, 4 and 4:30 P. M. Tako tho children to Winter Park, lw NATURE SPARES Tke Strlekem R From Grief. What a fortunate provision of nature It !. that deprives the rose ot menial uttering; for how poignant would be Its KHef to discover, in the height of Its blooming glory, that a canker fed at its heart, and that Its beauty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature always spares th suffering; she is a veritable atore-houao of . pleasing rewards,- for thoe who seek her aid. Jn, the years rono by faltlnr hair and grayneas bavo cast a gloom over the lives oX thousands of young women, but thanks to the in vestigations of scientists the true cause of hair destruction Is now known to be a gerra or parasite that burrows into the hair - follicles. Newbro's Herpicide absolutely destroys this germ, ttnr permitting the , hair to grow as na tore Intendeds Sold by leading drug fi"r. Sn 10c. In stamps, for sample to The Herpicide Co.. ltr MchT : Two sites 50 cents and SL00. HARDIN'S PHARMACY Special AgL 3an-15-tf. - A. D. BROWN'S "THE MODEST PRICE STORE A SPLENDID SHOWING OF NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. BEAUTIFUL LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, OUR OWN DmECf IMPORTATIONS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN WHITE GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AT REASONABLE PRICES. BLACK SILKS COLORED SILKS FOR SUITS, WAISTS AND BLOUSES DRESS GOODS COTTON, LINEN, WOOL. NEW FABRICS, NEW PATTERNS. 50 SILK PETTICOATS ALL COL ORS. ' . ' SPECIALr-15.00 BACH SPECIAL. Mail orders promptly executed. A. D. BROWN, K - . 4" NO. 2D, NORTH FRONT 'STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. jan-19-tf. ' . . HEBPUM FOR THE SCALP A. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. Hardin's Palace Pharmacy 126 South Front Street aug 28 tf FOX RIVER" BUTTER The most celebrated butter in Ameri ca. A Large stocK on hand toaaj Prompt delivery guaranteed. IIUHLWAVt FLOUR Immense sale of the notorious flour, justifies the confidence of the public. tt... ....... .,..II-M WHiitiiNiunr , CIGARS For Christmas presents nothing can be bought . for the quality and price as good- ' v :" F. . BASOAGEN CO. 210 Water Street. 'Phono 447 Electrical Contractors All wiring, the way wiring should t done. It's bf , experts. We are bo practical men and know the busineQ? Thats the , difference between ours and some other's. SUttOH .WILLIAMSON. 'Phone '133G.'-: Office,1 'Room 5, Smite .V, F ."! 1 J-;. t.. Is v M 3 1 it r! r jan'l-tf. 7 1 1 9 T .T-!.!, '::! .rw iLi ,V -, ., i . 7

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