THE MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON, WEBNESDAY'JAOT AUY, 23, 1907. PAGE THREE linn I'M i rt it i i'i i in t i I: A Marine Wandering Jew Mlimi III H 1-H'H-H--? Since steam has Lirsly taken the ..t.c mi int. vvvhu a uvuui U atloc yarn Is what It wit fifty car jra. trbca the Black Hall lino of ship ri btnrca tbo occUent md the orient. Iq ay yocnjrer days t was bet a lad I nailed before the mast la tlx? Dreadnaushr. Amonj our crew was Seta Flaw kins, an old salt of forty. We considered hlxa a Methu selah, a talk thra man with, a profusion of littla red curls. He was very rcll Sloas. obserrtn; all the command meats fcrcpaloosly except the ninth, Tboa ahalt not bear false witness," and la ; this be sinned only la spinning yams, walcA be always rowed were real hap- pealnjrs. One starlight night oa the ' forecastle while we were lounging i aboat the capstan he care us the fol j towioj:: J "Toa're all beard a lot about Judas ; Iscarlot, who was cursed with haYhV I to lire forercr and wanderla all orer the world, at one time betn seen la I EcTPt. another la France, and so on, j always learla a trail of misfortune in I h wake. Flat I don't bcllcre any of I yoa has ever hearn about his sallln the J wa. There" no seao In this, for how l could b ba.e pt to America, where he's turned cp often, unless be crossed aa ocean? Iastawaya I've seen him j myself, and on the water too. f "l first shipped oa th Mark Matthews ! oa a roya around the Horn to take la hide oa the west coast of South Amer ica. We was layln In the doldrums thick foe was all about us. and we couldn't seo a ruble's length. All of a sudden t I bee red a bell. It struck four tlzea. As soon as It stopped our bell struck too. Then the fos thinned a lit tle, and J tut about half tho ship's length from us was the oddest loo kin craft I erer clapped eyes oa. She was awful high la the poop, low la the waist and had n head oa her bow like that of a sea sarpent. She bad two masts like a schooner, and the rails was buns oa 'cm like they put 'cm oa Chinese Junks. Of ur4 they hung limp like ouro. "She was head on. and the fojj didn't let u see abaft the fo'mast. On th forcastl? stood the Cjrur of an old man. I couldn't tell you bow old he looked, but there was somethin about him that rescinded ni? of a people Ions passed away. He was a Jew and the Jewtest lookJn Jew I ever see. He was wrapped in a cloak that looked like a monk's frock. The melancholy way he stared out u them blinkers o hls'n was euoajrh to nd a cur yelpln to bis keaacL They was like the eyes of a sick. mau as hadn't slept durin a thousand year voyage. There wasn't a bit f color In his cheeks unless you cafe lea tlery look o the hides we'ro cot Jhdow color, and It seemeil as If I coukl see right through hU ghastly lips to the few teeth that was left la his jaws. He hadn't any hat oa. and X wasa't near enough to see just what his hair wait like, except that he had mighty little. But somethln was a-morin on his skull that looked like worms. Whether It was worms or hair I couldn't see, but It must a been worms, for there wasn't the ghost of a breere t move even the finest hairs, i He stood there tooktiT at us without any Interest la them melancholy eyes o' his'n, and the only motion be made mas with Us skinny hands. 100x1 ome s!!rr coins from one hand to t'other. Krcry oncet In awhJle he'd make a. If to throw the jdlrcr away, bat be couldn't, and crery time be tried and failed hli fare would take on an xprcsion of awful remorse. "While I wa lookln' at him the two hips was so slowly drlftln' apart that nob!y coul J ce em move. The other craft was gettln In our stem. The Jew's blinkers was roovln' about, nerer rrt!a on anything for more'n half a reond till suddenly they struck our tern. Then there was the worst fright roae into 'em I erer see on any man's face, not erea a mutineer X once saw hurg when be cacght sight o" the noose danglln from the yardarm. -What did be see? Didn't I tell you ocr ship was the Mark Matthews? The name, o course, was oa the stern. Some o the letters was faded, and the V la Matthews was pretty nigh gone. What the Jew saw was the names o two o the apoatlc. Mark and Mat thew. Then for the first time It struck mo who he was. He was the wanderin Jew. As soon as be saw Jhe names o them two old friends o hls'n he was throwed oa his beam ends. You see. he was one o the twelre In good and rn-sralar standln till be betrayed his master for them thirty pieces o sllrer; To be brought face to face with two of the disciples after a couple o thou sand years wanderin must 'a brought back cnplensant remembrances. "By this time I felt so bad for the fxwr old sinner that I wanted to.gire him somethln to warm him up. I ran below, got some grog fa a can and ran back, expectia to swing it orer to tho Jew at the end of a rope. But when I gut oa deck the strange lookfn craft bad disappeared la the. fog. "Bat where she'd drifted. to was a punier, for within ten minute the fcg lifted, w could aweep the borUoa,' and there wasn't a sal to be seen. , "Within aa hour It come oa to blow out o the sowwest- That "was the gala whea I waj wrecked, the Mark Mat- thews gola to the bottom and the crew "tela picked rrp half dead by a whaler F. A. MXTCIiri BaMeMon a simple Remedy for liver trouble and biliousness The llror la a wonderful organ, always at work filtering purifying and 3aaaufacturlng ingredients necessary to life. It is tbio central laboratory of the body. It plays the part cf a natural poison ad ti dote. Tho poison contained la the decomposing food and tho waste of the body are arrested by lt and rendered harmless. The liver Is tho seat of manufacture of bile, a fluid, that keeps sweet Che Intestines and aids to digest food. Healthy bile Is an antlseptla and when deficient or absent tho contents of the bowels be come putrid and full cf poisonous matter- You can always keep your liver In a healthy condition by using Dr. Edward's Compound Dandelion Tablets or Pills. They act -upon the liver and produce a healthy flow of bile. uotn TahJeta and Pills sold by all druggists, price 25c. . Trial package at J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co., Wilmington, N. C. a-s T a n rv. WeJHvl'le. N. Y. w s ir io vou ei il is now and tn JL -si rCmcmbcr th Vjjt II you drink one Ttr Virginia K jvv.Xvx i m " w , fi- : 7 VN: i t f vxjr one wnicn vou v n m -k. . -.N- m j BLENDED RYE i joy a high ball T r i ien r it vou no. le verv next an." to ask for Belle tin i e wniSKev. it ,delightful drink; ill enjoy and one which will do vou p-ood. It's blended from pure, old whis- kies a rare, delicate blend .1 . '11 1 k tnat win appeal to the most discrim i n a t i n g taste. Don't forget to try it those whom it pleases once it will please always. Sold at the places where gentlemen .go to get a drink. J. & E. MAHONEY Portsmouth Virginia r?c Wood! Wood! 500 cords beat oak, black Jack and plne-cut to suit. Goal! Coal! Eureka Blocks, the -best for grates. Weed Blocks Lighrwood, suitable for' Wilson Heaters, grates and kindling. BUILDING MATERIAL LAND ENTRY 1907. Llmey Cement, Piaster, gits, Roofing Paper, Etc. Shin- I'i. B. THORPE I GO. dec 19-tfc I make claim to the following vacant land belonging ' to the Stato of North Carolina for the. purpose of obtaining a grant from tbe State, situated in the State of North : Carolina, New Han . over county, adjoining the lands of th, Suburban Land Col, on the north, oa the east by the lands of J. B. Hines and Charles Teetchen, south and west by the lands of Prank Canady and others, containing fifty acres more or less. THOS. P. BAGLEY. Filed December 26th, 1906. JOHN HAAR, Register of Deeds and Acting Entry Taker de. 27-30d Dec, 26th, 1906. A Taw! "Ope HIGH BALL YOU HEAR ABOUT PIGEON GIN, Endorsed by Physicians and Sanitariums as an ideal drink for the Kidneys and Bladder. from the cradle up. By name and by trade. Every garment made to dt and workmanship guaranteed. Agent for two of the largest eon cerns-in the country. HAAS TAILORING CO. BALTIMORE, WD. MARKS AMHEIM, NEW YORK. Together with this my line of Gents Furnishings are of the height of fash Ion. New styles shipped me every week. JULIUS P. TAYLOR, 7he Tailor. BEST WISHES. TO THE TRADE: It is with much pleasure that we take this oportuaity of extending to you our "Compliments of the Season," and wish for you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. It is needless to say that we sin cerely trust our relations in the fu ture will be mutually beneficial, profit able and pleasant in every way, and now assure you anew that our services and facilities are always at your com mand, when we will be pleased to give the same our best and prompt attention. Again, with best wishes, we beg to remain, Yours very truly, BROOKS & TAYLOR, Wholesale Grocers, Wilmington, N. C. dec. 25-tf. Adanfic Coasi Line ; Schedulein EfTeet January 6, 1907. . . -; ; ' ; . NOTICE. . - - - The arrivals and departures are giv en as information, . as well- as connec tions with other companies; but arri vals and connections are not guaran teed. - - -, . , . - . . .. NORTHBOUND. -Lv Wilmington sbo 1.49 p .m 5.08 p m 6.05 p m 1.07. p-m Ar Goldsboro Ar Rocky Mount Ar. Weldon Ar Norfolk ...... Ar Wilson iveiupa ....... 5.08 p m Ar. Petersburg . . 7 i r w at .icnm&na i 8.oo t m k I - MT Ar wasnington 111.40 d m Ar jjaitimora I i avl a m Ar Philadelphia ,. 4.25 a m Ar wew York 1 7.20 a m No. 48. . . . .No. 43 9.00 a mj .35 p v Lzm p mjy.32 p w 11.15 p xn p m 10.25 p m 2.32 a t . 4.27 a m 5.10 a m 8.50 a m 10.13 a m 12.27 a m 3.00 a SOUTHBOUND Lv New York . Ar Philadelphia Ar Baltimore Ar Washinsrton . . . Ar Norfolk ...... Lv Richmond Ar. Petersburg- Ar Weldon Ar Rocky Mount Ar Wilson Ar Goldsboro Ar. Wilmington . . No. 41 9.25 a xn . .1.55 a m z.iz p m 3.21 p m 7.25 p m 8.05 p m 9.53 p m iu.58 p m 11.40 p ra 6.58 a m 10.18 a m No. 49 9.25 p m 12.01 an 2.32 a m 3.45 a m 8.30 a in 8.25 a m 9.13 a m 11.35 p m 1.00 p-m 2.15 p m 3.12 p m 6.10 p m BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND THE SOUTH SOUTHBOUND Lv Wilm'ton Ar Florence Ar Celumbia Ar. Ch'lest'n Ar Savannah Ar Jack'ville Ar Tampa. . Daily Daily 5.40 am3.35 pm v.da am 12.45 pm 1.40 pm 6.45 pm 7.30 pm 11.10 pm 11.37 pm 2.5a am 8.40 am 7.10 pm DiLT 6.35 pfri 4.15 ai 7.05 &l 9.39 am 2.10 10.0? af NORTHBOUND. The Jones House. Atkinson, N. C. la .Maw Open for the Patronage of th Public. Board by the Day, Week or Month. oct lO tl 109 Prlnccm St. Bagging and Ties .Rust Proof Oats for Seed. Must Close This Week GBairokiHLiipft SaOe Full Cream Cheese...... Ml Kinds of Canned Goods Heavy Groceries Grain, Hay Lime, Cement, Nails ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. The Worth Co Specla' Attention to ravelling "Rates, Reasonable. "'er- MRS. J. B. JONES, Pnp To The Beach. SUH URBAN SCHEDULE. Lv Tampa Lv Jacksonville Ar Savannah . . Lv. Charleston Lv Columbia . . Ar Florence . . . Ar. Wilmington, Daily I 9. 00 pm 8.55 ami iz.55 pm 5.30 pm 4.30 pm 8.10 pm 12.28 am Dalls1 10.30 atn 8.05 pih 1.15 ana ' 6.15 am 6.45 aa 9.25 atn 1.54 pxft BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SAN-FORD. Lv Wilmington Lv Fayetteville Lv Sanford West Bound Daily 9.10 am 12.35 pm 3.40 pm East Bound . v Dally Ar 8.13 pa Ar 4.55 nn Ar 1.55 pm In effect October 28th, 190S Leave Leave Leave Wilmington Wrigbtsville Beach x 7.00 a m x6.H0 am x 8.30 a m x8.00 a m 10.00 a m xx 9. 00 a m 11.30 a m 11.00 a m 10.45 a m 1.30 p m 12.80 p m 12.15 p m 3.00 p m 2.25 p m 2.15 p m 5.00 p m 4.25 p m 4.15 p m 6.30 p m 5.55 p m 5.45 p m 8.00 p m 7.30 p m 9.30 p m 9.00 p m 11.00 p m 10.S0 p n xDally except Sunday. xx Sundays this car will leave Wrigbts ville at 10.-00 a. m. instead of at 9:0Q a. m. Cars leaving Wilmington at 7 a. m., 8.30 A. m.. 8.00 d. m. and 9.30 p m. will not run be yond Wrlghtsville unless there are passen gers for the Beach. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Cars every half noor from 1.00 to 5.00 p m In addition to the above schedule. FREIGHT SCHEDULE Freight cars leaves Wilmington dally cept Sunday at 4.00 p m. Freight depot op from z.00 to 4.uu p m. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW BERN. N. Bound Sooth Daily ex Sun Bound Lv Wilmington .. 2.25 pmAr 12.40pm Ar Newbern 5.55 pmjLv 9.10 ate Trains Noa. 42 and 41 carry . PnllaMua. Sleeping Cars between Wilmington nd Washington connecting with. Pennsyl vania R. R. for all points east. T. C WHITE, General Passenger Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager. Clyde Steamship Company, New York. Wilmington, N. C. and Georgetown, S. C. Lines Nsw York for Wilmington,. N. S. S. s. s 'Carib" ... 'Navahoe" January 25-. February I. Baltimore and Carolina Steam ship Company. off Fniroe IRJOIilflilii- Donnelly &OI(ins Stock, Princess St We have Xoatd soreral cases of fine Plumes In Black. White and Colored which wo must close out quick. 11.75 Flno Silk Hcse, Black, and Colors, all to go quick at $1.00 a pair, chance of a Ufo time- f-lnwora at half price :WInjcs less than half price Ribbons at cost; Veils at cot: Hosiery reduced prices 1.000 yards lCc and 23c Plat Val Lace 8c per yard Bargain. Your last chare? to buy Flowers for your Spring Millinery at such low prlce SHOW CASES. TABLES. CHAIRS AND STANDS FOR SALE. Jan-13-tl. FOUND! FOUND! The Proper Place to Buy a Christmas Gilt for a Man. A Box of Fine Clears, A Meerschami Pipe, A French Brier Wood Pipe. A Smoker's Outfit A Flno Tobacco Pouch, ' - Any of the aboro articles and many more that we have in stock fWill r TH EC E JU3 C I CAR CO Tho no 1S0-" No. 10 North Front Street. , Our CU2otto! Purity, Promptness, Accuracy. The purest and best drugs only used in our Prescription Depart ment. J. Frank Jarman, DRUGGIST, 107 Princess Street. r'rui.t.sed sailing- from Baltimore: OR WILMINGTON, N. C. Connecting with steamers for South port, Fayettevine and points on Cape Fear and Little Rivers. JANUARY 11TH AND 25TH. H. L. W. WILLIAMS, Gen. Mngr. Baltimore, Md. WALTER SMALLBONES, Agt. Wilmington, N. O. sept 22 It Wilmington, N. C. for New York. S. S. "Navahoe" January 2C. S. S. "Carib" February-2. From, Wilmington, N. C. to Georae- town S. C. ". i- S. S. "Navahoe" January 23. S. 9. "Carib" January 28. Both steamers iave good passenge accommodations. Through bills of lading and, loTresi through rates guaranteed to an from points in North and South Carolina lror freight and passage apply tct H. G. SMALLBONES. Supt., Wilmington, , N. c: CL1DE MILNE, G. F. A., New Yorlr THEO. G. EGER, V.-P.V A G. M. 230 Broadway. New Torte. General Offices, Pier S6 K. R. Brcn. ja 5-tf Wiimingtsn and Southport STEAMBOAT LINE SCHEDULE ... "Steamer Wilmington" leaves Souths port daily 8 A. M. Leave Wilmington 2 P. M. nov. 28, tf. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway H. O. OATS. Jan-l&-tf. IMe Your Honey Work We allow-4 per cent - Interest and can guarantee 'safety. Capital I.. ......... ........ 50,000.00 Net Profits .... 24,812.69 Deposits .U.:. i .... .62Q.469.37 Atlantic Trusts Banking :Co. MATT J. HEYEIL MILTON CALDER, ' - . President" " - Cashier. ; j : C (Southern Building.) Scenic Route to the West Two Fast Vestibule Trains With DIrv ing Cmf Service.. Through Pullman Sleepers to I ville, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. Lv. Richmond.. 2 :15P.M. 11.00 P. M Ar. Cincinnati.. 8 :15 A.M. 5.00 P. Jty Ar. Chicago 5.30 P.M 7.10 AM Ar. St. Louis 6.28 P.M. 7.18 A M. Ar, Louisville ..1L20 A. M. 8.00 P.M Direct connections for all points West and Northwest. Quickest and Best Route. The line to' the celebrated mountain resorts of Virginia. , . . . For descriptive matter, ' schedules and Pullman reservations, address. , W. O. WARTHEN, . D. P. A. C: & O. Ry. Co., Richmond. Va. BL' W..PTTr-LICR . H. O. BUCKWHEAT, SUNBEAM' AND HECKER'S BUCK WHEAT MAPLE AND VANILLA SYRUP- NORTH CAROLINA BUCKWHEAT. FRESH EGGS PICKLED PIGS FEET, PHONE 1052. GROW & TAYLOR, jan. 10-tf. Grocers - f " . r.lAXVELL -, Automobiles. V 1 - ARE STANDARD.- V ' ; "frANK-.HERBST,, Sole ?Agent Oarage and sales rooms . 110 South 3ecsad Street. -. J- ? . : 9 JJ tf , PHONE 1336. And let us estimate on wiring your house for . Electnc Lights and Bells Also . keep, ypur private plants tmd prones in repair. . Our prices are- with in reach of all. , :;'"Y '- - - . - WORK GUARANTEED. ( ; rSUHOIl &',WllUAr,lS.O, ; . ' Electrical Contractors; j.RoomYNo. '6,: Smith Building, ' -. Princess Street 1 TL Art M i " a . :' . Y?;AY n ;,;-;-.ffv;. ; :' c''''t. - v'-Y-: , ,Y,- W rWY 0 V '-- ; ';Y. 1 - J ... m ' . - .. ,-;.-v. r noy .25-tf, :' :-- dec. ZJrti

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