the iioninim ,fav- t-TT-r-- THE MORNING STAB, WIIJJINGTON;. WEDNESDAY, JAOTABV, S3, ,1907. PACK rOUxt. I i i f I! t f r : 7 Ehe flUonuna Star: Wednesday, January 23, 1907. WEATHER REPOHl . U. S Department 'cf Ajrtcultoo' Wae- Tlursu . Wilmington. Jan. 23. 1907. Meteorological data' for the 24 hours ending at S P. M.. Tuesday. Jan uary 22. . Temperature at S A. M-. 31 degrees at 8 P. M-. 47 degrees; maximum. 5S degrees; minimum. 31 degrees; mean. U degrees. Ralofall for the day 00; rainfall since the first of the month to date .or lacho& " Stage of water In Cape Fear River at Fayctteville S A. M. Monday. 2.0 feet. I Forecast. 'Yor North Carolina Fair, colder Wednesday: Thursday, fair: warmer la Interior: variable winds. . Port Almanac January 23. Sun Rises 7:06 A. M. Sun Seta 3: IS P. M. Day's Length 10 hrs. 7 min. Illgh water at Southport. 3:42 A. M. High Water at Wilmington. C.12 A. M. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. H McDnniel. of Whice- vllle. was in the city yesterday. Iredell Meares. Kq.. returned yes terday from a professional trip to Hn ltlgh and AzhevUle. N. I'. Mr. Alex Newtou. of Wallace, was among the receni arrivals at The Or too. , ' Mr. M. H. McAuIay. of Abbotts burg, spent yesterday la the city on a business trip. Mr. John Hullock. of Ilullock. N. CU was among ihe late arrivals at The Orion. Hon. Geo. M. Ko?e. of Fayette ville. spent yesterday In the city on business with the Atlantic Coast Line. I . Mr. J. II. Wofford. route agent of She Southern Express Co.. with head- - .... . y- I 1 quanem ai lumicu v... wu m uv rity yesterday on a business trip. Mr. Jas. A. Perry, of Ilurgaw. was in the city yesterday on business with the Carolina Trucking Development Company. State Senator Geo. H. Itellamy. of Brunswick, and Representative Mac Rackan. of Columbus, were among the legislators who ?pent Sunday at their homer, returning to Raleigh yester day. Mr. 11 11. Taylor, the "Inland Wa ter Way Bvangellst." as he Is famil iarly known In the South, was here yesterday, conferring with Mr. James II. Chadboum. of the executive com mittee of the Inland Water Way As sociation. . Congressman-elect Godwin, of Dunn. N. C. neni yesterday in the ity and was tnofi cordially greeted by his uumcrou.t friends in thin city. Mr. Godwin wa accompanied by his private secretary. Mr. J. S. William son, of IJladen. ho 'also has many friends In Wilmington. SALVATION ARMY EVENT Brigadier Alexander Damon and Oth er Prominent Workert Coming. Tho local Salvation Army Corps and those Interested in Its splendid work In Wilmington are much interested in the illustrated lecture that will be giv en In the barracki" here tomorrow oigbt by Brigadier Alexander M. Da mon, one of the firs; officers In the rcrvlcv. - Thv subjtc; cf tb-j ;dJrc4 will b: In Darkest America." and will be II ! artratel with 10) stereoptlcon views. Brigadier Danun held several very Important ofSce In tho Army and Is at prrfent provincial commander of tho AtUntic craM province- corapris4ng Promylvanlr. Maryland. DeUware lnrt-sa and North Circilna. wltb headiiArter at Philadelphia. He Is a very cble platform orator and n man ov great incentive ability. He I also a social reformer of prominence hxvlag rendercl 3 distinct service la tho great coal ytrike. The Army under hi leadership met the needs of the famille of the criker and were commended by the preys for th very timely aid slven. The llrlgudler will W accor.ianled to Wilmington from Charlotte by his wife. Major Ilartrr nud AdjuLaut Hat tie Core. While In Charlotte the offi cer were eutfrtatnril at the home of Myor McNlnch. Caughterr oi Liberty Officer. New Hanoi r Council No. C. Daugh ter of Liberty, at It? rejilar meeting Ixst night, initialled the following of ficers for the cnt-uing term: Couucllor. Mr. V. W. Thomas: A social e Coun cilor. Mr. Alice Farrow; Vice Coun cilor. Mr. M. K. Jackson: Associate Vic Councilor. Mrs. 8. K. Williams; R. S, John K. Wood: A. II. S.. Mrs. A. A. Burnett: F. S Mrs. Lucy Sandem: Treasurer. Walter H Yopp; Guide. K. ltttA: Inner Guard. J. II. Mclver: Outer Guard. Henry Maultsby. There nre cereral candidate for Initiation next meeting nlsht. Februar- 12. All membm ore rtrueted to be pres ent. Petition In Bankruptcy Voodo Kellum. llq . represent!::,; what Is jfaid to be a majority of the creditor of IlonneUy Jk King ralllln erx ha Died In th FrJled SUvtM Coun la thU city a ieUUcn asking that tiu afrairs cf the Qrni bo wound up la th bankruptcy court. The Ktuck Laj Ixwj prorionsly disposexl of by assignment but effort will t made to throw all tho assets Into tho Federal Court. The creditors rep resented by Mr. Kctlum aro Armstrong Cator 4t Co.. Baltimore. I1.6S4.21; Dnabar L Co. Ba'timore. $203.11 and Llbbey tc Rlckor, of New Yc-rk. $532.CI Ctord Woman Dead. OanUla Reaves Mallctt. member of a prominent colored family In Wll talngton and owner of the valuable VT0yT. at athwest corner of Third 52,f.ttl trwl d yesterday at C? A aflcr a ,onS Ulness during Ic!l h treated la New York. Sh was 45 years of ago and leaves ra only daughter. Mary. The funeral will to conducted today. ... m LOCAL DOTS. . First Church oi. Christ. Scientist: Services this evening at 8 P. M., Odd Fellows Building, second floor. All are Invited. 433 Jwaelro, tinp. hi from Messrs. Srrunt & son. as will be seen by advertisement ,rked to ;0 discharged. The judge ; elsewhere in today's paper, seven orjordcred th-w if they had uot reached; th leading insurance agencies have, verdict at 10 o'clock to give them i An ncreement to close their i .... nill rimhor Oulce3 rriaay aueniwuo notice. a-natron of the Uusiness Local column of today s star aesirvs iu vx- chanro a now six-room house, all mod- m . 1 1 A A ern conveniences In best locality, for larger house. The lease holds good to October 1. The Clyde Liner Navahoe. Caj-j tain McKenxle. arrived In port at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, some- thine over 24 hours late, on account . of the gale that swept up the coast Sunday night Her cargo was not in jured. T-4 CiinAHnlonriont M llooiltt returned yesterday from New Hern. ."" ' where he rounded up John Grady and Garfield Pearsall. convicts from the! THE COAST LINE WRECK chalngang who recently escaped, j They were returned to the stockade vesterday anernoon. r earsaji nas on- j ly about CO days of a four-year sen- , tenc yet to .er,T " 1 n ' " ' tiv n h TviVp. of an open switch about three quarters; - ?n C tlurvSn of Pitts of a so"th of Yemassec last night , S "LUillM 8:30 o'clock, vestibule No. SS. of if were: Pender. ouK. .. iu 'X xi ,t; Fear towufhip. part of Hermitage trart Daniel Howard ana wire to ta- ----- - - - - n htinllS;r nf'hSikr p south exist corner or block zb&. a. i Southerland and wife to Sarah J. How ard, for $100 and other considerations, property on east side of Seventh. C6 feet south of Wooster street. 41x53 i feet in size. CUTTER BACK IN PORT. Officers and Men Continue to Lead The "Strenuous Life." The United Stales Revenue CutUr Seminole returned to port yesterday fr a rni J nf KAvernl d.ivs north a far a HattorAB. She went first to . the assistance of the schooner John I. Snow, ashore near Portsmouth Life Saving Station, and upon reaching .-r- r. i i hardly lime to drop anchor before a I hurry call reacht'J Cant. Qulnan tx proceed at once the assistance of the Clyde Uae steamer Comanche and; the barquentlne Frances which were ; . orence, u.; Kd ward tor 1 mman h itinuu. " W in collision off Diamond rhoal light, in ; Dehn. Manchester passenger, a C-i- ! House one monitor. Rev Coke D. a denre fog Friday night. The barque ! ban ticket from Havaaa, to Nov. ;. Maun, of Oconee county, declined to war towed into Norfolk by the tug;Y : Edward Barnes, fireman, Na vote. Mr. Mann stated as his-reason Edna V. Crew cad the Ccmanche i SS. Florence: Wi'lis Johnson, fireman, that Tillman had never explained sat nrococded to Now York before the , freight train. Charleston; Alex Orel- isfactorily his alleged connecaon with cutter could be of anv assistance but Brocks, freight engineer. Charles the Hubbel rebates and further that uh on imni in cnnH timo .mri would have been of assistance but for j freight engineer. Charleston, S. C. se the good fortune of the barquentlne ; rious; N. W. Beddall. West Pcrtsii'k5, .:n.hnr nf th rr.n- itmruH nvp'vnnl I when the crash came and h was lost. I Both vewelf were badly damaged. The cutter will remain in port a1 few days unless emergency calls hertof out again. Both bollera. are to be j cieaneu irom ner long cruise arier tne jint ireigni. 1 missing steamer Ponce holiday week.; ! The officers and men were glad to: AUDIT AND FINANCE BOARD, j get in port yesterday again, for their i duties hivn hon oTtromolv nrrfnoiiR ! for snnio tv(wL- ITrvnn hlc rotnm Lieut Reinburg of the commissioned staff had tho pleasant duty of receiv ing from the Department his official notice of promotion from third to second lieutenant In the service. ROUGH ON THE SEABOARD. ehaHMt Pni. r.mni; hn r.ion- Dickinson street cad Carolina Cut vice on Thir End of Line. Tho Charlotte Observer Is camping hot on the trail cf the Seaboard Ale Line. It voices expression? from Its business men that the early train was stopped at Hamlet instead cf running through tiX'iU Wilmington Jfcr the I w m. iimii . i i i-wul w iimiHiiu iHtrrciiunif. months scivice of Mr. F. T. Skipper whom thy say are by this means en-; expiring on the first of February The abled to got ;i.Jr travo'ing men In i matter was deferred for furUier Vnfcr the UTTitory ahead of Charlotte. As j niatlon. The Board wns of the opinion 10 icw oirr it-aiun.-j vi in. fer ice. : uie? uoserv er sa "If a Charlott otte person were -;o de- eld? to go to Wilmington for a short 1 visit he might as well walk as to ride i or tho Seaboard trains. In the first plice nil passeng'rs change car3 at Monroe, going from or coming to Charlct , and then change again at Hamlet. By tho time cce gets by Hamlet hz or she is worn completely cut. The trains are generally lato and the sta'feas poorly kept. The roadbod between Ikto and Monroe U rough and Jaaigoroui. It begins to kk aj If thlDEA sret worse after cnch!ruP,tMML u, MK J- w BKA"OM' : visitation of tho head officials. Peo pie curro the Southern, but they have starts toward Charlotte ca a SeaboarJ train he never known wh?n he will gc'. In. "Pasiicagers who came iu from down the Seaboard Sunday night had to contend with dirty caw. broken scats and doors and ti occupy craches that wore either too hot or 4oo cold. Such i is life on tho old Carolina Central." ! Attend Anti-Saloon Convention. Rev. Fred D. Hale. D, D., pastor of the First Baptist Church, will leave this morning for Raleigh, to attend the Anti-Saloon Convention of the State In that city on Thursday of this week. A chief feature of tho conven tion will be an address by Governor Glenn. A question upon which it is stated that the convention will bo di vided will be a recommendation to tho General Assembly to call for a State election on tho question of pro hibition. Senator Simmons and a num ber of other party leaders aro re ported to have advised against any such'raidcal measuro as this at pres ent. HOLUSTER'S v KocfyUountalnTca Iluggefs A 8 r UmUdm for But ftotUtT -GMm Mart tad R View, A tredfla for OoosUtwUoa. XxuSffftstlon. tircr od KUar intra tie. Pimple. czem, lmpu o;ool. lud Itrcta. SicpzUb Itovrls. Hesxnctr a! ilockaeh. Its Kocxr MoautAln Tea In ViXr form. 3 fnu a box.. Genuine xnarie t -4i-nn - CVMPAnr. ftJaUlaoo. SEVfclt AL LUNu 1 cKAlp (Continued from first page.) wera hbuolessly divided 10 io ,2, and a light lunch and hold them over till i morning. Deputy Sheriff Harvey vox j was in cliDrge of ihe jury and they; (were itill holding out in the court- I . ... A I room wnen ine paper went io piui . 'thlr. morniut:. j The grand jury failed to And true bills against William Simpson, car :ireaklng; Perry Alderman ana iM.i t James. asF?u!t with a deadly weapon,;? ;rna KODerc ncKen. carrying a kmk- i ccaled weapon. j ! A venire of 25 talesmen were or- ! ' . t i m : . . l . . T4- i i.erea summonea ior hei v icu iuutj . u Is not expected that any of the capital cases will be reached until later In the week. The Snipes case may be con- 'if... sM fA. 4hn rt-l (Dead and Injured Taken to Charles - ton puec Particulars. Associated Press.) Charleston. S. C. Jan. 22.-Taking the Atlantic Coast Line, crashed into waiting oii the . v . . - , . . i 'siaing. ine passenger ana ireignx en- igines three vestibule Pullmans and , m . , , , several freight cars were demolished Engineer Johnson, of the passenger j train, was killed outright and the col- j ored fireman of both engines were crushed to death. A woman and two ! men. passengers, were injured. Engi neer Horton, of the freight train, was I badly hurt. How the switch came to i be left open the Atlantic Coast Line .officials do not undertake to say. Engineer Horton had run his train on to a siding near i emassee, to await the northbound vestibule. The passenger train came on at the usual i rPeed taking the open switch. ran straight Into the waiting freight The two engines were completely wrecked. Enelneer Horton and tho i Iniured iiassene-ers wprn hrone-ht to Charleston. The body of Engineer j Jonnson win be rent to Florence, his ! home. ! Inca"a: u Jeanson. eng. ; ton. S. C. : Injured: J- J. Horton. D. WhlteGMd. Pul'nmn nrrfor- L A Massey, Pullman iort:r: W. S. Hill, Pullman porter. - .Capt C. C. Tilghman was in charge the fvestibuled train and Coridtoc-; tor Stuart Heinsberger in charge of' e. e.-.:- ... ! Front Street Paving. : The regular semi-monthly meeting .fanned by a high wind, swept into cf th; Board of Audit and Finance lastlthe town of Hamlet, N. C, late this night tfas very brief and no matters f general Importance were consider ;ed. Chairman McQueen and Messrs. ; Yates odid Brady were present. Bonds ! of E. G- Parmele for making tho fill Same Co.. for laying the tiling and coping around the Harnett monument were submitted and approved. A cchimunlcatkn from City Clerk and Tre2ureT Fowler asking that the Beard grant him on assistant in the office for a month or two lonjrpr read, tho animnrltlon for th thiw : . . ---- . ui&i the garnishees for ixll fax in which an aslant is prlnclpallv re- ouired. should !o .-n.lPrtrLkrn (-hH5pv jU the vear. Th- mim.i r mii-wiaooui ioity m an, naa Deen ac wortc w,6re amended as to the Board's agre. mcni as t the paving of Front street. it b.-Jng spcciflcial'y stated that the '""S A I t. DllCul, property owners nhould pay their pro- rata sharo of the cost of the improve- mcnt as the work progresses. Af Lar i auditing tho usual bills for current expense tb Board adjourned. lmnp.. Cil,. w... Impressive Services Yesterday After- noon Interment In Oakdale. Ia the preseuce of a large gathering cf friends and relattivcs, Impressive funeral services were conducted at 4 o'clock over tho remains of the late Jordan W. Branch, whc.3e death oc curred after a lingering illness Mon day evening. The services were by Rev. Fred D. Haia, D. D.. of the First Baptist church, assisted by Rev. Ken- neth D. Holmes and Rev. J. S. Crfcw- ley. A largo number of verjl hand some flcrsl deslngns were laid upon Jxo casketln testimony of the high es teem In which tho venerable man. was held. The interment wag in Beilevue cemetery, tho active pall-bearrs Ing hcjcn grandsons of the deceased as followa Messrs. Frank Branch, A. W. Smith. Gus. M. Lindquist,' D. M. Branch, Thad Grotgon and Alfred Lta quisL The honorary pall-bearers were OapL W. P. Oldham. Dr. Wright Hall, Capt. R. C. Orra'J, Messrs Peterson, W. H- Chadboum and M. C. Benson. - Tho Najvy Dpartmeot was advised yesterday of the death on Sunday Jan uary 20th, cn board the United States ship Chariestcti, at .Magdalena Bayi of MldsWpmaa Isaac W. Hayne. Mid Bhipman Ilayn was appointed to the Naval Academy from the Fourth South Carolina district cn Juno 8, 1901; and was detached from the academy co' Jannaxy SOth 7905 oad. assigned, to the . Kearsarge. .He. later served "on tho Lancaster and the . Franklin, and irum mo v.kt &aip was assignea to " VV' VI V v X. 1' jrv jr Iftl f JH - ., 1, - iiir- I -v.;v k.&. .5 Corn e to f he ; ' Black and Fancy Sflks. , Black and Fancy Dress Goods. Embroidered and Fancy Flan nels. Wash Goods, White Cambric and Sheer Linens. Waisting. Art, Butcher Embroidery Linens. and Table Linens, Doilies. Napkins and jll Plain Whits, Colored Border and Fringed Linen Towels, Cottcn and Linen Handkerchiefs BED SPREADS, SHEETS AND PILLOW' CASES The firm that pays Car Fare. jan-12-u. ....... r.-r rvrr PnR TILLMAN. WV V KJ I ' - - One Member in South Carolina Leg islature Against Senator. Columbia. S. C. Jan. Zl. uauois were taken today in the Senate and . House oi uepreseniauves iui x. xv Tillman for United States Senator. 1 nesenaic oteu wiiui, i . he cnargca tne proniDiuonibit. with p-lienine themselves with the bar room element, against the j State dispensary. Mr. Mann ask led that his objections be printed m the journal. Tillman's election will be confirmed in joint assembly tomorrow 4- $7,500 FIRE AT HAMLET. Seaboard "Depot, 17 Loaded Cars. 8 Residences and Distillery Burned, ,.. w. 4 u , af x "uc lu "'"'"fe .. Charlotte. N. C. J ail . JLJL.' t ITC which had its origin in neaVby woods, afternoon, burning over a, large por tion of it. The plant of the Carolina Distilling Company, seventeen load ed box cars of the Seaboard Air Line, eight residences' and the Seaboard freight depot were destroyed. Tho loss is $75,000, partially covered by Insurance. Hamlet is sixty miles east ol Charlotte. SEVEN KILLED IN WRECK. Collision on New York Central Re sults in Injury of Many. (By Wlro to The Morning Star.) Albany, N. Y., Jan. 22. Seven men were killed and ax least 15 injured this afternoon on the New York Central, Mohawk division, about half a mile wef.1 f thi cItyy the collision of a hght engine with a caboose filled with railroad laborers. The workmen at earners, between here and West Albany, and were on their way back i ,LJ . 11 1, I.J 11,1 1 , 4 2 A, - npnnW ... . n. . . Fire in Richmond, Fire broke out at about 1:45 o clock mis morning in me .vv uiiams ouiiaing, Richmond Va.. in whioh nr lnrntfd the Southern Express Company and th ninp, Arnw a 9 viir tHo the Blues Armory. At 2 o'clock the entire fire department had been called out. At 2:30 the fire was still rag ing and spreading to adjacent prop erty. The handsome Chamber oi Commerce building wasr threatened. At 3:15 the fire is under control. Estimated loss $125,000. ' DIED. HEWLETT At his home on Mason oro Sound, Tuesday, January 22nd, At 8 o'clock, Alonzo Hewlett. Fun eral will be held from his late home on Masonboro at 3 o'clock this after noon. Deceased was a faithful mem ber of St. John's Lodge, No. 1, of Ma ! J , ' ' . fcav-,sons aQd all members are invited to attend. ja 23 It Wise Counsel From the South. "I want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blank- enship, of Beck, Tenn. I have proved 10 an absolute certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cure this dis tressing condition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few more bottles, I was completely cured; so completely that ' it becomes pathlze with the: old man .and.vdftan a pleasure to recommend this - great remedy." -Sold under -guarantee at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. ; Price 50c Its wonderful, .powergoeslto: the seat of v; 0 your rtroub!eyf vitalizes, strengthens every jart of your body. .That's what Hollisters Rocky Moun- tain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or, Tab- Beg Store, Where Tou can Get EVE SECOND FLOOR, Carpets Mattings Art Squares Rugs Window Shades Lace Curtains Portieres Table Covers Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. MAIN FLOOR. Men's and Boys' Clothing Overcoats and Rain Coats Crawford and James Means' Shoes for Men. Dolly Madison Shoes for Women. your Rye or Not Better than the Best Because WHDS&CIEY RYTHIWG A Whiskey that Nourishes. The Whiskey that Upholds Kentucky's Reputation. CwHopiros B mil 000 ng Co. P. O. Box 243. . No. C, South jan-2D-tf. Sale of Shoe Remnants. Broken Sizes left from this Winter now on Sale at Big Reductions. WOMEN'S KID B LUC HER Patent Tip; were $4.00 reduced to $2.75 WOMEN'S LACE Cushion Soles; were $3.00, re duced to $1.95 WOMEN'S GUN METAL Blucher and Button; "were $3.50, reduced to $2.45 WOMEN'S KID Button; were $.3.50, reduced to $2.45 WOMEN'S KID Button; were $1.50, reduced to .... ...... -. .... 95c MEN'S HIGH CUT LACED Hunting Boots; were $6.00, re- duced to . ... $4.75 This reducfion is not on our entire stock, but. such lots where wo haven't a complete line of sizee. The sale is now on- .Don't wait till your size is gene and the be disappointed. SOLOEVSON'S SHOE STORE. I' i.n, I...... ' jan-20-tf , e Offer, Subject to Sale, HARTSVILLE COTTON MILLS Seven Per Cent Preferred Stock at $101.00 per share. Will sell in lots of 5 or more shares. - , - This mill is under very able management and the above preferred stock is in our opinion a first class investment paying a 'high rate of interest. . r. ' C. P. BOLLES & CO., 415 Southern Building. ' ' . Telephone No. 1320 jan 10-tf. WANTED An Oyster Opener and a Porter Apply at -1 ; ; Opposite Al G; Lvi Depot - GIESCHEN BROS, PROPJtTOTORS jan-20-tf. ; Tiie lirm mat pays your i Car Fare. millinery; EVERYTHING IN HEAD WEAR Ladies' Cloaks and Raincoats. - Silk and Zephyr Knit Shawls. Hoods. Caps, and Fascinators. The Celebrated Columbia Yarns, Zephyr and Knitting Silks. Royal Society Embroidery Floss Richardson's! and 'Heminway's Embroidery Silks. Mexican Drawn Work Linen Pieces. 3 9 Bourbon. but Better fhan the Rest it is the OF Front Street. 'Wilmington, N. a WOMEN'S FELT Romeo; were $1.50, reduced to 95c MEN'S GUN METAL Bluchers ; were $5.50, reduced to ........ ...... $3.95 MEN'S GUN METAL Bluchers; were $3.50, reduced Q .. $2 65 MEN'S GENUINE CALF Bluchers; were $4.00 reduced to $3.15 MEN'S GUN METAL Bluchers ; , were $4,00, reduced to $2.95 MEN'S PATENT Bluchers; were $3.50, reduced to ... $265 and CHICKENS at the ar""o-pAY. VJ.' W. BATSpW, ,Prop. Quickest Delivery InCity. Phone 72. Dreised Goose jan-19-tf.,-. II v 0. Si 9T ( : v ua unariesxaa. f . a , Lao unariestoa. r "H-:, 3an-l9-tr., r

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