j'wTiTnrm- .--" - 77 NOTION DEPARTMENT Regal, the Shoe That i SPIRITS THE UORimiG XT A - cagssol ";; - v : ; januaby, 23, 1997. ; ;t:';:-'.v:'; . lraves;.ip;J - hi. n: r -r. t 7 ftt J7 OF . GEO. O. CAYLORD'S rrnnrr CTAncc CVX.;-- ; Eft io.jr: will . : REGALS FIT EVERY OCCASIO 3. TURPENTINE -car. Gimn wJa one of he tpoak-jThcsc Prices will no in effect January 24Ui ami last Nine Days. Inventory and White Goods Sale era at a Y. II. C A. banauet at Char-1 lotto Tuesday nlfht Walter Hedgcpcth who on Sat urday stabbed youn;; Church to death nt High Point and escaped, was car tared at Kerjenrflle oa Tuday. Ills brother. Will Hednepeth. was arrest e J "'T LDUfcn wa3 a naU!5c Vaseline, per bottle 3c --Raleigh. Jan. 21: A fine of 150 .Uc Machine Oil. per bottlo- 3c wis jmposea upon me ouincm Railway here for Its failure to provide automatic gates at the railway crossings in the city. While other places all over the coun try hare had ruch gates for a great zaaay years, Raleigh has not had them catll within -a few months nast. when the Seaboard put them up. but the ; bontnera has never made any provi n of the kind. The latter road ap peals from the fine. 7T - r . . ni , 10c Tooth Brushes 5c Elizabeth City. Jan. 21. In the J Superior Court la the case of Kerry Children's Hose per pair 5c a juagment in tne sum or Ji'ou wa 5c Writing Ink per bottlo . 3c Black DarnlnR Cotton 2c Basting Cotton per spool 1c Hooks and Eyes, per card '1c The Best Brass Pins, per paper 4c 5c Safety Pins, per dozen 3c 4c 7c 2c 5c Tin Cups 2c Cc Dippers 4c sCc Wash Basins TT r rl hv J" m Itirv f ivl-ir - I n f 1 mmbm Mr. Spenee. Th.- suit Rrew out of ! 1Qc ash "in the Issuing of a marriage license for ., t, ijcttj 9 uiURQior. over a year a?o. She was under IS ears old and Mr. Berry fued to recover the penalty, fckyiag that Mr. S pence did not exer cise tho legal degree of caution re-q-oimi by law. Probably the caw will be appea'eti t- tho Supreme Court. Raleieh. Jan.. 21. Before Judge PnnH! t2ere was a hearing In 22 suits against he Cape Fear Power Compa ny, which owns tho Buckhorn Fall Electric Power Plant oa tho Cape Fear river, thus-j being for alleged damages by the overflow of land by back water, due to the great dam of that coajpanjr. The plaintiffs werv Uc Towels 3 l-2c represented by J. A. Long and T. M.I 1! Argo. who mado a mocioa to remand iSc Glasses, each 3c ujo uiui vo ice iaie courts. i n Is C Tea S peons for 8c 5c Hair Combs 3c 5c Fine Combs 3c 5c Buttons. 'per dozen 3c 5c Talcum Powder, per box 3c 5c Toilet Soap 2c 5c Pencil Tablets 31-2c 5c Ink Tablets 4c 8c Box Paper .. 4c 10c Box Paper . . 8c 15c Box Papers, per box 9c 35c Brooms 25c Ladles' Plain Handkerchiefs 3c Men's Ties 3c Men's Collars, each 3c $3.50, 1-4 Sizes All Styles. Shoe Trees, Polish Brashes. A. SHRIER, , $4.0. :m m 1 I 4 I F J! For a Cold Snap Don't wait until you are canht ... the cold weather and nearly freeze be fore you think to buy your Heauir- . Cl-f-r. TTT. 1 1 x f . . . owcb. v e uae a oeauiuui line T Self Feeding Heaters Just the kind that will give you sdU comfort for many; winters. A Call and let us show them to you. J. IV. Murchjson & Co. jan 6-tf. 5c Hair Pins, per box 3c 5c Mucilage, per bottle 3c G Boxes Carpet Tacks w . .5c 4 Boxes Matting Tacks .5c Glass Molasses Pots 9c 10c Berry Dishes 6c 10c Glass Dishes, each 6c 10c Lamp Shades 7c 5c Linen Thread, per spool 3c 10c Witch Hazel Soap 4c No. 1 Lamp Burners ,4c 10c Tumblers 5c 10c Spoon Holders 7c 10c Pickle Dishes 5c xrotioa was rraisted by Womack Jt llaye. Jane K. Shepherd and It T. Gray. The mctlon was denied. Klnston, Jan.. 21. Fire In the about fl.000 damage to the building j5c Saucers ana me siock or goMs Jo it. The Ore was discovered on the ;coad floor In a room used for urorage. It probably caagat irom burning soot from an other chimney dropping dewn the j flue- The contents of thi storage I room was eatlrtly burned and cor.- i fddomble damage was done to the bul'- diag acd tho telephone exchango in ' the next snite of rooms. The stock of Denmark, tho Jeweler, was damaged by removal and water. All los s folly csvi red vjr insurance Chariot' ' Observer. Jan.. 22. Tho coa tract for the hjdrailic machinery to be used In the equipment of the Xlocty-Nlne Islands station, near Galf ney. S. C. has been let by the South ern Power Company to the AilisChal cers Company, of Milwaukee. Wis Tbc isoonfi involved will approxl rcate 1125.000. Dell rer its ato to he made fa slx seren, eight and twelve months. Tho contract for tho water wheels for thet Rocky Creek station near Great Fa'U. S. C. will bo on xouaced la a few days- The amour l f , RTQ.Trn nnnic fV, turn rn. -rltl Mtm.w i HMED BOORS, where near $300,000. The announce ment has be on made oCcially that no more big contracts for power against the Great Falls station will be made With thn exeeotion cf a few thotucind horwe power which is being referred roc small customers, the entire output bos already beta sold Prospectire enstoarers will now have to wait un til either tho Start r-Xlne Islands or the Rocky Creek station is comp'eted. ,3c No. 2 Lamp Burners 6c Leather Shoe Soles, per pair 9c Agent. 34 NORTH FRONT STREET. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. Jan 17 tf 5c Coat Springs 2c 5c Lead Pencils 2c Slate Pencils, per dozen 2c 10c Shoe Polish, per box 5c Little Notions but Big Values at GEO. O. CAYLORD'S WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24TH Lasts Nine Days. A Colossal EvenL Prices Cut Down to the Lowest Lmit. USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ARE TO BE HAD OF US Scissors in cases Razors in cases Pocket Knives Brass Andirons and dozens of others articles that make accepta ble gifts and are appreciated by friends for weeks afterwards. Polite attention and glad to show goods. N. JAC0BI HARDWARE CO. dec. 25-tf. AGENTS FOR SHOES NEVER BEFORE was our MotU 'Not Cheap Shoes, But Good Shoes Cheap." More rigidly adhered to than naw CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK, Making room for Spring Stock. Be sure to see us before buying . Same Old Place. Mercer & Evans Co jan G-tt Christmas Goods SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. Why suffer from your feet? i .5 i Wood's Earliest Valentine Snap Beans arc uciiurtlonably tho earliest, rnewt prolctJvo and the beat strain of Kol Sprckktl Valentine Hoap iVana on tho market Uio true rcuil-rol kind. 5 th Utui from cxir cotc3 cr tff cToer la oar Io sertfctv Ct tt IXC, trafy tac to Uio suprior1tx of oar Sods. Iatjc baytm of ?aap Bcan, Exrl Pcax, or other VeirctAblc eels re rcqurtrU to write for our Special Truckers' prices. Wood's New Seed Book for 1207 Rirw tho fullest informa tion about bccvIa for market-gar drners and truckers best kinds to grow, and tho best way to prenr them. Mailed free on request. t. w. wood & sons, Sdmen, Richmond, Va. ALL THE NEW NOVELS. CALENDARS & CHRISTMAS CARDS EASTMAN KODAKS & SUPPLIES WATERMAN3 IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS FANCY BOX PAPER LEATHER GOODS & FANCY GOODS Robt. C. DeRosset. Bookseller and Stationer. dec IS-tX VS. . i We have a line of elegant Leather Rockers end Chairs. W have - "vuiiuvnuiu uniwio more every one oerore Cturistmas.- We have fiver. handsome Parlor Sult3. We have five' beautiful Todlet Tables. We have 21 HaU Racks. We have 9 Couches. We have 300 Pictures. We have SO Toilet Sets. We hare 10 Dinner Sets. We have 225 Rugs. We have 30 Rolls Matting. We have 25 Reed Rockers, Which we wiM sell between now and Ohristmas. We have put prices on them all that will move them. An we ask Is that you give us a trial. Thursday, Dec, 20, we will sell all our Irish Mails, Velocipedes, Trl clcles and other Toys at unheard of prices. i i Y 5! HUGH (YlacRAE & CO., WVt HUT Aim SELL Olf COMMISSION, SOUTHERN SECURITIES COTTON MILL STOCKS. North and South Carolina State Bonds. i THE WILMINGTON FURNITURE CO. 'Phone No. 777. Atlantic National Bank Asbestos Utensils. The housekeepers of Wilmington are invited to call and examine our line of Asbestos goods which embrace: Asbestos Griddles In three sizes. Asbestos Round Stove Mats. Asbestos Round Cold Handle Mats Asbestos Square Stove Mats. Asbestos Lined Steel Bottom Mats. Asbestos Lined Steel Omelet Pans. Asbestos Lined Steel Pio Plates. Asbestos Bread Toasters. Abestos Smoothing Iron Holders. The above are suitable for gas. and oil The flexible sole ?. Red Cross Shoe j made on the most j fashionable lasts, is j absolutely comfortable. : Every woman needs the Red Cross Shoe. To those women whose feet are sen sitive and to those who are on their feet much it is an unspeakable relief. 1 Let us fit you. Oxfords $3.00 High Shoes No. 129, Market Btreet No. 19, 21,and 21 N. Second Street f t f t f Harris Li thia Water rii strongest LltbU Water koom ana Harris' Lithia Ginger Ale. The best In .the market. A trial will convince you. H. I. VOLLERS. fe25tf 2C OVERCOAT ''DUTY- The Directors of thU bank recentlv elected for the year 1307 are repre-jacd wood cook stoves vuuiuie Dujwfsj men. who hsve soc ceeded la their private enterprises and are qualified to direct the affairs of a Urge financial Isstltution. They are William Calder. James II. Chadbourn. D McKacbern. William K. Worth. George R French. H. U u n"- W' YalS J S- Armstrong. 11. a Short, D T. MpKclthia and N. A. Hunt. Sloan & Sweeney, 130-132 Market Street. Jan-13-tf- Phone 332. Capital . Stzrplca Dvpctslu Jaa-13-tt 12S.000.00 . 223.000 00 U50.000.0 if RAJfr? FOR THE U. 8. NAVY: ll'Jt. L"p i9nt) wm be anchored off lh. ,T H" ' lJ C"Z from Jannary24th TnA ffZT rifV11 Irom 1S " 70 pit monxll nd food, lode la r. m.fi.i . i . : . "l Authorized Agency, PETERSON &RULFS, Wilmington, N, C Jan-lS-tf. Y yourself an Overcoat that's right the Overcoat that's right wvj ju- yixiyvr protection ana wear. ..W.t-?n?:..?I.0Tt every where; you'll .j MVU iuU a u )uu snop at random. If you patronize most any kind of a clothing store most anywhere. If you jump at the first reduced price advertisement. If you rush into a store and rush out, buying the first coat shown you. itnJtZSF9!? "lisht kInd" of vercat you must go to the right 7rit T . a SM,re inai COTmaes s advertising to facts and Invites investigation and compa rison. oil ? .WiH conslder ttese Points we believe that you will leave your overcoat money here cw!106 ranse is from 10-00 to $25.00 and your money w 0vo "lUIl fc, UUt 11 V I. ,Ms Cures ( pi H E AD - pi ACHE 4 1 10c Bottles . . 2 Doses 25c Bottle . . . 8 Doses Ask your dealer lor it. july20-tf 1907 fciA muni . cQuincfl ana hTtSSiSLif Jtu,rr American citizens theniT iJf- l?.Ltlqalrt'' M(1 learn for fiJr??v 11 or wUnoni trade; GUI0N & DAVIS : Barbers : and Hair: Dressers.- Are still at the, old Btand, No. 7 Sputh Front ' street, where they "are prepared; aa nsmal, . to serve the public in the bent stvi :-';v.irr,ii -.x ary to the comfort and Gomntm Isf action of our patrons.1 " tfl SOLE AGENTS FOR DUNLAP m J- GUa. SOLKY '& CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING , WILMINGTON. N. Jan-19-tf.- Read Star ffdvmiseWnfs lis here and we are still offering to tho trade of the CAROLINES one of the largest and most up-to-date lines of GROCERIES in this eection of the country. We thank the trad lor their most liberal patronage in the past and assure you we are anxious for a continuance of samel, and. on a larger scale than ever. D. L GORE CO., Wholesale Grocers and - Importers, . - Wilmington, .N. C. p iv,'""' r. y -.Y.v,i ) fa to i c ;i ' r s c n ti m ft Vr ; d. it ; oi Mm ' :,'!;' re at :i""st. H th ;a :?!j?v : Kfvth Mm 73: A I ' - . , 1 To Hi at': ' f ,1 sal. t-K' jan A Pot 1 Ma r"- JUE ... i :;-w. '-iir 1 fr4

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