THE UOEIJINa CTAi YIIJilKGTOiv YEDIILJDAY, JAl4"UAIlYri.J, 11 Jl. v i - 'V--, y- . IT'S 1 THE DRAFE ids? ., -... Need 0 Ladles, do. you suffer from headache, backache, sldeache, waist pains, liregular. habit, weakness, nervousness, Irritability, general mis- erableness and lack, of ambition? If so, much of your pain and suffering Is needless, for It is due to diseases peculiar to your sex, which can be cured by proper treatment For over 50 years Wiime of Suffer Hi WRITE US FREELY and frankly, ti strictest eccfklence. trfling all your trocMrt. arvl sLUing; our r. We will send you TRZX AD VICT, in rUln scaW envrlupe. and a vaK catfc: Hpje Book on "Home Treatment for Women." Address: LiJies Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medldne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., OM has been benefiting these diseases In the persons of over a million women, of whom Mrs. W. H. Gage, of 232 N. Clark St.. Chicago, is one. She writes: "'I was taken sick three years ago and was In bed six months. Since then I have been troubled with head ache, backache, leg-ache and awful bearing-down pains. I could get no relief until I began to take Wine of Cardui. I have now been taking it about six weeks and I feel like a new woman. My friends hardly know me." Try it for yourrtrouble. At Every Drug Store in $1.00 COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKETS. 1 , 'July . . August October Quoted cS dally at the doling by the Chamber of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE. Jan.. 22. 1307. SPIRIT TURPENTINE Market, nothlajc dolns- ROSIN Market firm. 13.90. TAR Market Ann $2.40 per barrel cf 2S0 pnds- CRUDF TURPENTINE Market firm at 2S per barrel for hard. $4.50 for dip M $4.50 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year spirits turpentine firm C5 1-2; rosin tlrm $2v50; tar firm $1.30; crude terpentine firm $2.50. $4.50 and $4-50. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine Co Rotiin ... 90 Tar 236 Crude . Receipts siino day last year l casks spirits turpentine: 12 barrels rosin: 112 barrels tar: 31 barrels orodo turpentine. COTTON MARKET. Market Steady 10c Same day last year Nominal- Iteceipts 1.655 bolts; same day last -ear 502 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. .9.61 .9.53 .9.62 9.63 9.57 9.64 POaT MOVEMENT. Galveston Steady. 10 !-2; net re ceipts. 32.211. New Orleans Steady. 10 3-S; net receipts, 19.119. Mobile Steady. 10 1-1: net receipts. 1.823. Savannah Steady. 10 11 6: net re ceipts. 5.317. Charleston Quiet. 10; net receipts. 312. Wilmington Firm. 10: net receipts, 1.655. Norfolk Steady. 10 1-2: net re ceipts. 3,583. Raitlmore Nominal. 10 C-S. New York Steady. 10.90. Koston Steady. 10.90: net receipts. SI 7. Philadelphia Steady. 11.15. Jacksonville Net receipts. 74. Totnl tndflv nt nil nrrt Vt rr- 2Gceipts. 64.913: Great Uritaln. 35.12S; franco, io.iu; comment, ly.-'j; stock. 1.250.305. Consolidated, at all ports Net re ceipts. 155.621; Great liritaln. 63.957; France. 31,069; continent. 71.533. Total since September 1. at all ports Net receipts. 6.932.2S0: Great Britain. 2.246.561: France. 631.241: continent. 2.043.050; Japan. 115.94S. Baltimor & Ohio 117 1-4 Baltimore & Ohio pfd 93 Chesapeake & Ohio . . 50 3-f L. & N. 139 New York Central . . 130 Norfolk & Western 8S 1-2 Norfolk & Western pfd ...... S5 Peoples Gas 9G 1-1 Reading 127 7-8 Reading. 1st pfd 88 Reading. 2nd pfd 91 Southern Pacific 94 1-8 Southern Pacific pfd 117 1-2 Southern Railway 29 Southern Railway pfd .... SG Tenn. Coal & Iron 155 U. S. Steel 47 U. S. Steel pfd 105 7-S Va-Car Chemical . . ...... 35 Va-Car Chemical pfd .... 106 1-4 Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line Standard Oil 532 Western Union 83 1-2 946; shipments 297; stock 80,792 Quote ABC 4.054.15; D 4.054.20; E 4.054.10; F 4.254.35; G 4.35 4.45; II 4.504.C0; I 4.60; K 5-15; M 5.50; N 6.25; WQ 5.70; WW 7-00. Charleston, Jan. 22 Turpentine and rosin nothing doing. MARINE ARRIVED. Steamer C. W. Lyan, tftabinson, Fay etteville, S, M. King. Steamer Navahoe, McKenzle, New York, H. G. Smallbones. Br. steamer Bertholey, Studley, Rio Janeiro, Alexander Sprunt & Son. The secret of. the fuel-saving quail- ties of this Buck's hot blast heater lies in the draft construction. It is so made as to allow large quantities of heated air to pass over the upper sur face of the burning coal thus supplying oxygen to the rising gasses, which are then converted into heating power. Simple, isn't it? And yet It's new principle in stove building not to b found elsewhere. This stove will reduce your coal bill nearly one-third. Let us tell your of its many advantages. WM. E. SPRINGER 6 CO. The Southern National Bank -OF- NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime $1.10; extra prim 11.15; fancy JU50 f L20 pt bushel of 28 pounds; Virginia -Primp 95c; extra prime fl-00; fancy SI.108tl.S0; Spanish tlOOtl-25-CORN Firm. 6870o pr bushel for white; 66C6S for mixed. N. C. BACON Steady, hams. 170 ISc per pound; shoulders. 12to lSe; doll. llQUc. EGGS Dull at 1S02OC. CHICKENS Firm 20 30c for small growns 3SS40C DEES WAX Finn, at ZZQZCc TALLOW Finn at 4 l-205c per pound, j BEEF CATTLE Dull at 2 to 4c per potzBd. HIDES Dry fliat. 14 to 15c; ren 9c per pound. PORK Corn fed to S. TURKEYS Firm. Hie lCc Q 17c; -Iressed 20 Q 22c Interior Movement Houston Steady and unchanged. 10 1-2: net receipts. 16.207. Augusta Quiet, 10 7-8; net receipts, 742. MempblsStendy, 10 5-1 C: net re ceipts. 1.52S. SL Louis Steady. 10 1-2; net re ceipt;. 625. Cincinnati Net receipts. 25. Louisville Firm. 10 1-2. Total today Net receipts. bales; gross receipts. 2C.401 ments. 20.534; sales. 5.157: 334.C6S. THE COTTON MARKET. By Wlr X Th Momlnr 9tr. New York. Jan. 22. Trading ta cot tea was very quiot during today" ses sion and prices showed comparatively little change with the close steady at a net advance of 2 to 4 points. Sales were estimated at 75.000 bales. The opening was steady at an advance of I to 2 points In response to somewhat steady Liverpool cables than expected. And during the early session the mar- Liverpool Markets. Liverpool, Jan.. 22. Cotton: Spot moderato business done, prices 5 to 7 points lower; American middling fair 6.59; good middling 6.11: middling 5."9: low middling 5-55; goor ordinary 5.15; ordinary 4.91. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales of which 500 were for speculation and eTcpora and included 6.200 Ameri can; receipts 74.000 bales, including 64.700 AmtTican. Futures opened steady and closed vary steady. Ameri can middling O- O. C: Jan. 5.49: Jan. New York. Jan.. 22. Flour firm but qufeJi'er? winrtior patents S.GO 3.S0; Minnesota patents 4.104.35. CORN MEAL Steady. WHEAT Spot firm; No. 2 red SI 1-2 elevator; options 1-Sc higher; May S4 7-16; July S3 3-4. CORN Spot firm; No 2 54 eleva tor: -cptiocj 1-Sc net higher: January 54 3-8: May 52 7-S; July 52 7-8. OATS Snot firm; mixed 41. LARD Steady: refined quiet. PORK Steady. TALLOW Firm'. RICE Sieady. - MOLASSES Steady. - SUGAR Raw Firm; fair refining 3; centrifugal 3 1-?; molasses eugar 2 3-4: TVjflned steady. COFFEE Spot steady: No. 2 Rio 7: No- 4 S; mild quiet; Cordova 9 19 1127 112 1-2; Futures 1015 points higher. khlr BUTTER Firm; extra creamery stock 30 I--rtfol, commoa 10 ciun -iov, held, common to exira zu; rtw vated commcn to extra 16026 1-2. CHEESE Steady to firm; prices unchanged. EGGS Fairly active and steady; prices unchanged. POTATOES Steady, unchanged. CABBAGES Steady; red Danish $22 to $30. FREIGHTS AND PEANUTS- Quiet steady, unchanged. COTTON SEED OIL- -Firm on cov ering and bu'l support. Prime crude fob mills 3637 nominal; prime sum mer yellow 4647 nominal: prime white 53 nominal. CLEARED. Steamer C. W- Lyon, Robinson, Fay- ettoville, S. M. .King. Steamer Navahoe, McKinzie, George town, S. C, H. G. Smallbones. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. C. C. Railroad 42 bales cotton. W. & W. Railroad49 bales cotton. W. C. & A. Railroad 1,503 bales cotton; 12 bbls rosin; 14'bbls tar; 16 bhls. crude turpentine- A. & Y. Railroad 39 bales cotton; 2S casks spirits turpentine; 19 bbls rosin; 16 bbls tar; 4 bbls cructe tur pentine. Steamer Alice 2 bales cotton; 23 bbls tar. Steamer Lyon 20 bales cotton; S caslcs pLrits turpentine; 59 bbls rosin ;: 1S3 bbla tar; 16 bbls crude turpentine Total 1,655 bales cotton; 36 casks spirits turpentine; 90, bbls T09ifl; 236 bbls tar; 36 bvls crude "turpentine. WILMINGTON, NOETH CAEOLLNA. The Growth of this Institution is Shown in the following ing Statements Condensed from its last two official reports to the TJ. S. Government. LIABILITIES. Capital , Surplus and Undivided Profits, net Circulation Rediscounts Deposits '. Sept 4,1906 Nov. 12, 1906 $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 111,105.74 115.527.63 200,000.00 . 18,500.00 574,793.74 200,000.00 none 881,519.73 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts Overdrafts United States Bonds and Premiums .. Furniture and Fixtures Cash, and Due From Other Banks $1,104,399.48 $1,397,047.41 $ 468,251.50 $ 506,795.15 782.16 907.18 259,295.88 5.929.29 370,139.65 259,296.88 5,929.29 624,118.91 $1,104,399.48 $1,397,047.41 We Have $300,000.00 to Loan at Six per cent to New Customers. MARINE DIRECTORY. and Feb. 5.19: Feb. and March 5.47 March and April 5.46; April and May! CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. 5.45 l-s: May ana June 'o -to: Juiy ana Auk. 5 44: Aug. and Sept. 5.40; Sept. and Oct. 56 1-2; Oct. and Nov. 5.02 1-2: Nor. and December 5.32. DRY GOODS MARKET. New York. Jan. 22. The dry Roods market was fairly active and very Arm today. Cambrics advanced 1-Sc n U'rannwl roods, in iil.iin rnl- krt worked up to a net adrance of 6jore1 advancCKl l-4c a yard. Jobbers to S points on little buying by Liver pool and local support, encouraged by a smaller estimate for tomorrow's re ceipts nt Houston, and the absence of aricre?siTe bear pressure preceed ins the publication of the census re port tomorrow. The advance was checked around 9.4 S for March by real- itlnj; and southern selllnK. a ceo m pa ar? now getlnc C 3-4 for Amoskess staple ginghams. Prices show an ad vancing tendency even above the high levels prevailing three weeks ago. Woolen goods have had a better sale to date than they had at the rorre-1 r pond ing period last season Chicaeo. Jan. 22. The local wheat market was firm for the greater part of the day. but selling by local holders caused an easier tone late in the ses sion, the close being steady with the May delivery unchaneed. May corn was a shade higher. Oats were 1-8 to l-4c lower. Provisions were 5 to 10 points lower. Leading futures ranged as fellows: Wheat . . 7S 3-S 77 3-4 7S . . . .78 1-4 77 5-S 77 7-8 . . . .7S 1-S 77 5-S 77 3-4 FINANCIAL MARKET. May July Sept Corn- Jan. May July Sept. Oats- Jan .42 1-S .10 1-S .46 .46 1-2 41 1-2 45 1-2 45 3-S 46 1-8 42 1-S 45 7-S 45 3-4 40 1-4 nled by the large estimate for tomor-1 row receipts at New Orleans, and w York. Jan. 22. Money on call I fn some rather bearish Items as to 8pot.eaPr al 2 to 3 1-4 percent., ruling raty V 1 . conditions from tnai source in con- 2 1-2. Time loans, very soft; CO days. atxjtiot? with reports tint rajiroaa sui- j 5 percent.: 90 days. 5 to 51-4 : six lions were crowded witn cotton in ruonthr 5 1-4. Prime mercantile pa northwest Texas. Prices sagged orr from lh rx?st. but no actual weakness developed, and trading was Tery dull in the late session. Private estimates of the amount of cotton ginned to January 16 range from about 12.074. 000 to 12.150.000 bale?. The official report on ginning will be published at 2 o'clock tomorrow, fix ports were ery heary again today, and Interior stock showed a considerable loss for th half week. Receipts of cotton at the ports to day were 64.912 bales, against 63.607 last week, and 25.203 last year. For the week. 200.000 bales, against 343,- 721 last week and 111.502 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans, 19. 119 bales, against 10.&2S last year, and at Houston 16.207, against 9,375 Last year. Spot cotton closed steady; middling uplands. 10.90; middling gulf. 11.15; tales. 207. Futures closed steady. Open. Close. January 9.24 "9.31 February 9.33 9-32 : March 9.43 - 9.44 April . . . . . . . . 9.50 May . 9.52 9.55 Jane . . v 9.SS per. b to 6 1-2 percent, sterling ex change, easy with actual business in banker bills trt 4.S570 to 4 S575 for demand, and at 4.S145 to 4.S155 for sixty-day bills. Posted rates. 4.S2 to 4.S2 1-2 and 4.S0 to 4.S6 1-2. Commer cial bills. 4.S1 2-S. Bar silver. 6S Mexican dollars, 52 1-2. New York Bona. V. S. Refunding 2s reg . . U. 8. Refunding 2s cou U. S. 3s reg U. S. 3s cou U. S. Old 4s res U. S. 4s cou U. S. New 4s rtfg U. S. New 4 s cou Amorican Tobacco Co. 4s American Tobacco Co. 6s .. At'antic Coast Line DaKimora is. Ohio 4s L. Sc. N. Unified 4s 100 5-3 Seaboard Air Lino 85 Southern Railway .. 112 1-2 U. S. Steel 2nd pfd 9S S-4 ' Ctcslno 8tocK lUt. Amalgamated Copper 115 5-S American Sugar Refining 132 1-4 American Tobacco Co.. 97 1-2 Atlantic Coast Unto 127 1-2 104 3-4 104 3-4 102 102 3-4 100 3-4 100 3-4 12S 3-4 129 3-4 79 110 1-2 .9S 101 7-S July Sept. 00 Iro 3S 1-8 35 3-8 32 1-4 35 3-4 38 1-4 35 1-2 32 3-S 36 .. ..3S 1-2 . . .-.35 3-4 .. ..32 1-2 Tprk Pork, ner bbl. May . . . 16.52 1-2 16.37 1-2 16.42 1-2 July 16.62 1-2 16.52 1-2 16.55 Lard, per 100 lbs. Jan 9.30 9.27 1-2 9.27 1-2 May 9.52 1-2 9.421-2 9.45 July 9.52 1 2 9.471-2 9.471-2 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. Jan 8.97 1-2 8.97 1-2 S.97 1-2 May 9.17 1-2 9.05 9.10 July 9.25 9.171-2 9.20 Cash ouotatione were as follows: Flour steady: No 2 spring wheat 77 fiSl: No, 2 69(3 80: No. 2 red 7374 3-S; No- 2 com 42 3-4; No. 2 yellow 43 1-4; No. 2 oats 35 3-4; No. 2 white 38; No. 3 whlto 36 1-4 3S; ro. z rye 62. Short ribs, side (loose) 8.759.00; mess norfc rxar barrel 16.02 1-2; lard per 100 pounds 9.27 1-2; short clear sides (boxed) 9259.37 1-2. Whiskey basis High Wines ly. NAVAL 8TORES List of Vessels Now In Port of Wll mington, N. C. Steamers. Normannia (Danisii) 1,660 tons, Erick- sen. Heide & Co. Bea-tholey, (Br.) 2,433 tens, Studley, Alexander Sprunt & Sen. Schooners. Ella L- Davenport, 470 tons, Dunton, C. D. Maffitt. Annie C Grace, 454 tons, Bonsell, C. D. Maffitt. Harriet C. Kerlin. 468 tons. Coch ran.rC. D. Maffitt. How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chilblains," writes John Kemp. East Otisfield, Me., "I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Have also used it, for sale rneum witn excel lent results." Guaranteed to cure fe ver sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bite3, and skin dieases. 25c at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. CaTs To Winter Park. Daily at 3, 3:30, 4 and 4:30 P. M. Take the children to Winter Park, lw MATT J. HEYER, Pres't. " CHAS. N. EVANS, Cashier. nov 15 tf THE MODERN MOTHER HUBBARD. But her Bank Book was near. So she went out and bought him one. V V X Y X 4 ; v jan-15-tf . - . . . Old Mother Hubbard Went to her cupboard To get her poor dog a bone. Her cupboard was bare, MORAL Save while you can in order that you may have something to fall back on when your cupboard is bare. Tbe Wilmington Savings and Trust Company 119 North Front Street (Opposite Orton Hotel) mm 0 TlTJCTiTfTT" TVvJ -- A1 Clapeco Shrunk Qurter Size Collar ' to oraH emeu, a ior j ohm Vkken ot Ckett mad Mocuurch skirts New York. Jan., 22- Turpentine firm: ' rosin " firm, strained common to good 4.35. . . ".. Sarao nah, Jan., 22. Turpentine firm 70; sales 307; receipts 201; shipments se. " . ; ' ": Rosin , firm ;. 6ales 3.C7C; receipts 2, ESTABLISHED 1893. V. S2-S4 Grlswold St, Detriot, Mich. Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Lennox Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 223 Diamond St, PitrtisbuTg, Pa. Send name and address for in formation why ACP and RDG will sell at 250. 2lt Sa Broad "StC Philadelphia, Pa. SWAS-TI-KA! Stylish Misses Shoes, hand sewed, vici kid, button and and lace .... $2.00 . Patent leather button and Lace . . . . . $2.5 For Misses and Children. Stylish, Flexi ble and Durable. Hewlett & Price, 109 Market Street. jan-13-tf. K!0'itC.iE.! We have just received another car of: BUGGIES, which we will sell, with our Lap Robes and Blankets, at a reduced rate until January 15th. n jan-22-tr.