I V - the iiomnna stab, wnmaTON, - rarA?,; jiuiUAitY; 2c lW. -CJ TVD -i ' nr -j. a- Inches In diameter. ' were developed . ' ' - " '"rTv' ''' Vv- - - i " " O -771 r77 " A UrCC lUOrntnO Star, from planting, mado three years ago. t S.V T - T Z V-u v i v V Til A Rlfl 14 WIIO.IAM M. OERf ARD. Owntr and Editor - WILMINGTON Cairl J mend-cujt nvtr at tnt toC3f ml tVlimmcton. N C undr tfe AM of Coocrrt of UrrH S 1S79 Frldar. aJnuio- 25. I?07. REFORM IN THE NEW YORK COT TON EXCHANGE. from plantings mado three years ago. The .latter were of excellent quality and shape. The bill paased by Congress on Juno 20. 190C. for the protection of the sponge Industry will go Into ef Ifect on May 1. 1907. This hill pro- rides that no sponges taken with div ing apparatus shall lawfully bo sold la the marnet. We believe rponges could bo prof itably cultivated In North Carolina waters. After storms at WrighUvlllc Beach sponges as largo as a man's Jhand have been washed ashore. Where i . do they come from? Do tney grow on tho rocte oft the coast? Fisher men Ray that they do. j 'SomeUmes we are dUposed to d j fah!ooed. convenUonal theory 'may cry the ajcltators. but agitation of a "serve at Albany, but at Washington New York Sun. "Tho rules I have laid down are simple. I believe the powers and du ties of tho governor are found In the constitution and statutes." Governor persistent character has resulted In many a reform. It brought about reform In the method of reporting cottoa crop statistics by the Agri cultural Department at Washington. I mackbuni seems to have covered tt effected reform among the big in surance com pan If In New York, and it seems that It has caused the New York Cotton Kxchacge to revise Its up his trail even to his own crowd. They can't find him when they want to learn how came those Tar Heel Iublishlng Company bills are not paid. Greenville (N. C.) Reflector. system of grading cotton for delivery , A conTlcte1 New York Insurance contracts. The Associated fVe official says ho "takes with reluctance dlspcLtche on Wednesday from New) the sentence of the court." If he .-. w- t k . v,nrn ibad been more reluctant about tak- had decided to acceed to tho com plaints against the low grades of cot toa that could be delivered on fu ture contracts. That the complaint against the Exchange was reasonable. the folowlng from the New ork Journal of Commerce will clearly In dicate: "The proposals In the Cotton Kx change for a revision of tho system of grading cotton for delivery on con tracts InroTve a confession of the justice of some of the complaints and iticisms that have come from those representing the planters of tho South- Contracts for the delivery of cottoa of a certain grade or quality which may bo satisfied with the de livery of a lower grade or poorer quality on a fixed difference in price axe favorable for speculation where sot actual delivery but only n settle ment of differences is contemplated, but they cannot be satisfactory when actual delivery Is desired In order that the cottoa may be put to use. The buyer may want JusC what was originally bargained for. though he may virtually have consented to tako something else at a different price. "This may not b a serious mat ter when the cotton deliverable Is of "Is he w close friend? "I should a grade or quality that Is marketable Isav so. He wouldn't even lend mo n m1 - 1 ,.jr i m mm m v. I II' I -.5 1 .1 f AND WE CAN . PROVEN' IT . . The Grtat Danderme Haver Fails to Produce the Desired Results MISS Lewis hair was very and it was less thai two feet m length when she began using Dantlcrine. She saT5 her hair ami scalp are n6w fairJ; teeming with new life and vigor. That's the main secret of this great remedy's success as a hair grower, it en" livens, invigorates and (airly electrifies the hair glands and tissues of the scalp, causing unusual and unheard-of pctivity on the part of these two most impor tant organs, resulting In a strenuous and continuous growth of the hair. The following is a reproduction of Miss Lewis last letter: lng the funds of the policy-holders ho would now have no occasion to tako the "sentence of the court' at all. Norfolk Landmark. Quito naturally tho shippers re gard the proposed penalization of those who fail to unload cars within a reasonable time as an unwarranted ! Invasion of personal liberty and a dangerous encroachment on the rights of tho states. Indianapolis Star. This car ahortago might not be so bad If there were more prompt unloading and reloading and keeping the cars on the move. Making ware houses out of cars does not facilitate the handling of freight and hasten shipments. Youngstown Vindicator. The gross earnings of thirty-two roads for the first week of January were 18.53C.037. against 17.769.939 for the first week of January. 190t. an in crease of IS2G.0IS. Twenty-eight roads show increases and four de creases. Since July 1 these road have earned I2C9.951.01S. an Increase of S2S.724.821 over tho same time last year. Twenty-six roads show In creases and six decreases. United Stater Investor. a January 3, 1905. Dear Doctor Knowlton ; You know I told you in my first letter that my hair would not reach much below my shoulders, and that all of it together only mado one tiny braid. I am sending you my photograph, which I had taken at Stevens Bros. It tells the whole story better than I can toll it. Everybody 1 know is using Danderine, so you sec I am doini something to show my appreciation. Sincerely yours, liss ) EVA LEWIS. if inn magnificent aiahog- TklHH ANY Uprlgbi liano Was JIUU g300. Our Special price flDO Terms. 10 Cath, gfi per month. Stool and scar! included. frnnn this beautiful,, rich Ti 1 II I mahogany piano originally y'UU cost 375, less than t year ago; it its" blightly Ubed , three pedals, full iron fiame, linesVlFory;iey8, gen uine ebony harps, line touch, patent repeating action, there is no carving. He member, the money is on the Inside. STEFF G S. Edwards Mgr. Third Street, Opposite City Hall. Latest Photograph of MISS BVA LEWIE 2372 Mo ml it of Avenue, Chicago DandGrine makes the scalp healthy and fertile and. keeps it so. It is the greatest scalp fertilizer and therefore the greatest hairproducinj remedy the world has known It is a natural food and a wholesome medicine for both the hair and scalp. Even a 25c bottle of it will put more genuine life in your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonic ever made. It shows results from the very start. NOW at all druggists in three sizes, 25 cents, SO cents and S i . per bottle LnCC snow how quickly Jidrim? acts we will send "ill I alarpe sample tree by return mall to ;iny one who mmmmmmm sends this advert Senpnt to th KnoTrlfon Dan derine Co., Cftieaj?o,witli their nsznea&d address and id-cents In -Kilter or stamps to pay peetage. v Three Good Mules Suitable Tor firm or Wagon use. have our usual line of seasonable I TWINKLINGS. nr usable as spoi" matrUL Hut tt is charred thai romo of the rradon traded 1a on tho Kxchani:e and sub ject to deUrery oo contracts arc ab fcolately unfplnnabl. and practical ty of no uso as "spot" cottoa. A larfrc quaaUtr of. such Is snld to hare ac cumulated hene as ? tncrv basis of speculation, and as a means of meet tnc contracts which cannot bo mot fa slat other war If delivery la In tilled upon or tho actual cotton is wanted for the mills. "If this Is the case to any substan tia extent. It is a real cause for com plaint, and to that drjeree Invalidates the plea that there U adrantajee ia aa exchange which affords tho means of Ktxrketini: the poorer grades of cot toa. There Is no advantage In beinc ! coded up with grades that arc prac tically In no demand and are unmar ketable as a material for the cotton mills. There are other complaints, the most reriocs of which appears to bo that differences in grades aro fixed in November and not changed for a year, whatever fluctuation there may t in the basic price. This is a tech nical matter, the effect of which i aot very obvious, but it Is pretty plain that the i)irm is devised too much la the Interest of sheer specula tion and too little for the service of actual trade In cotton. It is in evi dent ned of reform, and the Now York Cottou Ktchange is liable to suffer In reputation on account of the Jtnall measure of justice ia the at- dollar. Cleveland Plain Iealer. "Dear, you know Jack was Just craxy to marry me, remarked the new bride. "Yes. That's what every body thinks. Milwaukee Sentinel. Mamma There. Dick: you Just go right to bed without a mouthful of, supper. Dick O, mamma. I can't sleep on an empty stomach. Mamma Then turn over on your back. Judge. At the marriage altar they tako each other for better or for worse. A little later he thinks It couldn't bo worso and she thinks sho might have done better. Chicago News. Clerk (coming home from a shoot ing party, to his wife) Just think Atxttllo. 1 shot thirteen hares today. Wife--Thirieen hares? Impossible! Yea haa only twenty crowns in your p-.rx. Pic Muskcte. "Your constituents must realize that you are working for them." "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum; "but a good many of them have got tiu the Idea that I am omitting the preposition. Washington Star. Coakley I understand Crooks is anxious to be a Congressman-at-large. Oakley You mean Ex-Congressman Crooks? Why. ho's in the peniten tiary serving sentence. Coaklev Exactly. Philadelphia Press. Sh -Here, we've been married jus on j inonlli. nnd nor you no I r low me. He Put. r.iy dear "Don t try to explain. I'm not blind. You FOX RIVER" BUTTER The most celebrated butter in Ameri ca. A targe stock on hand today Prompt delivery guaranteed. "TIDAL WAVE" FLOUR Immoeso eal of the notorious flour, justifies the confidence of tho public. Lt WHITE KNIGHT" CIGARS For Christmas preseats nothing can be bought for the quality and prfce as good. F. E. HASBAGEN CO. BUY YOUR CDeflUDDinig aimdl Slhi(D)s AT OUR STORE Southern Trading Stamps with All Cash Purchases. J. W. H. FUCHS, Head to'Foot Outfitters. We goods: SEED OAT8. SALMON PULL CREAM CHEESE. CKES AND CRACKERS. BAGGING AND TIES. SARDINES. And a full "stock of other groceries always on hand1. Hal! & Pearsall. INCORPORATED OCt 1? tf jan-13-tf. 210 Water Street. Phono 447 tacks made upon it if it does not pro Jniade a mistake you ought to have oced trorartlv to the correction of j fX-TriM sorao silly, stupid woman ' what Is admitted to b- wrong. ! Tli'llts v upmir.. am you ever pick un a jflnMln? bottle Ir midocean with 3omo pnfhKic mc-jwice in it?" "Ayo. i ilss. man a Inf. "What was the uos- The Uecisioti of the Exchange ti -rtU its gradf is an admission that . wrong heretofore oxisted. THE SPONGE INDUSTRY. U U learned from the ;xrtie. an excellent and valuable j .New ork publication, that dcvclco s.rt ft, .n Florid.- npo;v InJi-s :rj tre o' u dUcouragin;: chAracli r ju the tire oi the Usii-ri.M rf rtxMa in an err1oj?nlal '.Ag in tho -.rtiBcial cultitatio-a of .r-nic. Th- Dtler a2ere lr.-1 H'!.-rW during 190. txst according to a lato report of the Commissioner of Flsh- receut rtrjiulu warrant the prose cutiag of the work, which now proa !se govd rojalts and an Important .adjunct of the natural sponge fish 'Ties. The eiperimnts were pnshed wun tfiSeulty end after having had' vni- coatructed upon hare cop tr wire, the name wre abandoned for laiuUted wire, because the Injury n salts produced by corrosion to the .fortaer. Cuttings were slit and Placed astride upon wire and a new skin was formed over which was aa advantage as tho sponges were devoid of root by which the Utter adhere S Th" 8tb. a the ladastry were principally the low sa, Iity of the water and Infectious dls- e4ies In no-e dHtricts which led to aa t-uallj heavy mortality. JLX fuUr onstratod nder th experiment - -Muauoifl sue. a num- ipecinens . measuring sa? ot the octtlcs. Captain?" 'That ine h!p crew was drink'n: n.tr. when wc wero drinkln' wartcr. Kan Fishing I "s Ci!y Times. Cured of Luna Trouble. It is now eleven yeare slnco I had a narrow oacapc from consumption. i . m m . .. rn.ctt v. rioya. a jeaaing Dusiness maa of Kershaw. 8. C I had run down .in weight to 135 pounds, and conghlng was cons tan t, both day and nigriL Flna iy I began taking Dr. Kiss's New DlscoTcry. and continued this for about six months, when my coagn ana ions trouble were entirely gene and I was restored to ray normal welghL 170 pounds." Thousands of arsons are healed erery year. Guaran teed at R. IL Bellamy's drug store- 50 nts and $1 Ot. Trial bottle free. Vr MEN ARE POWERLESS Tm P Kmm OtoeM VmUmm YTiey Strtk t tb Vm69Tnm Cs. JF,Z Hi.1 1andrnfr- and Paillnr HsJr. i h tmuntj or otls on -which 1 parm.. ittle rxn win protpr. U like scoopirur ater from the ocean to prevent the tide .Yom rising. Tea cannot accomplish satisfactory ere without having a riht underetsnd "5 ;f the fundamental causes of th Toa mct kill the Dandruff Ocm. NeworaTji ilcrpicJdo dos this becauso It f ,,y mad lo do thAt xtry thing. unn tho grro ft removed, tho hair " nw.0Lcr l resume healthy rewth and beauty. "Tiroy tb cause, you remove the Fftll by londlnx drarrlsts. Serd 10a In .TfH iT..lifrnpW to Th9 nerpidde Co. SPECIAL NOTICE TO FOLKS I'HO LIVE III COUNTRY If you imd yourself in need of anything in tho drus or toilet Mine, don't put off getting it till somo one goo to tom. JnSt drop us a lino and youU got what you crdered by tho next rceil. Lot cf folks buy from us and thorc Is no reason why you should not There is no bet ter store than ours in Wilming ton, and no one can give you bettor price. Wo. always meet competition "LET THE R. F. D. DO THE WORK." James M. Hall, Druggist Cor. 5th & Castle SUs. Phone 103 . A. D. BROWN'S THE MODEST PRtCE STORE." A SPLENDID SHOWING OF NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. BEAUTIFUL LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATIONS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN WHITE GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AT REASONABLE PRICES. BLACK.SILKS COLORED SILKS FOR SUITS, WAISTS AND BLOUSES DRESS GOODS-COTTON, LINEN, WOOL. NEW FABRICS, NEW PATTERNS. 50 SILK PETTICOATS-ALL COLORS. SPECIAL $5.00 EACH SPECIAL. Mail orders promptly executed. A. D. BROWN, NO. 20, WORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Large stock of Gro ceries of all kinds at Lowest Market Prices Sam'l Bear, Sr., & Sons, 18 Market St. Wilmington, No. Car. no4-tf WE ARE KNOWN AS THE LITTLE STORE' THE CORSET STORE jan-19-tf, Jar2Mr. Grand Cigars, Tobacco, The Best Selected Stock in Uie City. GEM CIGAR STORE 10 North Front Street. spring Opening CAPPS LUNCH COUNTER OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. J W. Capps has secured the services of Betsle Maloney, a noted cook and extends to the public a cordial wel come to his new lunch counter. Hi motto: "Ask for Betsie and Get the Best" Everything In and Out of Jeason. CAPPS. LUNCH COUNTER, n-tl C T McKeithen, Mgr 'Phono 190 jaav24-ti. Twt sirrq CI 6tx -HARDIN'S PHARMACY Cpeclal Aot. ACADEMY of MUSIC SATURDAY JANUARY 2STH. Matinee and NlghL "Our New Minister" B7 tho author of "The Old Homestead." All StAT Oast Including Joseph Con yera, tta ttwr "Constable." 60-foot -car load of scenery ' ..,Nlflht Pr,ce t0 -50-Mat nee Prlcea to 75 cents. OP I Merchant Tailoring SOME SAY THE LEADING STORE THE SHIRT WAIST STORE Thursday Jan. 24 and Friday Jan., 35 an Expert Tedlor and Designer will be uro to taiKo your measure. Select your ety'e and pattern now and have jxiur suils aauvered later, JULIUS P. TAYLOR, FOR THE SCALP A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. . The Tailor. . Hardin's palace Pharmacy 1;- v7 l?4South! FrVt StreetT : - Uug 28 tf f : - - v THE READY TO WEAR STORE THE DRESS GOODS STORE ; r world' 05 4. I-- ' 4X--- ..'1- WHITE ' I 'r NOW . - - 1 I 1 HAAR, 3aa-20-tf.

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