THC LlOHlOirO CTAIX WIUJIIiGTOir, FRIDAY, JAliUASY , 1C07. - - -0 ' ,r"-... . r- Miss Harmount Dandelion removes the cause of kidney trouble full of rJsi ay u a n ter. rne woo a goo in at on end of tho Kidney r io caouju. io 12 o I sJieht at ff m miers uo moneys gei cvil ai oraer. iuo trouble is oniy rvctl as a UclLefotuia Ucts bio5" .Qt rapidly becomes dangerous if neglected, because the kid- ad healthy, Get a box today. OUR PAST RECORD. We feel it sufficient guarantee that your business, if entrusted to us, will be handled to your entire SATISFACTION The People's Savings Ba nk. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED. Next to The Orton Hotel. Branch 704 North Fuorth Street. h. c. McQueen m. j. corbett. p. w. dick, President. Vice-President Cashier. 'au-li-tr. tVbcn tbo nlthy- Mlv llaxxaoTint to arrant for Uw hospital she to bulKJ I saw la fcer caxrtagts a t-". attended by a - r , j um woauu, a sort of duenna. l ,Cpj.i!. presence wouia pro-1 fectlrVSf0?00 1111(1 we material. It comes out from the other end per- .-a atiy lUbUity io scaxuiu. To rno alight i rVLr niters tuo kidneys got cut ox order, m trouble is only , k. -t n. 9 U at 'IK KB III imi IIIITTIfl UIT V " . " . h.r ronmanton-.Tirrnr holr 7? .with refuscv end tlvs result la a leaking filter, ftt'l of u, wuv - "w-sir. -T.-r 'cera, with the natural consequence that the who'e system be- I umKr'o-"' . : . " I Vkm rir o3 uo dwxxi coniAoiinuea wim urcc qckl ur. Kawaras .cora..Hitr ricn; rat;. JOflglnc "aade'iion Tablets act diroUy upon hs kidneys and remove the torr zprcl, whicb wn plAin, and her i7SL . tTohlo. In other words, they repair the Jeakins liter and make -i W r1 Vum . ... I CeaQ And hftn.f fit.-. a t.-r tfvt.if did not fcnn wppuicn. -jt ocenrrtd to mc taa ukc famlliea who drew rOjtnir and put tbdr serrants in or- mb tuUat bare bedecked bemlf Wtto oa her duenna, wno waj arrajed la rflk. wWIe bcr Cnra axkJed with SUM Harraounfa faro . haunt cd me. it i rad. bcr drramx; ejea throat 4hemMirc ociwcea mo and the nam. if i walkixl out. I saw them lookine doTi irora u lmuo uoatena. I was top i lent for the crecinc for I had an inritition to a reception to be glr- a i mw iiarxnonnt at the residence .vf on- or tue magnates of the town. I wa so Impatient that I arrived imonj: the CrsL Miss Harmount was tandln with the hostess and her dm nna mxiTing." The boat offered to prrcnt me to ber. but I to)d him that Mix Harmount belonged to us all. and I went op and spoke to br. I tried to say somethtng about ber rannlilcence. but ahe fixed ber eyes nn ca me with an embarrassed aurprise. and I supposed any reference to her sift most be repulslTe to ber, so I stumbled ta my speech, whereupon ahe smiled kindly.. Citing: place to newcomers. I went away to dream of the Hady and to blame myself for not remembering that ahe must be surfeited with being called generous. She was so rurround od daring the evening that I bad so further opportunity to get a word with ber. Iler duenna never left bcr. and I Judged that she must have some secret tnfioecco over ber companion and the disposition of ber millions, for I no ticed that she received quite as much attention as Miss Harmount. Doubt less she was the key that unlocked the Tooney vaults and decided for the young heiress upon ber bequests. Miss Harmount made ua several vis its during the summer. One day I was passing the place where the hospital was being erected, nnd. seeing bcr car rlage there. I- went into the grounds hoping to get a word with ber. 1 found bcr sitting alone on a wooden bench, while ber duenna, or manager or whatever she might be, was walk ing about the building superintending the work as if she had been a man approached Miss Harmount with hat (n hand and reminded ber that I bad met ber at the reception. She bad no teed to be reminded of the meeting, indeed as soon as she saw me coming bcr sad faco Mgbted up with pleasure. Toj seem.- I said. to have an ex cell en t cxecotlt e." -She Is a remarkable woman,' re plied Miss Harmount. with the same smile she bad given once before. 1 auaPDose too will never Dave, a husband to manage your affairs 1 -Why notr -You women of wealth can never know but that you are loved for that wealth and not yourself. Therefore joa either do not marry or risk making a mistake."" -Too are right. That la the penalty women pay for large possessions.'" Now I bail been dreaming of Miss Harmount ever since I had first set eyes on her. Yet I knew that her wealth was an Inseparable barrier be tween us. I chatted awhile with ber on the subject I bad started, saying presently: -Would it please you to know that there is one who would love yon for yourself alone T" ML narmount lowered her eyes, and a color came to her cheeks. -Ycs.- "I know such a person." "Who Is be 7" To know who be Is would do yon no good. He Is poor. You are rich. lie woold never take yoa ana your millions together.' -Would he have mo give them cp tor blmr -Nol- Thea why have yoa toVl me of hi love?" "Because to know there i oce who loves yoa for yourself a lane mnstgire Too pleasure.- Miss Harmount turned away. "You have not told me this person's iame.- sho said presently. "Do not . stcll it. This fortune, as yon say, tands txtwceu us. Think what a position I mbt place him In If X wereto say. Take me without the fortune. " "He would be orerjoyed If the for tune had never existedT m "Yoa may tell me bL name, ana 3ki softly. . At thla taouent I looked up and saw the fat little flgore of the manager waddUn toward J 'ZfrfLvE wondered why so refined a girl aa aio Harmount hould hate selected so tm attractlre a person for to cxrcatiT. were it not for her manifest f.-' My companion rose and the oki wo man Joined cs said: . -Miss narmount, this gmtleswn we met at Mrs. ' reception. . For a few moments tha situatkm failed to pierce my stupid ikoll. Then !t rushed upon me. snd with It roshed a great Joy. 'The tarrier ff and my. love bad ranis Led. ' fh whom I had mUtakca for Miss mnnouat 7C Wood! Wood! 600 ."cords : best, oak, black lack i -. ,. , . f and pine cut to suit. Coal! Goal! Eureka Blocks, grates. the best for Weed Blocks Lighrwood, suitable for Wilson Heaters, rates and kindMng. BUILDING MATERIAL LAND ENTRY 1907:; ' ,1 make claim' to the following vacant land belonging to the State of North Carolina- for the purpose of obtaining a grant from the State, situated in. the State of North Carolina. New Han over county, adjoining the lands of th3 Suburban Land Co., on the north, on the east by the lands of J. IS. Hines and Charles Teetchen, south and west by the lands of Frank Canady and others, containing fifty acres mere or less. THOS F. BAGLEY. Filed December 26th, 1906. JOHN HAAR. Register of Deeds and Acting Entry Taker de. 27-30d Dec, 26th, 1906. Atlantic Coas3 (LinS The; arrivals and departures are glv en as information, as , well as connee-' tions , with other companies; but arri vals and , connections , are .not guaran teed. V, NORTHBOUND. Lime, Cement, Piaster, files, Roofing Paper, Etc. Shin- 17. B. THORPE & CO. dec 13-tf. THE ONLY RESTUARANT Is still, the popular rasort who wish a good meal for those ISW . Do vv -triV a xT-i)a rr- BLENDED RYE vou eniov a hieh ball now and then ? If you do, remember the very next thru ou drink one to ask for Belle of Virginia Rye Whiskey. It makes a smooth, delightful drink; :ne which you will enjoy and one which will do you good. It's blended from pure, old whis- . kies a rare, delicate blend s . i 1 1 i - tnat win appeal to the most discrim inatin taste. Don't forget to try it those whom it pleases once it will please always. Sold at the places where gentlemen go to get a drink. J. & E. MAHONEY Portsmouth "Of?c Virginia HIGH BALL YOU HEAR ABOUT' FOR 25 CENTS Short orders filled quickly. OyaSers fci every sty'e. Comfortable Lodging Rooms. THE ONLY RESTUARANT, jan-23-tf. 11S Market Street NOTICE TO THE PIGEON GIN, Endorsed by Physicians and Sanitariums as an ideal drink for the Kidneys and Bladder. INSURING PUBLIC January 22, 1907. Uotil further notice, wo the under signed Fire Insurance Agents doing business ta the City of Wilmington, N. C, agree to close our respective places of business each and every Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. H. F. WILDER,.; DICKINSON & DAVIS, J. VAN B. METTS, JAMES O. RE ILLY, WILLARD & GILES CO. ' WALKER TAYLOR, J. H. BOATW RIGHT & SON. jan-23-we-fri-su. BEST WISHES. TO THE TUADE: It is with much pleasure that we take this oportuaity ef extending to you our "Compliments of the Season," and wish for you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. It is needes3 to say that we sin cerely trust our relations , in the fu ture will be mutually beneficial, profit able and pleasant is every way. and now assure ysu anew that our services and facilities are always at your com mand, when we will be ! pleased to give the same our best and prompt attention. Again, with beet wishes, we beg to remain, Yours very truly, BROOKS & TAYLOR, Lv Wilmingrton . i Ar Goldsboro Ar Rocky Mount Ar. Weldon ...... Ar Norfolk Ar Wilson ...... Ar Weldon Ar. Petersburg- . . Ar Richm&nd . . . Ar Washington . . . Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia . Ar New York ..; No. 48,. . . . Nov 43 I 9.40 a m C.35 p in 1Z.Z3 p m9.32. p a 1.49 p m 5.0S p tn u.W5 p m 1.07 won . 5.98 p m , 7.iz p m 8.00 pra 11.40 p mi 1.43 a m 4.25-am 7.20. mi mr 11.16 p rx 2.32 p' ei 10.25 p m 2.32 a m 4.27 am 5.10 a m 8.50 a m 10.13 a m 12.27 a sa .3.00 a ' SOUTHBOUND No. 41 L.v New York .... 9.25 a m .1.55 a m Ar Philadelphia Ar Baltimore ... Ar Washington.. Ar Norfolk . . . Lv Rfchmond . . . Ar. Petersburg . . . Ar Weldon Ar Rooky Mount Ar Wilson . . . Ar Goldsboro .... Ar. Wilmington . . 2.12 p m 3.21 p ml Y.Z5 p m p m 9.53 p m 10.58 p m 11.40 p m 6.58 a m 10.18 a m BETWEEN WTTMTTVfSTOTV SOUTH SOUTHBOUND No. 49 9.25 p td 12.01 a m 2.32 a m 3.45 a m 8.30 a ro 8.25 a n 9.13 a m 11.35 p,m 1.00 p m 2.15 p m 3.12 p m 6.10 p m AND' THE Wholesale Grocers, Wilmington, N. C. dec 25-tf. ! . Bagging and Ties Rust Proof Oats for Seed.. The Jones House. Atkinson, N. C. t ..w Coen for the Patmnage of th Public Board by the Day, Week or Month. 8pecia Attention to ravelling rcr Hates, Reasonable- MRS. J. B. JONES, Piyp I Dally Daily Daly Tv Wilm'ton 5.40 am3.35 pm .fi.35 pm Ar Florence 9.35 ami 7.30 pm 4.15 atn Ar Columbia 12.4S pmfll.10 pm -atn Ar. C'b'lest'n 1.40 pmlll.37 pm 7.05 -am Ar Barannah G.45 pm 2.55 am 9.30 afe Ar Jnck'ville I 8.40 am 2.10 pto Ar Tampa.. I 7.10pral0.oa.rc NORTHBOUND. Daily Daily Lv Tampa 9.00 pm 10.30 am LiV Jacksonville .... 8.55 am '8.05 pm, Ar Savannah ....... 12.55pm 1:15 att Tjv. Charleston 5.30 pm 6.15 eem "Lv 0lMmbia ...... . 4.30 pm 6.45 am Ar Florence 8.10 pm 9.25 ftsa Ar. Wi 1 mington 12. 28 am 1.54 pro- BB1WBEN WILMINGTON AND 8AK FORD. West East Bound BotlSMi Daily Daily 9.10 ami Ar 8.13 pito Tv Lv Wilmington Fvetteville Santord . 3.40pmAr 1.55 pin Fyetteville . .12.35 pm Ar 4.55 pt BETWEEN WILMTNOTON AND NEPW . BERN: N. Bound Sonth Daily ex Sun Bound L,v Wilmington .. 2.25 pmtAr 12.40 pm Ar Newbern 5.55 pmJLv 9.10 atn Tralaa Nos. 42 and 41 carry Pullman. Sleeping Cars between WllmlngrtoB aad Washington connecting vrltb Pennsyl vania II. R. for all points east. T. C. WHITE, Genera Passenger Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager. To The Beach. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE. Full Cream Cheese Sale Must Close This Week Baimkrapfl If Fnime fiyuoiDioepsn Donnelly Ming's Stock, Princess St vc have found several cases of flue Plumes in Black, Wnlte an Colored which we must ciow vuw 1 L5 Fin Silk Hoac. Black, ana Colore, all to go quick at $!. a pair, cbance Jwiatbalf price ;WInga less tnaa half price. Ribbons at cost; Veils n . cost: Hosiery All Kinds of Canned Goods Heavy Groceries . Grain, Hay Lime, Cement, Nails ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. The Worth Co iu effect October 28th, 1908 Leave Leave Leave Wilmington Wrigntsville Beach x 7.00-a m x8.30'i x 8.30 a m X8.00 a m 10.00 a m xxO.00 a m 110 a m 11.00 am 10.45 a m 1.30 d m 12.30 p m 12.15 p m a.uu p m z.zo p m p m 5.00 p m 4.25 p m 4.15 p m 6.30 p m '-0.&5 p m 5.45 p m 8.00 pm 7.30 pm 9.30 p m ' 9.00 pm 11.00 p m 10.30 pro xDaily except Sunday, xx Sundays this car will leave Wrlgnts ville at 10:00 a. m. instead of at 9.-00 a. m. Cars leaving Wilmington at 7a. m., 8.30 A. m 8.00 p. m. and 9.30 p m. will not ran be yond Wrlghtaville unless tnere are passen gers for the Beach. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Cars every half nour from 1.00 to 5.00 p m In addition to the abovo schedule. FREIGHT SCHEDULE Freight cars leaves Wilmington daily cept Sunday at '4.00 p m. Freight depot op from 2.00 to 4.00 p m. Baltimore and Carolina Steam shin Company. s Our EUloffo! Purity, Promptness, Accuracy. The purest and best drugs only used in our Prescription Depart ment. J. Frank Jarman, DRUGGIST, ,107 Princess Street. Clyde Steamship Company, New York Wilmington. N. C.. and Georgetown, S. C.V Lines Naw York for Wilmington, N. 2. Proposed sailing's from Baltimore: i-OR WILMINGTON, N. C. Connecting with steamers for Soutn port, FayeUevine and points on Cape Fear and Little Rivers. JANUARY 11TH AND 25TH. M. L. W. WILLIAMS, Gen. Mngr. Baltimore, Md. WALTEB- SMALLBONES, Agt. Wilmington, N. O. ept 22 It S. S. "Carib" ...... . January 25. S. S. "Navahoe" .. February 1. Wilmington, N. C. for New York. S. S. "Navahoe" January 26. S. S. "Carib" ........... . February 2. From Wilmington, N. C to George town S. C. S. S. "Navahoe" . , January 21. S. S. "Carib" January 28. Both steamers iave good passenger accommodations. Throueh bills of ladinc- "and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. lor freight and passage ' apply IC H. O. SMALLBONKS-, , Wilmington, N. C CLTDE MILNE, Q. P. A., New Tort THEO. G. EGER, V.-P., A G. M. 200 Broadway, New Torfc. aeneral Ofiiceo, Pier 16 N. R. Brch. if ja 5-tf . j r- ti. Vol T ncn Hn ner vard Tlarsain. . rff ir itc ana . w - Toor Uit claw to buy Floors for your Spring. MilMnery at suck SHOW CASES. TAllLJja, viiwi xvo ow 1 Jan-l-tr. low Re"ad;S4ar-Biii jan-18-tf. Make Your Money Work We allow 4 per cent interest and can guarantee safety. Capital ; 50,000.00 Net Profits 24,812.69 Deposits 626,463.37 Atlantic Trust & Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Scenic Route to the West Two Fast Vestibule Trains With Din inp Ca Service. Through Pullman Sleepers to Ls ville, Cincinnati, Chicago and Si. Louis. Lv. Richmond . .2:15 P M. 11.00 P. M Ar. Cincinnati.. 8: 15 A. M. 5.00 p M Ar. Chicago. 5.30 P. M 7.10 A M Ar. SL Louis 6.28 P. M. 7.18 A M Ar. LouiSTille . .11.20 A. M. 8.00 P M Direct connections for all points West and Northwest Quickest and Best Route. The line to the celebrated mbunt&is resorts of Virginia- For descriptive matter, schedule and Pullman reservations, address. W. O. WARTHBN, D. P. A., C. & O. Rv. Co., Richmond. Vi. H. W. FTTTJ.RR MATT J. HBYBR, MTLTON CALDER, ;r President. "vVy-."-dasMer. ' " - (Southern; Building.) T f ;. : , nov 25-tf MAXWELL Automobiloo. : V J ARE STANDARD. , FRANK f HEROST, Sole Agent -V . Garago and : sales rooms 110 South leecad Street. . 8 12 tf Wilmington and Southport STEAMBOAT LINE. SCHEDULE ir "Steamer Wilmington" leaves South port daily 8 A. M. Leave Wilmington 2 P. M. nov. 28, tf. H. O. OATS. H. O. BUCKWHEAT, SUNBEAM AND HECKER'S BUCK WHEAT, MAPLE AND VANILLA SYRUP NORTH CAROLINA BUCKWHEAT. FRESH EGGS PICKLED PIGS FEElV i PHONE 1052. GROW & TAYLOR, Grocers- jan. 10-tf. PHONE 1336. And let us estimate on 'wiring your house for Electric Lights and Bells Also' keep , your private plants and prones in repair. Our prices are with in reach xf alL , . WORK GUARANTEED. SUTTON VlllMISOU, i J Electrical Contractors, Room ' No. 5; Smith Building, , . - Prlncesai; Street, ' ' ian-20-tf , - - it," ' ' - ' '' 5 ' , i ' W r L i ? t''l- i - ' , . I - I - ' y 7 I '..,!. :..! I t r ' . I I . '. V. 't . ' . . . . i . !; ; y X 4 ' . j' , .?- edviokd rcmrTCN. . ... v J f ' -