t -5 t THB HOIUOHa STAB.' WffffiQTOl PA CH TYTC - Gbe. ITCorritno Star Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD.. Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. a flntoi cj second-class matter at .if Vl!iruncton. N. C. under the Act of CcnsTC&s of March -X 1ST?. Thursday. January 31. 1307. ROOSTVELT HAS THE BIT IN HIS TEETH. ttu tUi l rnvu anDrchenuiion I - - w T ----- WW of a period of depression ahead of this couatry. Is no secret la financial cl cl Tb AfsrcUted Press dispatches cll us that on the New York Stock Elxchange ca Tuesday them was no tear Led char, go la the depressed ccn-! tiltJoas surrouadlni: the raarkeL The' Stock Kichacgf stor- goes on to say: 1 -Srvculatiro sentiment coatioucd ! i?tres?d acd the ataplo of discussion to Cm neighbor be od of the Stock Ex rhaajcr was tho pro pec: of coming rr rkclioa and ladustrfc d.-preAsJoa. Oac radicatioo of th activity cf the bears vras the exajcerated tone Riven to soaof this diciSJloc Incidents f a dinner la Washington, at which the Presideot aad a number of men con rIcaoas in the financial world were present received much atteotion and tho accounts published of the occur renor on that occasion were Inter- rrcited as notice served on tho ? ajjowea io n moniteya oi we forcos of capital of the coerdvo mcas- rest of tho members, Florence Times, ar they wro to expect from tho Speaking of tho Ircny-of fate, the Federal a dm tola ration. The exbar-j prize donated to tho Indiana Uciver rasjenenU to which the railroads wi'l ! slty by Col. Dry an. has Just been won be sabjtct in providing means to by a Filipino student in an effort op caeet the great rush of trade or to posing tho Government ownership of raav-to needed Improvements loomed ' railroads. Omaha Bec. krg la tho current discussion. Tho above indlectc that there is a wel-definid belief that we are to Lace "Industrial depnwwsioc. and therj ks Iltt e hepe to avoid It. if we are to WlJgo from the s-cateasent in that Stock Kxchasjce srory that President' Uooscrclt at that dinner, gave every body to nnderstaad thct he Is detcr raiood to go rich', on chailng octopl cither real of faocled. Added to the Frealdtnt'j making known his atti lade at the d!r.n:r aforementioned, here 1 a Washlngtcn speciai to the New Yor5; Tlxies under date -of January ISth: TTjc efforts to prct Fresldcnl Roose velt to modify his portion regarding corporations have failed cotirely. He has rather emphasized than modera ted his positlcn since tho efforts to rt lxa to change it began. Tho President believe more strong'y than rvr to the correctness of his attitude. No attempts to bring aboit any change in his po-MUon will have any effect except to coovlnce him ail tho caoreteoroaghly that bis course ts In tho bewt Interests cf the public He bellerar It hU duty a. a patriot to persist 4n the counw on which he ha begun." There ar ccrtaio'y c bases to bo cocrrctt-d. but at the vame tln ;h? Project In paruicg a determined coarse in that direction U evidently rawing the finanek-rs to hake. It rriy appear tranco that ra cor recting abes s tho.t cannct be po-sod orer legitimitr cr.tcrprljr? should suffer tlcwevrr, tho irr-sidect' methods aad the activity of the "B-ar" are appar rntly nastcf.licg thrcz?. Wrtfing In tic Manufact ircr'a K.ourd. 31 r n.ra' manager, dedarca I tor aoj gvn.ra' manager, rteciarui 1 thai the publJc hnwtillty and pension ally most bv latd aside if a far-reach-lag bajiJaes diprrsslrn i to b3 averted. Rtf.rring i our wcodorful "cccsjerclal and Indoslrial eiansioa. and to the part played by the rail roads thitreln. which will ncctssiut? etj rxpcsdilur of sKireral biilloos In additioDa! railroad rqttlpmcnt and trackage, he ays: "What cf tho future, and how can this money bo protldcd. aVe questions to which th.- American people from the hlgh'sc tt the loweit. must give imm;dlaic and mot profound consid eration. It matters not what may ivo been the shortcomings of the railroads heretofore Abuso cow coly oxake worsw tb situation and on y makes It diScait. If not Impcsjslblo for them to raise the money essential for proper development, for who Is going to make larger investments In railroad derelopment when agitation cucains the roads make their future oacertala? With continued denuncia tion and hostility in every direction. . such a wa have cvn during the last year cr two. lh rai!road will not N? able to finance In order to carry on the vast Improvement and extensions oeoded and verything that tends to make this difficult Intensifies the prea tat coodlticns. Whatever may be tao vtcwa of the pcop e aad the pros abotJt "railroad management ra tho past. seSf-prcsrTatloa cow demands that both preas and people stand by the railroad and aid and encourage theo ia rery way posalble to find the oooey needed for buflcUog many thoovxadj of mil cf ow track, for double racking .s!or1 Hoes and for ordering: cars and locomotive so far ahad as to make certain that new wcomotivea and car works will bo cotabubed to meet this demand-" it Is right to create a ontiaeat now that while abuo should bo corrected ia the right way. we should cot push or corrective methods to tho danger poInL .Tho aurgeon always has to arold putting tho knife tco far Into the patient whom, he hopes to bene fit by his operation. j TO PREVENT SUICIDE. ! Following tho account of the plans I of tho society to prevent suicides, r originated In London, by General Booth, head of the Solvation Army, comes tho Interesting announcement f cn Monday mat an anu-suicaao ou roau will ba opened In St. Louis soon by tho SalaTatlon Arnw This Is to! f bo part of the International movement ' launched in England recently by Gen-: eral Booth. It Is stated that tho St. i LouU bureau vrl'l not only be 'the first, In America, but tho forerunner of , many others In tho big cities of the J Union. The SL Louis bureau will b? located la tho Army's new building at Fourteenth and Ollvo streets. The objojt of tho bureau is to give i practJca. wholesome and friendly ad- vice to mea and women, driven by de spair to tho contemplation of suicide. It is claimed that slace the estab- llshzrent of tho Iiondon bureau a few years ego S2 lives have been saved. Thcro seerna to be llula rcom to doubt that the hand of sympathy and timely aid may sav many a poor soul from self-destructlcn. prepared to believe IL We are CURitll oOmmWT. North Carolina may invito the iaimlgrsxta. provided they first prom ise cot to voto tho Republican ticket- Raleigh Tiroco. As we read tho records of the Senate, any man may make a monkey himelf in that bodj out will not The United States Senate, while known, as the moet conservative legis lative body In the world, may go to extreme. Its sessions ore opened wi:h prajrr and oT3ctim?s closeJ with language that the ga-Iery Is not permitted Co hear. Augusta Herald. Contractor Oliver's scheme to :ako all tho ldlo negroes froa the Southern cities and put them to work oa the Penama Canal looks good and the peoplo of tho South would have less objection if the work cn the Canal Ij prolonged indefinlte!y. Washington Post. --Senator Simmcss. in a kttcr to rocrxbers of tho legislature, suggests that no attempt be made at this sea son to enact liquor or anti-trust laws. The antl-saloon league bo k-ves In let ting 11 enough alone- When the real temperance leaders and tho real po'lticiac are agreed . we take it for granted hat cothing'wlll ou dc-ce. Raleigh Times. TWINKLINGS. "U a sad fact" remarked tho mora'ixcr. "that ncwadiyc nearly every Influential man has his price. "And aaddcr atlll." replied Senator BadRer. xo think that half of the timo ho ca&'t tret If Milwaukee Sen ticoi. "What do yxi thiak cf my Ires idoctUl boom?" "IVa too caiVy." an swered Senator Sorghum. "You won't even bo oco of those who 0J90 ran. You'll merHy bo one of those previously mentioned." WoahlnRton Star. That youop: woman is not Intel TlKcr.t. amiable, or ertn decently courteous." "Ob. but her father is worth a mil Iron dollars." "Then I thrak she hould bo required to dis play a crtlcc to that effect LouU tHr Couricr-Jo-iroot MeartlCM Editor "I would bavo i lyounj man. witn a shiny coat collar, that tho true pect i born." "Well. what of It? ?kcd Uie heart'esa edi tor. "Do ycu want to run a birth no Itice?" Milwaukee Sentinel. "Sir." said the youns man. "will you permit me to pay my address? to yoir chaining daughter and try if lean make her Icro me?" "Certainly. my dear boy. and '.here Is no reason why you 6hould not succeed. Lots of others hare" Translated for Trans atlantic Tales from "La Saeta." "IVc surprised" said Mrs. Newly wed, "to hear you speak of Jenkins a real nlct fellow. You ued to de spise aim." "Yes" replied Newlwed; "but he's tho only fellow I mtt sinco we got back from our honeymoon, who doe$nt srin al! over his face and ask: "Well, how do you llko mar ried life by this timer Philadelphia Press. Esm had sold his birth riRbt for a mo&a of pottage. "Jacob would have Rot It anyhow," bo said. "l am com monly supposed to bo the hairie-Sw man alive, but he's the real Harrlman cf the, family." Eating hia pottage with a loud noiso llko a hired man, he turned, picked up a paper and eagerlr scanned tho 'Male Help Wanted ads. Chicago Herald. SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN. U IUratc4 mj llama- Ilatr Wk Daa4rwff U Eradicate. Sealskin Is admfrcd tho world over for Its sofines and closslness; and yet tb human hxlr Is quail y as soft and clonsy when healthy; and tho radical causo of atl hair trouble Is dandruff, which Is caused by a pestiferous parasite that saps the vitality cf the hair at its root- Kowbro's lierplcldo Is the only preparation that is 4 ratal to the dandruff irerm. "Without dan druff thcro Is no fa 1 line hair, but a lux. urlant growth of ctaesy. soft hair is cr aln. 5courlnc tho scalp won't cure dan 2ruC Kin tho dandruff rerrn. Thou, and of women owe their boautlful suits of hsir to Newbro Herpldda. SoH by leading druc1t. P1 I'fc.. n stamps to Tho irerpiclde Co. etrolt. Mich. . Tw litM. TJk rvmta mm J t m HARDIN'S PHARMACY Epeefsl Afft-1 i' 1 i 11 MRS. ELVA BARBER EDWARDS Thcro are three critical stages in a woman's life which leave their murk In her career. Tho first of these stages ia womanhood, or tho change from a care free girl to budding womanhood, The second is motherhood, unci the third Is Change of Life, Perils surround each of these stages, and most of the mificry that . cornea to women through ill health dates from one or another of these im portant crises. . Women should remember that Lydla E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has carried thousands of young girls over the critical period of puberty, has f re pa red mothers for childbirth, and n later years carried them safely through the change of life more suc cessfully than any other remedy in tho world. Thousands of testimonials from grateful persons, two of which are here published, substantiate this fact beyond contradiction. Mrs. George Walters of Wood lawn, 111. writes ! Dear Mrs. Plnkham: I feel it mr duty to tell yon of tho good Lydia E. Plnkhazn Vegetable Comnoand has done roe in preparing for chlldbtrta. After suffering and losing my children a friend advirod me to try your raluabie me dkino. and the result was that I had very iittla Incoorenience, a quick recovery ana Daring its long record o more actual cures, entitles Lydia K. Fink ham's vegetaoie oompoimu w tho respect and confidence of overy fair minded person. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compotmd Makes Sick Women Well THE NOTION DEPARTMENT OF GEO. O. GAYLORD'S THREE STORES. These Prices will go in effect January 24th and last Nine Days. f " " " Inventory and White Goods Sale Be Vosellne, per bottlo 3c Sc Machine Oil. per ttlo 3c Sc WriUnp Ink per bottlo 3c Black Darning Cotton 2c Bartinc Cotton per Gpool 1c Hooks and Eyes, per card 1c Tho Best Bra S3 Pins, per paper 4c i Sc Safety Pins, par dozen 3c ltc Tooth Brushes 5c Childron't Hose, per pair 5c 6c Wash Basins 4c 10c Wash Basins 7c 5c Pie Pans 2c Tin Cups X 2c Cc Dippers 4c 6 Tea Spcons for 8c 5c Hair Comss 3c 5c Fine Combs 3c 5c Buttons, per dozen 3c 5c Talcum Powder, per box 3c 5c Toilet Soap V 2c 5c Towels 3 1-2c 5c Classe each 3c 10c Tumblers 5c 10c Srioon Holders f 7c 10c Picklo -Dishes 5c 5c Saucers 3c UtUe Notions bat Big Values at CEO. O. GAVLORD'S WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24TH Lasts Nine Days. A Colossal Event Prices Cut Down to the A HANDSOME FREE . James . tW;Hali,1:';-"3 DRUGGIST. Cor. Fifth and Castle. L!F; WOMAN'S MRS. GEORGE WALTtHb ashc-althy a child as can be found anywhere. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is ( blessing to all expectant mothers." Mrs. Elva Barber Edwards, of Cathlamet, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I want to tell you bow Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound carried me through the critical period of the Chang of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured mo of a very severe female weakness, I cannot say enough in praise of wh&t your medicine lias done for me" What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Edwards it will do for other wo men in .their condition. Every suf fering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following in vitation. It is free, will bring yon health and may save your life, Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Prom the symptoms given, the trouble may bo located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Chat of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and lielpruu than thirty years its long list oi 5c Pencil Tablets 3 1-2c 5c Ink Tablets 4c Sc Box Paper 4c 10c Box Paper 8c 15c Box Papers, per box 9c. 35c Brooms ...25c Ladles' Plain Handkerchiefs 3c Men's Tioa 3c Men's Collars, each 3c 5c Hair Pins, per box 3c 5c Mucilage, per bottlo 3c C Boxes Carpet Tacks 5c 4 Boxe Mattimg Tacks 5c Glass Molasses Pots 9c 10c Berry Dishes 6c 10c Glass Dishes, each 6c 10c Lamp Shades 7c 5c Linen Thread, per spool 3c 10c Witch Hazel Soap 4c So. fl Lamp Burners 4c No. 2 Lamp Burners 6c Leather Shoe Soles, per pair 9c 5c Coat Springs 2c 5c Lead Pencils 2c Slato Pencils, per dozen 2c 10c Shoe Polish, per box 5c Lowest Limit WASH j Phones 1277 and 192 f STOCKS AND BOMBS, ,"V .... .. . . .t:. '?- " .Oi - .;. I, I F E I IMS U R A fJ C E, -.-5 If interested to any of the above consult tea ' ' C. P. BOLLES : CO., Telephone 1S20. 415 Southern Building. jan-25-tf. OUR PAST RECORD. We feel is sufficient guarantee that your business, if entrusted to ns, will be handled to your entire SATISFACTION. The People's Savings Bank. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED. Next to The Orton Hotel. Branch 704 North Fuorth Street H C. McQUHBN M- J. CORBETT, F. W. DICK, President. Vice-President. Cashier. 14 jan lJvtf. Cigars, . Tobacco, J The Best Selected Stock In the City. GEM CIGAR STORE 'Phone 190. jaa-24-tf. 16 North Front Street HERPICIDE FOR THE SCALP A LARGE STOCK ON HAND Hardin's Palace Pharmacy n 126 ug 28 tf South Front Street Large stock ot Gro ceries of all kinds at Lowest Market Prices Sam'l Bear, Sr., & Sons, 18 Market St. Wilmington, No. Car no4-tf CAPPS' LUIICH COUNTER OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE 0' J W. Capps has secured the services f petsie Maloney, a noted cook and xtaads to the publio a oerdial wel come to his sew lunch counter. Rid notto: "Ask for Botsle and Get the Best." Everything in and Oat of Reason. CAPPS. LUNCH COUNTER, 9-tf C. T. McKeltheu, Mgr NICE HEN TURKEYS AND Dreseed Chickens AT THE Palace Market TO-DAY. J. W. BATSON, Prop. jan-25-tf. 'Pbano 72. The Atlantic Cafe Opposite A. C. L. Depot "The place can and vrtll sorvo yon right." Fine Oysters and Steaks A SPECIALTY. ATLANTIC CAFE. GIESCHEN BROS., Prop. jan-25-tf. Proposals for Raving Proposals for paviing Front street with vitrified ; brick : from r Orange to Red Cross street in tho city of WU mitigton; N. C, will bo received at tho office" of .Matthew & O'Brien, civil engiaeers, 413 Southern Buildiag tll naom,-Pebniary SStii 1907. . v-.:P'vns offwt BDecificationa can be seo at "the office ; pt . tho engineers. - Tbe ngat ,,13 reserved to :reject amy or : all PATRICK MATTHB Jbn.,24, 1907i City BashMetv ANNUITIES, i MORTGAGES, WE ARE KNOWN AS THE LITTLE STORE THE CORSET STORE f SOME SAY THE LEADING STORE f THE SHIRT WAIST STORE THE DRESS GOODS STORE 3 PLAT1" & HAAR. Grand pnng Opening OF Merchant Tailoring Thursday; Jan. 24 and Friday JaaJSS. ah Expert Toaor aad-Designer ':.xrmbe here to tafce your moeure. .Setoct. your sty'e and pattern now dtBd bore your suits deHvered. later. "c JULIUS P. TAYLOR, - The Tailor.:1 100" PrimcesBV Streak- i-V! I i. ' 5 K ' h it' V 4 n . ' i 3an-24-tf . v " - t.: -l-t k ; vx'-.-v -; - - Jan-25-SOd; ;

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