-ST A ftbe Cihoritino Star. Bandar, Fcsruary 10. 190. WILLIAM, H. BERNARD. Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. a Uttered aa oooad-ctaae matter at ts rastoCco at WL'lmaton. N. C aacer tho Act o Ceeerea of March X tSTt. Sunday. Feonxiry 10. 19MX COASTWISE MONOPOLY. The New York Journal of Com merce takes a serious vIo of the easablaatlon of the ALunilc coastwise ehipplnx companies. As Wilmington H directrdly interested, the follolngj from the Journal of Commerce biLerestln: -U Mr. Charles W. Morse, with his Consolidated bteamshlp Couipany. aiulox at a manoiolr of coastwise aavlgatioo hy steam on the Atlantic and Gulf coojU of the United States? If he has tor rained to take over the No KcgUnd Navigation Company. During his six years as governor It looks that war. ThU company has ;of Artanaa,. jeff Davla averaged near almost a monopoly of the Sound I ly one pardon a day. He ought to ftloaxsers and has been for some ttmo tc perfectly at home In the Senate. controlled by the New ork. New Ha - ven and ilartlord Kaiiroon uompany. The railroad com pan r is a consoiiaa tlco which has establiiihed a practical taonopoly of communication by rail tetweea New York and Boston and wX .rir.4 -rM linn" f the Metropolitan Steamship Company I and proposed to put it Into the pas senger service, the New England Com yany met it with a threat to put on outside steamers of lis own In addi tion to those running to Bridgeport. Norwich. New London. Providence and Pall River to connect with its rail tine. Now. according to report, the competition is not to come, but the ??.?L' -rl J .w, w , i -rhmriftTf a 7 trie which produce white talc, or "Already this holding company, or- yearn over. Lhariotlo Chronicle. I . ' . M . oriH hof(. ganlxed under the loose corpoitlon -On the Ward Line steamer Mexl-! gJil 1 r?J ot tLZ law of the Slate of Maine, has control co. hlch arrived from Havana, was ; !f , ? , ef the Eastern Steamship Company. Emanual Gonzales, forty years old. education of the faithful the peoplo a which the lines between Boston ho served as corporal under Weyler i nercr dream of making this snbsUnce and Maine ports were merged: the !n the Spanish-American war. As ho into pipes. They make bowls and Tfudsoa Company, which owns the was In the fight at Kettle Hill It is ' goblets of 1L but no pipes. It may be People's Line, between New Terk itr desro of tho veteran to go to that the long plpestems which allow fld Albanv: the Metropolian Com- Wpshiugton and see President Kxwo- the smoke to cool and loec its acridity sny. with Its I'ne from New York 1 veil before ho sails for his hom in i before reaching the month leave tho to Boston tbroueh the Sound and out- Mad! k:. as ho believes he shot at the oriental smoker quite indifferent in re side of Cape Cod : the Clyrfe Company. President In that battle. After the . MTT, trt th. nn-Htv of the bowL At rmnfng fron, here to Atlantic ports war Gonzales went to Port-au-Prince. t0he qUaUty 0Jf! Zt xtl Socth as far a Jacksonville and Pen- bere he opened a store. The loss J a11 eTents- one nrcr 8Cea a Tcrk sala. and the Mallorv Co-nnanr. . Itn IU Gulf lines as far as Galveston, Tex. There remains two weak lines he t wren here and Boston br wt of the Bornd. the Old Dominion line to Norfolk, the Savannah line and the e44 Morraa line to the Gulf, which Is controlled by the Southern Pacific Railroad Comranv. The domination cf Mr. Morse's Consolidated. If his Han are carried out. will be such tiat the completion of a monopoly wfll not be dlctjlt. Control of the Southern Pacific's line mltht not be easy to ret, btt an a filiation with It la rrcartt to Golf trade would probably act be dlfficnlL "These bold proceedings in the di rection of more monopoly aro taken ta defiance of a public opinion which saMfest Itself with Increased Im patience at every new move. A rao oroly of the coastwise trade, which Is protected by the exclusion of all but American vessels, would not be Yonr. tolerated. The meins hr which ft wcwld be serttre1. the "boldfnr com nnr." Is alrendv discredited and mar K found altogether unlawful a a ermhlnatloo la restraint of trade. Tho artaek oo that croend would be In vited bv anv eercio of monopolv per in the rmstwljie traeV. As a Ht resort, an as the easiest and theaeest rem o. Jr. and one which wrwld h a tvtve beneHt to our trvV. the protection of the pavtea- tio Ui miM h removed and onr i nrttln trae throTi on to the , eirtttn of t world 1iv that of know omethlng I ala't going PHf,!n. Tht wo..h he a rdl- to te" aanP the gir:. "You mnat eal rerrer. bt-t pot only an effectual i kaow something good about some-r-t a benec'al one" body." declared tho mean man. New . ' i York Globe. THE SOUTHS MIGRATION "I went to the theatre last night." MOVEMENT. j"And did the play have a happy end- K7i r, 8"b,?;w'2Sb.,!?..esni,,s?j.ba t are Jolo'nc In an l-rmlitnMon move-! hatnin Heht nn.. m if went conducted on the plan of Com snlsiloner 11 J. Wats-:n. of South Caro lina. The Loulsrp'o Courier-Journal endorses It as a "good move for the South" and comments editorially in this way: "ivttr ly another step has been taken j which bids fair to promote still for- ar the Interest of the 9?-th In this natter. A very considerable obstacle to Earopfaa immigration to the South has been the lack of any such facili ties for the care and distribution of Immigrant as are offered at New York. Recent reports of a reliable na ture from Washlajrton state that tho Admlclrtmloo contemplates the es tablishment of a modern Immigration station at New Or'eans for the inei ceeta! relief of the conrestlon at the salloa at Ellis islaad. New York. To this end Secretary Straus has address-" L ftter to Speaker Cannon, in - , "snres the parsage of a bill reeed by Senator McEnery. for tbe Uh.lsbtr.ent of such a atatfon at New Oricass upon a site to be given to the roveraraent free of cost, and aopro PriaUax 170.000 for n?ctsrr bulid tar Such a trovement would ro far toward the solution of the vexed prcb !t Vlca now COTffonts the South la tje adequate supnly of abor. as New OrKvans with rat'roads radiating la ?tT!Ln."dl.rectlot frca ,n 4i- VV45,tr,.n,porfaUoa ffcrdd by the Mlsslppi wouij b a much more fa- .tlnt of dtributlon among ''oathcrn States than New York, m a - - - ! ?ry ana rniiy as utotmio mv -Immigration Is becoming moro and meant a serious loss when ft cmnpria--more widely understood as a need of ed. as In John O shears case In 171 na paramount Importance for the South scarlet cloth suit laced with broad ard tho opinion qrotod a bore Is but lace; lmed and toced rtth Wuc: a one of many. Immigration Is so Im- finc camon "cloth - suit, " with i- plate portant that sensible, owm everywhere buttons, waistcoat fringed with a are becoming champions cf tho aove- fringe of tho same color, and "n. menu ine iniroaucuoa i rw rr t Ka pirbt idnd from Europe win so've many problems for the South. The effort to make New Or'ean n ImmJcraot station, probably does not mean that there Is to be only one im i mlrran; nation. In the South. New I Orleans would answer for the South- west, but North Carolina ana omer Southeast Atlantic States need a sta tion nearer home. If it is not feaslblo to have ImxJjrraata landed at Wilmlng toa wo would rather encourage tho movement to mako Charleston the andlng point for this part of the coun . . i try. However. It seems that the New Or'eans peoplo are going It on a scale that has not boon contempiaioa ai Chaxlostoo. Charleston's second shipload of 1m mlgraacs is now about due. Tho Question. "What shall we do with our Kx-Presldents?" need never keep u awake at night so long as g rover Cleveland Is tho only one on our hands. Washington Post. mnrre tbey fte continually begging pardqn. Washington other's post. At the liquor men's ball in New York a rainbow in champagne was a " -o purchases. Charleston News and ur,cr A Massachusetts Congressman has introduced a bill calling upon the IX-partment of Commerce and Labor for all information in its possession relative to tho introduction in South Carolina of foreign Labor, by ono E. J. Watson. He should have waited t a aay or two longer. The witteklnd lu l'a,c , V J""8"" the fact that In the oriental conn rf nn arm in h.ittl im-iiri hi tlvltles. and under that handlcaD no n.-id to rlvo up business He sold h'.s belongmgs and sailed hence, so that he could satisfy the ambition of his Last years see tho President, whom Jne is convinced he once tried to Ull. lie fcas he Is uo of a welcome nt tho white Houso from hi old enemy, whom he so much admires. New York Times. President Roosevelt, it la report ed, lias It in mind to appoint a col ored man to a so mo what deslrahU of flee la tho city of Cincinnati. It win bo objected that ho has no right to employ tho appointing power and tho federal salary list to "spite" Senators bstllo to himself. Tho objection has some validity. A still more serious objection to the appointment" is the Inmry it win do tho colored race. The ffcest friends of the negro arc cou lnced that such appointments servo merely to inspire colored men with false and unrealizable hopes, and to keep alive, and at an acute stage, the race question. As an atonement fo T-rowusvIlle the Cincinnati appoint ment would be Inadequate. Tho pre tnse that the Executive had sought the best roan for the place would bo absurd, and on any other grounds th choice of r negro for the office would N unjustifiable. New York Times. TWINKLINGS. New York Globe. Folletto (recently married) A man Is ca'Ied a "Benedict" when ho Is married. What Is a girl called under the same circumstances? Anna (also rccen'ly married) Well, it Jepends altogether on Hrhat she marries. Life. MUs Jeoks I don't see why yoi consider it a pleasure to hear him preach. I cnderstanl he always talks about Ore and brimstone- Miss Farra sy Exactly, and It's such a pleasure to think of what's In store for some peop'e. you know. Philadelphia Press. "If a good idea .to have aomo thlng laid by for a rainy day." -Yet," rep'led Peter Corntossel, "only that kind o cash Is a good deal - Ilko a regular umbrell. Some other feller Is liable to walk off.wUh It jts' as the shower start."5 Washington Star. 0"-S V V. 4 mmm J h V" J C Neighbor Got Fooled. "I was, literally coughing myself to death, and bad become too weak to leave ray bed: and neighbors predict ed that I would never leave it alive: but they got fooled, for. thank be to God. I was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took just four one dollar bottle to completely cure the cemgh and restore me to rood sound health," write Mrs. Era Uncapher, of Grovertown. ,tark Co., Tod. This King of cough and cold cure, and bealer of throat and tnngs. Is guaranteed by ft, R. Bellamy, Drug, dtt. (0c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . i w ini -.ii- flowered satin morninx: rellow gown I In (Hi with a cherry colored en tin. with a pocket on tnc ngm siue. There is something a little moro manly pcrb-ns in the dress of the gallant of 1600. pictured In one of Rowland's epigrams rheM a mast accomplished cavalier. That tho world's ape of fashions doth aprar. Walking the streets his humors to ctis doeo la the French doublet and the German bosc The muffes. cloakc. Spanish hat. Toledo btadta. Italian ruffe, a ohoo right Flemish made. There seems to have been no foolish .udicc foreign made goods lQ lc00London Chronicle. T1k Betel TimU Chewing the betel nut In 81am. be ing a common habit, at every little dis tance as yoa go through the bazaar of Bangkok may be seen petty merchants busy makine and selling the prepara- ton oalversalry masticated. Toe i.viM, in which the Dreoared mlxrure wrapped are from a vine known as h,t-ii fwtH Thc nnt is from the arlca betel palm, which reaches a height of about sixty feet, whoso branches bear several large bunches of nnrs which harden and redden as they ripen and which resemble somewhat the bunches of fruit on the dato bear ing palm. The dealers cut np their green leaves into the proper trlangu- iar form, crack the nuts and wita niAMM rr tm iMir inrn nraniHL rona " w ' shaped cups, into each .ono of which they place a portion of the Ingredients. Tnrttn mnd lleeraehaam. According to the best authorities upon the subject, the idea of using whito talc in the manufacture of plpea s of comparatively recent date com pared with the age of the habit of smoking, and what Is still moro curious n nwrscaauni pipe. 8CIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. rc Fatal Germa aad Its Ilemetfi Kqi Fweta mt Sleee. It Is the rarest thin a in the wonu for a man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair is not dead at the roots, neod b bald if h will use Newbro's Herpl clde, tbe pew acalp antisep'.lc Horpi ddo dnstrors tho g-erm that cuts the hair oft at tho root; and dssns the scalp of dandrsff and leaves it In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett. in tha Maryland Block, Butte. Mont., was en tlrely bald. In less than a month Heri cida had removed the enemies of hair rrowth. and nature old its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch tcn&r. and in six wesks ho had a normal salt of hair. Bold v leading- drurfflsts, Bsnd 10c In stampa for aampU to The Herplcide Ca. Dstrott. M'h. Two 4ses 60 cento and SI. 00. HARDIN'S PHARMACY Special Acjt Who Are You Looking For? THE MACHINE SHOP OF NEW KIRK BROS. To Get Machinery Re paired. Phoe 595. fe7tf FOR SALES Three Good Mules Suitable for farm or wagon use. Wa have oar osuaI line of goods: ssasonabU 8EEO OATS. 8ALMON. PULL CREAM CHEESE. CnKCS AND CRACKER8. BAGGING AND TIE8. SARDINES. And a full stock of other groeerte always on hand. Hall & Pearsall. (1NCOKPO RATED' OCt II tf The Atlantic Cafe OppositeiA. C. L. Depot The place caa and will serve you right." Fine Oysters and Steaks A SPECIALTY. , ATLANTIC CAFE I1L.P11 CIE8CHEN BROS' Prop. t REGAL, The Shoe That Proves S3. 50 Low Cut Shoes on Sale Tuesday, February 5. A. S H 34 NORTH FRONT fa 2-tf Harris Lithia Water rh strongest Utnu mad Wate? Harris' Litiiia Ginger Ale. The best tn ue mar A trial will convince yo. H. L V0LLERS ts2S tf The BIG Buy for Cash and Get Trading Stamps with your Purchases. Star Brand $5.59 Shoes this wees: $2.87 116.50 Overcoat this week f.98. $15.00 Salt this week $11.98. Don't miss this chance. J. W. H. FUCHS, HEAD -TO fb 3-t- FOOT OUTFITTER. . -,Shetts, . Towels, Pillow Cases, at re duced Price at Polvogt's during their White Oojds Sale.". v .- . SALE 0" 0 4.00 L$ D E Agent, STREET. Grand Spring O F Merchant Tailoring Thursday Jan. 24 and Friday Jan., 25, an Bxpert Tailor and Designer wffl be here to take your measure. Select your style and pattern now and have your suits delfrered later, JULIUS P. TAYLOR, The Tailor. 109 Pritncess Street. jao-24-tf WHO ARE WE? Wilmington's Elite Entertainers 25 people, the Dreamland of Song and Mirth. Wo have progressed with the City. Remember.' February 11th will bs 'the hit of the season. fe3-2tsu : ' . Largest-assortment ofu White Goods in v the j City is. shown .at polvogt's Op ening ousy ecore.r : . 300 Barrel Large Mullets, our owq pack.. 1M lbs., guaranteed to every barre', , ; 25 Barrels Nice Large Roe. One Car Load Georgia Carte Syrup. Best qaalKy that we couid buy. it ia very fine. 100 Cases California Evaporated Peaches 150 Cases Nice Evaporated Apples. 400 Bags Maine Seed Potatoes ' Several Car Loads of other-Staples to numerous to mention.. Let us quote you , D. L GORE CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IMPORTERS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Wood! Wood! 500 cord best oak, black jack and pinecut to suit. Coal! Coal! Eureka Blocks, grate. the best for Weed Blocks Llghtwood, suitable for Wilson Heaters, grates and kindling. BUILDING MATERIAL Lime, Cement, Raster, Shin gles, Roofing Paper, Etc B. THORPE & CO. dec 19-tt Cigars, Tobacco, The Best Selected Stock in the City. GEM CIGAR STORE 'Phono 190. jao -Stt-tL . 10 North Front Street. Proposals for Paving Proposals, tor paring Frost street with vitrified brick from Orange to Red Crass street in the city of Wfl ma&gton, N. C, win. be received at the office of Matthew & O'Brien, ctrfl engiaeers, 413 Southern BsJldlng .un til nooa February 25th, 17. Plane and speotficatioas can be seen at the oSce of the engiBeerB. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. PATRICK MATTHEW. Jan.. 24, 197. City Engineer. jan-26-3M. 109 East Broad SL V RICHMOND, VA. FLORIST Floral Designs Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers. Largest Stock in the South. Telephone, Telegraph and Mail Messages Promptly Filled. fe 3-13tsu Only ISO Tons Lef FISH SCRAP First some, first served. U adulter ated. No middle man lfa etraigh from tho factory aad an unexcelled ferti'iaer. STONE & CO. fe 2-tf WOminglxM, N. C HUGH MacRAE & CO. WIS BUY A.!fO AS2L.1. OW COMMISSI SOUTHERN SECURITIES COTTOH r.ifLI STOCKS. North and South Carolina State. : ; . .: Bonds. t -to -j 1 6 V ii I I s 7, - f

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