' ' 1 THE MOBNLNG STAB, ; WILMItf GTON; THUESDAY, ' MAY-';, 23, PAGE I WO be flHornlno tar. Founded In 18S7. WILLIAM H. BERNARD. Owner end Editor. WILMINGTON. N. C Eatered as second-class matter at the po&toSce at WlUmnstoo. N. C, under h Act of Congress of March I. 1S73. Thursday. May 23. 1907. NORFOLK'S KICK. The Norfolk Landmark resents the numerous reports in circulation to the detriment of the Jamestown Exposi tion, not that the Exposition is itself not worth Uking in. but that soem get rich quick people make It too expen aire for visitors to make the trip. Our esteemed Norfolk contemporary says: "One of the best known business men in Norfolk, who Is interested in the Jamestown Exposition only as a public spirited cltlxen. calls The Land mark's attention to correspondence between himself and a friend in North Carolina. The business man expresses great indication at the slanderous stories that are being circulated, in spite of denial and disproof, about the difficulty of obtaining reasonable accommodation here for Exposition visitors. This matter was threshed out pret ty thoroughly before the Exposition opened. There was then reason to fear that extortion might be attempt ed, but discussion of the subject and the common, sense of those who . fix the prices soon changed the outlook; and now It Is simply untrue that vis itors to the Exposition cannot obtain good food and lodging at reasonable prices. The person who Is foolish may he exploited by somebody, as he would be exploited anywhere else in the world. No one with eyes and aver age intelligence will have reason to complain of undue expense for ac commodation, ff he comes here now. At all times, the visitor of discretion will engage his accommoda lions ahead. The business man to whom we have referred showed The Landmark the damaging reports in circulation about the gouging of Exposition visitors- The friend said that he de sired to visit the Exposition, with his family, but was afraid to do so be cau.u of these rumors. He asked the Norfolk man. as a special favor, to see of accommodatioa could be se cured. Of course, the Norfolklan at once wrote, giving details about the kfter other matters. Charlotte Chron cost of accommodations and vigorous- 4-tA cost of accommodation! ly denying the slanders In circula tion. The prices which were quoted to the North Carolinian were reason able and satisfactory. The thousands of people who come here and get" good treatment at prop er prices should follow the example of Mr. Howlson. of Richmond, and give the public the benefit of their expe rience. The trouble is that one man who has made a goose of himself and has paid more than he ought to have paid, when a little Intelligence would have protected him. will go away and make more fuss than a thousand peo ple who are satisfied. It Is like the grasshopper under a leaf and the great herd of cattle grazing In the field. You would think from the noise that the grasshopper was larger than the whole herd. Gross Injustice is being done our community by the statement that extortionate prices prevail. A square deal is all we want from the outside, but we are not get ting It to any alarming extent" Visitors to the Exposition have to take The Landmark's word for It that extortion is not practiced against people who go to the Exposition. No doubt in some Instances there are un reasonable charges, but The Land mark means to deny that the thng Is either systematic or general. The fact Is. The landmark Is de nying the same kind of reports that get out about ail Exposition cities. There are plenty of people who will take advantage of others. Exposition or no Exposition, but as a matter of fact visitors expect to get It In the neck to a greater or less extent dur ing an Exposition. It must be re- membered that the people of an Ex- position city are more or less np against it themselves when It comes to getting gouged. The price of labor and help necessarily goes out of all . . ,, . , . ly high, and so are about all things else. Everbody gets "frenzied." and yon cant get anybody to turn around for less than a dollar. How ever, people will be glad to learn from The Landmark that the gouging stories are to a large extent slander ous. NEW SPECIMEN OF REPUBLICAN ISM. Speaking Df the new Senator elect ed In Wisconsin recently, the Phila delphia Record (Dem.) says: ."A millionaire In the United States v nte ,s no norltT- Bat the like of the new Wlcousln specimen Isaac Stephenson has never before appear- ?Tt Ho TOr tariff revision, more rigid penal statutes for regulating cor rorat!rm a 1 . Federal tax on inH .rTr fective Child labor law anrf t Via ivtvin Ur election of United State Senators. to make the anomaly more striking. Mr. Stephenson opposes subsides. And yet he declares he is a Republican." When Senator Stephenson gets to Washington he wiu find himself lone some on the Republican side. Ills colleagues will regard Tilm as a Re- . vwca oniy in name. It he shows LuiuauTP ana i will know that something is wrong riK tfc mator from Wisconsin! At any rate If his politics are as the Hecord describes It will lay him liable to suspicion. THE MAGAZINES. , Lipplncotfa -Monthly Magazine for June has been receivea. u is an om favorite with readers and Its features ar ever well designed to make it !opular. Its literary character is distinctive, and the current number affords threat entertainment in the va- rletr of novels, stories, poetry, mis cellaneous articles, humor, etc. The table of contents Is a veritable argo- sv of eood things, notable among which is a dramatic production enti tled "A Princess of Virginia, by Kate Tucker Coode. It Is needless to say that It refers to Pocahontas, and Its pretentiousness can be realized when It is stated that the style Is classic and the play covers 33 pages. Llp- pincotfs Is on sale at 25 cents per copy, and Is sent a year ror jz.&u Address J. B .Llppincott Co., Phlla delphla. McCall's Magazine for June Is s gem. and the ladles will be delighted with its contents. The cover design is an artistic portrature of the lovely June bride, and as to contents there are the latest plates and articles con cernlng the Paris and New York fashions. There Is also the usual amount of charming reading matter, and the customary variety of useful art and home science matter. The subscription price per year Is 50 cents, and the price per copy Is cents. Address the McCall Company. 23 to 246 West Thirty-Seventh Street. New York. TORRENT COMMENT A New York paper reminds Its readers that this Is the age of woman. But it didn't say what the age of woman was, so the readers ere still in doubt as to that point Memphis News Scimitar. A Kansas City woman took steps to secure a divorce twenty-four hours after she had been married. It doesn't take some wccnea very long to find out that they have been gold-bricked. Washington Post. We hope that Elder Hemphill, of The Charleston News and Courier. will read The Wilmington Star, of Tuesday. Mar 21. and take to heart the way the people of that town re ligiously celebrate the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence every time the 20th of May comes around. The two best majors In the South. and the two most lovable men, are Major Bernard, of The Star, and Major Hemphill, of the News and Courier. We wish the former would take the heretic In hand for a brief rrll and eive us a chance to look icle. Senator Rayner, of Maryland, who stands in the first rack of Democratic statesmen In the Union, has just given the New York "Herald" a signed statement of reasons why, the nomi nation of Mr. Bryan for the Presi dency next year is highly impolitic and unpromising. He is exceedingly convincing. The Bryan platform is impossible. Tnat is reason enough. State Chairman Connere. of New York, onnounces a conference of nineteen Governors (count 'em) and other Democrats from all parts of the United States next November to take into consideration the state of the party with reference to the en suing national campaign. These things are not conclusive of anything, it is true, but they do show there is a feel Jag of unrest In the ranks of the Democratic party over the prospect of another campaign and a necessarily hopeless one under the Bryan leader ship, which tends ever more to radi calism and away from anything that was ever known for Democracy un til It was branded with that, name by Mr. Bryan and the semi-Socialists that form his especial corps of political shouters. Buffalo News (Rep.) TW1NKUNGS. "Indians never laugh." an Ameri can correspondent writes to the Lon don Dally News. He forgets Minne haha. Brooklyn Times. Stella Here Is the description of a perfect man. Bella Is It Taft, or the fellow Mabel Is engaged to? New York Sun. "Everybody Beems to have money to Hand me." remarked the beef mag nate. "Me. too." chimed In the ice m it im a t "Rnm tt I m ra T vnnrfr hro they gol' ,t alI."Washington Herald, -Hubby Why don't you come to the door and let me In? Wife I .couldn't, George. Our neighbor was T 4n7T 4 V , , ttl 1110 j;uuuc. vroiciuu rutui Lanier. Equally Futile. Raynor I've made up my mind to take, the weath er as It comes. It doesn't do any good to complain, shyne Certainly not Its as useless as it is to reg Ister a complaint at the gas office. Chicago Tribune. Komance Lacking. "And you refused Dr. Slasher? Such a future. "I know It, but he's always thinking of nothing but busiaess. Why. while he was holding my hand, after he had proposed, he drew out his watch and began to count my pulse." Chi cago Journal. THE REAL TEST Of llerptelde la la Glrta It a Thor as;h Trial. There la only one test by which to Judge of the efficiency of any article and that Is by ita ability to do that which It is Intended to do. Many hair vigors cosy too nice and smell nice. but the pc4nt'ls-do they eradicato Dan No. they do not, but Hcrplcide de bccau. It roes to the root of the evil arJ kills the rnrm that atiacicn t.s I?nU frcra whence, the hair gets Its lif . , Lc Iters from prominent reopTe every r re dally I proving- that Newbro's 1 J tan!a the "teat of us." I: ! a I:i5rhtrurd-e-3lnp. clear; pure ..r1 frw frcn oil or rreue. 4 y 5orfT b ld!ni? drurPts.- -sUn l'jciHn Umps for ratapXe v The Herplclde Co.. n . Of all the fruits that are In the land'; That grow on Dusn, or wee, , I would give up .the, choicest ones ; For Rocky Mountain Tea.'. ; r . ... - s J. 1L Bunting " Drug. Ccv I FACTS, NOT FICTION. -J Experiences of ' Wilmington Citizens Are Easily Proven to Be Facts. - The most superficial investigation will prove that the following state ment from a resident of Wilmington is true. Read it and compare evi dence from Wilmington-people with testimony of strangers living so far away you cannot investigate the facts of the case. Many more citizens of Wilmington will endorse our claims. C. S. Hollen, printer on the "Morn ing Messenger," formerly residing at 419 Grace St., Wilmington, N. C, says: "I had used several remedies to get relief from itching piles, but without any good results. Learning of Doan's Ointment, I obtained it at Bellamy's drug store. It acted imme diately and proved so effective that I am entirely cured of the affliction. I found it to be an excellent remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Special Train to Richmond Via Sea board. Account of the Confederate Veter ans' Reunion at Richmond, May 29th to June 2nd, the Seaboard will operate special train leaving Hamlet at 8:45 A. M.t morning of May 29t&, arriving Richmond 5:30 P. M. As the Camp in Robeson County has selected the Seaboard as their route, special coach will be provided from Lumber ton to Hamlet on train No. 45 May 29th leaving Lumberton 6:30 A. M., Maxton 7:27 A. M., Lauriaburg 7:42 A. M. connecting with special at Ham let. Round trip rates from Clarkton $5.50, Lumberton $5.50, Maxton $5.45, Laurinburg $5.45. Tickets are good returning from Norfolk-Portsmouth, it not being nec essary for those who desire to attend the Exposition to return through Richmond. Special rate Richmond to Norfolk $1.50, tickets to be Bold June 1st and 4th. Those who expect to at tend should notify Mr. A. W. McKen- rie, Lumberton, who is making ar rangements for the acommodatlon of the Veterans while in Richmond. For further information call on local Seaboard agent or C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina. L. O. RAEVIS. C. T. A. Wilmington, N. C. may 22 3t your teetH hoold BE dean m well as look clean. Nothing known affect both results o perfectly as this j well-known dentifrice Meade & Baker's Carbolic Mouthwash at yoor droffgist'a, 25c, SOo., tlM Office Supplies Filing and RsconSs Systems, Loose Leaf Devices. The Fox Typewriter 3!ank Books, Etc: R. C. DeRosset, Bookseller and Stationer.. !e"2lT Wood! Wood! 108 eortfa best oak, black Jack and pin cut to tult Goal! Goal! Eureka Blocks, tht bost grata. for Weed Blocks LlQhtwoodt tuiUblo for Wllftoa Heaters, q rates and klndilns. , BUILDING MATERIAL JJmo,; Comont, Plaster, Chin lies. Roofing Paper, Etc ' ! i i Refrigerators. The WILKE REFRIGERATOR is the Standard of excellence, superior to all others in points of sanitation, du rability, insulation, ice economy, mini mum temperature, finish and good workmanship. Kvery Wilke GUARANTEED to be satisfactory in every particular and to save 1-3 ICE OVER OTHER MAKES. Hammocks. The Summer heat will demand re tirement to the shade for a rest or a nap Nothing takes the place -if a first-class Hammock for this purpose. We have them, stout and strong, plain, fancy, or any quality desired, and a big assortment to select from. If you are Interested Kitchen, see us, we can added a complete line lowest price to the very Corner Second and Fill iiv Lil I IB Yes, that is what has pushed Belle of Virginia out in the front rank of good whiskies the fact that it is founded on quality. We ask you to try it the very next time you feel the need of a good drink of whiskey. It is blended from pure, carefully aged whiskies the bett blend our years' of experience has taught us a whiskey which will appeal to you from thq first taste and grow upon you as the days go by. Don't forget to ask for it and try it. ' Sold at the places where gentlemen go to get a 'Irink. SP 43s J. &E. . We have just received a full line of Boys' and Children's Wash Suits and Pants IN ALL SIZES. Also a full line of Boys' Straight and Bloomer Knee Pants, in Blue? Serge and Fancy Cheviots. We also have the most complete line of Clothing, Hats and Fur nishing Goods ever shown in the City. Call early and make your se lection while you can get your size. iW. SOUW & COMPANY, :'vl.,.:...,, P ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND 'FURNISHERS.' " i Masonic Temple Building. " '"y W1LTVUNGT0N,7N. V Sole Agent1 for -Dunlap Hats and THE BEAUTY,, and cpmfort of a hOme depends largely on .its furnish ings. - Our stock is large and varied and comprises every kind of wood: and finish, at prices that make buying positive pleasure. - it ' . " ... in anything for the Home from the Parlor to the supply every Household need. We have fust of Cooking Stoves and Steel Ranges, from the best. Market Streets. MAHONEY Dr.' Deimel's Underwear." a REFRIGERATOR time is at hand!,, and a good Refrigerator is one of tha first necessities for good housekeep ing. We have several kinds in stock, but The WILKE CRYSTAL & POR CELAIN fe conceded to be the Tery best Refrigerators made in this- Conn try. Hammocks. Hammock time is here at HOME, at the BEACHES, or if you are going to the COUNTRY, a good HAMMOCK will add to your comfort and rest. If a Hammock is wanted, we h'the stock, like all of our stock, large, big variety and the best. Phone No. 172. e Jones Atkinson, N. C. fa Xvt Open for the Patronage of the Public Board by the Day, Week or Month Special Attention to ravelling Men Rates, Reasonable. MRS. J. B. JONES, Prop. Paris Green and Tobacco Twine 5,000 Lbbs. Strictly Pure Paris Green Packed 1, 2, and 5 pound Pack ages. 4,000 Lbs. No. 1 Tobacco Twine. 300 Bags Rock Salt for Stock. 580 Bags Ice Cream Salt. 8,000 Bags Common Fine Salt. 200 Bbls. Dairy Salt. We are also Agents for the celebrat ed Ellwood Fence, All sizes In stock. D; I. G0RE CQ. Wholesale Grocers, & Importer. IN GTON. N. C. v. aprr 28 tf IS THE MOST observed of all your apparelT-at the theatres, concert, social or full dress affair, it must be correct, or you're a, marked manU ' ,;;.' , Let us supply: ycai with" the correct j ShirtsqoUarg;? CWS, Ties, i GecrV Full , ttr'es . Protectors and Handker chiefs., Jy- J;e-- i-, .We're - headquarters v for all 7 Full Dress Requisites? T ; , ; ; - , WLWS P.: TAYLOR 4) K r-. u Refrigerators U ., q 5.11 Phone. 80?: 109 Princes? Street. may 12-tf : apr:23-tt ' It 4-

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