- . THE HOIINIlJ'fJ STAB, 7ILnniGT0Ni SATURDAY 5 JUlfS ' 1 ,1907-" Founded In 1S7.- WILLIAM H., BERNARD. Owner and Editors WILitIN GTON, N. a Eatered s eocona-ciAss. matter at the postaflee at WIHmngton. N. C tender th Act of Congress of March isfa. Saturday, June 1. 1907. NEW NORTH CAROLINA BOOK. It Is gratifying to note that North Carolina is producing authors, and it I erery now and then that we hear of some new. Writer or new book that comes to the front. Some of our au thors, producers of both prose and poetry, are attracting wide attention, and if we mistake not there Is one forthcoming new North Carolina book that will win a notable degree of attention- It Is by Professor Jeroxrs uowo. or unarioue. ana wnue we hare ' not had access to the manu script as has the Charlotte Obserrer. but as soon as the new macadam road comes the news -that the bottom of the Catawba rtrer :-between Charlotte and. Gastonia is . bolng successfully dredged for gold, A special frota Gas- tonla under date of. May 30th, (say: That there - are . treasures in .the deep no one doubts,- but the fact that the Catawba river is being dredged by a corporation of the State of New Jersey for gold makes us feel that! the treasures are nearer home. The firm of Brown & Nobles, which Is in corporated under the laws 'of the State of New Jersey, have their river and harbor boat 'Klondike,' on the Catawba river, plying between Sloan's Ferry and Rock Island, a distance of three miles, dredging for gold. The Klondike is fitted' with a steam dredge, which gouges out great Quan tities of sand from the bottom of the river, and deposits it in a sluice boat where the ore is separated from the sand and then, shipped for refinement "Several years ago the river was dredged by another company, whose boat the 'Old Klondike was washed away by the freshet of five years aso. Since that time until about two weeks ago gold operations on the river were I at a standstill The new 'Klondike is I 30xS0 feet, and has a 100-horse-nower . m m . . I oouer ror lis motive Dower. The sluice boat is eight feet long and is what Is known as a self-dumper. The ore. ii is said, is worth 120 rer ton. and the present experiment promises i a gooa paying Investment , Wood is now being used as fuel in the boats. s IT. Sll -o season," everywhere: Itseffects ar ; tired feeling, headache, loss of appetite -constipation, - Mck stomach,' . poor blood, pimples, sallow complexion, nervousness irritability; '.melan choly, etc. all caused by the bilious acids acting on the blood, the cure for which Is a quick cleanlng-up of the system with w accept that esteemed contempora ry's estimate of it as sufficient to in dicate Its merit and assure Its accep tance as a work of an extraordinary character. " The Observer says of it: is finished coal will be substituted. NT. CURRENT CO! So long as tho relations of Janan Slid thf TTn 1 t tA Qt a loo bm i concluded u airrwment trim the V r- . ,f i rtT. r: .. - rr..7. ' MtUxa Companr ,or tho publication of S . Ue -of rnHd iMerestTonir to r. , J " 7:,r. 1 average American. At the same elal tsZJVL .1? Iii pinion over the Pacific Ocean from races i5iSdH; S pSL SUtft9 l the Mongolians. Indians. Semites and Aryans. The- first volume treats of story printed by the Chicago the Pygmies of the forest regions of Record-Herald, to the effect that be- Africa; the Bushmen of the Kalahara twn 50.000 and 100,000 men are to Desert, the Hottentots of Cape Colony he discharged by the railroads of the and the NIgritians of the Sudan. The country before June 1, In order to re- rtfgritians Include the troes of no- duo runnlne T?e.,thl wer brought to America, very well in Tiew of the number of -v. Awwus uiq nas oeen lo ex- raxiroaa accidents- that WRITE US FREELY and franldy, In strictest confidence, telling all your troubles, and stating your age. We will send you FREE ADVICE, In plain sealed envelope, and a val uable 64-page Book on "Home Treatment for Women." Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chatta nooga Medicine Co. , Chattanooga, Term. o r - . v. L, x v e r Vie cf fee i ne) ) Absolutely no otter remedy superior to this for aD the common hot climate fiver cUseases. For over Seventy (70) years, its sale has steadily increased, until hov tt i' the standard, vegetable, liver medicine. Its merits may best be proved by its flock J -spurious mitatlons. Every druggist has been imposed upon bymenand haTow or more imitations n stock. Be sure YOU get thenutae. 'hntt&H. $T$t ae yeUow for if you At All Druggists, 25c and f 1.00 tin on de death Record-Herald. penalty." Chicago Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 years "by mil lions or mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. ft soothes the child, softens the gums. aiiays ail pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrun. and take no other. GUARANTEED UNDER THE POOD AND DRUGS ACT. JUNE 30TH. 1906. SERIAL NUMBER 1098. ulaln tli in ,,r, M7 " I iwiea tutnsa-tr v 1 i w mmm mm m mm s mM & 1. 1 1 1 1 I -m. i w r m mm i iiiiii m I tm v i rm ri -wr w n w a m i . mixture, etc upon the ecmir. 7. I n nrtl 7" " Rul 8Ure and swift. Mfti.i , - . . i - ouu uie wares- SSfiJKSHSft.. f. re,llou t important centers- .v . .. "iC 4 "le negroes savannah News. 2Q inelr niUre unrmti n r! In cn a ... ,4 I of this kind is Intended to biine out Wisconsin Judge expresses the principles wmcn can be ap- . 4110 rurai rree delivery pnea to the soluUon of many practi- r 1 13 nmnuK farmers crary. He cai modern problems relating to In- 75 inat since the letters and litera casinaj. opiiucal and famllr iif nri lure or ine farmers are deliwrrt to art. religion, education and "moral free at tlleIr doors they do not go to and intellectual culture, inrirtontatiir town so often. wherfor tho thf mtnrlr I Ha.!,. . ... . . favor bvi1 .1 . . . I . . . tl""",ru w turuisa neip j iuuuks ana nave be- Don't Mittak th ram. v..- t.... to statesmen in rnmni.nn. i conifi rrvtrA tcro.iof 1 rni mi,IKe tne cause of Your Trou Islation wherever the nejrro and the the farms thaa ever Wnr t,q b,e- A Wllmfnyton Citizen wnite man live together under the I Judge is probably one of those terson Shows How to Cure Them. Paris Green and Tobacco Twine Results are quick and lasting; It penetrates the heart of disease. inax is wnat Hollister's Rocky lountain Tea does. J. H. Bunting Drug Co. ITS YOUR KIDNEYS. same government. ' Mr. Dowd has been engaged upon 'tiai jtrars, ana me lew persons who bare examined parts of uaawcnpi anow that he has pro- wu ffleuuDs not only novel, but interest and value. He is an able iii us ucing siuaent, with lacuity ror research, and a writer of an attractive style. Those -a anow anything of the elaborate wof hich he has undertaken waaca 1S opoa wholly original lines wm wwi impauenUy for the complete volumes and will be surprised If they do not meet a prompt and cordial re ception." The subject Professor Dowd has selected to exploit Is certainly one of deep interest No doubt it will be more interesting than a romance. WILMINGTON PROGRESSIVE. Editor HInes. of the Kenansville Eastern Carolina News, has a kind word to say of Wilmington in this weeks issue of his excellent paper. He has been looking our city over. and speaks in this way about It: There is hardly three towns in North Carolina now making the gen eral progress that the city of Wil mington Is showing. Real estate has gone skyward and only In a few sec tions of the town can property be bought at all. One and two story buildings are being carried "higher up and more room had to be made in this way. Property in the country for miles around, situated on the good roads of New Hanover, sells like prop- v w m "jo corporate limit 5,000 Lbbs. Strictly Pure Paris Green Packed 1, 2, and 5 pound Pack ages. 4,000 Lbs. No. 1 Tobacco Twine. 300 Bags Rock Salt for Stock. 500 Bags Ice Cream Salt. 8,000 Bags Common Fine Salt. 200 Bbls. Dairy Salt. We are also Agents for the celebrat ed Ellwood Fence. AIJ sizes In stock. D. L GORE CO. Wholesale Grocers & Importers. WILMINGTON. N. C. apr 28 tf IS -r - - . V I ' II J ,1 M i I J. MZ 1 J FUS fSEB oAe MMMF Yes, that is what has pushed Belle of Virginia out in the front rank of good whiskies the fact that it is founded on quality. We ask you to try it the very next; time you feel the need of a good drink of whiskey. It is blended iiuiii puis, -oiti 6u wiuaucs LUC DC$f. Olclia OM 1 vpsre' of pYnpripnrf' has tantrht nc - ' t)il-i, ...t,:k ..k J fc" if uiabjr WUIbU W1U appeal to you from the first taste and grow upon you as the days go by. Don't forget to ask for it and try it.' Sold at the places where gentlemen go to get O cVink. . .. J. & E, MAHONEY Por&smoiztb, Vitinia Bits. Mrs. Knlcker Man is inconsis- iruu airs, liocicer Yes. he will sit ia tne Dieacners at a ball game, but cant find a Summer resort rri enough. New York Sun. "Why. man, what's the matter?" I have Just had one of thn iitr,t. nlng lunches." "Well?" "Anrt I've got thunderinr I n f'.Vaw lork Press. "Curses!- hissed the villian. Curses! muttered the !mHion a. .. .... . . . n.a me Tiuian couidn t ret hi ntirr the audience couldn't vkt - . . uc k... .t. . . .vw -uvirwe mercnanis tnfr me suuauon wasn't twto,wt I .... . mv. ... . . -- . u "uyyyiaic me trade mat once went to aiuwauicee SentineL fvLn Thw ,S right- and Eastern ( Pedestrian What a horrible vnri TT OUUUiU siana oy -ut? ;uu nave in asking for assis h7?l Ani kep the!r money at t"ce. You ought to have your voice home. The wholesale trrt f ttii cultlvnf Tr,n,n tv, . . , tn(nrtnn I. u Z VV . " " - .uir uavs "Ol I wants a,u lo nve times money ier.,toss. 4tu.vr UiSl It Was PTPTl cm . . . . ua d ltt ii L Mill i n it on I .Mnnv nonnia n n iwwf. v wi..,, " - I J ousiiwi uieir SSTteSS4SSuf 5aa"X Udn.eTS- " 8UfferiDg from a ,ame- devoted to social enjoyment and the W or ac11111 back they think that improvement of the mind. Savannah u 13 onIy a muscular weakness; when News. Iurinrr tmnhU M. u i - . n 1 crow 1U mejr U11UK 1L in tne mldSt Of all ItR norfnrhJ Will, soon rnmwt If oalf a n 4 .t- pSSJeSSS DUatJ?n8 the city or San with all the other symptoms of kidney tTancisco is entering unon n otth. L.. . . . v 1LUit;y met in muiclDal owershin. V,;' ers- " Jast wbere the dan- has taken over the Geary Street Cab e Ef 1 .u XOU mu?1 cure these "o11 n.iir -.. ITI. aDI bles or they mar lead to dfaTwt to V,1' V. 11 80 aa I Blight's disease. The best remei; of .,7 . . ' . UH ixan-8 luuney 1 -.u.w. iuo wreiiminarv ln.iaii n- .li.l . . - . ii vestment is $730,000 and fM C weaK or U cost afterwards noMrfr w Wilmington people It is satisfaMnr t iU v.. lieriy. ..Permanent ' W mSJg n lllf WW m i w jm TS 1 FTl IWI ft M T 4 1 T 1 a A and Rnef. nd ,. w xu.uie- tierK ax iy Market were readv -to Mt t, " .r 7.r"7 J OVQ vs8" street. hnn.P h. " .7r "".. i::.1.im,nri. u., says "I used Doan's poor that it cannot raise a little b7 T rr., moner with whfrh t hn. nt.uZ K.": ...u"ouucl!u iro ... .... i "-y '"juiiuw "uo uaea tnem. I never -..uv,au8.-iiaruora nmes. anew anjytning to act eo ouieVlv. T have suffered for quite a long time i.iuixuunua. irsiw my oacK and kidneys. The kid- ney secretions were rerr darV Loctor. my wife nm tn nr sediment. My wife also mmniain. tremes." "How' that?" "flh ,.- led of her back, and whpn wa hot temper and cold feef Illustrated Doan' Kidney Pills in our newspa pers i went to K. it. Bellamy's drug owre ana got a DO I. We used them r HOSES ago." The dtr I mavin. industrial progress In her history, and ILJ?1"7. Bering to the true tcUon. ot our sood old Sute erf,0Aplrlt V P1 t exists on such a ur a . ... . . . . "" UUttU- rr" a our compress city by WIT mfnH o iuiuw men ana reo- ve KeneraJiy win appreciate what the Eastern Carolina News say8. All vis- ltora to Wilmington are struck with tke evidences of progress hr .n the growth of our city is demonstrat- ju. not alone in the particulars re I erred to. but in all lines of business and Industry. That Wilmington is a rood, place to locate Jt can be stated iJT7 d. business Jtarted here succeeds to a degree that Unremarkable aid even astonishing io tnose who are watching the city grow. - ' I'm t'fnkfn' iiv ,av. in me voice Irrigated. Chicago News. Tne beautiful blonde was presid ing over a booth at the church fair. A strange man came her way. "Would you like to take a chance, sir? she asked sweetly. "No. thank you' he repuea. -ive already been married three times." Chicago News. Uncle does witn best of results. In my case the kidney secretions cleared up and the pains left my back. We have neither f us complained since taklnc mn. Kidney Pills, and It is with pleasure J uii, i rerommena mem at ptpht r re port unity." For sale by all dealers. thv ka cents. Foster-MIlburn r.n niot New York, sole asrents for tho rrntt States, " Remember the take no other. We have a full etock of HOSE of aU kinds to suit every one. Garden Hose la three grades, auy lengtha. for your lawns Cotton-Rubber line for the mills; four to eight-ply eteam for the engineers. The largest and best assorted atock of Machinery and Mill Supplies In r the Btate. Call, phone, wire or write. HTMAN SUPPLY CO "Everything for the Mill." 215 N. Front street apr 28-tf. name Doan's and ; ATLAHTIC IIATIOIIAL BANK The published statement of the At lantic National Bank shows a LARG ER line of Commercial and Personal J Deposits than any other National Bank in this State. It seeks each ac counts and is especially well prepared Dick, how manv tvMioa I t . . . the Colonel drink err " 11180 snows sufficient amount of Well, yo see. boss, I eats de sugar de Kunnel leaves in de glass, an' long erabout de middle of de m m - 1 " mmO ru iuaaiea ana loses P In cot t 's. T ia some oarts of nra HaT charge 120 fer a bath." said Limping o . . 8 l r" cull." replied Sauntering Sim. -"but I'm nnt ctn vmfc udk mu.j iui aey scon it by rat money on nana to pro-ride for the wants of depositors and Is one of the few commercial banks rfoino- hnd. count." Lip- nesa m North carouna that haa n need to borrow money. large resourcee over one and GOLD IN CATAWBA RIVER. J Mind what we told you. .The Star hxs predicted from time to time that the gold resources of North Carolina uld attract greater attention soon or latciy and-we added that the tlrea. it wasonly k few days ago , 1 we k'5 a that vein, and now i " r - - vuxm mx -jCOLLAR Its one-half millions of ployed In legitimate prises of Uis section. one dollars is em boemees enter- Wood! Wood! W cord best oak, black jatk nd pine cut to tuft. Goal! Coal! Cureka Blocks, grates, the Weed Blocks Ughrwood, suitable for WHsca Heaters, orates and klndllnfl. BUILDING MATERIAL Lime, Cement, Plaster, Chin, fles. Roofing Papsrrk. W. B THORPE S CO. IIt , . t" r... " Just deceived I Big Lot ; Colors: - j White and Black. ;f 202 NORTH FROWT STREET. m may 26 tf - Capital - $125,000.00 Notice to Creditors. " m w waiui.1! ' 1 1 1 1 v ' ' - L. J w 1 mm. - . To . .II iniVDTT d fl J . m - r - HUGH : .4 - . r !..- , . ..-r ., TiKjne cnemlcai Comsnntr nn . i..! j " u . fi UN. WOMMIS. )ZmZZ? "fvS -'V. -une -1907; or this .:::t v.-..-. SI0N::-t.C.-vJ" :JPl;ix necessary in SOUTHERN SECURITIES : .-. . APonilisriii Our Port Wine is a blood enriehins sumniatmg TOne. By; nSf: erate Quantity you are apt lo: lire longer, and get some joy out of life 1fh 7a, eo byA Vou -;prefer Sherry, Sauterne, Claret,- Rhine or MoseV Wines, Whiskies or Brandies, they are here at low prices. lESCHErJ Droo. Propls ...vn,nnM;flUUffl CAROLlNAl"weiveT ?t -Jeuti-algine Chemical . : ' . ' f n. ' 1 w - J-. fe i

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