' '.-. r , . . - . ... r .-' . "....,'-'' , --" - - .V " V -a , t - V " , . ..." . ... . . '.'".' j .. v . - , , .. - . '. '' v , .i -i . - , . r , . v rr " " c j v , . - t .- . ' Olditt Daly Ntw?apr .. . , lVf I I VT I f TT ' - ;NO ' J -"1 - ,crc f - I , ; - 1 Lastat clfcutatlen ef any jl r llX : i V J V L 2 W , 1 Ai ) : A V Vn J Six Months by Mail... 2.50 T V I r Wilmington Papar. I J-L JO. i W' - . - X. -LL N A - N N-- , J-L JL i J I .Q I Three MonthJ by T'all. ,15 T -. - - - " - - - ' - -v'-v '--w: f " ' " ... - ' YOL. IiXXX-NO. 87 AVlIiMING-TOi, FRIDAY;-JIJ 28 -1907. ' WHOIiE ifUMBER 12,357 I ! ouTuwt f the railroad for aa InJuncUca of the Mrd-th Socthern IUJIT- n'i aide today. la tLe ZZZLirin ratns of the firo at Piae r.K- .rfininlne the Jamtowa Ex Potion. tnwL!1 f fonnd: bldea I "71.T nd other dlstinsnUhed uia - m . ; 7" .rHrl at the Jaml i .-.-r noitloa yesterday for the i uaroiiM uw - v. celefcraUoa of South CaroUum Day to V A m v I .I n tenant Victor Blue tendered u' THntT Holler and captain of the v.esSrC Gkoa to Hartsfleld d suicide at TDiJ " .-HrftnlCraiad ccorrtcted of assault and Jtll rtm! that It wUl discourage ip ajlhU " . - . M mlgrauoa wA cntitn rFca.iixn nr falae statement "" - Illroada. Tte Governor says Crandall of ItnmigrSnts- in inrfr Lorlnic at Houston. jresier - ::;Vor th murder of Theodore Estes, JudKe uarKsaii. ;r, v a -Tti a w trial si w wo W4M the court to VrV.H ; of Eveim .esqiv " ,T I rufcd taai PTUV " -..v f!a Elizabeth Lovlngs story of that fateful buggy ride jrtth Estes. .vine- of testimony was conwud-1 j d and the statement tothe jury wui x nr-mfvd tcxlJ.r. iu uwttsuu I cen engagea m conjiruiuviu u the Chesapeake f WUJU V f . posslbiuty of securing money ou ac count of legiaiauon uubjii road, Yesterday ' was BalUmore tv. t the Jamestown Exposition. Reports Irom Hong 4.ong sive uaipwniTO jesieruay irum me wur oi xftl HilnMfl oensnea mrau j w Knntnr of a theatre. At the Steu-1 nenberg murder trial la Boise. Idaho, .frir WUllam Easterly denied Orchard's story connecting him with I criminal deeda-In Colorado. New York markcta. Money on can. ana 1 1-1 ta S ner CCnt-I ruling raie, o, ii,,,. m 5 1-2: offered at 6; spot . 0 - in COIDLS iliiiivi . nuoiufc ctaifv 13 cents: Hour, urm ana 1 J . .v I ..ianrrrr wneai. su-uuk, 2 red $1.00 1-S elevator; corn, firm; I . V L ' ... mrm ,,fufl4-i that Dan H anna We are saUaOed usat van n tatt wn his finish yet. Tf ! jiIJ in Wash In rt on that ronner I SnAtor Marion Buller is more lafla j er.tial than ever with the big drde. Th tyrographlcal appearance 011 uame waraen upcaurcn or uie .. w.- ix-lRtatA Anduhrwi fSoHrtv ravs rveonle In I rz Wilson iuj uraes cratly improre.! The paper is I credit to .Wilson. c ,.x rx-o!., v-ito on txxen 10 ! - ritinr wtrr about the Jamestown Exposiikm. The Ki position manage-1 cint. howetpr. shouU not be blamoa 1 T6rf is a iaien-nt gome wcl,.v7n h7T nr, k. . - . . .x . - x - x i . kini .. I rouaas taai ..vw uuR w. footJ la Germany last year. The mre tlioQjcat of food like that will start up ... i.xr -Jtx i j t rM.hr rrirAma keeris I ...1. .1 - I I B3 rarBlB vuuiuuuuu;. wui. r attractiTe bib and tucker and tneicjoso4 Bp two other Important roads serrite it is now riTinr lu rat-1 n, irHt i mil rirht I ine Argus is ail ngnu i roc i. Inrflim rirU hint fof-mHl lll"Xaa ptrtvu .ue;8 u wuc 1 I cao ana aeiermmea not 10 marry aw nu&a who has not at least ll.vvo. lu i tin to come, most of the members f that club can go as delegate tb lie Ola MJJa S COarenUOtl. ,1 The packers would have us bueTC that the government meat, inipectioa I .... i. .iki. tnr ,, .vi I v " - r I v. - - M tra TOW JU"J OTer T I moon. . t 1 1 Ucon being told that he had Inh erf ited a fortune, a Washington. Fa-i na everywhere will ma the risk; !uricg that kind of startling news! troken to them. Says the Washington Post: "NothJ iK on wheels can ever catch up with th popularity of -President Rooses lt.' is the opinion of John Temple Graves. Then , It la also a hopelea UjJc for anybody with wheels." How- r. no remarks like those will deter r-xple with wheels la their head from 'ti'iertaklng the taik. Judge Alton B, Parker Is coming to NVrth Carolina next month and win -iter an address at the annual meet :ng of the North Carolina Bar Asso ciation at Henderson, July I0-12. If ;odc Parker has received that apolo gy from President Roosevelt It Is to hoped he will - bring 1 along to trove to North. Carolinians .that Roos- 't'a ao-called square "deal Includes lirker. " ninnniTP nrrnrrn Ilartfjcld CnmddU and Cross Ed- raundson Denied Executive ", " " Cfeniency by Qovenior TH R TPAlMNn SCH00L i v . w ' I iwi wake Hlahway Commle- mission Imbroglio- Business Failure at Gotdsboro- . (Special Star Telegram.) RaJeigX N. C, June 27. Gorernor trespasi at Wilmington last year and I .. - i AM a a t a. a iv. a. w vmjto uwotus w uie UiaA raff cnton va i - - cof excessive. Ills' conduct rfnee he r"" i0 fs Hcuoa aiuii no oaa moae inreuLS as to , fc "c Jtrti. wuca u,s KfnwnCT ei . . . " . . . is Biso nausra w urutsi r-a- Imandsoa. who was coaricted of mar - der theeecopd dee In CWumlros cotzaty. The trial Jude took into con-1 slderatloa eJl the mitigating droum- maaoeu, rare lcb uorernor, ana cauj ito uw Qtnwt a waunxu u uir&esible 30. wmXT . ce?SITe- uxea oyxne acaie uoara or iauca. vu m i wj rt5 the Eastern Carolina Teachers' TraJn- In School until July 10. The Board ujtw,uuu uio wwuo wwo conteet and It waa given out that thelmMfjt worA GPrvMi nnd this foatnre rote Jjld be taken at a meeting of the Board today provided State Audi- tor DIxxhi wakj able to get here from Morehead where he was suffering ima paw poiwnas una ieuteu- wu-roor nrasuw cuuiu ue sviiru here tor the meeting today. Both " x, x,- x- m wx x,x.x- vuo uw.u.u., ux. a X M . . ue jjoara net ra wae governors ui- uu; ai vwxw. However It developed that there itho Board as to some of the terms era! to wot at the hearing some weeks - t ...... .M . uuctvxt uj ic(icK;uutuica v4 ujc dx: t-i Adjutant General T. JL Robertson I rxf ihie Vnrth Txrv)n- Vatfrkrvil I Mmmirrya tviv rr- q a I nectcr as first lieutenant and TL V. ILaddos second lieutenant of Company I K. First Infantry, AsheviUe. TwT. -17." ir.. .1 ' 1 .wl- " " " observance of the parae laws especial ly aj to tho protection of birds crther I than the strictly game species and Lt. - u it will reauixe uie arrest ana K r A WM rlMlMMHtlnnn Will rao mm n yr 4Via pruu " ,0, 1 ai ram Dies 10 coock mis lawlessness. 1 (y0iJ he procared warrants to- day. for two well kndwn white boys, Iforbert asd Garland Rocers. for shoot fnir cnekTJCM. " w " ' v . - 1 i0Qre e Wake Commissioners to press ja petition for the remornJ of the Wake j Highway CccomlKsion created by the last Legisiatore for misconduct In of- M . ( Kava wimia A DAV I um7 U ta UiCJ A. . xj vj'i. .-.x. x. 0X. " I road In the township, leading to Wake r. . . I ninety Per cent of the citizens and to inaie a Bomoiance or excuse ior ineitire square In Its east and west ex lew rc(ui. w. i . uuiiy, aean ot tne I. mu.H Tt-t, rw. n4 a n I In ,1 . m . w m x iVn I 4W OT.AV x wnx7 . uvoh v. u.l rwMf tr-B-:ri to oresa tne removal OI I Ue Commission, No action is yet taken but It Is understood that the I majority oc mo uoara laror suaiain- LJ?e- omcussioti m us rAf THntr Jtminh HfYVa Of r - - iaa v y r w-w i Goldsboro, In invojuotary bankruptcy I Ihaa been signed by Judge Purnell of the tTenu uoon ana ieputy umtea States Marshal Ward baa cone to Crm asaignea-eome cays ago naming mm . m A. I bmjvn Basignee ana aissausnea creaitora Miwjtaiea uuo piwwubs w force the business into the bankruptcy court. The hearing wiu oe in itaieign T . .. I Open Branch Office Here. It Is announced in Raleigh that Mr.ni .M.Mr Cnirtra nd imnrove J. E. OTJonnell, State inanager will fre business. , Mr. Drew leaves today a orancfa. oflce of the Natla to take charge of the Navassa store. Cash Recfatot Company, of Detroit, whIIe Mr wIU continue the bus- Michto this cdty. .Mr; JobnB. Stron- ines9 at ph0enix. . Both are very pop acb wiH be In marge of toe office tre lUar and efflcIent youngr business men and -ho will be assUtedby Mr. XI. wm succeed with the new ven GlersciJ. It la tated Uiat he offlce will tore The tw0 stores will be.-within oponed here Monday. - two and a half . miles of each, other, ' - . ,' ' . wr-r-r.or-r-MT-o . but will .befmanaged independently NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. by Messr3. irby and . Drew. The " xl rTTT Vm. " style of the- firm at Navassa in which . Atlantlo Trust & Banking Co When Mr rrew be interested will be You Earn Money. r. Kirhv. Drew & Co. . .1. t.nl Tm1 T T ft I Interest You.. - C C. Covington Co. New Molasses. Business Locals. Wanted First Class White Barber. I Magnolia Club Special Meeting. . W, M. Cummlng Front Street . - I Store.' W. M. Cumaxing Desirable, Resi-lpast denceforRcnL . - Lofct Gold Locket and Chain. . Caroliria ..Yacht. , Club Attention, Owncre." ' k Mechanlca lome Assin rew tsenesi StetTrgmpherPosltKm Wanted. -.4 Waited Furnished Room. CLUB SOCIAL AT BEACH Hanover . Seaside Organization Gave . Delightful Affair Last" Night at Their. Pretty Home on Wrights vllle Beach Prizes Awarded. Hanover Seaside Club yesterday and . last - night at their pretty' club hCra8e 01 Wrightsvllle Beach gave a ueuguuui social axzair to iia mem nara a Tin a taw bers and a few invited guesta, the oc- casion navmg Deen one of the most pleasant of the' season at that popu lar resort. The halls and rooms of the club house" were prettily decorat ed and during the evening a number of pleasant diversions were provided for those in attendance. The affair was 'in charge of the House Commit tee. composed of Messrs. William Tlencken. chairman; Henry Gieschen, Schulkenand J. p. Dosher, Jr., IMI1U II 1 II H III Mil 1 1 n-Nf-Il I HTM lllIIHIHf! i w for a most delightful affair. Excellent music was furnished dur loe the evenlne bv the Seashore H6 ttr r, -"J TiTJrt- JT" pie from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock. i t i v j i 1 i were two bowling contests, one for la dies, the other for gentlemen. In that for genUemen the first prize, a k a v Z vr- Adolph Ahrena 4n a score of 30 out of iki a tv a i, of cigar8f went to Mr. Hardy c.t.nTVon mo f I In the contest for ladles i the first la wa3 on by MIsa Clara Borne- mann. She made 22 out of 30. The Becond pri2e, a pretty-hand-bagr went tn xaa .n(lfl rt,ov whn 2ft out of a possioie 30 rhiHnp- th vn1nir plArant rofrpsh of entertainment was enjoyed to t10 ntmnet ah rrf Hnwn large crowdg for the social, many of them femainlng unUl the last trip of at nIght UP-TO-DATE ESTABLISHMENT Messrs. W. R. Morrison & Co., Open Shaving Parlors on Market Street Wilmington has something new and lore Just opened by Messrs. W. R. - " x, xv. t iucu ack street. The establishment . has . been fitted witn -the latee and" mcW ern accessories ta a first-class estab- lishmejlt Of thra kfnd 5nr1 tho Tvatrrvn. are Drcmisea tr h nuitf bro Mjth. er money nor pains have been soared to make the place pretty and attrac- ttve end tie service equal to that of m vo ouuui. , The parlors are to be in. charce trt .. - . fr r ir a,!. -m." V. tan. and he will be assisted by four skilied white men ta the persons of -Messrs. h. uurganus, Jet Lewis, B. M jck ijweu. Mr. Aiorn - " . rr.nr - ruierunso aiu 111 connec- tion will carry a full lme of tobaccos, cigars and all smokers' supplies THE FLORENCE DEPOT Plans Prepared by Messrs. Leltnap & ...... . ; wiiwni, or Wilmington. The plans for the new passenger station of the Atlantic Coast Line aUupcn the great success of their an- Florence, S. C. have been completedLxTial outine. The annual dinmer was h XnaiH T AftnA.' A. Tl-ll ..I ...VI .y .xrooA. UCUUCI Ob Illt&lUS. a I MIX V tects of this city, and the Florence x- x.x...e,Uxx,x. luo pecta of a very handsome structure. The station will cover almost an en- tensions and win be of pressed brick, ...ok ti n. j t j ntUi IUU1U10 IIUICSIUUC IIIIUUIIUKS auu .11. nm. i ... Mi iwi. xne eecoaa noor wm De oo- nmf.i hv thn rilviafnn nfflppq at TTlor. ence, and the first floor with sheds will be devoted to the passenger ser vice. Jt win ne steam heated, all the apparatus for this being In the base- Ja etnflAn will Kntrfn In Va noQr itimiii ir ii tin vwiimmi iiivai u r k iiii 4aj aa w w omuvu vw lit a(&Aa, au uvaA future. NEW BUSINESS AT NAVASSA. tile Interests of Robblns Bros. Mr A. g. KIrby, of Phoenix, and m - w. P. Drew, a nonular voune busl- ooa nf Ma nr fhm .f to months or more cltv salesman' for Morris Bear & Bro. have purchased the mercantile Interest of Messrs. Robblns Brothers at Navassa. and AROUND THE CITY: HALL No Police Court 'Yetteriday No Ai . rests Since Wednesday . Morning. , The llauor-drlnktos population "and other -ffequentera of the police court have been on their good behavior the two days,not a .single arre-tr having been' made Bdnce early we d- nesday morning, Yesterday's session Cf the 'municipal court: 'was set fpr"10 o'clock 'but as there, rwere no cases for trlaJ,xeverytOxryadJournedrto the beach, going down on the 11 o'clock boat - x , POLICE EXCURSION Hundreds Of I Jolly: Blue CoatS and Their Friends on An nual Outing : CAR0UN A BEACH YESTERDAY Dinner Given By Capt. Jno. W. Har- per .to Men . of Force and Their Guests Prize Awards in Ath letic and Target Matches. Save the one unfortunate incident x. In the accident tothe; little son of Of- flcer E. JL Chadwick, an account of which is given elsewhere in today's Dy Jumping on and off the moving cap. paper, nothing occurred yesterday to As the steps of the hotel were ap . . . proached the boy m some way fell mar tne perfect sucoesa of the an- and was caught" between the running mial outing of the Wllmingtom Police Department at Carolina Beach. The! I crowd iwajs large unusually large thirteen hundred tickets havingr been taken on the four, trips of the steams er Wilmington durine the dav. Tlhe Jolly boys tn blue, their wives, sweet- hearts-, children and friends were there in overwhelming majority and the day was most pleasantly spent The weather was ideal for an noca- arm rtf fha Wniri sti fwrvhinrtr nas- ed off most isuocessfuillvs. the nrnmimlt. tee in charsre havinff acauitted itself with rare credit. The Oast boat reach- ed "the city last night at 12 o'clock and everywhere there were exDres - - m li.. i . m x .m of the force to Capt. John W. Harper 'or the delightfiu-1 outing, the perfect success of which could not have been possible without his kindly coopera-(on tion. . The first tom Ipft the r.itv at. St SO o dock yesterday anicming and tflie ... - fchrPA dPcTx-s f ih IinmdfnmA ntnr vara Hxro tHth Twon.i HrYrwniri fiiolthe hosoital surgeons. The father of ecene of the festivities. The-some was true of the 11 o'clock boat and again at 2 '3ft Tirt 730 p t. th rmwda going with never ending volume all rtav. Tlhfl rmvd wno lar-trcxr VdHr and in better humor than ever before on am occasion of the kind. Tne ex- cursion was a big success from start Z:?! 2 ZKJj 4XuZ to finish.- The event .of the . day , aside was the annual dinner given by Cap-1 tain Harper to the men of the fiance :VtlZ""r, guestg of the officers. This was serv ed in the restaurant in the pavilion by Mrs. J. W. Baskins and 4t was a delightful affair in every respect Around the table were assembled the men of the force, a number of the Aldermen and city offlcijaiLs-aind ex Mayor A. M: Waddell. Mayor Sprin ger was detained by a pressing busi ness engagement and did not reach the beach until the arrival of the sf ter- toI ivieares nootni boat. Captain T. D. presided as toaistmaster and after a most delicious meal of the delicacies mua iiuoaa xji. uic ucuwwcd w,'"- " r3 nwxvx1 P.nfaln lloiimii AQFIaft- lirum 1 aixsuxuu, uapuuu iuvaio vaucu utxxa pT-Ma vrvr Waddell. whn rpsnnndfid In a happy address, paytog high tribute to the men who compose the police force of Wilimtngton and felicitating njual outing. . The annual dimmer was a deHrfitful affair in evenv reHDeeL Not only did the officers and their sneeial euests feast themselves but the wants- of everyone were ' looked after in fine stvle. Free lumiches SX nnJn.Vn(i lAtnlnnAilA xoVa i etc., was served gratis ln the pavilion and no one bad excuse for being with- out plenteous refreshment for "the inner man." A band of music was nrmrfded dmrins the dav an dboth dav and night there was dancing by the sad sea waves" to heart's content. CCxLonel C. H. White, assistant city clerk and treasurer; Alderman W. A. French, Jr., and Captain T. D. Jkfeares) were the judges of the varionis con- tests for the day and performed their h work well and to the eminienit satis-1 faction of all. The omy contest not finished before night was that on the provided during the day and both day ed 221: Officer G. R, .Holt 214: Officer M. O. Gray 213: Officer E. Piner 155. The prizes, were four In number in their order as follows; Box cigars by I E. S. Capps: set of knives and forks bir Alderman Rathien: Sweater-bv M. I Rosehmann, and jpne-half dozen half I hose by J. W. H. Fuchs. These prizes will be decided whem all the scores ere handed in tor the committee. The. various contests took place im mediately after dinner, and-were wit nessed by a very large crowd . along the beach in front of the pavilion and on the shooting range at ' the gmTclub traps, t The ; first ; event was a rifle shoot . at 100 yards and the prizes were awarded - as follows : First Prize Sergeant C. W. Wool- ard, pair of shoes from .Alderman W. Ai'-.French,;'Jr. ; , . "--' Second; prize Pouceman jj.. i vv. Coleman,, an umbrella from Mr.' A. D. Brown.' ' ' '; ' .1 Third Prize Policeman r Alex Wells, a safety razor from Mr. R. E. Blake. - Fourth 'Prize Sergeant C. :S. Burr nett, a hat from: Messrs J. M. ; Solky The; next event .was tne ai-yara pis tol "shoot and resulted in first hon v- . . . ma .v.. ors as follows: - -- '. -, - '-. First PrlfePollceman E.R, Chad wick. an eight-day clock from Mr. W J.; Bradshaw,"and a dozenphotographs fxonj. Mr. v.xiunua.,: . Second . Prizes-Policeman -.w. it. snA boy is injured I tlm Clt:---. . p n rxi -I wick Badly Injured on Excursion at Carolina Beach Yesterday Afternoon Sent. Hospital, v James Chad wick, ten years old. a son of Policeman and Mrsv E. R, Chad- wick liyins near Seventn rand tally injured, yesterday ; afternoon about 5:30 o'clock at 'Carollnat-Beach during the police "excurBionV1 The train " was preparing to leave - the Beach for the . pier', to connect with the evening trip oV the steamer, and was backing up to' the hotel; steps 'for thf cllow3 XPected to board the pafo, from tVi pro T'Vio Htlo fd Ho -or 0ut for a day's amusement,-was fol- Llowlng the. train and amusing himself board on the side of the car and the hotel steps. He was rolled between i.1 J ' mm i e ix ne were a pencil oe- large number of people on the beach saw the accident and gave the alarm so that tne car was stopped m snort order, but not before the boy was fear- fully crushea in tne DacK ana stom acn- umcer h. 1. uement, bergeant u- to- urneu ana inonsxapie w. a. Savage were the first to reach the boy and they" tore out one of the sical force . while some one. lifted the little sufferer into the hotel, where Dr- C. T. Harper attended him. Dr. 1 warper gave tne Doy an tne reaei nnsclViTa orif r? rvaa -n r in Ir Tirrvilfina ar fatal, but, of Course, cannot tell wnen internal injuries win aeveiop. it was too late to nring tne iaa up the boat reaching here at 7:30 I o ciock yesteraay evening, put ne was brought up last night, and taken out l a.x 1 11.1 1 1 s V. ; 10 WG nosyiuu, wueiw u ia ucms 5- en every attention Dy ur. iarper ana the boy had the sympathy of everyone at the Beach, the acciaent occurring on a aay wnen an memDers 01 me force were out with their families and trienQS lor a aay 01 pleasure. viiiy last Summer Officer Chadwick lost a nttie son oy arowning at or near nu 1 ton Parfc . . H - For the past five years the Polvogt I Company, North Front street, haree sale. At this time of- the year Just before they begin to measure and commit stock the Polvogt people con duct this -sole and canjvert merchan dise into cash rather than to carry stock even; the store is now decor ated for this annual sale which will begin on Monday of the coming week and last tea days. Besides giving greatly reduced prices the store dur- M'Qg this sale wiH give double trading i . x v . i. ,-u ...i,., es. In Suinday's paper will appear a lorm mm vicard' ontrfno- full lug this sale -"O Feature Films at, Academy. The Academy Five-Cent Theatre will have a change of all new films today and the offering will be foun Quite attractive. In the list are "Hi found quite attractive. In the list are His tory of a Pair of Trousers," a comic divertisement; "The invisible Men, a startling optical Illusion: "Cake Walk In Our Alley," a juvenile rea con-lture: "Making Champagne," a histo- XT- rf a O-fOttt InflllCtrT in all ff lfcj interesting stages, and ( "Looking for Lodging," a feature film. The house is cooled by electric fans and 7llu&v trated songs are presented as an Baa! tional attraction to the Ordinary mov ling picture show. Smith, a cake from Mrs. G. W. def Third Prize Policeman B. Piner, an umbrella from Mr. A. Shrier. Fourth Prize . Policeman Alex Wells, half dozen pairs of socks from the A. David Company. ' Then came the 100-yard dash and in this race Police Chief, Williams qame out victorious." The result -was as roi- lows First Prize Chief N. J. WdlMams a pair of shoes from Messrs. Hewlett & Price. - ' Second Prize Policeman M. '. P. Newton, a rocking chair from Messrs.: G. D. Phares & Co Third Prize Policeman " Leon George, a set of knives, ana iorKs from Alderman Martin Rathjen. - - Fourth - Prize Policeman' E. Piner, half dozen pairs of socksfrom the A. David Company.- The ' chicken striking contest was the most' interesting of the events of the - day, and created much amuse ment. The prizes ' were awarded as follows: ' " - "'.' i First Prizes-Policeman J, S. Lane, umbrella from I. Shrier. '- , Second Prize Policeman J. H. Dew, hat from L. W. Davis; Third Prize Policeman D. W. Coleman' gold- stick: pin; from F. A; Bissinger. ' . rV ; Fourth Prize Policeman E. . Piner, cal by Mrs.- Thos. , D. Meares. - R. " E. Lee, ' Esqv of : Luinberfon, accompanied by.j. his little .son, is id the 'city , on ; professional business.;: ). There is only one authorized rKeeley Institute In North Carolina and that I fs located at 'Greensbora " .wefrsnLi:. (Continued on" pago' 'four.) BONDED WAREHOUSE;. Disappointment that ;Honi E. 0 ; Smith of SouthvCarolina was Not, Present s AlEETTKfff IN COURr HOUSE President C. C Moore and Chairman. A. J. WcKinnon, of Executive Commmittee of Southern Cot- ..ton Association, Present; , . 'There , was much : disappointment among business men 'lait night that ' Hon. E. D. Smithy General Organizer ' of the Southern Cotton Association; did net reach the city - and speak:, to them at the Court House on the bond--; ed warehouse plan,' as had been . ex- v pected. Mr. Smith was to have jolnv ed President C. C. Moore and Mr. : A. J. McKinnon, chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee of the North Caro- " Una Division, here but he failed to do so and the fact that no word was re ceived from him is construed to mean that there was some ; misunderstand ing as to the date. President Moore and Mr. McKinnon . arrived yesterday afternoon, on the Seaboard Air Line train from . Maxton " and Lumberton, and were heard with'' much interest by a goodly number of ; business men at the Court House. This was in spite of several counter -attractions at both '"beaches and the hot, sultry"weather. The meeting was called to " order shortly after 9 o'clock by President. J. A. Taylor, of the Wilmington : Cham- ber of Commerce, who regretted the -i absence of Mr. Smith" and pleasantly- 1 introduced... . Mr. McKinnon, laying emphasis on the importance of ; the movement championed by the distin guished Visitors. - . Mr. McKinnon thanked Mr. Taylor ; for his kindly references and spoke v conversationally but earnestly in be half of the great cause of the cotton . grower . in the South, The , abolition' of the bucket shop in several of .the Soulhern States was spoken ofvas.one . of the great achievements of theAsso-i , ciation, .and the speaker paiddeserv- ed - tribute to its president, ' Harviey Jordan. Mr. : McKinnon was . given close attention and received applause at the conclusion of his remarks, which he said were, at ' random and In -no wise prepared. , , Mr. Taylor prefaced an introduction of Mr. Moore with a discussion of the;?'v cotton situation according, to his .per- sonal view, , making a plea for more care in preparing the staple for mar- j ket and more intelligence in market-, , - ing .the product. The speaker paid a high tribute to Mr. Moore in present- " ing him to the. audience.- Mr. Moore is well known and popu-. . lar in Wilmington. His approach to , the speaker's table was greeted with ; enthusiastic applause. He." came to his subject, he said, witHS trepidation, . because it1 was one of suchx great im- : portance. He had so muciu hoped lo have present Mr". . Smith,lwho was I nearer equal to the occasion: The bonded warehouse plan" he regarded ' as of more importance even tfiatf'Vithe'' ' proposition ' to make Wilmington 'h a great water gateway, as necessary ,C;, . was the latter project'. not only;. tob; ; the city, but to the State. Mr. Moored began with the Inception of the Souths;, era Cotton Asspciation and told of the men who were behind . this moveV ment, fraught ; w ith j so much impor-, tance to the South.' 'He showed, that these men were not - idealists or . sen-,; timentalists ; 'they 'were: . all: business. men and, were inspiredtby ' a deslrer : o do their country good. ; j - s J ' Mr. Moore - briefly explained :the; holding cohtpany plan and --, said x It ' called for the -co-operation of -. the - fnf -telligent business man. - He -had-Just, returned from " five ' points in . uobeson: t-z vVtVw county at each of which a commltt0- )?hf'Jr- rrrxA iifwarr tXTa a in . AhAmpA At -fi tl .y organization of ; holding companies; dea was to hold-the staple in. the" in- fis'.: . terior; for a satisfactory, price 'If pos-v sibie; ii not, to stop, tne cotton at tne norts. It : would , reauire ' half a mil-r . . lion dollars to afford adequate '-prof ecfy r-tl o the movement, ; " Mr. Taylor , asked if the "movement for ' holding : companies ' was not i;en- iral, would: it be effective? - - Mr. Moore explained that the move ment would" be general andentirely effective, and told of the-efforts being made throughput the - South. - Any curtailment of i the .crop - would result in advancing 1 prices, - and . ' moreover these bonded ? warehouses would be a very paying investment ior the -stock- v holders.' : ' "x " r - Mr; -Taylor; further questioned : Mr. Mooreas to the, effect if prices - were - v" advanced by the spinners to'jthe maxi- v7 mum, what would be the need of the capital, for the warehouse,, x ."- Mr. Moore explained that the char ter-would provide' for. this emergency, and tlje affairs of the institution, would oe m tne. nanas oi ousmess men, who wouldr be well? able to take 'care of ' -' such; an emergency. , "w- - ' Mrv Moore, brought along ? his pack- ageof dry goods samples," and illusi trated the relative ' value- of "cotton aa; - between the raw product s and the'; Si - v. l-x V ':. it-''"' 1 X ;0- IS: . V i ... A .. 4 , r - :.v s i.- rx 1- - St'