- - . - 5s Vf.,v , rON, PEIDAyS JUNE '28r 1907. r. ;:r- , WfTra ST-R WIIJSTbN,ilDAY, ; jUNE 8f 1907. r T I ?AQ TWO .." ! , : !! ' i 1 ''v'r Xtbc tniornino Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, Owner and Editor. vn-MiNaTOCN. a . Estend a wcoad-clAM xoUer, t nn-er t Act of CotT of UrtA -STILL UNEXPLAINED." Th Colombia Stato aid a few dajr mro La an eJtorUi concernlag uxe of the Rxleljch ETexxlng: Time and Te Star that WUmlngtoa did not Csw In CoL B. J. Wataon s article on the Important South AUan tie Porta: rh Re!r. KTcnlag Tines and the WUmtaitoa Mornlaf Star In ex- tended comment on a no ow t-tf fftn m somewhat con mHi that WUmlnrton U left out of the lc tare: theru U no reason, saya rr whr Wilmington snoaia turn been OTcrlooked or Ignored No .caaon. perhaps, neighbor, except that ki. -r. ct hariMton's turn at the tt and The State waa particularly deslr oua that the hits ahoma do ouauit-u La that Inning. When WUmlngton geta i 4-r, ter or becomes a South i- frworn The State will b dC- n-Kf tv ronsnlcuous notlco or either or both eTenta- Meanwhile we must be excused for pulling real hard r- t-rf fnr Charleston. . Tho Italelgb Erenlng Times, using th rantlon which we Quote at the hd of this column, gets bade at The Stat in this exceedingly clerer fash- rn -i far as we are concerned; The Mp. and we nerer thiht otherwise. Together with man t other North Carolina papers. we thocght the enterprise so Tery ex thAt we rare It far arable ad- rance notice upon receipt of the pros pectus from tho editor of The State, We were glad to do this, and never for a moment expected that the paper at the South Carolina capital would boost our seaport of Wilmington, the altruistic age not being upon the world yet. ... -As everyone who read our edito rial on-the subject is obliged to Jmow, our criticism waa not of the Colum bia State, but of the article by the State Commissioner of Agriculture. Commerce and Immigration. r Watson, in which he printed a table to show the mileage from various points la the country to the PrinPai -iorrxr The port, mt la bia tabla TcWNew York. Philadelphia, BalU more. Norfolk and Charleston, falling to Include Wilmington among the pmdpal porta with Norfolk and cSrlSton in face of the fact, that WUmlngtoQ's exports amount to many tealhose of Charleston and largely exceed the exports of NorfoHc and Portsmouth combined, and tat her import duties at least ejual those of Charleston or Norfolk. It Is up to Commissioner Watson, if he chooses to explain, why the un accountable omission waa allowed. Ye JFTot expect The State to take up the cudgels for Mr. Watson, for we did cot presume The State became iVsWlble for what was in the algned articles In 1U big export ed Uon. -HowcTer. since The State has ta ken It up. we respectfully beg to re - rntnd that learned, astute and enter- ,,t thit seaports are mea- UrS by the amount of ielr exports and Imports, not by lb. depth of wa. Ur In their harbors. We know or pJUs where the water Is of almost . Jxnfathomed depth that are not sea ports at alL Also we hope we may permitted to say that we did not a!t until Charleston became a Nortn Carolina town to take notice, coasplc mros or obscure or her laudable ad Tertistng efforts.- The Times has thus reminded The State that we heap coals of fire on the head of Charleston. When The Star realized that Wilmington was too late in the movement to be made an Immigrant station. It pulled ror Charleston. The Star also expressed gratification when Charleston secured that navy yard. It has been only a few days ago that The Star took pride In mentioning that the oOdal who Inspected the Charleston nary yard some days ago spoke of It In a flat tering manner In his report at Wash ington. We cannot detract from the Importance of either Charleston or WUmlngton by attempting to ignore them. IJoth have their advantages. tad neither have gotten from Con gress what they deserved to build up their commerce. So far as The Star Is concerned we would like to see every Southern port developed and we hope they will be looked after by Congress In pro port! on to their oppor tunities to develop the commerce of this country the United States not the South particularly. Congress will fail to do Its duty if It does not do everything In Its power to develop a commercothat Is simply waiting for deep water facilities at our ports. ELOQUENT WILMINGTON FACTS. v The above Is the title used by the Chariotts Observer to speak of, an ap preciated article In the Newbern Journal concerning Wilmington's deep water taoTeaenL Says our ieiteemed Charlotto cos temporary: . "U6mai that thirty feet from Wllsilsgtoa . to Lb ec would1 place North Carolina safely among . me States la strong position to com: pete for the great trade opportunities vnJ will open and Yt UiCif, V-k7 .. . n.... enable every factory In this State to rh the Jworld's markets on fair terms. The Newbern Journal narrows down its argument to these telling facts:: ' i ' , -ThA HtT-nf Wilmington is the one seaport of North Carolina. At present It Is access lb La to most cia o!n- vessels. But this Is not enough. The business interests of Wilmington, .Mrh m those of the wnoie dww, .,v wter dp nth from city dock to Atlantic ocean: of thirty feet. M.W ' - " . Twti Questions arise wnea suca . mand Is made: First, can euoiu u. be sectiredr Tho answer to tMs is m the ftfflrxoaliTO, end there appears no doatrororsy on. this point.. .Tfce eeoond nuesUon would be: Do present auu future, commercial .conditions war rant the expenditure ot money to Be thin thlrtY-f oat depth? To an- 8 we r this, a few flgures as uj preaeuv exports and comparisons, ai me ciwo of the fiscal year 190G Wilmington ex ports are shown to toe VAJ0O,5ii with the probability that 1907 will .how over 120.000,000. Against this fust "as a comparison, ior wuo, Coik and Portsmoota naa cjm oed at J12.OOO.00O. and Charleston. S r .Kntit IRTnlHlO' V, " . t T - 11 i r. rY1ln ft tret toeether and tvoco fnrt ro eioouenu III Ul V W" o ' nush." The Star recenUy gave these sta tistics at some length, taken from the .! i-w4 "Tnnt hlv Summary of iSLVIJ Commerce and Finance of the United States." compiled by the Department of Commerce and Labor at Washing ton They show for themselves, ana the enthusiasm of the Journal and the Observer over the showing made ror vr--W rmitnfi'ii port Is extremely pleasing. CTJKRENT GOMIujBNT. A cantomporary contends that it i. imtv-MA to "lecislate a man's ,ircf nxnr." SUU. a law providing free beer would help some. Washing ton Post Aithnt-h n iudco has deddea that a mollycoddle is one whta shirks his part o -the world's work, the aiv , Hmr ta coLnc to continue side stepping the job of splltdng Odndling wood as kaag as ne can. rut, Post Calves without tails are being numerously born in this section. R- H. Lanphere had a calf that had no taiL niv Armwemlth. another farmer, had coo and cow Walter Haskell has a two-weeks-eld calf or tu snorvwra variety that has co taiL It begins to look as If in the struggle to eliminate the horns, the tails are also being lost Byron (O.) Dispatch. June 25. Since the New York World still appears to be receiving answers to its QoestJqn. "What is a Democrat? We venture the eoggestion that it is a male person who seldom acquires a occ-e throat as a result of cheering the election retmrna. Washington Post Whatever may be the outcome ot the Haywood trial at Bodse, it is very plain to ewrybody that there has been an unconscionable amcrart of villainy at work behind the sceoos and P" dlsioos czaourxt of falsification on the wit-jests stand. There is. Uawerer, one gratifying matter in connection with the case. It Is that Harry Orch v MTwr ci & murderer, thief and bigamist is at an end. He may not & ta the gallows right away, but ne will never again see the outside of a prison as a free mana Savannah News. Tbfki President itoosevelt may re- TviA.r his determination tot to run again for the presidenry is the opinion of Col John Tccnjue liravea, wuu re cently held a conference with the President at Oyster isay. ine ri dent is said, to have told Col. Graves n r.-irrvofttnwii on Georgia Day: If I could be positively assured of the elec toral rote of a Btnrle Scnrtnern tate, i mwui clad to be a candidate for the presidency next year, it was una rfoflkfatiao. accoramsc to vae toax caused v. vi.v tv j -ter Ik. for the purpose of urging the ,. n tr fWft. president to run again. It does not ap pear that Col Gravea was autnanzea to romiso the electoral vote of any Southern State for the KepuDncan -vt nor that he succeeded in ob- fWng the President s promise. raanah News. Remarkablo Rescue. That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated in th little town of Fedora, Term- ine residence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: i In bed. entirely disabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctoaa failed to help me, ana w hnn had fled, when I began taking n- Kinrt New uiscoverr. iaea -u- tonf rtir nme. The cougning soon ceased: the bledlng diminished rapid ly, and In three weeks I was aoie to go to work." Guaranteed cure for couKbs and colds. &0c and 11.00 at r r. BellamT'a drug store. Trial doi ue tree. Ha Fired tha Stick. I h.ive fired the walking-stick Ive carried over 40 ; years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind or treatment until I tried Bucklen's Ar nica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man, writes Jehn Garrett, of North" Mills. N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, Eta, by R. IL Bellamy, druggist. 25s. .mmm . There Is no decided change In the condition of Bishop Capers, according t a bulletin from Cedar, Mountain N. C Tbi fcattleihlpa loa-a, Maine, India na an 3 Minnesota raPed- yesterday from Hampton Roads, for a cruise oS the cna'.t and "praviJcrt. No signlfl cance Is attached to their movements. although suddenly made. , Read the Business Local Column of the Morning Star. It Is . interesting and remunerative. Youi Husband I told the grer- nny I mOil XL r, rKvnn: at once, youns Young Husband-Oh. yes. he iJorsed hVInion nil rit Town and Country. . - '.: - ; "Which do-you, prefer- Ba uu. artisdc young . Jna iry. x-wj v,n im eixoe. You caa Keep vj .r'Il m . book. Yon dxm't wave w to It unless you enw too Star. ' j -Mr. Jagway. who had cjne tooj at a late hour, waa groping: Jia way Jjrt- rJt rvf the fitairsL. ''There's yua twice as (many chairs in thi M there ouh f be?" he mutter ed. -My eyes might fool me on that ij kv mnnrSA. hut Wh6l " 1 itumble cairst 'em, by George. I vr,n they're there?" Chicago Trib- know they're une. . "Whb, were' all V,am- chaDS with'guitara and mandolins?" asked the old farmer who had spent the night in the big crty hotel. "Oh. that was a college glee club." replied the clerk. "Quite a string team, ta" "String team, eh? "Oh yes; oa they all played string D-etnimeaits it was ft string team." Thought so by heck! They made metre noise than my Bring team of mules when they all start braying for rain." Chicago News. IN WRECKS AT SEA. Th Way Men Act When They Lose Their Heads and Nerve. What has most struck me in my many experiences of shipwrecks has been the strangely diverse ways in which the passengers acquit them selves under intense excitement and panic, said a lifeboat man to the writer. Women cry, faint and cling to each other, but are least trouble. Men often act very strangely. I remember one man throwing into the lifeboat a heavy trunk which he wanted to save, but which we promptly heaved overboard. Some men become quite panic strick en. I've seen strong men. probably brave enough in other cases, flghtlnji fiercely for the life buoys and thrust ing the women and children aside in frantic endeavors to leap into the boat first; yet, strangely enough, one man who thus disgraced himself has, since obtained the Royal Humane society's medal for saving life at sea, thrice voi unteeriag with a scratch crew in aid of a distressed vessel. I'tb known others who became so stupefied with fright as to resist all at tempts at rescuing them, oegging to ue left to die and having to oe lorciuiy thrown Into the lifeboat Some per sons frequently become half demented. and I've known several cases wnere thev have In a frenzy committed sui cide by ..positively. Jumping headlong Into the sea and drowning themselves, and one man to insure his smiting filled his pockets with coaL Rome vears ago another passenger. hearing the ship had struck, went and drowned himself in the bathroom, an tieiDAtlnsr his fate, as It were. I remember another case where a passenger hanged himself in his cabin Just as the lifeboat arrived. Ixndon Tit-Bits. Qnt and Oemman. This slanr word seems to have coma ta at first as a mere written contrac tion. I have found the word laygents in law reports of the seventeenth cen tury, particularly those of Popham and r.-f. Tn flir John Northcote's -Note Book.- Dee. 2, 1640, Lord Gray is described as saying of one Hallford or Holford that he is no gent; that in memory of divers he kept hogs." .ne cognate word gemman can be traced about a century earlier. London Notes and Queries. A French Joke. Here is a French Joke that is rather English In character: The Marquis de Favieres. notorious for his impecuni oelty. called on a man of means nam ed Barnard and said: Monsieur, I am going to astonish you. I am the Marquis de Favieres. I do not know you. and I come to Dor- row COO louls." -Monsieur, Barnard replied, I am going to astonish you much more. I know you, and I am going to lend them." Lipplncotfa Magazine. All by Accident Too. George Well, life is worth living, after all. Jack What's happened? George I went to a railway station to see .my sister off, and by some chance Harry Hansom was there to see his sister off, and in the rush and noise and confusion we got mixed, and I hugged bis sister and he btigged mine. Philadelphia Inquirer. ' BMM-M---M From those I trust God guard me, from those I mistrust I will guard my self .Italian ProTerb. ' SHIRTS CIVC . .SATISFACTION LONG WEAR. J - ' AND "ASK TOn CLUCTT SHtWTS AND LOOK FOR CLUCTT LABEL TnSIOC . THE . YOKE. WHITE AND FANCY FABRICS. CLUCTT. PEADODY A CO. mirih or rrow eoiuiit. 5 in B-WM-M--------- i - - r m . i- r --i -- -a - mm - v : s.t .-v. m w m m . . - m '-'?-. k i "T i i . p- f m -.-': i. . m v v 1 w m - - i - ii m i i r -,. - . a . !, - vi i-ii, '.in.4FVJJiv.v rr.-i l $ ii i i 7 . Tonic, Beverage ; 1 I I I l I II 8 J i II I l "II I A ir A . I II JLJ mmmmmbBW----MI'-'I"MWM ' ' " JMMMMWgaatwwW y,".- mmw 'v' TAe S Under the management of the Hinton Bros, for the past eight years,, will open .the season .June 5th ?7' lW and renovated. Music the The Hotel nas Deen uioruuguij entire season by Professor Weber's enure seasou ujr ,i-. Tenn. liotei iigmea uy eiwuiui,. a aoign -t0r Nft more delirfitful scripUve booklet, rates, etc, address may 19 tf ' ' ' AIR UNE LINE TO JaE5l Hampton Roads April 26tli to SPECIAL LOW RATES Round trip season Round trio 60-day Round trip 10-day Tm - Round trip coach excursion Ucltcts - 5t5 Coach excursion rate sold day dav thereafter, limited seven days Pullman and Parlor Cars." ' Other tickets -go , on sale April 19th, and, con tlnue - until., close of; Expositions '.-i?- -V?- - - - For rates from other points, apply to your: nearest Seaboard, agent, or repreaeniauves - nameui-ociow. 1 k.-'- Seaboard hit Onecelled Pas Watch for Announcement of Improved Schedules. . ' vFor Information and Llteraturo Address . C, ; .. t ioREnis- - : : City Ticket AgenV gent, V ;;v C N,;N:,aK - - 7r,r - . WILMINGTON mch 24-tf . . Read Stiar BuGone "ft6S7 XLANTIS is an invaluable dagjf .. tne weary uv 1 j . mafficaLeffect in prodacmg easywi ; sleep. - Rich iiv the food, .ex tract -of Malt, and the tonic iSperties of Hops, it is an ideal : ooSie upbuilding of weak and run down systems. "' 1 Absolutely onlntoxicatlng Be sot, thiitthernei3ithtoJeL is your only guarantee of quality. Sold . at TOcera. cafes, etc . ; Manufactured only Xtsrr . '' -, The Red Rock Co., Atlanta, Ga. Makers oJ Red Rock. - rtf TtrvmTihia Celebrated Orchestra, of Mempms, xrrt rnoioH no mosaultoes., no flies. 2Z' Aio-f rrwat For de- r espTt on. the Atlantic Coast, jot ao- : ' 1 . -j . :-i VIA- RAILWAY. MM&M 'j We .ORFOLCt A wonoiK, vcu Nov. 30tH 1907. V'tt F ucuets tickets 912.50 10.45 9.45 ROM ncueis prior to opening dats and on-eacK Tu and endorsed f Not Good -in 8leepina ecvico Vial it- '.SSJ'C'H.-; -i;!.? iTravelmg-Pawenger: Agenl!l LSRALEIGH,.N. - G - i- 4 Line iI - . -VJop-K -CTnic Clieai ling ; Paper, Cypress Bhin. gles, allfilzes. liRi i Plaster -;yirglila:Wood Fibre, ume Plaster Pans, Portland and !. f iihdale Cements-Tiro Brick ana Clay. Oak and Pine Wood delivered promptly, 4 lliPE & GO, PHONE. 789. Jn,7 tl. it. i . Office Supplies Iflliilliiil R3cortfs Systems, Loose Leaf Devices. The Fox Typewriter Blank Books, Etc. R, C. Del?ossef, 8oolcseer rand Sfafoe !fe,23-tt Refreshing Summer Drinks oi e ox3 -elicious flavor can be maae oi our au-uiiiio, base and the .beauty of it all is thai fha r.nst will Via triflinsr. For family use these wines are unsurpassed. A ttle : of Claret, Bhinewine ana duw li, three tor une vowu, ATLANTIC CAFE 4 GIESCHEN BROS., PROPKitiwn- North Carolina, i ' New Hanover County. William. J.Brown vs. William ft Brown and , George H. Brown. fVile 1 n t s n rtion brought by W p aintifl before tjie Clerk of the Supe rior 'Court of-New Hanover Couniy. for the purpose of selling two lots fc.nd'in-the city of Wilmington, one, part-of Lot ,4 and 5, Block 224, m the other, part' of Lot 1, Block 24, n tore particularly described in tw complaint this 4ay filed. And It je ing made to appear that the said aj f ondants are non-residents or uu State; and (cannot after due diligence be found in this State, and they are necessary:parties to this action; wow, i . i j va VinrpnV nou 5S fil tn 1 on onncar 'hpforO ttie lcf Wtmoirt of New Hano- xer County,: at the Court iou. - Wilmington, on. the 18th day oi i and answer or demur to the saw domplaint now on file in this office, br judgment will be granted agains hem aceordine to the prayer o sai Wmplalnt,: :r' vtm? i- Vt JNU. V. iAiv Clerk of the Superior Court of w anorer County. bn 20-4wks Dressed Chicken (ISiiuig Lamb 1 t mclBecf i Veal, Pork 1 ll'ahd S E vcryOilnO Iilt1tic:'palacc Mar- Pone No. 72. ipat?livery' Service is asej ed. the Traveling Public at greatiy d-ced, prices at the. ., WtORMYrDUVAL STABlSf i ;iWHITEyiL.IE, N. C. FORMYrtUVALHOTEt lCeocl:Nor?o.: the ' TX& r mm fuiuj incadiThelStar: Business Locals. I 4 r'TS 'V t 4 5 1