THE IIOBNIKG STAB; WltnniqTON, v SATURDAY; - i - STbe flftornfrio Star. Founded In 18C7. WILLIAM K. BERNARD. Owner and Editor. stored u ooondxiass matter at C&a rportodoo at Wtlimnstcm, N. C, coder tha Act of Cocgresa of Uartii Saturday, Joao 29. 1807. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN EXTEN DS. 8ION. The Norfolk fc Southern 1 the new . railroad -system.- which has dereloped from Norfolk eastern North Car olina jrltMa the past few yearaThe company has bought and consolidated sereral old line, built new ones, eon templates others, and the fact Ls dawning that It U sooner or later to be an Important sjstetrL The line al ready extends as far this way aa New born and Golds bo ro. and there hare beea rumors that It is contemplated to trail d further Into southeastern North Carolina. .That means tha TTU nilafiton may be one of Its obJectlTe points, but of that we hare no definite Information. The Pendor Chronicle hears that the- system will probably build a line Into Pender county, and referring to the Norfolk & Southern, that esteemed contemporary makes this Interesting reference to IL There are rarlous rumors afloat as to the direction the above railroad is to take when the work of construction begins. We learn that It ls at or near Catharine Lake in Onslow county, and that it Is undecided. as to where it will run In this direction. It seems to us that a'TOuto through the Maple IIIU section, coming thence through Burgaw, If the road is heading .for Charleston as reported, would be the most desirable for the road, as It would open up one of the finest sec tions of Pender county. The coming of this road through Burgaw would mean much for our town, and it be hooves our people to bestir them selves at once, and take whatever steps are necessary to secure it. With competing lines of railway It would encourage the establishment of facto ries, as it ls a well known fact that frelrht rates have much to do with this kind of business, no man or com pany being willing to invest money in a manufacturing enterprise where they are liable to be frozen out by ex cessive freight rates. This Is a mat ter of great Importance to Burgaw, and if our people wish to get the ben efit of this railroad it would be well to act at once. If any action Is taken at alL PROF. MASSEY TO WRITE. r The Duplin Journal, of Warsaw, says: "It will doubtless Interest hundreds of our farmer readers to know that Prof- Maasey. so long and so success fully identified with the Practical Far mer, has severed his connection with thnt paper, and will hereafter write regularly for The Progressive Farmer, ot. Raleigh. N. C. Certainly no man la Southern agricultural work has won a greater following than Prof. Massey, and as his life work has been In the South, he will hereafter con tribute only to Southern farm papers. Ms letters will appear In The Pro gressive Farmer each week." -The Star takes this from The Jour nal In order to endorse Its reference to Prof- Massey and congratulate the Progressive Farmer. We take the op portunity to say that the Progressive Farmer Is not only a North Carolina paper, but Is a Southern institution, and "one worthy of it In the ability of its staff of writers, la their practical and scientific knowledge of agricul ture, and In Its helpfulness f nd use famess to the farmers in developing the great agricultural resources of the South. It ls devoted to the cause and exploits it In a manner that should niake for It a place In the home of every farmer from Virginia to Texaa The acquisition of Prof. Massey to Its already strong corps of agricultural Writers adds to the capabilities that make The Progressive Farmer a ne cessity to the man who wants to make the ground yield him the most satisfactory results. We don't know how to of greater benefit to our farmers than to make that sugges tion. ONLY A LAUGHING MATTER. Editor John Temple Graves, of At lanta, has been quoted as saying that President Roosevelt had remarked to him that he might consent to bo a candidate for President again If he thought by so doing he could break tfc solid South by getting the electo ral vote of Georgia or any other Southern State. CoL Graves now rises to explain that while the President did cot use the expressions attributed to him. yet he (CoL Graves) did sy to the President that If he (Mr. Roose veil) would accent the Republican nomlnaUoa next year, he would be we to get ths electoral Tote ot more ikaa one Sou thorn State, and. In his opinion, many Southern States. , -CoL Gravna has been put la the at tlrala ot , misrepresenting thePreal Gcat. but while he makes the ccrrcc- mLiONQTON. N. a tlon he acknowledges that he'trtedfo conjuro Mr. Roosevelt with assurances tht one or more Southern '6tatea would vote for him. , If rM.-. Roose velt' hadn't known that CoL Graves is honest and Innocent he might have reported to the detectives " that the Georgia orator did his best to sell him a gold brick. As it was, however, Roosevelt didnt have anything else to do than appear "de-lighted" while Graves was present, but If a snap shot of the .President had been taken af ter the Georgian had left It would have caught the President "Jes laffln to hisself.- as Uncle Remus would say of Brer Possmm. IT ACTED WISELY. . The State Democratic Convention of Jeiinjylvanl acted wisely In turn ing down a resolution Indorsing Wil liam J. Bryan for the Presidency la 190S.' Snch an , indorsement would hare encouraged a candidacy that forebodes nothing but disaster and demoralize on to the Democratic par ty. Twice has Mr. Bryan been hon ored with . the national leadership of his party, , and twice has that party gone-"down in defeat the last time it being so. overwhelming that the party has not yet "recovered from the disas ter. Why should the Democratic party again engage In a hopeless struggle? To be defeated a third time under the leadership of Mr. Bryan would mean Irretrievable ruin and the sur render of some of the principles that are the very essence of real Democ racy. The plain duty of every State Demo cratic Convention that will be held during the next year ls to indorse no candidate for the Presidency. Let the delegates to the National Convention go untrammelled by Instructions, free to act for the real interests of the par ty they represent. There ls hope for the Democrats in 190S If they are wise enough to name a ticket and adopt a platform that will unite the party. CURRENT COMMENT. Senator Foraker and his friends have egala notified the administration that they ore In no hurry to get out of th trouble rone. Washington Post. The magazines and the artists ore making special efforts to preserve the 'vanishing race" of Indians. But wo have more interesting typos among us that the next generation will not know except in literature and art. Take ' the typosraphioal tourist; will not ho disappear before the last In dian seeks the happy hunting eronndef Take the "uncles and aun- tiae- of the old plantation the real thing, not the counterfeit; these re main only in some aged specimens Let us preserve what ls near as well aa what Is afar. Jacksonville Times- Union. The steel trust has decided that it will irraacfactare no more armor-plate and 'the Cramps karre found the build ing of battleships uoprofltable, and yet both have bean enriched by the tariff Imposed with the avowed pur pose of building up their plants. And now an establishment at Newport News and another la New England bid greatly under them for building the greatest of our battleships, and largely underbid the naval estimates made for a guide to the department. Nothing could be plainer than the verdict thus rendered as to the folly of a prohibitive tariff. Jacksonville Times-Union. If the facts are not exaggerated. the "Pentecostal Power distributed by the wife of Judge Ladd of Iowa's Supreme Court during the religious services she Is conducting tn' Des Moines, causes the men converts to about and the women to Goream, and one man who took it lay unconscious two days and nights on the floor of the miaslco house. More than that, Mrs. Ladd says that when those thus prostrated regain consciousness they speak In a strange tongue. This ought to be looked into. The symptoms are much like those of "wood alcohol,'" but weew. Brooklyn Citizen. Tolstoi sneers at the peace con fereoce at The Hague as a piece of hypocrisy and nothing else. Evidently tho poor oM man is in his dotage. In this age of democratic increment nothing ls more essential to xnonarchs themsolvTTS tnaa peace, sx xj bo costly and entails such burdens of tax ation that with the spread of lntelll boocenes desperately danger ous to embark In conflict out of bra vadb or tost of conquest. No cation Is going to Imitate the France of IS 70. There is rarttMng hypocritical in the modern peaco movement RtrttaJo News (Rep.) TWINKLINGS. 'Why, Mary." said her mistress, "1 told you to tidy up my room an hour ago, and here It is in terrible disorder.- "Yes, mvsru and I did." said Mary, "but tho master came in to put t33 ft dean collar, mum, and ho tost tho stnd." liondon Tutler. "He's a great growler, isnt her" Hurricane is cothin' to him.- Finds fault witti cnnry thing V 'Worst you ever sow.- "By the or 'what la he doing oowf "Editing Che Band of Hope and 'Stmahlne' department of a row enrvgartno! Atlanta CfccaUta- Uon. "Wo have loft tmdrem the things we should have done," asknowledged the fair worshiper, it's tin -He dear," whispers a motherly col in the pew oaaz. ox ner. "It s not txadcae any more, I reached over and , o mue you vras - standing up." Bt. "Of nonrse." slid the author of the veryTFtenchy. eomedy,v "the dia logue' la rather racy ajud perhap? it's too long, but' I eould boil it daw,n., "Yes,' replied the" doegusted : criHc, "if yon expect the public to wallaw this, by all means boil ." fnuaaet phia Press. "' Mr. Fastset ' (with Extra! ! !) Sensational cflopement! ;WelL ;whjat do you think of that? Young. Gala; has run off with his father's stenographer! Mrs. Fastset Heavens! Why, Ull break the poor old man's heart. Mr. Fastset Oh. I dont know. There ore hist as orettr stenographers In the employment agency as over ' were hired. Puck. - EASILY DECIDED. 1 -r . This Question Should be Answered Easily by Wilmington People. Which is wiser to have confidence In the opinions of your fellow-citi2ens, of people you Know, or aepeno. on statements made by .utter strangers residing In far-away places? Read the following: . H Cronenberg, photographer, of 119 1-2 Market street, Wllmflngton, N. C. s Ays: T csed Doan's Ointment and It did Its work promptly' and per manently. I had a rash ail over me, and no one knows how I suffered. It was like belnf In the infernal region and I could get no relief. I did not dare ecratoa because that made it worse, I tried everything but only to be disappointed. Some one told me about Doan's Ointment and I pro cured a box at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. I went home and applied some of the ointment, and I can say that it brought the first relief I had had for a long time. I can only add that it Is a preparation of great merit." For sale by all deares. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New. York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. To Convert Merchandise Into Money. Our leaders are requested to take notice that tho C. W. Polrogt Com pany -will hold their annual inventory sale, beginning Monday, July 1st, for ten days. The store is 'being decorat ed for this great sale. Extra sales people will be employed to wait on the crowds. Besides the reductions on all merchandise they will give dou ble t trading stamps for all cash pur chases. Bargain like these below should attract great crowds. Found stored away: Ladies $6 Linen Eton Suits will be sold for $3.50 a suit. $4 Black and White Silk Waists to be sold for $2.25. Linen center pieces for 10, 15, 25 and 50 cents. These are worth double the price. Mrs. WinsloWs Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 years bv mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, ft soothes the child, softens the -gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little snlferer Im mediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents bottle. Be sure, and ask for Mrs. Wlnslows Soothing Syrup, and take no other. GUARANTEED UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, JUNE 30TII. 1906, SERIAL NUMBER 1098. tuthsa-tf Remarkable Rescue. That truth is stranger than fiction has once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora. Tenn.. the residence of C. V. Penner. He writes: "I was In bed. entirely disabled witn hemorrhages of the lungs and throat, Doctors failed to heln me. and all hope had fled, when' I ' began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, men in stant relief came. The coughing soon ceased: the bledlni? diminished raDld- ly, and In three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 50c and $1.00 at R, R. Bellamy's drug store. Trial bot tie free. WHY 18 8UGAR 8WEETT If sugar did not dissolve in the mouth you could not taste the sweet? GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but yon do not taste the bitter because the Ingredients do not dis solve in the mouth, but do dissolve readily in the acids of the stomach. Is Jutft as good for Grown People as. for Children, The First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic The Standard for 30 years. Price 50 cents. cumts mm turns ski jCOliLAR. 4 ,, -1 . f) n - ! ' wanted: - Large Quantity BLAGEflBEimiES, ? V IN CRATEOc Sol. Bear & Co. PR0DUCER3 0F NATIVE WINES. 7, and 0 Chetnut Street,' , Wllmlncton. N. C yune uz . Attend . PdvogtSr JivemCory Sale Arrow I tm wr lint ra Mim Monday; Goods must be sold In, ten days, v . ' ' 'v'"' " i v -1 1 n i : i or f ..... - ty-4M:;: - -:rZ$i; mmmmm USeashore K3 Under the management of the ttlnton Bros. ,fo the past eight years, will open the season June 5th, 1907. ' ' V i v The Hotel has'heen thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Music tne entire season by Professor Weber's Celebrated Orchestra, of Memphis,; Tenn. Hotel lighted by electricity. No malaria, no mosquitoes, no flies; Artesian water. No more delightful resort on the Atlantic Coast. For de scriptive booklet, rates, etc, address E. L. HIIMTOIM, Manager, WrlghtsviUo. N.IC. may 19 tf VIA! AIR LINE it Mi LINE TO Hampton Roads E2IPS0D April 26tli to Nov. 30th, 1907. SPECIAL LOW RATES FROM lUimi. Round trip season tickets - - 0120 Kouna trip tiU-day ucucts - - - - 10.45 X Round trip 10-day tickets - - - c9S Round trip coach excursion Us-; Coach excursion rate sold day prior to opening date and on each:Tt!& day thereafter, limited seven days and endorsed "Not Good In 8leeDlnnv ."mn. SSfZ. !w "''"W '? April ,19th;; andS vim HMMI bllllQ Vf .. K-UBIhlWn. ' y - For rate from other points, apply reoreeentatlvea named .bow, ' Onojicolled Pa Via Seaboard Mr Watch for Announcement ef Improved cheduies. - V , 1 For Information and Lltoraturo Addreea . m City .Ticket AgenL . , WILMINGTON, Ni C, men 24-iz - Roacl Step LUuGQinioG CI ?r nr Slide. Unt itet Tv'.'.te The happiest -snapp Ginger Snaps ever laiown in Gingerdlle. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY RAILWAY. NOIFOLIX 4- r- r A Norf ollf , Va. - : . . . ' -V1- to your nearest Seaboard aaent, --.. . : y -,..r- or ' v w C. H. CATTIS; Traveling Passenger Agent, ;?. . RALEIGH, N.C Line RmMav ;C'" r- r 2 Indruold,, Axnltite, Tar an, ;aeathlng Paper, Cypress Btln.'8lzes.v. Plaster Vlrgtaia vWobd ' Fibre, LimQ Planter Bavis, Portland and Ros. in3ale' Cement Fire 7Briclc and Oak and Pine Wood delivered prozrmtly, ; THORPE S CO. Ja 7 Hling ami R3confs Systems, 1 : loose Leaf Devices. Toe Fox Typewriter; - Blank Books, Etc. R. C. DeRosset, Bookseller land Statiofer. f0 23rtf liefresli ingtSommer Drinks oittMies most delldous Savor (San be made of our California Wines as a , tioid''.to;'3Meaat7'.of it all Is thaV tlio jcpst wiu ba tiding. For ramuy use v these "wlnea ar unsurpassed. A bottle of Claret, Rhinewlne and Sher ry! all three for "One Dollar," at ATLANTIC CAFE I Opposite A. C L. Depot. Gl ESC HEN BROS PROPRIETORS. ? North Carolina. New Hanover County. William J. Brown vs. William McD. ?rown and George H. Brown, his Is an action brought by the plaintiff before the Clerk of the Supe rior Conrt of New Hanover County, for the "purpose of selling two lots of land in the city of Wilmington, one, part-of. Lot -4 and 5, Block 224, and the other,: part of Lot 1, Block zju, more ; particularly described in the- rniriTilalnt thf s dav filed. And it be ing made to appear that the said de fendants are non-resiaenis oi w State and cannot after due diligence be found, in this State, and they are necessary parties to this action; Now, the - said defendants are hereby noti fied, to be and appear before the ClerK rf tho RrftwxrlAi. Hnrt nf New umr wr' rvn-nfv of fht rvmrt House lnj Wilmington, onlthe 18th day or jw 1907, and answer or demur to the saw comnlaint now on file In this office. or judgment wUl be granted agattuj them ucrding to the prayer ot complaint. - , K-m JNO. D. TAILin, Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County. jun SMwlrar : ' c Lamb Nice? Beef, Veal, Poric- and EveryQiino Gcod at llic Palace Mar '.v.s.jj'rt;. ket. Pooe . No. 72. Quick Ddivery edtneveling Public at greatly Suppli Dressed Chicken ddjqed prices at the. wv rnBl PC r vtUKHY-UUVRL r , - WH1TEVILLE, N. C. Po; paicular, can t the FORMY-DUVAL HOTEl One Wocfc North of tfce Mm ill () , Ii ,in ', ... l.Mt.r fatty Mm m mm f-;:;; V.V ; !' N n. Read The Star, Business Locals. i -