$ - i Jv err : - ' the lidiiHma stab; Wilmington, attrday, junb. 29, :a&07; PAGE TTfRTTTT 4 , It' . ! ! I.I i i III ' in Warm WeafiEner .aDiuie: TO OS 1 ... . PI II Ok D Big MILLINERY. AH Trto:J IUts rrtawi 4 , .j.U Ciller. WM C DiACX. s-c He Lai! Sailor 35 CiUira" SHcr ... .50c 25c WHITE PARACO-S. 12.00 P.irxsol . I1.TS r-WTtsolj . 11.25 rarxiou jlt rarxsola . .Il-SS .11.33 ..75c COLORED LAWNS. Or U-c CoIorM Lawn Oar 12 12c Colored Lawn .. Car l'V CcJori Lawn Oar 5c ColortnJ Lawn ...10c .....9c .7 1-2C ....6c WHITE SLIPPERS. Children' White. Plak and Blue Sllrrr. 7c 85c and IL0O. Ladles' White Canroi Oxfords, ILiS niaM now 11.00. a ' BATHINQ SUITS. . for uaiM, uoy, Men and CJrlt, Men's Sulta ......65c IL25 Balh Sulta 9So SL50 Bath Salta $L19 12,00 Bath Salta $i.&9 1X00 Bath Solta 1X25 All SU-- BOY8' WASH SUITS, In Maalln. Brtrsrn and Plain Matoe, Whlto and Colors. 12.00 kind SL75 kind $1.50 kind 11.2 kind 11.00 .kind 'Oki 1L7S 11.50 $15 11.00 69c LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Nicety Trimmed 1L25 roll Elra Gowna Sc 11.25 Fnll SUo Chemise 98c L25 Pnll Sli Skirt 98c J 1-2 5 All .Sixes Corset Corera ..98c 115 All Sizes Drawers 98c Se our Line of Muslin Underwear. Special Txluea In Trunks, Grips, Cases and Baca this week. Te Majestic NeUre Shirts for Men In white and colors $1.00 and tl-Sfc 212-212-214 North Front Street GEORGE O. Q&YLORB, '".';,.'':-,. .Ted Beginning."' nr. ...'- : The new assistant rector .was trying to Impress upon the mind of bis yovns son the difference between bis own po sltioiwand that of bis superior. MNowt Tod, be ended, -'I.; want youtO:re xneniber.to be very polltefn the "rector. We , are strangers, and. I "am only ; tbo assistant, , It becomes Kns to be ex tremely courteous. Some 'day perhaps I shall be rector myself" . . The next day; the boy, was walking with his father when they met the dlg nlfied rector. . . v " "IleUof promptly bcgTcd. .rPopfs been tcUIn'me 'bout you bnv yoo'ro the real thlnr. an he's. ust the" hired man an we got to knuckle under! But some day be may be It himself, . an then you'll seer Chick mi Obtlnaey. Jl Dolice court story which Is said to Illustrate "the Indifference tf the aver age chicken to good; advice was told recently at Kingston, England, when a carter was charged with 'stealing a fowL 1 am guilty of stealing the fowl admitted the prisoner. "It was eating the corn out of my horse's nose 'bag. and I saftl to It; If yeu don't go away, rjl make you,' and struck It with the whip. When I saw It was dead,I put It In the wagon. I dldnt know who owned if VI Judge It was the chicken's fault," remarked the prosecutor, "and 111 not press the charge against the man. - Luk. Lac, means rising at 0 o'clock in the morning,' living on a dollar a day If you earn two, minding your own busi ness and not, meddling with other peo ple's. Luck means appointments you haw never failed to keep, trains you have never failed to catch. Luck rrei" trusting In God and In your own irsourcesi Exchange. THE DEATH CHAIR. Hoping Hr Out. Mla reppcry No, be didn't like your eyebrows. He said they were too black. Miss ram tier The Ideal Miss Xeppery However, I assured him they were not as black as they were paint ed. Philadelphia Inquirer. Department Store. Lea J-m 23 tf n vlil. no Read Star Busines Locals The good man prolongs his life. To be able to enjoy one's past life la to lire twice. Martial Her Self Control. There's one thing I will say," re marked Mr. Millions, "and that Is that my daughter, Arabella, has a fine dis position." Indeedr "Yes. sir. The'rsray she can listen for hours to her own playing on the violin shows remarkable self control." Accounted For. The biby's awful Ikild.' said Mabel. "Yes: they iou:c IkiM purpose. If they hml-iiir t'-oy'd i u!l it all out, mu then r U tfnr hair v orM l-o ivastod Haw. It; Feels Whsnthe KiUing' l V;,.4reirit;U .Turned. On. ' I He. waited a second ox an agel Then suddenly it seemed as if. he must leap from the chair, bia: body was swelling to some monsiyonsyv impossible, Inhu man shape; his'muscles were stretch ed, mililona of , hot. and dreadful neer dies were pleicmg and pxicidng-hlm, a stupendous - roorhjg '. was in " his . ears then, a million 'ceJora--oolors ho had never seen wor, ftnagjncd 1 before, colors no one had ever seen oV imagined, col ors, beyont thjer range of the spectrum, new undiscovered, summoned Dy some mysterious agency frtrm distant cor ners of the' mrfrse played before bis eyes. Suddenly, they were shattered by. a terrific explosion in his brain tfien darkness. But, no; there was still sensation. A dull purple coibr slowly spread before Mm,, gradually grrr lighter, expanded and wth a mighty pain he; smuggled, groping his way; in torture 2nd tor ment over fearful obstacles from some far distance remote as "black stars in the cold abyss. of the universe. Efe struggled back to kfe, then an appall-' lng confusion, a gra"5p . of conscious ness; be' heard the ticking of tbo two watches. Then through bis brain there lowly trickled a thread of thought that SQufrmed and glowed like a white hot wire. A fBixft grooo escaped the palp lips bekw the black leather .mask; a tremor ran through the form In the chair; there It relaxed and was still. Its all over. Thofdoctor rifting bis fingers from Archie's wrist, tried to smile find wiped the perspiration from his face with a handkerchief. From Brand . WhlGbck's "The Turn of the Balance." A Hypothetical Question. "Miss de Smyth e," began the young man, "I want to ask you a hypothetical Question." The girl nodded assent. "If a young man of good family and sound health 'and an assured income of,$5,000 were to meet the most charm ing of girls and feed her Ice cream fox a year; if she had a complexion like a rose, hair a crown of gulden glory, the hand of a fairy, the bearing of a queen; If she knew bow not to play the piano) was versed in cooking, compe tent to superintend a home; and If the young man, auspiciously catching the young girl alone, were to murmur into her ear of pearL "Will you marry me?' what. In your estimation, would be her condition of mind and what her an swer?" "While not an expert alienist," re sponded the girl coyly, '"I think she'd believe him a chump for being so slow, but she'd say 'Yes.' " With the preliminaries thus settled, the naming of the day was a simple xmrifer.vFhiladelpbia Ledger. 0. iillllil .and surplus (A Has been the. actual gain, in "assets: of this bank gan business,; eighteen months - ago capital $300,000.00 not . included. , $800,000.00 now. Invested. in. good, loans.- $250,OOO.o6;?iS'l.2ri government. bondar; but no other bonds or stocks of any dis-. cription included "In our assets. .C. v " "v-" - S-r-X-r-rl Ample facnitiea to provide for new accounts. No loans de- &' clined for lack of funds--4f 'we haven't the nloney we have lM strong connections through ivrtiich to obtain plenty and uo ; not hesitate to borrow when necessary to meet the legrtl-' w mate requirements of our customers. . A BANK FOR ALL PEOPLB Th Southern EYIaiional Bank r .1. VI ...-... . . . . . . OIL STORES 1 OIL STOVES !' c. .... ::. New Perfection Nick - Stoves, The best cookers on earth. The newest styles., 2 Burner . . . . . . $700 3 Burner .. . . . .$9.00 Order by mail. i M. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. jju25-tf. MONDAY, JULY 1st, Is the beginning of our regular INTEREST QUARTER. Deposits, made on or before Tuesday, July 2nd, will receive credit for three months inter est October 1st. TOUR BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. V " The Peoples' Savings Bank, Orton Hotel Building. Branch 704 North Fourth St. H. C. McQueen, President; M. J. Cor belt, V. President; F. W. Dick, Cashier Jun 23 tf ' Read Star Business Locals. 3 l2IpSDfiDrD rum AT THE EXPENSE OF Trips and tlloney Towards Expenses Offered Upon Unprecedented Vermy to all in North Carolina who will do a Little Easy Work for I THE MORNING STAR. eadl PBOPOSTTION 1 For prepaid new snbscriptioni to the amount of $125.00, a ten-day round trip and $35.00 in cash. PBOPOSmONS For. prepaid aevr subscriptions to the amount of $125.00, a fifteen-day round trip ticket and $3000 in cash. ' PBOPOSTTION For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $100.00, a ten-day round trip ticket and $25.00 in cash. PBOPOSTTION 4-i For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $100.00, a fifteen-day round trip ticket and $20.00 in cash. PBOPOSTTION 5 For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $80.00, a. ten-day round trip ticket and $20-00 in cash V PBOPOSTTION 6 For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $80.00, a fifteen-day round trip ticket and $15.00 in cash. PBOPOSmN 7 For prepaid new subscriptions, to the amount of $65.00, a 'ten-day round trip ticket and $15.00 in cash . PBOPOSTTION 8 For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $65.00, a fif teenday round" trip ticket and $10.00 in cash. . 3Tlhie leewards: PBOPOSTTION 9 For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of a ten-day round trip ticket and $8:00 in cash-' PBOPOSTTION 10 A For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of $50.00, a fif teenday. round ticket and $5.00 in cash. ' PBOPOSTTION 11 For prepaid new subscriptions ,to the amount of $40.00, a free ticket from your home to the Jamoetown Exoosition and return. RULES GOVERNING THE CONTEST. READ THEM CAREFULLY: A. All subscriptions must be received at the regular published rate. So discounts or commussions whatever will be allowed. B. No rabscriptionj will be received for a Jess time than three xnontb . . C Every subscription' sent In under thij offer must be a bone-fide new moscxiptlon to The Morning: v Star. No etheri will be received, ana a carefni investigation will bo made to determine whether or not the name sent in is a new subscriber. D. Cash must accompany all orders. E. All that is necessary to win any of the trips enumer ated above is that the subscriptions sent M stall aggregate the amounts named. Orders need not be for -yearly sub scriptions only. In securing subscriptions jtho following . ratio may be observed : Two six-months inscriptions $ are equivalent to one yearly subscription; four three months' . subscriptions are equivalent to one yearly" subscription. F: The names of new subscribers, and the amounts col lected, should be sent in as soon as obtained Beceipts w31 be forwarded to the subscribers at once, and the amount placed to the credit of the contestant. i-'l.LV.-V' G. This exceptional offer will , remain open to all un til September 1, 1907. rlf you get to work at once there is lime a plenty for you ;to secure one" of .the best trips. Xou may visit the Exposition ay,., time you pleasev y INFORMATION AS TO TICKETS. Subscription Ratos PosMwfy In Advance. BY MAIL. Otoe Tear. 15.00 Bix Months ....... ZXQ Three Months .J. ; 1 15 TO CITY 8UBSCB1BERS. One Tecr. , $5.40 Btx Mostns 2.70 Tnree Montns ....... ,15 No nla1ptlonj reoetred . csder Vkia effer for lss tnsn tnroo contns. nrtoon-dxy " round trip tickets hon ored on Pullman Cars are now oo sal Tory day by all the Bailroada. . Ten-day coach excursion tickets will Ve on ealo Tuesday of each .week on and after tn opening ot : tlo Expos! - V-. 7. .tios. ' Subscription Ratco ; PosJthrely In Advance. One' Tear.. .... . .'..-.:v.-. ..$5.09 - Six Montns.;. . 20 " Tiiree C Months ... i :T:zi? : X 23 ;;.vTOCITYUB8CRmEIia.", '6n'?Tear-il;S;- Six " Months. . .".V.W-.-..V.-:. 2.79 Three - Months.i:;:;i---.' ':XO xms one- wr uos nuui uuro uwuhw .; - c i CI For Any Further Information, Address. THE . MORNING , STAR, Wmmgton,j N.' C. " i'- f .! ' :'Ki;j! : .::-:::f.rv i-'iVi-.Iri'Vj- '. !"tJ:;,'.;v:!;;'';r:V!;,i!';v'!-',- 1: Wte. '!V:L -' .ft. i1"' w- V- - ;. fviia. , v i I ' V.' .' . -- , :y& ' V::-",: ' .. -:K;:y z.y,::y . " yy'Z JP' . ' .";'.'-.4.Tt:vi'v?!vi- ; r yyyyS 'f . V, J. .... 0. J'hVv, '. ." - y.l''ylyr?-sy.y- 'i'. :' i. el'tV ''1 '' yyy v.gt-y ' y.h '..'.-v.r.f ";. y? C'J-.".. --"S- ' . '.' J : -xfx".o.-.:?a-

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