i THE IIOEimfG BTAE, WllJin? GTON, . SATURDAY, , JUJfE 29, 1907. PAGE FIV: 4 ' OETTCR CROPSrTELP BUSINESS NEW YORK WITHOUT . ICE. .i tM4.rtat Ir4rvllvl0rtvin Of Dcllvcrv Winoni en'fiMIra No LitUo. I for More Pay. ' Doctor's Invention and What m XCtrm to Morning BUT.) " I CJr Wire to thV Moraine- Rr.l ! 11 Accomplished. York. Jon IS, R, G. Dsa 61 New York- Juan 23. FiftMi htm. I What did Argand do for the lamDf Wkty Review of Trad tosw dred to two thcaisand drivers of the j Examine an ordinary lamp la which to cured men and women who have row wU ay: . Dellrcry Wagons of tho American Xco coal oil U burned. The chimney pro- I standing that will bear Investigation. 14 w r w mm mm.mw tvuaj m i iw, m urn 1(VUI DUUUCU, KUSU JM ARGAND LAMPS. It has been demonstrated that the Keeley Treatment positively and per manently, cures, the drink and drug addictions. ."Also neurastenla or nerve exhaustion and the tobacco hab it. The management can . refer von rvrejoonc! ta dutmoJaa of eajooJ enforce a demand for extra pay .for wind and also creates a draft of air tMU Arf D VOTtlCTI Cm Blf G for vonstaraS diachArKAsJaflunmations. irritUM or nl",r.tioo kf naooii membra&as. Pai . twI not mmt wi n- ICEvmCHEXSUlCO. cent or poiooBov. " CJWJ1UT1,0J 1 Sold by XroccJf rrchAidlJ fi the mJacl extra work. The dcpoU of the com- host the fire chimney creates a draftl " Tof intrt tn and -tolo. rival waa renUy awalTed pSTfthrcta of rau and Wlater tanda of hotel i. - re tauranU. oda!,M . chimney and . varr encctsaoa Hare araln I foontalna and othir nlim whr yi ' w "M vu tca mxwuu .4 Mh IraAa atm rr!TiItrrrr i drink im ncnaT! rflrwni which air mar pass upward and find raM diactrinct of the crri beia I hardly a waxoa of the Amerlcaa Ice to the wick. Notice further V .n FirP&.PdVPiZ Ttrti for rood ta oxnnrercial de Company waa mored. The wagea of that as thla draft of air paasee upward yu i.eo.tboti$3.75 I .m. LtJ tSAchlntrr la Idle I the drivers hard Utelr Inn-MiMl It la so directed that wbon tho lmn ! '- " .5au I ta th tf-adta tadastrkr, except where from 114 to 116 per week, but they burning an extra quantity of air plays rrrir fa!" latmere. uaiia-iaecit.ro mat they are often , required J directly upon, the .wick. .Before Argand trve otratJiri are Urgts. althoca leeaito work for hours without extra pay. line wirk wdTi no unnnir' of ir ea cootapiated owing to flnancUlland that the o racial of the company fcow nottce-nd this Is verr lmoortant ... ft. ' I MFHOA -. - MW k a A I O1- ..... . !.'C4-vy iioiuio nrprescuia- that the wick of onr notWn kmn ii IacrvLMd dnand of finished steel I Uvea of their union. President .Olear, Hmm - 1LI rmmm a raakttf tt raort dlScult ror the of the American Ice Company, said "t.?' "TZ arnw f th cstocaary sa- today that It the strikers-do not re- f4 opon both sides of the ocabt shut down for repels) and in- turn to work by tomorrow their places 11x111 wtck and bcrns 11 wlttront making MARK TWAIN'S STOGIES. ntrri- weu iuei' oruer -oooics i wvu -oe nuea. und tsportxmate enstotnera seoktag prompt deliveries wUl xnoke the sto rm of Wtanctsa xunro brief than ever trnr It ta tccstble, but not proba- bl tn rsding labor disputes may Tho Effoct Thoy Prod u cod on tho Aftor rtxioo activity. Many wage acalee Dinnor Fostivitloo. hare bn signed end there is little One night at the Hartford Monday nr.trcrreray rogardinc those etSll mx- Evening dub meeting George, our col- JL nr. r,fr ored buUer. came to me when the sup- TxUIe plants oontinrc to prodoce , f rfH. much business being already nearly over, and I noticed that under contract, but orders exe light at be was pale. Normally his complexion this ttoe owing to stock, taking by waa a clear black and very handsome,, jobbers. From reports thus far avail- but now it had modified to old amber." able it is evident that supplies ta sec- jje said: and hands are kw, the last few weeks $ir. ClemenV what are we going to of warm weather fcarring exerted a do- There Is not a cigar In the house tanet alutory influence. .t tho9Q long njnes Varlauoiiaof large .size in Je cost Cant smoke them but you!, of raw material xxave zao influence on , , ? ... . . , . nxto goods nor is the attitude of k , a? thlrtJ. yardf; !f to the buyer indent. The rWnr fac- fate to telepbone-we couldn't get any tor is the extent to which the mills cigars out from town what can we are sold ahead, supplemented by some doV Ain't it'best to say nothing and curtailment of production because of let on that we didn't think?" the scarcity of labor. Better conditions "No" I said, "that would not be ia China give aa Improved tone to the honest. Fetch out the long nines, export division, but there is little ta- which he did. QtAry. I had Just come across those "long Progress Is slow In the market for nines? a few days or a week before, woolens, orders being confined to sam- t seen a long nine for years. pl pieces in most lines that have been vhen j waa a cu5 pUot on the Mis opwd. Drts goods for next Spring .p the late fifties I had had a that haro been opened. Dress goods fir next Spring attract lltUo atten I smoke. Smeke Is simply half burned particles (soot) of a burning substance. The particles pass off half burned be cause enougn air nas not been sup- ! plied. Now Argand. by making the wick thin and by causing plenty of air to rush into the came, thereby caused It to bum with a white flame. After the Invention of 'Argand the art of lamp making. lmprovedby leaps and by bounds. More progress was made in twenty years after 1783 than had been made in twenty centuries be fore. New burners were invented, new and better oils were used and better wicks made, but all the new kinds of lamps were patterned after the ,T Ar gand. S. E. Forman In St Nicholas. HIS RULING PASSION. Just were not only to my mind perfect, but you could get a bafketful of them Coo, sales being confined to staples, a cent-or a dime. They didn't use cents out mere in xnoee oays. ch wnen I saw them advertised In Hartford I sent for a thousand at once. They,; came out to me In badly battered and .ncd d upscale Fall orders are light. FLURRY IN MONEY MARKET. Call Rites Went UpMo 12 Per Cent. disreputable looking old square paste- Stocks Depressed. (By Wire to the Morning Star.) New York. June 2S. The call mon ey market was further disturbed to day by preparations for the July set- tletnenu. Loans made at the Stock Kichac re today have to carry over until Monday. On Monday will begin the distribution of dividends and in terest to an amount estimated at board boxes, 200 in a box. George brought a box, which was caved In on all sides, looking the worst It could, and began to pass them around. The conversation had been brilliantly ani mated up to that moment, but now a frost fell upon the company that Is to say. not all of a sudden, but the frost fell noon each man as he took up a SllO.0. Such was the course of cigar ana neia it poisea in me ur-aau reccing which prompted the pursuit there. In the middle, his sentence broke of the early operations In stock today off. That kind of thing went on all until the fallnre of New York City around the table until when George bond oSering threw a damper on en- had completed his crime the whole thaslasm. It Is said that much of this olace was full of a thick, solemnity and 11S3.000.000 will find Its way back I .inc into stocks for re-ln vestment. It Is said also that the money market will subside Into easier conditions soon af tr the turn of the month. Call loans touched 12 per cent, to day. What may happen when the rate for call loans subsides again Is aa unsettled question. There were further uloomy reports on crop pros pects from the same source as caused yesterday's jump in the wheat mar- Tbose men began to light the cigars. Tier. Dr. Parker was the first man to tight. He took three or four heroic whiffs, then gave it up. He got up with the remark that he had to go to the bedside of a sick parishioner. He j started out Bar. D. Burton was the next man. He took only one whiff and followed Tarker. He furnished a DreTaxt. and you could see by the A Business Proposition That Failed of Success. There lived in Detroit a man who was the champion letter writer to the newspapers and to the heads of all public enterprises. One of his fads was to write every day to President Led yard of the Michigan Central railroad and tell Ledyard wherein he was fall ing In the conduct of his road. There waa a letter for Ledyard every morning. They annoyed him, and he sent for his general counsel one day and aid: "Russell, I'm getting tired of these, letters. I will give you $3,000 more a year if you will find that man and stop him for twelve months." inree tnousana aoiiars more a year appealed to Russell, and' he went out to find the letter writer. He found him and made a business proposition. "Now, see here," he said, "I want you to stop writing letters to Mr. Ledyard. If you will quit for a year I will give you ILGOO." The letter writer consented gladly. Things went along swimmingly for eleven .months. Ledyard was happy, and Russell was happy. Then there was a wreck on the road. The letter writer could not resist the opportunity, and he wrote to Ledyard and told hUn what he thought about the road and Its president and its management Ledyard sent the letter to Russell with this Indorsement: 'This is where you lose $3,000. And It was. Satur day Evening Post CONG You can lay it yourself. It's not hard work and it doesn't take ling. After it's done, it's done for a long, long time. Storms won't hurt Congo Roofing, wind won't rip it, heat won't soften it or make it brittle. It can't rot, rust, corrode, creep or leak. It is the "Never-Leah Roofing." Write for sample. That will tell the story better than words. J. IV. lirtiiison 5 Co.' wm THE The Kind You Want For Little Folks and Big Folks, PETECSSOIK1 M M 202 North Front Street. jun-23 tf jun 26 tf ket and the late reaction In stocks, sound of his voice that he didn't think Absinth Foretold. A Paris paper publishes a letter from a correspondent who In the cause of temperance cites a great authority St John the Evangelist It is claimed that the Inspired writer proclaims absinth as a terrible scourge and foretells Its but both were comparatively. Indiffer ent to these forebodings today. much of the pretext and was vexed baneful powert in the eighth chapter of BASEBALL. American League, New York. 5: Washington. 16. I to ton. 4; Philadelphia, 3. SL Louis, 2: Chicago. 6. Detroit 2: Cleveland. 0. National League. Chicago. 1: Pittsburg. 3. Philadelphia. 5: New York. 3 ClncinnatiL Louis, bad weather. Brooklyn. 5: Boston. 3 (10 Innings). Virginia League, Roanoke-Norfolk, rain. Richmond. 2; Danville. 3 (8 Innings, rain). Portsmouth-Lynchburg, rain. Southern League. Birmingham. 4; Atlanta, 3. Sh re report 3; Memphis. 2, Uttle Rock. 4: New Orleans, Nxshville. 1: Montgomery. 6. Sec- pad came: Nashville. 5; Montgom ery. 2. South Atlantic League. Savannah. 1; Augusta, 2. Jacksonville. 0; Columbia, 2. Macon- Charleston, postponed, rain. REBATE ON YELLOW PINE. Southern Shippers Want $2,000,000 Back From Railroads. By Wire to The Morning Star.) Washington. June 23. -Scores of petitions were received today by the Inter state Commerce Commission de manding reparatory damages from the railroad companies In the southeast-! "rn territory on shipments of yellow tine lumber heretofore made. The with Parker for getting In ahead with a fictitious ailing client Rev. Mr. TwtcheU followed and said he had to go- now because he must take the mid night train for Boston. Boston was the first place that occurred to him, I suppose. It was only a quarter to 11 when they began to distribute pretexts. At ten minutes to 11 aU those people were out of the house. When nobody was left but George and me. I was cheer ful. I bad no compunctions of con science,- no griefs of any kind. But George was beyond speech because ho held the honor and credit of the family above his own. and he was ashamed that this smirch had been put upon it I told him to go to bed and try to sleep it off. I went to bed myself. At break fast In the morning when George was passing a cup of coffee I saw it trem ble In his hand. I knew by that sign that there was something on his mind. He brought the cup to me and asked impressively: "Mr. Clemens, how far la it from the front door to the upper gatef I said, "It Is a hundred and twenty five steps." He said. "Mr. Clemens, you can start at the front door, and you can go plumb to the upper gate and tread on one of them cigars every time." It wasn't true in detail, but In essen- tlals It was. Mark Twain's Autobiog raphy la North American Review. the book of Revelation, where we read In verses 10 and 11: "The third angel sounded a trumpet and a big star bright as a lamp fell from the sky on to the third part of the rivers and foun tains and water. This star Is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters were changed, and many men died of thirst because they were bit ter." Wormwood in the English au thorized version Is rendered "absinth" in the French translation of the New Testament I Was Mistaken. A lively writer has said " T was mis taken' are the three hardest -words to pronounce in the English language." Yet it seems but acknowledging that we are wiser than we were before to see our error and humbler than we were before to own It But so It Is, and Goldsmith observes that Frederick the Great did himself more honor by his Jetter to his senate stating that he had Just lost a great battle by his own fault than by an the victories he bad won. Perhaps our greatest perfection here is not to escape imperfections, but to see and acknowledge and lament and correct them. Jay. Peculiar Vienna Custom. The Viennese take their pleasures complainants In all of the cases are I M regularly as they do)thelr meals. inoer associations ana lumber aeai- but do not neglect business or rs. both individuals and .corpora- k ut Que thing perhaps Uons. In various Statrs of the SoutiL k Viennese I?fes iliS7 irati,?i of moderate means and economical with those already filed with the r. , . ... i-- . Commission, varying only in the 1 TjJ! amounts of reparation demanded, the fact that he must P to t tato These amounts cover a period of on rooms after 10 o clock. VVlen rears la shlpmenU of yellow pine and n Is one vast system of-apartment rary greatly, but It Is thought will houses, and a house master Is In aggregate nearly 12,000.000. The der- charge of tach one. At 10 o clock he ical force of the Commission Is locks the front door, and any one de swamped with the work of filing and siring to get in after that hour must docketing the complaints. pay for admittance, and the old resi dent has no more right to a key than the . ephemeral lodger. London Graph ic ' - . . The X-Ray apparatus, electrical A Fortunate Texan. Mr. EL W. Goocsoe. or 107 St Louis St, Dallas, Tex., says: "In the past year 1 hate become acquainted with apr. King's New Life Pills, and no baths and other scientific devices for JUve I ever before tried so effec- building up the run down system at taally clrposes of .malaria and bilious- the Greensboro Keeley Institute, are They dont grind nor gripe, for the exclusive use of patients uni c at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. Idergolas: treatment wefrsu Do Not 8tar at tho Officers. Army officers in uniform abound in foreign cities, and in Germany they resent being stared at by tourists, of ten assuming threatening attitudes in retaliation As the law permits them to shoot civilians on provocation. It is vlse'not to excite them. It Is well to remember that they do not feel obliged to turn out for pedestrians, even ladies. -Travel Magazine. I t I Learning tho Rules. little Elsie. Lefs play keeping house. I'll be the lady of the house. Little Margie And -what will I be? pLittie Elsie Oh, you'll be another lady tome to,caI! on me, andTU pretend to be glad to see you. Chicago News, w , ;. - -j-; ' Tho Drawback. .. .. Mrs. Meeker (at the play) I do .wish jrou'd pay more attention to this play. (George.; ifs as good as a sermon. Mr. Meeker (dozing) It ' certainly Is, my dear, but the darn orchestra, wakes me up between saV-Puclt. x One's, own thistle field la dearer to him than his nelghbor'a garden" of rcs German Proverb - x-iIU Ferris Hams and Squares Underwood's Deviled Ham. Libby Canned Meats and 63 Tongue. Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines. Shelled Walnuts, . Chocolate and Co coa. Sole Agents for Gillies' High Grade! Coffees and Teas. Fresh supply. CROW & TAYLOR. The C. W. PoOwocii Co.i "The Store That's Always Busy" We Are Getting Ready to Count Stocks; Overloaded ; Stocks are Going to Be Reduced. The smartest storekeeper that ever lived never succeeded In turnlnig . all the goods he owned into cash as often or rapidly as could be wished,, and so it is here; there are lots of. good things in nearly every Depart ment that ought to have been turned Into cash weeks ago, but they are-; here yet It will pay you to call this week. , Ladies' Coat Suits, prices cut almost in half. Ladies' White Lawn. , Shirt-Waists greatly reduced. $1.50 and $1.25 White Linene Skirts, special $1.00 each. 11c Ladies' Ribbed Vests special 10c each. Ten per cent dis- -count on Ladies' Gray Mixed Skirts. All Trimmed MUllinery at half price ; Carpets and Mattings laid free special this week. Remnants of Table Lin- en at a bargain. , r Large assortment of Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags. No charge for put-' ting your name on them when bought of us. The C. W. Polvogt Company- Agents for Home Journal Patterns and Gossjurd Corsets. jun 23 tf Phone 1052. ju25-tf Grocers. Wanted You Can Start a Savings Account! Customers to select a Hammock from the largest assortment In thi city. We have them suitable for the porch, lawn and beach. We Invite an inspection. We also carry a full line of Summer goods. SLOAN &, SWEENEY, 71- at this Bank by Depositing only 25 4 ..a.. tas2i Phone 332. cents, whereupon we give you a nice 130-132 Market St pass book and enter your deposit I therein. When you do this you start on the true road to wealth. Open an account today. Every girl and boy as well as older people should have a Bank Account Carolina Savings & Trust Co. We close at 1 P. M. Saturdays. Jun 23 tl In that Big White Building, Corner Front and Princess Streets. jun 15 tf TANS! TANS! TANS! ; V.- LOW CUT BEAUTIES ' In the Different widths, and sizes . Douglas Tans a specially. See our win dow. Then come in, and get your fit. RESPECTFULLY . MERGER & EVANS CO. All other kinds of Summer Foot Wear. Cheap But Good. agents for "shoes s ARRIVALS. Lynn Comfort Shoe, the best 1 1-2 Dollars House Shoe, Rubber HeeL the shoe for tender feet Suit Cases. A very large assortment of all kinds and prices from 1 1-2 Dollar to $15.00. Be sure and see our line before you buy. Also remember we have a suit for you and at the right price. The prettiest 14 Dollar Wash Tie all colors, 54 inches long. J. U. H. FUGHS, SOLE AGENT8 HOLEPROOF SOX. un 9 tf . - Ju 4 tf NEVER IDLE, ,MEVER OVER, ALWAYS BUSY. Will serve you day or night. Competent Workmen, Prompt Service, Charges as liberal as the wave of Prosperity will permit M&ke yaur wants known. We can take care of your business and Solicit same. Respectfully, ' ' . Cape Fear Machine Works, B. W. NEWKIRK, Foreman. apr 28 tf ; '-4 . . . Fddti The Jones House. Atkinson, N. C. ' . la Mw Opw? for th. Patroraf. of th PUbllfc ':. Board by, the .Day, Week i QrMonA Special Attention to riveinna ut . ; - Rates, Reasonable- , MRS. J. B. JONES, Prop. S. C. BUFF ORPINGTONS. For Purity, Size and Quality Unexcelled. Fresh, choice, carefully saved eggs, $1.00 for 15; $3.00 for 50. Six fine Cockerels from this flocks ; $2.00 each. .. . Eggs packed carefully, go safety by Express. , , - . J Eggs from pen. of solid Buff Birds, headed by fine Wm. Cook ; Cockerel, $3.00 per 15.' : - ' . : : , , . . HARDY & bRUDUK v . , Jeff rcos, Va. ; Refer to Wm. H. Bernard,' Editor the Wflmlngton Star. Locals Read Star Business They ve in rtnm - wff If 1 Am. Ml ?! IF!' 1 ft f .1 I' - . 1. 1

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