tttrti AV. JUNE .297 1907. TAGS EIGHT UNWRITTEN LAW IMPORTANT CASE IN LOVING TRIAL UNDER RATE LAW SUIT AGAINST UNCLE SAM ' i , I : 1 . PALMETTO STATE AT EXPOSITION Nwnart News Shipbuilding Com ny Suing for -Disputed Balance. - - ibt Wire to The Morning tsw.i - , w viv Va. June 28-Judge Wad- f to TTnltftd States Circuit Court, is hearing the- case of . the New 9 9 Company t I i " ' . I LV4 V A w " w s v Jndje' Bariaiale Allows Jury to American Bankers Association South Carolina Day Ctlebrnted lffre Consider It as Extenuating " Put Interstate Commission . With Brilliant Success at - 32?2S? 5?3 NGTIGE , Change in Snnday Freiflh gcherlalc on SuliiiPban Lind. Homicide. Onto Express Companies. Jamestown.' DEFENSE. WON THAT POINT COMPETING. WITH BANKS STATE HAS FINE EXHIBIT I vcccoVa urrentance. The I , I Li 1 LI tlliU VUO ivouv. m-. x I cvArnment is contesting the case on , thA fM-oimd that the work should haye &l I. . ii 2 -.1 n 1 Ann f hj 1 been aone unaer uie uu&iu.xi wcv-. not Invalidated by the acceptance. The case will be concluded tomorrow leave Beginnmg Sunday, "June. 30th, theSurban freight Car will M ' r J: aoavfltll':00 Al:Mf4Jastejad of -10:00 W wumingion uu oiv- 'lO.'vJ "5l lrcutJon Demanded InttructloM to 3 vera I Express, Companies Doing Banking Business Cheaper Than Banks and Are. Using Capital , Jury That Man Who Avenges His Own Wrongs It Guilty of Mardr Court Refused. of Banks to Do It. Ladles Served South Carolina Grown Tea to Visitors Editor Gonzales Makes Happy - Speech Gov ernor Ansel Speaks. .Riivs In life is acooniTWinJed by in crease of enemies. That's why timaa-. tor's Rooky Mountain Tea has so many, imttators: it's a success. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. Hlcis Bunmng urus Co. 'v - 9 11:00 A. M. Bj Wlr to th Mcmlaa? Stax.) Ilocctoo, Vsl. Jcae Argcnseat (Dy Wire to the lloraia BtarJ Waahlnrton. Jane 28. One of the (By Wire to The Morning Star.) Norfolk, Va., June 28. Two thou- Freight Depot will be open; Sundays: from 10:00 A. M. . Until l ri niinmrrr I nodi C la the tilil ct torzxr Joto WDIiaah201 important cases filed with the sand loyal sons of the Palmetto State, O I All DUdllllldO LUUHLO. n t r-rr V-w of ThfttVrfl I Inter-Sute Commerce Commission despite a drizzling rain that fell off tvl vu tcna iota this aftenMonuadr the new railroad rate law was and on throughout the day, loyally as- FOr RENT A laree store on North atcr a day aprctoy cocas! for both presniea 10 me ommiasion xoaay oy sisted Governor Martin F. Ansel and I Front street W. M. Cumming, iteai ja I m m v m I. if . I A v a a xJea ta tLe ptrparatlou cf tertroe- Anencaa mwuUU. Wj stan today In making South Caro-1 ticcA. and a rwranIe crrer Xhtm beAce pa brief the complainant alleges that hjna yjay at the Jamestown Exposl- jun28-2t 1 4 Specials for Tws n MM VV11 at . the expresa companies of the United L. " L LWJ ".L 2.50 X WUliiiiii-y-l! ... JTrf- th. cation ta? cuu common carriers, are usurp- . con8!8ted of an address bv Gov- tate. jjun 28-2t U riJr,VTr ,rfi rlK prerogaures or Dancing asso- AnRP, d,., hv p,,,," , 5,, I, - 4 t . 1 1 t rn rfl t thA am limfl. tre V "7 - I a TrcMTinw Vo i-wniorsi rT r- ! to a acW rasJoaa to subside. - r' 7Tth rnv nf e Tucker, or the Jamestown Ex-1 y ' r : rf; . ..t lfmnirv I " innclrfnn Pnmnanv rtnttlnn hv TTnn OUDa vduu. majwiimft. I Txe ftitknrfciT tnitructions toocr.fng Fu rh i tiire Sflo re . prvr "b.?A.V?k?JSS waiter Hazard, of South Carolina; I-.caOed tote JfOTer e club on thelJ , .v4' rifrrrr: and review in afternoon on course iaurw. --J ' out by :::,rr;: Lee Parade, and reception in the J; 5! l: -No man imdrr the pro- "UJ " " ww;i;Hrai t .hi evening to Governor Ansel at the VIr- IOCK- JWIHCeif Wii1 Ta, r law hii & rlrht to bo nos 19 seriously detrimental to the . . b1dl prizes offered in eadb class. Yachts r7 hu own wronjri- If IntresU of the banks and that the BDect"ular feature marred In must be entered with puirteer mot later A per or tia own wrang. u . if-oor-t fHi!ti anri ine spectacular reacure, marrea in . payatf9 A by tfu trorotkaQ torrttta lit" was strlckco tLo cocrt tret! aa of V T I of the mterSUte fadllUes and I - - - ItHan July 3rd. By order of Regatta Z LrS: ZiTTZin mn MnaiA , Ithe relations wb ch the express com-r . ,n :h aft'prnoon. vpll JOommlttee. John B. Peschau. purser. y thltSersld be rort; but be LT.Hto IHl the welkin ring when the Sec- Jf tJber of any oatcro wnaxsoc-rer no cas 1 r,T... .7T: mn,ui onJ outn uarouna uegiment swung MPW cpp.pc tj a t, Stock. The rrt to arthKnpt la the -,-5 JF uns "T1 -diIn the,r Mecnanio "toe Aslodatim is about tAr or ww. ico - -The l9 dieted against co?" fxefu"I!: to open its 34th series of B. & U stock. . .v . the Adams Express Company, the uw v f 4"s eT We are now prepared to make loans 126-128 PrincoGO Street. - - ---- i -V ' Iron Beds at $5.00, worth $6.50. Foldine Go-Carts at$2.25, worta $3.00. Oak Dressers, Bevel Mirror, at $6.50, worth IJ.50. 100 Woven w ire uots onjAjr. rlctt of the dtlxeo to become the ZZL. VV .hi composed of United States 23d " " HVv ITl Tnd subscri artsr c Us own wrono la a man- ' "Ar"T' Infantry. Second Regiment of South AH.tte. Nath- io resT ST Soilhem SipreTs tncky regiment National Guard. Clta Comny and the Great Northern Ex- f,el Academy Cadets, of South Caro yjiupuj wv wo Una; six companies of marines and the Uw. fca 00 piace la the criminal ciflc JfJ" .V Icrfrrrtjcjcnc of. Vlrl3c!a. Attflnaac? Doriel Ilarcaccx of Cfcar- JottwrrUIf, for the pnecutSDQ. and ,r"s . . r,v- a ..i.tinn sailors from United States warships, . i cVw. vA .1 The American Bankers AssodaUon I . tti o- JLv L assert that it is an association of 7.-1 . rix ttU aftemdoa. acd the court ad-1 y rrJlr " .VT r 7 7,,: aniel Jacobl, president; Walker Tay lor, vice president; W. M. Cumming, secretary and treasurer. ju 28 2t. WANTED Office position by expe rienced stenographer. References fur- nish4d. "SteajtoKranher." care Mc- Jocrsrd at 7 Cdfcck until tomorrow ower uiinga, e "f..nS the evening held at the Virginia ' csorclcc Messrs. Moore, Borlsdale "1 u7Tr . bulldlns;. through the courtesy of Gov- THE NEW SHAVING PARLOR, No and Leo will thca pak for the de- w .tntinn of ernor Claude A. Swanson. was one of 1 107 Market St., under management of few. and Crisootiwwilth' attorney 'u'v"" .t. iTu Vwod that the brilliant social events of the Ex- Mr. P. H. Evans (late of Orton) is Wood Dooldlo. of Halifax county, will l00! " JtiT I position period and was participated now open, and we wish you to call and eloe for the prcecoration. I; " XV 1. 1 In by Exposition officials. Virginia and I Inspect the neatest Shaving Parlor er tht Tmt- ?ir)nr him FNu ing in exchange, in every rorm a ous- xrn,i , vi n ti -v - - . v. - v w Mvnfr. I UfUk iiuiiuiMaua auu aiuij auu uavj vuu waul. tUIV uiiuk lii uui imc. ju Uica ua wci , 1 1 A . ... ' I ULUWTTt 0. I less od croa reflection" and that the de-function of banks; and that the .,. . .iki. defendants have encroached oh this u.iv - 4 niumio . . - kv. ice omciai eierasts oocurrea xmn at the time of the killing thus r" nev and trani auditorium building and xnakin the oZ murder In the first buying tllLTL 11 attended b(, hundreds of vlsltir , . . i ' nnn,i,i I resident South Carolinians. The ad- Co k I IUU3 CUUUUtUUK U KCUCIttl uucuiwm. I , . I -The dftfendantj he said. B h Tn p I r u aliped that th e d Besses were notable and were recehr--aff thAt wxfrnm r KpfrA I business. It Is aJJegea mat ine ae- , . : 7 . " f,. n, vmnAtln nnfalrlv and . S"- euuiaiiu. your coons ana me case is run or . . r i. i in a aiscrimmaiur; j "iiu gant and attractive furniture has been installed and white experienced work- The official exercises occurred in the 1 men will wait on you. Polite atten- were tion, a clean shave, a fine hair cut and visiting and pleasant massage. W. R. Morrison & t jun 27-6t dead tn the prime of life, called to banks and subJecUng them to undue hU tragic end without a word of prejuaice nu u.u.uu6. warnlcr. .wtthoct rrvparatiarx You the defendants, as common carriers are fcert to Cnd out who put him to are able to transport moneys and death. At fcts death he was engaged credits at a far lower rate than Is ta his caual occupation. He knew the Pld wb the banks In accompllsh defrcdant, and was acquainted with ,n this result, It is alleged further. hU hixh temper, but when the negro thc defendanU compel the banks to who was lia the car remarked 'Here make unnecessary shipments of mon exxocs Judice Lorttig. he was'os urn- e Ia Inter-State Commerce over the rascSuus of danjcw as the eld colored IInes of. thf express companies It Is can who made that remark. There la asserted also that In the ordinary no eTtdroc la this eos to rhow that course of their business the banks are jtnxax Est had bm guilty of any ced to cash express money orders WTonidcHtsj; ood yoa have no right and drafts without the charging of to baf ytur verdict on any assump- Interest, thus supplying the express tknthathe wasguuer. The Cnmon- companies the capital to compete wraith will Riven the right to with the banks In the transaction of indicate- htta. and every man stands their business. ta the ere. of the law totsoceat until It Is maintained that these facts K.f irnnmr.i n,'ir constitute a violation of the Inter- "The firt Informatloa regarding the State commerce act ana me compiain crmrfirJon of affair ia n.Unri tn har. ant association requests the Inter-! come to Jodje Loving between S and State Commerce Commission to issue 9 o'ctocSc ta lb morning aod the crime ch orders and to make such regula wtm committed between 3 and I tions as will prevent the defendant . rrVlrrk tha.t afTirrvon rx h nr companies in the future from violat ive time to reject and deliberate? tag the law and to make sdeh rules Jodjjir Loving got tn hi burgy and a afford the complainant ade- wlth Lia run arul his ammunition, went I quale protection against me aiiegea ia trarch of yotmr Kstn. coin to sev- unfair and discriminatory operations -ri rr-tv fwofrw trvmrinc Kim. a I of fhe emress comnanles. crrdlng xo the statezrect of the de- froant. toid to the magistrate and on the wttne stand here, he said T de ll be rut fly sooght hi life atd kiUed "Talk about will power, tier Is a reftsrraed drunkard who went for COAST LINE. IS HEARD. Long Arguments In Fight Against the 2 1-4-Cent Fare Act. IBy Wire to the Morning Star.) Ashevllle. N. C. June 2S. The case twelve years without xettlnjr on bt I of the Atlantic Coast Line stockhold- preea, a xnaa who served as a Judge er against me corporation uommis of hht ccumty with honor and distino sloners of North Carolina and the ofij- tico and who to at the head of a lance clau and directors of the company to catate. If there is a verdict cl at prevent the enforcement of the re- crsfttai I wJU alk the court to reqaeet you to specify if it ts based oa Insan ity, Why U this claim of lasanisr presented? My friends on the other eide nrast reorcnlze the force and strength cf the evidence that Is agaiost-the defendant." Aaorney Strode, who followed, bos cd his plea ahxxwt exclusively oa the tx written law. He said in part: rWe have come to you to present the case for the defeadant where we always beiieved it ahould be present od. la a court of Justice. We believe that the people of Halifax and Nelson coca ties cherish the same traditions and the same sentiments, , The heari t&ge of Virgialana ia common to ns aU. The fairest and best' trial of a xnaa Is before a Jury, endowed with simi hx and ?!ko posslcca .The con d'jjan of his mind cannot bo decided ro well as by a tribunal of. his own ccmtryraen. The first, principle of law l to rr3t ytxnT6lf ta the placo cf that taaa who is before Crou for trial. The Cbrrrrjxiwcalth doannda the Iffe of-the defendant and tor what? I do xxi. underesthxate life, but there .13 rrcething tweeter to all VlrglnlacsT tha heroes and tho parity df our worn ea. We hare written la oar laws that If a xnan attempts to assault one of our daajhters he has forfeMM his life. Too, penCctrca of the Jary, have noth ing to do with tho troth or the falsity dC tho story that Miss Loving told her father. His dan2.trr wtj his duced rates enactment of the North Carolina Legislature, begun in the United States Circuit Court before Judge J. C Pritchard today. Victor 8. Bryant, of Durham, of counsel for the defendants, made the opening ar gument and was followed by Wm. A. Glasgow, of Philadelphia, who spoke for the complainants. Both argu ments were along the lines of those presented .in the case of the South' era Railway against the commissioners. TriJe. He admits ho cdrrJ.-txl her boaaty cxd her - parity, v.":. - ho tMrd that this daa,-h'rr r-honvh- T.1 tdous by a young man to whose cour tesy -and chivalry she had been eo t rusted, he labored against his pas sions and remained awayi from the sight of young Estesuotil he beard the story of her ruin from her own lipe." Mr. Strode discussed Judge Loving's struggle against the whiskey habit. the buggy ride and the testimony of the insanity experts. He appealed to each Juror not to let ,4old Halifax go back oa that established precedent that one of our most cherished and best duticcr is the protection- of the honor and the virtue of our women." Judge. Lcrring occupied a seat Just behind his attorneys. At. his right sat his wife, together with her sister Mrs. Foster, of Richmond, and W. G. Loving, Jr., a son of the defendant. Occupying ' scats ia the court room were Sheriff M. K. Estes, of Nelson county, father of the man (killed by Judge Loving and two of the sheriff's arcs. Adley Estes, of St. Louis, and M. K.XstrsV Jr., of Lovirgstcc; and v.a P. Tar.?or, of Danville, brother- W. E. Gonzales, president of South Carolina Oommissdon to Jamestown Exposition, spoke in part as follows: "Our State may -be charged with Inconsistency in celebrating the land ing of the English at Jamestown three centuries ago, while at the same time glorying at the inhospltality of Colo nel William Moultrie ta the little fort of Palmetto logs to the advances of Sir Peter Parker on the 2Sth of June 1776. But it does not come within my province to harmonize the appar ent contradiction. The South Caroli na Commission must deal more with the present. In these times of peace we cannot Indulge In Boston tea par ties, or live entirely within the re flected halo of Moultrie or Sumter, but it is something to have the only tea gardens in America; it is more to be endeavoring by precept and example to elevate the standard of our citizen ship." Mr. Gonzales deplored the fact that South Carolina is without a building at the exposition and thanked Gov ernor Swanson for the (use of the Vir ginia State building, where he said the 'South Carolina Commission had violated a time-honored tradition by inviting the Governor of South Caro lina and the Governor of North Car olina to "dink glasses of water." In referring to the South Carolina exhibit In the States' Exhibit Palace. zales said "If that which has been accomplish ed faee is gratifying to South Caro linians, if in viewing their State's first appearance at a great exposition they are given a larger conception of that State's resources and made to appre ciate more fuliji her industrial vic tories, if by the stlrrtng of their pride these eons and daughter are encoar aged to greater endeavor and achieve- menta, then the exhibit is Its Justifl cation and those that created it are rewarded.' Following the fcrScial ceremonies, the celebratiaa of the. day t was con trnroed at the South Carolina State exhibit in th States' Exhibit Palace, where the Palmetto State has an ex cepti anally fine exhibit of its products. oooupylng almost one entire side, of the Palace. South Carolina-raised tea was served to all callers, being poured NOTICE The undersigned will, un- the til Tuesday, July 2nd, 1907, at 12 the ! o clock M., receive bids ior the store fixtures, teams and effects of the late firm of Bremer & McMillan, proprie tors of the Elite Market. Property can be inspected at Elite Market and inventory of the same can be seen dt the store of the undersigned, No. 412 N. Front street. Sol Sternberger, Jr Assignee. jun27-th&su X y y y y y y y y y x y x y y i V.V A few Porch Settees at cost. A good porch rocker $1.50, worth $2.5vW uenire xaDies www ta.v. . v- 100 Mosquito Canopies the simplest .and best made. Can be used on either Iron or wood bed apd can be, changed frcm one to the other in one minute. . 0:J4 v SEE US .FOR BEST GOODS AT LOWEST THE WILMINGTON FURNITURE CO. ju25-tf ' ' . : :; '' ' ' K NEW MOILASES. Cargo new crop BARBADOS MO LASSESIMPORTED direct from tine ISLAND. EVERY PACKAGE GRADES HIGHilN QUALITY. We have an elegant line of PURE PORTO" RICO MOLASSES IN PUNCHEONS, BARRELS, AND HALF BARRELS. furnish Samples and quote prices. -. " , Shall be pleased to C. C Covington Company ROOMS - IN NORFOLK Mr. an Mrs. Paul M. Taylor have opened their home to visitors during the Exposi tion. Quiet home in best residence part of city, near car line. Rates $1 per day. Address Paul M. Taylor, 325 Raleigh Ave., Ghent, Norfolk, Va. jun 26 lm ex su. O, NO I Will not go a step unless you take me to Candycapps, I will take Strawberry-Johnnie Egg Flips; give me a dollar out the draw. No. 123 Princess street, Phone No. 343. j 25 tf WORTH BUILDING. jun 28 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. THE MAXWELL Potasfii and If Spda-- THE LADIES' CAR jane 14-tf NOTICE We have made applica tion to the Board of Aldermen and County Commissioners to retail liquors at northwest corner Thirteenth and Market streets. J. S. and J. A. West- brook, jun 25 3L by laldes of the official South Caro lina party and served by Japanese girls. : The. late afternoon programme in cludes a grand military review bv uovernor Ansel. The dayV celebration; was brought to a close tonight with an official. re ception by the South Carolina party. in the Virginia State Building when Gov ernor . Ansel and the South Carolina Commission had as their guests Gov ernor WTarfleJd, of. Maryland, Govern or Swanson, of Virginia, and Hon. Frank Oliver, Minister of the Interior for the Dominion of Canada. . Week-EndvDance Yonlaht at gay Lumlna.- Trains every hour. : . ' : -"' half Belts t Belts ! I Children's hatent Leather Belts only;' 5c ; at Rehder's Mill-end Sale. Monday. E; , Week-End Dane- Tninht-, at gay Luclna Tr :n3' everv half hour. - .. LOST At Alrlie on Wrightsvllle Sound, a lady's watch, studded with diamonds. A reward of twenty-five dollars will be paid for its delivery to Jos. H. Watters, No. 220 North Water Street. jun 25-6 WANTED Several hundred thou sand of short leaf sap pine ties. Will give the highest cash prices for them delivered to me In Wilmington, or F. O. B. cars on railroad. For further Information address or call on R. T. WIndley, agent for H. J. Spooner, Jr., Box 415, Wilmington, N. a Office 317 North Front StreeL Jun 23-6t A FEW DESIRABLE, well furnish ed, up-to-date , rooms to let by the day. week or month at reasonable ' rates. apply at Purcell House, jun 19 6L BRIGHT YOUNG man, about 15 years old, with good recommendation may. obtain employment by address ing, in own handwriting, Henry, care Star Office. jun 15-6t FOR RENT Store la The Garrell Building, southwest corner of Prin cess and ; Second - streets. Addiv to me in the building or phone 317. Jos. D." Smith, agent , may 12-tf I HEREBY make application to tho Board or comity .. Commissioners 1 of New Hanover County for a license to retail liquors at southeast corner of Fourth and Nixon streets. . J. D. Den nis. . , . . - 1unE-tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED and re liable , Wilmington : Pressing Club is still serving its. customers with its usual promptness and at moderate prices, r Clothes called for and deliv ered. r .v ; - mch 21-tf SPECIAL RATES. for board at thA Gilbert House, regular and v.v tahle board for Summer. Delightful rooms no mosquitoes. A."M. Gilbert. - Over tb ; Atlantic National Bank. Corner riuuw auu jtrmcess.j. ; mayzl-tf i ' V 'A NTE D To buy for cash, dweU- - iin lour to nve rooms and Mtch- ea Address with price and full de scription. "Buyer" care Star office. Ja 2 St ; ,. h- WE HAVE SOLD OUT THE PEAS, BUT HAVE PLENTY OF BUG-DEATH Which only needs a trial to prove Jts - efficiency in killing Potato Bugs, Cab- Dage worms, etc- with perfect safety. A full line of Groceries, Ume 'Hay and Grain. Get our Prices. THE VilH Cpi mayio-tf .; ": ':.;-'vt"- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Court Deeds Filed ' for" Rrrt . House Yesterday. ' filed for, record yesterday Deeds hwere: ; A. G. Ricaud.of New Vwt ujissioner, to Martha n -m,, ?o50, property on south nf ne. treei,-au ; ieer east of Seventh; vwis part oi jot i, block 26, -accord "5 M yiau or Wliminfirtnn. - . , - A- G. Warren and wife. tn TAnfo t Moore,, for $100 and "rithot. oivi wusmerauons. proDertv cm -nnrrh oi nurcn, 82 1-2 feet-east of Fourth steeet,41i66veet';tasize vMariOn S. Bell.' et. i tt, tS- t- i .... . A- - "r- r i yo.,.- sM&ivy, - ior $xuu property on south side of rvVooster street. 1 fppf ct of Eighth 66x75 feet in size, -t t ' . J FIVE MILES TO, SEA. v--.-.'-t.$ j Sunday c June : 30th. eine- leaves.- her K wharf at 11 A. M. Passengers can-, ret.nm rv Wilmington,' arivlng In city : at 7 P M. Fare 35 centa fm : ' Un9-lt" . "-' VT W. TTATrT7-T. - ? ' uoxu 863 Bags Muriate Potash. 519 Bags Nitrate Soda. 924 Bags 8-5-7 Guano. 891 Bags 8-2-10 Guano. 614 Bags 8-3-10 Guano. 999 Bags 8-2-2 Guano. 963 Bags Truckers Special. 721 Bags Kainit. , 469 $ags av S. MeaL 218 iBags Sulphate Potash. - it"'-. I- .: ,. . . 989 Bkgs 13 ; per cent Acid. 840 Bags C. SMeal Guano. 856 Bigs 16 per cent Acid. Prjc?es cheerfully given. ft If looped N. C 2U ? Jl '.ft ' r 'ii;" , " Trinity ?Park School pi- first-class ' preparatory iscvDertlcates of gradua y tfon Accepted tor entrance to leading Southern Colleges. Bestequipped preparatory school? in the;South. Faculty of ten officers, atid teachers. Cam ;pus of eyeQtyve acres. 4: Xibrary 'containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equip ped gyiinaslum. , . High stan- dards. Vand i, modern methods of instructloji. v ; :'Frtqifientf Lectures By Pronv inentpLecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. Seven Years ?pf Phenomenal Suecess. Forvtalogue"and other in . formation. address. .- fflptiORTHl Headmaster, H 1 t-" DURHAM, N. C. " un 2,7-8 wks Good mus g for ten days at roi- vogt'& AThe price will move cnem. Rehder'aMonday. Mill-end baae Think oj! getting 25 or 50 cents wortn (for ofnentv; . .. : , Read Star Business Locals. -w "