vAnn twa " " ' ; : V ?: :;;:';--"T''';i the MokNmoiiTAiL x5iijmTGT0N:TUESDAYt august-a-1907. ; I; vi- - vf rr - - T : r: a--:' :r-:t-Y; r f , K If?.-' I" r.; . Vi .ft- I, I- I - - V ' "... 1 Founded In 4867. WLIAM H. BERNARD. Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON. N. C. Entered aa second-class 'matter at the 'poetoQce at WUlmngton, N. juider the Act, of Congress of. March 1879. Tuesday, August 6, 1907. - A SAGACIOUS DARK HORSE. " It is pretty wel conceded that Gov pernor John A. Johnson, of Minneso ta, vas the strong dark horse which Col- Watterson, of the Louisville Courier-Journal suggested for the Democratic Presidential nomination next year. A whole lot of editors and political seers agree that Governor Johnson is a strong man, and among the eminent newspapers of the coun try to place a proper estmate upon the Minnesota gentleman is the Wash ington Post Says the Post: best posted men in this country on the question of navigation. He knows what the purposes of river and har bor improvement are aimed to accom plish, and he is doing as much-as any member in Congress to have this im portant matter placed before" the country in the light 'which the magnitude of its importance warrants. ALUMINUM CHEAPER: GET INSID E The trades papers of the country tell us that although the cost of ex tracting aluminum by electrolysis has been reduced from. $8 to less than 40 cents a pound, there is a. long-felt want for a cheaper process. Accord ing to .a London journal, that want is now met by a metnod which will make vast deposits of clay a source of boundless wealth and utility. In brief, the new process is this: "Ob tain aluminum carbide by heating kao lin and carbon in an electric furnace. Then heat the aluminum carbide with alumia (oxide of aluminum), whch will yield carbonic acid gas and pure metal." Now you know how to do it, go at L It is said that some of the great est clay deposits of the country are to be found in North Carolina. , CURRENT COMMENT. "This Gov. Johnson, supposed to be the 'dark horse' Col. Henry Watter son had in mind when he appealed to CoL William J. Bryan to play War wick, appears to De a man or very considerable political sagacity. En. an interview some days ago he ex pressed his opinions of men and things with a frankness that very nearly amounted to bluntness. Among other things he delivered himself of this: 'It seems to me that the slogan of -the Democratic party in the next campaign and in every scceeding cam paign until the question is settled, should be a revision of the tariff, and he adds that by revision he means 'a most thorough revision.' "The Democratic party gained deci sive victories on that very issue in 1SS2, in 1890, and in 1902. In 1888 it lost on that issue by the narrowest of margins only battle it has lost since the war when the tariff was paramount. And the woods are full of Democrats who think that tariff re form is the only issue that the Demo cratic party can tender in 1908 with the slightest hope of success. Indeed there are plenty of observing Demo crats who think their party had the (bixtleth Congress as good, as gained when a certain eloquent orator threw Into the balance the fad of govern: ment ownership. "Of and concerning that propagan da, Gov. Johnson says: 'I believe the government should do no business that can be done as well, or better, " by private individuals, and I do not think the time has yet arrived when There should be even a suggestion of government ownership of railroads.' and in that declaration Gov. Johnson is in accord with more than 90 per cent, of those members of the Demo cratic party who have the faintest conception of the principles of the party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Tl den. . "Gov. Johnson expresses a personal affection and unfeigned admiration for Mr. Bryan, but he is doubtful of fthe wisdom of his leadership and frankly says: 'I fear Mr. Bryan has too many isms to win the election.' He adds that if the Republicans should nominate a weak ticket not a Repub lican custom, by the way he thinks the Democrats could win with Judge George Gray heading their UckeL - "Gov. Johnson expressed these views before the more or less ab ject recantation of Mr. Bryan, which is tantatmount to the formal an ' nouncement of his candidature for a third nomination. With Mr. Bryan actively in the field, he will be a brave man, that would contest the primacy. with him. But there is a heap of plain sense in what Gov. Johnson says." Speaker Cannon's declaration that he cannot be a candidate for President will be merely regarded as a slight recoil by his enthusiastic boomers. ' Washington Past. Scientists claim that women need more sleep than men, but the average woman, would rather lose some" sleep than lose the chanjoe to lecture her husband when' he comes home late. Washington Post Greensboro is to have a fifty thou sand dollar Y M. C. A. .building. One generous man starts the ball with a $5,000 subscription but at present withholds his name. Raleigh News and Observer. "What does President Roosevelt think of the 'undesirable Jury' at Boise, Idaho?" asks the Wilmington N. C.) Star. If Editor Bernard really desires an answer to this query, he ought to send a stamped and address ed envelope to Oyster Bay and he should see that the envelope is made or asbestos. (Washington Post. Now possible to go all the way rrom ivjew York city to Lewistton, Me., by trolley, the final gap between Ken nebuk and New Beach, Me., having beea completed the last week. It is strange, some attention has not been given to a trolley line between New York city, and Albany. With the build-, ing of this it would not hA--TnTM n-nm there would be continuous1 trolley pas sage between Jfce metropolis and Chi cago. Mohawk Valley lines run to within a few miles cf , upper Hudson lines; Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo are practically connected; construc tion is going on between Buffalo and Erie, Pav, and west of Erie there are Your Friends and Neighbors In Wil mington Will Show-You-.-How.."! m Rubbing the' back won't cure back ache. - r- ; k . A liniment may relieve, . but can't Cure. r Backache comes from the inside from -the kidneys.- . Doan's Kidney Pills get Inside - They cure sick kidneys. Here is Wilmington proof that-this Is so: t J. A. White, formerly residing at 206 North Sixth street, Wilmington, N. C, says: "I 'have had great trouble with my back, right across the loins and when I sat still for a while I hard ly knew how to move, and whenIjiid you would think I was seventy-five: years old. There were pains alI over me and I could not tell where they were to strike me. I used liniments and lots of remedies, but nothing did me any permanent good until I pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills at 'Bellamy's i drug store and used them. They help ed me in a very short time and-seemed almost to oil up my joints; in fact, I have not had the pains since I used them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. . Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. - - ..-!- 1- I; --JV . - -IJI) IJtPII.Il " THE : IMPORTANCE OF PERFECT PURITY Do you know - that- the Pure Food Law -WAS MADE NECESSARY BX: THE , FftAGKANT IMITATIONS AND ADULTERATIONS OF STANDARD ' HIGH-GRADE ; AR TIC L E S ? S It was, and" whenever you drink.. Ginger Ale : you should insist upon seeing the Red Rock Crown or Label on the bottle. , This guaran ttees you a drink which , has' never t been ap proached for all-around health giving qualities, and as a special relief from all forms of in digestion. - . 4v HAS BEEN WITHDRAW From all fount btm) Twrtf Hnr bottled exclusively by THE RED ROCK COMPANYand jnrc ana quart Dottles, or 5c a giass from Red Rock and identify the bottle crown THE RED ROCK COMPANY v ATLANTA, GA Endorsed By the County. "The most popular remedy, in Otse- making short wor of the worst of them We always keep a bottle in- the house. I believe it to be the most val uable prescription! known, for Lung and Throat diseases." Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker, by R. R. Bellamy's Drug Store. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. , A fr f'ntf w iAvi knl -fmt JX a -w- I " , . , family," writes Wm. M. DIetz, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal. S ' Z Gflbertsville, N. Y., "is Dr. King's New V Wat lnnvvinnivT wirinnwir w w- - S?ttrESiZ?2 9 SOUTHERN DISTILLING CO. i Kkl - wm m mm m ' m m m m. il I i-i rrnc : sir i --s , h fr v . up . KWffl. mlJSMiij mwnnA .a . . . M ' A- r RZ. ? sold only in " II nal packages. CaJlfor J J!7 bel before you drink. I 1 Sf mT mi 1 : --- Meal . t Large Stock in ; Warehouse r also 4- " . everything in the. Grocery Line. ,We ship goods day orders are re- Hall &j PearsaD, July" 7tf '-.' - ALAKGE Will be made in the Caro- linas and we offer the trade inn and Ties FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Goods Retailed at Wholesale Mrs. Wis slows Soothing Syrup has Deen used for over 60 years bv mil lions or mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. ft soothes the child, softens the gums. aiiays all pain, cures wind collc and Is the best , remedy for Diarrhoea. c It will relieve the poor little, sufferer Im mediately.-Sold by-Druggists In' every part or tne world. Twenty-five cents bottle. Be - sure asd ask for Mrs. Wmslows Soothing Syrup, and take no other. GUARANTEED UNDER THE f FOOD AND DRUGS ACT. JUNE 30TH, 1906, SERIAL NUMBER 1098. cutnsa-ti 3 9 9 ti Prices. , , SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK. OLD OSCAR PEPPER, "1 m . Sn? outueu in uona. full quart 31.U0. Phono 248 for Quick Delivery. To Cover it With. Prices rights Shipments to suit buyer.: Write or call for prices. THE WORTH CO. July 23 tt KI. SELICIY1AN, iyianager, aiUg4rtf:'i , - -r- .fg-. AN OXFORM . Governor Johnson has a good eye when he picks out Judge Gray for good Presidential timber, but it must be noticed that every time Governor Johnson speaks he adds to his own availability. He could not speak of ew gaps to Chicago. Newburg News ine naywcoa verdict is a ereat aeieat for socialism in this country. The law, against which Socialism wars, nas been appealed to, in the good old American fashion. An Amer- can fashkm.' An American judsre has delivered a fair charge. An American jury has returned a verdict, mot in accomance witii "plutocratic dicta tion, but in accordance with the dic tates of the consciences of the jury men, as influenced toy the evidence presented to them. Haywood goes free, but Steialismi is revealed for what t is a menace to the peace and iDroE- penty or -Dotin "the classes and the masses." Until the Western Miners Federation is freed from the taint of Socialism it will ibe looked upon with suspicion. Binghampton Press (Ind.) TWINKLINGS. Hewitt That girl in the print dress is a poem. Jewitt She differs from most poems. Hewitt How is that? Jewett Most poems don't get into print. Exchange. Teacher Why did Abraham im plore mercy for Sodom and Gomor rah? Moritz Because he had a lot of capital Invested there. Meggen dorfer Blaetter. i r 1 N . WELCOME FIREMEN! 16 Special Values. WELCOME VISITORS! 16 Specials this Week. A NEWjLOT OF FOR THE MAN WHO WANTS SUMMER COMFORT. MANY STYLES'IN WHITE AND FANCY PATTERNS. ASK FOR CLUETT8HIRT8 J.GOK FOR TH C CLUETT LABEL' CLUETT. PCABODV A CO. 1 Ik MENS U-R-FIT $4.00 OXFORDS. New Toe, Latest Sty les. J. IS. H. jul 21 tf FUCHS I 1 r m COr.lf.llSSIOIlER'S SALE.. She And what was the bravest thine VOW PVr HM rt1nna19 rrrho. r Judge Grays ability and fitness for onel Well. T nnm m-Aoi-a o - emoii bottle of champagne for five chorus ladles. Illustrated Bits. Visit our Big Department Store, this week, while you are down the street, 5c Bottle Ink 3c. 5c Bottle Machine: Oil 3c. 5c Bottle Mucilage 3c NO. 1. Our 25c Dotted Swiss all size Dots. This wee4j 12 l-2c. NO. 2. Our 10c Dress Ginghams, while it lasts 8c per yard. NO. 3. Our 10c -Flowered Dawns This week 7 1-2 cents. NO. 4 Our 25c White Madras and all Col ors, This week 19c "yard. " 1 " ' . . . I J A. lit . a rrtiuei wiuioul arawing irom a great paper like the Post a compli ment for his sagacity. As the Star has heretofore declar a, ine democratic party does not lack Presidential timber, but has plen y of iL The question is to get the right man nominated on a platform uoDDy Arctric explorer? How do you play that? Willie I'll p'tend lm looKin- ror tne -North Pole; an you come an look for. me. an Tom- i i i- m uj i v.tjluc ouu ook i or you. Brown lug's Magazine.- " t i H-. -.-k m - . icu-ui, iae winaows or vour nouse snut so -'badly .that mv . hair plows ail-about my head; that wm not nv0 Viim r lywwn u-ftwus my neaa. 10U reai- at uic ly must nave something done to them. "tea. APPnW Arm' aa K . v- v nee . uro lUCCCBBlUr - lor that. It would h I -Vll LJ TV A I tKWAY. TOn TA-nTA VMl Otal m .IVI..- ' Judgef (in i breach r of rrrmii Ane iNonoiK landmark of Sunday casej xou say .you' must have, been says: . I temporarily insane -when you proDOS- 'Congressman John tt nn JZ Je-itt First North ri.;; T,,.:rr" Vi cFr""wA v'.Jro.ur xiono ir yoxt p ir,fi "," "La"lc wiii cause uie pialntiH to remove' her Wrali101 P1 veu so Juryman seer her face. , 4,uu. Tvaterway, tne great! conception which has hen ,. . i II live and let m-r.hrthin nv, 6f his political career. In th a With all that's vi m wot , number of The World's Work I Unto the- Toor soma riKh T Hva a compact article bv Mr . firii I T-uaTbalanntt T tm pw .fif- A great canal which Is LiffhJ ai ii e nesapeake with -the NO. 5. Our 25c Danish Ctoth in all Colors! This week l&c per yard.. NO. 6. Omr 12 . l-2a 40 inch ; White Uawm. By virtue of the decree of the Snr,. rlor Court of New Hanover-County, made in the cage of w t T.nm against William ; McD. Brown . and George H. Brown, the undersigned commissioner, .appointed bv said da. cree; will sell to the highest bidder at puDiic auctiorvior cash, on Monday, the 19th day of August, 19 0T, at 12 o'clock M., , at the; Court House door in tne uountrrof New 'Hanover and City of Wilmington, the following lots oi iana in said city, to wit: A lot be ginning, at r Southeast -Intersection oi v Anaerson and -MUler Streets, L-i . u runs Southwftrrtiv urtfh This -week 9 l-2. u k VHDbCAU line or Anderson street, ;' - 30 feet: uience - east parallel with Miller BMvl . tT & '.&. .1 v ccv uo nxctsij mence r jNortn paral lel: with An ders on street 30 feet to the said- line of .Miller HtrAt.hoTi. rffK said linn- of .f f hoot rt.- . I " NO. -, " " m m m,m mm -i -u . JL:r- m-M-M . the begtonlng, part, ot lot'No 1 Block 200 ToweJs, 15? Jlrwi Turkish 240. r f. ?.- n, 7ii ."t Id Htnck; full slzo 10c4 each. no.r -otJeglnnIng In the Northern line of Walnut "street .165- feeti leaat from . Its Intertectlort iwl th- the-'isa pm line of Sevent-i street., rims ieastirtne-l Walnut8reet:41 feet 3 mchesrthence -Mortnjrparauei?? witct-Seventh tiBtreet 132 -leet: -thence Weatwardlv with WalnarC treet 41 1-4 -feet ;Mn1 South 132 feet to the f beghnmg7 be ing pan'oi lots- - ana 5; Block 22ti ? xerms casa. -sub lect to the'eonflrmji. UQW or the ; court t m&x-u 25 Envelopes or 3c. 5c Box Piolish for So. 10c Ink Tablets 5c. NO. 9. ' Qur 75c Boys' Wash. Suits 45c suit. NO. 10. Men's $1.00 wek -79c. Negligee Shirts. This; NO. 11. 200 pairs Men's $1.25 White Canivas Slippers. TMs week 89c per pair. NO. 7. - . - . ; V OUr 12 l-2c Bleaching 10 yards for w cents. - - - NO. 1?. " Big line of StrlaJW Grips and Trunks. Reduced This Sale. " " ' '''' ROOFING xoii can lay, it yourself. It's not hard work and it doesn't take long. After it's done, it's done ior a long, long time. -StormS won i jiurt Congo Roofing, wind won't rip it, heat -won't soften it n -j. i. . . - . uxm- it ontue. it can't rot, rust, corrode, creep or leak. It is the" Never-Leah Roofing." . Write tor sample. That will tell the story better than words; J.W. fcliison - Co.f j NO. 13. -Our etatife line. of Men's and Boys'! Straw Hats at Cost. ' Jun 26 tf NO. 14. r Men's and 63 cents. i Bojla' $2.00 Bath Suits "1,000 Is -lks ead-r 1,000 Pairs' "2d eaclu 1,000 Fans' 3c eacb. NO. 15. I -100 :Mb'9 $15.00 Tei-or-made Suits. This week $10C0O. ? " - -- . - - - B. C. il 'Cigars. 5 ' . NO. 16; ti' r: : '.00 "Me-tfa $1Q.00 Tcdlorrinade ults. ' Tbs wef $74)0. :;rr; 5c :Han dkeitMefs 3c 4ch. BJftI3.eigatsr This is a fragrant long filler, hand- aom found In stem cut .cigars.. ,Tpu take ,no (? we. jguaTrantee each d, aiid will, refund tjie money: and take- back if not up In every particular to the ku-trai-tea. "f.-'-ii .f-. rpji-it. j:-:.VtH?t. watt. . J'BEST CIGAR MADE." 5c- Pearl Buttons 3o pef 'dfozen. So Calke Soap 2a GKORGB Hi HOWBLl Co-umlssioner; . - ' mm & m w -.- im w c l - i . -.-. - t r? -r " '- ' - ' - 1 --------------- map, walcli rnrn!R"hpa on I - ... ..f . - - . - w 1 T 1 1 a sw. w IIMII1. 1 . MM - " x - T J --- - . ----- . - . - .- - .. : Assets ' '-ji onstrauon. Mr. Small is performng a great . servce to. his State and Nation. 5g Nothing can stop the work which he 5Xl. - . - , What Mr. Small undertakes he does $b thoroughly and he Is so conversaiit .with the Inland' Waterway project Sg h-t he is better nrenAred 5 th V M 05 6 (LESS THAN TWO YEARS ' "OLD.") X Leader i This Wocki In MUJlncry f oe eUe to speakd Trrlte of It -He W I HE SOIITHFRN NIlTmNni B M tf SS believes In it and lU-comDletlnn sure, wm Want the-moat JO- - A Bank at whidi.tlie Siall depositor fnr .V iESf Notice biirl6 -V -3tT No mistake, old at all cigar stores. WW. CO. jul 28;tf Dstrlbutors. Joseph D. Smith,. P. A. Lord. 1 Insurance Ri cr - ."'f3-". rfr4t-fu-i Aug-4-tf 114 Princess St, air.-Smalt I rK4rTiC -r. .. : -x-i.OT ; wuo oe or th l i 7- rm . -: z. sr s2 cr zr tr , Jejrscial MeUtiorr r . I - -n. .. , . ,,.. T'T-cj'- - fc r4j fcl ! yj ness entrusted' to iis"". aug 2 lw" - 1 M----WWBIBMaB!BiJ