TIIU UOEIIIHG CTAH, V7ILIiIlT GTOIT, VZDll-ZD, uUm$A PAG2 TV0 VI . vjbe flllpnttrio Star. Founded In 1867. WrLLIAM H. BERNARD. - Owner and Editor. - WILMINGTON N. C Entered as second-class chatter at tie postofflce at Wlllmngton. N. C ader the Act of Congress of March K 1879. ' "Wednesday, November 6, 1907. RESTORE OUR FORESTS. The Star sincerely hopes that North Carolina will join immediately In the great and wise movement for refores tation, which the United States De partment of Agriculture is endeavor ing to introduce in a practical and sys tematic way. We should not cut away our forests and make no provision for future forests to furnish us timber aad fuel. With our forests all gone and none to replace them, we win one day realize what a great resource store. w destroyed and neglected to re- Even in Mexico the people are tak fmg enlightened action on the subject of restoring and perpetuating their for ests. A dispatch from the City of Cfexico says one of the great lumber ccxpaaies of that country is reforest Ing as fast as they cut away the tim ac. Says the dispatch: Th plan is to replace the trees aether axe cut off by planting others. The general manager is working out ttxe scheme on a practical, scientific basis and soon wll begin, the planting of : new trees with seeds of the same variety, of pine as. that cut off. After the trees are cut and the logs from butt to top taken down to the great mills,, tha limbs left on the ground are to be cut up j into wood and the tops piled and burned to prevent, fire. In proper season the reseeding. of the' ground will be carried out on the most ap proved plans of reforestation." The company which is making this wise and benign provision for the fu ture controls two and a half million acres of timber land in the States of Chihuahua and Sonora. The Washington Star notes this about the efforts in this country to conserve our forests: "The subject of reforestation, to gether with the irrigation of arid land and the un watering of swamp land, is engaging to a greater degree than ever before the attention of men who look beyond today. Europe for a number of years has been proceeding toward the preservation of ,her re maining forests, and the restoration of much forest land that has been de nuded. The government of the Unit ed States and the governments of several States have taken up the question of reforestation and timber preservation in a manner which prom ises to stay indefinitely the extinc tion of American woodlands. It is gratifying to observe that timber com panies themselves are looking to the future and taking measures for the re plenishment of their forest supply. The stripping, wasteful ways of the past are being abandoned." oity more , circulation. V The suggestion was. acted" upon and a ' dispatch from Washington a few days jago stated that the department employes - were busy sending out new circulation. It anbears. however, that there cannot be much relief from that source; so that it emplasizes the importance of sonra new financial legislation by. Con gress. The New York Journal of Com cerce, one of the ablest financial au thorities of the country, says of this feature of the plans to relieve the fi nancial situation: "In spite of th extreme Intensity of the demand for currency, hardly any resort to new. note issues was attempt ed until it" became manifest that, the power of the Treasury to aid through deposits was almost (exhausted. The outcome of he present efforts to add to the national bank currency will be watched with interest, -especially as they will showf about what, can, be done as the result of the most extreme and strenuous pressure. The most liberal estimates do not place the additions to note issues likely to come from pres ent undertakings at" more than $40, 000,000, white official estimates put it at not over one' half that sum: In oth er words, the conservatives think that perhaps four per cent of the existing circulation qf $536,000,000 can be add ed while the optimists place the fig ure at "8 per cent. This is a remark able situation, and compels attention to the fact that the country is nearly at the end of its bank note resources. The condition is also particularly worthy of study in view of the ap parent indisposition of the notes to contract whn stringent, times are over, as shown by failure to take up more than occasionally the full limit J of retirements provided by Congresi when it raised the maximum of month ly withdrawals." I -i (TLJ' U92 .. . Sffl . TATE M ENT CONDITION. A MIGHTY wrench at one side , of the shoe strokes that soon tear the upper from sole and heel' of all .but shoes of extraordinary strength. . . '-'-'v.-' What more crucial test than this ? Crossetts are built for more than ordinary wear built for solid ser vice wherever you cheese. Makes: BENCH MADE OO ;5( Walk Easy TRADB MABJV' Call on our agent in your city, or write us LEWIS A CROSSETT, InC, No. Abington, Mass. ' ' ' 5 m'"m of Wilmington, N.tw v .': ' - : ... j;5- a At the close of. business October 1st, 1907. ' RESOURCES. ; Loans and Discounts ... $2,100,51960 U. 6, Bonds (at par) . .; ; 350MO u0 Bank Building .. .. .... 25000; 00 Cash .. .. .. .. ........ 942,318 21 $3,417,837 81 LIABILITIES. Capital . . .. .. .. Surplus and Net Profits. . Circulation .. .. . Deposits .... .... U. H. Bond Account . . 500,000 00 239,195 69 300,000 00 2,278,642 12 100,000 00 $3,417,837 81 DEPOSITS October 1st, 1905, $1,763,509 62 - October 1st, 1906, ; $2,041,773 43 October 1st, 1907, $2,278,642 12 oo 5-tf Schedule In 'Effect August 27t woTica iTh6 ft.rrf-wi.1 m arA Am.. en as information, as wen Vf'6 V tiona with other companies : h.08 vals. and connections are not 2, tees. i j 9 NORTHBOUND. No. 48.- ' fin t. Wilmington ... .1 9.40 urS-A Ar. Goldsboroi. ." . Il2 :60 mm' BV" H f' Scr7 Mount... I 8:55 pm M .A! o nil 1:58 nmlln.m 7: 0B S3 r-.tfH Ar. At. Wilson Ar. Petersburg . !' 8:41 3 muuuiuuu...... i:un nml ... Ar. Wasnington . .11:50 pm Ar. Baltimore ....1 1:43 am Ar. Philadelpiilav ..14 :25 am Ar. New York 11:20 an 1 . J 4 J..4I NO. 41. Lv, New York -.1 9:25 rflL AO Alt oircBsirr cohiient. OIL TRUST WILL FIGHT. The appeal of the Standard Oil Company from the fine of $29,240,000 plaoed upon it by Judge Landis in the Federal Court at Chicago, for accept ing rebates on oil shipments in viola tion of the Elkins Act, will come be fore the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago in January. Tha fight there will be a battle royal, as the Oil Trust will take advantage of every legal right and technicality to avoid paying such an enormous fine. The Standard Oil's attorneys are pre paring to make a tremendous effort and , will attack the constitutionality of the Elkins Act. It comes from Chicago that the at torneys are discussing their plans. It is said that twenty-five, main points each one of which the attorneys will argue is sufficient to have the record breaking fine declared void, will be advanced when the case comes to trial in January. In attacking the constitutionality of the Elkins Act and contending that the passage . of tbe Hepburn law made it unlawful to pros ecute for violations of the repealed Elkins measure, the Standard attor neys hope in the event of a. favora ble decision to furnish a basis for freeing the company from numerous other suits pending. It will be contended that Judge Lan dis failed to compute the number of violations correctly. Instead of each shipment constituting a violation the defense will claim that either the num ber of settlements between the com pany and the railroad or else the num ber of times the rate was granted v should be the only things considered. In the one case the number of viola tions would toe about 300, -while in the other it would be reduced to only three; Conviction was secured in 1,-462- violations. BANK NOTES FORr RELIEF. j Officials of the United States Treas ury Department suggested -as one of the measures of relief for the scarcity of money that the National banis take Many a man who sneers at those who play tips on the races believes that carrying an. Irish, potato in his pocket will cure his rheumatism. Washington Post. , TEe orange' and lemon crops of Southern California for the past year brought $34,000,000, of which $11,000, 000, or one-third, went to the railroad companies. This should explain why Californlans love the railroad political control of the State under Harriman with the same f error as they did un der Collis P. .Huntington. New York World. - Careful estimate of the force of a cyclone and the energy reauired to keep a hurricane in active operation reveals the presence of a power that makes the mightiest efforts of man appear as nothing in comparison. A force equal to more than 400,000,000 horse power was estimated as devel oped in a West Indian cyclone. This greatly exceeds the power that could be developed by all the means within the range of man's capabilities. Were steam, water, wind mills and the strength of all men and animals com bined they could riot even approach be tremendous force of this mighty power. Chicago Journal. Not many years ago the farmers of North Carolina raised their cotton and. tobacco, hauled their crops to the towns and sold them for what they could get. Today, however, all is changed particularly in regard to cotton. The farmers are organized or are organizing and are demanding a fair price for their crops. The farm ers in the South have been the slowest to form any kind of union, though they for years have talked of doing so, and J it gives us pleasure to note from day to day the new warehouse holding companies being chartered. The tman who raises cotton wants a. fair price for it; he has the means at hand for securing this price, and he is deter mined to secure it. The Southern far mer, if you please, is no longer a back number he is modern and he will win. Raleigh Evening Times. Professor Edgar A. Larkin, a San Francisco astronomer, declares that marriage Tor- life is a crime and that the Anglo-Saxon race in America is doomed to extinction because "women are hlnderel in their progress." Mar riage places them in a state of bon dage, he says, in which they, canot develop. What nonsense! The only woman that does develop is the wife and mother. The average mother does not have time to bother her brains with, fads and fancies, and the consequence is that what she does learn is solid knowJedge. The wife and mother needs no one's pity. Mar riage, far from causing the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon race in America, is the only thing that will preserve it If more persons were honorably mar ried in the United States there would be less disease, less intemperance, less sin and Jess misery of all descriptions. In a sense tmarriage is bondage, but it is the bondage that all well regulated minds can bear without the golden chains galling the spirit. If men like Professor Larkin were pilloried often er to the press and pulpit we would not have so many freak's eternally: ad vancing their fool theories and de bauching the minds of the simple and ignorant. Albany Press Knickerbock er (Ind.) The Season for Sporting Goods Is Or Call in and let us show you complete line of Remington hammer and hammerless Guns. The celebrated Baker, all grades. Also fine line of Belgium Hammer ' Guns, Gun Covers, Leggins and ft large and assorted Btock of Ammunition. WM. E. SPRINGER & COMPANY like to be burled at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Punch. Sweeting Thing What was the most remarkable thing you met with in your travels In Egypt? Major Grump The mummies of . their queens. Who'd ever think a woman could "dry up" and stay quiet so long? Phil adelphia Inqoiirer. "Every iather thinks he has the finest baby in the world." "Yes," ans wered the cynic, "and once in a while but -not nearly so often, a baby grows up to think it has one of the finest fathers in the world." Washington Star. "Mr. Hunter's married now" said the bride-to-be, preparing to send out her cards, "so we'll have to address his invitation to 'Mr. and Mrs. Hun ter."' "Better not," her brother ad vised., """She's boss of that ranch, so you'd better address the thing 'Mrs. and Mr. Huntress.' " Philadelphia Press. TWINKLINGS. "Why did she apply for a. di vorce?" "She's ready to go to any length to get Into the smart set.' Houston Post. "Mamma, have you any objections to my going to the Woman's Club?" "But, my dear, you. don't need. It JyeLJ wait irntn you. are married. lAie.- Giles Blmberly evidently expects to live in clover the rest -of his; days. Miles Because why? . Giles He mar ried a grass widow last weak. Chica go News. - "Are you not afraid to have such bad reports .at school, Karl?" "Oh, no! I call papa'iup on the. telephone first and give -him ; the figures, and 'then before I get home he is all over his anger." Fltegende Blatter. Vicar's Wlfer-No, the Vicar Js jnot in just now. Is , there any message you -would.like me :to glye nW when he returns?'; Old, Woman (cheerfully) Please, mum, ; Martha' Higgins would Headaches and Neuralgia rrenr Colds. LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, re moves cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove, 25c. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Electric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. Fon several years I had stomach trou ble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I be gan taking Electric Bitters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great al terative and body builder; sure cure for lame back and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by R. R. Bellamy, drug gist. 50c. Premature Baldness . Prevented and Dandruff Cured Every lady should take some pride in her hair, for to her it certainly is a valuable aset. A man with only a few strands ot hair can get along fair ly well, but it's not so with a wo man. She must have It. Our advice Is: DON'T BORROW HAIR. Use a good Tonic and grow your wn hair. We have a Tonic and Dan cfFuff Cure that is a very meritorious one one that is giving good satisfac tion among our trade. It stops fall ing hair every time, and as a dan druff eradicator it has no peer. Re member the name HALL'S HAIR RESTORER AND DANDRUFF CURE Price, 50 Cents per Bottle. James EU1. Hall, Druggist, . - 5th and Castle Sts. Phone 192 CUI0N6 DAVIS, ' Barbers and Hair Dressers. Arc tail at tbe old stand, H. 1 South Front street, wker they art prepared, as nsa&S, t serve the pnbll in. tte tt style. SwTtalns &eees ary to the eemfart end coa$!et cat isfastkn ef ear paficsa l!. B THORPE & Cff. lie Goal. Supplies Wood. Cement. SPECIAL. 1200 Sacks Wood Fibre Wall Plaster. 300 thousand Shingles; all sizes. 125 thousand' Standard Laths. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Ar. Philadelphia . . 11: 55 am Ar. Baltimore ... I 2:15 Ar Washington ... 3:45 pm Ar. Norfolk 6:10 nm 9. in 4:20 2 8:30-2 i-.v. Kicnmond ...... I 7:25 nml . Ar. Petersburg ...f 8:05 p!m 9-ol ! - - ....... y . v , Xi yn Rocky Mount.. 111:02 pm 3 . Wilson ...11:46 pm i-m 5 '. Goldsboro .. . .I 6.15 ami 3 AS . a . . . . 7.ii CMXII 6,1() BETWEEN" ILMINGTON AJiB SOTTTH. 1 SOUTHBOUND. Dfti 1 -e. Taf1v Lv. Warn! 5 : 15 ami 3 : 35 pm! 7 Flor.j $:05 ami. 7:30 pm! Ar. Ar. Col'bU12:25 Dmlll:10 nm Ar. Ch'st'nl 1:10 pmll:J7 pm A-r. say-nni 6:45 pm 2:45 am Ar. J'k'vllleY f :00 am at. xampaj 7:15 pm 4:38 a IB 7:xn :64 2:20 2 11:00 Lr. Tampa .. . . . . Lv. Jacksonville.. Ar. Savannah .... Lr. Charleston ... Lv. . Colombia. Ajv Florence; at. wiimlnirton NORTHBOUND. Dmilr. nn. 9:00 pmjl0:T s :S0 am 7:J5 :57 pm 5 2 8 pm f:0fe ...) 7: ...,f l:: Dim 10 ami wm wow. "av Lv. Lv. Ar. Westbound. Eaitbotil . Daily. Dally. wiiramgxon I 8:40 amlAr. 8:i FayettevlU Il2;19 pm Ar! 4:ii m v Sanfdrd .....f ,1:40 pmLr. 8:4j V ADDISON 54 aK colur " ; - iMade of Clupeco Shrank Fabrics i I5e ecl 2 Ior,23c ;- .r,;' I f num. jT" B. . of ii1: HI - " . j --- - The new story of love and; ad venture by- GEO. BARR HcCUTCHEOIt ROBERT C; DeRQSSET : r IDuBt "W1S0K" The Wilson Coal Heater will produce More heat from a unit of fuel, and keep your home at amore even temperature, with little or no trouble, and fewer ashes than any other heater made. There is i Noxious Gas Offensive Smoke Coal Floor Draft, : where the Wilson Coal Heater is Used. Holds fire 36 hours or longer. The combustion , is perfect the heat , does not go up the . chimney. . Burns ... every particle of . the jcoal; does not make clinkers j.and leaves very 'little ash." I Ask tor list of ISatisfied users. t 1ft S. Front St. Phone 532. Oysters . Nice Lamb, Veal; Beef; Pork, Celery, J; VV. BATSONy-Proprletor. Phone Ns. BBTWBSLBT WELtfCfGnCOlT AND SBW DAILY EXCEPT - SUNDAY! " North South bound. bound. Lv. Wilmington. .13:20 pm! 1:01 p Ar. Newberm ..7;00 pmjLv 9:35 am Tratoa If o. 4a amd 41 enry Pallma Sleepfusr Can between Wllmlnctea ul Wttsblnston, eoneettBS wftb Penuyl anl R. R for all valuta east alM be tween Wilmington . and MTarfolk. Trains Ifo. 48 and 49 carry Pnllmnt Parlor Can between Wllmlnctoa aai Norfolk. T. C. WHITE, Gex ral Pamengrer Aseat W. J. RAIG, Pasnenfi-er Traffie Manager. $1.50 PAIR OF PANTS CREASERS Given with $10.00 Suit and upwards for .50. v Hats and Caps Latest Styles and lowest prices. HAMME, THE HATTER AND t CLOTHIER. GOOD SHOOTING Depends on the Gun. If you have a good gun, yon will find no fault with your shoot toff Lef ever Guns are Good. We have them in prices from $25.00 to $45.00. Itbica Guns from $18.00 to 045.00 They are god too. yincbester andr U; H. C. munition. ft? W urcliison 6 Go LI, CLARK'S CRU ISE of the "ARABfCw idjUwwub, imey large, 10 February 6 to April 17. 1908." Seventy days, costing only $400.00 and up, including, shore " excursions. . SPE CIAL FEATURES: Madeira, Cadiz. Seville, Aigters, Malta, 19 Days . in Egypt and the Holy - Land. ..Constanti nople, Athens, Rome, , the Riviera;: etc. Tickets good to stop over "In ; Europe. Tours , Round the World and to . Eu rope, Sicily, etc. F. C. CLARK, Times Bldg. New York. 1 STEAMER WILMINGTON. Effective September 1: ilth the Steamer Wilmington will leave TO mington daily for Sonthport at 2 PKL and leave;, Southport daily at 8. 'A. IL Vlm J, W.HARPER. The Ottihern Bank A Bank For All People As an Incentive to Save what could be more persuasive thaa pretty woman- a fiancee, for instance Women are pretty good savers them selves, at times, and they appreciate the man iwho provides for future rainy days by saving when the sun ekinet- This is prebahly a hint to YOU. u you are not now saving, get tie fcWt Our, Bank affords 'you every faciHw andoffers you every inducement Carolina Savinas & Trust Co. Big White BuUding; corner Front an :-ri Princess. l" r. For Gentlemen t of Good Taste San FeUce biiBli grade 5c Cigar ' 'm - " Samuel Bear, Sr. & Sons. 18 and, MARKET STRtfc 1 se 3 tf ' .Ns ' f '

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