... . v , . .- i - .. ' ; ,, -.- -- .- . , -. . : -. !. .-k ..".-..I" - I. y ' ... , r .:. . r: ". -i.. vj v. j. - 4 V"' THE MOE?TOG TOIJnilOTQIIjsJOTDNESDAY 2T0VEIIBER' 197, PAGE THREE c r s m i 31 A SERIOUS LAUGH. The Ancient 1V. nn inn will o-it-j Ll i sfc6 join the Ludden & Bates Piano Club now forming. By joining this club ?S vou secure a magnificent high-grade piano at once, when your application i.ro Then vnn an n 1 1 rn-si i -. . i ' . is accepted. Then you are allowed to pay for it in little monthly sum. vou never miss. You are also entitled to a thorough course of musical instruction, prepaid uy one 01 me most successful teachers of music in the country. ro matter wnere you live, thisNjpportunity offers you every advantage that a musical education affords. Everyone who cares at all for music should investigate this offer at once. It costs nothing to learn all about it. The Ludden & Bates S PIANO is scld to our club members only, in our new way of piano selling that ena bles you to secure a genuine $400 instrument for only $287, and on the easiest kind of terms at that. It is a cash saving to you of $113. The way we do this is by selling one handled pianos at one time to one' hundred d'ffnt people. Sold singly, m the usual way, the Ludden & Bates Club Piano would cost $400 or more aay here in. the world. We Rive a written euarantee. for a life-time. Has special copper-wound and steel stnnts throuehout. tuA cabinet grand, balanced scale, as perfect as skill can make it Double repeating action, with light even touch. Genuine ivory keys. Beautiful cases of fancy wilnut, mahogany or oak, lined throughout with birdseye maple. Tone full and rich with that peculiar "sincing" quality found only in the highest grade of pianos. -:-;:e us at oace lor an application blank and complete description of different styles of finish this uy you can make a selection that will delight you. You can leave the question of tone la tO Ui. We will see tnat yon get a perfect instrument. A well made, attractive ti .-j . 1 scarf go with each piano. Write for full information of the club that is now forming. LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House, Dept. BE, Savannah, .Ga. 4 54 n Headlight Overalls, $l.tf. The Crossett and $4.00. Shoes for men, $3.50 zT) FOGS Depairtinnieini4 Store KYTIKID.KIa fur Dress Goo is axJ Silks are com plete. long Gloves im tiB silk and kid. ffks best ?1C Kii Cloves in the Mate. leu yards of Ls Clotk for 85c The Black Cat Hosiery- line ijrnlin largest and most complete ery im Ike Btate. New Cloaks aid Furs this week. New Hand Bags fr ladies. New Belts for ladfcs, 25 and 50c. Dress Trimmings just New riyed. New Portieres this week. ar- and Curtains on sale A Felicitous Aside. A senator, describing a campaign Lwherein he had outgeneraled a rival, Bald: v "When it became plain that victory was mine, when my opponent's face began to grow darker and more for bidding, I smiled to myself. I could have muttered to myself some such felicitous aside as that which came from the small boy who was being spanked. In the course of his spank ing the boy's mother paused to say in sincere tones: "Tommy, this hurts me far more than it does you.' "And thereupon in his odd, . face downward position the boy winked and muttered to himself: I was afraid that hard board I put in the seat of my trousers might in jure her delicate hand.' " See our line of Rugs and Carpets. See our line of Matting. your Blankets and Quilts this Buy week. Boys line. and Girls' Hosiery See our Furnish Bong- DepairtinrDeirDfi Fob aDues Soys' Pants, 25 and 50c per pair. fen's heayy Ui&erwear, 98c suit. Ken's Pants, ew styles, $2.00 and fc-W per pair. ay your Wool Underwear from our Agents for Dmalap $5.0 Shoes for Boys' Overcoats reduced. Boys' Buster Brown Suits in all the c?ew plaids. Boys' Shoes our line is complete. The Lester Hats for men, $3.00. Our line of Clothing for $10.00 are worth $15.00. GEO and Wholesale and Retail Millinery lX)lls, wholesale and re- I Fireworks wholesale and retail. ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK ?lus and Profits . . Dep Capital Surplus and Profits osits Loans and Discounts -ash in Vaults 125,000.00 225,000.00 1,050,000.00 728.000.00 73,000,00 Penalty of Mirth at an 'Church Celebration, There was a church celebration of a rather xciting nature many years ago in Lynn, Mass. The occurrences mark ing the dedication of the Old Tunnel Meeting house -in 1682 are recorded by an eyewitness and quoted in Oba diah Oldpath's "Lin." After the form al ceremony of dedication a feast was held. . Ye dinner was in ye greate barne of Mr. Hood. While we were at table a rooster flew tp yebeam oyer our heads. Mr. Richardson, ye Newbury minis ter, in a very; loud voise and stately mien proclaimed ; that tho ye house was a noble temple it yet was but a fit cas ket for ye godly jewel df Lin: Where upon a most lusty crow was set up by ye old cock on ye beam, and he flapped his wings, sending ye dust down on to ye table. Ye companie hurled apples at ye mis behaving f owle, but, not being of good aim, did not hit, and with a whirring' noise it flew to ye ground as if in dis gust. Mr. Gerrish ,was in a merrie mood. Not having his thots about him, he en deavored ye dangerous performance of gaping and laughing at ye same time. In doing so he set his jaws open in such a wise that it was beyond his power to bring them back again. His agonie was very greate, and his joyful laugh was soon turned to grievous groaning. We did our utmost to stay the an guish of Mr. Gerrish, but could make out but little till Mr. Rogers, who knoweth something of anatomie, did bid ye sufferer to sit down on ye floor and, taking his head between his legs, turning ye face upward as much as possible, gave a powerful blow and sudden press, which brought ye jaws again into working order. But Mr. Gerrish did not gape nor laugh much more, neither did he talk much for that matter. Right On. WisejayIt must be a great pleas ore to -tell a'joke to an acrobat. Soft boy Why? Wisej ay Because he tum bles so easily. Morristown (Pa.) Times. A Good Guess. Mother Mercy, child, how do you get your hands so dirty? You never saw mine as dirty as that! Child No, but I guess grandma did! Philadelphia Inquirer. NIP IT IN THE BUD. First Appearance of Dandruff a Fore runner of Future Baldness. That such Is the case has been con clusively proven by scientific research. Prof. TJnna, the noted European skin specialist, declares that dandruff is the burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp, caused by parasites destroying1 the vitality in the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless, and. In time, falls out. This can be pre vented. Newbro's Herpiclde fcills this dandruff germ, and restores the hair to its natural softness and abundancy. Herpiclde Is now used by thousands of peopleall satisfied that it is the most Wonderful hair preparation on the mar ket to-day. Sold by leading- druggists. Send 10c. In tamps for sample The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich, Two siies 50 cents and $1.00. HARDIN'S PHARMACY. Sneial Aqt. Provp7iei?nscrvallvc Policy ol this bank is ap- ca Dy prudent business men. Crested th my Wends and patrons and; Any others who may be hlW Buii 1 have m0Ted- my office from 16 ' Princess St, to the Odd 3, timb i ' Rm 15: 1 nouses, building . lots; cemetery lots, lestm, ' DanK slock, mill stock and mercantile stock from TV , Califtr, "ujviue, ia., iror sale, a lew good renting proposi- eston and . - me at Room 15, O dd Fellows' Building, The Real Estate Man. 11: OOP. M. 5:00 P.M. 7:10 A.M. 7:13 A.M. 8:00 P.M. all points THREE EPOCHS IN : A WOMAN'S LIFE ... . . . i MRS. ELVA BARBER EDWARDS There are three critical .stages in a woman's life which leave their mark in her career. The first of these stages is womanhood, or the change from a care free girl to budding womanhood, The second is motherhood, and the third is Change of Life. Perils surround each of these stages, and most of the1 misery that comes; to women, through ill health dates from one or another of these im portant crises. " Women should remember that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has carried thousands of "young girls over the critical period of puberty, has prepared mothers for chUAbirth, and in later years carried them safely through the change of life more sue- i cessfully than any other remedy in the world. Thousands of testimonials from grateful persons, two of which are here published, substantiate this fact beyond contradiction. Mrs. George Walters of Woodlawn, I1L writes i Dear Mrs. FinVham; "I feel it my duty to tell you of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me in preparing for childbirth. After suffering and losing my children a friend advised me to try your valuable me dicine, and the result was that I had very little inconvenience, a quick recovery and During its long record of more than thirty years its long list of actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Wakes Sicfc Women Wen. MRS. GEORGE WALTERS as healthy a child as can be found anywhere. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a blessing to all expectant mothers." Mrs, Elva Barber Edwards ol Cathlamet, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I want to tell you how Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound carried me through the critical period of the Change of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured me of a very severe female weakness, I cannot say enough in praise of what your medicine has done for me " What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Edwards it will do for other wo men in their condition. Every suf fering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following in vitation. It is free, will bring yo health and may saye your life, Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women t Women saffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the: symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and helpful. J and let us Sell ' ; you a to be worked by horse power, making neat small bales. Bag-; ging and Ties, are going to be in good demand and you should buy now. Pull stock Heavy Groceries. The Worth Co. i j. ..." .. NEVER IDLE, NEVER OVER ALWAYS BUSY. Will serve you day or night. Competent Workmen, Prompt Service, Charges as liberal a the wave of Prosperity will permit. Make yaur wants known. We can take care of your business and Solicit same. Respectfully, Oape Fear Machine Works, B. IV. NEWKIRK Foreman. The Jones House. Atkinson, N. C. la M9W Open for the PatroMO off th Publl Board by the Day, Week or Month pecU? Attention to ravelllnc .1r Rate, Reasonable MRS- J. B. JONES, Pnp Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. Scenic Route to the West. Two Fast Vestibule Trains With Din ing Car Service.- Through Pullman ; Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago and St." Louis. Lv. Richmond.. .2U5 P. M. Ar. Cincinnati.. 8 :15 A.M. At. Chlcaga.... 6:30 P.M. Ar. St. Louis... 6:28 P.M. At. Louisville.. 11 :20 A. M. nirect connections for West and Northwest. Quickest and Best Route. The line-to th3 celebrated mountain i t resorts of Virginia. . - Tr: descriptive matter, ' schedules and Pulhnan reservations, address. r :w: p. warthen, d. p. A.iy ;&$c':&p'.t Ry: CoRlchmond, a. H. W: FULLER:: se: 25 we : eun - tf O li . Mattings, Art Squares and Lace Curtains In addition to a large Stock of Dry Goods and Notions I have put in Mattings, Art Squares and Lace Curtains, and ask the public to inspect before buying. J. WEIL, 116 Market St. a n Sole Agents for MANTON PATTERNS. THE NEMO CORSET and MAY 3C THE PEERLESS MAXWELL Guaranteed for 12 months and will last ten years, FRANK HERBST, Sole Agent. mm mm What's the Use of paying more for an article through prejudice, than you can buy for less, that's fust as good? Take Whiskey, for Instance. . We make but one charge just for whiskey that's all When you pay more than we ask for our whiskey you are being taxed for something else besides the whiskey.x Now "WHAT'S THE USE" of you paying an excess to anybody for imaginary superiority when we have the same goods, but are content through immense volumes of sales, to break even on profits instead -of "hikelng up the price beyond the point of giving you vlue received. ' "CHESTERFIELD" products are "AS GOOD AS THE BEST FOR LESS.1 That's the reason "CHESTERFIELD" Whiskies are popular., ' " "CHESTERFIELD NEVER DISAPPOINTS." Full quart ?l-00. TRf IT. v ALUMINUM OIL HEATERS ARE THE BEST. "Blow Up" or Explosions! Impossible. Air space inside and outside of Wick Tube, thus making font or receptacle for oil sepa-' rate from burner keeping oil!: cool and stove free from odor.v .Wick device to prevent flame running up too big, and many other advantages over compet-" ing lines making it the best one" for you to have. ,- 3 Sizes Small for bath room. ' ' s ' Medium size for small room. Large size for larger room. N. JACOB) HARDWARE CO. TO THE BEACH Suburban Schedule (In Effect Sunday, Oct. 13th, Daily Except Sunday. 1907.) LEAVE (dally Or- 11:25 PAT Freight Schedule Leave Wilmington 4:00 P. M. except Sunday). Freight received at Ninth and ange from 3 to 4 P. M. fc , CAROLINA PLACE SCHEDULE Cars wilf be operated between Front and Princess and Seventeenth and ; Market every 20 ' minutes: .Leaving : Front and Princess at 6:55 A. M. un til 9:55 P. M. . U Leaving Seventeen t3i and Market from 7:05 A. M. until 10:05 P. M. All Suburban cars will make regular stops ' at Delgado. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. ' V I LEAVE . - ' -. WrightsvUle Westbound 'jr. 1 i v- S . V 1 .v,.s: IV i;v tM:':'- j ti-.a l-r;' ?mr,: 4 Wilmington Wrightsville Beach Eastbound Westbound Westbound , 7:00 AM 6:25 AM V 7:30 AM 7:55 AM 7:45 AM 8:30AM 8:25AM 8:15 AM 10:00 AM- 9:25AM 9:15AM 11:30AM 10:55AM 10:45 AM ; 1:00PM 12 : 25 P M 12 : 15 P.M 2:30 PM 1:55 PM 1:45P"M 3:00PM 3:25PM 3:15 PMV - 4:00PM 4:25PM 4:15 PM 5:30 PM 5:25 PM 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:25 PM 6:15 PM 7:00PM 7:25PM 7:15PM 8:00PM 7:55PM 7:45PM 9:30 PM 8:55 PM 8:45PM; 11:00 PM 10:25 PM 10:15PM '.'Mi s.K'X'l '? :fi .' $&X&t'- Oi stilling ; . M. : SELIG M AN, MANAGER. : Phone 248 for quick delivery. . 7 Se22-tt usiness Wilmington Eastbound 9:00AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 2:30PM 3:00 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 6:15 PM v. 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 PM 11:00 PM - Beach' Westbound ,V.-! '. .-,L j 1' 9:55AM 10:55 AM 12 :25 P M 1:55 P M 3:25 PM 4:25 PM 5:25 PM 6:25 PM 7:25 PM 7:55 PM 8:55PM 10:25 PM 11:25 PM 9:451MSyi: 10:45 AM. ;; 12:15PMV 1:45' PIT -.. 3:15 PM1!- 4:15PM.: 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 7:15PM . ..7:15.RM: 8J45PM; " 10:15PM oV '.J.ifv s;vAf jV.V.t-i'5 Vft''iV5H!,(''i'itiVV'fr , .andS Princess u streets &kP' ' ; utes .from ;:8'i35I AM-tdw.i IMt- Carolina Place Schedule. (Sundays) v Leave Front every 20 min 9:55 P. M. Leave 17th. and Market streets every 20 minutes from 8 : 45 A.' M. - to 10; 05 f..i','--