TIIH I.IOIiIlG &TAI1, VII.IIlG'AOir, IT--i-sJ- 0 . r, J-vji. - PAGE TY7-0 . ! I r 1 I I I I : r .r: .,.. r i Shoes She ADoming Star. Founded In 1867., ; WrLLIAM H. BERNARD. Owner and Editor. I - - WILMINGTON. JM. C Entered as second-class chatter at tiie postofflce at Wilimngton, N. C, nder. the Act of Congress of March 187. nal definite announcement that' the President'' really 7 Intends to; stick by what he said on election; night three years ago, and will not -accept a re nomination, It will be easier for him. to control for Taft "delegations com posed of men elected as third term ers than delegations instructed -. for Hughes or Cannon or Fairbanks or Knox. STEEL MANUFACTURERS TAILING. V CUR- Friday, November 22, 1907. ROOSEVELTS PLAN TO HOLD DELEGATES. As we approach the beginning of the campaign year of 1908, now only about six weeks off, interest in the Republican scramble for delegates to the National convention to nominate a candidate for President Roosevslt's successor, increases. The President's well known desire to have Secretary Taft nominated is attracting a good deal of attention to the methods he is pursuing to secure delegates who are either committed to Taft or who can be turned over to him through Presi dent Roosevelt's influence. There has. been much third term talk, but it seems that in a way the President discourages it unless it results in his turning third-term delegates over to Taft. On November 19th, the Wash ing correspondent of the New York Times sends this bit of newsto that paper: "President Roosevelt,' it has become known; is determined that as far as he is concerned, there shall be no repltlon of the Mlneauoplis Convention of 1892, when the 400-odd Federal office-holding delegates forced the re nomination of President Harrison. To that end he has passed the word that co Federal -officeholder " shall go to the Republican National convention next year as delegate Instructed, for him. No general announcement of this position has been made, and no order on the subject has been issued, but the suggestion of the " White House takes the nature of a command as far as the Federal officeholders is concerned." The correspondent goes on to cor rect the impresion that the position of the President will prevent any third term delegates from being sent to the convention. On the other hand it Is clear to observing politicians that the President doesn't care how many third term delegates are sent but that he does desire to avoid the scandal of having Federal officehold ers go to the convention as third termers. The correspondent says this in order to prevent a false impression about the ban on officeholders: "In certain quarters the knowledge of this determination on the part of the President has been interpreted promptly as equivalent to a declara tion that he will not permit himself to be nominated again. But that it is not what he has said. There has been no prohibition of work on the part of the third termers to bring about the election of delegations in structed for Roosevelt. "The prohibition, in fact, is narrow ly restricted. It merely prevents Fe deral placeholders from going them selves as delegates. It does ne Inter fere with the activity they have" been showing recently in paving the way for the selection of other delegates who will shout just as loudly for Roosevelt as they themselves would. No one is more fully aware of the work that is being done to insure the nrooori ro at t"ho rwn iron firm nf HpTo- gates Instructed for Roosevelt than Roosevelt himself. From time to time recently there have been significant reports, principally from the South.as to what was going on there, especial- ly among the Federal officeholders. "These efforts have not been con fined to the South, however. They have extended to several other States in the West and Northwest More over, they have not always bsen spon taneous. Suggestions have been 'made to the Republican leaders in some of the States that it would be a godd thing for them to get busy in caus ing the election of Roosevelt dele gates, and the earlier the conventions could be held the better." That the work has been thoroughly done in the South there is ample evi dence, it Is stated. The most signi ficant fact is the complete alienation of Alabama from Fairbanks. Up to a short time ago the Vice President was under the impression that he had the Important Alabama delegation solid hlmiinlf XT..ot. T T T iui mujBcii. nun lias anaiLcucu 1 to the fact that it is to be for Roose velt., The men have been selected al ready. The work is finished and the delegation is a copper-riveted Roose velt crowd for Roosevelt, first, last and all the time.' The Importance of this to both Roosevelt and Fairbanks lies in the fact that Alabama is the first State to be named on the roll . call. - Alabama leads off, and whoever controls Alabama gets the first- move In the game. The sentiment in Wshington politi cal circles Is that if Mr. Roosevelt Is - renominated by the Republicans next " Summer it will not be by a convention f ' ' ' -. . pacKea wun men who owe their jobs -to him. hrewd politicians suggest that all this Is a "part of a deep game, thereal purpose of which is the nom ination of Secretary Taft. - The- idea is 'that A when the ' time comes at the , last moment for the fi- The operations in the-iron and stel industries are always.- supposed -to in dicate which way the industrial cat is jumping.. It is considered in New York that the steady and severe con traction in the production of pig iron by the steel companies indicates the hsavy decrease in consumption of finished products. This readjustment of production tp consumptive require ments is expected to continue through out the balance of the year if not lat er; indeed, faw in the iron industry expect any tendency toward expan sion until next February at the ear liest. Even with improved financial conditions it will take time to re-establish confidence to a sufficient de gree to cause the placing of import ant contracts for either finished or crude materials. There was an as surance, too, of stable prices; at least that the decline is at or near bottom. Now, even with the protection against decline in prices of some articles man ufacturers hesitate to place contracts: Contraction by the Steel Corpora tion now, according to Pittsburg re ports, has reached 45 furnaces out of the 97 effective stacks of the 100 own ed by the various companies. Out of the 48 furnaces of the Carnegie Steel Company 28 are reported idle; the Illinois Steel Company has blown out 9 of Its 21 stacks. The American Steel and Wire Company has put out 3 of its 12 furnaces, and the National Tube Company 5 of the 11 furnaces owned The three Breakers Island furnaces have not "been active. It must be remembered, however, that towards the approach of a new year there is always a lessening of pro duction. It Is known as the dull part of the year. Early relief of the finan cial situation will no doubt stir up ac tivity again. TREASURY PLANS FOR FINAN CIAL RELIEF. DRAKES DAELSVOETT U"LD The announcement of the plan of President Roosevelt and Secretary Cortelyou to issue $50,000,000 in Pan ama bonds and $100,000,000 in one year Treasury certificates bearing 3 per cent, interest, is naturally the chief discussion in financial circles in New York. However, the bankers do not seem to agree as to the effective ness of the plan. Doubtless all will eventurally agrea with Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, vice president of the Na tional City Bank. He says the issue of $50,000,000 Panama bonds and $100, 000,000 "of Treasury certificates form the correct solution of the currency problem. "Th'3 action of the Treasury," says Mr. Vanderlip, "solves the currency problem beyond a doubt. The result ought to be an elimination of the pre mium on currency. Gold imports have been due largely to the high premium on currency, and the removal of this premium will serve to check gold imports. But Europe has been buying heavily of this country's pro ducts, and some means of satisfying this balance will have to be taken. The Treasury certificates will be sim ilar to bank notes in form and will be a good medium for circulation, certificates ought to accomplish the much desired result of attracting a large amount of hoarded money into circulation again. There is every in dication that we have arrived at the turning point for the better so far as the money situation is "Tjoncerh-ed." CURRENT COMMENT. COMPOUND Is a Dositiva and guaranteed cure for constipa tion. Indigestion, and all stomach, kidney and bladder troubles. The first dose gives relief and Its continued use for a few weeks will eradicate every trace of disease from these most Important organs, rendering them clean, healthy and whole some. We Know trial is win cure quiCKiy ana permanently any disease affecting the STOHACH, LIVER or KIDIIEYS If you are ailing or feeling out of sorts In any J .k.nM nntfoll tn trv thla omit mmpllv.! We guarantee every bottle; if it falls to cure, take the empty bottle back to your druggist and get your money back. Kidney Trouble. . One 60c bottle of Drake's Palmetto has cured me of kidney trouble. W. C. Hatch; East Westmoreland, N. H. Stomach Trouble. I was a great sufferer, had to get up and walk the floor nights. Doctor said 'It was gas on the stomach." I have now felt a particle of pain since taking Drake's Pal metto. I am 68 years of age. Geo. W. Drew, Upper Lake, N. Y. dravel of the Bladder. Four different phy sicians told me I must have an operation. I bad gravel of the bladder, but got so weak could not. Had our druggist send for a bottle of Drake's Palmetto. I got Immediate relief and three bot tles made a well man of me. May God bless you and I hope you may prosper. E. C Atherton, Durand, Michigan. At all druggists; two sizes, 60 cents and $ixo Tbe Drake Co, Wheeling, W. Ta. For Sale and Guaranteed by J. Hicks Bunting. ed that the amount taken out was worth $4 per day to the baipk. This gives the reader an idea as -to thje stringency, of money in. New York last week. Greensboro (Ga.) Herald 'Journal. The -present attitude of the banks In regard to the payment of currency upon their obligations is highly dis creditable to American finance. The suspension of currency payments to depositors and the issue of Clearing House . certificates are perhaps ren dered necessary by our financial meth ods as measures of self-preservation, but they are a serious impeachment of our foresight and Intelligence. When banks are compelled to suspend gold payments every dozen years it is idle to prattle about making New York the financial center of the world. London has won that position because a bank credit there is convertible into gold at par and the fact is known to every creditor in the remotest corner of the world. New York can never win any such position whsn her banks -1 are compelled to suspend gold payhients over night. New York Journal; of Commerce. ,. GOOD SHOOTING Depends on the Gun. II you have good gun, you will find .no fault Willi your shoot- . ing. -'i; ' ; . ... Lefever Guns are-Good. We have them in prices from $25.00 JLo 34500. Ithica Guns from $18.00 to $45.00 They are good too Winchester and U. M. C. Ammunition. v J.W.MurcMson&Co Good are our Specialty: when we say "good we mean it: good in style and appear ance, good workmanship, good leather. Their GOOD WEARING QUALITIES are unsurpassed. Pat. Kid, Gun Metal, Box Calf and Vici Kid. Styles - to please all. Hewlett & Price 109 Market St. TO THE BEACH Suburban ScheduIrA (In Effect Sunday, Oct 13th ' Daily Except Sunday.' LEAVE Wilmington Wrightsville Eastbound Westh o4LV4. Beach Westb, TWINKLINGS. The Taft boom could hardly be flatter if the gentleman had stepped on it himself. Washington Herald (Ind.) We hav3 -been requested not to jump on Hoke Smith. We are not fighting Hoke Smith or supporting anybody; we are simply running the Advertiser. Quitman Advertiser. Queer conditions of . affairs it would bewouldn't it, with Roosevelt running on Bryan's platform and Bry an running on Roosevelt's record? Jacksonville Times-Union. Literary men . are coming to the front. The mayor of Toedo is a nov elist and the mayor of San Francisco is a poet. But the boy mayor of Mil waukee has them all skinned. They are after him to go into vaudeville. Jacksonville Times-Union. Instead of organizing to prevent Hughes' capture of the Republican Presidential nomination, . it appears more likely that organization to pre vent the nomination capturing Hughes will be neoassary. Washington Her ald. An honest newspaper, like an honest man, does .the best it can. When It gives offense, It is-genuinely sorry, and .hopes that all animosities will be short lived. . It does not, how ever, forget that its mission is to print the news and be honest with Its con stituency, the; whole of which . cannot be expected. to be.otthe same mind. Albany (Ga.) Journal. Hon J ELt A." -Copelan 4s n in New! xoray anaone day -last- week .went to hlsbankec 1m that-'Xltjr- to 'Check out $200. '' When- the 'money J-was handed out. Mr. Oopelan was lnf orm- "There is one disadvantage about being a prohibitionist." "What is that?" "One can't consistently vote a full ticket." Baltimore American. "I cannot understand why a man's wife is called his 'better half.' " "You would if you had to divide your salary with one." Illustrated Bits. "You are a mollycoddle and a postponer." "Hold on, there, Ellen," responded Mr. Enpeck, "I want peace, but not peace with insult." Louisville Courier-Journal. Visitor to the Farm And have you an old oaken bucket? Suburban Farmer- No, . but you'll find a tin growler behind the kitchen door. Toledo News-Bee. "I teach my parrot only short words." "Do you? Now, I should thing that parrots were better adapted to learning polysylables"." Baltimore American. A mother was giving her little girl a bath when she said: "I won der where this dust on the water came from?" Small Girl Perhaps I leak somewhere, mamma. You know I'm made of dust. The Circle. Client I want to see Mr. BIgfee, the lawyer. Servant Well, you - can't see him just now. He's lying down in the library. Client That don't suit me I want him to be lying up in the court. Baltimore Sun. "Yes," said Marrayat, "I'm pretty busy these days. Getting ready for my wedding, you know." "Ah!" re marked Henpeck, "That's a reminder of what Washington said." "What's that?" "Tn time of peace prepare for war.'" rPhiladelphia Press. ." I EDISON PHONOGRAPHS! AND RECORDS are the best and afford the cheaoest and dost pleasant form of Amusement that can be had. Consider the price, together with the quality and you will be canvinced. Edison Gem, $12.50; Edison Stand ard, $25.00; Edison Home, $35.00; Ed ison Triumph, $55.00; Edison' Gold Moulded Records, 35c; Grand Opera Records, 75c. Shaved Blanks for making records at home 20c each. November Records now on Sale at J. W. ROBINSON & CO 205 PRINCESS STREET. 17 J THORPE & CO. Inc. Coal. Lime. I Builders2 Supplies. Wood. Cement. SPECIAL. 1200 Sacks Wood Fibre Wall Plaster. 300 thousand Shingles; all sizes. ; 125 thousand Standard Laths. We respectfully solicit youxA patronage. 66 99 mum lEATEKS The Wilson Coal Heater will produce More heat from a unit of fuel, and keep your homeat anmore even temperature, with little or no trouble, and fewer ashes than any other beater made. There is I'O Noxious Gas Offensive Smoke Coal Floor Draft, where the Wilson Coal Heater; Is used. Holds fire 36 hours or longer. The combustion is perfect the heat does not go up the chimney. Burns every particle of the coal; does mot make clinkers and leaves very little ash. Ask for list of Satisfied users. IB S. Front St. Phone 332. 12:l5Pj' 3:15 6:l5pj 7:15pi( 8:45Pu 10:l5pjj v:uu AM 6:25 AM 7:30AM 7:55AM -8:30 AM 8:25 AM 10:00 AM 9:25 AM 11:30AM 10: 55 AM 1:00 PM - 12:25 PM 2:30 PM 1:55 PM 3:00PM 3:25PM 4:00 PM( 4:25 PM 5:30 PM 5:25 PM 6:15 PM 6:25 PM 7:00 PM 7:25 PM 8:00 PM 7:55 PM 9:30 PM 8:55 PM 11:00PM 10:25PM 11:25 PM Freight Schedule Leave Wilmington 4:00 P m except Sunday). Freight received at Ninth and n. ange from 5 to 4 P. M. a CAROLINA PLACE SCHEDULE Carsr will be operated between JW and Princess and Seventeenth 2 Market every 20 minutes. uar Front and Princess at 6:55 A if? til 9: 55 P. M. M,D Leaving Seventeenth and Mart from 7: 05, A. M. until 10:05 p m a Suburban .scars will make regular 'gtm! at Delgada SUNDAY SCHEDULE. LEAVE Wrightsville Beaci Westbound Wilmington Eastbound 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30AM 1:00PM 2:30PM 3:00 PM 4f00PM 5:30 PM 6:15 PM 7:00 PM S.-00PM 9:30 PM 11:00 PM 9:55AM 10:55 AM 12:25 PM 1:55PM 3:25PM 4:25 PM 5:25 PM 6:25 PM 7:25PM 7:55 PM 8:55PM 10:25 PM 11:25 PM 10:45 AI 12:15PK 1:45PM 3:15 PM 4:15PM 5:15PM 6:15 PM 7:15PM 7:15Pr 8:45PM 10:15PM S ' Carolina Place Schedule. (Sundays) Leave Front and Princess streeti every 20 minutes from 8:35 A. M. to 9:55 P. M. Leave 17th and Market streets eyerj 20 minutes from 8:45 A. M. to 10:1 P. M. Onlr One "BROMO QUININE." This Is LAXATIVE BROMO "QUI NINE. Look for the signature? of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c. A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a-debt of gratitude that can never be paid off," writes Q. S. -Clark, of Westfield, Ipw'ay4-"for' the -rescue from death, by i-Dr. -King's New Dis covery. Both lungs were so seriously affected that - death seemed imminent, when I-commenced taking New Dis covery. ' - The - ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more bottles made a complete cure." Nothing has": ever equaled New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and - lnug " com plaints. Guaranteed by. R. R. Bellamy, druggist.. 50c and $1.00: ' Trial bot tle free. . Appendicitis. Is due in a large - measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastic purgatives. To avoid all danger, use only; Dr.s King's :Ne wt Xif e 'Pills, the safe, -gentle; cleansers. and invteorators. Guaranteed :ta; cure headache, bilious ness, malaria, ana Jaundice, at : R.iR. Bellamy's drug, store. ; 25c i: ' Organize your dollars Make the. The a ing Untie of ;The .new, story of love , and adventure by GEO. BARR McCUTCHEON Price $1.25 ROBERT C. DeROSSET 0 , Book Seller and Stationer .3 k 'JBEj n 5d v man who emDlovs them nav what, i ' - - ; . . .'r. r ,I01,al yvrvn''TTTyT"'T I they are worth you receive unusual 5 value when you sell "WHITE KNIGHT" CIGARS or "YELLO WSTON 5 P, AR $S" or "BALDWINS" ; - All choice: 5c Cigars vof unusual quality We j recommend i;them to. dis criminating smokers. F. E. HASIMMO Cigar JDealers. nov 17 tf T T f t v Is Your Nearest Drug- Store. Phone and Bicycle " taake It So. f r No: matter where you. live wer, f . . are ,ypur. nearest druggist. YouK-X i . phone and our. bicycle make us Y . neighbors. . No matter how small the or- A. . . . . r y y der we are always glad to send,,? It up. Our bicycle boys know this,' V too, ana mey xaKe prme in giv iA Ing you a ' srood CKuick7 service". k lay, , Oats, Meal also iarge Stock, In. Warehouse; everything in sthec Grocery iAne. . We ship goods day orders are re ceived. 4 IBIalliS ,5 PcaEsall,' - ' - .-- INC. a . - We senU to any part of city a f i get your prescription, fill and re- t . ium iucuiuirc, , wiiuuui. extra. charge. We are amply t T T f la., A every way to do your DrescrlD- prepared tlon work too our r equipment- T is? perieci tout . prescnpuonisrs ,. are .did experienced hands. ; 4 . - :-!. --I1-- . ' J uurpnees are consistent V A ,.' ' '-! - - : - - A n'ovrl9 tf; ;"-..?.. .."? 'Phone 192. Read -tp day's -Business Locals. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HAN0V1 Ralph M. Harrelson, Administratoi of Joseph Todd, Deceased, vs. Helal M. Todd, widow of Joseph Todd, dt-1 ceased, G. W. Harrelson, D. M. Harretl son, Helen .E. Hardee and husband M sea Hartlee, J. T. Harrelson, Rosa I Edge and husband Buck Edge, Km Shelly and htisband Dan Shelly, Ana V da Thompson, E. W. Harrelson, T. &y Harrelson, H. E. Harrelson, MeUier TT 1 T l TT....1vn CmirtMaf Harrelson. Alva Harrelson. Goldfcl Harrelson. Flossie Harrelson, Harrelson, heirs at law of Anna Jaw Harrelson, Pinkney Todd, heir at Iai Of McDaniel Todd, A M. Sarvis, Eto abeth Johnson, Nancy Prince andhn hanr? Rfin Prinr.e. Samuel J. Sam John D. Sarvis, J. Crandall Sarvfe Wm. G. Sarvis, Roney Sarvis, JanKI Sarvis " TCHTahet.Ti Sarvis. WilMI Johnson, Nancy N. ' Johnson, V Johnson, heirs at law of Mary AM Sarvis, Callie Phipps, Agnes Maff and husband Mincy, Noley Todd, heirs at law of Wffl Todd, R: Posta Todd, Vermilla Toj. T.nn TVH1 rtnlnn TrrJrI and BeauW Todd, heir's at law Elisha Todd; , T Vainiy mn ontiodr trt the CO from the affidavit of Ralph M. Han son. Administrator, that the daen dants G. W. Harrelson, D. M. B son, Helen E. Hardee and husband J sea Hardee, J. T. Harrelson. wr Edge and husband Buck Edge, KJ Shelly and husband Dan Shelly, Harrelson, T. M. Harrelson, H. E. relson, Mellie Harrelson, Josepb jj relson, Smythie Harrelson, Goldie c relson, Flossie Harrelson, Janie o relson, A. M. Sarvis, Elizabeth JJJ son, Nancy Prince, Samuel J. John .D. Sarvis, J. Crandall ban Wm. r G Sarvis, Roney Sarvis, JJJ Sarvis, ' EUzabeth iSarvis, wiJ Johnson, fNancy N. Johnson, Johhsott. Callie Phipps, Mincy, Noley Todd, ij ' Apt. hrrvlrt Dnlnn Tndrt. Vermilla Toda,: 1 odd' and Beatrice Todd are non-n ties, to this action and cannot due diligence be found in tne ' said non-resident defendants tn action Is brought by the sa id Attn $ trator' of Joseph Todd, fceaa ooll axaaln nf land SltUait! J City of Wilmington, N. C.. in the said petition ana of lots 1, 2 and 3 In Block 81. i v.M.tfli niort of tne div j of Wilmington, to create fsffr which to pay the debts of the s ceased Joseph Todd. t " Now, 'let-the said non-resid fendants take noticef that vxT appear before me at the office f tt,: . x vio Court riUUDiw Wilmington, N. C, on TjeBflg 26th day of,, November, iwh a'clock A. . M. and tnen j1lSB wot tn nttTirin-n mea m jtw v w i .nmys judgmentjwill .be granteu the prayer thereor. rrAYlJR V v Clerk Superior Court of over Co.'; . -laitf. This 25th day of October, i oc 25-law 4w frl 0T J . - . .- f ; I r-r

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