f ' : :tC3 SOTO ' V , , . WUOWmQ fAllT7IIZIEtQTOlt,tj. OATTra3iAYITOVI2:.lBEIl 1908. Is V; Ml m 11 Mm 111: i; I 1 : .r 1' il Ml! - 'is at " P illU IIIUUll U i (ConUnued from Brat paee.) ' n stik Belts. Elastic A 'AjlU hS'-f"1 R WEATHER REPORT. . to retain Its stock and MacRae & Co. lfelts. Directolro. U.'S 'yMJ.r1V IJXrtnifmttm WWIm , ' II Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 14, 1908. Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending at 8 P. M. Friday, Nov. 13; Temperature at 8 A. M. 38 degrees; X v. m. , aegr;maiu -, t?s: minimum 36 deerrees: mean 45 , degrees, Rainfall for the day, T.; for tne month, .02 inches. Stage of water In Cape Fear river at Fayetteville Thursday at 8 A. M. 4A feet Jfv YiJn Sunday, iDyreasmg .norm east wmas. - . ra,onH,P Nfti 14 .po" oaienaar R.oe A M o1"1 "S!a '" p m" Day's Length XU lira. u iuiu. High water at Southport 12:12 A. High water at Wilmington 2:03 A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Crystal Palace Last Day. Palace Market You Win. J. W. Plummer, Jr. HuyTeFs: Boylan & Hancock Our Shoes. Hamme, ths Hattex Can't Afford. Murchison National Bank Solicits. J. H. Rehder &' Co. Special Values, American National Bank Not Dis counted. Business Locals. Wanted Position. ' B. R. Jones For Sale. C. H. Bonham For Sale Holer Barber College Men. Lost Breastpin With Diamond. Rural Building & fLoan Association Will Hold. ' People's Building and Loan Asso ciation Post Thus Up. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. Jas." O. Matthews, of Ingold, Sampson county, was' in the city yes terday oh a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ffoulkes, of Philadelphia, after a pleasant visit to of a trifling blaze at dUU Bladen street, been secured by long-distance tele Telatives and friends here left last owned by Miss Heyer and occupied by pone conversation with Judge Lont;. ailght for their home. (W. H. King. The damage will, not Monday the plaintiffs announced their Yesterday's Raleigh News and Ob server: "Mrs. William P. Oldham of Havana, Cuba, is visiting relatives and friends in the city." I Mr. Leake S, Covington, cashier of the Farmers' National Bank, of Rockingham, N. C, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Southport. x Yesterday's Raleigh News end Ob server: "Miss Sallie Oldham, of the elocution class of the Baptist Univer sity, went to Hillsboro yesterday, where she gave a recital last night" Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Smith have returned from their bridal tour and are dow at home to friends in this cit where the groom is a member of the firm of S. L. Smith & Son. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Bell de lightfully celebrated the first anniver sary of their marriage on Thursday evening. Quite a number of friends called at their home to tender con gratulations. BOYS SENT TO FARM Juvenile Band Held for Vagrancy Other Cases. The street urchins arrested Thurs day, believed to have been implicated in several petty robberies, were before the Mayor at the session of the police onrt yesterday at noon and three of the number James and Harry Melton and William Jones, were sent to the -county farm for 30 days. No direct charge of larceny was. presented against them and consequently the Mayor tried theni for vagrancy. John Justice, one of the same crowd, who was .arrested last Wednesday charged "With stealing brass, has been sent to Chapel Hill at the request of Rev. R. "W. Hogue, who acted as guardian for "the boy during his residence in this city. ' " The facts given the police in the case of John Andrews, a Syrian, who was charged with cruelty treating a purpose of holding a mission at St. colored boy, Walter Bell, failed to be! John's Episcopal Church, in this city, correct, when the- latter appeared at I beginning November 0th. Rev. Mr. court yesterday at noon. The. state-. Cox.' the rector, and the brotherhood ment that he had been stabbed and of the parish, are making all arrange otherwise hurt-was false. The charge ! ments for a most successful series of was ciiangea to simple assault and the : defendant was released after payment 01 a m2.of ?5 and cost. BUILDING INSPECTION MADE Report Upon All Structures and In surance Risks in Fire Limit. Under the provisions of the State Fire Waste Law, the ofiice of Buliding Inspector John J. Furlone has iust completed the quraterly inspection of all structures and insurance risks in the fire limits of the city. The in spection included 684 places in the down town sections of the city -with a minute report on each. A copy of the report will later be sent to the In surance Commissioner at Raleigh. In making the inspection a number of defective flues, etc., were condem ned and the owners notified to make the required alterations, all of which, the inspector is confident the owners will comply with. r Capt. Burriss Killed Crane. Capt. O. D. Burriss white on his reg ular trip down the Cape Fear on the steamer Madeleine Tuesday afternoon hy a rather skilful shot killed a white crane weighing 13 pounds with a. sin gle shot, Marlm rifle. Capt - Burriss ! proved . himself an expert by killing the -crane - while flying; "The crane was an unusually large, one and was shot' at Crane Island. 7 ' They Take tha Kinks Out. 1- have used. Dr. King's - New Lite Pills for many years, with Increasing satisfaction, , .They , take the kinks out f stomach, giver and bowels, without "fnss. or friction,' sayaVN. H. Brown, of TCTsneiov vt.- Quaranteed satisfactory The popular and really wonderful Tora Japs, as well as the other-four Palace, will bid farewell today. . W1"?: " o' d u , audIence wI11 greet ev .. . . ery perrormance toaay, Decause in bill at the Palace is not only weU worth seeing, but is exceptionally cle ver. It is also very costly. The act "of the Japs is alone worth more than the price of admission and. as the ''change-act," is really Detter thanvtne one during the ! first part of the week. The f oot-bal-! ancing of ono of the members "-of the 'troupe from the Orient is nothing j short of wonderful and has to b seen 11:1.. v 4 4.1 t:-u pretniy yaiuteu uatie m iuc txii niw his feet in hy far more skilled manner than the ordinary juggler ould handle jit with his hands. It is tossed on : i i 1 11 1 n n S n 4.1. Xligu iuiu uuaiijr ue ay in a laic uonci'aOQ premises, dui lie aityu resiiamcu around with great velocity. ' He bal- j the plaintiffs from building any new ances other large objects in remarka-., houses. After this,' it is alleged, the ble manner. His partner does some defendants or their representatives, unique hand-juggling and intersperses tore down a house (this was on the it with quaint silent comedy that caus- 30th) on the land, which had been es much laughter. The act of "Billy erected by a previous owner and Rogers, the well known black face which the defendant had intended comedian, is also of splendid type and , a Dig teature. Double Bill at Bijou. A double bill will be the offering at Bijou today, "The Saloon Dance" terfering in any manner with the giving the ludicrous antics of a cou- plaintiffs in the use or occupancy of pie of tramps, and "When Our Ship the property described in the com Comes In," being a sweet story of the plaint and authorizing and ' empower sailor ,his wife and little son. Both ing theTplaintiffs to erect a house to pictures are new ana are expected to draw big business. LOCAL DOTS. In Justice Bornemann's court yesterday Charles 7 ; Bockinghageri; a white man, was indicted by R. L. Sel lers, for disorderly conduct and was dismissed after payment of the costs. The alarm of fire from box 16 at iu o ciock last nignt was on account exceea ?5. The schooner Edith H. Syming- ton, Captain Stiles, arrived in port yesterday from Philadelphia with car- sq of 1,402 tons of coal for the Sprin- ger Coal Company. She is consigned to C. D. Maffltt. Chief Williams yesterday receiv ed a telegram from Norfolk stating that the police held in custody John jaefcson. witn tne inquiry u tne pn- soner was wanted bv -the Wilmineton autnonties. rne MortoiK cnier wat .. ... - ... . . - I notified that Jackson was not wanted here. The British steamer Sandsen(L Captain Clark, arrived in port yester day from Hamburg via Charleston, S. ,C, with part cargo of fertilizer for the i Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company. I She is discharging at the Navassa factory and is consigned to Hcide & Co. , Th's Rocky Mount Echo says: "The Coast Line Directors will meet in Richmond on the 18th of November. It is likely at that time they may pass on some matter that may be of mate rial help to Rocky Mount. We are-not in a position -just now to forecast anything, but it is not too much! to say that things look decidedly hope ful." The railroads have announced a rate of two cents per mile for dele gates to the municipal convention in Charlotte next week' from all points in North and South Carolina. Practi cally every town and city in this State and not a few from South Carolina will, be represented The Wilmington delegation will; leave Sunday and Mon day afternoon in time for the opening session Wednesday morning. ' - COMING OF ARCHDEACON. Coming of Rev. Mr. Webber Being Looked Forward to With Interest. There is much interest in the corn- ing of Archdeacon Webber for the meetings. The Archdeacon has alrea dy held a mission at Raleigh where he deeply impressed his hearers with his spirituality and he has just con cluded another in Charlotte. Of him yesterday's Charlotte Observer says: "Another fine crowd heard the last sermon of Archdeacon Percy Clinton Webber, of Wisconsin, -last night , at St. Peter's Episcopal church, where he has conducted a mission for a week. Rev. Mr. Webber has made a profound impression upon those who have heard him for the past week. Clear in his conceptions and forceful in his delivery, he is a pulpit orator of extraordinary talent and a Bible scholar of wonderful comprehension." Judge Waddill May Preside. ; Yesterday's Raleigh News and Ob server has the following special, from Richmond, Va.; which will be read with local interest: wNo definite pro vision for the courts left without a presiding Officer by the - illness of United States - Judge Purnell has yet been made. An effort is being made to have Judge Boyd, who Is now hold ing court at Greensboro, fill in at Ra leigh and Judge Waddill will probably preside . at Wilmington. : Conflicting engagements Amay prevent this ar rangement." k . ,T - r .-V;;; Z. ", V,.- . '.r': .?; Money In , The Bank. means more to you than its actual value In dollars and cents and the . per cent Compound Interest 'it earns. It gives you a feeling of security and independence that the man t who- aerer saves knows . nothing! of. Be - among the independent ' class. The People's Savings Bank vwiU welcome your ac count; r no matter how . amauv ana - wiu from,; all obligations under the' contract. . " C' x "The lands in dispute in this case were bought by Mr. H. M. Chase and WIM) iiiiiueu.iai.eijr , u-u . . vutuuei commenced a building. When the frame work was about up, : representa tions of the company appeared on the premises with guns and pistols, it is said, and ordered Jones and his men !to vacate or they would tear the build ing down. Some of Mr. Jones' work-, down all the building erected. "Messrs. Chase and JoneS applied to Judge Long -"for an "order 'restraining the defendants from trespassing on what they contended to be their pro- perty and interfering with them in the , j i a Juong issueu tue uiuci tuau. mgui, straining the defendants from inter- fering with the plaintiff s in - the oc- cupancy or enjoyment of their land . . t..4- 1 iM a to occupy. "The battle was then renewed. Mr. Chase got an order from Judge Long restraining the defendants from in- take the place of the one destroyed. Both these orders were made return able before Judge Webb at" Monroe, November 5th, requiring the defend ant to show cause- why the order should not be continued until the hearing. "On "the 31st the last Order was served on the defendants. A mod ificatioh was said to have been secur ed by which the plaintiffs were allow ed to replace the house but not to orfMinv This was said to have intention .of occuDying the newly-built ?,.?na ?!d "?L VJ'le3wiv2 forcibly. At Monroe Judge Webb continued the hearing until today - linn otnAA haan nrtcrf titt sfK "It is said that the MacRae faction bel eYel which have secured control of the Rockingham Power Company intend iin-iuftuum jf j at some time m tne ruiure to aispose of it to the General Electric Com- pany and it is this mainly which they .:t v ion iu x v uiu FOOTBALL GAME TODAY A. & M. Second Team Arrived Last ti iwri onthnsiasts a trl - at - ly excited over the game to be-played 1,c.5 S"7 a 11 A J this aftermron at New League Park and 7:30 P. M. withi)reaching by the between the second team from, the A. j P'P J3' mlnfftnn team and a battle royal is expected. The A. & M. team, 16 men strong, reached the city last night and Captain Hall, who by thejaray is a Wilmington boy, and Manager Mc Lendon speak enthusiastically of the prospects of victory for their team. The college boys have gone through a hard course of training and are in fine fettle for the fray. The locals, ir? the game for all it's worth from start to finish. The game will be called" promptly at 3:30 o'clock and it is "believed that a record breaking crowd .will atfcsnd. On the Wilmington team are a number or former college players ana under tne training of Coach MacRae, they nave developed old-time form , and -feel reaay to put up tne game 01 lives -today. Among tne players are Stnifh Parslpv. Pftfifthau andTTuoker. formerly of the A. & M. team Grant,, of Sewanee; Yopp, of Stetson; Nine, of Maryland: Cooperr of Georgia; Poisson, of Bingham; Emerson, of the University, and the others ; are well known to local football fans. The offi cials will be Mr. J. McRee Hatch, ref eree; Mr. J. S. Stroud, of Raleigh, um pire; Mr. Preston Cumming, Jr., head linesman. The line-up of the Wilmington team will be as follows: Jacobs, centre; Linder, right guard; Yopp. t-ft guard; Grant, W., right tackle; Williams, left tackle;- Parsley, right end; Jordan, left end; Smith, quarter; Grant, R, right half; Nine, left half; Peschau, full back. Substitutes. Poisson. Schul-k-cn,. Kahn, Cook, Tucker, LeMassena and Hashagen. . The a. & M. team will line up as follows: Albright, centre; Morris, right guard; Hewlett, left guard; T Council, right tackle; Witherspoon, left tackle; Han-cS, right end; Stafford, left end; Hall, quarter: Deans, right half; Sherman, left half; Parks, full back. Subs, Bruner and Goss. , The admission will be 50 cents, this including grandstand with no ' extra charg-3 for vehicles. On the result of the game today from a financial stand point will depend whether any further games will be ajranged for the local team and the sports are hoping that . this will prove merely the fore-runner , of many other big games to be played on the local gridiron. A Paying Investment.' Mr. Joh White, of 38 Highland Ave., Houlton, Maine, says : "Have been troubled with a cough every winter and spring. ' Last winter ;I trted -many .advertised remedies, but!; the cough continued; until - T Tmuzht fa buc Doxue pr ur. King's New Biscov- ery; oeiore that was half gone the cough was all gone, t This winter the same happy result has -foHowedr a few doses once more banished -the annual cough. : i am now, convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery, Is; the best:of a cough and lung remedies." gold under guarantee .at R.vR. Bella my's drug store. : EOe anil ti a ai ? , tT rkntafn lnto Prt yesterday with an . abundant too, are in great condition.and Captain ; brinrfne some The THIhiufPuC 1 .- does not necessarily denote its style. " - Because you pay a fabulous price for a Hat does not mean that it has any more style than one less costly. We demonstrate this fact con tinually. ' . We nave line Hats -oeautlful models of stylish, Millinery art, but they are rar from tha most expen sive. In fact they are just the reverse -unUsualTy nov 14 tf inexpensive. SUNDAY SERVICES. Announcement by Wilmington Pastors For Services Tomorrow. Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Pinn 4 an9 sivaat ' ofwAAfo T a v T O I Crowley, pastor: Services at 11 A. M., and 7:30 P. M., tomorrow, Sunday School at 3 P. M. Mid-week service Wednesday night a7:30 o'clock. The to attend , W 0PAJ L?eS ffil L nhnrt St- Andrew $ Pr-eahyterian church, corner of Fourth' and Camnhpll slrpets. V,v7, ' Rev. Alex. D. McClure. D. D.. Dastor: Sabbath services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School at 3:30 P. M. W. C. E. Society at 7 P. M.; Prayer meeting and ..lecture Wednesday at 8 P. M. The public is cordially invited. Seats1 free. First Presbyterian Church, corner 1 South and Orange streets:Pub er meeting' Wednesday All welcome. at 8 P. M. ABUNDANCE OF FISH. Three Fishing Schooners Bring 23,000 Pounds Here. After a most successful trip for deep sea fish the fishing smacks Wil liam Gaffney, Alberta and Chief came 23,000 pounds. This was considered a rather unusually large catch and am ong the' most successful trips of the season. The smacks are operated by Wilmington and Southport' packers. The fishing smack !Frank H. ' Wil liams, in charge of Capt. St. George, f omTt.rinnrt siis nrrivrt lat vl ;terday afternoon after a voyage of a few days and reported an excellent catch. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is -LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. A COMPLETE FOOD aker's Cocoa 50 Highest Awards in Europe and America Registered 'U.S. Pat. Office 'At A I medical writer says : Bakers pure cocoa acts as gentle stimulant, inyigorat- ing and correcting the action of the digestive- organs, fur nishing the body with some of the purest elements of nutrition.-; 'V' Z Firm That Pays Your Car DD 10c fancy Dress Ginghams, in strips and plaids, a yery select assortment. This - .week the yard ....... ....... .8 1-2c ; 76 inch very fine Unbleached Sea Island Sheetings. This week th3 yard ........ .19c. 10c Heavy Unbleached : Can ton fllannel. This week the. yard '. 7 1-2c. Arnolds 12 l-2c Heavy fleeced back flannelette Suiting; in a great assortmect of colors and patterns. This week the yard . . . . . . . .9 1-2c $7.50 Voile Skirts trimmed with one wide and ; three nar row silk band folds, full made, fine finish. This week $5.98 Black Satteeno Waists, all sizes, tucked f refit and back, long sleeves, finished with Massush Cuffs. This week.. 98c Women's Neckwear Ruchings, Directpire Collars and Ties Huffs and Jabots. 3E "A Stitch jfr Time A very true spying, it is. A bad cold or cough oft-times gives ou a 'flitch" in the side, back or ches that is not pleasant and alarinin'g. 4 Bunting's White Pine Compound Syrup, with . . Tar, Mentholated will save you many a 'switch'' both in purse and health. 25c and 50c the . HICKS BUNTimDRUaCO. FRONT AND GRACE STREETS, "lhe Sioie That Has Everything" Anybody Else Has and Some Things Nobody Else Has. SODA FOUNTAIN EXPERT Mr. Tennent, expert soda fountain nan, will have charge, at Schutt's Pharmacy and will serve bes drinks to be found in the city. SCHUTT'S PHARMACY Second and Princess 'Phone 534. Quick Delivery. nov 6 tf TO GET Fare. M(t!!S if IT , ;$3.5.a Panama M .Skirts, s hlack navy, brortfj two wide folds and button trimmed. This week $2.G9 White apron.. We have 12 styi-s the mdst up-to-date apron on the market only . . . . . . . .25c Commercial Equal ia looks to the ane dollar shirts. This week our price 69c. bottle. - DAINTY CAKES, v DAINTILY HANDLED. make the bakery irresistible to lovers of good things to eaL Then think of the variety you can choose from. You can have a different kind every day in the month and then not exhaust the choice. Commence trying them to day with the cake you make best your self. That will prove a satisfying test E. WARREN & SON Phono 376. dov 13 tf 7" never fail to bring comfort to ' troubled feet Twox slyles and two leathers; , WE FIT THE FEET, Heivlett. r Price VICl MAnifPT'RTREET:' Our Comfort Shoes I.- hem . vou to make It erow- nov Wimmm&mmmmm 4t n, a. BeUamj84 drug store. 25c.