VOL. IiXXXIII-NO. 38. HTTLMmGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1908. WHOLE NO. 12,842. OUTLINES. Morris Haas, who attempted to kill Assistant District Attorney Heney (in ,0 nrhsAcution of the San Francisco SS XelTiX Mr. Heney will recover- -Judge iixi . . v . . - w Pritchard yesterday cited Archibold IW. Ray and Duncan C. Ray, promi nent attorneys of South. Carolina, -to appear before him at Greenville on December 21st to show.. cause why they should not be punished for con tempt, the charge arising from suits brought in the celebrated South Caro lina dispensary case-- Judge Boyd yesterday appointed W. I. Underwood, receiver for the Industrial Publishing Company, publishers of the Daily In dustrial News, at Greensboro The Daughters of the Confederacy vote down to exclude from membership Northern women who are wives of descendants of Confederate soldiers. -The Pullman Car Company wins in its suit against the Texas Railroad Commission: John D. Rockefeller will go on the stand -and testify in the novernment s suit to dissolve tne Standard Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Visit the boys' school Commission, returned last night from near Alexandria where the President an inspection trip over the North Caro- znakes a talk to the boys The ,. . . .. 0 CT grand jury places the responsibility lina lines of the Norfolk & Southern for the railroad collision near New Railroad Co., notably the lines from Orleans on the engineer and condnc- Raleigh to Washington and from tor of the Great Northern express Wasnmgton to Newbern. train Authentic news is , received , . - that the Emperor of -China died yes- Jt was a regular official inspection terday -Cuban elections were heldand the Commissioners,- while making yesterday and Gen. Jose Miguel Go-no official statement, intimate that mez the Liberal canlidate for Presi- lcondition of trackage, rolling stock dent, was elected- The Jap. who x A, , . committed the murder in Catawba station equipments were found county while - with a circus, gets 20 years in the penitentiary A head- On collision occurred on the Coast Xdne near Jacksonville, "Fla., yester day. Two mail clerks were killed -At LaGrange, Ga., Xr. Elliott is con victed of the murder of G. L. Rivets. The plea of insanity did not avail Roy P. Bayley, of Columbus, Ga., is turned over to court on charge of rob bing the mails In the Pouren ex tradition case Edward Sermons testl- "co ao w eian peasants' revolt Yesterday in New York there was dedicated the monument to the soldiers of the Revo- lutionary war who died in .the British khIh XnhX orison shins New York markets of PUDllc Schoolss established sript.Yi nmm uSL 81 counties the past 4wo years was Money on call nominal, time loans , V , T JZ a0 very active but steady. Cotton quiet, distributed in warras on the State 10 points higher, middling ItpSids Fif&JT 9.35, middling gulf 9.0. Flour steady. WhPat Pa?v No 2 111 7-S plvatot. Progress,. There are 159 of these Co firm5 NoN 2 iw " 1-2 dSKS JXZ Oats steady, mixed 53 1-2 to 54. Rosin sKff lni LS8,. to S.15. Turpentine qoiet at 4?. The Houston Chronicle say Bryan rThfaftainl has been the Moses of the Democratic a remarkably high degree of success, party and now it wants a Joshua. A . new enterprise for Greensboro, the Carolina Brokerage Co., receives Winder if Roosevelt will establish charter, the capital being $50,000 au v . . . thorized and $12,000 subscribed by an Ananias wuu ueyartiueiiL m mo magazine of which he is to become as sociate editor? The South's share of this year's corn crop is oyer eight hundred million bushels. That , looks like she raises souk ting besides '-cotton. If Chairman Mack really under- takes to keep thet political fight up for four years from National head- i nuai-WQ lift wm fln1thfi nermle ffettinffi mighty tired of it. If Taft is sensible he will keep his hands off the Senatorial fight in-Ohio. .. ... Ktill we wouia liKe- Borne vxnnuenc? .7.. V.4 fifmi nian nn irh tn. na- ; os c-"u5u w j ieat Foraker ior re-nommauon. The States which were neglected in the naming of the first battleships j are getting even in the character of B 5 . . . . the war vessels that are now being named after them. It looks lik-a the Government is not going to make out a case in that Flag- i -i a o rfo tho ler railroad peonage case. Its the , -. M jaou,uu w tUttl'1"' - nage against ooumem uevciupiucm, enterprises. It is well that Governor Pattersons friends persuaded him not to send that challenge. There is enoueh excite- ment d lacUonal strife to Tennessee . now without creating more, to danger of other lives. If we could only see jrorasier ae- nair, the young man to snow at eacn is hoped that the players will find feated for ths Senate and Cannon lose1term ot the court for two years that that their efforts to furnish to the ci . , Ir. - , v o f he Is maintaining a good character, tizens of Wilmington first-class sport out in the fight for the speaKersnip u The sentence' was regarded by the were justified and appreciated. The would be great consolation f of the de sn..4. 1 1.1. ..Ml.4tn1 loHnn Vnf xca. m yrcDmcuuo, ""V we are afraid to hope for sucn gooa, things. "The night riders may not be made ,1TX . mf a TVrmpsPA up of the worst people of Tvnnessee after all," says a exchange. Perhaps so: hut the hlp-hei- thev stand socially and as to education the severer ought t y,a t. T,, . . .1t to be the punishment of the guilty nes. In the Democratic State .primary to Batchelor Is quite certain , he inflicted being given a cordial welcome to the Georgia last July over 200,000 votes :iri the melee, but he Is unable to iden-! city br many friends . and former A. were raRf Tn thaiat fiiotiri" TiTr t him :i positrvely.'V'.Ihe , prisoner Is & M. , students. Many informal "cour were cast In thelat elecUon: only beIn? neld to await further develop-, tesles are being extended to the vis- "i, votes were cast ior presiaen-: ial candidates of all the parties. This shows the effect primaries hare!4 in Btrone nkW!ki;; Birong Democratic States in reducing,- nA rn-f- Anmial November Rar.lth ' : - "rrnounce ;un ie vote of the party , at the polls. .1 jgain Sale. rwuruui ec 2uu l iilku - ;. ;.r - .Corporaiiok .Commissioners Re- turn Frditt Trip of Inspection Over CajinaUnfc - r.. DAY'S NEWS IN RALEIGH The Baseball Outlook Two Difficul ties in the Country Craverv Coun ty Man Gets Execut ve CIen -: ency Public High Schools. (Special Star Correspondence.) , . Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 14. Chairman Franklin McNeill and Commissioner's S. Li. Rogers and E. C. Beddingfield, of the North Carolina Corporation in very satisfactory condition, a credit to the receivership management. Raleigh baseball fans, headed by President JJ. B. Pearce of the Raleigh baseball Association, are indulging strongly in, the hope of getting into the Carolina Association for the next season through Columbia dropping out of the South, -Atlantic and coming into the Carolina League, thereby making an opening for Raleigh to get in also. There is a manifest determination to have league ball in Raleigh next sea- ' ulV son m some way. Forty-five thousand dollars appropri- ITirii q t McLamb, E. E. MendenhaU, J, W. Jones, J. W. Patterson and C C. McLean. Edward Carlton Duncan,' Jr., 12-year-old son of Hon. E. C. Duncan, died at his father's home here about midnight after an illness with typhoid, fever with complications. He was an ex ceptionally bright, boy of splendid phy sique, so much so that; he lived for JSJ and days ' S5'"&-p nope for nlm The remains will be carried Sunday morning to Beaufort, j.l m ' m -m ar "... rv me iamny nome 01 Mr. uuncnn, ior interment Sunday afternoon. Because he stepped on a girl's toe in the midst of a big quilting party dance at Forestville, this county, Lum Holding, colored, was set upon by j Tnmpr "Rvjitis, th earl's escort, with ; " -77::",. 0i" "7 a nartv rr rnonna nratrtr&n finwn a. - - stairway feet foremost ana, in a scuffle that followed Holding was cut in the abdomen so that he died during th day in a Raleigh hospital. Evans was captured ana janea in ttaieigu. i Seventy bird shot discharged from a double-barrel shotgun by James Turner were picked out 0f the back or kod Turner, coiorea, oy vr. suna- lo, at Garner today. James Turner is a well known young white man and h and the negro h?d quarreled, each beinS on the nunt for a su t0 shoot i the other. The vouner white man. only , , , -jemo uiu, "" a mot., . dashed into a clump of bushes, he v. ' , 7 " was peppered with the shot from the : T17 V 1 f a "Kmr'c! mm TTa mill vonmrar 1 nn.mnr p.Iptit, maVps an nrder fnr d. W. Dowdy, the well known young white man who was sentenced to two J L. ' '"ll.li S$L twn von rs apn when thA cmsaria v .. UW.owoIno "KHnil Icrot" -nrVilaVmr Bolllno agamui, unuu t. iiiuj ...uo was on, to be given his liberty Decern- ber 20th.' thereby cutting the term in Governor as excessive. - Negro Held on Susp'cion. .t one of the fertilizer factories up the river before day Friday morning umcer w. t. ,Jt$rmKiey arrested .ate- phen James, a negro thoughrto be one . of those implicated In the assault up- on 0fflcer j e. Batchelor snd the res- cue of a;prisoner from.hlm on Thurs-.men dav nfeht as he was on his wav to the station to go on duty, th6 partlcu- lars of ;which are remembered by eaders cf this paper; James has marks of nippers on his wrist and also ' an abrasion on tne race wnicn umcer ments. " Read the advertisement of the Pol- THE NEW WOOLVIN BUILDING, The above illustration: from the ar chitect's drawings is a faithful repre sentation of the handsome three-story business block of stores being erected by Mr. James, F. Woolvin and as the structure will appear when completed on the site of the old Court House, on Princess, between Second and Third streets. 1 The building is decidedly one of the greatest public improvements go ing on in Wilmington at the present time and was undertaken by Mr. Wool vin several months ago when the out look was anything like as bright as it is now, emphasizing the faith that the builder has in the town and of pro perty on Princess street, now one of the leading business thoroughfares down town. Plans fox the , building v, j houses in the -city. Mr. Woolvin is nrra mnoidorinir tfio, lo-trino- nf fha floors with "terrazzo" a compound, of' polished marble laid It, MmoT tvi&V. ing the building With its steel frame practically fire-prooX;: The building fronts 83 feet three inches on Princess street and will be rented as one large store with four entrances or will be divided into four or in pairs es the tenant or tenants GAME PLAYED ON MONDAY Meet of A. & M. Second Team and Wilmington Necessarily Postpon ed Yesterday Visitors Remain Over for Tomorrow's Meet. The players being neither mud tur tles nor crawfish, the football game yesterday afternoon between the strong elevens of Wilmington and the A. & M. College, was of necessity postponed on account of the very in J clement weather and the game will V& niovci t-r,B-a.A t-n-mn W1UU 0115 wnen it was reauzea yesteraay orning that there would be no morning that there chance to Dlay the eame. teleDhonie communication was had with Dr. Hill, president of the A. & M., with regard to the team s remaining over until Monday so that the game could be played. In consideration of the ex- pense already incurred by the local team preparing for the game, Dr. Hill willinelv save his consent and the de- iay is serving only to whet the appe tite of the men for the contest, in order thst the game on Monday n hp fichori ,-T. omnin time for- piayers xo leave ine city ior itaieign i ed at 3 o'clock, instead of 3:30. as ori- u n- wm ue staru-. ginally intended. Tl i. e x 1 tttii i v.a i to get the A. & M. te2m to come to this city to meet the locals, and this 2SvlSSiS& tcQm'n v.?. r 4- nmnin -. S3 UClUg VCV4 L(J I cuiaiu UVC1 A j.1 J Ti. m i ajji CWU CULllt? UajSS. O. L Will IClU I IB liberal patronage on the part of the nublic to defrav the exoensea and it men have been practicing regularly for a month past and they are now in fine condition to put up a game fight. The visiting players are a husky lot md it can be seen that the locals will nave a hard lob on their hands to prevent defeat. Both elevens -have been consistently and systematically trained under expert coaches and the are on to all the fine nointa ot tho rmo Tho aHmk:!nn wlll U Kft cents, this including the gr-ndstand. No extra charge will be made for ve hides. x - ; The A. & M. players - are a clever set of young gentlemen and, they are ltors and they appear ;to be enjoying J their stay-to - the fullest. ; i h r I For the benefit of the aany Wil- i ramA txrlT , h&v.tiv I l pert wtth the megaphone- has beeiien t rami It- mav felect. T mill r.o cnlirl otnno fnnnr t;wiil, be solid stone front withate gfe Windows and prism anmj, -the flatter ; being anj inven- ) ???Ji . TtruJ , vOJL!r:c 15V?!flef&e-' m SS3?wS,SevS?Sf?W- The? J? W1U flTli? liht? Vef tll2fSrai lQ 2E;25S S'tlPw n0thn5 W'Tt hfMtwS; JSXehZri SbdJZ y,nc rt.urnA v. t- " P.i0 tenant until the structure rtMm bl Sedlu nSss? hdisSrh Dieaiiipatcn. . The s apper floors of the building will ber allowed to remain incomplete for ' suit : the tenant. There is talk of con- i rm, I 11 1 j e posing front, towering 11 feet above trio finnthom TT'lootr.? f nmn-rTr'i cfT-o. on the west and seven or eight feet tViot. 1fv WKI k!U. ing:MBcnpied: .. by, .himself- as funeral . - j-''' -j. If will he a. credit to the city ande XV !s . , . .-$-rm nf whether, tnp servlco renderea me owner, wno nas aemonsiraxea nis faith in Wilmington in dollars and cents rather than conversation and loud acclaim. DISTRICT HFFTINfi FNDS llltJ&IllUA, lUULflinU l-ll VJ r Social Session of Junior Order United American Mechanics, by Two Councils Last Night Address by State Councilor. The district meeting of the Junior; Order, United American Mechanics, which has been in session during the past two days, beginning with the opening exercises at the Academy of Music Friday night, terminated last evenlne with a deliehtful social gath- erine at the council hall on Market . street; participated in by by members of the local lodstes and a number of visit 1 !nr jnhiorg includine Professor Chas E. Brewer, who spoke most interest ingly of the success of the meeting. The inclement weather, "prevented are interested anxiety in the Yale camp as to th the host of visitors expected from I 'Qf course there was never any in- outcome of the game today, but the councils throughout the district, how- tent'on of Uafring Wilmington out of work of Yale improved and eventu ever, the interest and enthusiasm the pronosed corps. I know of my ally burst upon the tired and weaken manifested by the members of George personal knowledee that you have the et 1Prlncton. elfven like an over Washington and Jeff Davis councils, Dest kind of material from which to whelming flood and carried it down to occasioned many complimentary re - morta frnm Prnf occnr TIt'OTXTOT" whn XJLXUtA .W . VXU JL UiVkJUyi W I T I ..uw stated that it was the most success- fUi to be the first gathering or tne kind to be held by a district that he ever attended. Woodus Kellum, Esq., an enthusias- i tic Junior, and a member of one of the local councils, following the short ad dress of Professor Brewer, spoke very pleasantly of the success of the order and was given much applause. ; Delightful refreshments wene served and the gathering was a most enjoya ble one in every respect. Professor Brewer with members of a commit tee composed of Woodus Kellum, Esq., L. Clayton Grant, Esq., Messrs. W. W. Galloway, E. C. Woodbury, N. J. Wil liams and W. E. Yopp, enjoyed an oyster roast at the Sound 'yesterday, this entertainment being a part of the programme of the district meet ing. " .... n. .nuaH Sr"an Dwelling Destroyea. small f"ml co"age 0C?L corner of TWrteenth and Dawson streets, owned, ana OCCUpiea ny nerce Murphy, was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning.. The fire depart ment responded to airalarm from, box 55 at 6:15 A. M., but tne remoteness of the property from the water limits prevented their assistance. The loss is estimated at 150 with insurance. eaged to announce in: full hearing of alL after each play. Just-the status of the irespective - teams. ' This auroras an excellent opportunity - ior au w the interest and , enthusiasm Of the mosv arqeoi aevoiee. ARTILLERY SERYICE Question of Wilmington Light In fantry's Entrance id be Set tled Tuesday Night. FROM ADJUTANT GENERAL Thinks it Quite Proper Wilmington Should Join Reserves Letter From President-elect Wm. H. Taft as to Inauguration. The question of whether or not the Wilmington Light Infantry will go into ;the Coast Artillery service as a part,day won her sixth victory from iof the National Coast Artillery Re- serve will be definitely decided by the company at a meeting to he held Tues day night of this week and local mili tary interest is entered just now in what will, probably be the action tak en at this meeting. The officers of the company are anx- wuo cixa.u iuc meeiyo VUrpH, as well . . as any of the veterans, Mould be pres - ent and advise with the active mem - ers on th.3 quesUon. As indicated by a letter received by the Adjutant General, the question will have to be definitely decided on Tuesday night and it is being generally discussed! xt is generally knowji that even how the Lisnt try away from'home is holds in the National Guard as Com- . Will.ineton rleM mfan - tr so that e ' argument as to the , company's losing its irfaivfduality seems meff ective. . The company has D&n Chartered legally and owns its pi.operty under the name of the Wil- mington Light Infantry and the mten- tion5of cnaSging the name of the his- lone organizauon nas never qeu con- f JP'?P; ln5 c"Ile OI me principal Sseapuria Ul hne Soul? ' .D A... in Iflfl AlUUeJJ XVCSCIVC, pal ticu- w " lmnnfranT. rnrrs sn near. " " . " i . by. the company in time of war would b.e m defense of its own coast or pos- siDiy.m some iar-away wuuuj as a Part or tnei mrantry. wnen xne war ; between the States was declared, the first assignment of the Light Infantry ,was to Fort Caswell and it would seem 'still appropriate that it should be as- signed to defend the gateway to its( very nme' Those whQ have consid- erea me qu. suuu icci 1410.0 icw tives of soldiery would much prefer having them at a nearby post m time of war. rather than the possibility of som far-away country or in some re cently acquired insular possession. The letter from Adjutant General Rob- ertson to Captain Robertson, under date November 12th, is " as follows "Dear Captain: Your letter of No vember 11th is all right I had no reason to doubt that your delay was due to the fact that you were giving th sublect in question very serious and deliberate consideration, wh'ch think ,1s the way the matter ought to f - if Von can reach a conclusion and advise me by the 25th. If I did i earner in me aay. wun laie, it wa not have some important fengag-ments a ; different story. Entering a contest next week. I would do myself the for the first time since the sweeping pleasure of go'ng to Wilmington for a : switching of the men after the Brown conference with von and others who, &ame last Saturday there was somo 'draw - aT1 d your people hav? always T ..(1,,;n.jA mm. rmm lnnql milt I MM I 1 t" II II LlOI C L Kj YUU1 XIVrCAX iUlil tarv oriran7ation "Vorv respecfuliv. "THOS. R. ROBERTSON. "Adjutant General." The National government is just now taking great Interest in the coast defences and it is reasonable to ex- peci mai in-? eau uiuDl ui cu y- tti'ti rrn 1 Acrhf Tnfnntrv a an Art.il-. 1 " '""" ' , lery teserve wouia pe 01 me uesi. In this connection the following let- ter just receivea dv tne comma" aant : of the W. Li. I. will be read with In- terest: 'Hot Springs, "Virginia, , "November 10, 1908. 'My Dear Sir: I beg to acknowl- edge receipt of your favor of the 5th of November, and to say In reply that I shall be glad to meet the members ot the Wilmington Light Infantry m cas they v'sit Washington at the t'me of the inauguration. I thank you for writing, ard for your good wishes. "Sincerely yours, "WM. H. TAFT." Will Wed Today. Announcement is made of the forth coming marriage of Mr. David Adrian Mathews, a son of Mr. Nicholas Math- ews, of Magnolia, N. C; and , Miss I-ona Alexander, a daughter of Mrs. Alice Alexander, the ceremony to take , place this evening at the home of the bridVs mother-in the northern part of the city, r n - The annual Ten Day Bargain Sale at Polvogtfs - will - begin Wednesday. the 18th, ?with double trading stamps, i GRIDIRON RESULTS Many Teams Chased the Elusive Oval in Blinding Snow Yes ferday Afternoon. SCORES ON MANY FIELDS Virginia's &xth Victory From George town Chicago and Cornell Tie Indians Defeat Pennsy. Prince ton Closes Inglorious Season. (By Wire to the Morning Star.) Washington, N,ov. 14. Virginia to- i Georgetown by a score of 6 to 0. The Same between the old gridiron rivals was gruelling and was played on snow covered field in a blinding storm. Virginia showed clearly her superi ority over Georgetown, although many of the factors which usually entered into previous victories were lackine. Fumbling was frequent on both sides- . " i xiiis naa liuyumur ble. Virnk's masiva marrn 1 mlll Xwld untte ness of ner opponents in line ph weak- opponents in line plunging: Stanton, Virginia's right half back. played brilliantly and scored his , team's only touchdown in the first part of the second half. Virginia's backs took the ball through George town's line after a series of straight line, plunges and fake plays, carrying the pigskin to Georgetown's 20-yard line; then on a delayed forward pass Honaker lost Anton, the ball was tak en around Georgetown's right end to 'her 10-yard line and in two straight, 1 line-plunges the ball went ttrough the foal Virginia's rooters flanked on the left side of the field grew wild in cheering. Yancey kicked the goal, Georgetown's only chance to score a ck by Georgetown when one of Ty , iJC Wi , , . penally, line plun 11 on Vir- irtnt)i'n 4-V. na.J linn Ix.A U Luf not break down Virginia's mas- O!,ro 1Ua Vlro-inlo o a.f. after making her touchdown. The i Virginia. Georgetown. 1 . iA n LT Rourke - . luurpny.-... ... . . xa ....... . .w .uaiy Gloth (Capt) . . . .. C Eager Calfee rq ...Coniff Holliday RT ...MunhaH Bowen RB ...Miller (Capt) Honaker QB .Stuart Neff. . . . .'.'.'.'.'."Lhb i.'.'.' .PaUen stanton FB Fitzgerald yancey RHB ..Shea Referee Mr. Stauffer of Pennsyl- vania. Umpire, Mr. Kingdon, of Co- lumoia. j?ieia juage, jvir. w eimonui. Df Yale. Head linesman, Mr. Douglas Gf tne Navy. Princeton Closes Inqloriously. Princeton, N. J Nov. 14.- Princeto today closed an inglorious football sear- son by a defeat at the hands of Tale . by the score of 11 to 6. Outplayed in the first half and with the score of to 0 against them, the Yale eleven came back determined for the second half and simply carried the Princeton ions off their feet Working like a well oiled piece oT i.macnmery in tne opening nair ine Orange and Black returned for the second session to show only spasmo dic flashes of the brilliancy displayed )vclCt Pennsylvania the Winner. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 14. Out tackled, out-punted, out-played and out-generaled Michigan went down to defeat before Pennsylvania today by the score of 29 to 0. This makes the third successive defeat Michigan has received at the handg of Pennsylvania, Tne Pennsylvania interference was , e bJe an(J tne j of MIcnIgaiI . . , x, was ueciaeaiy erratic. Throughout the first half which end ed 6 to 0 in Pennsylvania's favor. Michigan played stubbornly making: up for their errors by frequent long cains. But in the second neriod of play they weakened and the. line could not then resist, the relentless attack of the visiting back field. The first touchdown made by Pennsylvania was one of the most brilliant examples of the forward pass ever witnessed on Ferry Field Chicago and Cornell. Chicago, Npv. 14. Chicago fought an even battle with Cornell today, the score being 6 to 6 at the end of the fastest game played in the West this jseason. Outweighed and outplayed on straight football in the first half; Chicago gave an exhibition of speed and involved play in the second that bewildered the Ithacans ana sent tne ball across the Cornell goal The game was the t final one to be played in Chicago. The Harvard Game. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 14. Har-. vard's offense overcame the stubborn Dartmouth defense In the last , part of. the second half of their annual football in the stadium today and br (Coattased jon. Pss C),. . i t i v j-: ''4i f . - ,i. i m- -