THE HORNING STAE, WILMINGTON, FEIDAY DECEMBER 4, ;1908. PAGE TWO v: t Hi 1$ Ml .is. I m j A. A . m If 1:4 ' i; ;:iiV fEbe CDlpmf ng Star. f Founded In 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD. Owner and Editor. more numerous ' than . now. Mecklen burg doctors are tooth sensible and gallant.' WILMINGTON, N. C. filtered as second-class matter at 3m postoffice' at Wilmington, N. C, r the Act of Congress of March ft 1179. Friday, December 4, 190'8. SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL GRESS. CON- There will be stirring times in Washington ( city next week on ac count of important meetings to be held there. Congress will meet on Monday. This, as usual, will draw public attention. Then, as was an nounced in this paper a few days ago, the National Rivers and Harbors Con gress will meet on Wednesday. This . gathering wil1 be. largely attended by representative business men from eve ry section of the country and will be of even greater interest to the general public than the Congress. During the same week there will be another important assembly in that city. The Southern Commercial Con gress wiJJ convene on Monday and re main in session two days. This will be the first eo-eperanive move on the part of Southern commercial bodies. Its purpose is t; "create through la'. th3 South a greater self-knowledir-3 nnd a fuller understanding of the com mercial destiny of the Southern States. The purpose also is to remove from other portions of our own country and from Europe the misunderstandings existing relative to health and educa tional conditions in the South. In other words the object of this con gress is to aid "our own people in ac quiring a fuller understanding of the South's natural resources and her fu ture possibilities if those resources tare properly developed and to over come the false impression existing in other sections as to conditions here i Ex-Mayor Woodward now realizes the power of public sentiment in con trolling political elections; that where a moral question is involved it is stronger than party ties, and that a man should be careful how he opposes it or attempts to go contrary to the rules It lays down regarding the con duct of public officials. The day haa passed when a man can pursue the course he has and retain his hold on a constituency. Sobriety and moral conduct are considered just as neces sary in a public official as mental ca pacity. In the overwhelming defeat of Woodward the people of Atlanta taught him and all men of his kind a lesson which it would be well for them to heed. ; I 1 Ii . - ...... J ,.r-v-.-.trr.; I I' ' XT ?fVC"M ... . I i ii im ii" iiiiiiiMnn giMMiirri 1 --; '""'ff' vmm ' J Those little baby boats the naval authorities are sending to the Pacific coast and to the , Philippines wiirbe out of date by the time they reach their destination if they are successful in doing so at all. Those for the Pa cific should have been sent overland by railroad. That would have been cheaper and less hazardous, and those to the Philippines should have been put aboard the next transport sent to the East. In the Democratic States of the South the lumber men and the cotton mill men want tariff protection for the products of their mills; the growers of rice, peanuts, cotton and other crops, each wants the out-put of his farm to receive similar protection. This is the commercial view of the question, which is very different from the Dolitical demand for tariff for revenue only. The successful contestants in the automobile races at Savannah drew pretty good prizes, but then they took big risks to win them. In such races the margin between life and death is a mighty narrow one. The wonder is that there were not more serious acci dents. Every man taking part in the races put his life in serious jeopardy. We can't see any entanglements in the agreement just entered into Be tween Japan and the United States. It does p.ot alter the former attitude on the eastern Fading Beauty Your good looks begin to fade as soon as some thing begins to affect the appearance of your eyes. Dark hollow circles around them one of the first outward signs of female trouble, make you look sick, worn and old. Wine of Cardui is recommended to )1)u as a means of preserving your good looks, strengthening your system and making you healthy and .well. Thousands of ladies have used Cardui, as a cure for female ailments of different kinds. It has been found to prevent or relieve female pain, regulate irregularities, strengthen the female frame, brighten the eye and bring back the flush of health to the cheeks. Try Cardui for your troubles. It is safe and always reliable, purely vegetable and harmless to young and old. Sold by reliable druggists, everywhere, with full directions, in six languages, inside the wrapper. XT A T TT A T?T T? Write for 64-page illustrated Book "Home Treatment for V tXA Ur rlri Women," describing symptoms of Female Diseases and giv TrrV inff valuable hintsxm health, hygiene, diet,' medicine, etc- rilll JIV rt Fj III for women. Sent free, postpaid. Address: Ladies Advisory i DeJt., The Chattanooga Medicine Co- Cnattanoogajjenn. :..Jt 7 JrL .3 s-J I G 180 irmHi'i. LrC- TT of our Government which tend to keep out foreign capl-' question or bind it to anything new in tal and to prevent that class of immi gration to our States which is so much needed to develop our natural resour ces and to bring under cultivation the large areas of unproductive land, though the question of immigration, as well as every other one on which there is division among our people will not be subjects of debate. Of the many questions to be dis cussed are such as Southern Health Conditions, Climate1 and Temperature, "by Surgeon General Wyman; Influ ence of the Panama Canal on the In dustrial Development of the Nation, y Secretary of War Wright; Ports of the South and Foreign Trade, by M. J. Sanders, of New Orleans; Water Courses of the South, by John A. Fox, of Arkansas; Southern Railroads and Their Needs, by Jno. F. Wallace, of New. York. Tha various subjects con nected with agriculture, mining and manufacture in the South will also be discussed. If this move is properly conducted the right kind of men in control it can do the South a great deal of good, and we hope it will be largely attend ed by representative men. Japan's favor. CURRENT COMMENT. THE WYATT MEMORIAL. John A. Mitchener, of Selma, N. C, Secretary of the local Wyatt Memo rial Association, which is trying to raise funds for erecting a monument to the North Carolina soldfcr who was the first give up his life in the cause of the Confederacy, publishes! an appeal for funds in which he says: "'The movement inaugurated to raise funds with which to icrect a memorial is not eighteen months old. There is in hands of the treasurer ia very cred itable showing in cash for so shorta time. The situation is now an 'in teresting one and calls for cash now from all who intend to help. It is this: I have a conditional subscrip tion, Spot dash, of one thousand dol lars, if on the first day of January, 1909, I can show that a certain amount is ready in the hands of the treasurer. To remove all doubt as to getting that one thousand dollars for a New Year's present, I shall on Christmas ';ve night hang up a Wyatt stocking in which I hope to find from all ROUT-OPS tho novt -m..-,; 1 1 i r i ai or niprw ."-"1 rounded up the delegates to secure v wvMn-vyijj.uto ri i ii Willi; It may be true, as Rockefeller de clares, that the oil business is a pe culiarly hazardous cne; but when business enables those engaged in it to "heds?&" as luxuriously as Johndee has, the hazard appear to be what the insurance men call a "good risk." Columbia State. A sporting writer in the Columbia State the other day, writing on the fact that Columbia had dropped out of the South Atlantic League and the possibility of entering some other leasrue. made this statement: "The population of the Carolina Association towns in an estimate for 1907: Char lotte 30,000; Greensboro, 10,035, Win ston, 10.008; Anderson, 15,000; Spar tanburg 17,000; Greenville, 12,000." Greensboro 10.035! Wow! Greensboro, no doubt, could place all of Columbia in that auditorium and still have room for a baseball diamond in the building. Raleigh Evening Times. It is to the credit of the New York World that it should confess that the version of the German Emperor's interview with Dr. Hale, which it published some days ago, was a fabri cation from the whole cloth. Bnt the investigation which induces the re traction should have preceded the publication of the article to. satisfy the requirements of decent journal ism. The matter was one of great im- portano?, involving, possibly, even the relations between Germany and Eng land, to. say nothing of the personal entitlement of the German Emperor to fair treatment. Its greed for sensa tion is ia very serious fault in a jour nal which is in many respects ably. conducted. Virginian-Pilot. The Virginia 2-cent passenger rate case affords another example of the curious differences that occur in ju dicial opinion even in the highest court. Justice Brewer dissented from the decision of the majority as ren dered by Justice Holmes, on the ground that the decree of the lower court was right and should be upheld. Chief Justice Fuller and Justice Har lan concurred in the conclusion that the decree should be reversed, but put it on the ground contended for by the Virginia. Commission, that the latter was a judicial body, in effect a State court, with whose decrees a Federal court could not interfere. Such are the uncertainties of the judi cial mind. Journal of Commerce. Frank H. Hitchcock, the man who what is now ready to be ulaced with that in the hands of the treasurer.and that I can the nxt,day publish a large subscription list paid in." WOMEN TO THE FRONT. There is hope for the suffragettes. If they persist in their efforts they may yeit win. Women are surely com ing to the front in public matters mpre rapidly than ever before. The News, and-Observer points out these two in. stances; "Not only did the Democrats of Col orado elect a woman State Superin tendent of a Schools, but the Mecklen-" TiurgMedicalSociety has chosen Miss AnnieAlexancler. M. D., president of theiMecklenbnrg Medical Society The edteal- pcoesi?ion should peculiarly m.Vw,tta Miuoii ami in another een- Mr. Taft's nomination and who subse quently served as chairman of the campaign committee, has won his re ward in the form of the place as Post master General in' the -Cabinet. We know nothing of Mr. Hitchcock's fit ness for this responsible post, but we suspect fitness is a secondary consid eration with party services as the first. The custom, of rewarding suc cessful political miaipulators with Cab inet positions ;6ne .tor be deprecated and which, f persisted . in, Jfvill inevi tably lower - the ' standard of govern ment service. In this case the pros pective appointment has .very much the appearance of a "deal." Danville Dae. " " must j be ; inferred that .the apr pointmentxof. a new; Public Printer at Washington, means ; thatthe hig gov ernment printeryn continues , to ? haffl all the efforts of the President of the a record of Mr.' Roosevelt's failures in office were to be compiled, after his retirement, the government's printing shop might head the list. But the plant and its problems have baf fled all Presidents and (many continue to baffle them for years to come un less Congress wakes up to the neces sity for a printing reform. Mr. Roose velt, while in office, has now had four public Printers to deal with, and the two in particular whom he appointed, with the purpose of placing thorough ly trained men in control of the plant men who were not politicians and had no political antecedents have quickly succumbed for one reason or another. The trouble with the Pub lie Printing office is that politics has ruined it. Springfield Republican. As some doubt has apparently arisen in this country, as well as in Europe, as to just what was meant by the "two-Power" standard, which the British Navy is supposed to main tain in comparison with other navies, the question has been put directly to the British Premier during a debate in the House of Commons. Mr. As quith, who has apparently irrevocably adopted the two-Power standard as part oi tne lioerai programme, an nounced that this meant a preponder ance for Great Britain of 10 per cent over tire combined strength in capital ships of the two next strongest naval powers. This seems explicit enough, yet some of Mr. Asquith's followers professed to believe that neither the United States nor Japan were includ ed in these calculations. This ques tion was propounded to the Premier in Parliament like the other problem had been, and he made it perfectly clear that the words, "two next stron gest Powers," meant to include all nations, wherever situated. As the United States and Germany hold the second and third places among the world's navies, the two-Power stand ards in the British- Navy actually means that the strength of that Navy is to be maintained so as to show a preponderance of 10 per cent over the combined strength of the United States and German Navies. New Or leans Picayune. WHAT IS A DAY? TWINKLINGS. "How did !he lose his money?" "His father-in-law failed." Illustrated Bits. "I can see Maude's finish." "So?" "She's on the third lap now." Chica go Record. r-Mrs. Knicker Where do you keep your auto? Mrs. Newrich In a mirage, of course. New York Sun. Caller Is the lady of the house in? Waitress (who has been given no tice) She's in,' but she's no lady. Life. "Are you fond of entertaining cal lers?" "Yes," answered the lady ad dressed, "but few of mine are that va riety." Louisville Courier-Journal. The One But if you have the money, why don't you pay your debts ? The Other Because if I did that I wouldn't have the money. Chicago News. Lawson I want you to read the manuscript of my new novel. Dawson Thank you, but I think I will wait till I can read the proofs. Somerville Journal. "The best man in Georgia," said the old farmer to his son, "came from the plow." "That's what I want to come from," said the youth, "an' migjity quick, too." Atlanta Consti tution. Lady Godiva explained. "It was a compromise she said. "Tne origi nal proposition was that I should ap pear on the street in a f directoire gown." From wMch W learn they drew the line in those days. Chicago Tribune. The Dominie Why are you anx ious tor me to dine with von on Thanksgiving, my young friend? Freddie 'Cause dad said he wouldn't go to the expense of a turkey unless some one should come to dinner. Puck. John Oi tell 'ee, Maria, we did it in sjtyle-we 'ad a fly from the station. Maria Goa' gracious, ,,John! You don' -mean to say you a Mn in one o they wunnerful nasty ol' airyplanny thinks like ye was tellin' me on? The. Tatler. His, mother was telling 8-year-old Jack of John D. Rockefeller's success, and, he listened, ' he - said: "Yes, I know him." "No, I guess you don't know him," "Why, yes I do he re plied.; "I have seen him a good many times when he goes. by. on his oil wa gonsDelineator. ' You Probably Think It Is Twenty-four Hours, but It Isn't. Nine persons out of ten yes, 999 out of every 1,000 if asked how long it takes the earth to turn once on its axis would answer twenty-four hours. and to the question, How many times does it turn on its axis in the course of the year? the answer would be 3654 times. Both answers are wrong. It requires but twenty-three hours and fifty-six minutes for the earth to make one complete turn7 and it makes 36G turns during the year. The er ror springs from a wrong idea of what is meant by a day. The day is not, as is commonly sup posed, the time required by the earth to make one turn on its axis, but the interval between two successive pas sages of the sun across the meridian that is to say, the time which elapses after the sun is seeu exnetly south in its diurnal course through the heavens before it is again seeniin that position. Now, in consequence of the earth's revolution in its orbit or path round the sun, the sun has the appearance of moving very slowly in the heavens in a direction from east to west. At noon tomorrow the sun will be a short distance to the east of the point in the heavens at which it is seen at noon today, so that when the earth has made one complete turn it will still have to turn four minutes longer be fore the sun can again be seen exactly south. )j ,BeIle of Virginia Rye deserves iis name, (r ff and the name is certainty one of distinction IB r f It Tastes Good and Creates Strength ino Ppfa t r: r -j w viiguiia ivy c deserves tcs name, and the name is certainty one of distinction and .old-time aristocracy. It's a whiskey we are proud of on accbunH of its purity and high quality and its hosts of idmiriag fjiends who vv-ill drink nothing'else. ''Belle of Virginia is a blend a scientific uniform blend of pure, old goods. It's a whiskey with a flavor, and a fine, invigorating after-effect long lo be remembered by those who drink it. Try ;t and you will rjiske rto mistake. Sold at the places whexs gentlemen go to get a drink. J. E. MAHONEY Portsmouth. Virginia the famous cod liver and iron medicine,' without oil. Vinol is much better than cod liver oil and emulsions, because, while it contains all the medicinal value th6y do, it disagrees withno one. ? As a body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate children, after sickness, and for stub born coughs and colds Vinol is unequaled. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. Dressed Turkeys if?"" mm SOLKY for QUALITY. SOLKY for QUALITY. Ow Word Bmi Goose, Chickens, nice Beef. Lamb, Pork. Extra Fine Oysters, nice Celery, Lettuce, Cucumbers and all kind of Vegetables and Fruits. Palace EUSarkef Phone No. 72. nov 28 tf. ien? DRESS ID 7HG CQb oration tWrwill be an hundrod tiSS, 'Fnid States. to . phice .it ojua decent ; PILES CURED 1 6?TO 14 DAYS-? fmP 9JWmmTr is , gsaiteea4 to curany case .pf Itching,- PU&d; Btee. urrcjpouisjii orol4 day Will always be kept ctean and square; and when we tell you that our Sf rouse & Brps. and B. Kuppenheimer Clothing will fit you, wear you and make you more stylish looking than any other clothes in the world sold at this price, you will believe it, be cause we make good what we say. Come in and see for yourself what beautiful patterns we're showing; try on a suit or two and see the fit; buy the one you like best. SUITS OR OVERCOATS NEW NECKWEAR ...$10 TO $25 .25o TO $1.50 One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. nor 29 tf ALL. NEED A stimulant at sometime or another, therefore remember that January is not far off and supply yourself while our stock of Wines and liquors is still complete and now selling at reduced prices. , Atlantic Cafe GIESCHEN BROS; Props. Opposite Union Depot nov 200 tf ' - ' , ; mm mrktfstx tt r " mom ' : ? nwne 1052 0 v. vj nn oil! W11 o n fir. ci - m I . i- --.- 1 ' T J. 0? - - ' s ' t J A. ' if " " 1 3 , , r" V t -"1 4- r 11 r 1 - 'i.-