-i i "t 3 i.' 1 THE MO&iNlKG STAR, WILMUN GTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1909. PAGE TWO mi 11 ft 1; t 8i 4i J J. , Onoruina Star. Founded in 1867. WILLIAM H. BERNARD Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON, N. C. think that Taft will choosesome one else when he takes up the Judgeship matter. THE SWAIN DEBT; Yc hope this Legislature will not adjourn without iy.ving inado provis ion for paying the just claim of the estate of the late David L. 'Swain against the State University. That in stitution has no funds wherewith to Entered as second-class matter at i cancel tnis debt which is one of honor rh nostoffice at Wilmington. X. C.Jas well as a legal one. It is a shame ed a volume -on "The Banking and Currency Problem' in the United State," in which he lays much stress upon the inadequacy of bank reserves in this country, in regard to which he makes some misleading comparisons. He is right in maintaining that the only reserve against deposits that, can be relied upon to serve its full pur pose when most needed must consist of cash in the possession of the bank, and that bank notes, deposits in other banks, call loans or securities owned. I do not add to the strength of reserves. at such a time. Then he states on au thority of the report of the Comptrol- j lul fl tilt L'UHCUL,y liuu tilt? VUlitJL'LA JfflJI the" v ni sh under the 4. 1S79. Act of Cong . of March 'that the State has not paid it long individual deposits of all the (twenty Friday. February 12. 1909. thousand-odd) banks and trust 'Com panies in the United States amounted KNOX'S INELIGIBILITY. ago. The claim is for money aavac- ea Dy vr. owdm tu - Qn qv &hont Jmw .0 J907 tQ $j3f09c,. a time when the .State had no tunds c00 000 wnjic their aggregate reserves wherewith to aid it, and if it had not0f cash of all kinds (including bank kq fnr nprnsitv the Univcrsity notes) amounted to only $1,118,742,- u - in hp 000." This is only 8... per cent, of de- S would have been compelled to close dangerous this situation ; its doors. Time and again the State was it is said, is made obvious by the The press dispatchesMn yesterday's has teen asked to pay this debt and fact that the Bank of England gen- papers stated that it had bee,, discov- ever, time ha. refused to do so. stil. oral 'ttVbnK STS trod that there was a clause in the each year it appropriates thousands larger separate reserve for its notes: Constitution which made Senator Gf dollars for purposes not near so;the Bank of France, a reserve of Knox ineligible as a member of Taft's meritorious. So long as this debt re- about SO per cent, of its deposit lia- OMet and that to take his case out mains unpaid the State cannot truth- JJfV&g' ae've or'Tboul of that constitutional provision a res-, fully declare that it treats with fair- 40 per cent Qf deposit liabilities -and olution had been introduced m tne ness and justice au persons wjlu notes, journal oi vuiumexce, Svnate to reduce the salary of Secre- ;whom it has money dealings. tary of State to what it was prior to onforming to every requirement of the Pure Food Laws, insuring Purest" of Whiskies for medicinal or personal uses. ipments made in plain packages same day orders received. oney refunded upon return of goods if not entirely satisfactory. ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. Knox becoming a Senator. The dis- An Indiana farmer says he has a hog two rabbits. TWINKLINGS. "And you complained of the cost ; les," ans- ve -,wh hns oaufrht two rabbits. It patches, however, did not state what, of your wife's new hat?" musi ue w "u 7" ; wered the philosophic man, "but that, . I hool- cmoriPC -oVi ih ars nrvted f nr their t i, k; u i Set wiw.,, was ueiure x saw uut utg 1 1. w as. the exact trouble was. u ;c-nnii;fiaHrri ia nlainlv fo tn in Paragraph 2, .Section 6 of the swi"ness t. A Jack rabbit would Washington Star. First Artlcte of the Constitution which stana no snow Wltn one ot tnose Iei -"Be careful what ye say, son," j lows, to say nothing of an ordinary cautioned the Plunkville Polonius. SayS: . ... mollv cotton, tail If Texans would "Yes, pop," "Remember that you ain't "No Senator or Representative shall ,! folly lt 7 prominent enough to claim that you during the time for which he was efcet-, import a few of these pine rooters i misquoted." Puck. ea, De appoiniea to any civil omce un- ( tney woum soon ciear me oiau3 vl tier the authority of the United States, jack-rabbits and even' of coyotes and C-:r, iTr' V;rr .the like "varmints." euiuiutueuui wuereoi suaii nave uceu increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance Dy the Durham Herald: m omce. Mr. Knox's term as .Senator began mm .0 FASHIONKD COPPKR f HE COUSINS SUHj SOLE PROPRIETORS RICHM0ND, VIRGINIA C("05 IH t1s PAtWAW t.uABHTKB0 WJ1 ni'ritiuAi . . .... ..... niui( yiKK rHUV IHW Wi' ' COUSINS 5 Mil i ' K?11fB In Jugs. PerGaJU 3 Gal. COCKADE RYE AMULET CORN Eureka ltye $'JAH) Dan Iliver Rye Grey Goose Iiye 2.50 Satisfaction Iiy: 3.00 Old Henry Rye 3.50 Greenwood ltye 4.0O Jefferson Club Rye 4.0O Kighspiro Rye 5.00 N. C. Tuckahoe Corn...-. .00 N. C. Swallow Corn 2.50 Virginia Corn Whiskey 3.00 Very Old N. C. Com Whiskey. 3;r0 Old Burro Corn Whiskey Swan Gin 2.25 Holland Gin S.OO Apple Brandy . 2.50 Very Old Apple Brandy 3.50 Peach Brandy 3.50 lj5.75 0.45 7.20 8.70 to.oo 11. 40 11.40 14.00 5.75 7.20 8.70 10.00 .43 S.70 7.20 10.00 10.00 In Bottles. 4Qt. KQt. 3.15 O.OO 2.05 5.00 $2:0 J4.20 2.45 4.75 2.70 5.25 3.20 .25 4.00 7.75 4.50 8.75 500 s).75 O.OO 11.50 2.20 4.20 2.70 5.25 3.20 0.15 4.00 7.75 2.00 r,AH 3.40 0.40 2.70 5.25 4.00 7.75 4.0O 7.75 wvns&mii ia . war WrWm COUSINS SUPPLY CO. &L2sf!" -& fr: The Old Reliable Mail Order House, SKEY SMOOTH ANDMELLOY; DlClNALANOOTHiaH FE COUSINS SUP11 PROPRIETORS 'l.KMI( U . ...I"" J I It strikes us that there is a good deal of common sense in this remark Subaltern (to pretty widow, new ly arrived at Indian Hill Station) I say, might I hold your hand? Pretty Widow Certainly not. Your colonel's wife hasn't calfcd on me yet. Puck. Othello has just smothered Desde mona. "And yet," he cried, "she was never inconvenienced by those new "If the trust is doing something that is wrong the thing to do is to stOD it. ruffs." Herewith he considered it an V)Q-h A ions onH the "timo fnv wMMi hut thprf is nr mnrfi virtiif in nasssine- accident. New York Sun. he was elected" will not expire until a law to nurt tne trust and benefit! "And hav3 you an id-cal man, Miss onmohndif olca than tliofo i c? in noco. f!laHrc9" "T ViorT an Hool hnf V r Morrh d 1011 TX'Tiilo "ho uraa n mam. ""j, """" vv. - "" iv'"'' ! ine a law to benefit the trust and hurt ber of the Senate Congress passed a'somebodv else ' bill increasing the salaries of a num ber of Government officials, among them that of Secretary of State from shattered?" but he is 'Your ideal has been "Not exactly shattered, broke." Rochester Times. "I want to marry his daughter. I get a good salary. Don't you think the If this Legislature would appoint a special committee to prepare a table $8,000 to $12,000. Knox was not onlv showing, at date of adjournment of menon of that fact ought to pave the . . J- . .;,,x.,. way? "Sure. Wave the pay under his mat oouy, me oonaea maeoieaness or nose." Kansas City Journal, the counties and towns of the State, ..T have always heard," observed including issues authorized but not yet the Doctor, "that President Roosevelt made, the people would be astounded . is a good liver." "How can that be," a member of the 'Senate at the time of the passage of that bill but he vot d for it, and was one of its most ac tiva supporters. In the opinion of same Senators whose attention has been called to this matter tho Constitutional provision works aa absolute bar to the .appoint ment of Knox during the "time for which he was? fleeted" Senator. That bar could, it is said, be remov ed by Congress reducing the salary j to what it was before it was increased by the Congress of which he was a member at the time, the former salary to remain in force until the time for which he had been elected Senator expires. If the disability can be re moved in this way Knox will have to serve as Secretary of State for two years at a salary of $8,000. It was for the purpose of removing this disquali fication that the resolution reducing the salary was introduced in the Sen ate. As there was no opposition to Knox's appointment this resolution will, no doubt be rushed through Con gress, if the lawyers of that body de cide that it will remove the bar which aow exists. Several Senators declined to express an opinion on the subject, saying they wanted further time to examine the question. One of them remarked that in case such examination confirmed his first impression of the unconsti tutionality of the appointment he cer tainly would oppose confirmation; that it "would be a terrible thing to make such an appointment;" that the "pros- at the sum total. Whose duty is it to see that the Penitentiary Board does not persis- testily responded the professor, "when he has only one Loeb?" Chicago Tri bune. An Irish tenant who had just hnns'ht lindpr tho nurhncn n-t hnoot. cwj uu vj m law ic- ed tQ the agnt that hjg landlord wag garding the employment outside of now "God Almighty" and that he need the penitentiary of convicts of a. c;r- .fear nothing. "Don't you be too sure. tain class? So far. it has seemed to,'. as the reDl-v'- "Remember God iiiLui(,ui,j cuticu U1B illSL two 4-eu- bo nobody's. Instead of the State Guard asking for increased appropriations would it not be better to ask for more judicious supper. expenditure of what it now gets, and closer inspection with more detailed report of the manner in which""it""is expended? It's all right to say that Bryan could be elected at this time or that time, for there is no way of proving the contrary; but judging from the re sult on the days he did stand for elec tion it is natural to conclude that with him as candidate all days in the years would be alike. ants." The Christian Advocate. "That's a nice-looking chap at the n-ext table," said the young man who was treating his best girl to a lobster 'Is he a friend of yours?" "Yes, indeed," laughed the pretty girl. "Well, er I think I'll .ask him to join us." "Oh, this is so sudden!" "What's so sudden?" "Why why, that's our young minister." Chicago Daily News. It Looks JusT: Like New when your carriage has been over hauled, painted and repaired at Brown's. When you want a good job done, and your running gear put In perfect order, bring your ve hicle to Brown's. J. O. BROWN fe 2-tf.. COMMISSIONER'S ALE. By virtue and in pursuance of a de cree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County made in the case of Charity Henry vs. Gracie Ann Nixon et al., the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash on Wednesday 3rd March, 1909 at 12 m., at the Court House Door In the City of Wilmington, N. C, the fol lowing lots situate in said City: 1st, a lot beginning at Southeast intersec tion of 14th and Chesnut streets, runs East with line of Chesnut street 165 feet, thence South parallel with 14th parallel Lincolnton Times: Rev. J. M. Bal lard, of the Machpelah neighborhood, had Mr. J. M. Davis, who lives six miles north of town on route fmir. down" to his nlace last Tiiesdav and street 66 feet, thence west Wednesday examining some mineral with Chesnut street 165 feet to East veins on his farm. They found a strong line of 14til street, thence North 66 gold vein on the reverend's farm feet to beginning. 2nd, a lot beginning which runs over into Major W. A Gra- in tDe Eastern line of Twelfth street ham's plantation. At one time Major'132 ee South of the Southern line of Graham (inpnpfl nn n mino fnw m Wooster street, rnns South alone said Some of the Chesapeake and Ohio but he was quite a distance from the Has of 12th street 66 feet, thence East people seem to. think it a thing to true vein. They traced the vein easi- parallel with Wooster street 165 feet, boast of thit the Standard Oil rnm.!ly for over a mile and found a good thence North parallel with 12th street lr5dL0iDD1lS Ooet'Fouirtilh) Offl Sale Beginning Monday, February lt, we will place on sale our entire s1:ock of men's, youths', boys' and children's Overcoats, Raincoats, Odd Pants and Un derwear at 25 per ct. reduction. Now is the time for you to get the biggest values in cloth ing of the season. New line of John B. Stetson Spring Hats jusl: received. ET (DO. So W. Corner Front and Princess Sts. Phone 673. jan 31 tf pany has company. secured control of their CURRENT COMMENT. --Los Angeles is preparing to go 230 miles for a water supply. Several cities in the South have for some showing all the distance. Mr. Davis 66 feet, thence East 165 feet to begin showed us a sample of the ore which jning being west half lot 3, Block 56. shows good color and is rich. This ore If the lot first described brings is, of course, off of the surface, as they enough to pay the judgment and costs, did not do any digging, but they are the second aoove described will not maKing arrangements to uncover and . be sold. time been going just as far for thmr mention of rebaters and land-grabbers supplies of another liquid, and soon would be a joke, with the highest offi cial in the nation thus flagrantly vio lating one of the provisions of the fun damental law of the land." they will be going even farther. Vir ginian Pilot. The Columbia State reflects that the members of the United States House of Renresentntivps expose the full face of the vein and will work it later on, Kinston Free Press: It was stat ed on the streets today that "some where" up the river, "someone" struck oil yesterday. The "who" "where" and nature of oil, whether petroleum or fusil oil from some still, remains snrouaea m mystery, nor nave we WM. M. BELLAMY, ja 31 30d Commissioner. ",ruiai iaw iuB ianu. ixiuuse or nepresentatives are more ' i! T a,c It is strange that two such lawyers ! "convulsed with laughter" than l?! as Taft and Knox should have entire ly overlooked this provision of the Constitution which . so closely con cerned them both in this matter, or that some other reader of the Consti tution had not earlier called it to their attention. SEAWELL'S NOWTATION PIGEONHOLED. It looks like the Seuate Judiciary Committe-3 has pigeon-holed Seawell's nomination and that the Senate is not going to call for it to be brought forth from its hiding place . The sub-committee which was appointed over a week ago to consider this appointment has never, held a meeting, and Senator Overman, one of its members, says he do-:s not know when it will do so. Nothing can be done until that com mittee passes on the nomination and reports to the full emmittee and the latter reports its conclusions to the Senate. In the meantime National Committeeman Duncan has been in Washington again trying to hasten ac tion by the Senate, and Judge Pritch ard has writeri to. leading Republican Senators urging immediate confirma tion. Despite the urgent solicitations of these two prominent Republicans, it is the impression in Washington that Seawell's nomination will not be confirmed at this session and many an oody ot men on earth and in most cases the very fact of beine: where they are is a good joke to start wun. Augusta Record. The Czar of Russia wishes an air ship built for him by the Wright brothers. He is tired of life under a coal scuttle and fain would split the blue empyrean wide open with an aero plane, far above the reach of the madding crowd and out of the range of the bullets.Columbia State. Once President Roosevelt was very sure he had never injured Colom bia and that he had no part in the revolution or secession of Panama. But he is anxious now to pay good money in extenuation of a wrong nev er inflicted just as he would now hesi tate before denying the truth of Judge Parker's charges. Florida Times-Union. The President was right, certain ly, in vetoing the Census bilL taking the selection of the officials of the Bureau out of the hands of the Civil Service Commission, and the veto will probably be sustained, but his objections would have had a more considerable effect upon Congress and the people if his own course relative to the higher branches of the Service had been less inconsistent with his life-long pledges of, devotion to re form. In the choice of subordinates in all branches of the Service, in' civil and military affairs, he has pleased himself rather than his own or any other party, and has, in the public's opinion, not infrequently acted upon his own caprice rather than In the interest of the country, Petersburg Index-Appeal. -Mr. Victor Moraweta has publteb- though the reporter has searched faith fully and long. We got a hint and that was all. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT s guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Slind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money ref -"ad. 60c. FEEBLE OLD LADY i Has Strength. Restored By Vinol ' Mrs. Michael Bloom of Lewistown, Pa., who is 80 years of age, says: "For a long time I have been so feeble that I have had to be wheeled around in an invalid's chair. I had no strength and took cold at the slightest provoca tion, which Invariably settled on my lungs, and a cough would result My son learned of the . cod liver prep aration called Vinol, and procured o bottle for me. It built up my strength rapidly, and after taking three bottles I am able to do most of my work, and I can walk a quarter of a mile easily. Every aged or weak person who re Quires strength should try Vinol. I am delighted with what it has dose for me." As a body builder and strength crea tor for old people delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after sickness, Vinol is unexcelled. If It fails to give satisfaction we win re turn your money, ROBERT R MUAMV. Onro.rt. SMOKE Cuban Blossom CIGARS! WHY Because It is the Best Cigar for the Money. H. L. VOLLERS Wholesale Grocer. Planting Season Is Near at Hand A Good Farmer Neu ? First Class Improved Implements. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES French, German," Spanish. PRIVATE LE830N8. Translations into and from Eng lish, French, German, Italian, Span ish and Portugese by PROF. M. BIANCHI "Room 22. Garrell BMg. Wilmington, N. 0. fc Ml - AVERY'S GRUBBERS AND NEW GROUND PLOWS $5.50 to 113.00. SYRACUSE MIDDLE BURSTERS $9.00 For Breaking up the Middles, and f. SYRACUSE CHILLED ONE AND TWO HORSE PLOWS Are weH suited for our section We have a large stock of Repairs of all kinds. Come and let us tall It over with you. JACOB! H'DW. CO. jar 31 tl We Appeal tp your good taste Sn th matter of fine Footwear, and ask you to visit our store and look through our ne ana stock of Spring Oxfords Pumps. We have thein all leathers Russia C. Gun Metal and Patents. We Fit the Feet, F. HEWLETT 'A TODCE 109 Ularket Street. "We Recommend TIDEWATER POWER COMPANY'S S as a safe and profitable investment. HUGH ClIaoRAE & COM PAW The PrvftrrM ttocn pays monthly dividends; U non-U von, ui company paying t taxea. Will be sold. In tots win co invatt turns from $5C up to 1,009, tptefftt Information upon appMeatk. OCK Ifl in ":- suit these wn. 0, m it " . j it'

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