ffllC tlOBlTING STAE, WILIII1TGTON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13 1909. PAGE FIVE j0S POLICY IN SOUTH na of Southern Negro Politician PaSsS' Federal Office Holder AM to Whites Below Mason and Dixon Line. ,By Wire to the Morning Star.) iieaso. Mch. 12. "The passing of , professional Southern negro poll a a Federal office holder by jj pi 3,11 ct crht Of Cl0r eeVl made rlgt. ! feature in the proposed poll- of President Taft," says the Tri flC , todav in a news article. "Here Tor Southern white Republicans will the utmost consideration in Pins the ' big" places in the Federal tire below the Mason and Dixon The places which have been al Ln!!'i to the negro Republicans as a lotted -- wni o-n tn Northern lttetl P onm will eo to Northern in latter oi Snilt)lf,rn Tie roes raiuei i" - ..VpU'S 01 una ixc . r . ?.Sr directlT rom " tie White u fp The information was disclos- connection with the candidacy e rnt Tohn R- Marshall, commanding 01 tOJ. JUU" . . Tingle Matinnal ? ,5 the negro regiment, for the Gos? bf receiver of deeds of the Pis-f,v.t- nf Columbia. rnl Marshall's candidacy has the wative backing of Senator Cullom, nd he is seeking the support of the SUucan organization leaders in Sago as a necessary step in. taking Jp thf matter officially witn President TThe statement is made wltn autho rity that Senator CuUom had discuss S the proposition with President Taft id that the President disclosed his Sews on the negro Republicans to Senator Cullom as has been indicat ed." ;- . ACCUSES ROCKEFELLER. With' Financing the Anti-Saloon Movement. fBy Wire to the Morning Star.) TvL.r,r, r I.. Mch. 12. The charge which has previously been made by men engaged in the liquor traffic that John D. Rockefeller is fi nancing the anti-saloon movement was repeated today by Wm ,F' ,,Mines,' president of the Rhode Island Retail LiOHdr Dealers' Association in a cir cular addressed to all retail liquor dealers in New England. The circu lar invites the dealers to attend a meeting in this city on Sunday next for the purpose of discussing ways and means of meeting the pubic op position to the saloons. Mr. Maines says: "The Anti-Saloon agitation is largely artificial and r financed by John D. Rockefeller for the purpose of giving the public some thing to think about that will take its mind off the anti-trust agitation." RACE RIOT PREVENTED Negroes Were Prepared to Attack Cit izens at Arlington, Ga. (By Wire to the Morning Star.) 4riimrt.nn. Ga.. March 12. The prompt action and determined manner" of Chief of Police Ray prevented a serious clash between whites and blacks near here late last night brought about by an injury inflicted upon John Price, well known citizen :f Edison, Ga., who was shot by Will Wakefield, a-negro. Thp negroes received reinforce ments and a band of fifty ncfjroes were in the act of attacking citizens ho !went to Price's aid when Officer Ray arrived and stopped the disorder hy the arrest of Wakefield and the leaders. The white men and negroes alike, wena heavily armed. THREE VILLAGES BURIED. Thousands of Lives Lost in China Ac cording to Report. (Bv "Wirp to the MorniTiar Star.") Victoria, 13. C., Mch. 12. News of. landslides burying three villages, in volving the loss of a thousand lives at Pendjolo, Java, was brought today by the steamer Empress of China. A part of lount Kentjana fell destroy ing the village of Tgiboeboehan and the towns of Wardengsite and Telok hangoe. But one man; one woman and two children escaped to tell the tale. Tons of earth were slipping as the vessel left. Crowds were flocking to see the terrible sights and recover the bodies, mostly buried deep below tons or earth. Pestilence was feared. Dogs and birds were feeding on the bodies exposed to view. VERDICT AGAINST A. C. L. MacRae Brothers Awarded $20,000 For Burning of Factory. (By Wire to the Morning Star.) Valdosta, Ga., Mch. 12. In a suit or $37,800 damages against the At lantic Coast Line Railway, McRae Bros, were today awarded ' a verdict w $20,000. A motion or a. new trial has not been filed. Eight days were consumed in a hard fought legal bat The complainants charged that theit crate and basket factory here burned by fire originating ' from sparks from an engine of the defend ant company. It is stated that the in surance companies get half of the am ount1 of the verdict. WOULD BLOW UP STATE HOUSE Legislator Pulled Dynamite And Cre ate a Panic. By Wire to the Mornlne Star.V Lolumbus, OhioMarch 12. Albert Werner, of Newark, who claims to be J brother of John Freiner, member "of legislature, created a panic in a loon today by pullingut a quanti- of dynamite from his pocket and announcing that he was going to blow r'' the state House. The police ar "fcted Freine?. . Kills Would-Be Slayer. ! ; - rclless murderer is Appendici vlJ t lLlany victims. But Dr. King's TrTv LlfettPis kill it by prevention. an p gently stimulate stomach, liver that !nels' Dreveting that clogging na tfn ief. aPPendicitis, curing Consti & ,Blliousness, Chills, Malaria, BeHamy and IndiSestion. 25c at R. R. OA Absolutely The only Baking Powder made from Makes the finest, most delicious bis R0rofe cuitca'5:e and pastry; conveys to food Tartar e mos healthful of fruit properties. WARM WIRELETS. News has Just reached Cainille, Ga., of the killing of'Robt. L. Mallard; a merchant" of Branchville. at his stnrA last night. James Spence, of Camilla, is in jau charged with the killing. At Cleveland. O.. three worilrmfm ware fatally Injured and three other employes seriously hurt bv an exnlo- sion at the bnen hearth furnafie of fh American Steel and W!1rA f!nTnTvnv yesterday. Water coming in contact with. tne molten metal caused the ex plosion and the hot metal was thrown upon the workmen severely burnintr them. . , Jim Olsen, H. S. Houston and Carl Steunville, all charged with murder ing Fred Anderson, an engineer of a small gasoline launch, whose body was picked up on Cumberland Beach with a bullet through his head, were yes terday acquitted by a jury in Camden county, S. C. The State failed to In troduce any evidence touching any of three men with the crime. ' . SWOONED AT THE BELL. Odd Effect of One Cure Through the Subliminal Consciousness. A very well known oculist tells of one case where healing through the subliminal consciousness was really a source of embarrassment to the physi cian who was responsible for it. Sev eral years ago when the eye specialist he knows about ears arid throats, toe was studying in Vienna a young glii was brought to the hospital to be treat ed for some nervous 'disorder. Hypno tismor suggestion, as one is asked tG call it these days was used, and she was brought under his influence by the ringing of a bell. After a low treatments she went to sleep, or iuu; the unconscious and receptive state, i:: soon as she heard the bell. She wn;: speedily cured and left the uospilai Next day she was brought unconscious, roused and sent away. The day after that she was brought in again. Indeed for some time scarcely a day passed when she wasn't carried in limp and unconscious. She became a positive nuisance to the great neurologist that had hypnotized her, and he finally sent persons to watch her. It was found that on her way to work she passed a certain church and usually was at the door at. the moment during the cele bration of the mass when the bell rang. At its tinkle she calmly curled up and went to sleep. It was necessary to suggest to her the next time she was brought to the hospital that no bell in the world could have any effect on her except the one rung in the hospital by the neurologist. After that she went about the city quite unaffected by the bells, and the neurologist drew a breath of relief. Washington Herald. , : Just a Way They Have. Inhabitants of the Isle of Wight speak of "going to England" when they leave their own fragment of the king dom. A patriotic Cornishman also "goes to England" when he crosses the Tamar. Similarly inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula talk of "going to Eu rope" when they leave their own cor ner of the- continent, in curious con trast with the people of Great Britain, who regard themselves as both of and in "Europe,"' and it is only "the conti nent" that they visit. There is an old story of a Scottish minister who pray ed for a blessing upon "the inhabitants of Great and Little Cumbrae (islands in the Firth of Clyde) and the adjacent Islands of Great Britain and Ireland." -Massachusetts people, speak of going 'down east" when they start for the Maine coast Chicago News. . Parcel Wrapper. The hardest thing to wrap , up," aid a shipping clerk, "te a violin. A depart ment store will often test a new-wrapper by giving him a violin to do up. If he passes that test he is all right; 1 "Abroad bags , and string, being ex pensive, are rarely usedndi.the young grocery man roust be able to rrap po tatoes, flour and all sorts of things in sheets of paper alone. He gets a kind of knack. He lays his flour or beans in a square of paper, doubles the paper over jfnd, with an end in each hand, swings the parcel round and round Like magic, then, it Is done up, and you can carry it safely quite a hundred yards or so, provided you are careful." Overstocked. nubby was evidently worried, and wifey war. trying to cheer him up. 'Cheer ;:p. John, and don't worry," she ?;:iid. "Tt doesn't do any good to borrow mnibie." 'T.'-.rrow . t rouble,' , echoed her hus baiL "Great Caesar's, ghost! I ain't borro-iup- trouble: I've got it to lend!" PETTING A HORSE. If You Want to Please Him Rub Him Between the Ears. "Not many people know how to pet a horse, ' from the horse's standpoint, at any rate," said a trainer. "Every nice looking horse comes in for a good deal of petting. Hitch a fine horse close to the curb and you'll find that half the men, women and children who go by will stop f or a minute, say 'Nice, horsy' and, give him an affec tionate pat or two. "The trouble is they, don't pat him in the right place. If you want to make a horse: think he is; going straight to heaven -hitched to a New York cab or delivery wagon, rub his eyelids. Next to that .form .of endear ment a horse likes to be rubbed right up between the . ears. In petting horses most people slight those nerve centers. They stroke the horse's uose. While a well behaved horse will ac cept the nasal caress complacently, he would much prefer that nice, soothing touch applied to the eyelids. Once in awhile a person comes along who really does know how to pet a horse. Nine times out of ten that man was brought up in the country among horses and learned when a boy their peculiar ways." New York Globe. Queer Old Book Titles. These are some of the odd titles of old English books published in tbe time of Cromwell: "A Most Delectable Sweet Perfumed Nosegay For God's Saints to Smell At." "Biscuit Baked In the Oven of Char ity, carefully conserved for. the Chick ens of the Church, tbe Sparrows of the Spirit and the Sweet Swallows of Salvation." "A Sigh of Sorrow For the Sinners of Zion breathed out of a Hole In the Wall of an Earthly Vessel known Among Men by the name of Samuel Fish." "Eggs of Charity Layed For the Chickens "of the Covenant and Boiled with the Water of Divine Love. Take ye out and Eat." "The Spiritual Mustard Pot to make the Soul Sneeze with Devotion." , The Sailor's Prayer Book. "This is what you call the sailor's prayer book," a seaman said bitterly as he kicked a holystone out of the way. "Why is it called that? Well, in the first place, it is called that be cause in using it, in holystoning the deck, the sailor has to kneel 'down, and, in the second place, because all holystoning is done on Sunday. Don't you know the chantey "Six days shalt thou work and do all that thou art able And on tbe seventh holystone the decks t and scrape the cable. "The stone Is called holystone be cause the first holystones were bits of tombs stolen from cemeteries. It's ot i pious, religious sound holy and rr:?yor book and Sunday and all that but !t N. wiicn he is using this stone h: "-r.:i:!n is most profane." . i'-.rir-- - Times-Democrat. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Do Not Endanger Life When a Wil mington Citizen Shows You the Cure. Why will people, continue to. suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them selves to become . chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered thei? Dean's Kidney Pills is the, remedy to. use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform tneir work. . j If you have any, even one, of tbe symptoms, of kidney diseases, cur yourself 3ow, before, diabetes, drppsy or Bright's disease sets in. Read this Wilmington testimony: W.v L. Johnson, 602 North Fifth street, Wlilhaington, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used in my family and. have given entire satisfaction. My iwife suffered for some time from backache and distress ing pains in the region of her kidneys. The irregular action of the Kidney secretions was ialso another souroa of annoyance to her. I finally procured Aoan's Kidney Pills from Robert R. Bellamy's drug store and had. my wife take them. They soon relieved her suffering and improved her general health." For sale by all dealers. Price B0 cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ; . ', :: s ... - Remember- the name Doan's and takeno other. v v Net His Fault. , Dad Johnnie, jour teacher tells me that yon arc at the foot of your class. How's that? Johnnie That ain't my fault, dad. They've taken Tommy Tuff out and ?et him to a reform school. Exchange. stter Left Unsaid. jailer So sorry to hear of your motor accident. Enthusiastic Motor istOh. thanks! It's -nothing. Ex pect to live through many more. Call erOh. I trust not! London Tit-Bits. Noble discontent is the path to. heav en. Higginson. : : STAR BUSINESS LOCALS The Star will send without charge, A. D. T. (Western Union) Messenger to your Place of Business or Residence for Ad vertisements for our Business Locals Department. 'Phone the Star office, No. 51. Rates 25 cents for each in sertion of twenty-five words, or less. Additional words, more than twenty-five, one cent per word in advance. The A. D. T. Messengers will also, call for telegrams for the Western Union Telegraph Co., or for Notes of small packages to delivered anywhere, in the--city. No charges for the tele- ' grams, -ana but a small charge for notes. For this. service call Western Union, 'Phone 2. But for. Advertisements, always call : the Star office. 'Phone. 51. A BIG HATCH Is an iron clad. gua rantee With The Old North State Incu bator.. Manufactured and backed by the people you know. North State Incubator Co., P. O. Box 185, Wilming ton, N'. C. 'Phone 952. mar 13-61. .WANTED A watchmaker' at the Wilmington ' Pawn Loan office. No. 108 South Market street. mar 13-2t IF YOU HAVE $400 you want to in vest advantageously, we have a good investment to offer. Call and let us tell you' about the property. Corner lot. Will pay 12 per cent. J. G. Wright & Son are the agents. mar 13-3t. LOST On South Fourth or Ann streets, one pair gold eye-glasses. Finder please return to No. 211 South Fourth street, or this office, ma 13 ff FOR SALE Shelving in La France Shoe Parlor, 121 Princess street. To be moved at once. Levi McMillan & Co. . mar 13-2t. FOR RENT Large store and dwel ling attached. Water, gas, electric lights, bath rooms, large lot and sta bles. Best business location south of Market street. Apply to J. B. Fales. "mar 12-6t. PHOTOGRAPHS The U. C. Ellis Studio, defined means stylish perma nent photographs. Excellent enlarge ments, neat framing, polite service. mar 10-tf. EIGHT AND THREE-FOURTHS PER CENT, last year for the stock holders of the People's Building & Loan Association. New series opens Saturday, April 3rd. Subscribe for stock now in the Association with a record. D. R. Foster, secretary and treasurer, 206 Princess street. mar 11-tf. - , , . .. SPECIAL OFFER Six half cabinet photographs and one platinum finish enlargement, for one dollar. Best val ue ever offered. Titmas & Foltz, Props. The Gem Studio, 114' Market street, Wilmington, N. C. fe 17-tf. POSITION Wanted by boy of six teen (16) years of age. Is a graduate of Grammar school and can give the best reference. Address "School Boy" care of Star. mar 11-lw WANTED 'Small pony; must, be gentle and sound broke, to ride or drive. State lowest price. Address "F. H. S." 207 North Seventh street,. City.: Do not call. .mar 9-6t ' PHOTOGRAPHS At reduced rates for a short time. Bix cabinet photos and one folder for $1.50. One enlarg ed picture free Lee, Greer's Studio, 116 Market street. ' f e 27 lm UPHOLSTERING, repairing, W nishing, at 114 12 Dock street. TPJions No. 1465. Carolina Upholstering 06a pany p. J.. Break, manager de (-tf . , BOARDING Permanent and Trat 8ient, Best location in city. Meals jte. suit the businessxinen. Strictly up-t date. Harnett House, 110 Princess C Hot and cbld oaths. Phone No. 71i. . "sep 22-tf THE OLD RELIABLE, -the Wilmlax ton .Pressing Club, Is still running a the bid stand on Second street. Otfe ers come and go, but the old Wilmlng ton comes and stays de 5-tf BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT for sale. Size 50x165. Situated In very desirable location. Smith & Lord, Real Estate & Insurance, 114 Princesf street, 'Phone 766. fe 24-tf. : t LUMBER AT RETAIL Grades ant? prices right. See us before buying Angola Lumber Co. ' aug 30-tf SEND YOUR FILMS to the Gem Studio 114 Market street. Any size film developed, ten cents. Any size picture finished for five cents. Titmas & Foltz, props. ; . fe 17-tf. STAR BUSINESS LOCALS FOR SALE OR TRADE One pair of heavy cart wheels, 2-inch tire. Ad dress Y. X., care of Star mch 11 tf AN ESPECIALLY fine lot of North Carolina Hams just received. C. B. Bellois, Produce Dealer, 16 North Sec ond street. mar 3-tf. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT Wm.. E. Worth, Plaintiff, against Knickerbocker Trust Company, Hugh MacRae, M.- F. H. Gouverneur and E. VanCourt Lucas, copartners un der the firm name of Hugh MacRae & Company, Electric Bond & Share Company, Colonial Securities Com pany, Rockingham Power Company, Rockingham Contracting Company, Hugh MacRae, Don MacRae, J. P. Council, Burke H. Bridgers, Bettit H. Bridgers. C. W. Worth and James H. Chadboiirn. To the Knickerbocker Trust Com pany, Electric Bond & Share Company, Colonial Securities Company, Rocking ham Contracting Company and Hugh MacRae, you and each of you are here by commanded and summoned to be and appear at the March term of the Superior Court of New "Hanover Coun ty, North Carolina, to be held at the Court House in Wilmington on the Fourth Monday after the First Mon day of March A. D., 1909, It being ths 29th day of March, 1909, and then and there answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff above mentioned which will be filed with said Court during the first three days of said Term, and if you fall to appear and answer or demur to the plaintiff's com plaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in ths complaint. And you and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiff above named has; procured and the. Court .has issued a warrant of attachment against your property in the above entitled' action for $65,000.00 damages for a bread of contract for the purchase of bonds and stock in Rockingham Power Company, from said defendants, Hugh MacRae & Co., Electric Bond & Share Corn papy, Colonial Becurities Company, Knickerbocker Trust Company and for procuring a dummy Corporation to be formed to squander tbe assets of Rock Ingham Power Co., and illegally pro curing fronRockingham Power Co. its stocks and bonds without paying value for same, for forming an illegal voting Trust agreement and voting Rocking ham Power Company's stock- for the purpose of gain and profit to them selves in violation of plaintiff's rights and forming corporations controlled by them and acting for themselves and against the interest of Rockingham Power Co., and in their own interest, and in breaking the contract with plaintiff and attempting to hold him liable for difference between what he paid and what defendants were to pay as balance due on said contract and attempting to collect same before it was due and for wrecking Rockingham Power Co. for the prpose of injuring plaintiff, and illegally using the voting power of stock in Rockingham Power Co., to render worthless plaintiff's stock and as agreed to be purchased under the agreement before mention ed; .which warrant of attachment is returnable to said court in Wilmington, N. C, on the Fourth Monday after the first Monday of March, A. D., 1909, It being the 29th day of March, 1909. JOHN D. TAYLOR, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover County. te 14 SOd SMOKE Cuban Blossom CIGARS! WfoY D Because It is the Best Cigar for the Money. H L. VOLLERS Wholesale Grocer. mmm All kinds of Base Ball Goods for all kinds of base hall players: :: :: :: Reach's Goods Are Guaranteed. J.W.rtlURCHISON S COMPANY. Ue 28-tfc STATEMENT. The Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Condition December 31, 1908, as shown by Statement Filed. Amount of capital paid up in cash None, MutuaL Amount of Ledger As sets December 31st of previous year $229,749,766.83 Income From policy holders, $35,463,924. 32; Miscellaneous, $11,203,239.68; Total. 46,667,164.00 Disbursements To pol icyholders, , $27,109, 874.97; miscellaneous $6,009,447.14; Total.. 33,119,322.11 Business written during year Number of pol icies, 40,539; Amount 114,153,396.0d Business in force at end of year Number bf policies, 382,338; Amount 944,576,618.00) ASSETS. Value of Real Estate .' (less amount of in cumbrances) $ 2,112,626.68 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 129,213,585.24: Loans made ,to Policy holders on this Com pany's Policies as signed as collateral.. 33,440,200.51 Premium notes on Poli cies in force........ 533;804.1T Value of Bonds 74,814,683.95 Cash in Company s of- - fice 104.665.4T Deposited in trust com panies and banks ou interest 3,078,037.80 Interest and Rents due and accrued 4,055,779.26 Premiums unpaid .... 2,622,335.85 Total $ 249,975,723.83 Less Assets, not admit ted . 1.950,503.95 Total admitted Assets. $ 248,025.219.88 LIABILITIES. Net Reserve, as com-! puted $213,052,873.00 Present value of am ounts, not yet due on supplementary con tracts, etc $ 1,270,245.09 Liability on Policies , cancelled and not in cluded in "Net Re- '. serve," etc. 5,948.34 Net Policy Claims 735.035.4S Due and unpaid on Sup- ' plementary Contracts 2,167.20 Premiums paid in ad vance, including Sur render Values so ap plied 37,380.28 Unearned Interest and Rent paid in advance 679.92 . Dividends due Policy holders 11,199,411.56 Amounts set apart, ap portioned, provision ally ascertained, cal culated, awaiting ap- 4 portionment, etc. ... 16.847.000.00 Dividends left with Company to accumu late, etc. . 903.66 Commissions due to Agents, etc 82.787.88 State, County and Mu nicipal taxes due or accrued 256,622.56 All other liabilities as detailed in statement 68,518.59 Unassigned funds (sui- plus) 4,465,646.40 Total liabilities $ 248,025,249.88 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1908. Number Amount Policies on the lives of citizens of said State in force De cember 31st of pre vious year 2,261 $4,465,380.00 Policies on the lives of citizens of said State issued dur ing the year 220 460,500.00 Total 2,481 $4,925,880.00 Deduct ceased to be in force during the year ., 48 120,160.00 Policies in force De cember 3J, 1908 .. 2,433 $4,805,720.00 i Losses and Claims unpaid December 31st of previous year o 10.W0.0O) Losses and Claims incurred during the year 18 52,400.00? Total 21 62,400.00 Losses and Claims settled during the year in cash 17 55,500.00 Losses andi Claims unpaid December 31, 1908 4 ' C.900.00 Premiums collected, or - secured in Cash and Notes or Credits with- out any deduction for . Losses, Dividends, Com missions of other ex penses, ...... 141,831.87 President, Geo. C. Markham; . Sec retary, A. S. Hathaway; Actuary, C. A. Loveland. Home office, Cor, Broad way and Michigan streets, Milwaukee, Wis. Attorney for service, J. H. Boat- Trright, Wilmington, N. C. Business manager for. North . Carolina, T. A. Cary, Richmond, Va. State of North Carolina, T-i Insurance Department, Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1900 ' I, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that, the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance ' Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, filed with this Department, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of De cember, 1908. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, mch 13-2t Insurance Commissioner. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME DAILY. BDJOU NEVER OUT! NEVER OVER! 5 Conto. est 27-tL . :