fS&e flUbmfna Star Saturday, March 20, 1909. ' WILLIAM H. BERNARD Owner and Editor. WILMINGTON N. C. Entered as second-class matter at tlie postoffice at Wilmington, N. C, under the Act of Congress of March ft, 1879. Saturday, April 3, 1909. USES OF ADVERSITY SOUTH. ' IN THE Below we give an "extract from an editorial in the Wall Street Journal on the South's condition, past, present and future. It was the "wie counsel of itself" that tbS South took which has enabled it to weather the financial storm which swept over the country, and it is fast recovering from the backset given it by the "ill-calculated legislation" of two years ago. The people have come to realize that the war on corporations, especially rail roads, wasvcarrtad too far; that it has recoiled on themselves. This change in public sentiment has made itself felt and has resulted in toning d6wn the harsh legislation, to the great ben efit of the whole section. The people have come to realize that they can not cripple railroads without working an injury to themselves and that there is a difference between judicious con trol by legislative enactment of the railroads and inimical legislation which hampers their successful oper ation and development. The-Wail Street Journal says: "No portion of the country has taken wiser counsel of itself than the South during the two years of depression the price. Mamy of the barbers said they did not want to make the ad vance in price, but, as the union de clared for it, they were obliged to do so or go out of te union. The rea son given is that the cost of living has Increased while there has been no increase in the wages of the work men. Thus the poor d'svil who works for wages or on a salary catches it all around: He is charged higher for every thing he buys because the cost of living to each person he buys an articte from has increased and he must help make up the deficiency to each one. If he asks for -an increase of wages because the' increased cost of living will not allow his money to go as far as it formerly did, which really amounts to decreasing his wages or salary, his request is met with a re fusal basd by his employer on the very same ground on which the re quest is made increase cost of every thing which his employer has to buy. o government for the House of Rep resentatives and the differences on the tariff, but the truth is, we do not doubt that the repressed feeling of the seven years reign of terror that have just passed is beginning to come to the surface and escape.' The doughty representatives of the "peepul" dared not show displeasure even with each other as long as the Big Stick hung behind the door of the White House, but since it was split up into kindling wood, they have found their courage and, perhaps in training for an asser tion of their independence of execu tive dictation, which will riot be at tempted, they tare cussing and cafrping at each other' in fine partisan wrangle. Charleston Post. Mr. John Temple Graves has an article in the Hearst American, sign ed at one end with his full "entitle ments, and embellished with 9 is bet picture at the otner, from wnicn we gather that he has stirred up a hor- Eet's nest female hornets among the "suffragettes" in Gotham. Mr. Graves tells the dear old girls that he was a suffragette before some of them were born, or words to that effect; and that they have made a mistake in buzzing so noisily because he had before said they make too much noise. x, is Baiu luai Ui.u x ..o... fte 'female suffrage propaganda was for that plank in the Democratic ja gQ0 thing to push along, provided platform advocating free lumber; that, they went about spreading this evani ortt,it. wotoa tn fho TWvnvAT ' gel of liberty in a modest, lady-like .a manner. Mr. Graves seemed to think convenuoa were uypeu tu x.. "-ithat hft oueht to imDress on them his Candidate Bryan and his managers notion that the new woman ought still forced it upon them. Had the South- s to be modest, retiring, sweet and alto em delegates shown more indepen-! gether lovable, like their aforetime dence and stood by their rights our at Mrs. Catt, a leader of the suf-5 uongressmen wouia not now oe m we fragettes, but he is likely to get embarrassing positions they find scratched for suggesting in parenthe- themselves. We notice, though, that sis that her husband's given name is ... tint "ThnmjLs." Macon Teleeranh. m9v vi A.nnAwa atin a tttt nnoua . ' who are generally so quick to read men out of the party for not standing by the platform are not criticising the His limitations Knicker Does position taken by such men as Sim- he understand the parts of an auto? mons and Thomas, of this State, Pujo, fj1 BcePt- upkeen.-New of Louisiana, and others in Congress! My wife ,g a beaatiftll w0maxr who advocate retention of the duty on j jU(ige so." "Why? You have never lumber. Been her. "No, but I never saw an ugly married man yet who' didn't get which a 'peach V Boston Transcript. TWINKLINGS. The leaders of the faction won in the Democratic primary in Ra-1 K-"l understand that theatrical com: leigh last Tuesday are so proud of pany you sent out has been side-track- n. Af ed?" said the comedian. "Not at all' through which the country has been JL aar ZZ w JTZl replIed tne manager; "they are walk- naoew v-r. M . through boasting of it Well, we reck- Iner nome Qn th& main line." Yonkers vuimjiuisi vi uacz uiob t i nin ill tui lm ar I - - torv the South has hMnvAii nrfonfJon they have good reason for feeling statesman ed in, reserves of mon3y and means of "Its financial lnstitutIon8( have dem onstrated their, capacity to endure a strain. It is no small credit to the (Southern banking interests to have passed thus far through a dull period with so few failures and so little dis trust an the part of the public. "It has begun to recover from some of the mistakes of extreme legislation relating to railroads. The intervening years have been costly to the public and to the carriers. But now compro mises have been reached or court de cisions yet to be heard from have the questions at issue in hand. The sober ing process has gone far in advance of court conclusions and has palled a halt upon ill-calculated legislation. "Meanwhile Southern factories have been building almost regardless of the temporary check on manufacturing en terprise. Southern manufacturing is less -hampered by price agreements, and therefore all the freer to put its quotations at a level which will bring business. "Finally, Southern agriculture is on a securer financial foundation than ver before. There are still compara tively few farmers who are rich, but there, are many who are well to do. as.mey nave prospered there has elated over it. "I like to see a man take an inter est in his work." "So do I. I once Speaker Reed said it was "the wo- knew a policeman who was so enthu- men shoppers" who gave the Demo- slastic that it positively pained him 4.11 J- ..Uin J 1 Oft ft IU BCB aUJUUUJ UUl Ul JCVLl. 1JUUI3I1UO ii i i v i i . wii-iiviv ill r .1 1 1 - - crats Payne and his crowd who want tojmt Courier-Journal. Colonel White Your son is quite such a high tariff on stockings and a singer, isn't he, Busenbark? Brother gloves ought to bear that in mind. Busenbark Yassah! Yassah! 'Bleeged ' to yo' fo' axin', Dat boy, sah, am sut- ' From the report of the Charleston tinly de most malodorus cullud pusson dispensary inspector it would seem in his whole town. Puck, that the people of that city prefer to I "You don't like the way he buy beer from blind t.gers than from l"- the dispensary even if they have to He iaughlike a hit Congressman lis- pay more for it. tening to the reading of a Presidential ' : " . message. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Will the two Republican Senators The One She Missed "I suppose from West Virginia, who think the you have read Shakespeare's works?" Payne bill "crucifies the" South" vote said' the young man from the East. wit, tho Tw,n,t f stfc. for "Yes, all of them," replied Miss Fitz, the protection of their section? CURRENT COMMENT. of St. Louis, "that is, unless he has written something within the past year." Chicago News. Local Option "You say that local nntfnn Kns "hpfn of Err.t. 'hpmfifit. tn this rm r -r i msi -i . . o - xue ew xur. inuu0e suictters section of the country?" "Yes, sir," over the dispatch, "Castro again a answered Colonel Stillwell. "As soon rebel, and comments: "But why the as a lot of us citizens realized how again? Castro is always Oistro." far anybody wouid have to go for a asiro nas noi always peen a reoei. drink we organized a good roads . SAVED THE GIRL - An Old Time Adventure With Solo mon Island Cannibals. One day on a Solomon beach a little ?irl ran to me and, before I Was avare of it." placed my foot on her neck. One '.mows what this means well enough, in hot war it means that If a chief al-lor,-3 bis foot to rest on the defeated tyno'fi neck the man's life is safe, but be is a slave forever, rescue or no rescue. I wasT-zJeU at the child's action. It vns soon explained. Shortly afterward lav: ;i cuuie a lot of villagers and in B-ste.l on talcing the youngster. I told hjm what she had done. They said they did not.care. Her mother was be vaz cooked in the town, and the child shoukl go to the ovens with her. "Never!" I said., "What! We, who have eaten betel nut together many times, to quarrel for a mere, child to whom I ha ye granted life in your own "way!" I swore they should kill me firrjt. They replied: "Ob. that is an easy thing to do." A I old front was the only thing now. Luckily I had my sixteen shooter. Snriijsius back and putting a mark ou the? sjmd with my foot, I swore I would shiwt the first man who crossed it. They knew I could answer for a dozen off hem or so. and, although clubs were up ,ahd bows bent, they hesitated, as well they might, and I knew I had mastered them. Then one proposed I should ' buy the child fairly. They cared not to fight a friend. To this 1 at once agreed, and a muss was thus avoided, and a mission ax worth ten pence made me a slave owner, "Among the Man Eaters." by John Caggln. f The Century Plant. The century plant, so named because of the popular Idea' that it blooms but once in a hundred years, in one sense makes good its" name, for It blooms only once, then dies. In the genial climate of southern California it reach: es maturity and blooms In fifteen or twenty years, while In colder climates "he period may range from forty to fifty years. There are many species of the agave family native, to northern Mexico, where it is called thevmaguey The plant furnishes "pulque." the na tional drink of Mexico. , At the time of blooming the plant throws rp a singk stock of rapid growth to the height of twelve to twenty feet, from which the tassel-like flowers sprout forth. This great flower stalk draws all thesai and vigor from the body of the plant, which soon withers and dies. Apt Pupil. Captain Jones (giving a short lec ture to the recruits of his company on their demeanor in public) If a civilian should make offensive remarks in a public house and try to induce a quar rel the well conducted soldier should drink up his; beer and go quietly away." After , his address Captain Jones questioned his audience to ascertain if they had ' comprehended his re marks. "Now, Private Jenkins, what should you do if you ; were at an inn and a civilian wanted to quarrel with you?" "I should drink up his beer, sir, and ook it." London Pick-Me-Up At least once he wis rebelled against, movement'-Washington Star. iLiiiu Ml lint-; 1M f- w riirK n-frii ri urs iimif-T. come increas-cd ability to Use capital took to finance the revolt against him. i-wuMuiy m me improvement or ag-, uoiumbia State. ricultural methods and a -wider appre ciation of the problems of marketing their products." The WOMEN AND THE TARIFF. Macon Telegraph wants to Words to Freeze the Soul. , Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless.' These appalling The Democratic nartv ?n th House of Representatives seems to be Jorda were spoken to Geo. E. Blevens, dissolving into three elements free a leaumg mercnanr oi apnngneiu, xm. traders, protectionists and tariff-for- c- by . two expert doctors one a lung revenue Democrats. The party is still specialist. Then was shown the won afflicted with its old-time and long- derful power of Dr. King's New Dis- 1 tn . .. - .. nunc uuuuiu ui uemK uuauie li eei w.vW v.w, uuw u neu nam no fury like a wo. together as a unit on any important writes Mr. Blevens, "lie was as well as man scorned" what is going to happen subject, especially the tariff. But how ever- I would not take all the money when she discovers that she has been ' they get together on that local m world for what it did for my dpfmnrtoH or, - t xt-.x 'Question, unless tnev adoot the man iniauiwe ior wugas bui . . . . . J X J I Ll WJ consiaeration but party success. In- uesperate xuug aiseaises on earm. ovc With the Minstrels. Bones What am de difTrence 'tween er pastry cook an er bill sticker? Tam bo Ah dunno. What am de difTrence, Mistah Bones? Bones One puffs up de paste an' de othah pastes up de puffs. Chicago News. The Unmaking. , He (boastingly) It takes six genera tions to make a gentleman, you know. She (calmly) Yes, and what a pity that it only takes one generation to un make him! Exchange. has no means of protecting herself? This query is in reference to the gloves and stockings schedules of the Payne tariff bill. The Telezranh savs if the proposed increase of duties isor ?,teph B- E!kins' ?f West Virgin .ja i.vof t - . . jia, Republiasn, assuming leadership made that the foreign twenty-fiveent in the fight for a square deal for the hosiery will be excluded and the do-1 South, before even the Southern Sena mestic manufacturers will be able to tors have roused themselves to the raise their prices so as to make their lint ?Lsonding alarm on the y.T.rt,fo t u : floor of the Senate. Some few of them Products, of the same quality sell for have spoken, more or less cautiously, 35 cents; that imported stockings along the line of Senator Elkins' argu- which now sell for three pairs for a ment, but from most of them silence, dex-Appeal. jand 51.00. R. R. Bellamy. Guarantee What an interesting, unique and Batisractipn. Trial bortm -or significant spectacle is that of Sena- , , ..i, , . The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives, out ma aria and builds up the system. For srown people and children. 50c. : ' . . dollar will cost $1.50. for the same while Elkins takes the lead. With the Truth is as impossible to be soiled by tiny outward touch as is the sunbeam. Milton. WOMEN'S WOES. number of pairs, and of course the do.!, thttc of dtS .w''"n r Wl oamB liuciiity win azi n proposed aevious. qoudliui ana i it COOTn i-Tiat tmra mnr-o be similarly advanced in price. The oppressive provisions, the South, has a fair sbATe gf the acnes and- same conditions will exist in the glov trade. American manufacturers naturally looked to her represent- pains that afflict numanity; they must ' tives in the Senate and House to w . j V. j .I, . . . r , . 7 Jieep up , must aiieuu 10 uuues m talk out, to t?ke a stand and point the RnJtft nf tntiv rhin wirs nr csn. of way. It would seem that ,witb few hnr AW.V aoll(a n course, keep out the foreign goods by f xceptions they have been over-cau- paina-they must stoop over, when to Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman Ignores the river's warnings growing'ripples and faster current- Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain qr ache In the back warns: you the Kidneys need attention" if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your, best feelings return.; "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly; cured me," writes J. R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 60c at R. R. Bellamy's. adding only a portion of the increased j stoop meens torture. They must walk tariff tax to the price of his srood I 1 us not be led astray y tne and bend and work with racking pains thus undersPlUiW tho 1 aeiusive cry, or cneap goods; cneap and many aches from kidney ills, mus underselling the foreigner and goods mean a cheap man," said Mr. Kidneys cause more suffering than y preventing the latter f rom competing Bstes of Pennsylvania, in the so-called, any other organ of the body; Keep with him in the markets of this coun- jtarlff debate in the House, merely ech- the kidneys well and health is1 easily try. if the foreign manufacturers can oins an,ner distinguished statesman maintained. Read of a remedy for v ... t iwbo said some years ago, A, cheap kidneys only that helts and cares the . uo n.ci)i. uui ui our marireHj in rnia ura v t- i ..i . n-.- ... - . - . . 1 , ' " ujttB.ua a, run t-up man. iir. ies Kianeys ana is endorsed by peoplfe you viuicmmcut, win aenve no revenue somewnai eiaDoratec nis Dorrowea know. irom the tariff on these articles of apnorism ny declaring tbat "it is a Mies Maggie Rivenbark, 105 Dbck trade and the onlv benefit rtArfv fvm Principle as old as the hills that when St, Wilmington. N. C, says; "I fodnd f,v mni v . ... - roods &v? cue.apJt men are- poorest; great benefit throurfi the use of Doi L u.Z Arerican man- .the most distressing erperiences in Kidney Pills, procured at R. R. Bl uracturers through the imposition of this country or in all human history lamy's, drug store. I suffered from unjust exactions on home consumers. nave n when everything was cheap- constant, dull pains in my back and This is one of the many injustices leeJ 5 mmT& in moreyr but; dear- somo days T could hardly get about of the hieh tariff on artiiL j mk 1 when v measured hy NUbor.'This the house. My kidney wore very tue nign 18,11 on ;arucles of prime fogey - statement is then iliumitiatftd t I fioAuolt' , - , , . ...... - I J ttW, xwo. Wt., ouuvr INCREASED COST OF LrVtNO. .Dy a nasn ct tnuu.genee m the -ro ance by too frequent passages of the; i mrf: ; in. bes nit , of value is eccrvtlons. X used several remedies what a day a labor w.:i 4 prcduce." We but nothing gare me the desired re- muuie mew '"OITfl an aamiraDl Ilof nt TW'r TCMnnv Tm nra That was not an April-fool the A. ; illustration of the ecEfcsiorx of mind n. nmvt w vt..t f lanta men got when they west to the!th wWch economic questions are so required and 'In a short time cured me barber shops on Thursday and Wr '?WIU?t,r d if cussed, turnip r 11 logic ' bo . completely that my trouble has rtT. .i i . . it u vvi tcpsy-turvy .-Journal of Commerce. nevrr returned,' ' - Wfa Vtblrty rh -temper. of thq Congress, byall dealers.. Price ti nw cents. All tbe union barbers in men at the present extraordinary ses- cents. Poster-Milburn Co.: Buffalo, the Atlanta districjt, vhich extends . sion of (Congress is a subject of very Ncw Vork, so-!o agents for. the United for a distance of fifty miles around &eneral remark by. the Wrshington Strtes. , ; - wurapouuwm. most, or in era atcn- n&memuer me namc-ruoans -and take no other. ' 4 - t ' hp otV horn moHo a 0(iM, wiicbpuautjum. JMOSt OI ID era SillTl- tne city, have made this-advance. In bute it to the dissension over the rules te ,. i ?; v; i '. . , .i ,1.. . . - r i i . j ,.'- h - vWj?. '1 i The reason we expect your busi ness in the machinery line .is that we have the largest and best lo cated plant in the city. We are prepared to rebuild all kinds, of Locomotives, Engines, Bolters, Saw Mills, Etc .. We carry a fulf line of Engines, Bdilers, Pulleys. Shafting, Sprock ets, Gears, Pinions; Log 'Hauls. We manufacture all parts for saw mills, log cars, boilers and engines. ' See us before; you make a zmv chinery contract,ior repair Job. : Courteous treatment, fair deaKngs. - -;,y. ; if.; -- ... OtikeaadFactorf Foot of Orange St I Our Line of Spring Oxfords is the bel ever displayed in the city. A call will convince you. i BOYLAN & HANCOCK No. 7N. Front St. mar 25-tf. QPEMimi c was the greatest success of any we hare ever had. The store was crowded from early morning until it closed in the evening, H great number of ladies were not only looking, but buying. Excla mations of delight at the wonderful selections were heard on every hand and praise was heard coming from hundreds of sources. The Millinery Department is now under full force and everyone that an ticipates buying their Easter hats before Easter would do well to make their selection early. It is not the matter of choice, nor of price, but of service. Everything has its limit and this limit exists in our millinery force, as we trim hats free of charge, and we give you chance to select from the largest and best; selected stock of hats. and trimmings, that has ever been shown in Wilmington. Our Millinery Department has been large for a great many years, but the addition we built on our store last year that represents 7,500 feet additional feet of floor space, adds largely to the millinery de partment as well as the children's dresses and Ladles wear. I wish to! thank the ladies for their patronage visiting our Opening, and would thank them further to give .their hat wants a little previous thought and not wait until the day before Easter. J In our Dress Goods Department we are showing some extreme ly! pretty things at a small price. We have thirty pieces of Arnold's Silks that would be sold wholesale at 50c that I picked up in rem nants and am offering the goods today at 25c per yard, a silk dress for $2.50 and a prettier and would wear longer than a foulard silk that would cost you $7.50. Silk Ginghams that is worth 50o per yard we are showing ten colors and patterns at 29c per yard;25 pieces of solid colored of silk finish longerie, the goods are fine, will wear perfect, and fast colors, and sold everywhere at 25c, these 22 pieced of goods are on sale at 15c per yard. Ten pieces of black Organdie with French finish, regular 12 l-2c quality, will be on sale Monday for 8c per yard. The Dress Goods and Silk Department in this store Is one of the strongest depart ments in the city of Wilmington, and caters to your wants in every line. Remember Gaylord's Clothing Store for Men's, Boys and Gents furnishing . goods of every kind. We save you njoney 'on your clothing. Why not buy from us? We give trading stamps and give you valuable things free at Tfte Big Bepsirtment torGsVn Front GEOO. GAY LORD PROPRIETOR. si mmvB mar 28 tf u i N aprl-tL ; Spr mg time Is Pasture Time 1 -i Are you going to need some new wir$ fencing? If you are, w just want to ask you , to drop in and see the splendid .line we re showing. ,i - i , . '' Its the Royal make -the best Utat fine material, wrought by skilled hands, can produce. We have tt in all desired heights and prices, too, most attractively. , Be wise, let us supply year fleM fence needs you will get a better grade fen at a less price .. Also full line of Farming TJtensIls-raad don't forget we setJ screen doors and window ecreer; s. -: ' " ': tsar 30-tfT i 1