PAGE FOUR THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1909. to ICbe flRorntog Stat. Wednesday, June 30, 1909. U. WEATHER REPORT. 4 Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. C, June 30, 1909. Meteorological data Cor the 24 hoars ending 8 P. M. Tuesday, June 29th: Temperature at 8 A. M. 77 degrees ; 8 P. M. '80 degrees; maximum 86 de grees; minimum 75 degrees; mean 80 degrees. Rainfall for the day, trace, for tha month, 2.57 inches. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville at 8 A. M feet. LOCAL DOTS. Monday, 13 Weather Forecast For North Carolina Local showers Wednesday and Thursday; light to moderate variable winds. Storm Warning. Washington, D. C, June 29. Adviso ry message. Storm over Florida gain ing in intensity and will move north ward. Increasing winds on South Atlantic coast. MOORE. First Church of Christ Scientist, Market and 17th streets, services this evening at 8 : 15 o'clock. All are in vited. v The schooner Fred-eric A. Duggan, Captain Coombs, cleared yesterday for New York with cargo of 815,918 feet of lumber from the Cape Fear Lumber Company; vessel by C. D. Maffltt. Joseph Martin, colored, was trieri before Justice McD. Evans "yesterday on the charge of stealing a number of articles from Henry Bordeaux, and case was sent on to the Rocorder's court. The annual reunion of the Con federate Veterans of the State will be held in Charldtte August 25th and 26th and a large number of old sold iers from New Hanover county and this section of the State will attend. Mary McDufflle, colored, was be- IMT0 THE RESCUE (Continued iYom Firsr Page.) Raleigh AB R H O A Hart, 2b 4 1 1 4 3 Qrozier, cf 2 0 0 1 0 Haas, lb . . . . . 4 0 2 12 0 Hoffman, If 4 0 1 2 0 Dawson, rf 3 0 0 2 1 Wright, 3b 4 0 1 0 2 Rowe, c 4 1 1 7 1 Fulenweider, p 4 1 1 0 4 Brumfeld, ss 4 1 1 2 2 Totals E 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 i I TO KIDNFY flTOF Corrects 1-v nmmw MStfdW mm mmr mm mmmmr- m ' mmumm " " mmm wmm juo no risk h Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright' iwvin ROBERT R. BELLAMY. es .33 4 8 30 13 Score by Innings. Wilmington ...200 100 00115 8 Raleigh 013 000 00004 8 Summary: Two-base hits, Hemp and Wright; three-base hits, Smith and Rowe; base on balls, Fulenweider 3, fore Justice Bornemann yesterday on; by Levy 3; struck out, by Fulenweider tne charge or Durning a nat Deiongmg 7, Wysong 1; umpire, McLaughlin; to Hester Carr, colored, but as the time 2:10; attendance 700. Port Calendar June 30. Sun Rises 4:44 A. M.I Sun Sets 7:20 P. M. Day's Length 14 hrs. 37 min. High water at Southport 5:05 A. M. High water at Wilmington 8:05 A. M. prosecutor failed to appear the case was dismissed and a capias was issued for the Carr woman. Colonel J. L. Ludlow, a well known civil engineer of Winston-Salem and sanitary engineer of the State Board of Health, has been instructed to mak0 a special inspection of all municipal The Subway Race. Fayetteville, N. C, June 29. Smith had things his own way this after noon, while Sexton, formerly with Wilmington in the box for the locals, was hit hard, Fayetteville being de feated 9 to 2. James, of the visitors duplicated Thorpe's performance of watersheds in North Carolina- He i the day before by smashing a home NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. W. Polvogt Co Inventory Sale. Donaldson Military Academy An nouncement. ' Business Locals. For Rent Room. Smith & Lord Another Soul. Smith & Lord Just to Cover. E. Warren & Son Ice Cream. Smith & Lord Now is Your Chance has already begun his work. Mayor Walter MacRae has not yet be?n no tified as to when, the colonel will be in Wilmington. There was no session of the Re corder's court yesterday, owing to th-o indisposition of Recorder Furlong at his Summer residence at Carolina Beach. The Recorder was not feeling well Monday and went down to the beach on the early afternoon boat. He hopes to be able to be at his desk again today. The court was formally opened by Clerk Skipper, who recog run with a man on first in the fifth inning. James' home run was the fourth on the local grounds in four days. Score: Rocky Mount ...002 021 3109 10 2 Fayetteville 100 000 0102 3 4i Smith and Walsh; Sexton and Gal-! vin; umpire Barre; time 1:50; attend ance 500. Game at Wilson. Goldsboro, N. C, June 29. Wilson bunched hits at the same time Golds boro bunched errors and Forbes kept things moving along by seven passes Continues 1 More Week The Big Mill End Sale Sweeps Restlessly Onward ! t The magnetism of the myriad mighty bargains? of the Mill End Sale is daily crowding the store with sh pers from far and near. And littte wonder! 0p In this Sale your money goes 3s far as it possibly- will in the purchase of good, reliable merchandise buying power of your dollars is developed to fullest possible extent Every cent you spend here and brings you a measure of value heaped-up, pressed down and running over. Strong claims, say you? Yes yet not strong enough. A visit to the store will convince you that we have rather under-stated than exaggerated the immensity of the stocks the high-quality character of the goods and the wonderful lowness of the prices. Worth investigating, isn't it? The now nized the witnesses for their appear-1 to :firtrt and three wild pitches, giving 'anoe today. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. FUNERAL OF MRS. MYERS J. B. Schulken, Esq.; of White ville, spent yesterday in the city. .Mr. S. B. McLean, -of Maxton, was registered at The Orton yesterday. Sheriff J. J. Knox, of Brunswick, was over yesterday on a business trip. Mr. R. L. Langston, of Hamlet, was here yesterday, registered at The Orton. Mr. Fr-ed H. Coteman, of Ashe, N. C, spent yesterday in Wilmington on a business trip. Mrs. B. F. Keith and children, went to Kdth yesterday, where fhey will spend the Summer. Mr. Harry Moore was here yester day from Morehead City, being a guest at The Southern. Mr. J. R. Elks, of Belhaven, N. C. was registered at The Southern yes terday. Mr. J. C. Webb, of Chadbourti, was among those registered at The Southern yesterday. Mr. B. O- Stone and family are spending some time at the beach, guests at the Hotel Tarrymoore. Miss Hortense Cowan, of Durham, Church Last Sad Rites at St. James THNs Afternoon. The funeral of Mrs. Lossie deRosset Myers, whose sad and unexpected death occurred Monday evening, will be held from St. James' Episcopal Church at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon and the interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. The services will be con ducted by Bishop Robert Strange, as sisted by Rev. Wm.' E. Cox, rector of St. John's Church, and Rev. Dr. Fran- the visitors ten runs today. Anderson pitched a good game and had perfect support, thus the best the locals could do was to get caught at the plate. Features, the batting of Yerkes and Mills. Score: Wilson 223 000 02110 9 0 Goldsboro .....000 000 000 0 5 7 Anderson and Gilmorer Forbes and Fulton; time 1:29; umpire Accorsini; attendance 900. Ladies fine Gause Vest. Mill End Sale. 4c Ladies 25c White Lawn apron. Mill End Sal ..15c 30 inch fine Curtain Madras. Mill End Sale 7 1-2c Ladies White Wash Belts. Mill End Sale 5c Ladies 50c White Muslin Underskirts. Mill End Sale 25c Children Whfte Muslfn Drawers. Mill End Sale..fOc 50c Foulard Silks. Mill End Sale 27 f-2c $1.00 one yard wide Black Taffeta Silk. Mill End Sale 75c 36" inch Etomine 12 l-2c values- Mill End Sale 5C $100, $1.25 Untrimmed Hat. Mill End Sale ..... ,25q Men's $2.00 Pants. Mill End Sale . $1.39 25c Table Oil Cloths. Mill End Sale 15c 60 inch Table Linen 40c value. Mill End Sale. .!!27c 64 inch Table Linen. 50c value. Mill End SaIe..!.39C Don't forget the Spscial 30 Minutes Sale Each Day Mornsng and Evening. "GRUNTS." We won but it was a 10u-to-l shot. Captain Dick appears to have been right there with the purloining; to the cis M. Osborne, of Charlotte. Many extent or twice. children and grand children of Mrs. Swats for extra bases Were as fre Myers in various parts of the country j quent as side wagers in a darkey crap have arrived to attend the funeral. ! tournament. FRUIT JARS. 1 Pint Jar 49c 1 Quart Jar 60c 2 Quart. Jar 80c :TrTMMDniBMH ' ! m I THE FIRM THAT PAYS YOUR CAR FARE. MOSQUITOES CANOPIES. $1.25 to $3.00. All Sizes. juri 23 tf Others will arrive today in time for the service. The Star is indebted to a friend for the following very pretty tribute to the memory of Mrs. Myers: "When a really good, faithfuf wom an, a veritable "Mother in Israel,"! passes from this life to the better land something more than the mere announcement of the fact is demand ed by the sad event "Mrs. Myers, whose sudden and in stantaneous death shocked her wide circle of acquaintances and friends, and brought inexpressible grief to her relatives, was a noble example of true is the guest of Miss Eliza Metts at i womanhood. Kindly and charitably the Metts Summer home on Green-! disposed towards every human being, ville Sound. ! cheerful in adversity, and sweetly Da- Wilson turned the trick on Golds boro all right, Anderson applying about ten coats of kalsomine to those same Giants. Glad we won the game, for the very simple reason we need it, and need It bad, but really see no reason for burning red-ffre. Levy mounded very satisfactory af ter ascending the rubber, and allowed but two hits. Why was he not permit ted to commence the affair? Running Wysong in to slab after he had so unceremoniously taken leave of things mundane the day before, is, we confess, slightly some distance beyond us. Why can't Hemp be placedLln the Mr. and Mrs. J R Bovkin of!tient under affliction, sympathetic and! field? He doesnt shine at shrt, and" Hamlet, N.. C, are spending the Sum-! nelPfuI. to the utmost extent of mer at the Seashore Hotel, at Wrights- viiJia Jtfeach. Miss Eva May Newton, of South pert, has returned home from Durham, where she attended the Epwortl League Conference last wek. Mr. Luther E. Herring, an old Wil mington boy whom it is always a pleasure to welcome, is in the city from Augusta for a few days' visit. Mr. William Struthers and daugh-j ter, Mrs. J. A. Rice, and Master Joe Struthers and Miss Isabelle Struthers, of , Grists, arrived yesterday evening to visit friends and relatives a few days. Friends of A. J. Marshall, Esq., will regret to know that he has been confined to his home several days by illness. He was somewhat improved yesterday and is believed to be now out of danger. The many friends of Sheriff S. P. Cowan were glad to see him at his her ability to all who asked or needed her service, brave and independent in spirit, and devoted, to -3 very re quirement of her religion, she was in deed an exemplar of the highest typv? of true womanly virtue and fortitude. "These few lines ar written by one who knew her from the days of her bright and attractive girlhood, when she was a great belt?, to the last hour of her life, and who will cherish her memory always. "A devoted wife and mother, a hum ble Christian, an unwavering friend, she has taken up her habitation in the imdiscbvered country, and her works do follow her." NEW PLACE OF AMUSEMENT. Bath Houses and Dancing Pavilion at Greenfield Mill Pond. Contractor W. J. Spooner is erect- is by no nrsans a safe man there: but his stick-work is good, and improving all the time, and It seems a shift coufd be arranged. Orie Brodie starred with the club for Wilmington, and Hemp was a clos? second; while Captain Smithy trailed one to the suburbs for three stations. For Raleigh Haas was the Kandy Kid. The Fayetteville Observer says; "Sexton, the A. & M. pitcher, who has been playing with Wilmington, joined the locals today. He is quite an acqui sition to our Strong Staff of mound men.". Pl-ease linger onjjjthe black Tet ters. To help the Highlanders strong staff of twirlers we simply hobttfed ourselves. Ask the Fans! Local bugs will be interested- to know' that Bussey won his game for Richmond yesterday with Roanoke, 4 to 2. Richmond taking first place again in the percentage column. Bussey al ine for Messrs. Carter & Brice a large dancing pavilion and a system , lowed but fbnr hits and his work on 4.TL 1 mm. . m f Ha olnK nrn 114 3 mV. 1 T , office aeain vesterdav after having "1 ULU nouses wreenneia miu "M snt-cuB. mis L.eagrre been conn .ort ance from the ter- ''never looked quite the same'- account of illness, Friends of Mr. W. M. Collins, for merly of this city, but more recently southern part of the city. Mr. Spoon er hopes to have the buildings com pleted in about ten days when they will be thrown cmen to the rmhlirv a r ,sn jA iv--- " 1 Z ' . '7 L"jTfie purpose of Messrs. Carter & know that he will return to Wilmmg- Brice, it is stated, is to allow the free rr" - - "1 c liaise uiuse ot the larere dance hall and to James bprunts place at Orton. ,make a small charge for the use of Mayor R-.amer, of oClumbia, S. C, the bath houses. There will be ample among the many visitors at Lma.ce in the on MV J: Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Reamer has fresbment parlors which will be open just recovered from a recent illness ed as soon as the building is complet- uuu .t. v , iovu j j iira pujoiuiali LU e-Q SOUTHERN MAP COMPANY. Mr is take a rest of ten days or two weeks. Friends and relatives in this city and section will learn with deep re gret of the serious illness of Mr. Gas ton M. Robbins, of Phoenix, a well known and highly respected merchant and farmer of Brunswick county, and at one time the largest merchant in the county. His speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. T. J. Moore, of the Murchison National Bank, left yesterday morning for Monroe, N. C, where this even ing at 7:30 o'clock, he will be on-5 of the attendante at the marriage of Miss Elise Ramsey, of that town, and Mr. Hugh M. McAllister, of Lumberton, N. C, the wedding being on of the so cial events of the year at Monroe. The many friends of Mr. B. B. Sugg were delighted to see him in the city yesterday, having just returned from Rocky Mount where he was in the A. C. L. Relief Hospital for fever. Mr. ,y Sugg has decided to leave the employ of the Coast Line to accept a better position with the Farmers' Con solidated Tobacco Co., of Greenville, N. C, for which place he will leave todiaj. It is thought that the new amuse ment resort will be largely patronized as the need of just such a place ha New Revolving Sun Print Frame ust Installed in Work Rooms. One of the busiest of the many busy sections of the big Southern building at Front and Chesnut streets is the headquarters of the Southern Map Company, on the fifth floor, which re cently opened for business fn this city and the success of which has been phenomenal. The company has 're cently installed a revolving sun print frame which has been extended from one of the western windows of the been felt for a long time by the pec- j offices and work rooms and from pe 01 south Wilmington. which the company Is now turning out a very high grade of blue and brown prints that have been quite fa vorably spoken of by those in position to judge of such matters. This is in addition to the very elaborate ma chine also in operation in the work rooms for making prints from electri city. The new frame is now in opera- People in a run-down, weakened condition need a stimulant, not just a tonic, but a tonic and stimulant. They should take r ROONEY MALT WHISKEY There's strength in every drop. It will build up those in a weakened condition, and help them to quickly regain their health and strength. FOUR FULL QUARTS, - - -$ 4.00., delivered. Express prepaid TWELVE FULL. QUARTS, - - . $10.50 delivered, i to Any Point. For safe by afl leading mail order houses and dealers. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us enclosing P. CL or express money order or registered letter and we will have you supplied. STRAUS GUNST & COMPANY, Makers of the Famous Rooney Malt, RICHMOND, VA. PARSON WEDS THE. GIRL Real Estate Transfers. Deeds were filed for record yester day as follows: American Suburban Corporatioii to James. T. Trippe, two lots on eastern side of Wrightsville avenue, 126 feet from Metts street, 66x113 feet in size, consideration. $550: Lewis Bryant to J. W. Wayland, for Ition and both machines are kept quit ?iuu anu other considerations, lot on ! busy with orders from architects, western line of 10th, 66 feet north of builders, surveyors, engineers and Orange street, 33x100 feet in size, others requiring work of this kind in with privilege of four-foot alley the two Carolinas. through the length of the nronertv ' . Louis H. Skinner and wife to Dockery Colds that hang on weaken the con stitution and develop into consump tion. Foley's Honey and Tar cures tiATAffltATit ttouzhs that refuse to yield to other treatment Do not experiment with untried remedies as aeiay may Haywood, for $2 and other considera tions, five acres of land in Cape Fear A Hurry-up Medicine An effective remedy to be used when A v. J A. 1 1 i a - " -r- township, adjoining lands of Frank Something mmt be done right away, is Perry Scott and others. I Davis Painkiller for sprain and bruises, j for strained muscles and for the aches and FU NERAL NOTICE j pains resulting from blows and falls. Burns The relatives and friends' of Mr 2nd outs IMtantly relieved by it and Lossie deRosset Myers and of th belped to healing. There is but one Pain family are invited to attend her fun-' er'Ferry I)avis'- Buy tae new 35c- sis!ei eral services tn hp a a t 1 church this (WrfJ - .. . . July 1st. con -i . T r J ' uiLci uuuii at 5:30 o'clock. Interment in Oakdale. Decided it Would be Better Than Lan guishing tn Jail. Charged with seduction under prom ise of marriage 5eY J- Fagan, col ored, pastor of Ebenesser Baptist Church and manager of an insurance firm, was tried before Justice George Harriss at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon, and at the conclusion of the hearing he decided to marry the girl he har wronged rather than go to jail in default of $300 bond. The cer emony was performed by a colorel mininster by the name of Colin, the trial Justice refusing to make the couple man and wife. The prosecution consulted Justicf; Harriss yesterday morning with a view of withdrawing the warrant and stopping the proceedings, but the mag istrate steadfastly refused, stating that he would not compound a felony by allowing parties to come into his court, swear out a warrant and then hush up he matter. Again at the trial an attempt was made to r,pay out," and the justice made it plain that his court was run according to the statutes made and provided. He said that he had ho jurisdiction in the case and that he could do nothing less than send the matter to the Su perior Court unless the parson wanted to marry the girl, when the action would be dismissed. DEATH OF MISS FARROW. Is the beginning of the reeular in terest period at the People's Saving MEczema. Salt Rheum Bank. Denosit with this and you can draw your July 1st. Is the beginning of the reeular m !?h y cfn terest neriod at hL TJ?slar. lnV three months. tji, -wZL-.T r """CB Divings result in your cold settling on your . and you can draw your bank now bank now interest in ju 29-3t. Could Not Be Better. No one has ever maav a salve, olnfj Trent, lotion or bam to compare with Bticklen's Arnica Salves. Its th one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sones. Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, For Sore lives, lungs. Robt. R. Bellamy. three months. rVklri Rnrps Charmed TTanrla its n preme. Infallible for fciles. Only 25c. at R. R. Bellamy's. rt-iM.!. A I ' 1 l r-N mi inferno It, k t 1 uancmg oiass in -f r nnUTmina tnB afternoon from 4:00 to at Lumina this afternoon from 4:00 to ju y-ot. 5:00 P.M. ; 5 : 00 P M. 4 Yoong Lzy Passed Away Yesterday After Lingering Illness Funeral. The death of Miss Maie Augusta Farrow, which occurred yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the home of her brother, Mr. H. F".. Farrow, No. 406 Brunswick street will be learned of with sincere sorrow by her many friends and those of the family. She had been in ill health for some time and little hope had been held out for recovery by the members of the fam ily. Miss Farrow was a daughter of Mrs. Augusta Farrow and the late W. C. Farrow, and was in the 24th year of her age. She was a devoted member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and a woman with a lovable disposi tion. Besides her J mother there are surviving three sisters and one bro ther, Mr. H. F. Farrow, and Mrs. John J. Johnson, of Wilmington; Mrs. E. W. Stone, of McDonald, and Mrs D B. Sellacs, of Lakeland, Fla, The funeral will be held this after noon at 4 o'clock from St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. A. T. McClure, B. D., the uas tor. The remains will be Interred in Oakdale cemetery. FOURTH OF JULY. , HELD FOR RECORDER'S COURT Mr. W. M. Gumming Sounds Note of warning Anent the Celebration. Editor Star: A great deal is always said in the papers after the 4th of July about the accidents aad loss of life celebrating in a foolish way the great auuivwsaiy. wouw it not be a good idea to sound a note of warning before the 4th this year? It might save somebody's life or limb. Yours truly W. M. CTJMMING. July-18L Is the beginning of the regular in terest period at the People's Savings Bank. Deposit with this bank now and you can draw . your interest in three months. ju 29-3t. Louis Carter Given Hearing Before Justice Bornemann Yesterday. The charge of assault with deadly weapon against Louis Carter, colored accused of shooting and dangerously wounding Thomas Reynolds, colored. ftt tho hrmo .f T.iUio Uvflns On the night of-May 21st, was investigated la Justice Bornemann's court at 10 0 clock yesterday morning, and the mag istrate found sufficient evidence to hold the defendant for the Recorder a court today, being placed under a $lw bond for his appearance. Reynolds testified that he was shot by Carter as he entered the home ot the Evans woman to see his wffe, who left him that day, following some dis agreement. Carter, Minnie Reynolds and Lillie Evans swore that Reynolds shot himself; that Reynolds, upon en tering the house, fired the only shot that was heard in the. building that night. Prom the testimony of the de fendant's witnesses the justice inferr ed that they wanted to tell him tnax Reynolds fired at the wall on the oppo site side of the room and that the ow let rebounded, striking him in J right side. The justice frankly ww the witnesses that he did not behev their story and showed his doubt nwj plamly when he sent the case on w the higher court. Geo. L. Peschau. Esq., represented the defendant. Trouble Makers Ousted. When a sufferer from stomach trou" takes Dr. King's New Life Pills mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia an Indigestion fly, but more he's ticw over his new, fine appetite, sin nerves healthy vigor, all because sw ach, liver and kidneys now worK ns 25c. at R. R. Bellamy's. to But you forget it on the no the Pier. Steamer Wilmington i daily at 5:15 P. M. Fare 15 cent9M . . . in 5-U ruuiia trin.

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