TBB MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3U, 1909. PAGE SIX SPIRITS TURPENTINE TJte arrival, and .w en a. Information, a. n I1 th Pazue8!a" J": u "ectIon. are ' "ut . teed. Knar, ww-w Atlantic Coast Lino m llnlllLII IHI IIIII iHlllt'llllll I iflllMIIlHIfllNlllNnilllMtlllMlM Uirr?Y7:ci 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i ! M 1 1 1 M i ! 1 1 1 1 1 H ! M I M f i I IlMfC1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 II M I U II LU-UJ i I ) 1 1 m II i. HU I III inillUIUI III llll II I IUHfiUUlBiafl IIKBBBKHUIIIIIinilliHIinilUHl I Vnni..., A f - 5 V - Maxton, June 28 The remains of Mrs. J. E. Singleton were brought to Maxton Friday from the Columbia Hos pital, where she died from a disease known as pellagra. , Lumberton Kobesonian: TM? Croa tans are making preparations for their annual picnic at Union Chapel in Burnt Swamp township, which is to - come off the fourth Saturday in July. They expect to have several good speakers, a brass band and a big time. Williamson Enterprise: Solicitor Daniels' fees amounted to only $14. This was due to the remarkable im provement in the morals of the peo ple, both white and colored. The small number of criminal cases gave much more time for the consideration of the civil calendar. "Winston-Salem, June 2S. At a meeting of the directors of the South bound Railroad Company, here this afternoon President H. E. Fries was authorized to advertise for construc tion bids, the same to be filed during July. The road will be built under the title of the Southbound Railroad, but will be financed and opeiated jointly by the Norfolk and Western and At lantic Coast Line. Chief Engineei Cornell will be retained. Raleigh News and Observer: The postoffice at West Raleigh was broken into Saturday night ana aDout six uoi aars, several books of stamps and a revolver belonging to the postmistress were stolen. Entrance was gained by placing a barrel near the window, re moving the wire screen and breaking a pane of glass, after which the win dow was opened. Apparently no at tempt was made to oen the safe. The government postal inspectors have been notified and officers are now working on the case. Sanford, June 28. Those who have waited long and patiently for electric power from Buckhorn were most agreeably, surprised this morn ing to find that the power had beer, turned on at the Sanford Cotton Mills and everything moving like clock work. The power had been con tracted for sometime ago but difficul ties arose from time to time which delayed matters, but all has at last been gotten in good shape and the power was turned on this morning at nine o'clock, thus moving the great machinery of one of our largest man ufacturing plants. Just ten years ago today the present stockholders of the Sanford Cotton Mills met and organiz ed and decided to begin at once the building of the mill. The success of the mill has been phenominal and now that they have secured electric power the expense of running the mill will be greatly reduced. The mighty engines and boilers are all silent today, and the great lines of heavy shafting are -standing idle, yet the machinery is moving along as if nothing had hap pened. Other plants will no doubt soon take on the power, and certainly all new ones will take on to it at the start. Raleigh, June 29. The court room of Police Justice Stronach was jam med to the limit today black and white were there to hear the trial of the abandoned white woman. Maud Kelly, lately captured at Rocky Mount and brought here last Friday. She was convicted on evidence by three State's witnesses of unlawful relations with William Jones a negro hackman. last week Jones was sentenced for 18 months on the road. Today the Kelly woman, convicted of being his paramour, was give the same sentence. She introduced no witnesses in her own behalf. She has talked very free ly in the station house and told the po lice that she had been North and could not stand the roughness of the life there, so came back to take her puu ishment, as she knew she would be given a sentence to the roads really, to the workhouse, as women are not worked on the roads. From what can be picked up other white women than herself have acted with the in ferior race as she has done, and this matter is to be looked into. Some people thought that a side sensation would develop in this case today, in-: volving a prominent Federal official. He was present with hislawyers, but his name was not mentioned. Ex Governor Aycock is one of his attor neys. The Kelly woman was sent to jail until she put up the $500 bail re quired. This was put nip in cash. The woman says she is under 20 and admits that she has led a wicked life since she was 13. She bears the mark of dissipation and looks quite frail and unattractive. Durham, June 28. Chief of Police J. E. Winston, of Youngsville, Frank lin County, arrested Mrs. William Lambert and Walter Oakley here this morning on complaint of Mrs. Lam bert's husband and this afternoon took the two back to their homes. The woman, with two children, one of which is but eight weeks old, has spent the day with the officers, who have been trying to reconcile her and her husband, who has exhibited the best of temper in the light of his troubles- The conduct of the wife is strange if it is not unprecedented and frequent. Oakley had been a tenant on the lands of Mr. Lambert; he is but 22 years old, and since he was seventeen became infatuated with the young wife of the Franklin farmer. He says that be began to love her at that time and never has ceased. They came here closely followed by the offi cer from Youngsville. The officer says he thinks the young fellow per suaded the woman to elope with him. He declares that she belongs to as. good a family as there Is in that coun ty or anywhere, and that her taking np with a man of so much less her social and general equal is unaccount able. It is supposed that they will be heard In the Franklin court tomorrow. A Ride to the Pier on the steamer Wilmington at 5115 P. M. will enre that tired feeling. Fare 15 oents for round trip. ju 5-tf r V Ar. NORTHBOUND. Lv. Wilmington . . . Ton , N 42 1:00 pm 1.35 pm 4:55 pm Ar. Petersburg "." " I 7. Apml Ar. Richmond . 1 ,2:22 Pni washlnerton ,J?:"Pm nrn Wilson . Ar. Rocky Mount.' Ar. Weldon . Ar. Norfolk 11 .On 2:47 Baltimore Philadelphia New York. . 11:60 nm i: am -4o am 6:30 am iS T I-" UK jnriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuT r 1 i ri w. m 11 SOUTHBOUND NO. 41. lis 3S 9:25 11:37 ami 9:2 No. 4s 10 Dm 7:47 pm 9:35 nm 0:33 pm Lv. New York Ar. Philadelphia Lv. Baltimore . Lv. Washington Lv. Norfolk Lv. Richmond .." Ar. Petersburg . . Ar. Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount. A. TXT-,'1 IT" T' 2 H:14 am t". viuiusuoro .... e . q , Zll vy"mington 1 9:25 ami fcoojg BETWEEN WILMINGTON Atfn SOUTH, D fl TV. 8:25 9:03 am 11:28 am 12:55Pln 1 r A Lv. SOUTHBOUND Via Wilson. ' Txr.., PH1?' . Pally. tvuu 1.00 am 1 n nr. Ar. Flor.J 9:05am a r wi.A:zo pmi0:45 oiiars. i:JLU pm Ar. savn Ar. Jk'villel Ar. Tampa) 6:30 pm TRAPS MARK Playing' or Looking Qn you can better enjoy the game if you drink Pepsi-Cola. Just pure, fresh fruit juices, acid phosphate and pepsin. Makes you feel rested and refreshed when you're hot, tired and thirsty. Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law. At All Fountains and in Bottles. X X r ? X x X t X X X r X 9 X LUMBER AND SHINGLE MILLS The largest stock of cypress shingles carried in the State. We al ways have over a million in stock. We make 13 different grades and sizes, varying from $2.00 to $10.00 per M. Our shingles are recognized in the Northern Markets, as well as in the West Indies, as the very highest standard, both in grade ana manufacture. "We have a standing guarantee that " we give (2) good ones for (1) bad one." Don't buy any shingles that do not have W. W. Koch in large type on every bundle. We do not dip the ends of our shingles in red ocre to hide wind shakes and other defects. Don't buy unti) you get our prices and compare the shingles. We make and dispose of 20,000 shingles per We furnish all the shingles f for the government at Fort Caswell, ours being the only shingles tat stand government Inspection. W W. KOCH'S LUMBER AND SHINGLE MILLS Opposite Hilton Park. ee?eee4eejiQ Carolina Beach and i t ? 2 X i ? X X X X i Southport 'Phone S4fi. . THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS The State's College for vocational training. Courses in Agriculture and Horticulture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; In Cotton Milling and Dyeing; In Industrial Chemistry. Why not fit yourself for life by taking one of these courses? Address D. H. HILL, President West Raleigh, N. C. Schedule. On and after June 1, f909, Steamer Wilmington will leave her wharf dally at 9 o'clock A. M. for Carolina Beach and Southport and at 230 P. M. for Carolina Beach. Sundays leave at 9:15 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. for Carolina Beach and Southport and at 7:30 P. M. for Carolina Beach. Steamer Southport leaves Southport dally, except Sunday ,at 6. A. M. and 2 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 10:16 A. M. Passengers on 2:30 boat from Wilmington and the 2 o'clock boat from Southport change at Carolina Beach for destination. Commencing June 2, 1909, Steamer Wilmington will make daily trips to the Pier, leaving at 5:15 P. M., except Sunday. Fare 15 cents for the round trip. Freight will be taken on the 9 o'clock boat only. Additional boat will leave Carolina Beach daily, except Sunday, at 7:15 A. M., arriving at Wilmington at 8:30 A. M. No dogs allowed at Carolina Beach, jun 1 tf N&WNip&Wsteni Quickest West and and best Line Northwest. Block System. Rock Ballast. 85-lb. Rail Schedule In Effect May 1st, 1009. Lv. Norfolk I 7:30 a.mj 7:30 p.m. Lm IP jr.- 'tAffw .jssssssr. v.s.N.' mm iwifr. ma GO TO THE FAMOUS SEASHORE HOTEL WR1GHTSVILLE, BEACH. W. C. OPFM JUNE 1st u-.v. -v-r e "wicu m rne worm. u.ss jNo smTOes, no flies. Easily and cmickW W LX Descriptive booklet rZ S SO mW and all the nleaTnf HTZZSEZ mm:. v. ,BWtuon. sent on reoue tt.J& j . " . ",,lwn manager Lv . Petersburg Lv. Durham Lv . Lynchburg? Ar. Cincinnati . Ar. Columbus . Ar . Chicago . . . Ar. St. Louis.. Close connections 10:25 am 7:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 am. 6:46 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:28 p.m. 10:20 p.m. f :so p.m. 2:18 a.m. 7:20 p.na. 7:45 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:30 am. made for Seattte. San Francisco ana all western pomta Pullman sleeping and parlor cars N and W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment and service standard of excellence. Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most picturesque parts. Time tables, descriptive literature and information free. Correspondence invited. W. B. BEVTLL, Gren. Pass. Agent, Roanoke, Va. a H. BOSLEY, Dist. Pass. Agent, Richmond, Va. ma 8-tf. Chesapeake and Ohio Ry Scenic Route to the West Two Fast Vestibule Trains With Din ing Car Service. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago and 6t Louis. Lv Richmond ...j 3:00 P Mill: 00 P M Ar Cincinnati ...f 8:15AM 5:00 PM Ar Chicago...... 5:25PM 7:10AM Ar St. Louis' 6:45PM 7:18AM Ar Louisville . . . 11: 30 A M 7:30 PM Direct connections for all points West and Northwest. Quickest and Best Route. The line to the celebrated mountain resorts of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman reservations address W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., Cf & 6. Ry. Co., Richmond, Va. JNO. p. POTTS, Gen'l Pas. Agt. , MAYOR'S OFFICE, City of Wilming ton, N. C, June 1st, 1909. Sealed proposals will be received at the Clerk and Treasurer's office, until 11 o'clock, A. M. July 2nd. A. D 1909, for removing all the street sweepings, dead grass, leaves, dead trees, fallen trees and trimmings, all living trees, when ordered by the Su perintendent of Streets. Remove the contents of all sand traps at least once each week, and regularly after all hard rains, and keep them in a sanitary condition, removing the ac cumulated sand in all sand gutters at least once each month, and oftenier when necessary, cleaning streets and gutters from snow and ice when order ed. Sprinkle all streets now sprinfc led by the Streets and Wharves de partment, unstop all chocked drains, and keep them free from obstructions. 1 from grass, weeds and obstructions of all kinds, including sand. Cutting the grass and weeds from plazas ?.at least once a week. Sprinkle a streets be fore sweeping and sweep all streets that have been heretofore swept un der the direction of the Streets and Wharvtes department. The following streets to be swept as follows: Front Street from Orange street to the depot of A. C. L. R. R. Oo. daily. Market and Princess streets from Water to Fourth street daily. Sweep all alleys from depot to Orange street and from Water to Second street once a week. Sweep Water from Dock to S A. L. R. R. twice a week. Sweep Fourth from bridge to Nixon street twice a week. Sweep all alleys, streets and wharves, when requested by the Superintendent of Streets, or the Mayor of the City of Wilmington. Place all danger lanterns or slenals' at obstructions when notified by po-' Dm 11:25 pm 2:20 am 7:15 am 7:00 pm NORTHBOUND. Dally. Dally. 7:00Pni 3:55 am 7:00 am 9:20 am 1:50 nm 1 :30 pm Lv. Tamta . o?Atf "Mly. Lv. Jacksonville Vffl 8 Ar. Savannah . . . .12:55 pml S Lv. Charleston .... 5:25pm 5-5" Lv. Columbia .1 4-30 nml fi'S Ar. Florence 7-16 Sml Ar. Wilmington . . . J2? gsgfg g BETWEEN WILMINGTON AJVrTT FORD. SAJV' T.,r wu, . Da"y- .. Daily.0 T.ir RQtrQ,rin 1 ,... lfr -"opm c V l-1 -iu oauivru .... Lv. Ar. 1:40 pm Ar 4:45 pm Lv 8:30 pm BETWEEN WILMINGTON AXn NEWBORN. Daily Except Sunday. bound" SUth Lv. Wilmington . . 3 : 30 pml iSm ewDern 7s00 pmLv 9:30am Ar. Trains No. 42 and 41 carry Pullman "iav ""'"6 lvjh, connecting Pennsylvania R. R., for all east. with pointi Trains No. 55 and Kft Sleeper between Wilmington and Co lumbia. T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent 0 W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YORK and GEORGETOWN, S. C. New York to Wilmington. S. S. "Sabine" Friday. June 25th S. S. "Navahoe Friday, July 2nd Wilmington to New York. S. S. "Navahoe". . .Saturday, June 26th S. S. "Sahlne" Saturday, July 3rd Wilmington to Georgetown. S. S. "Navahoe"... Monday, June 21st S. S. "Sabine" Monday, June 28th Both steamers have good passenger accommodations. Throueh bills of lading and lowed through rates guaranteed to and from all points in North and South Carolina. For freight and passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt Wilmington, N. C. U. E. MAYNARD, F. T. M. H H RATMftMTY V P. & G. M. General Offlqes. Pier 36 N. R.. N. Y. TO THE BEACH SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect June 3rd, 1909. WEEK DAYS. Leave Front and Princess Streets East Bound 6:30 A. M. Leavs The Beacb West Bound er 15 A M. 7:15 A. M. and every half hour thereafter until lice or other public officers, or when and every half discovered and attention is needed. hour thereafter . Parties making a hid until will accompany the sam wfth certt- Hi 00 P. M. M fled check of $500.00, and will submit 1n AA 11:45 F' a bid for the purchase of such horses, 12:00 P. M. carts and harness, as the Citv of Wil- Freight. flft mington Is now using in the city work, . Leave 9th and Orange street including the sprlnkr and street M., 10:00 A. M., 4:00 P. M. ana sweeper, now owned by the City. Ls2-F k-qo to The successful hiddAr wi w roJ Freight depot open from quired to give a bond In the sum of'5:0 M- and t 8:00. 9th not bees than $10,000.00 each year, for me raitnrui perrormanoa of his duties, with all the necessary forfeiture claus es contained therein, recognizing the right of the Mayor, at any and all times to call attention to the non-performance of the conditions Of t.TlA rrvn- tract. jun 2-we-5t. W. G. MacRAE, Mayor. and Orange streets oaly SUNDAYS. Leave Front and Wmmm Streets Beat Bound. 7:00 Jl M. 8:30 A. M. The Beacf West Bef1 7:15 A. M. 7-45 A M- 9:15 A CHANGE OF PROGRAMME DAILY. BIJOU NEVER OUT! NEVER OVER! 5 Cents. and every half hour thereafter until 11:00PM and every Half "-"ST 11:45 P.M- 32:00P.M. Freight. Leave 9th and Orange 11:00 A. M. Freight depot open from 11:00 A. M- streeta , 10:00 to