THE MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1909. MA flV TPTftTTT - 1 B I BASE BALL ' National League. Brooklyn, June 29 New York pull d out a victory today by taking ad vantage of someVild throwing on the part xf Brooklyn in the early innings New York .. ..Ill 000 0014 11 1 Brooklyn . . ....020 000 0002 7 3 Raymond and Schlei; Hunter and Bergen. Time 2:00. Umpires Kane and Rigter. Philadelphia, June 29. Philadelphia tranche their hits with Boston's er rors today and won the game 4 to 3. Philadelphia ....200 001 lOx 4 6 2 Boston '..000 002 0013 6 2 CORPORATION TAX (Continued Prom First Page.) Senator Kean placed the figure at $100,000,000. With only one amendment pending when the Senate met at 10 o'clock, it was supposed that it soon would be put out of the way and that, in accord ance with the unanimous agreement, the Senate would immediately take up the internal tax questions. But that amendment was a proposition for a duty of 10 cents a pound on tea and Mr. Tillman was behind it. When the South Carolina Senator wants any thing he wants it very much and he nrpsserl :KO hard and so long for his provision that it was after 2 o'clock before a vote was taken and the sche- Sparks and Doom, Matter n and Gra-, thug disposed of iutm.V Time .1:28. Umpires Klem and TrtibyJ Pittsburg, P&, June 29. The local . team celebrated the closing of Expo sition 'Park by defeating Chicago in a onejsidisd game by a score of 8 to 1 . Leifield was in sptendid form and had the opposed players at his mercy at all times. Pittsburg 401 000 30x 8 14 0 . Chicago . . 000 000 0101 7 2 teifieldf and Gibson ; Brown, Pfeister and Arctier. Time 1:40. Umpires O' Bay ahd Bmslie. " ' . : -American League. - New York, June 29. Costly errors - by Justin and Elberfield gave Wash ing the first game of today's dou ble header with New York 3 to l. in ttfe second contest the locals played brilliant ball and easily won from ' their opponents, 11 to 3. -. Washington .. ..001,000 0023 5 1 New York 00" 000 1001 4. 4 Job n s on and . iStreet ; Warhop and Sweeney. Time 1:38. Umpires Kerin ssabd"ieridan. Second Game. Washington ...100 010 010 3 10 1 New 'York ,430 000 40x II 10 2 Groom, Gray and Blankenship; Brockett and Blair. Time 1:53. TJm pires Kerin and Sheridan. St' Xiouis, June 29. St. Louis de feated Chicago 2 to 1 in the opening game of the series today. Walsh's wildness and fumble gave St. Louis the winning run. Chicago 000 010 000-1 6 2 St. Louis 000 010 100 2 4 0 Walsh and Owens; Howell, Graham and Criger. Time 1:45. Umpires Ev ans and Egan. Detroit, June 29. Mullin won his own game against Cleveland today, hitting in the winning run in the fourth inning, besides working himself out of a corner in two innings, when Cleveland had men at second with none out, no run being scored in eith er instance. Betroit 200 100 OOx 3 8 1 Cleveland 101 000 0002 8 0 Mullin and Schmidt; Young and Easterly. Time 1:45. Umpires Con nolly and Hurst. Boston, June 29. Philadelphia won from Boston today by heavy hitting and effective pitching by "Krause. Thoney fractured his right leg in slid ing to first. Philadelphia 026 000 100 9 14 0 Boston 000 000 000 0 5 4 Krause and Thomas; Ryan, Burchell and Carrigan. Time 1:45. Umpires O'Loughlin and Perrrine. Southern League. At Little Rock 0; Mobile 1. At Memphis 2; New Orleans 0. At Montgomery 1; Nashville 2. (7 innings.) Second: Montgomery 4; Nashville 2. At Birmingham 1; Atlanta 2. ; South Atlantic League. At Jacksonville 3; Savannah 0. At Macon 0; Augusta 3. At Charleston 5; Chattanooga 0. At Columbia 0; Columbus 2. Vorginia League. At Roanoke 2; Richmond 4. At Lynchburg-Norfolk, (game called in 4th, rain; second postponed.) At Portsmouth 7; Banville 2. Second : Portsmouth 2; Danville 0. Carolina League. At Greensboro 3 ; Greenville 1. At Anderson 5 ; Charlotte 3. At Winston 2 ; Spartanburg 0. Second: Winston 3; Spartanburg 3. 11 innings, darkness). Boardman 7; Evergreen 3. (Special Star Correspondence.) Boardman, N. C, June 29. In a seven inning game here yesterday, Boardman defeated Evergreen 7 to 3 The feature of the game was the pitch ing of Ivey. Score: Boardman 210 400 x 7 7 1 Evergreen 010. 200 0 3 3 3 Ivey and Covington; Cobb, Mussle white and Bartley. Struck out by Ivey 12, by Cobb 3 Yale Defeats Harvard. New Haven, Conn., June 29. Yale defeated Harvard 4 to nothing today. The crowd was the largest that ever saw a baseball game here. The out come of the game makes it a tie which will be played off for the champion ship at New York on Saturday after noon. N-ational League Notes. New York, June 29. Out of respect to Israel Durham, president of the Philadelphia Club, who died yester day, no games will be played in the National League Thursday. The flags at the National League parks will be kept at half mast until July 28th.. Robert Spade, pitcher with the Cin cinnati Nationals last year, who had refused to work this season, signed a There was another effort on the part of Mr. Owen to revert to the question of duties but in accordance with a previously announced deter mination, Senator Aldrich moved to lay on the table the Oklahoma Sena tor's motion which looked to the gra dual reduction of all duties imposed under the terms of the ""bill, and it pre vailed. Notwithstanding Mr. Tillman's strenuous effort, his tea amendment was lost by the decisive vote of 55 to 18. The provision had the support of onlv two Democrats, Mr. Bailey join ing the senior South Carolina Senator in favor of it. Mr. Tillman's col league, Mr. Smith, was among those who cast their votes in the negative. Senator Cummins began a speech in support of an income tax but had not concluded when the Senate adjourned. During Mr. Oummins' comment on the receipts and expenditures of the government, Mr. Aldrich declared that with additional revenue to be provid ed by the corporation tax he would be greatly surprised if there is any defi cit next year. His estimates of ex penditures for the present year, when the tariff bill was reported to the Sen ate, he said, were about $9,000,000 too high, and he bad, he said, knowledge - - - m m mm ' ill. himself that he naa estimatea wiunu $2,000,000 of the annual receipts. The deficit for the present year, he added, would be about $60,000,000 and not so great as formerly estimated. Again, he declared that if the tariff bill be comes a law in its present form it would next year produce an income of $350,000,000. Senator Flint will be in charge of the tariff bill tomorrow, as Senator Aldrich plans to leave the city for a few days recreation. He has made no announcement of his plans. Senator Root is expected to answer any criti cisms of the corporation tax amend ment so far as the legal phases of the subject are concerned. The Senate at 6:17 P. M. adjourned. STAR BUSINESS LOCALS WANTED A first-class white bar ber, good workman and sober. Apply to C. B. Meares, Lumberton, N. C. je 26-6t PHOTOGRAPHIC BARGAINS For the next few days our six, seven and eight dollar photographs for $5 per dozen. The U. C. Ellis Studio, ju 24 tf WANTED Position in drug store by graduate in pharmacy with a little experience. Address P. O. Box 318, City. ju 22-1 w 8END YOUR FILMS to the Q& Studio, 114 Market street. Any ft is film developed, ten cents. Any is picture finished for five .cents. Titma & Folts, props. fe 17-tf. CLARENDON Savings & Loan Asso ciation. The Clarendon Savings & Loan Association will, on the first Saturday in July (July 3rd, 1909,) open its 35th series of stock. This Associa tion has been in successful operation ever since 1894. Has matured 17th series of its stock, "paying each mem ber or stockholder $100 on every share of stock held by them. They have never met with a single loss. Now is the time to subscribe to stock. Apply to S. P. Collier, secretary, or any one of its board of directors, who will take pleasure in handing your name to the secretary. The following compose its board of directors: D. C. Love, presi dent; Col. Walker Taylor, vice presi dent; Herbert McClammy, attorney; W. C. Armstrong, Thos H. Wright, Ed gar Taylor, Chas. Schnibben, C. P. B. Mahler. Subscribe now. Do not de lay. D: C. Love, president; S. P. Col lier, secretary. ju 6-tf. MAYOR'S OFFICE, City of Wilming ton, N. June 1st, 1909. j Sealed proposals will be received at the Clerk .and Treasurer's office, until 11 o'clock A, M., July 2nd, A. D. 1909, for collecting and removing all trash beyond the city limits, including slops, garbage, bats, boxes, bottles and all carrion-of every description and bury ing the same, including dead fish, fowls, dead horses, mules, sheep, cat tle, hogs and goats, and any other refuse of any nature, kind and descrip tion whatsoever, including all debris of every nature, from the streets, side walks, alleys and yard, within the cor porate limits of the City of Wilming ton, that is objectionable to the Mayor of the City of Wilmington. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check of $250.00, and the successful bidder will be required to give a bond in the sum of not less than $5,000.00 each year, for the faith ful performance of his duties, with all the necessary forfeiture clauses con tained therein, recognizing the right of the Mayor, at any and all times to call attention to the non-performance of the conditions of the contract W. G. MacRAB, jun 2-we-5t. Mayor. ATLANTIC VIEW HOTEL Wrights ville, N. C, on mainland, five min utes rfee to Wrightsville Beach. Best family resort along the coast Perfect safety from storms. Good bathing, boating and fishing. Terms reasona ble. M- Katherine Ray, proprietor. 'PhonW894-3. je 24-tf. STAR BUSINESS LOCALS FOR RENT Room furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, j Private family. Address "V." care of . Star. je 30-lt. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to buy a lot on Market street. We have five, each 33x150 feet for sale. Smith & Lord, 114 Princess street, 'phone 766. je 30-tf. "ANOTHER SOUL MADE HAPPY" and the last beach cottage we had gone, but we have been given another with 10 rooms and splendidly furnish ed, situated near Tarrymoore Hotel. It will make your mouth (salt) water to look at it. Speak quick if you want it. Smith & Lord, Agents, 114 Prin cess street. 'Phone No. 766. je 30-tf. FOR SALE Dental practice, furni ture, instruments, stock, good will and lease; worth $4,000. Big sacrifice, ill ness, best city of 12,000 in State. Ad dress "Stafford" Morning Star, Wil mington, N. C. ju 24-6t TYPEWRITERS AH makes at a saving of 25 to 50 per cent. Machines sent on examination and guaranteed for one year. Quick for a bargain. The Durham Typewriter Exchange, Durham, N. C. je 27-lw. VACATION MONTHS are here and it is the best time to have your type writer repaired or rebuilt They can be made like new by us, we have the best facilities and equipment in the South for doing this work, and w only employ expert typewriter repair men with factory experience. Write for quotations, we can please you. The Durham Typewriter Exchange, Dur ham, N. C. je 27-lw. NOTICE We beg to announce that we have associated Mr. W. H. M. Koch with us in our business. We are now prepared to do all kinds of work in our line, such as slate and tin roofing, roof painting, skylight and cornice work, blow piping, and all kinds of sheet metal work. Prease Bros. Co. jun 27 3t HONEY The large resources and superior connections of this bank enable it at all times to not only accommo date its own patrons, but to pro vide as well for new accounts and new friends. A number of firms, corporations and individuals find it to their ad vantage while maintaining other accounts to carry a special account here for reasons above expressed. We are now seeking new loans. The Southern National Bank THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Savings deposits made by July 2nd will draw 4 inter est Odtober Place your money under the protection of "Uncle Sam." je 29-tf. FURNITURE DEALERS The undersigned having adopted a 1 o'clock closing on Fridays during the Summer, customers are requested to make purchases or call before that hour. W. MTJNROE & CO., A. C. BNEBD, WILMINGTON FURNITURE CO. B. MAY, G. F. HUNT FURNITURE CO., W. J. BRADSHAW & CO, RICE & CLAUD, S. SEIGLER. jun 5 lm JUST TO COVER your Summer trip an accident policy for $10,000. Price $5.00. Better see us about your home for next year before too late. Smith & Lord, 114 Princess street. 'Phone 766. je 30-tf. DELICIOUS Beach ice cream dailv. E. Warren & Son. je 30-lt WANTED Young man who doesn't mind getting up mornings and has had some experience in office work and col lections; fair weekly salary and chance of promotion. Address B, care Star office. jun 29 3t WE PAY the highest prices for old gold and silver at the Wilmington Pawn & Loan Office, 108 Market street. ., je 29-tf. ARTISTIC photographs, beautiful en largements, copying and framing. In teriors and exteriors at lowest prices. The U. C. Ellis Studio. je 29-tf. FOR RENT From October 1st, store No. 116 Market, near Front street now and for the past ten years occupied by Mr. J. Weil as a retail dry goods store. This is one of the largest stores in the city, size 25x120 feet with large plate glass show win dows, fine shelving and counters. Sec ond floor above store can be secured if desired. B. H. J. Ahrens. je 29-6t. WANTED Board and room in pri vate family for young married couple. References exchanged. Muse be close in or on car line. Address "M" care of iStar. jun 27 tf contract today with the Cincinnati, THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY of St club and joined the team tonight. A Thrilling Rescue. How Bert R. Lan, of Cheny, Wash, was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world. "A hard cold," he writes, "brought on a desper ate lung trouble that baffled an ex pert doctor here Then I paid $10 to flB a visit to a lung specialist in Spo kane, who did not help me. Then I went to California, but without bene fit. At last I used Dr. King's New TJlscovery, which completely cured me and now I am as well as ever." For Lung Trouble, Bronchitis, Coughs and Wh Jtfthma' CrouP Whooping Trial 500 and . Benim? Guaranteed by R. R. A See Schedule. Steamer Wilmington for Carolina. TeW SUthp0rt n wfSK Andrews' Presbyterian church, will give a moonlight excursion down the river Thursday evening July 1st, 8 o' clock. Refreshments. 25 cents round trip. Steamer Wilmington leaves wharf 8 o'clock. Jun 27 2t WANTED I unlimited quantities, wool, beeswax, hides, tallow and pro duce. Highest cash prices paid for above goods. See us before you sell it will be to your advantage. C. D. Gil bert ft Bra, 212 Market street, Wil mington, N. C. ma 16 tf "THE ORTON" Barber shop and bath rooms are now open, "They are Sanitary." Your patronage is solici ted, jun 22 2w LOOK FOR THE BELLE 9ft South Second street, cold drinks, ice cream, rrults vegetables and groce ries. 'Phone 1788. L. M. Sandlin, pro VISIT FISHER'S Restaurant at Car. olina Beach. Dally menu: Pig fish, boiled or broiled trout, clam fritters, clam chowder, also stewed oysters, steamed or half shelled. Shrimps in all styles. Eggs in every style. Spring chickens, ham, assorted pickles, hot coffee and tea. je 20-lm. THE GILBERT HOUSE combines home comforts with hotel convenien ces, Front and Princess streets, Junc tion of all cars, cars to depot. Electric lights and hot water, well screened, no mosquitos. Table equals the best and rates reasonable. Rates to regu lar and table -boarders. 'Phone 827. je 19-tf. WANTED By Waccamaw Lumber Co., Bolton, N. C, white and colored laborers for logging department, saw mill and shipping crews. Apply in per son at Bolton. ma 25-tf. A FINE BIRD DOG Or a measly cur would enjoy a bath with our Wer ribees' Flea and Mange Soap. Its soothes mange and drives away fleas. 'Phone; Hall's Drug Store. Ten cents a cakej delivered. ma 23 tf HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid for poultry, eggs and all kinds of country produce. N. C. Hams a spe cialty. C. B. Bellois, 16 North Second street 'Phone 1576. ma 17 tf SPECIAL OFFER Six half eabin photographs and one platinum finis enlargement, for one dollar. Best va) ue ever offered. Titmas & Folts Props. The Gem Studio, 114 Market street. Wllmiuston. N. O. te 17-tf SMOKE PORTUGESE CIGARS GERKEN TOBACCO CO, 5c 18 No. Front Street 5c 5? 11 lm tL Me i Have a Glorious Time in a Pair of COOL OXFORDS From PETERSON & RULFS 111 - JNext to Murchison Bank. nj je 29-tf. EE OLKY'S TRAW TYLES 389 Bogs Nitrate Soda. 186 Bags Muriate Potash. Ill Bags Sulphate Potash. 119 Bbls Large Mullets. 115 Bushels Field Peas. 89 Cases Jumbo Tomatoes. 164 Cases Royal Red Tomatoes. 118 Bags Ship Stuff. Ill Bags Wheat Bran. 389 Bags Corno Mule Feed. 76 Bags Corno Hen Feed. 29 Bags Corno Chick Feed. W. B.COOPER Jobbers and Importer. WWILMINGTON, N. C. jun 27 tf Donaldson Military School A PREPARATORY SCHOOL THAT PREPARES :: :: :: In Sailors and Panamas. We carry the fit in ready-to-wear suits. Strouse Bros, and Kuppenheimer makes. None better. J.M.SOLKY&CO. One Price Clothiers and Furnishers MASONIC TEMPLE. ie- 29-tf. PHONE NO. 617. THEBEST f 1 l Auto Oil PBLNXJIPALS: S. M. REED Send for Catalogue. jun 30 til Sep 1 J. M. McFALL Fayetteville, N. C. t)m Having agreed with the manufacturers to discontinue our jobbing department and support the warehouse, we will close out at once about -. $5,000 Worth off Cheap & Medium Furniture Lamps, Toilet Sets, Matting, Pictures, Rugs, Window Shades, Chairs, Rockers, Tables, etc., at wholesale price, for (cash. Please remember this means cash when goods are bought. ; To merchants we will sell all or any part of this stock at whole sale cost, for cash. The abuve applies only to goods from our whole sale department. v . WILMINGTON FURNITURE COMPANY Garrell Building. , v Second and Princess Streets. Cape Fear Oil Co. Phone 873. Delgado. i V i V V y i je zy-tr. A Glorious Day You can make this the most glorious 4th you hate ever spent by buying oar 2.50 shoe in all leathers at $1.98 cash. Our Windows are Money Savers. BOYLAN& HANCOCK . New Store." 'Phone No. 1445. LW ' fgBBxW VSnBk m ,mSbbbn ,LW-Lr VwtHffl f i msMlkRHA. wLW w m prietor; je 26-2 w