i - THE MORNING SAR, WILMINGTON, SUNDAY, JULY 11; 1909, PAGE ELEVEZT Market Quotations The Latent Reports From the Important Trading Centers and From Local Dealers. WILMINGTON MARKET. i STAR OFFICE, July 10. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady 45 cents. ROSIN Market, steady $2.45 per barrel of 280 pounds. TAR Firm $1.60. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm, $1 75 per barrel for hard; $2.80 for dip, and $3.50 for virgin. Quotations same day last year snlrits turpentine, steady 38 l-2c; ro sin steady $2.60; tar firm $1.50; crude tnrnentine firm $2.00, $2.70 and $3.75. v RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine .. . 101 Rosin 22 rrar " Crude Turpentine 81 Keceipts. same day last year 93 casks spirits turpentine; 268 barrels rosin: 8 barrels tar; 78 barrels crude COTTON MARKET. Market Nominal. Same day last year Quiet, 11 5;8 cents. Receipts ( ) bales, same day last vear 515 bales. PRODUCE MARKET. (Quoted by W. J. Meredith, July 10th) PEANUTS North Carolina prime 8055c; extra prime, 65c; fancy 70c; Virginia, prime 65 70c; extra prime 75 30c; Spanish 95 $1.00. CORN Firm, 98 1.00 per bushel tor mixed. N. C. HAMS Steady; hams, 15 and 16c; shoulders 13c; sides 13c. EGGS Dull, 18 cents. CHICKENS Dull at 15 and 25 cents small 25 cents, and 30 cents for large, grown 35 cents. ' BEESWAX Firm at 2728c. TALLOW Firm at 4 l-2c per pound BEEF CATTLE Good demand at J 4c per pound on foot. HIDES Dr. flint 10c; green, 8c per pound. IRISH POTATOES 65 to 70 cents per bushel. SWEET POTATOES Good demand 80 90c per bushel for yams. WOOL Burr 16c, free of burr 22c. GEESE Out of season. PORK Out of Season. SHEEP Old dull $1.00$2.00 per head. Lambs, good demand $1.25 $3.00. TURKEYS Out of season. "HE COTTON MARKET. (By Wire to the Mornmsc StuM New York, July 10. The cotton mar ket opened firm at an advance of .8 to 12 points with most of the active months making new high records for the season on continued bull support and covering due to higher Liverpool cables, bullish trade advices; unfavor able views of the weather situation and bullish week end figures. Realiz ing continued -very heavy and the mar ket reacted 4 or 5 points from the top but remained very steady during the of the morning with prices some 7 to 8 points net higher. The market clos ed firm with prices net 15 to 21 points higher. Receipts at the ports today were 5,072 hales against 2,360' last week and 3.58 last year. For the week 20,000 against 18,897 last week and 25",504 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 2,231 against 304 last year and at Houston 195 iagainst 534 last year. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling uplands 12.8D; mid dling gulf 13.05; no sales. Futures opened and closed firm. Month. Open. July 12.22-26 August 12.24 September 12.20 October .,12.30 November 12.38 December 12.38 January 12.38 March 12.36 May .. 12 38 June 12.38-40 Close. 12.33 12.31 12.35 12.41 12.44 12.46 12.44 12.45 12.43 PORT MOVEMENT. (By Wire to Tne Morning Star.) Galveston Steady, 12 3-16; net re ceipts 1,399; stock 17,947. New Orleans Steady, 12. 5-16; net receipts 2,231; stock 93,764. Mobile Firm, 12 1-8 ; net receipts 5fi9: stock 9,318. Savannah Steady, 12 1-4; net re ceipts 518; stock 24,460. Charleston Nominal; stock 3,753. Wilmington Nominal; net receipts 22: stock 188. Norfolk Firm, 12 1-4; net receipts 300: stock 8,690. Baltimore Nominal, 12 1-2; net re ceipts 6,323. New York Quiet, 12.80; stock 160, 062. Boston Quiet, 12.80; net receipts 26. Philadelphia Steady, 13.05; net re ceipts 10; stock 2,573. Total today, at all ports, Net 5,072; Great Britain 050; Continent 230; Stock 317,108. Consolidated, at all ports, Net 5,072; Great Britain 505; Continent 230. since Sep- lst-. a a ports, Net 9,822,582; Great Britain 3,423,971; France 1,016,699; Continent 3,438,331; Japan 199,789; Mexico 28,332. " INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston Steady, 12 1-8; net re ceipts 195; stock 20,884. Augustar Steady, 12 5-8; net re ceipts 109; stock 12,1'97. Memphis Nominal, 12 1-8; net re ceipts 33; stock 24,937. St. Louis Steady, 12 1-8; net re ceipts 50; stock 22?334. Cincinnati Net receiDts 100; stock 14,941. Louisville Firm, 12 1-4. Little Rock--Steady, 11 3-4; stock 5,001. Total today Net receipts 487; gross receipts 937; shipments 2,255; sales 1,445;, stock 100,294. The latest thing, the Flag Dance at Lumina tomorrow night. LIVERPOOL. MARKET. t By C&oitt u tne Mornr-i :st &r -Liverpool, July 10. Closing cotton, spot dull; prices 3 points higher. American middling fair 7.32; good middling 6.96; middling 6.78; low mid dling 6.60; good ordinary 6.34; ordi nary 5.99. The sales of the day were 5,000 of which 300 were for specula tion and export and included 4,100 American. Receipts 2,000 bales, 1,400 American. Futures opened steady and closed irregular. July 6.62; July and August 6.62; August and September 6.55 1-2; September and October 6.53; October and November 6.50 1-2; November and December 6.48; December and Janu ary 6.48; January and February 6.48; February and March 6.48 ; March and April 6.48; April and May 6.48; May and June 6.48; June and July 6.48; July and August 6.47. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. THE ORY GOODS MARKET (By Wire to thp Monini? Star.i New York, July 10. The dry goods markets closed very strong for the week. Advances asked are being paid and conservative purchases are "being made. Cotton yarns show a broaden ing in the demand. Fine cotton goods have been ordered well for Spring, j Linen "buyers have been active in the j market. Burlap purchases were larg er during the week. A lair miuai dress goods business has been booked for Spring "by the large corporations handling staples. MARKET GOSeiP. (By Wire to the Momta Star.) New York, July 10. Flour quiet but firm. Rye Flour and Rye Steady. Corn Meal and Barley Firm. Wheat Firm; No. 2 red old 1.45 npminal in elevator and f.o.b. afloat. Options 1-2 to lc net higher. July 1.26 7-8; Sept. 1.18 7-8; Dec. 1.17; May 1.09 1-4. Corn Firm; No. 2 old 78 1-2 in ele-j vaior. uptions 1-8 to l-4c net nigher. July 72 1-2; Sept. 73 1-4; Dec. 66 1-2. Oats Quiet. Beef and Cut Meats Steady. Lard kasy. - Pork and Rice Firm. Tallow Barely steady. Molasses Steady. Sugar Raw steady; fair refining 3.42 to 3.45; confectioners A, 4 65 Coffee Quiet; Rio No. 77 5-8 to 7 3-4; Santos No. 4, 9. Mild Quiet; Cordova 9 1-2 to 12 1-2. Futures stea dy net unchanged to 5 points lower. Cotton Seed Oil White quiet; July 5.62 to .5.70; September 5.85 to 5.87; October 5.92 to 5.93; December 5.68 to 5.70! prime crude nominal; prime summer yellow 5.36 to "5.75; prime white 5.80 to 6.30; prime winter yel low 5.80 to 6.30. Potatoes Easy; Long Island per barrel 2.25; : Southern 1.50 to 2.25. j Cabbages Unchanged. Butter Firm, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Eggs Irregular. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Buffalo Lithia Spring's Hotel pentine. Schr.' Isabel 32 casks spirits tur pentine, 52 barrels rosin. ' Str Lisbon 19 casks spirts turpen tine. 86 barrels rosin. pentine. OWNED AND OPERATED BY MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels Now in Port of Wil mington, N. C. Steamers. Johanna (Swd.), 2,142 tons, Noyberg, Heide & Co. Schooners. Madeleine, 394 tons, Follette, C. D. Maffitt. Victor C. Records, 263 tons, Day, C. D. Maffltt F. & T. Lupton, 797 tons, Longstreei, C. D. Maffltt. John H. May, 319 tons, Stille, New York, C. D. Maffltt. (By Wire to tne Mcrnlnc t.r.i New York, July 10. Today's stock market was an oasis to those early in , the week. Dull and "drooping tenden cy was the reflection of the disap pointment of speculative hopes of a revival of general demand for stocks as a consequence of the extremely fa vorable developments of the week. The demand continued torpid, and while the selling pressure was not urg ent, the dribbing of offerings was suf ficient to carry prices irregularly downwards. The financial chronicle estimated the rate of increase in June gross earnings of railroads over June of last year at 10.45 per cent on returns from cne third of the total mileage of the country. While the repaymenF of loans to the banks, naturally following the passing of the July settlements, "vrere also re ported in the actual condition in con-! trast with the loan contraction of the averages. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, were $1,626,000. United States 2s and 3s have declined JLj4 and the 4s registered 1-2 per cent on call during the week. Total sales of stocks today were 163,400 shares including C & O. 2,200, L. & N. 1.900. N. & W. 100, Southern Railway 700, pfrd 200. U. S. Steel 30.700. Virginia-Carolina Chemical 1,600. Bj Wire to the Morning star. Chicago, July 10. Further delay to harvesting, due to additional rains m the winter wheat belt west of the Mississippi river caused a fresh ad vance in wheat prices on the Board of Trade, final quotations showing gains of 1-8 to 1 7-8c compared with the pre vious close. Corn and oats were also firm, but provisions were easy. Leading futures were aa follows: Open High Close Wheat. July . . 1 11 1 11 3-4 1 11 1-8 Sept .. 1 18 3-4 1 19 1-2 1 18 7-8 Dec. .. 1 09 1-2 1 09 3-4 1 09 1-8 May .. 1 12 1-2 1 '12 1-2 1 11 7-8 Corn. July .. 72 1-2 72 3-4 72 1-4 Sept .. 66 5-8 67 1-2 67 Dec. .. 56 5-8 56 7-8 56 5-8 May . . 57 1-4 57 1-2 57 3-8 Oats. July .. 50 1-2 50 50 1-4 Sept .. 43 3-8 43 1-2 43 1-4 Dec. .. 43 3-8 43 1-2 43 3-8 May . . 45 3-8 45 5-8 45 3-8 Mess Pork, per hhl. July . . 20 50 Sept ..20 65 20 67 1-2 20 62 1-2 j Lard, per 100 lbs. July ..11 72 1-2 11 72 1-2 11-70 Sept ..11 75 11 77 1-2 11 70 Dec. . .11 62 1-2 11 65 11 62 1-2 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. July ..11 35 11 35 11 35 Sept ..11 27 1-2 11 27 1-2 11 27 1-2 Oct. ..11 00 11 02 1-2 11 00 CONCERTS AT LUMINA. Two Fine Programmes for This After noon and Evening. The concerts at Lumina today will be especially fine. At none of the many concerts has a finer programme been arranged. Among the numbers for the afternoon concert will be a se lection from "Mary's Lamb," the over ture from "The Queen of the Nile," a selection from "Algeria," and "A Love Episode in Birdland." At the night concert there is the "Poet and Peas ant," a selection from "The Fortune Teller," "The Glow Worm" and the Sextette from "Lucia Di Lammer moor." Song hits from "The Merry Widow" will also be played at the night concert, an arrangement for the piano, violin and 'cello. At the after noon concert there will he two num bers in all brass. The full programme is given in the advertising columns of this paper. Chadbourn Won Easily. (Special Star Correspondence.) Tabor, N. C, July 9. Chadbourn won easily from Tabor yesterday by the score of 7 to 3. Features of the game was the twirling of DeVane and Freedman for the visitors and a long running catch by Clute for the visit ors; Grantham played well for the lo cals at short. Chadbourn 010 202 110 7 10 2 Tabor 000 120 0003 2 7 Batteries for Chadbourn were De Van, Freedman and Wesley, and for Tabor Cashewill and Mitchell. Two base hits Freedman; struck out, by Freedman 10 in four innings, by De- Van 8 in five innings; struck out, by Cashewill 8 in nine innings; umpire, Jones. NAVAL STORE. FINANCIAL MARKET. (By Wire to the Morning Star. NeNw York, July 10. Monev on call nominal; time loans quiet and! steady; 60 days 2 per cent., and 90 days 2 1-2 per cent., six months 3 1-4 J to 3 1-2 per cent. Prime mercantile' paper 3 1-2 to 4 ner cent. Sterlintr at. ' change weak with actual business in bankers bills at 4."8630 to 4.8640 for 60 day bills and at 4.8760 to 4.9770 for demand. Commercial bills 4.85 1-2. Bar silver 51 1-8. Mexican dol lars 44. NEW YORK BONDS. U. S. refunding 2s reg .-.101 U. S. refunding 2s cou 101 U. S. 3s reg 101 U. S. 3s cou k 101 U. S. 4s reg... 117 U. S. 4s cou 120 American Tobacco Co. 6s Ill Atlantic Coast Line 4s 95 Baltimore & Ohio 4s b 100 L. N. Unified 4s b 100 Seaboard Air Line 4s 89 Southern Railway 5s 112 U. S. Steel 2nd 5s 105 Closing Stock Lists. Amalgamated Copper 81 Amr. Car & Foundry 57 Amr. Cotton Oil 73 Amr. Locomotive 59 Amr. Smelting & Ref 94 Amr. Sugar Refining 126 Atchison 116 Atchison pf d 104 Atlantic Coast Line 12 Baltimore & Ohio 118 Baltimore & Ohio pfd 94 Chesapeake & Ohio 77 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . . . .154 Colorado & Southern 56 Erie 36 Erie 1st pfd .. 52 Erie 2nd pfd 42 Gieat Northern pfd 149 Kansas City Southern 45 Kansas City Southern pfd .... 71 L. &N. .... .. .... 141 Northern Pacific 150 Pennsylvania .l7 People's Gas 114 Heading ......155 Republic Steel pfd 104 Rock Island Co. 33 Rock Island Co. pfd 70 Southern Pacific .. 133 Southern Pacific pfd 133 Southern Railway 30 Southern Railway pfd . . 68 Standard Oil Co. 683 Union Pacific 193 Union Pacific pfd 104 U. S, Steel ; 68 U. S. Steel pfd '...125 Va-Car Chemical . . . . S5 Testern Union 71 Westinghouse Electric Co. .... 84 'By Wire to the Morn in jr fttar.l New York, July 10. Turpentine steady. Rosin quiet. Charleston, July 10. Turpentine quiet, 45. Rosin quiet. Quote: ABC, 2.75 to 2.80; D, 3.00 to 3.10; E, 3.45 to 3.55; F, 3.75 to 3.90; G, 3.85 to 3-90; H, 4.10 to 4.15; I, 4.25 to 4.30; K, 4.85 to 4.90; M, 5.05 to 5.10; N, 5.10 to 5.15; WG, 5.20 to 5.60; WW, 5.70. Savannah, July 10. Turpentine firm 46 1-2 to 47; sales 1,032; receipts 735; shipments 46. Rosin firm; sales 1,- 943; receipts 2,299; shipments 756; stock 143,311. Quote: B, 2.75 to 2.87 1-2; D, 3.10 to 3.15; E, 3.55 to 3.65; F, 3.75; G, 3.92 1-2 to 3.85; H, 4.12 1-2 to 4.15; I, 4.27 1-2; K, 4.90; M, 5.10; N, 5.15 to 5.40; WG, 5.50; WW, 5.55. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists has found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was In constant danger from wild beasts. To- dry the danger, as shown by A. W. Brown, of Alexander, Me.,kis largely from deadly disease. "If it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have liv ed," he writes, ''suffering as I did from a severe lung trouble and stubborn cough." To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent Pneu monia, its the best medicine on earth. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by R. R Bellamy. Trial bottle free. MARINE ARRIVED. Schr. John H. May, 319 tons, Stille, New York, C. D. Maffitt. 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-2 3-4 3-4 5-8 5-S 5-8 1-2 3-4 1-8) 1-2' 1-2 i 3-4 J 1-1 1-3 1-2 1-2 CLEARED. Str. Duplin, Stokes, Smith's Bridge, J. A. Munn. Y RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington, N. C, July 10, 1909. W. & W. Railroad 6 barrels crude turpentine: . W., C. & A. Railroad 69 barrels, rosin, 10 barrels tar, 14 barrels crude turpentine. A. & Y. Railroad 28 casks spirits turpentine, 2 barrels tar, 7 harrels crude turpentine. W. & N. Railroad 3 casks spirits turpentine, 81 barrels rosin, 23 barrels crude turpentine. Str. Lyon 19 casks spirits turpen tine, 2 barrels tar, 27 barrels crude turpentine. Schr. John B 4 barrels crude tur- Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. Cured. Bright's disease of the Kidneys can be cured in its early stages by the use of Rydale's Kidney Remedy. This remedy is made from a prescription of the greatest Kidney Specialist in Europe. Sufferers from back-ache, weak kidneysi, inflammation of the bladder and rheumatism, will find this remedy will quickly relieve and soon permanently cure these complaints. We sell Rydale's Kidney Remedy un der a positive guarantee, Roht. R. Bellamy. Two weeks of cutting and slashing of profits before stock taking, 119 Market street, F. A. Bisslnger. jl 7 lw See the ladles' $1.50 large Sailor Hats, black, white, burnt straw, only 50 cents at Rehder s. Children as well as grown folks enjoy the trip, to the pier. Boat leaves at o:io P. M. Jul 1 tf The best ever! The Flag Dance at Lumina tomorrow night. To continue three days more, Pol vogt's inventory sale, stock must be reduced for stock taking. "An Episode in Birdland." by the Lumina Orchestra today. The Lincoln Lithia Inn, Llncolnton, N. C, now open to the public. Best Litfiia Water. First-class accommoda tions. Ask Holmes Grocery Co., about the water. je 12-tu-thmst-13t Double trading stamps Monday and i uesaay and Wednesday at poivogrs inventory sale prices. "Meet Me in the Rose Time, Rosle." Played by Lumina Orchestra today afternoon. WM. GO TO r THE FAI30US This well-known health resort, situated on the 'Southern Railway, 55 miles from Danville, Va., and 151 miles from Norfolk, Va., will open for guests June 15th. Comfortably appointed Hotel and Cottages. Well shaded lawn. Extensive verandas. Music. For rates and further particulars, address , A. W. AROHER, Manager, Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. We beg to call your attention to THE very bel Mowing Machine made, the "WALTER A. WOOD." It is the only mower on the market that will not choke in cutting pea vine hay and at same time cut a clean bubble. Also hand dump and self dump Rakes, Tedders, etc. We are closing out five finger and fourteen finger Grain Cradles below adtual cot. Write us for prices. WM L SPRINGER & CO. The Grannie sin Lb) IJ v7 Ltl Stands for the Best Clothes in America For men and young men. The handsomest line of clothing ever in Wilmington. A com plete line of hats and furnishing goods. See our Slock before purchasing elsewhere. n Phone 673. U Lia Li L U So W. Corner Front and Princess Sts. O. 3C For the Feet Is a pair of our white canvas ox fords in all styles, heavy and light soles, covered and dark heels. New lot just received. PRICES $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 HEWLETT PIOCE 109 MARKET ST. H5 it HOTEL IVRIGHTSVIHE, BEACH. K. C. OPBI JPHE 1st The ideal resting place in the South. Finest T4-l; . 1 H t T 1 4-V.s 1J fl . " V C) 9 9 Vci Vi -?T"i r 43 ril V. .- -.V. i-r Vi Q TrrrmAA W'A JrrnAcmiff-ruac! rr fli'oo ' TT.acn lira nrl nrnrVltr y$I;5d M reached. Through electric trains connect withv1jr fer ?. oil A r T O A T oofWi'lmnnYfAT, "vifiK Descriptive booklet -with rates, amusements attrac tions views and all the pleasures of a seashore - .ii x 4. i'.V.'V-x vocauuu, sen i. uu .requei.. " 'j5J; '''' JB yhm "5! PKIV E. L.M1NTPN, Manager WS Panama Hats, good Clothing and the beA look ing Oxfords and Hole-proof Hosiery, buy from (HI. FOU 128 to 134 South Front Street. ma a 11 Opposite Union Depot. Most conveniently located for the traveling ! men, for serving Quick linncnes, steaics, cnops, nsn, vjraoa, Shrimp; etc. All Kinds of Soft Drinks. Try our Midday Lunch, 12 to 2 P.M. Personal Attention. Good Service. GIESCHEN BROS, Proprietors ju 10-lm.

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