WrLMEN'GTOlT, C, STJD AY OCTOBER 24,' 1909. WHOLE KXJMBEB 13,134. TUFTS JOUKY - -Y . v v ' " - Oldfleld .and - Robertson Fi rt to ' Race Over Atlanta's Marvelous Auto Tracfc--Some Records "'. ' Were Made. . Presidenf Will Make Pilgrim age Down Mississippi This Week. ' ; VISITED DALLAS YESTERDAY Came by Special Train From Houston. President , Was Very Hoarse. Leaves Early Today For St. Louis.', ' . v 1 WEB GARDUHA! MILLS III SFttU ilib CURTAIL OUTPUT FI mm in cottgh futures -Mm- i : . Dozen Indictments Returned Yester day in Onslow Superior Court .' Against Various. Defendants. , ' " YV Negro killed. "Y ,- '. Y-! -.' ,''!. v ' a Yy Y".vv; ;iY"v:''1 " in Vanderbilt Race at . . Oakland. Section Close Down '.. ; Tdmorrow. White and Blue Yes terday. Edinsed Fastest Record Made Some of Largest in Piedmont Score Five to Nothing For marvelous automobile Tace-track was formally opened to the public this af ternoon , and to celebrate the ev-ent Barney Oldfleld In his big Benz broke ! his own record made at Indianapolis by reeling oft five miles- In 3 : 52 2-B. The weather was perfect and about. 3,000 people attended.: Robertson, driving a. Simplex, did some fast winner, Driving a Pope-Hartford Car, Will Inaugurate a ne or Two Weeks Wake Forest Defeated .South Carolin- M :SPECTATOeS .INJURED 13,000 OPERATIVES OUT VIRGINIA WON, SAME" SCORE Dallas, Texas, Oct 23. President Taft, arrived here at 5: SO o'clock this afternoon after a fast runj by special train from Houston, where, he spent three hours . this morning... He , was taken immediately 1 to the State TsLlt ground, where he made : an open air speech, to a throng which filled the big race track stand and spread far out in every direction. Mr. Taft was so hoarse that he could be heard only a short distancev He. spoke again briefly tonight at a banquet tendered to him at the Oriental Hotel and re turned to his train , preparatory to leaving early tomorrow morning- for St. Louis. Front -St Louis on Monday afternoon the President will begin a pilgrimage of a four "days and, five night down the Mississippi river to New Orleans. - . - At Hempstead, Tex., the President spoke to several hundred pupils of the Prairie View Colored State . Normal School, and( At College Station , ad dressed the students of the Agricul tural . and ".Mechanical - College,: i who were drawn up In uniform. , An unfor tunate "incident of the President's trip . to Dallas was the .the bayoneting of Deputy Clerk Louis Reichtenstein by . one of the militiamen on guard at the Fair grounds. Reichenstein was ope? rated on tonight at St. Paul's Sanitar ium and it was said he could not live. work as did Basle in a Renault. But none of the drivers seemed . to exert themselyei or to try for records. Bar ney Oldfleld was plainly slowing down on' the turns and . all seemed more anxious to learn .the peculiarities on Went .250 Miles In. Less Than ; ,:Four Hours Ai Great. " f ' jSpeed Contests i-;-: ' ' . . . t " J - Curtailment Seven Big Mills in South Carolina Close The Situation. ians While V. P. I. Simply Over whelmed "Richmond College. ' Other Results .' - t (Special Star Telegram Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct 23. A con- (By Long Distance Telephone.) Jacksonville, NY C, Oct 23. A" sen sation was sprung in Onslow Superior Court today upon the return of a doz en or more indictments against prom inent merchants and farmers' of the county and several outside cotton com mission men, charging them with vio lation of the State lawf against dealing iii cotton futures.: : Y v Y ' 4 The indictments followed a very lucid charge touching. this subject by Judge Oliver H. Allen Tuesday in opening court and the. bills are not only against those who, Bold the alleg ed contracts but include also those who bought the futures and the agents who "furthered" in any way the al- First American ' Vessel. ' of Dreadnaught Type Ex ' ; ceeds Trial Speed. NUMBER OF EHOURAIiGE TESTS'' Developed Highest Horse-Power Ever Made by First-Class Battleship. -YY- - North Dakota, f : $lster8htpv tY' ..Y ' Y ' Ready 'Sbon,Y-i". . .v Rockland, Me., Oct. 23. The battle- ship Delaware,, the first American i. the I appy leged transactions. Among the par-4 fighting ship of the dreadnaught type. Citv this af- ties against whom bills are directed made a splendid showing on her screw ; one oiwu . - Carollnd t eleven had are RSer8 McCabe & Co., of Norfolk; standardization runs over the measur-1 if conditions ternoon uaiwe Carolina eieven naa Kinston. ,and , .w.f Oakland.-Cal.. -Oct 23 EcUpslng : Charlotte." N. C.. Oct. 23. Next Moh- the track thanto do;any fast' work. . fastest frecord made in the-;.Vn-j aiy. moriiine 'some 'of the largest mills They all agree tnat tne -tracK w tne i .. , : - . v w . : . cny, tinuous.v report brought lastescan tne worm. ....... -.. , . t,lj4.. ' .J news from Washington ' -Kirscher; driving a ' Darracq, was or eo , miles tnrougn, ai umes? bw iina3 wm lnauguratB ' a the first to make : tne round of the Utib ih 21 -mile course in less thari;20 l weeka ! curtailment :and . . . . al s i I AAAtl VnrrtllAna X701 : 1 tracs,. .xie maae ueiurt; iiifl xu mintiteiL tha : PoDe-Hartfortl car;o. do 'htt imnrove it is, likely that this filMessrs. E. w.' Sablston; u. w. xayior, , OMOi nftJrArpta seconds and thej second mile mw Ta Y rfww . weVthe. fl,i,t :m h nH. f" O. B. Cox, C. A. Pettway, F. W. ltor.':; iJhllL. t SCWU : snaamr"oout: .iuiau.ii b..-, . . - : , . - - . .-v . , ' - n f,,mw frDnontiv thl9 UN.U. BeeQ & son, w. r. venters, J. n. vk ri.w..f .tt) it 43 1-10 seconds by Oldfleia. -. . more than two laps to spare m tne The first North Carolina plant to "7" rrr Frank and others. It is said that the ""UJ- rT, 0 '- ucva aw w wwi v Ma - - 1 o vim a ' rT rnmn 111111 1 m. .10 uiiu u. k 1 inau&ui lluv vw w . nv i j an a. 1 j 1 iiiiiii. 1 111 rrii i.rs n 11 11 . n. uioauLiuiuLuivuii 1 . j e 1- (Ivo n.11M1n S:Kft 4-5. "fc " ' .. 0 hHpHo the i ueorgeiown Kicnea ou iu neiueu un --r--" mean OI Zl.M. UliUUlOA. V w - I J mA MMWfl TTlTrU I X O-l UVJL VJ. O.JJ.LI. VUV mvm uiili - V" v i. i I a a 1 J A-L. kMn I I 1 IIlr1.ll V Willi HI tt H.1ICHCI1 LU V b . vQ wriHa rrrt hoH h aM U seconus. .-awwo - . . , .v0 SfQto OTriT,ftV,T,nr Carolina B. ten-yaru uue anu me uaii -J' . - " ,v.y; In order to : attain this ' speed the . Mp-treat nlAnt .ln the State, emnlovinsr 1 """" " "rfr" . "T1 v.r T" ,,,0:rt0 ntM.ta of whom : "iUC1 Oldfleld. He then made a mile in 48 m two laps 01 me .. . ZTL I S.OOO oDeratives. will follow suit Mon- 2.'rr" w""; rennrtefl to have been caueht on .mw"e .C"B1UCB wctluA" rL" ' and two miles In 1:34 nat.. , isn.;rnese c w " day. It fa probable that the Caroleen f0;retobtem the wrong side of the market for as lZr&Z:Z ZZtZKu?- on a 52-bale conlxa.ct,-"--?-y- tne Question is caned I r. : ... ... i vi seconds cuuua turn unru uuico u . i -" - - - --- . Qay 11 IS pruusiMO mai, iub Ajaruiceu r rrf-m-r. nVfoinoH I trie Wrone Slae Cliquot, dtiving Pope-Toledo, 13. driven by Harris Han management fc, $1,00 made two miles in 1:39 nat. uasie, wzieriso. it, an u . w wIll snut down in a few days. , ; i ZZTZT w t w u " '"a and now that I i t( 1 1 nhnt rt irm in b i mw m'jvq . .... ... i . a thn tA nfton nn ici.Afiiia.-ii . . - - . 'fc f . - M i i n in Mil ii. u w n A-L ill u w j - v . in 5 a. ma a w AMfi i m mi iiiiw iiiii i un . ij uc:43Lii.i ii ia ijaiivu i --'. . K v . . . tm m. , , . . in his Renault drove two miles n ner., Tbe Apperson J , The seve"h big inflls in .Spartanburg 1; "r t: Into court for a Judicial determination, V : : towara tne. iasi ui wjums Lmintv South Carolina, shut down last r r rrj; " VCYCuC ..7; th, not h willed :nnon 'for' fur- u.umuuk wyrf5..w--; - ' Barney Oldfleld, the Hartford. . . . . Y " ToV pa r.tbe Whitnev, S?nAr- P1"4- UI 'iv ".-.VY UTIi ZZtZV rurt ohi for Newport News, -va.,, Began-yewav tilt? UiOiailV au .- - . I ' - . . . . beating his own apolis by nearly 19 seconds Basle and Cliquot were entered. Rob- zier; No.' 12 by almost a lap. retson ,won..-. Tlme: Kooenson :w nnisnea5in iv." m time V but the presebt shut- down Basiema not uesiqes . winnins -.- w iflr,.- 1 1 : W III IIIVKK AIC. I ill. . . 11 1 I.I 1. . . . 1 ltn,m 1 . 1 0 .4.ri. ' . A n I . A Alv 1 I Tl T 1 1 J I . ' I I I 1 .1.111 I II I 1 1 1 1 I 1 II rr.l 11)1 I . . . . . ,. ?.iL" .ES? " JHiSEfYTta-rt Cnitto-u-- Olenale Arkwrlghr, SL Talf in th 6ento?T the term today and. subpoenas for the were e-ceu, , : vk nonTin dis nwii rtxuiu at luuiau- i t,xni,c4. uvwv - .it Ati uqaaiat i"nov nnnanmo - it .a4.-m - ri-vi-ii i.tnra : nriii imviuv . - - v-- o - I . . ivu tiaa Ui4fAr1 prnafiort LAt-ilUtti . auu 1 flolrt JlTlfl n PET ATI R Stfiaav marCIl IOr 1 aatgcu WUUU' duc-uiowi. " w 1 j x...w i . . .ii ki i 1 1 1 1 1. uiuav l at maian- tiatea a uwe isw m-u -i-t T . , t nA Paroief Thev consume X , Y r . IT M5?lSKSft -np.oyP ! operatives. J The Ilne ,plmgei 1-5;Y Cliquot 8:34 2-5; They ana empioy r "';! Pierce line 'plunges by Crosswell, me next term. . . WGre made at 19 knots, three at 20.50f.YY'.' mills nave run iwm wet.bu "vW Belden and Porter netted 25 .yards, : Tnere was a ratner nyri -i . , -d fiv6; at - the maximum of morniiig,i , . r.loari mit ..' rrv,0r moa a rathor mvRteHoua kill- were male h-uulb, . . here about 11 o'clock this morning finish, owing to a defect An ms en- tne 'Dig event oi uie, rrsr" nn .fiii.m, theLY"0..? vT w.";" " Y.- mhA w .hot -down at to sea again at z tr. ana oegan s and onslde kick 10 more. gines. SHALLOW STREAMS. c -There ;is now aeeling among-the part ortJie first, half when Winston, young negro, who 0 Su? hoS ond VacevneibtiaUng the 210,imles in turers tnax ..cue- . cu of Carolina, caught a short punt by tne gate oi ; nK - Moneghan Island. This run will -be t ?; i utnuuu, .o 4. " " 1 Wimara Hull wiui $uuu iuicireicui.c, , imo, niy vi ' : ' fnllnworl race Y the - Apperson car;, won the es 1 . Z.X. ,'Yt. . bv the American Cotton Manufactur- toT,tir lo-ph . ,--T7.-... k cat!. na iAr.e in the second raceY ' - err. Association cir ue put ,-yr- , touchdown. An attempt commercial rwiwHuiv -" I t" tt- w 1 er Watef Courses f Country. .Washington. D. C. Oct. woo riat- the n1flftn. I miXeU 91 Tf. fa I oven Of seven laps. ieming mane lr I juiuis ""u,b ' - . jYlinaue ejjrepuuu ui.a ion yu-oiu W1.,-uioi.iioi6o i. 0wV , r--iiajb,M.(irtfw v Tb Po-HartfoM ;on the first tice by the mll whout thereby to- iwied.. jd interference, Willis wife or Mr.- tianora wniis, a rrrr '! -rz- ; -onaumntion tests- Yr of the field for mill man who . lives m; the .southern JHH'H iPt to kick goal paH of town: It is claimed .that , the L: to the I endurance rung at. lft and''knote ; ;;" ; ;JurXi Profit tri.t mefcs the eewftd; rate. but aa Jt baar beea-pewerally gi hdacs-n4-ne-oi aa use ; to .wmmerclal . proflt me business-like Lu tmkht football Lffort m the iieero's inouth.1 carrying K.-' A: siste Presidents trainYnrrlved at the fai? rany navigable t streams , in e , souia ,ed to .pursue, the . movement is Was nlaved, - - - v ' 3 his right Jaw away and killing him .al- The stabbing occurred .iust.bef ore, the Lpofisible rresmentTr train arrjyea at tne iur uy 6 b-" U,H . mit .win - tha contest grounds and it is presumed that Reich- thirty, incnes nw- "4VX ;f.,rfon and.lt was eeneral- gaining strength as it progresses. tenstein -was trying to iorce w carrrt,wv iUu,.iu,r.v-. ..: Tnomlne had won the I These are tae- woras ui lJ. " , " " played. Virginia Wins From Navy. have a trial over this same course st instantly M s wa a W. dap hence and there will be much .-, v ...S in, comparing the work of the Y , . a 1 .iii- ij. xi. t ir.ano DoproHrv nf l whole tno 01 races ne was oeuma me wire caoie noiamg iiir. juuu a 1 ,....1 - . j.i 1. .i i .u Uvi. uiio.inni Vaiiou TranRnortAt on Tne actual .running tue vruwu vav&; .wuvu me cuiuioi uo- 1 1.11c xuisoioiit'pa ..-j . - 1- . ed his bayonet . time of the FARMERS' MEETINGS Ammpuus, y-u o. j----" 6"". 1 two cblna Thft, North Dakota '.wm. . . u . trutMu I x VA iltsAhAMffOii ikv An I IWU Dill Lo. team oi me . university t .viiKiuia a maeisirate, wuu uiowiai5cV uvi w . IU . " iu. ti- ouuk.im this -afternoon ' defeated: the Navy 5 the ground that the killing was acct- Lrnt ovihch rff rrfiiind durinz Uinfl 'rtnrlnz the day, but the - """u,:i5 X. throueh Reichtenstein's body in the Southern Commercial- Congress, In eawDUBiieu t oit rnCTaamfln H. L. Godwin, of Dunn. riVTtw w ..nrfe S 11 .V J-,,nf not true and the ware; and - North iWKOta .wiu.meei. vicinity of the abdomen. Sergeant J J Washington, Dec. 6th and 7th. ;Mr. ana .tnat ,oi tne vu I , d . the city yesterday morning Lf n t n stAnton. who Dlaved a fine Lfif, D. Malley, of Company E.. 3rd Regi- Mathews .will .-come to the Congress u?J;r' were marred by a num- and spent a very active day here. He game at-half back for Virginia, got how' the ment National Guard, of Dallas, was with models, drawings, diagrams and Accidents ' two of which may leaves tomorrow morning for Town away for a 4a yard run that landed quite cl arrested tonight and held without bail pictures to show to the wjde-awake Lu tiw Th two mishans Creek, Brunswick county, -where a the uan within striking distance of on the charge, of having bayonetted business men of the Soutn -ine ?m- e noiicine of the farmers', meeting will 'be held at-11 the Navy's goal. Three grilling plays ' TRIAL BEGINS MONDAY Keicntenstein. . ; v merclal Possibilities , 01 wi, m.ttnri nVlnoV. He will be joined here i today umv 1 to a first down within a foot or Streams." When it is remember el I LUU' It .,... Mr f! p camnbell. of Washington, ty.0 n,i hut. it took the full three I ... . k. TILLMAN GROWS WRATHY. that out of .the 26,410 miles of naviga-rere . tumB-- i- nn field aeent of farm demonsta- nnsh the ball over the line. P"001' 31 ... , . . . . ri.i I . 1 - " . ... . . . -.1 vHimatfin at Asnev he. Die streams m tne unitea oi-ibs lac- .,..-.. no a Bii-r-m 1 ti- nmi-v nf thp nenartment 01 am- -, o-amo was - witnessod nv vv . u. Inclined Not-tdJSo to Columbia Dur- cording to the National Conservation , culture; Mr. T. B. Parker, of Raleigh, wilson father of the injured Navy ing .laivv -it. Commission) there are over z,v"w. f. nsmhrihack Because of director of the Farmers' , institute auarter back who. is at tne Navai nos nt- wks-anin discharged. Just requirements and that w tnin;vs x .wt,,; onrred is' c not months time 'tney win. tane meir hooting , occurred, is not places &t the hgad of e nation.B Une Y ' , of sea fitchters. Each is 4,000 tons in j.LXr2 ' ."H " , tto. i;ommission,.tn ai ,vw -aft Eat Diamohdback UlUUiUltt. O. V, . 'ut.. u. usvouov m aq e rner Wlinm me DOUUl Ul ucuc .... . . ... i j, ' n. tin f- o lato :. t. ,l ' . . . . .. niS lanic. lie tv aa bbucu iu iaj w v v-'" ptting tne SOUtn, tne commei uiu iiu- at the lunch, which will be given, to portance of these-streams should be President Taft on the occasion of his immediately considered in practical visit to this city November 6th, Sena- waySt by heavy shippers, everywhere excess of the Michigan, the mostpow-; erful'of the American fleet today. Y-r fn4i riAQvv 'iHanlflCA- ' ,n" ment and hieh spfteds. the Delaware - vestiaated at Asheville. ana North Dakota are 25 per cent (Special Star Telegram.) stronger on the offense and defense Asheville, N. C, Oct. 23. Interest than any battleship yet constructed,.' director 01 - il" :r.ii;. is increasing daily In the special term It l8 t0 say their broadside batteries worK, ana proauij 'r muu sunermg yiu y r i.' .17. aoHnr nnnrt which convenes h.. wi ok ner ont mora metal than.. wcMrtr, Pofitl - The entire week will oe aevotea to Muries sustained in last B.aturuay 1 t. J 'r . 1 ' f vvi,au.U6w- ' ,, .1 ,. , T,,cri.ir ri l v . . i Monday lor tne tnai ul cvcai any otner snip, wuuo meir viu .ma rf Arhihald W. BjtL President farmers' meetings in Brunswick, o- came. . I rr i .f a 8 L VL I- -r. Y.-., ""Y;!m,.wm i mafl. counties, the fol- . V. P.. I. Game. ' . ciae cases, luem '"'T' proiecieu oy uwhwwv. xatts military um, uutuuouuov u-uua OUVi . . . YL ml" Y - ..-.Ya" Y MTr,,vMn for trial on the first day 01 court, vessel afloat. nnn nTmema iiviuk uciu i ., mc.nmnna. va.. vvii- ui. uo - - ---- . .t,. t r I resnonslble for a boiled dinner being lowing appointments naying oeen Richmond, va., uct. Vr - - Yara- " r-tAhl P. C. ;.,,, . y , tor -inman au aecuuu through the South, but particularly in flen,ed the president recently at San made in addition to Town Cteek: sup- ginia Polytechnic institute eleven oy- ';."aUi " MomTtain : who Is editor ASSAULTED ' r.tr states that he majrnot serve on the town and. cities immediately in touch ASo 'Tex. .The difficulty arose ply, Monday, 8 P. M.:' Shallotte. Tues- erwhelmed the Richmond college Wfkins. ot - IP.lTP?,8?rT5"; uv -k , V( reception commltte ; . - with navigable streams. . oVerTmislnterpretatioa of a word in day, at 11 A. M.; Ash, Wednesday, at team here this afternobnranning up charged with the ki tSS?.rSS The Southern Commercial. Congress sen?. to. the committee on nfX. M.: Old Dock, Thursday, at;ll a;. .core of 52;t0'9, andus freaking o tSSSS A"e :fi?.- LK'' lumoia ib ..w.u- mm will meet in wasnmgton. at xne yvn- arraneements at San Antonio relative a. M.: Whiteville, Friday, at 11 aj m.; the; Virginia recoru -101 i6"w.5 iTU. iV iiniwn : ' ' ; " 1 lottYYi-j nM nYt-M-witftfliY -i ifei': SS X . . 1 T-l 1 AM Jl 1 v ' Y- . I ' l. .. I . - mJTUmm ikvnrAl thfit thoT H.TA The letter in which Senator Tillman -onss ent now bbably in hetter condition than re makes these sutements is aaaresseu itv . a n.mhor Rth Qtb ftnrt :TJ " -TY ,YY , t,.ir . YYI Y-. .nnemtiM wnrk of wor hofnre td-win srlory for the soutn wmie assisting mr. ..w..... - uw puuuwiuun oV. : . . . riviMTnVia me wuio ivo vvwiuuv. v "iDie repast ior men to the Secretary . of the Columbia , Congress of the VrA.e JJt ln his honor, Chamber, of commerce, ,,uiV States beginsjts long session Decern-1raa4Mr. Taft's appeal asking Mr. iTIiiman ir he wouia at- - , nresent : indications iTYl.: tend the lunch. . Senator Tillman says 6vT business men will be . in who ; wrote, asking Mr . Jl . 1.. ClliU WltiA- 1 W , AU Ul avmw-wa w check, for ?10.Y "This may be a new way Qf conducting-entertainments ln South Carolina that will find favor in .the future, but It is wholly contrary to all ideas of ' courtesy, and hospitality that I ever heard of in this State, and A SAFE AND SANE' FOURTH. him would rather have beef and cabbage than the. usual array of rich aisnes served at ' formal . functions, .apt.. -of which Hutchings disap-' f! Hutchings ' wrote the editor Y - yesterday, and Whichard armed him-5'' ;;! startea to v alleged''5; him.vl'' fninmhia s. c Oct. 23. wbm r or- erai otner lawyers tenuis mm wivu wt.v. j' Y Ywoato thA University of Mr. ColMns remrned to Asheville with a cudgel.- Whichard managed to Advocated Y by Y National Committee Butt sent this response to the San An- Headed by President Tart. woobinirton. Oct." 22. Co-operation of Governors of all' States and Terri- Mr. Taft had been looking forward ! OUTLINES. . PRT I f 111 rl V UCLCai-U ,u w t v I w . I . . Charles Finch, son of ex-Sherm s Caroiina 8 to 0. The visitors' ye?tei day in readhirts for the trial, draw his ' revolver ana nrea twice. ido not propose to lend any aid or or vernor - - ' fo;i a platform' under a, moving train touchdown A H It ' . '4 . . A . I LU1 lOO . w - - . I fcw v - ' ' . . - counie,, vu.' ' l.t safe and sane celebration of maepen- great deal of satisfaction, to ru r5iS .teSt:.men to meet :,7nt. SSTSThJSk - lU.TuW. Benz.. and-Georg, BoJ J unts ii,. D,e1lOTt ntirt have them TjaV 6 jew-wii r . . 1 7 . j 1 1.1 I.cnn l-llnir his SimDieX. DOtU Uiauc 1 . .Cuianc cue . tt . 1 vr.Titfttriniat.es . tne iormi-1 tmnai cnaracter. ana au wyiuuauuu cuouu, ...0 7 . . , , 1 - --- . .- j ., expenses, T tell -you empnaucaiiy . no, it A"'-;pTY.r" rmittft n the ZITao,. Y - . .v- records Some or tne largesi cu.m .. Atlanta,-Oct. zewane ie .. J . I .... , . -mr J J J a lk..i.l. n nlatA rl O a - wlndflW O Fl H RA. -' lVand ly opened yesterday, the first torace d inya safety.;The University show- testify. The trial of this - case wLl verely: injuring him. When Hutch' t , , . ; l : toir heinsr Barney Oldfleld, ,0n m thA offense, but fumbled nrohahlv consume several , days. . ings was arrested a pistol was-founa . , , U tin nn haan :. .. 0 1CM WWW v. w j ... . ... . n t. - . . Sewanee and Georgia Techs. GUILFORD STUDENT KILLED.; in . his possession. tried.- 1 t win not: attend the luncheon."- , "on or a iNauyuai m,r r " ?; Yucl,- . ti. U-ma in thP Piedmont section of Nortn uhA Georgia. Techs here this arternoon Charles Finch, of Thomasvme, Meets r. . 1 i-i.. eorci nun bkub ccio-i i nn pinmnauuu nao n mo - ... . . . i . ., i.t t n Governor Ansel and otner memoera ; thTaOTointment mm frn Cant. Butt lis" delivered to and South Carolina win ciose oown lui ln a nard lougnt u YYY Y- liovernor Anei auu .tuci iucmit.o r- .t - LLit.. .nnninttnont nont nutt a delivered to ann &soutn ijaruiiu ww. ,,n a nd iuu6u.v - .Yi, tt In ofiartTA of the af- bration or tne ourtu, i.u. -"-"'"r "!; :r-.r.-r-VlJnz'r,lZTZ- r two weeks to curtail Urtlirr. downs which were convertea Greensboro. N. C. Oct 23. y:":rrrr;:;; ritet ?an. y0. ;.1 Tarborn and Henri- , w rri.:rr 1 nn Taft in : view ' of his indorsement 01. "freier oeei ana .cauus, uuv . m v-. .- - - - - -;rtBfl --7 a nnro , flt the end 0f the aM Knv - son hf ei-Sheriff - Paia ior .XTZZ. w hi neton's accldentless Fourth, the the committee thought siaent from uu- v. . - -t. ... .1 utnts oTiri 1 emiHry iu 1 ihh -uui .tu mean ;..v - i " " - . - . . onn.M una "n. i .i.-,:nit- - ..kuk v. a lata, mn.at T.nA frnni tnia pitv to m 1nrt.n1 n. . u. 'irT : insTM .pwnHJuuua. iiu . - .7 , t" iT vpstprdav- -.The Uhh the first , score was ' made; Ywaa Guilford CblTege' to' Greensboro - to ing at 8 o'clock the-ronowmg persons',; ; L Day: guinea. iowi. . -va v Y 1 d7T'."r:Y A r, ttist ever seen here. cnonH tHW:krtftrnW'and ln attefimting iJrdminent ln the roads' management: ; .- .. .' f 1 - 4- am 1 vi a wu r r 1 urr 111 ni iiiLA iiiim ul luj wn w- w 1 u u wuva. w Untimely Death Under Train Hjnaries 1 coast a 15- Fihch, A. C. L. INSPECTION. Leave ""-6 -rr . . j m-.w In S;If4;SK'iS,..:- ' 1 "7 the -Unioi' and . aa ?tive pato, MM V"" " . bv that committee .all over TRiALFORNEWBERRY MURDER JSfe? Line Official : Leave Rocky ' Mount Over 8hort Cut. - - . " RockV Mount. Oct 23. On an InJ ' a nlat- soection trio over what Is known as V!'Y, Y tbdav re- the short -cut division Of the Atlantic-' v' from . H annual toll of . .accidents Jurvei-Alt -Sander.;. Alleged .Slayer. PR E S I p E NT " TAFT ' APPROVES "I approve day- Beauron, n . v., y s : . h Kane el- ... . . ' a t - nn akq . rf n To-an 1 v n. 1 . 1 1 i.i.on w c&&.w wi - . - 1 .- . which IB jac- oauur --T v.----. - 0itov: anri .-..-Washington.--Oct-. 22. with the murder ,oT Mayor. XMewDerry, -id.wu vi -vr-- rr t .tij..,!,!,.,. ln,Aor nrnnr resnilations " - v . . 'ii I i wmn, . t- 4 rnia iron tt .... ri mm . 1 : 1 rz- t lud Lcavutuhi w - : ' 1 of,NewporthlsYfUte,was seiectea touay; qui. uuw uum. :""", i ta kaIIavaA - hv those advanced " grades aeciarea . tresiueut 1 ousiness quitn., ... onoared to be 7 evenly I of 200 was near! exhausted nominal elevator, .Nor KSh aSred a toucb h Judge Guion announced tnat tne a u - of the Na- red 1.23 1-4 artea-w iimn '?l"Zlb,M but Blnion fail- - - - t,.a i.e..i.fnn rvf . Imarlm 1 oAa. nm STlOt Steauy. nO. 4. IU Wo'luunI . . . j I . Xa flhttT,rKhlD of the Dreadnaught ; r , iv Pfayed in Raln.-v-su ;ito pss fr6m one car to another when Mr W.- N. Koyan,' general manaser. u.v ?v?o theK E- B. Pleasants;;chief e? ; type,,and the most poweriui.Teb-ei m fnfl fi trt o in a came liii, inin-ri.ioat ttiahaiance and w; Hi Newell.-, eeneral superintendent ntiauous .aownpour ii i thrown to tne grouna Desiae inei.irei uivibiuh, 'mi. m. -e field that -was , several inches track.'4 Ak ambulance' Was hurriedly neer of roadways Three private car. t torneys for the def ense ' , wouldbe cesses x can . j afloat; corn spot steady, No.' 2, 70 . ."-.7' "1 ii t vteA ; A-coHatlon of .America: ..ivftn oTnni-timA ln which to summon bringing aDout a national rciuim. yM-.--- .ta 1-2 delivered . and 69 . - v- .ta win jui-imaeDenaence ray. - . - . r-v .7"7. . . wirTinsHMa u n ri , .n - 11 lau cui . 1 . pmirt from dav to day." ' Solici- '1-2 led' to kick. goal At Nashville: Howard scored a burn 0. Vanderbilt 17; Au- Your Money Y'. - " Is It safe? . If not, why not place it J . f. Ofl (8 ' r Be BUUUUUK WUluacu. m uomiUftl 1. v. ' lr- , , I V,i-rr . V 7, ." i .. i . . 1:"': .Yei tn ho hplfl herfvon Novemher I dv natural white zb to 44 pounas ; 4 i - tor Abernethy. to the Statehas eAt Scioc, yest eaeed Messrs. A: D.. and-.O. u wan . -.--. t . .. -r . ' , r , ' mon to eood 4.iu; ? turpenune : nrm - . i . i urtifin era - w an ir rvT . ransnv p w n i l ix i to assist him in the prosecution...- ' i "TT:? f:r X'A joNES IN .MECKLENBURG " , 61 1-2. m-u jrla Gatidorft -LT1Q I SUCUCUUvU laol oatuiuaj w o w.. i t . t ...... ... r,a KAtha Z, ' atmt held as an on a' warrant cnargmg mm wun re- the-auspices or that organize vator, 70 1-2 denve seC0nd,half, goal At Tulane 0: Kentucky Central 6. in ; the People's' Savings Bank,, where rifle shooting tournament Is nominal f.o.'b. afloat, 8; Randolph you can get It at any time-without no- was a feature; Both teams 1 Macon 0. nis.Drotner, .wnarn, d e ng xu- -hetrh knew the bank stllh Lining 'Em 'Up .For 'The Trans- accessory, is not so nign aa li.wiw " oi in7olv7nt "The - warrant, was VY;.- continental Bonds.? Yi Read "Page of Presidents" othr. page.:-;; "pfM , iv-,. Y; on an. s. , -. j rii..i sm van notl sworn out Dy lUtti u uw - ... anA TTiatoB o-nvA JCl, UdU. UltlblUUVU v1".- I ..A . . i . the crime is under suspicion. SDlendidly on the offense. The1 game was marked by constant wrang ling and by a fight between Dunaway! of Mercer ana.enuj, ui nuww. ."-: :Y' -Y: Yf': Other. Re8ufts.:-YV;i ' At Knoxville: Georgia 3; Tennes- At Pittsburg 14 ; Carlisle 13. At Ithaca: - Cornell 16 j. Vermont, 0. At West Point 18 ; Lehigh 0. At Amherst 0 ; Dartmouth 12. - At Elon College U: Bingham 6. tlce, and in the meantime it. Is nam ing 4 per cent uompouna intereo The Big White Building at Front and Princess streets, Is the Home of this Bank. The most convenient in the city. - '' '-v.-: l oc 24-3L Water, white oil 18 the highest grade of burning pU refined., ,; :; Y Y ,;-v. ::!ty 000 bonds; Water' white oil of burning oil refined.' . 'ri'ftrint.te.v-N. C OcU 23. Col. S. A, ones ; talked .here last, night on the Monday, Trans-continental ana ; Mecmenourg i - --....' Titer ' Intiimn' fiola I soa' 0. . UO tO rve-UCl YVrl V,lfl ftci rlratn ft At Cambridge: Harvard . 11; ; Brown , Water white oil is the highest grade - Water white oil is the highest grade ; -a :,. of burning oil refined. : of .burning oil refined. ' Y . : ' ''' :'v' : s ': :: ,.-Y. ' t-i ' Y. ; ., ... v tv of burning oil refined. r m.'i.' 1 to Y.n',tl.r,l trrarfa I - tT.ratAo T.-Vilt nil la tha hleheSt graa. '. -- 6 ? 1 'rranS-COUlincxil.ii' f auii . xicvn.ituut, i , , r r; ft ;- i..','.,".. 'lf..'t.. ,i' .i--..v .f1' i I Wttier IVUIUS vu J uiauibutov iiu iinwi, "iiivv-...- . t ,11 is the highest gradp will, order a call for;-bonds. -and:. they Fto jfined. ; Y ' . will carryin the.cpnaty.Vt-;i:.;10ayto ;YrY,YY "'i- . x i 'Y ...

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