ai- Bpi AJ. -rc-mM .Sa ,uraaycrni2AtJclavsr - ' T I8S8SSSS1 v 6 Months a,or--. ' : .j. jeaa3ioao : '1Mnrt. 8888888', 'g tv "8888888 - g a Montns -jjjjggg v B in, 8888888 of 3 Week gSgSS88 5 2Weeks g288?88. a , w' f8S88S88 H - . T 1 1 11 i t i - -. t 4- . -..'.-; i .! Ulili ' - - 3Q w li : a O & Oy gj li 2 ! St 3 t o : 9 A to S3 c . a , m 9Z s fig 3S. . IcKcB -- Ml 5 2vi 'S j3 - .a 3 o s 3 S3 t m iti RE s b 8 3 S3 1 oeSjgJ t Post Office Bleney Orders may be obtained in all the cities, and in many of the Urge towns. . fVeconstder them perfectly safe, .and the best means ofrremittlng fifty dollars or less. : ,n';i' "-fs ; 9BerlsteredXtte,ai4erlkenew System, which went tnto effect June 1st. are a very safe means of sending small turns of mo ny where P. O. Jtf oney Orders eanoot be easily obtained. Observe, the Reaixtry feel a well postage, tnt be paui in ttamp at the office where the letter is mailed, or it will be liabln "LDO,sent to ttoe Dead Letter Office.- Buy and "JfixUaUxmptbmpottaaem regtUry, put :' money and teal the letter in. the presence of i h- postmaster and take his receipt for it. letters cnt to ns in this way are, atnnr risk, t - . Subscription "IWce:; i The subscription price ot the Wekk- lt. Star is as follows : , i 4 Single Copy i year, postage pai, $1.50 - " V ,Cmonths. - 1.00 . . " 3 " " x " .50 Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one year, $1.25 per copy, strietly -in ad vance. . . ' , r - . , r-. , . , , . .; ... .. I MF" No Club Bates for a period less Both old and new subscribers may be included in making up Clubs, , At the above prices the "Weekly Star is, we think; the cheapest paper in the State, and its circulation will be doubled in twelve months, if those' who have worked for its success in the past wiliincrease their efforts in the T future. no u tii Carolina's resources I and progubs. "CIU,B ua '8 8 .-pampniet Dear- mg the title, North Carolina: Its Kesonrces and Progress; Its Beauty,' Jlealthfulness and Fertility; arid Its Attractions and Advantages as a Home, for Immtgrsntg ?, .,JThI Kralo-i work - was carefully, compiled by the' Board of Immigration, Statistics and Agriculture. :It contains the report of the Committee on ; Immigration, included in which is a statistical and descriptive". account' of the different tmctionft of the State; a paper on the Climate of North Carolina, by ReV. Dr. Charles Philiips; a id another' full paper on our Mineral Resources, by Prof. W: .C. 'Kerr, S'tatV "GeoW gISU There are so many features of de- cuiea interest in mis nine puoucanon ,- . - t-..'.- . . ' we are joiiiisreti in ine Dresent notice . ' - J v . - . e . ' ' to deler a consideration ot.ttiem until some other time. Onr purpose here is ro f.i! Mention to ihe Waare facilities for inducins immiirratioh. respectable sum been set apart by pur Legislatures for the uses of a Board of Immigration. ; We' appoint such Boards. They do the best they can - without money.'xThey.stir np what interest is possible. But this is little domparativelyV- Th'e jcrying watit is . a publie enterprise .which shall not be stifled by the demagogueV cryv of s." taxation.-' J The1 ! fast1-'Legislature should'bave appropriated $TOj0C0 : of $15,000 to theoause of 'mwtiop.J i - t? i I It created a. Board -composed t of ien terprising, practical citizens but gave them no money-f-set 'theni to brick making withott straw.,; We hope the next General Assembly will be - wiser in its day 'and genWation.1'-? ' ; A .CIVIL BIGHT CASE IN NKV " YORK. - 1 New York lias a civil-rights case. .William W. Tillotson, the treasurer - . . - of Booth's Theatre, who was Tecently arrested f or' refusing to 'sell to-William J. T. Davis.' Xr.l a colored man. on account of 7 his .raeVand vCofofy aT ticket admitting bimto: witness the d rama i entitled " King Henry y.,w waived an examination on .Monday; before Commissioner Davenport, and gave bail in the sum of $500 to await the action of the grand jury. It is claimed by ex-Mayor Hall, counsel for Tillotson, that the civil rights act, nn-" der which Tillotson was .arrested, is unconstitutional, and - in the event of his client's indictment it is intended in'tpndpd f . : - lo make this a test case The increasing . prosperity of the Charlotte Observer, it appears, forces v iwcmarjje US Size. . ,' now pnniS thirty-two colnmhsl 1 '- '.. . . . . -!-... ..,--' - . j .' -u um.., .t,- .,. i.i.,.m - -:Kximmm VOL. 6. TUB NOKTU CAUOL1NA UISTORL -The society bearing the name just atove written; j. and r breated by ;tbe aqt of semblytVeIsewhre-printed in, to-day's ; Mornixg Stab, will " be duly organized acc6rdirtg to the proi visions of its charter, 1 on the fourtti day of May approaching , .V We need not urge interest ; iu , this noble enterprise, it id in 'tho tiahdi Qf rthose, whoi vpe feel 'assured Twill push it on' ; The " distinguished "geiif tlemeq v and lady, who j are named ,as naenibers will breserVe the Valtiable memorials of our Dtoud Siate'historv and hand them down rtq, posterity improved in,.v,olumtv conjfline8 Rnd interest- . " -' - , -sj The New York IHbunfs Washing. ton, correspondeo wtate'pdstiely tuai tuo ti uages oi tne supreme Uourt of the United States have never coo sidered the case involving tt?e constU tntionality of the sKnforcement Act nd tht thf? innmlinM ' xf.'-V V: i 'J V t . themselves do not know hour it. AtnnHa .U,!,. . mi, v u u n ' i 1 1 : 5 ... . v ... T I fall, the question will be taken np and the Court wilfvote upon it;and when a decision Is ivanhp tha n.:- t ' . - - - i ; jWU w viJit UB tice ' w.ill assign i a member of the Court to prepare the opinion." There is, we imagine, little doubt that the august tribunal will decide against the validit v of tbAiV ' t i Carl, bchurz " and young Charles Adams spoke for .ST. new Iparty ; as a necessity of the future, l the othef evening in New York, at the dinner given in honor of Scharz on the eve of his ; departure to Europe. Well;' we've found that sort .of talk among the old Kepubhcans of the North has helped to purify the political atmos phere and strengthened the haBds of the Ubeni Democracy, .We shall throw no dirt at the men - who hOn- I cstly denounce Republican monstros- ities,even if they decline to be' count- ed in our fold. : Thev are with us h- cause they are against our and their enemy. ,'!"' J Secretary Delano freely says that xtoaAiupa tne recent newsnaDer cnarges attectiug his omcial conduct are " the result of J an atrocious con spiracy" to compel his retirement from the Cabinet. - HeJ has therefore in definitely postponed his resignation. ' Atrocious conspiracy" te compel him to resign ! vSodnds beautifully, but the average'reader won't swallow the declaration.; The thing won't go down, Del.V worth one copper cent of j that Indian fund ybtf are accused of I gobbling. A statement was busily circulated j I a dav or two since- in -Washington to i " , . . i the effect that the President intended . . i I . Vk B . ' . - -,,'! edtates Circuit turt Judge, ,u Vi . " " tains as Atiuruey General.' if Grant " wants ! a i'essor bfasha good partisan , successor Williams - we don't ; know but t one man better suited to his band than Judge Bond. That man is Benjamin F.' Butler.- . B'ond ','or 'Butler , the . If v .. country t scarcely.-f cares, a .toss-op which.') 111 r- Mr.' -Wood.' Who under the patron l . . . i" e ' . . - been, for everal.yearar employed in . - . , , , empie or, uiana at pnesus, reiaiea to'i few York- io'dienoe. Il UT day evening his interesting and . -che- 4, ' r - i p . .V . . ' e s -.i ! i j t ' V' statue of the goddess having. been alternate layers of charcoal and a sort of putty, in all eleven inches, on which the huge walls of the'magnificent edi- nce once tqod. f . y . t Mentioning a long list of t string-; halted, botts-afflicted ;and? otherwise ligllIe gentlemen of the Republican nartv from Pennsylvania including" such illustrious sons as Powell Clay- f- ' w . t: . !.,' i , . -i ,' i ' ton-and John ' fatterson;v now vege tatinsr in sound health if not morals in Arkansas apd South Carolhia-the Philadelphia Times t desires that the President shall take any oh& of -the lot to replace his loss in Mr. Attorney General Williams. It wishes that all of them could be taken into theCabi- het, remarking that it would be a I -a. vi I V QnAn- n. them out f that body, while putting 1 them into the Cabinet would not lower J its present standard materially." The I ITIIVS VS. a glau puuito ucusiauipvij even in making the snggestion.f v .. . ., . . ;,.. ; -.i. . 7-1 ' A: 1 " ' '''''' " i ' ' 11 1 Hi... . . 1 " 1 " ' 1 1 1 1 " 1 - . -. t i . . ' ' , i : ! it- . . i -i : Oi t i ' - - . . t tlNA, Our Jliatory proposition is attract- ng general attentionXhe Raleigh CtrpitQlt borrowing an idea from the Germans,' makes this soggestion: It strikes us that the best way to get a good history of North Carolina', writ : enr js foihei ; lgUUttireto' offer a Jiandsome price foF; the, best, history given letigth bf 'timej kii'dfijonstitnte iLje" Historical 'Society;3 or; a f Beect! lar utter i n t btS rriatt er f leaf ing1 ftMjaid committee or society .to say which of all Ihpse histories that mighUbe f ur nheU i t ho 'best, and ' awardthe prize accordingly. L t w Vere a " haridsome : reward offered the best talent : of. the State would htery compete forthprizeV ftad a history UiaWwe all might ifeel proud o fi would no doubt be the result."-"-' iTbis'plan might work well. Either this or our plan for the Lecjislature I tQ:se.h;ct i he historian and pay him a I . .---.' i r . ' "so,,ab,e Prwe fr work would doubtless secure a well-written, relia J '7' . wo d N" .Pf?P hla-Mnl iamm I... J.J 1 - BliU,u lw H-av 1,1 annuai instalments of $1,000 i or . $2,000, the sum !of $0,000. or $7,000 . t han let the histur? of : the State fade out of recol lection. Very fe' living the requi site capacity for the, work are able to ujaKts nits pecuniary acrinces neces- THB PALLING OFF IN ENGLAND'S .IltlPOCtTATiOKS OP RAW COTlTON ,FBOBf THtSjDeDKTBY. : ' f It appears from statistical ; reports that considerably less cotton5 is now sent) to England from the' United States than was sent from this coun try before the war, while the supply f roin Brazil and Egypt has more than hn,mni.P,l - For firel yea r , - - ported 5,644,000,000 pounds of cot ton,'! f which 4,346,000,000 came from : ihis "country, and 289,000,000 pounds from Brazil and Egypt.: Du- ringjthe war years, 1862 to 1866, in clusive, ihe supply from Brazil and Egypt increased to 780,000,000 pounds. During the lastfi orreat m iiaui impui tea 77629,000,000 pouhds,of which 4,097,000,000 (ounds came from this country, i while 1,289,000,000 pounds came fronVBra-" zil and Egypt. These twolastconbtfies stepped in to supply in part the deficit arising from the blockade 'of the Southern ports, and the ' advantage" theV then gained they seem to be still loaproving ' Explaining more particolarly why the exportationa of cotton from this country have fallen off, the Baltimore A'at attributes the deficiency to the I commercial nolicv of .:the .conntrv. i v.; r v . . I wnicu is uiuerein, irum wuuk iv ;waH I hoff a the war. Under our tariff policy the planters and laborers have lo-a & third more for all manufac. i turea. articles tnai iney wouia nave I to pay under a more enlightened com- iJ-' 1 hi8 ,nh; J any other thing that has caused the absolute as' well as relative decline id our' exports of cotton: TBOSB BILLS FOB ADTERflSING., ? The law having made the publica J' thenoticeto foreign-holders concerning the offer of compromise I London , Tmei. and .the , New; Xoxl Lr . :JnyL.L:i'A-k iCl ' 7LLmmv7 Am m ANiM' nanjl ama v a m bills forUhesame amdnntingrto i . .! f" ffif,,?? 778 B9,- ;By getting the 'consent of I the 'publishers 'the'1 weekly editions - , j ; - bill to $885 08, and that of the Jour nal of Commerce to , $460 a differ ence of $6,523 79. t... i ; . I As there was a good deal of crit ical inK sned on 'the matter when the first bills were, received, we' call fit tention to -the : changed figures. It seems, - though, that the Secretary of State - and not the Legislature, de- 8efves the credit for securing the I 1lttt,n . :-..'..':.-:..'.:. .... re d uction -j iu and kblley v J udge;vKel1ey, f the .Pennsylvania Radical and Protectionist,-, has ?just returned to Washington from a bouth ern tour, lie :zsgrejj Jvisvote in ;Corigress last winter in favor -of the' Force bill, . apd now' condfemns the whole policy ot his party onoutnern i affairs - All t.ltA winntrv Boom a t.rt b softening, except .Grants and. .. a corr poral's guard l of officeholders. To J make sure his calling and election to I icviic iiU(iiuto mo roa.Mfaun "& v j out on this line. of ; the State debt Adopted by' the late Genera! ' Assembly v mandatdrfv'ihe WILMINGTON,! N. CiV 'ERID AYiMY, A875.) H jOhio gives, birth so rapidly -o 4fe w nlrt Ida WArnla 4li! (Mnt? t initl 4 i in'tr ' Cincinnati is usually the place 6f "ha. tivily. V The'latest " of ,the'saa!rnVaW is a cbmbination 6f labor: refrtf mers, l1 anti-monopolists, grangers and1 social agitators;.' The Rationale? of 'the1 6r-J nfc&ion i tated 'bf quirer of that' ci tyl' It' appearsttia1 t of ;theTconTekion'1 it lis an offshoot two: months slnce"irid hasnf br (its . iv9uci9 ecvci ji. v, iiuuao. v uj w era. t'U- T Ia.A r V n V 2..." ' srasred in that nolitieai venuirtavtimittrh lJ. -Mvt - " rij u most of , them, Tiave .been ajjusjtp 'disdain that; arid date the 3Hbvrmmif 11 is jtobe. a national affair, aua wto take pff de.lrt Cin'ditthitK'dfr :tfe first; Tues day of," September :. 'Horace HDayv of! thV -Goodyear-India rubber mo nopoly, has issued, a aU as Chairman of ;th6 National Commitiee - ori Irivi tationsj mud in' his call is r careful to impress the belief thatHbt mxvemenC has no platform as yet, and,: and,! in fact; . iio 1 .speisial ipbject to' -attain. These invitations" are of a ton fiden tial character. !' The elect who- are to take part in their deliberations are to be admitted only on tickets I signed' by Mr. ;f and the annoancerheht is" expn swly rji rile that. the Oonference yii 4ot be oped to'the pflblic'inany1 $iie, ?ri4wili its corieluslon be rhado known1 '.until Mi close-. j ToHlrur ex tent the uew:j moveraeit may-'be classed as another secret (political or ganization. ' v :t" !, : ', Besides having a head centre iti Mr. Day to direct the policy of this new party, it has a National Invitatidn Committee, to j whom is committed the task of selecting the persons who shall be delegates. f : Pennsylvania,' New York, Ohio and Illinois are to have ' thirty delegates each ; all the other States except those in New England to have twenty each', while all the NewEngland States, in their excessive modesty, are totbe lumped together and to have ninety dele- gates. - . : r; ; - 'y- To show how , broad a scope this Tew lutmiiipiii nw'f .t,7raP'0 : taKe, the i JZnquirer gives' the ' names aud positions of a few of those who are on the Invitation Committees. In Ohio they are IT. J4 Walls,; Cincinnati; John Fereupath and Robert Schik ing, Cleveland ; and S. S. Linn, Piqua. In Illinois they are S. M. , Smith, W. C. Flagg, WilliarorMooney-and'Jas. Allen; ; in the District of Columbia,' Jred..! -Douglass .'.and Augustus ! F. Boyle tin New Jersey, Elizabeth Cady Stanton' and John H. Jones; in Iowa, Julia' A. Garretson, Samuel Bennett and Jonathan Freeman; in Florida, Wm. j IL Wilson,r; Secretary .of. the State Grange; in Kansas, the Corresv ponding. Secretary! of ; the Miners' State. Association, Henry Bronson, B. F Silvia and F.HrfuTfiTuldrrFrom these it will be seen that the idea isto unite the Uopiad schemes of the time In the -new party. "The Bcheme is' as absurd as it is possible to conceive of such a thing as being It will' have no! Coherence no ' common purpose,-1 ana Will fail of its bVn "folly and Weakness. :'" ' - We print this, ,morning:tbe Decla-r ration of Independence made at Char? lotte, MeckienbuTg--Tcorintj7lNorth Ca,rolina, at? 2 o'clock A. M. of May 20tfy 1775. . The strength, beauty,' simplicity and dignity of this remark able jdocumeBthavei! been ihejsubjeeV of !admi ration isiiice its. first publica- i . - . it. - lion; .It will live; forever, the monu ment of its draughtsman's nkiil 'and patriotism, of the fervor and courage! All " f . : - . I - .... i . r.'.l-:. ! - of jhitf. Mecklenburg; compeers and of the imodest merit and heroie " love of liberty ever 1 characeristio -of ionr people. I . - .yuiil The New ' York Bulletin asjfcs:, 'What have we tocentemplatev fol lowing the depression ' of trade that has prevailed since the panic of 1873?" The hopeful answer it gives will en courago many, who are now despond ent: i T A'pr61oDged period of healthy commer cial activityn. ; The longer the season of de-i pression the more thorough win be the ren ovation, and the more completeHhe expur gation of whatever is diseased in the con ditions of business;' The removal of these unhealthy elements is all that is needed to if iue uuwpieie resigrauuu o iraue. . .r I '.I j. - t - . - . - i - - . k A 1 ' '( . a These elements' it predicts will be grauuauy rempyeu., s . : .-? Failing to. build tup his political fortunes' Gratz Brown has turned his the more promising ; work-of .building stonef-frohts 'for T6nt?in StL' Louis. of thtfnitibn kte lost " in Wmaierae'lll1 Ik Jr Tt rom the Ilari isbura: cwVvinUiQiinielii about tho same tirrie fThiltbwever, A -1 &rtUjrand;were J dischar?edi 4f tel t visit' A toiihfwprkAouss arfdiipoer iheuse; jo tbWimarf Wounreporb v CotnsTTOF New IIakoveb - .1 "State oif oTnr CAaotrjuL, ii: 9 r n a PP0Sr ippeor Court; ) , 1 jTyhe undfiVsiaed, grand jurors;: this tprni. Kpof'Tftav"tn RiifHrml Tnf vniTr nn. lf M(ieratiatf,i-:tlit')Jii the8thJA-pdl l&7Zf f.uey yisited, the county jail ana woman (white) slcli with' rheumatism." She says-iae haafiadnofphTsician or mefliciad t and we-wodrewrjaroeothat she .shpuld nave attention immediately. we" Touud , tad faH afeaUr icpntf the floor meH t scoaredJ , ana the walls well whitewashed. .We wpulfl. Tvuommena mat me siovenipe ve repairea Lapd the fret use of. ; chlp6iei o Um orpine .other disenfectaot .around and .privWsT TWe 1flndfvf irtthe1 Jail' .PrisaueTrs-wJweraputereiqu. in, the "seve'ral' Account ,(9f hot being able td pay costs, before ..same'hf the 'Magistrate's 'courts;' ufad w Would reonxaienQ that sufea-prisoners iwbo; v. i - - i a. .. to workout such sums as agalnsfcf3r?e(l fcloo:f Americant pa plaia.uTljy ;speak well of the jailor and seem satisfied as far as we are able tp judge. We find the poor bouse in very good con-dition.i-1 The in mates 8peakiahighirenn3 of Dr. Scott, and say tbey believe he does all he can for them towards relieving them of their wants, so far asi it lies in? iiis power! We would recommend other' sub-, ject be sentHhem'-untiltthe number is ' re-' dpcedHtittlfi ;-f .- j: O'" -,rH'i-' . a s We t next visaed the work, house and found everything 'in good condition ' and prder. The prisoners say they .are 'well treated, well worked and can enter no com plaints toward4themalDagef8.".Ourreason3 for? aBjegesting thata the- .prisonjeradBi jail shonld be sent to the work house, is we find an insufficient number at the, work house to carryon lhe work..s j .t a .,., . Hespectfully ; submitted ' in behalf of the OmndJury; 4 ' !. " w i Tk Vl T " I t 'An1, u ' jxjih xviiu, iOtv. , , ..... - y ... foreman. . Centennial, . l . , .- :- Jo an article which appeared in our col-, nmna a few days ago, concerning the rate of fare to'the Centennial via the Carolina Central Railroad, uwe gave it as an ! opin- lou that Coli Fremont's report on transpor tation embraced.all fire and military com panies as being considered in the free list, whether Qf this city or not. , We Jearn from Col Fremont regarding this matter that the Carolina Central 'Railroad company pro poses to transport the- Fayettcville military and 'Wilmington rflre companies to Char lotte free of charge and to carry all others at the rate of one cent per mile per member or $3 75 for the round trip per member. The Coast Line Railway Companies have been authorized to make any through rate with the Carolina Central Railway at not less tfcan the above rates, with cars to run through from Richmond, -Portsmouth, &c, without change, and return in the same TlTe" Railroad Company expects' to ' ar range for the accommodation of their pas sengers, so far: as sleeping is concerned in tents at Charlotte. . i . -j . " Pof tbe Centennial. We are informed that a short time ago, Mr W. P. Standback found upon his plan tation in Richmond county, near Pee Dee River, two large earthen pots which he in tends to send to the Mecklenburg Centen nial as relics of a' by-gone age. rIt seems that the recent floods in that section washed away a considerable' portion of the land bordering upon the river, and these pots' were found quite, close together, about ten feet below the former surface, y One of the articles will contain about a bushel and the other about half a bushel. They are very smooth and appear to have been well and neatly made, and are doubtless remnants of an Indian camp, or settlemeat. of long, ago.; There is certainly nothing modern in their appearance, their peculiar make never hav ing been Witnessed in this section before. It is supposed thai they are probably about one hundred ori 'more years old. v They are great curiosities-and -very fitepeeimens for exhibition at the Mecklenburg , Centennial TTUialmatoil Retail market. t r"- nfThe, .following prices -s ruled yesterday t Apples, ; (dried) 12 cents' per pound ; dried peaches 259 Per pound;, walnuts, 25 cents per peck; .pickles, ,20 cents per dozen; lard-' Id' cents'lper pound; butter, -4350 eents' per pound; cheese, 25 cents perpound ; grown fowls S0$1 00 apalrjgeese $1 50 per pairbeef 1016Jc. per pound; beef; (corn ed)!12Jai5cper pound; veaL 12ilGlc. perpound; mutton, 12i16j eta, per pound; hm, 16(.'l8 cts.' perpound; shoulders, 12i 14 cents per pound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open cTams,2025 cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cts.; eggs, 18)20- cents, a dozj sturgeon, 25, cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 5Qcts.,a peck; sweet 25 cents; fish trout per bunch; mullets iuzoc per bunch; turnips, 10c. a bunch; onions, 50 Ct8.! a peck; cabbages 1025 cts. a head; bologna 20 cents a pound; liver pudding; 1220 cents a pound; hog head, cheese, 20 cents a pound; New River oysters, $1 ( 50 a gallon ; gouna ao.. ,ou cents a gaiion; wiiu ducks 5075 cents a pair; radishes, 510 cents a bunch lettuce,' 5 cents a head; parsley, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 5 cents a bunchV carrots, 5 cents a pound; rice,. 12 cenisaqaart. - Pactlng Coonterfclt mTenej. ! - A while man doing business in Richmond county, was yesterday arrainged before JD, S. Commissioner J. J. answer; the charge of passing counterfeit. money.' r, s t'ne 'complaint' Was made on Friday and an officer was at 6'nce sent np to Richmond county, who arrested the, defendants u ,.) k - ' ' lha laca Vin flwlTWiq. sloner; bound the defendant over to the next term of tbe -United States District Court iA the suih of $500. ,.-, -,v u. The number of ex-Congressmen, who snend. much of their time in Washing ton, practicing law; is largely on the in-1 crease. Ylie Ceutennlal or VUlcb w01 be cU , jRtoO&ed, iT;hat: whpsoevefireitlyf tf orm or'manner couhteiiahced the "uh-t lu.uiiptiuv auciieu. or in aiivwav. jpur rights'as claimed 6jt GreafcBritatn'p is an , enemy tot thia Amer f an4,tol the ' inherent and inaiiena f We rights of rW'Hl-B'li -d jMeclenbIconmyofhereif! iw'iW'W Wvrnas wbicJ have. and abjure' all political jinectiorr. contract or assocktlidh e with"ithat na- uuf,!.!'"n'! waumui trampiea on rights an5 UjOieirileanlnhniaa-: J2e8olved,HLh& t; We d'ovherebv del! "ft'.-.' . dare ourselves a f ree XaVIlndeperid ent people j are, and of right ought, to ,bp,a sovereign, and self-governing as sociation, under "the controller Ftib power other' than ; that of ' our God and the General , Government: of ,-the 4 Ayongress to tlje maiutepanee of which independence we solemnly - pledge to each other our mutual 'co-operation,1 our lives, our fortunes, and our xhost sacred honor.: - 4:t,'-. t vm.'j Hesolved, That as we acknowledge tthe existence and control of no ' law. nor legal office, or military, with in this county, we do hereby ordain and adopt as a rule of life, all,; each, and every of our former laws; f where in, nevertheless, the Crown of,1 Great Britain never cag be lcbnsi fedjpD holdingrights,priyUeg,immu:niiiea,' or authority therein! j&kni. ? Me8olved,Th&t it is f urther decreed that allr each. and every military, offii cer in this county is hereby retained in his former command and authority!, be acting conformably to' these regtK lations; and that every member pres-! ent of this delegation shall henceforth be a civil officer, viz; a justice of the peace, in the character of a conimii teeman, to- issue process, hear and' de termine all matters. : of ) controversy according to said adopted ; laws, and to preserve peace, union and harmony in said county, and to use every 'ex ertion to spread the; love of country and fire of freedom throughout Amer ica, until a general organized govern- lucub uc coiauiiaucU: xu tuis province. MORE ADOITT GUNS. LcOUBESPOOT)E!ICe! of. the stab.X. XiTXEsville, April 29, '75. . Ifie-facttE et' than is furnished by the zest and zeal with which our friend Nimrop, and others ike him (or as nearly as possible) turns, for a moment even, aside from the engrossing and weighty matters of the ." Great Pres-, ent, to discuss guns and gunning.' Such things are pleasant and, I assure you, fully appreciated by at least one of your readers. True he is M one? whom 4 the overthrow of empires, the upheaval of nationalities; or even centennials, revolutions, Beecher trials and earthquakes don't particularly disturb nut one still entitled to a hearing. That 90 yards shot at the crane was a good one nut 1 can neat iti " And l will be as circutastancial and precise as waa Dame Quickly in her " Whitsuntide" ana 'parcel Eilt eoblet" arraignment of Sir John. -' . in tne xau 0190 stanaing upon tne j nlank road bndsre over tbe south nronsr 01 Jones' creekMn Anson county, I killed a squirrel in tne top ot a high overcup" oatc, which stood land probably apesyeti just seventy-three yards from me. W. 0. jBar rett. now of Titus county, Texas; waa with me, picKeu up vue squirrel auu .mesaurcu the: distance. r.This was I done with loose shot, loaded In tbe .old style. With Eley's green paper wire cartridges in those days, and with war gun, a aa, imd or bis snot, I felt as sure of a turkey gobbler at 65 to 75 yards distance 4 as l"Nimrod' would now of a bucK, standing, m tne classic aeus 01 " Silver Run" at o0 yards distance! Andi was very rarely disappointed. ! In John Little's ft 30 acre piece," with one of those. cartridges, 1 knocked over an its pounder one eveningat wwr 80 yards precise dis tance, not remembered: but if " Nimrod" or ' any other man" doubts it, I can show him tbe held now! That gun was a vmuz' aler " 13 sauare. 34 inch barrels, imported by Briggs, Westcott & Starkweather, of 208. Pearl street, New 'York, in 1853; and- noW belongs Ipr atd, for A sold it to mm m i8pyj to Boose" Waborhe..of Virginia. ? ! . No: shot cua can be; relied on with any sort of , Iqad j beyond 50, yards.'J saveth Nimrod. and he doubtless speaketh trul v for these fMoas shots" mast ail have been exceptional ana," accidental." aui 1 have a eun now a Vnuezfe-loader, of 'which he. I think, knows lhe pedigree, 'which wUL properly loaded, with shot ox any size irom JNo. to beat aroo yarus, tue oesi oreecn loadec (without the.Eley Concentrator; un: less that can be used in a " muzzier") to be found in a day's travel of the Cape Fear ,6f Pee Dee, There , now 1 It's ja better gun than that which killed the sciuirrel above mentioned and its' performances,' pari ticnlarlv if handled by such a cool and "level-beaded" sportsman as."Ntmrod"' or his townsman'Tonf IZ, wilfgo further to ward refutinztbis aasertiori iosp ouoted, about reliability at over 50 yards, than any oreeca-waaer 10 ,iuia , uqwucin - mjui There now again J - -' Yours in the Faith, , - - , yENATon. !' ' im m m : ' ' ' " - The town of Xenia, Ohio, may well belnroud - and iovfuL ' The little daughter of the Czarowitz of Russia has been named alter 11 as jeasi me jax sior-; mally announces that she has received ,lbe ' -'In Columbia WednesdaySpen- cer Simony aUat Jarnea Waiteav tand Joe Alexander, the boys wno were aires teu robbing the postqfnce, were committed to fail in default of $3,000-bail to stand their, trial at the next term of the -petted gfetes court. - ' j - From all ; sj)per&rtccs tla zzill- tion of Secretary X r-p t ,t3, the r-3xt Senator from lo' vl : y ti turn est something like tn: the matttr of 1 Ex-Se-:tcrH-: next Iowa . whohast:;a 1 .; ncnin z-jrship. ij to be the .her aspirant .tiaore Bun. Orknge totheStote penuemiafy v,T-f" i -I J: Jl j T, i i : '.r.- ;r ' ' ." ' ?inlfiaPM-Suaynof uticu. - - .-. .'-i. . of IheN. a Ilailroaa1 'accidenlL'afe nearly . , JaMjq0 A .'.Witt. Uft? tiw'.- rJfeifsity station: the shipment of iron oresl .tn3tilir.ft jtattbaa od 4aa masxl-, s makihg"ft trietessafyS)13 asouaL firm: teottaK-eitiati. x?&a(:. mrfe the Rocky iXbxmV 522a'says Ifliiipi';;? in 'U Caps. Samuel T. Williams -win s,. deaver.tbfl Addresse,; mjemojonhe-f' y lOthirfilsyjfcWJkwn fAreasurer cooper, 01 xtasn, was nun a icw yghy a taiiiffoMfteaATa yj atuviflfp edder Of ihz Watchman is a cs tiadidale f 6rt;- Mayotisowtt:of.Sal&bhiyT.tjfl - Of he Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of IUIeigh, Baa i -i r J l v beeoeldcotmaybcef J!liasiitir Ucarlotte have nominated Col. Vnx. wofin- ? , sun for MayriHrdfT4 fur m --i Thirty oersona at .Toisnofr.Jiave.f. connected themselves with the Methodist y ; Chnrch feince the; revival :commenCed.i It :-'t - 19 going on still. tuglit bflforth Carolina is in session at St. Johns ' Chorch. Cabarrus county, havine convened ' od Wednesday' u. .. - .- - : - t - .j-r-Among the suggestions for Con vention" fa Nash county, We notice. Capt. ; Samuel T. Williams, aa ex-editerj and lr. ! :' J.- D. Matthews. . i -'.: , : -. ; : : Winston Sentinel : It cost some',' , two or three pur old citizens abouttwo hnni f" tired dollars on last Tuesday td leirri that it Was ajoeine business tpbet en ashdwman'A Vi-, trick. snnliKrii Uitrat. f L - , ife4--' The Tarboro Tobacco Plant L says that two met, Logan QrobnY acid John r Green; were parties last: Saturday to the unmerciful beating of aa old man named HaighL -v i7.::.-:.:f Transcript thfrQWQi Vo&aet.ty Nash countyr-shctTrnthti)ied-four large. r-' wua goDoiersneffhttne'Xtber xiay, which, after dressing weighed 54 poufidi The assistant superintendent of. - the Oxford. Orphan Asylum hasrbeen giving x , exhibitions with eight of the inmates of -that institution in the towns ok the - upper - part of the Wilmington and Weldon road. Mjr-' CblThos;' S.f BTenan,1 of "Wil- i son, has lnHis possession a powder - gourd used by his great grandfather in the Revo- ; lutionary wan UoL. lien an will send it to the Centennial celebration at Charlotte.- - ,4- John Boyer, of Forsyth county. held the ticket that' drew the $10,000 prize in the Greensboro lottery, . Mrs. i J. Low ry, Of Mt. Airy, nrew.$50o, '-'and J.W. Gen ry, of Madison, ; drew: a : $1,500 .plantation. ,These prizes were scaled o one-sixth. resides near Rowan Mills, was destroyed by fire during last week. The fire was caused by a spark from the chimney falling upoh the roof. 4-1 The&niMilearnB that a fourllv . interest in the Ore Hill mine ia .Chatham , CQunty has been sold to .a party in Phila-. delphiafor $75,000, and that they: intend extending the Fayetteville Western railroad .... from .Egypt to Ore iiilL Grand bid Mecklenburg has or- ; ganized a Historical Society 'bearing the ': honored name of the county where the hornets live. Dr. J: B. Jones is President, Hon.. Z. B. Vance and Gem D.H. Hill Vice y Presidents; W. F Avery, Esq.i Secretary. - 44The"2Va that Dr. Mercer, & gntlemah pf.means and:'. , a very prominent citizen, living near ,Tois- 4. ndt contemplates erecting a'jeotton., factory ' . at an eany uay on jcuver, a lew niuea . above' that place. pJr. - ' ; - '.-3 c1- 1 Raleigh : JTtorbf ..yesterday: j Mr, Edward Merrimon, a son of Senator ; 1 MfitTimon of this citv. has received the no-' I ' sition of second clerk to Admiral Reynolds of the man-of-war Tennessee, and will leave to-day to join his ship at Baltimore or New - At its late'se'ssion Ofantre Pres, - --, "'.- ; - ' . -'.'..'-'V -.-? '.-, t k- At""V j1 ---.- ' ic'tt" Pool's magazine, "Our Lin- tngahd OirtDeadi should be takewbjrevery't' . family ,-in the - State. Winston &nUneL - f t j . : -;:'... -.. ..ivuua;jTivtj "lis . . 1. , . Iwtery ordered the sale 'of : the' church at 1 (i S' Iflnston .The proceeds were;,00a 'Ofi UlU ew auu, a yaw .yuuowvn w, vuugc Howard will be used to nnisn paying on i the indebtedness of! the. new Tarboro Pres-1 , byterianjehurch. -f ; . ;t t' . . t . k ' -J ohnBakerand Sherwood Capps, both cotored, weraarraigped before Justice , , Haywood 1n .Raletffh sThnrsday,5 j on the t Charge of perjury tn falsely swearing before f the, registrar toac tney were, ia jtae resi- dents of the 5th wardVi 1 The charges . were proved by witnesses, and the parties bound ; oyer-othe-SuperiOrCkmrUi." r- Brldgers and'SuperintendeptlHylne. of the k W. & W R. K., caused some stir of excite-, ' ment in towrillasi Friday Iby coming up in " a special train and- locating the site of the . ' sew warehouse about three - hundred yards j below the old one. ' , We learn that the new ' . building will be commodious and well fitted ' pp,-133 feet long and 50 feet wide, With a . latform extending same width 110 feet ; sy 'viyl-iy : f-jConhord Register ;The x;enten- nial meetitag held at tbe American Hotel on -last Saturday waa presided over by a worthy . descendent of -one of the; signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. . Dr. Cyrus Alexander is S grandson of Abram -; --Alexander who waa president of tbe Meek- ... lenuurg Uonveationy and we believe mat the Doctor inherits all the patriotism pf his : illustrious grandsire.; He is now 75 year old, but is as stout an i vigorous as most men at 50, genial, kind hearted at patriotic: -.'Ani prgahization amohg ? the grocers in Raleigh has just been, formed . under the name of the , Merchant's Protec-' ; " live Association. 'Mr. B. H. Woodell is President and J,H., HillSecretary; One ' of its objects, says ur'cntind 'n lot. pro- ' dead-beats, who r. day and Dickie -l-day and never p ; 7 toget at an nr..: perimertof the p. 1 . ' . 1 . . . ; 1 rr- . . r'erdllirrvt' ise'xt -y nzz-j.:, it ia also ' 'isdi1 ty;actual'ex-' -t 1 r. a .Joss on ' staple 1 gooes p- A; correspondent i of; the -New York Bun thus renders an Assyrian cunei-; -form inscription J concerning the deluges ; Scow ABXirXATrrcns r44 degrees 15 t seconds; Ixmorrcnx . . ...u.Watw falling -v rapidly t Ate our last pterodactyl y ester-1 day.....BainblHamlnlHaiirubslHajnlin! down with scurvy. Must? put him ashore . . .Thttes. ?TH.;KBitter. ale! and .mast o dons all gone. ; Mrs. Japheth's had another, pair of twins. - All well. '-i - ' ;-- :' i ! . I J 1 t ',r;-: "it

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