erarGoverompnt tsf -the Congress; to the maintenance of which iiidepend jence .we solemnly pledge Xo each oth er pnr mutual cooperation,, our. lives,: .out fortunes and par most -sacred honor. : They tell the ytfhole story. The names of ihe principal actors-rAler-aiider, 15alcb,'i3revaTd, KeOTionPoIk all testifyrto the blow of the cove nan and that tough breed which never bowed the knee -to any Baal anywhere. . Mecklenburg,-the county which took; this stand,- covered all,, that western country extending over, the f ertiie. valleys the; Appalachian chain," which" teemed with, the " Hor nets" who afterwards stu rig 'Ferguson' to death at the battle of King's Moun tain, and whence the 's warns flew on the flanks and rear of Cornwallis in. his pursuit of Greene. Their resolu tions were sent off by express to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia and the Provincial Congress atHills boro, but were not adopted as ;- the general policy until I the passage: f Richard Henry Lee's resolution, in June, 1776. i Such is the simple story; of ,the Regulators and the first Dec laration of f Independence by the mountain men of North Carolina. - ' I have only shadowed faintly those stirring scenes" and not'. even named the patriot leaders who fired the peo ple's hearts and directed - their , arras in those days for in the war which. swuiiy louoweui every cross-road oe came a battle-grgufrd'and every river ford a pass, j held at - arms.' The ro mance of the Revolution-was in North and South Carolina.! T The homogene ous democratic population of New E'iscland allowed? little difference of . opinion, for 1 there the germs of i an aristocratic society had never existed. But the. foundation of South Carolina was based On a. landed nobility and gentry, and John Locke's Institutes of Government for North Carolina at tempted to organize hereditary rank as the foundation of society there. , Again j after 'the rebellions of 1715 and 1745, many of , the Highland. adr herents of the House of Stuart found refuge near Cape Fear. Neal MacNeal purchased lands near Cross Creek, now Fayetteville, and settled 500 or 600 colonists .there. Flora McDonald, who saved the Chevalier Charles Ed ward, After- Culloden, settled here,' and between the . Highlands f the Cumberland " and the Covenanters of Mecklenburg there was sure to be bad blood. ,The Highland, stock appears to have been the back-bone of loyalty, as the other was of rebellion, and their feud waged, hot and bloody dur ing the ensuing years, v The .hardest lighting, the most destructive encoun ters, the bitterest, most fatal contests of the Revolution, were between the Whigs and Tories of North Carol iua. It was a "cruel and a ruthless wan as civil war alwaysiand even now loy- altyhas no very fine savor nor any very refreshing associations in the Did North - State. I have written this sketch in- hopes that it may excite itne inquiry and interest in our Rev i il ii I inni rv t rarllt inna fvntsSilo rF-!fhf iiumeuiaib luwiiiiy iu w moil we pre .s;rve and cherish them. " --v. i ' jBiiADuiY T. Johnson. ". - Riciimonb, Va., April 27, 1875. i V l 1:. '-i. t i. -A Confederate General' Reiponse to tSeueral Rartleit'a Speech., i The upeech of General Bartlett, of Massachusetts, at the Lexington cen tennial banquet, in behalf of. peace and union,! has elicited the followiug v response from General Fitzhugh Lee, who was a distinguished Confederate ? cavalry commander during:' the late war: i 7l ,V. ; .'April 27, 1875. ) Gknkual W. F. Bartlett My dear Sir: In common with many other ex-Con federate soldiers, with j un l feigned pleasure I have read" the re- marks rejcentJy'inade by yoq at the' Lexington-Concord celebration. Just such soldierly sentiments, gen erously felt and. expressed: will do imore in & brief space of time towards irestoring good feeling, fraternity and ifellowship between the two sections of a common country than all the re construction1 'eloquence " of political partisans .delivered during these past ten" years--3 period 'which ; you ' so truly say should bave been suk liber tate quietano, Jt ,4 - ... - i Your words in reference to Federal soldiers are equally applicable to the Confederate soldiers, r for f they too " have a prejudice in favor of peace," and I-(ally, agree with you vthat'" be tween the soldiers; of the - two great Heetions of pur great jcpunlry frater nal relations . were established , long ago,' and we feel : that if - such. a feli citous companionship of sentiment could have found a resting' place' in the heatts,o.,otbeP' classes- of people, the rehabilitation of the South would. 3oiig since have been- assured. -: Its xpetdy redemption from poverty and desolation would have followed, snd nce more, ki-in: years ago, tlie North would have had the active co-operation of the South" in ''working- out a glorious destiny Jor.the republic. The science of gdvernmenthas been but little understood by thosfr who, holding the' reins of power since the war, 'have sacrificed k public property to maintain party snpremacy. u By carefully fostering the "meaner men lor woom. power is .toniy at yu onym for; plunder Vecab.sehaving abandoned prinCiple-forTexpediency they could be added to party strength;" ' ly counseling harsh measures towards prostrate citizens to gratifying an .un-r worthy , vengeanee j, by refusing to . listen to. the voice. of an impoverished people, accepting the, result of a trial of armsr and asking to resume a' .con (ition of; peace and subordination to the lawc, our rulers have retarded the .material progress of all sections of 4 the, country and all classes of its citt- zeus. v . - ' As in the human body the sound ness or decay of a limb will in time extend to and correspondingly affect the whole person, so must the politi- ca body be; touched and moved by inn cunuiuon or ub coraponejirpans. ...Tlverefore, when we hear 'such ui-M JLeraneea fail tront the lips of one who so raveiy bore, himself as: a- federal soldier, t we begin to look-forward with new hone and confidence to the day when, the American flag, which.; nniltflnnlA'Ail.. X. ' ' 1.1' .1- ! shall in truth be emblazoned with the emblem: "Peace on earthgood will to meh . "V-""; , - f." Then, inde'edwill fraternal feeling be; everywhere restored; ? then, in deed, will trade and commerce be re vived: between all portions! of the country ; then; indeed, jvili there exist in the hearts of the people that more perfect union which the?- founders of the f e public" in tenoTed,-"an L t o : w h ich we, the descendants, nowrenewan affectionate allegiance.. Vith high respect, I have the bonof to be your obedient servant, ' " " " .; ! t ITZHtJGII JEE. POBK PttOBI BBT COBN! A correspondent of the Indiana Farmer, reports that he is feeding thirty-three hogs for market; keeping them in a small lot, and feeding noth ing but dry 'corn and Jgiving ' them good water as their only drink. Com-t mencing iuarcn otn oe iea inem xour bushels of corn daily; counting sixty eight pounds in the ,eati as . equal to one bushel of shelled cornigThe hog3 weigned b,0l0 pounds, or an average of 181. 6. In ten. days they, gained. 505 pounds, a fraction Over eighteen pounds each; or tourteen and three fourth pounds for each bushel of corn ted. The age or beed of the hogs is not stated, but they were probablvk judging by the weight, ? young hogs in only " store" condition. This is a very good showing indeed. I j LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT. Aa Aet to Amend i:liapier 65 or Bat tle' Revltai; Landlord and Tenant rVct. ; ' , 'j i- The -General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: 'I Section: ,1. That- chapter; 64 of Battle s Kevisal shall be amended; as follows; strike out; all of sections 13, I4"and 15, and insert in 5 lieu thereof tne following: Sec 13. V hen lands shall be r rented or leased by agree ment, written or verbal, for agricul tural purposes; ori shall be cultivated by a cropper, unless otherwise agreed between the parties to .the, lease or agreement, any and all .crops- raised bn said land shall; be deemed and held to be vested in possession in the owner; of the land or the lessor or the party entitled . under the agreement to receive the renti and his assigns at all times, and until the rent for said land shall be paid to the lessor or party.entitled to receive the rent of the same or his assigns, and until the said party or his assigns shall be paid for all advancements i made v and expense incurred ! in making and saving said crop, and until tlie : said party or his assignees shall be paid any and all , claims and . demands against the lessee br 'cropper, which accordiug to agreement j written or verbal, between the parties, should be, a lien on said crop or should be. paid out of said crop, lhat this lien shall be preferred to all other liens, such lessor or party entitled under the agreement to receive rent for said land, his assigns shall : be entitled against the lessee or cropper or any other person, who shall gather or re move any part of said crop, without the consent of the said lessee or party I entitled to Teceive the Tenf the possession of the cf op, until the said liens are satisfied, of his assigns, to the remedies given in the Code of Civil Procedure upon a claim for the SecJ 2. Sec Q4 Wherej anyxohl troversy shall arise between the par ties, it shall be competent for the par ty claiming jwssession of the crop, by v'irtne of the preceding section to pro ceed at once to hive the matter de termined in the court of a Justice of the Peace, if the amount claimed 8b all be less than two hundred dollars, and in the Superior Court of the county where the property is situate, if the amount so claimed shall be more than' two hundred dollars,' and at the time of issuing the summons or at any thereafter, , upon the filing of an affi davit of the claimant;, setting forth the amounts. claimed, and the propi erty.upon which 'the, lien attaches, it shall be - the ; duty of "Justice of the P.eaceor 'lhe Clerk:;bf; the Su periors Court, in - whichsoever Court the suit shall be. pending to issue ah! order to - the constable or sheriff, as the case may. be; directing them to take into immediate possession air of said property, of so -mueh thereof as shall be neeessary to satisfy the claim ant's demand and costs; 1 and to sell the same under the rules and regula tions prescribed by law for the sale of personal property under execution; and to hold the proceeds of such sale subject to the decision of the Court u pon the issue on issues joined be twee'n the parties, j That in all cases in the;' Superior CpurV arisingunder this 'act the term jhall be the trial term. ' i ''' , " ' ';- -'' .; " . p. Sec 3 ."Sec. 1 5 jT-Any. tenant, les-j Vee of land or cropper, and' any- per su ti who si tall remove any. part of, said crop from such land, without the consent of the-owner-' of the' land, i' or lessee or party entitled to. receive the rent, and without giving him or his ascent five day& notice of such intend ed removal, and before satisfying all j Jiens on saiu tiup, siiait u guuty -t a misdemeanor. '; ' i : iv'V Sec. 4..,The provisions tf this act and of the act to 1 which this act is amendatory shall apply to all ' leases or contracts tb leases turpentine trees; and where sueh leases or contracts to lease are. made the parties; thereto shU fee fnlly sjibject to the provisions ana penalties or said. acts, tit -: i ;,ra' Sea 5;: This, act shall i take: effect from and after' its ratification. :;;'! -, Ratified on the r 19th day. of April. -.1875-;- ; Spirits .Turpehtme. 'in'' w'A'Boston house gives fsatotbo MecklebburgCciitennial: -" " Georare AversL a Charlotte shoe-- makettempted'to commit s suIcidePTufesr I TK811 Centennial Cantata -was agairi successfully- rendered Tuesday 'even' ing. Cs.i -h5 ft - ii. P: Waring Esq.; is one - of the. Vice Presidents of the, Slate Agricultural- Society. - - - -r-,. T: he Branch Mint at Charlotte closes on SOth of Junein accordance with action Of Congress.,, . ,T : Bishop Lyman confirmed six per sons at iBt jobo'a (Episcopal)' Church, Wil- liamsboro,' last Sunday. ' '-"- -f.l' - The municipal elections through out the State have gone Conservative; there is great; rejoicing thereat c r j l j- - The Charlotte Democrat says the wlieat crop in that part of the State is not damaged to half the extent: reported. ; The Recorder says about $100 was realized for the Mecklenburg Centen-. nial by jlhe festival at Hillsboro last week. IJnion county has had an enthu siastic Uieetinj; in behalf of the Mecklen burg Centennial. , stirring .appeal: was promulgated. ' - . ' v'4 'k -:- - , The Conservatives oft Newbern got a majority of the Board of Alderman irr the election Monday, aud they , will chouse a Mayor. -." - . .i. : ? 4 '" r Tobacco plants m . - Caswell, "Orangeand Person, tixn Leader is. told by a gentleinan jusfromf thostj counties, - are very scarce. , " A 15i inkley ville, Halifax county, negro boy caught a large hawkj fk his hand while h'is bawkship was engaged lu a fierce combat! with a hen . - Mr. Wmr Bingham, a gentleman living lin the Fifth Ward, Raleigh, was shot through the hand Tuesday by. the careless handling of a pistol. . The JiobesOkkin ayj it t lie inn nicipal i-lection Monday thai it passed off quietlyl No change either ia IheMayoraltj' or Board of Commissioners. The sword6f Capt; Black Bill Alexander," of Revolutionary fame, hangs in the Library of Davidson College.? It will be on exhibition at the .Centennial. , The. passenger depot of the Carolina Central railway. ,wilj 'sojqn., be sit uated at the cerner of Trade street, Char lotte, where NV C. R. RC 'track ' crbsses a more eligible place. . The following is the " result of the election held last Monday in Wadesboro for Mayor aid Commissioners: For Mayor Dr. E. F. Ashe. For Commissioners H. A. i Crawford, B. Kendall, J. A. Little, Johq Stacy and W. II. Murray. ... - Warrenton without opposition chose a ticket headed by a Conservative for Mayors and consisting of five ' Conserva tives,, jone colored Independent and two colored Republicans 'for .Commissioners. Prohibition, defeated-.far Warrenton town ship, f '.;.-. ' llaleigli Neics: Quite a full meeting of the Board of Trustees is now in' j .i -.. t : .i i r i . : session iu iuii uiiv. . jxu iueir ueiiuciaituua have yet reached no definite conclusions, we defer farther notice until our next issue. We will only add that s the Trustees are hopeful that the will accomplish enough of their work to put the University in success ful operaliou at au early day. The new Chapel of Trinity Col lege has been completed with the exception of painting. It is said jto be one ot the finest halls in the State. : The College is now one solid building and is without blemish or defect of any kind. The Chapel will contain about 2,000 persons and its strength will bear ten times the number. So states the Kaleigu JSews. j , . The Oxford Leader prints Mr. John Satterwhite's consumption cure: One pint of liquor, 3 tablespoonful of old light-wood-knot dustr " Dose t 1 - tablespoonful three times aday 1 1nstead of drinking cof fee he drinks mulleo tea. He has suffered severely from lung disease up to 1874, get ting worse. Since trying the above remedy for a while he has improved steadily until he is now in perfect health.'' Although. 63 years of age he plows every day. Statesville Landmark: The con tinuanre of the counterfeiting cases brought the Federal Court at. this place to sudden close W ednesday of the second week. The indictments were found defective wherein there was an' omission to charge the Wert in North Carllina in pursuance'of the con spiracy. By consent new bills will he: sent before the Grand Jury next week at Ashe ville, . when Mxe cases will be transferred back to this place for trial at the next term of the.ixurt, ? rne nau ior eacn oi tne sev eral defendants was reduced 83 per cent. Alio requisite uau waa givcu iu eacu : case. A number of worthy and respectable citi zens are involved in these indictments and they - have naturally been clamoring' -for trial and resisting stoutly, the vexatious de lays interposed by the uovernmemv Shoved Him In tneDIten for Being: . , "too ubihibou" jsreir xune. t t X lAn i acquaintance of the late . Bo w- land iW llliams. , the Jinglisii , clercry man' who was formally suspended for his review of "Bunsen's Biblical Re searches," ; recently told ( this, story concerning hinoi: "He was once1 walk ing beside a deep dry ' ditch' ' with' a friend of no partiqular mental conse quence, and th'e'Ualk tnVhed on the Apocalypse. Is the Pope Antichrist? .This, according to Rowland Wjlliois, was Labs ird, , for but the reasons need hot be given; " In this view liis sileht friends anqaieseed,- and there was nothing more' to be said on that side Of,' the. question. So .Rowland Williams took jip the opposite side, and 'with' much learning proved r that the Pope was Antichrist, and Rome Babylon. ; iThe silent IJmbra looked a little surprised, but; again he ac quiesced. Instead of being flattered by thjs double submission, the. con troversialist shoved." his companion into the ditch and walked home alone. -i-. What the Mcrvops Beqnlre. What tfie nervoas reqairemore tban anything else is invigoration. fcedntlvcs alone Will not care ner vousnesa. Thereaeoa that the nerves are Bo suscep tible is that they are weak. Compentate for this deflciency of strength, and over-acute nervous . sensibility disappears. The most rational, whole some, and agreeable tenic is ...Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.) Medical' men recommend its tue for the cure of general debility, knowing it to possess strength-giving properties of the highest order, and : at the same time to te a means of reforming those bodily irregularities which induce nervousness and loss of visor. ltis the beet known remedy for dys pepsia, whether nervous or billions, and is power 1 uuy conservative of a regular habit of body. . As It is notorious that those who are afflicted with weak nerves, billionsness or constipaUon, : are peculiarly liable to the influence of malaria, it is inva!uxbito such. persons on aceoont of iu preventive . j efficacy, j Jt endows the body with health, an.4 tfee min4 with cheerfalness. , . .. . v .Av COMxMERCIAL, W 1 Ii M t N Q m-M A U K K Ti trj .; Vt. STAttOFFICE; April 29'. SPIRITS TtmPEOTINEEeceims 22 casks. Sales of 200 casks at 5 SS1- cents her i gallon ;i t tot Southern f packages: " ' Market' s, BOS(INi.--Rfeceipts 3,793 bbls,;; Strained xpsin.firmt $1 60 bid, $1 65 asked,. Kb; sales reported! . r 1 " ' tV "A ,' JCRUDE'qrUEPENTimReceipVs 31JT ; bbis. ttalcs of atJUbbis at f l ooior uard, $3 TO for' Jllow Hip ftndj$3fi0 ,for VifMn. . Market .steady.." j,. ,..;. - l.r TARReceipts 127;bbls. Sales of 10p bbls. at $1 75 per.bbl. : Market steady.,. COTTON. Receipts 344 bales: Market dull and nominal, t No transactions. !: The following are the' official quotations .-f? ; - Ordinary. ; . , :. ; . v.13 Cents ffl , Ib.u Good Ordinary:'.Y.'.'. .14 .-.": - Low ' Middling.'. .- .'. .15 ! " t 4 r Middling .........15 " - I f f i I STAR OFFICE; April 30, T SPIRITS TURPl3snriNE Receipts 151 casks. Sales of 150 casks at 83i cents per gallon for ; Southern 'packages. Market quiet andsteady.-1' : ' 'VJ. V'i " """'tu ROSIN. Receipts" 1,975 bbls. Salesof 1,000 bbls Strained a.f $1 60 $ bbU 1 -'i , , CRUDETURPENTINE-r Receipts 200 bbls. Sales Of 175 bbls at $3 60 for Virgin, $3 50 for Yellow Dip and $1 GO for Hard.. Market 'steady. ' ' " t.: . . ; 'TAR. Receipts 17abblsV!:43le4 0150 bbls at $1 7a.! VMarket steady..'--" : -COTTONi--Re'ceipts 15 bales.1 'No sale's reported. 'The' following are. the' official nominal quotations:;. ''. r ' ' - 'i ' ''' wruiuiiry..r)... f . Good, Ordinary, 1 Low, Middling. .i 13 cents Ih ...15 , . Middling. .-.,,..?,.v15 Good Middling.. STAR OFFICE. May 1. . SPIRITS J ;TURPENTNE7-Receiptff 135 caskv "bales of 550 basks at 32 cents per gal n in, for Southern packages! -Market qiiiet.aiusuI(.rv. 'I'J ' ;' ' ! R03IN. Receipts 1,597 bbk ' Strained rosin quiet and steady 'at $1 60 , bbl.' Bales ur l.aou bbis strained at $ W bbL CRUDE TURPENTpiE4-ReceipU 246 bbls. . Sales of 2)0 bbls at; 3 50 for rYel low'Dip and $t 60 for Hardandl;3 60 for Virgin. : Market steady. t -t j-", TARReceipts 829 bales, bates of 200 bbls at$i 70 bbl.a decline of '5 cents. COTTON. Receipts 80 balesiJ Market dull and nominal for spots Sales for fa ture delivery of 100 bales for November de livery, subject to New- York contracts and terms, at 15centsVnd 100 hales for Pecem' ber delivery, on same terms and figures Official .quotations entirely nominal. f 1 '. . STAR OFFICE. May 3. " SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 150- casks. Sales of 300 casks at 32, and 100 casks at 32 eents per gallon for Southern packages. Market quiet. : ; : -' ROSIN. Receipts 920 bbls. $ Strained Rosin firm at $1 55 bid, $1 60 asked. Sales.of -75 bbls Good Strained or-D at $1 00 per bbl. 50 bbls No. 2 or E at $1 70 per bbl, and 50 bbls ; Extra No. 2 or F at $1 75 per bbl. : 1 CRUDE TURPENTlNE-Receipts 185 bbls. t Sales "of 150 bbls at 60 for Virgin, $2 50 for Yellow Dip and $1 GO for Hard. .Market steady. . 5 TAR. Receipts 120 bbls. t Sales Of, 75 bbls at $1 70 bbl Market steady. 1, COTTON. Receipts 27 bales. JIarket quiet and dull No sales reported, i Offl- Qial quotations nominat ; - f . ! ' STAR OFFICE May 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts 455 casks. Sales of 300 casks at 31 cents per gallon for Southern packages. Market dull at 81 cents. .J. ., t : ROSIN. Receipts 2,711 .lbls. f Strained rosin steady. Sales of 6Q0bbla Strained at $1 55, 1,600 bbls Good Strained at $1 60, and 100 bbls at $5 50 for Pale and $6 for Extra Pale." ' CRUDE TURPENTENEi-Receipta 195 bbls. Hard and . Yellow has declined 10 cents. Salesof 150 bbls at 1 50 for Hard and $2 40 for Yellow Dip. V' , ! f ' V TARA-Receipts 172 bhls." Sales ' of 100 bbls at $1 65 per bbl ' Market has de clined 5 cents. : ' ' " j:. - COTTON, Receipts 253 bales: Market quiet and dulL ? Sales of about 50 bales on private terms, a, No official quotations, f ; c , -. OFFICE,' May if - SPIRITS TURPENTlNE-iReceJpts 62 casks. Sales of 20 casks at 31 cents $ gait Ion for Southern package's, i Market quiet and dulL . 1 i 1 . t 4 i i is f 1 t $ ti 1 f r . ROSIN. Receipts 823 bbls. Sales of 500 bbls4 Good Strained atj $1 60,300 do Good Strained1, seliersrotion,') four months,' at$135perbbl. j,"-J j , ; QRUDETURPENTINE.-Reetii8 , 235 libl. Salesof 200 bbls. ;at 3 30 fwriVir gin, 2 40 for Yellow Dip and $1 50 Tor Hard. Market steady,' , ' r TAR. Receipts 168 bbls: Sh- ; of 150 bblsat$l'65. Market' steady. ; J ' '' ' H COTTON. Receipts 2 bales. ' Market quiet..' Sales of 15 bales at the followmir official quotations: j ( Ordinary. Nonjin'al...,. t i Good Ordinary....... . 14 cents $J lb. Low Middling...!.... 14 .. . .' . Middling... ........ 15 K 1- Good Middling.. Nominal. . -. i', . New York JVTal Store : market Receipts to-day. 1.216. bbls rosin. 1 12 dot spirits turpentine, 432 do tar, 2 do pitch.' A slow ' and , uncertain market1 is still the principal feature of the day on 'Change and scarcely enough stock -changed hands: to form a basis of values. .On - spirits tur-, pentine we could learn of no sales, and the feeling seemed somewhat weak, with 86c bid, and this rather indifferently. - Holders' ideas, 5 however, ; remained - at about 3(4c, and the offerings j were not free. Rosins met with no demand, except to fill a few' special orders, and prices were nominally unchanged. $ales of 100 bbls, at $5 50 6 for pale. Tar very "-firmly held, but only in small jobbing demand. -Pitch fuiet --.-The-rstelegrapic advices ;. were; liverpool Spirits turpentine steady at 27s j common rosin steady at 5s 9d. 4 London Spirits ' turpentine dull at ?5s Qd ; j common rosin dull, 5j 6d J f .:tif. ."U ', '''' f - r .- ,!',.!-'i i r i"-.--!!, COTTON AND S4TAIi JTORCJk ' ' The followins is the stock ofnatfal storps ao4 pqtton in yard and afloat at this port ' April30: - - c.itj v.- ;-i-yt-u; uotton, an yaraAXija . Z;.-. . 1,322 bales.. i Total,.'. 'it p ft A 00 i-ijTotal, 4439 .Vl! Rosin, in yard,vr. i'.lVij 86,935 bblsui I n afloat, wx- fiU i - Wr MtAW: "i 1 1 1L2&U - j. an -n.-u - -1 'Crude" TurpwtinehV yard,', .".V .946 bbls.' ..'-' 1 -"J l"afloatr..i. --'- i 1 Totals Ui U iXi:.. . j . . f 4,946.' ' Tar,in yard,;.."...! .7,n65bbis.: i 2 ! afloat, :. 1 a a: -,: . c . a,QU7;.V.n 1 ! loiai,.... ,..... ju.uf i, : f r - .. ..BECEIPTS :. , For the week ending J April 30-iSnlrits. 1,120 casks;, rosin 10,753 bbls.' ' v '- v For the week . ending; April 30Spirits. I oY.casKs;rosm, .au.t dw&.j 3 ,; 1. EXPORTS FOB. TAB WEEK. ! " vUi:vl COASTWISE. fi if, vii'ii New YoRK.--Schr Susanna 1,075 bbls rosin, 50 casks spirits turpentine. f; ' PmLAPSLFHiA. Steamship , Pioneer 195 bales cotton. 18 do rasa. 25 do sheeting. 34 do yarn, 165 casks spirits turpentine, 757 bbls rosin, 100 do pitcn,!"555 no cruue turpentine, 17 finds boned, 1 bale 1 wool, til tons iron, 126 empty kegs, 26,800 -shingles-38,410 feet lumber.. 6.775. juniper holts, 11 pkgs.mdse, 15 bushels peanuts, y ' ' New, : YoBK.r-Steamship Regulator, 2533 bbls rosin.' 205 do spirits turpentine, 125 do crtide.turpentine, 50 do tar, 438 bales cotton, 11 do waste, 6 do hides, 225 bushels peanuts, 7 pkgsmdse. -,. ,;, .J; t ' ' BAiiUMOBE.- Steamship Lucille--47 bales sheeting; 59 bale3 cotton, : 4, .bales; rags, .2. Tksrs mdse. 75 bush . beanuts.. 185 casks spirits turpentine,'476 T)blsrosin,i50 bbls tar; 10 cases tar,' 13,700 jeet lumber, Dags cowpeas. I ' u j..--vs:-.-f p.:i .n : Baltimobe.' Steamship ' Zodiae--208 casks spirits turpentine,; 172 bblf rosin, 1.080 bushels peanuts. 24 bdls bags, 20. okes mdse. 15 bales sheetintr. 3 casks whis key, 40 bbls pitch, a ao crude turpentine, 2 bales cotton, 3 do yarn, (Too waste. j New : YoRK.-'-Steamship Benefactor 3.069 bbls rosin- 200 do crsdeturpentine. 640 casks spirits turpeptine, 100 do tar, 105 units cwiiuu, 11 uu buccuu, am uusuew peanuts, 5 boxes, 23 bdls paper, 14 pkgs nidse. -. .. ; . u,. - , ,,.- ,W 1 FOREIGN- . RoTEKAM-f-Ger, Barque s Artillerist i SnO Khla rnetn ' 1 ' " ' "-- ' Gi8GXWrNorwegian BrigJ Mira 835 bbls rosin,' 525 bbls spirits- turpentine, 1, 147 bbls rosing . c vf-a.-v !; Poncb- E Rr-Schooner Geo li Bradley 160,000 feet lumber,. 10,000 bdls shingles. .! lf PokT An- Prince Brig 3Tellie Mitchell 56,000 feet lumber,' 462,000 bdls shingles. V : j LoNDpsGer Barque Sonnabend-3,600 bbls rosiaLvi' t it -.A- " J - - t i -I "4 MARINE, : - . , ARRIVED.: ' ' - Ger Bargue Clio, Schupp (46 days) ?Bre tnen, E Pcschau & Westermann. ' Schr S. P BroWn, "yienker, Cardenas, Worth & .Vorth. with.molasses. ' , ,. , ; , -Br Brig s Anna Wharton, Wharton, (12 davsV New York. Northron &' Cummine.; " Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Childs, Balti more, A D (Jazaux. - , - -i. , r Schr H. T; Townsend, Wilder. Belfast, B F Mitchell & Son, with 380 bales hay and 5.000 bricks. Steamship Gulf Stream, Jones, New York, A D Cazaux. ' , - ' Swedish Barque Ulrjka; Framburg, Lon don, R E Heide. , . ' ; . ,. . ; i : CLEARED. - Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, A u Cazaux. - Steamship Zodiac, Chapin, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. : i - , . Steamship Lucille, Bennett, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. ? Steamship Regulator, Wood. New York, AD Cazaux. ..- Ger Barque Artillerist, Giese, Rotterdam, Alex. Sprunt & Son. German Barque Sonnabend, Pust, Lon don. Williams & Murchison. . - 1 s Schr Geo. L Bradley, Smith, Ponce, P-R,4 Jbi Kidder z sons. . . . i ... - Brig Nellie Mitchell, Anderson, Port au Jfrlnce, Jfi Kidder & Bona. ' ' Nor - brig Mira, Stoer, ' Glasgow, Alex. Sprunt & Son." v : : " . ' t; i . Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, A. D, Cazaux. , ' r ' , , Steamship Zodiac Chapin, Philadelphia, AD Cazaux. i ' 'Steamship Gulf Stream, Fairclotb," New York, A D Cazaux, . f , f r Steamship Pioneerv l Wakely, Philadel nhlft. Worth Worth. . . ' . Sehr Susanna; Pickering, New 'York, G G barker dS Co. - . . -i FresK ; Water Ground ;Meal EvKRf DAT-SOLD SAMB PRICE AS STKAM; 360 bales Hay, 1,000 bushels Corn, Canned Goods r 1 ' -' T- rtours, Iteats, - )-: :' .;. t .-- :mayS-DW;lt ' it j. . GRANT A HINTON. ? THE DAILY STAR.! ' ! '.off :o di.f- .1 n A i.y; mob si i no STAB, A ' FIRST-CLASS I CONSERVATIVE NEWSPA PKR., pHbllsbwl at the following low r.;.1-. ! .HATES OF. 81TBSCIIIPTIOJI t I One Year, postage paid,.,. Six Months, ,." . " . . ..?: .-..., J4,0Q One V .1 " .r.. wi,. I 00 THE DAILY STAR Contains f nil Reports of the Wlhnington Mar r kets. Telegraphic Reports of the Northern , ; and European Markets, and the Latest i I General New8 Tby Telegraph and - ; t ? Mail, from ali parts of tlie k V ! i .'World. - - ' -' ' '" ' Largest pXi ty C?CU LATJ0N in'tha STATL; 1 Circulation JnitnimlBMarty, DOUBLE as i larg as that of any other Piper I ? t i -ftt m -a 'v. .tit; J ,' fit i "tt u Address f i;U Wit &. BJEBNABD, p j r; h Wilmington, k. ; iriTurpentihe; jri yard;.t ,r,fi13,4l4'bbla!' ' affoaC!.j.1" ;425 '" i -" - A- - FEEE ! FREE tl r FREE ! ! i THE MS0NEEH: ' A Afhandsone llfnatrfttrd nwnnaner. coBt&inl&S iSK formation lor everybody. ! Tells hotr aud wherd to' eenr caeap.' vcxht fkxi to iu rxsm ur Xaws. with ptheji interevtuig.mattar found op j . in thi paper. , , , v , v . , . n . It vrOi only cost you a Tosta.i, Cabd, Sew nom )erfor April jast out-Addres - -t- r f Jii ti Jiiiun i. jiiiriiiiiKHiiinKr 1 1. wj. n. --i ; ; Ohaha, Neb. $5 AflA per day at home. Terms free. Address, tD4U.iBO Btimsom A Cou, Portland, Mo. W fr n A VSBS rnaraateed to Male and Female Asrente.'in their localitv. i Costs NOTHING to trv it. Particulars Free. P. Oi VICKERY A CO Anjnuta, Me. ii.-M.rj a.-,. .? : the reccptioa of advertisements for American News-, papers the. most complete establishment of the kind In the-world. 8U thousand Newspapers hre Kept regular lr on file, open to inspection by coetonv Kro. - jj.very aaTeniSCBCII U lUlia . at ue home pries of the paper, without any; additional charge of commission.. An advertiser, in. dealing with the Agency, is saved trouble ' and correspondence,'- making one contract : instead of a deiea, hundred or a -thousand. A Book, containing large hats of papers, circulations, wits some infor mation about prices, is sent to any address for twenty-five cents. Persons wishing to make con tracts for advertising; in any . town, city, county, State or Territorr of the United Btalee. or an v nor- tion of the Dominion of Canada, nay send a eonciee statement or wnac tney want, togetner wun a copy of the Advertisement, ana receive informa tion which will enable them to decide whether to increase or reduce the order. Far sack information there ia no charge. Orders are taken for a single papr as well as tot a lisjt; for a singlo dollar as Sacel "TlmesuMSg, 41 PfiTt ROlfs Ts - . . -t , i . - - . I . . Host Extraordinary " T Terns of Advertiiing are offered far 5 ". Kewspaperi ia the State of llnrfli nnrnlitifi f 1 Send for list ef papers and. ached ale of rates. ; Address' "jir- t;m - '?. . ' , GIO. P.EOWEIJ.ACO., ,. 'AflyerflgiBg Agents, ' ri -:; v No. 41: xarkiiow, New York.. Remr to EDiroa of 'this Paper. . apr 24-dw4wks. AMERICAN WATGH WHOLESALE SALESROOMS ,t David F. Conover & Co., '-Successors to IXFOBTKB8, MASBFACTUBXBS AJTD WHOU8AU DKALSRS IN i WATVJIES ,AND JEWEL Ji Y, i. I JJ SOTJTHBAST CORNER - ' " CHESNUT AND SEVENTH STREETS 1 : J f I i (FIRST FLOOKO ff-! ' '. It II I i, A D K L P H 1;A.: BledTictioii ,m f Price ! CT. &G "W. ' t '..:;- : i. ; r TQLLET'S Celebrated I "! -f ' : '! FINE ' ENGLISH it C i- . , Breecli-Loading Guns, JWanafaetory, Pioneer, Works, : BIRMINGHAM, ENGi . i ; - - - ' ti HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York for the sale- of our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed quality and shooting powers ever sold in the United States. They are built with every im provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Gun beiss branded with one of the undermentioned names, which denotes its quality : Brand. rsics. . PIONEER....: .....L.,.L. .'.,....$ 65 Gold. TOLLEY. i i.; ... 90 " STANDARD ......... ....,JJ..J,..,..w.', 115 NATIONAL... .............J.. 140 ". CHALLENGE.. ...... ...... 180- PARAGON... i....:J;..i...... 885 " Any one of the above brands may be selected with the greatest confidence, as no Gun hears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spect, t -' i QUKS FORWARDED C. 0. D, . .N. B. Guni built to order, at above prices, a specialty. Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House,: . , . , , 39 Maiden . sept 25-DAW tf Xane, New York. FIELD DOCS. tejiiig, Kennel of A; C. YalttD, v Newton, New Jersey - VOUNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE X '-' - - f..- .... , : Finest Strains . . ' f . , , , FOR SALE,; , . , T) 'i ' Bogs broken thoroughly for $59 f 0. , For fall par ticnlars address, . . ... vt;.. .1. k . A.a WADDELL,' li mar.99-B&Wtf !; r : Newton, New Jersey. , I t ' 20.1 Svfoior 'Music :RooR8. , : : HatioHai Hymn' ai4;Tnne 'Mi""-- New. Jor Openins and Closing Schools, 40cents. For Note Reading in scnoois, , , - : . j i J AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC RKADiRS. i . , VotaT; 111 and IlL aot, SOc., 0cv ; . .r CHEERFUL VOICES.' ' JiO cts. 1 ! For Sabbath Schools, RIVER OF LIFE. New Ed. tulp per 100. 1 i : For High Schools and Academies, HOUR OF SINGING. , . f's .j,.. , . .-'.! ORPHEAN., ... j For Home Entertainment, ' " ' - ' PIANO AT HOME. : 4 hands. ORGAN AT HOME. . GEMS OF STRAUSS. ,$1 00 fl 00 $3 50 3 60 3 53 '' Cheap Instruction Books, ; Winner's New Sliool(each75cta.0for Piano, for Cabinet Organ for Melodeon, for Guitar, for Banjo,-for Cornet, for Fife, for Ac-1 cordeon,--f or i Clarionet, for Flute, and for Flageolet. ' 1 - ' , ' r -r . 4-t Sold by all the principal muaic dealer. Seat poet paid, for retail price, . , - O. DITSON & CO:, CHAS. H.BITSON 4 CO. .1 Boston. ,., i ill Broadway, N. V.: April 28-Uw2w Wed & 8ot . -,4 , ? -, r Binford; ;Crqi7; & Co. akFFERTO THE TRADE AT LOWMGinRES 1 A A A Bbls Floor, S grades; 500 u Honse, yTDy' 200 i'Slt f "t t tn Bbls Sugar amTafull Stock Goods fa their line. i ir.rrrT .t.;7' ' - " I, may 5-diwtr- ' - BINFORD,: CROW ft fJ0iv' I. B. GftApfant . .v. . - u,; : ; ...President .Vice President 8. II. WilAa."-.ti..t!! ,v;asoior Isaac WAIAACB. ...... V"ltintf!MhUsr ' I'x Bank5 " of Uo llanover; ; ; ! CAPITAL VPAII5 VI 350.1000 ; ; :AIJTH(&IZn) dAPlTAL-CtC(k).06q; TZ :-'J Jl --v "'it'.-,i ..A-L;--i. U ' " - T - w r- ' J: iBCMurchison, of WU-J C. M. Stedman, of Wright, Vn . lfcTna A MnrrLiaon Hon. R. R.pridsers, ires Jan. Av Leak, of Wade?-. t;? j boro. . . . ..i ST. Weddell, of Tarboro,' 1 K..C. . , - ; f f.; E. B. Borden; of Golds- , borp, N.C; ;S T. McRac ; f - . - V W . S W.ifc JO.,-:-; p. VoTlers, of Adrian A Vollers -- rt JjW. Hinson, of Sprunt - AHinson..1 It ?.if CoLB,F.Littlefc thV. Grainger, President. Tt ft nofmra. n .llnltfl-oA Ttv--VR P. IIowixl, li! i' President ' UUiJiul d Dl J Csehier, - i.t . " j J DIRECTORS: , . E. B.'sorden,' VT. T. ' Fafrclotli," W." F. Kornegay, - . B, Edmundson, Herman Weill;, , -. ) -r i ,J ; ;; T-4 ij-.'DntjBCTOBS:'-;-'1- uAi ;ii n'' if rwn.n iwi m,fiiiM w. n t . If Athfw ."r,i,l .Weddell,- Jno. S. Dancy, Jno. NprfleeU t ; : ... (, . f r 4 LXAK. , '. President Cashier. 1 i-:--rt ? .--f':. i DIRECTORS:, ':' U- ci- J. A. Leak,R. T. Benr.ett,G. W. Little. C. Marshal V. ' Issues Certificates ot Deposit learing inHretV' - t i-Is authorized by? Charter to receive on - deposit -'5 moneys held in.trast by Executors, Administrators, ' Guardians, &c.', Ac, sc. - ' i " Strict attention given to the orders and requests i - . . of oar country friends by mail or otherwise...-. ovl6-wtf- -i . -. t i- n ti t tt t r ;m - . . , . . , -' -, j - . . - ..-..... ' i RicnnoN d; t a., : y- XAKTWACTrCHEBS OW-. I AGRICULTURAL 1MPL&MEXTR - Having completed " bur" shops,' which were de-" atroyed by fire last October, and made 'many. 4m- provements both in the bnudings and machinery,' "viuiR jaiKujr wi uur jocuuies ior manuiactnnng, we with pleasure announce to the , , . . FARMERS . OF THE SOUTH ' that we are prepared to furnish them with every im- - Element and machine required on a perfectly-con " ucted farm, on the most favorabJo . terms, and we - ask an increased share of their patronage so liberally : bestowed these many years. ' ' - . Among the implements in oat -stock which, have won well -deserved fame, we will mention the Farmer's ITrlead Piamrhi. 1 - Averys jfjoaxbs, Botb Iroa -and steel; lnjetta Corn-PIanters, . Old DomlsiloB Cora-PIanters,' !- Malta Dable-SaoTel Plaasras, . . Caamplon Beaper& Illowera. Stadebakerfs Franse and . . , t Frelxht tVsgons, tne Gelaer . Tbreslter, Cleaner . and BasKer, jlmlths ' Tlr- ' :" .'; ; Vsfjila Bloanted Horse- ' . Power, Ttaomaa and . 11: " ' J1 on Patent Ha r- ' - rows. ' in ffaet. ; all ' . ..the Eieadlnc Ia - plententa or ea-'- oIIhed rep- ' utatlon may be lennd la : . N. B. 1875 catalogues now rcady and will be sent to any address on application. - - - Correspondence solicited. 1:. - : . - - H. M. SMITH CO. ": apr 16 3m - ' FACTORY. : : Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mouldings, &c; 1 "TH B N Y D U W A T ' ; ' -'"' BOTTOM PRICES 1 .!' go where they are made foot of Halnat street, Col ville & Co.'s mill apl6-wim" W. DYKES. ' PURCHASING.; AGENCY: Complete Catalcpe am Frice List ? ; . OF NEW Y0EK NOVELTIES. f . : SEND TEN CENTS TO : MES. SAIXLE J. BATTEY, v J?!!?91 1?00 p- O." New York City. ' febl8-W6m . . f onr stocks or Fits. . A' SURE CURB i FOB' THIS - DISTRESSING Xa. complaint ia now made known in a TreMise (of : 48 octave pages) on Foreign and Native Herbai Prep, araiions, published by Dr. O. Phslfb Bbow. The prescription was discovered by hinvia snch a provi dential manner that he cannot coascientioasly refuse " to make it known, as It has cared everybody who has used tt for Fits, never having failed in a single ease.. The ingredients may be obtained from any drnegist. A copy sentfree to all applicants by mall. Address Db. O. PHELPS BROWN, tl Gran street, Jersey City.K.. . ap!6-w4t - We Have Beceived , To-day QVERONE TON OF THE FINEST GILT EDGE : TaTile ;Butter, . ' AND TEN TUBS CHOICE NEW ' , "t r.: - .-J V "' Sweet Hay Butter. - i Best Batter Forty Cent . : 'i ;,:; - ,f- "-: .. , .- . j .. . At retail in quantity from thirty to thirty-five cents. '. "? -if -;r.; .''' - .. , CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., ' f &7 North Front st 1 i r ' t , may 6-tr ; I Belmoiit Stock- Tariii. 1AM BREEDING THOROUGHBRED HORSES, alxo from Imported Prrcberon Norman Hown and Mares, and from he- i.j ,- c-. -t Met Hawk" Branci tire -Horgaa ' Aad have of these breeds a3 ages for salftf . A LSO FINE BRED SHORT HORN CATTLE, And have Balls from one to foar years, for sale. Also breed Chester T7bite and Eerkthire' Ssine And pigs bow ready for' deliveryand all at iirin? rates, Cbarlottesville Va. r T TT ' s v apr30 D8wW4m t , .. W. FICKL1N. Havana Lattery ; t)rinary DrawiBis Erery Fiira Bays, Ml Prize amounting to. ij.;'.V.i;;;i:.f 450,000 1 i ' -0'"-f"JM.x.-1... 1 ?5 o,ooo or,..i.v..1.... 9(.aon .of .MttMi.ti... . .-.! O000 : or 5,000 each 10,606 10' . of ..LOOOeaeh.. lo!oOO ess , t ; acoeach. i6,ooa ; C9realart with fall mformatln seat fm. Ticjasf . f or sale by 5 ' c EEVLIK ' ""ii'L.' ? Stationer and General Ag, . may 1-dwly : 80 Liberty St.. New lorkJ Epilepsy 1) AITTTCII'S Kannal IlGscav and- sign, paintiflg, rralnlnr, varniahiHS, aolishing, kaW SKoknf: &fag4kat meats, ft. Carpenter's aiaanah 60. Watcbstakeo and Jeweler, 6L Taxliirmist, 50b Soarmafcsr, asi Authorship, CO. LiTatncg Calculator, S Hon tee-. and Trapper's Gaie,. Of boeksUers or b mail. "T jSsa HANJSY ACO.; MaVl?W3t, a.ldJiaawnJtuN :1