f - i! WM. H. BERNARD, Edito'r'and Proprietor. WILMINGTON. U. C. : Friday- May ;14JE;.187; www mm w t - - TERMS TO ?CLUB8."'' - :10 or more copies, each, 1 year, post-paid, .$1.25 It la not required that dabs be made op, at one - Poet-Office . The number ia all that Is necessary to ' eecure the rates to those who constitute file Club, as. the paper will be directed to as many different Poet- Office m there are subscribers, If aeslred-: , Payment : must aecompany every 0rdV. A copy of the paper, will be furnished without charge to those wbo raiee V riabs of 10 or more. , : , . i , .; . C3? Remittance mustlje made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, ; or Uegtsterod Letter.' ' 'Post Masters will register letters when desired.'' ' ' ; v ! i . v . - l t-vs x .lit ""-- UTJ nly such remittances will be at the risk .of pubier;, Vi u '-.; : t v;aV.;;4-f . i3F Specimen copies forwarded when desired. : :.: ' LET EVERY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEK ; . LY STAR READ THIS. .lV.u 1 Under the new la'x -which goes into 1 ,..-.:. x A. - effect January 1st, 1875, :we are req uir ' ed to pre-pay postage on the Tsssxx Stab.: And whUe this will add to the ' cost of publication, we shall make no 1 advance in price sof subscription,' ex- - cept . in rate's to clubs. W; cannot afford to furnish the taper' iit 1. 00 ; . i-j . j-.T.ui-j-v j ti .ii' V per year and pay the postagebesides, j '- - The following will : be oar ; revised -terms of subscription ii j- V One Copy 1 year, postage paid. - $1 50 - ..... . . . i - i ' - ' i t ' - ' . .f..-.'- o "0; . Clubs of 10 or more,' postage paid, $1.25 per copy.1 ;s nsvifij KviniXi i ; Under ; T this InesoTfsf e; ' shall, enforce the cash system more rigidly than ; ever before and unless our subscribers remit promptly iuany .names will be dropped from oui list.1 A statement of accountill soon be sent to each ' subscriber, andwe trust all will respond without delay. rc; f?, Remember that e; send all papers; : free of postage kiHr January sfc" " ?i MAKE 'UP CLUBS. ,L" ;;! 1 Now is the time" for getting up Clubs to the Weekly Stab. Show the par per to your neighbors and friends, and get them to . join ,in.: We want the biggest subscription list in North .Carolina. V We have no - dub rates for any but yearly subscribers : bus for 10 or more subscribers the paper. is only $1.25 per. copy per year, free of: postage. : v tV We are amazed that the accom plished management of the Baltimore Gazette should jhayej fallen into the stupid errorj of j accepting Dr. Wei ling's one-sicjed and vanquished argu ment Against the. genuineness of the Mecklenburg Centennial The Ga zette seems to have a morbid jfac that if the workmanship of Df. Brevard be nniversatiy qOgei ffm ; will be proved a plagian3t.wlfr.the Gazette wiUf'rea i mor ao t isf matter it wiU see that the Mecklenburg ' Declaration robs Mr! Jefferton of bat - oneglory lh1faci"Tiayin;!ndited the C rst declaration of; independence.! There wasjnolplagiarsmlDnither siiljprtiwn the Gaiett&s advice, namely to cile-f nialj-fortheEraiooi thafe weare kni 1" i al l; :apjf upria&ty ;elebrale'th:e? cen-; innial of the inastrious"eve te s 1 ' 7 - i.4 ; The Denideratie. Convention will meet atfiiaboRv wfJthBnton , Wniiam'AUentwiif doubtless 'be re npminate4 for pfrnr,j iiof;is' : now rthe lppijTdtingiiE0etoi ber as Vijiu'ii. :''f atorurmMaeaUn' f :.Mke Cdrblina huwilshM;jjiu( w not u tump Speiakifig but ' ou twwni r frit V-.-v'-jr.-;-.r--lW-: Vvl J.-..81 Jr- - JA ieen of tue liichimud jCltam4 u "v !j"UBiaer?aiue iuecKienua f,lt?iehiSlitve iti f'ifV7 I' - V honest people i audi wouId.,notbe a P,arty;. tO yffalsifjms .historr Jqde-, pendehaJ'eetare oh the"20thA' 1 1 v i1- i " 'CeiUcnniaX rooveroebt erel!a(lGttd ' X at HLarJoUetSojfo ?! II J . . '( I ill i I ..) n . T.-ii . - . V 1.1.' I ' ' i '.V i- - i. '-'Wil I.u.l.tji X i VaTe denfe ofiQrefti Bntaln. - -t i t i SENATOB ANTHONPS VlltWS. iMany of the Radical "papers are parading with great unction as a set off to Judge Kelley's changed views o'f the South the opinion .'of Senator Anthony, wlio was ono of the Mexi can cnrsVn party, that tije f people of 'this 'section are slill resentful and rebellious. To those v who are thorouahly acquainted with Mr. An- 4 .... . v . . J J !- jp. 1' thony.it would havef J been' a surprise had he expressed -any other opinion.. in nis very naiure.it wouia oe impos sible for him to conceit or utter1 a liberal thought, or one disconnected frem 8ectionar.preindiees.7.i"-''r.f4 A: Mr Anthony.; i waa;yerjvj.jgad ot communicate his views. $iln reply,tto i tjhe qaestion whether he found Miny repose ' or good, resalt lof IbeMong peace after the , war,",, he; -saidi jot Yery niucb.? The"; native people h Slid: assured him that Hhe Only diiB- cuuy j,ney naa was.wiin? ine carpel- baggers, jnd fJthe jcarpetrbaggers, told him .witheqnal appaHat stoeerity'i that the presence :of the ftiHitarywas the only' security they, had for; life or" prpDerty, It -Not ,.beiog. ableo recon cile the$ffHK)nflietingx statements; ,hft made inqtilries ,of ih'e'-'bfBcers bf the garrison s, wh o,areof til e regulararrov and annot be. classed as either patives or earpet-baggerft.fi: These gentlemen told hirh(Without passion or cbmplaint- butb luir wive- aim lumuies .were never visited : socially by f the, . Soothe em ladiestibr did they Ireceivier'aay pf the courtesies of interobnree'j com mon to civHmtionia'afwavikde the espeeia 4bpast; pj Sop'eroers. f'l therefore hi ade u p .' my! mindV: he 8ays, 'Hhai-tyAfeenng bf the people of the South' at bottom was resentf ul, and their professions,, upsounvdj.'s-lJIn, replyitoj the soggestiofn ,hat'pdssibiyl ihe cbldnesa of the people to ward the" of the carpet-bagger8i, who were not -e)gnized socially; by nhe; uthern! pbple,; visited'at their bouses and If, tbq natiyeIfladie3 wen -there .they' wejrb:. liable to ,,'meet t the c enriched families j of i jthb' jpeopibiwhohad; Wndeed;them; 'f MrV; Atfthpyiild. it was a new' Idei'hatJabf i officer could jnako the price of hisT company the rejection of sbmebody fielse ffronV his'tonse." .The net result otnisoo servations seems to have been that in opinion the Southern grievance is- far from endedr. ' 1 "r "-K-f:- a;iiH j J Commenting in a spirit of amity pn he facts charged by the Tabid Rhode Iilander.v theNew f ; York f Tribune observes that it is riot nririaUral as Mi Anthony fleems to supposethat South ern families do not - more uniformly sustain relations with the families of Northern officers.1 The TW&uwesays: The army officers themselves seem to un- icrsutau mas pan 01 n, ana 10 talK about it "-without passion or complaint "r Docs Sen-: alor Anthony believe, to a policy whose ob-. iect is to force, these , people to' associate iwith persons whose society is hot congenial jto them t 1 It seems tbHie the present griev ;ance of the Administration wing f the Re- puuiiysB pnj, iname .HoutOern . people axer resentful, and their professions otlovaK, ty unsound. And so thev ar lP he govern-.; :edfrom Waslnngtdn avdenfaM tfhtri1 i standinc army- until Ihey fall. In love with !the:.Uniotf and-rHUidWiielV'' fljru Ht, iyote. the .Republican tcket; lot leourse, iThat s the only, sure lest of joialty, and we- iiii. nuiuuui nuu uiuei siaicsmezir of his sort' will ' always 'find'thc Bootbern people resentful and iwiJl Iwajs. distrust' their professipns'of iPvaltf nntiUhev make: ,up theiri -minds t downr.thcm-jthat injlUary -. -r -Jt -"t -Manger 13 , boonj that they ihfemsclveji are Incapable off self-gevefomentlafla tbatj. Geo; X3fahrau-r ministratjottisHeiveo'slkst fetft:to mftiwu . NOT - TO , BE FOUCKD JIO DO ,111$. ' ' Grant is as Uiickbacked aa grhi- l fa, injyttio&ihitolnbto -I'JTlW President had. refteiimfl' f rpm yanvus quarters, and al vsrious times,, to tbe effect that John Delano was engaged m , fraudulent r transactidns'lif'ebrineclldn With Ifllerioh-DepaTtmgnt niatierar 'ibne proraioent jUnitedi StatesIi.Senatbf hadf charge specMcaUy, and in the presence of. eecreiaay, jhat; his son was; engaged ; with a York -firm m putting' bounty , land' 'Warrants "tbroueb ,l ImbrbiSerl itA speculating with ;them. 'Another Henator hq l5htrged cjruptVjn,aotonroa-jie soi' in copnwti(?n wiih laud transactions ia C&U ifornia, tut declared" his belief tiut the -See- retary could not llavV Tej-ri'ignWraitt of the matters The5 Pre8id?nt wasr hIi t ibt-lieve these statementa withoMl lhe most ponvinc me proof At;thU aa papers beit ofi sutli -; charactir 4ni tile oioion of the, President,-! a to in Vjwlte, thi Secretary. . pthin more, .definite can iw ascertaiued jn fegaril Ji these paper ex cepi.tbat they ponceru, s a thjrd parrylthe feuryt?yoT Gueral' of : Wyotrtibg, now i this City aitemptuig to explain thjtmiyfa1 ( SfcW- Iingtpijy and thaefr iect wasto dela iSnfJlonnndernewspauer HamphJ Sa, ti .ytblio interests not yield to newspaper clambrljV j wives pi me Jirmy omcers mrgnt be paused hy sthefact .thati tjfajmiea br Respondent bf : thrCIhciiiftalB It kucib oW - papers were placed in the Preadent'shHnUs !pmvmg) a tofrupt 'TraW acfion of John Ielami ina lihd riarfl n.i ,'Abe Gazette static t?difwriallyJthaf, bai iihm dbnationtfiiReiAl thefase-Mr.Slpeian tMild hfeveJeti!rlm dentiaf party on the roe backroin V-act ion I in J jof de to mna-fiei4viiii ibei ccpaton ! THE THIRD TEB1S Iff THE RE- - J r v. PUBLICAN MBTY.-- - ?Of late-'tee 'have watched closely the movements in the Republican camp. There is some curiosijy a to what the party will do with their ele phant,. Grant.' Undoubtedly there is Jjtjgrj&LaS on the part, of -the leaders to swap him off for a less unwieldy and-less dangerous animal if one : ean f ba f ound ih' Radical; menagerie.; ViU; , the ;eb, phant step down and out &, Tbe prace is comfortable. Tbere is ; no- motive for him to vacate.! He is content td remain, and sees no use in going. JSrga. assert, his friends. hell take his stand,' and woe be to those who punch, him with aticksj . j r. r .u ij i "On the other band 'some of his rivals are setting all tHe'arsenals in'order tp wage, a, determined warfare-, for the defeat! of the third term. In inter-! J iews-' witi correspondent pf the can victory in i Indianapolis last week several leading members of the party have expressed decided opinions bn the third 4erm!qaestibni; General Behfamh) If arr Esdh. x'-:Go V.:; Cbhrad t BakerV exf Secret ar: State WWi; Mi a f j? isfi oacK inougnc inp; .urne .nap ippma, ipr tne: -f resident to spealc but, and for; the .Republican Conventions in all the States holding elections this fait to giVe the people io aerstandljlyn; laypr ot pcnominatiHg anyIfresidAit a second time, i Tbey:also i thought that if itptale Convention should be held in Indiana this year and failed fM.lf: ,-if:y ;hfTV -isv.j . ij ..-, 4;-- ?j-t to. take such a course it would mate- rially .injure , the party 's chances of: succesH.) I -In Manier too, that subtle And ath (etic ca&didate James G. Blathe is traimngjearef ally for :th'e f apprbachiri Cbqtest.. The Augusta Jourriat iwhiclT, s eQppb8ed to4 reflect ; his views, aay a that the1 Republicans of. Ohio, :I?enii sylyama and Maine "will, twithoot po'ttbftpeak decidedljr fagainst the jnoijth and thai'in oingtbisf ley will represeut r the- overwriting sen- timent of : Republicanism.; ; It hasn't tnuch respect for the origin bf lne agitatiofc but still 4t is a clab' In the hands of the opponents of the party which tibey. are wielding with .vigor It continues- "Unless met jwithfa square expression of -disapproval in the Republican State Conventions this year it will exert apowerfnl in fluence against the Republican party; We may believe ,it to be a humbug, a delusion, or whatsoever we please, but if it is allowed to" pass into the campaigns this year without an em phatic expression of disapproval from the Kepubiicansit will proven reality s a remocraiic eiectioneenng agent whicW m shalf wish.1 when" the f - f )'it,lli la a '?'' i - .' i ". .ui iuB voijng. come mutual, we had 'not despised!" ' " I The PhiladelphiV irtwe 1 makes a cpnirttent on the assertion of the pv vyj'Hipj fu a1 w.eeKs, argfttajoruxjofjjlie delegftlesvj Jiave-rtcr be for or: against ?the third: . tr luwnra termor dpdgesthe issueV i the pebble wtll"gklr.tw' Aiilwli.ii premacy in the Stte.., Jl&aAtttir&f against tt Grinr wiir issu bV 'Tgenei-al 'hcp.pf the day of, Jndgmentj'; at the l,IandafteiJtheI election' he r ili venlurei td LVraerpti the entirely orig nalmtfrk; r'toitt ybufso V1 Ji j3 h- Ka'P! .s desperate; ;ith;thb Repnblican party: iDryided; evWn itr spirit, of indiffeut, and the:. DVinoi crati will inevitabjyllncye f must either jax,GiaiiMff or run the risk W fbatrantbias the ipg Ut There w no united bppohi , t?fT 18 a strong-le-J-entfWbo pr oppse tp havp fcifn.lli a -j?" .-?1 ii ft?j uej ponventjoij. Minister have been elbsetedrwith Biir ; ttftttiV at Btjrlin dn5 matters connected of Trance to wake. remarksihe KeTfefeiirinV .o,b' ;SMeAHepublrcan'orfentiby, when1 of def Csrt w ith i mni f yt K J , . - I V. hfekH,seuj 'tl'ajiiailb'n oUheqnestmnf upo,; tlvlstl time has sorely, Jnmred thera. It. . is our nrtin. TywwpmifteMi.iqKaUf r ''; -. i IMMfMoSWlP 2 KQPftPQ 4ft- i -WO the mills this cotton t the highest. . We think Hon. S. S. Cox is mis taken in saying that Governor Allen of OhiQ, ia a native of JMecklenburg eounty.l - He ir undoubtedly a North arolinianJut ; if LWe remember aright some time since when the place of his bativity.jwas under discussion lit was settled that tthe sonorious states- maa first saw t thej ligb in EdeoUn,i Chowan cpanty.5 We begrudge gal lant Meckfenburg' none of !h'ef ja'st honors,' and H she feels' aggrieved 'that' w nu.ay iyui -in Homewnere, ties .Col.onea. aH'telegran'to-'fllia !Ex;i cellency to say winch' ;county hast'he1 viuktuguisucu iiuuui, i v7ue wuru mill ling frpm ifco tips'pf'lij'ncfe .BiA''aqd : shrieking on the wings ' of the' wind frpnji.the iBpcteye woul I 'settle, thia , little Tamilf squabble in a irffri '!"' i 'n'' -'iH.i--'vj IrKt'iJuyj .J Nateucbm;e8;;ihe;:Albanv 2)r with another Radical roorback, coined. 'out' of ihe' old mint estkblished oy us tamer &atan:l . ' It has been a meat whlln now n'tim (ia Democratic party , did a handsome' thing for; any ooumern xiemocral. and the "faitlifnrr l of that section pf the country are growing n tnw rcsuva uaaer ireaimeni et that Kind. If. they,. .demand ' the; Speakership .oiext Winter they will have it or else there will f pe troubl in the DempcraUc camp, ju w-ii ! The Souths r wouldnTtu have .t the Speakership iior tlie . 'Presidency if unanimously tendered -j in the: patty oaaca8eai, So t there, ;you:. sick Ana-? niasiV' 1 !f'.tU'.TT- " .' i' The Kicbmond Whig haying- nominated Cl. A. fif Xnmar, !a distineuished member' brthe Savannah pressfor'Cferybf thenett (iPasef -'ol ' Hepresentoiti ves,i buV ? SbtKherh cpnternporariea fare- -bosily. ! discussing -the r4natte$, v hcre J, liflje i if any doubt that r-sjume j Southern , , maa I; will receive, the piace; as the general! policy urged at the South Would debar his" from i the' higher honbk tbr be 'bestbweel 1st Ahe hands of the parry that wiJl f orttmatel j dominate in the next.EongreBs gainst CoL. Iamar, who is a highly gifted man we can urge nothing. He is broar-ad-tolerMt4tt-ki8-view3 as his his t brtllianv Mississippi kinsman, u and we,, understand he::ihas -the qualities that-wuW fjrecommend, him , for thg position. But we respectf ully ,nrge ' the wiuia ui uui uwu oiaio i or me vierKsmp. We have menr singularly fitted' fori such dunes men jof ' high ? ability,- - fine per sonal address and admirable moral charac ter. The name of Hon. Francis E. Bhober, of Salisbury, has already been mentioned' He was a talented member of a recent "Con gressional delegation from this State. Then we might urge Maj. Seaton ' Gales, of Ra leigh, formerly a leading editor and always one of our most scholarly and energetic cit izens. tvhfiSA full trnrth ltna nnt lioon raAnn. v - - - - - - M u UVM . VVVn . mzea because of bis modesty. We do nut know that Maj. Gales would permit his name to be pressed. These are two of many.' The reduction 'of bank currency , since February 271875, Hsppears to -have been heaviest in the. Middle States, -where the totaof $121,042,000 at tbe former date has been reduced to $114,154,000 at the latter. Strangely enough the West ranks next In reduction', having cut down its circulation from $70,658,000 to $75,117,000, while New England only reduced hers from $108,682? OOO.tp $105,825,1)004 ,The South md the Pacific jdiyiaion increased their supply. Mi. IImK) V1vs oa ibftPrMMBH. ! j The Hn.Jame.Bi Beck hones , to IbVfthe nt5XV Unitfed States Senator frffinlumi't ll4 iiHH reported ji kuu vyiiiuiuuati M.iiiuiTer i receptiy that he maelibl!ti1Se-TJf fact that hlei?aa?diaaeadMt he should, dp nll in his power td secpre party: nomination Tor thePresidency, h-i; n . ,.i, 'mvu -.''?510JJ'- Will wiyr up nyw iiim !CL lli eVKry- tniiiSseerairtb odirctedrtbwm'one niauv i ou have lAllen and ZTharman; an4(Jendletpn,np jwJaOhJowb mined Penrf PtniVa MisinW w"!11 sb 'Hhat'he'Vut-bfc M8 tton, j w'l htirman fisat L been: Mi tap?edtbx5AIJeft bepaqse, .AIlett,icaine; HnV f -Geverhor gaitf thisr. Fai ofi PMrsfti and, if,yon:lelect.1him..bT .A. S9pf1Piprity-7say 40,000 dll h v itself cOuidnVieeat;In, itit Wiiuld be-apt W gaiheY a&uMhitt'a clasrf bf Advisers" bo Are 011 Mmy 8yif,V6tu''whcr.are httbttfitftdlealiei dead past re1hlaTn;buHedl,ll8f,6aKl call i 1 afcii af pithWmfen bf f'eniitii cebcfefi,' whorWdkid have ltiA'iorTiha wrong to priug un from their memo- riesiTiiJt ;ls I'hbi HmMik Thi Denwcritibipahyniust -look; fori ward; ,tibackWariL, Itr must., crasb th? ure time , instead of recalling without !aiii,hiandt ijoflbrespieetpi 5?5HHfr;M?Pone.Tvd. is eiectea Governor this JfaU by fa good ;fnJa4ojjtyj:.hB ;caaVbflcSatey out'f the question. - The South and -Wesf iHaVeiihS'aminbf m iefrndidity-iyouriScaBlt tk&w4t tam e,4rfy Pemocratio 'p.arty'.Trbni complete annimlatKW . Tbti tvill WmH r-resiaency. 't cannot say1 be ls-htr choice fbir rthe pte : Pwbtfd rathef liiive atuiir an chosen not f be caune GoV: Allen id -uot a tiaIe;ivigor' bus iniiii, aiid perfectly bbmpeten V trf diiioharge thw'tiu'tiesfth'ti 'bfflc bff Preatdelif'' but b..rirffi!5ff i ?ovSfou , 5uflpmgeaniaaMLf win i '''s-. j ; j senvaooBt twenty-one 'tnpdreil'-ei I fc &i rifttenn -o7. 1 stannpywfwbaTfe -iaJ JiiJj nft ,ol Umt nd liai beefcereeted atdostf IStiSiJl .0f?Li - , i;jiii li.i ira ini.i hi: n 4. 1 ukiiiv KPium. inn ixniu tLtvn . j. . . j i .juu.-.i -. , " ' Mi ,t-5 ' MbOTW Xf5m?r IM n$m;A WW l? JS??! luiiThfand r j r'. -uMigv,. -uhhm, f aemj towb wingttWhptetbr. l ou t . "-r VANCE. Grand Itcetara f Cot. Vaaeeoa vrne -seatterea nation." . " ' i -1 While tiiere Vaa no need to add to tfi4 tuuw tinker ascjuasieiniDKerorimpasspnea 8trationat the Opera House last, night in his honor mast have gladdened his heart ati d ftdded Ho- that pi roud ' sel f -respect pos- sessedpy every . gifted nan in every 'becu pation of life.' V It waa a rousing outpouring' orpbpula'aiffection Id'begin 'With.'it'.was to end with grand 'endorsemeBt of all pre vious Criticism pa-the ek-Ckverper's pow- wsaslecwfo h vf ajiu i Aalfpast 8 !6'clock Gov." Vance, pre-, ceded Jjythe three committeemen'of'theIs raelitisli sociery of Therue Mothers ' arid by hiry-elgbt'tiembek ofithe State Press entered the Opera. Houses the Comet. Conf cert Clubplajing an appropriate air. , -Seats had been prepared in a semi-circle around 4 the stage for the editorial fraternity. An ele gantly furaWed kand decorated beauty fuBy with flowers; i : Jiadf Men !prwidddi! i Behind this! just' to tharear of the Speaker,, satjthftuunittee,! jMj?. ,.. Jacohi, 1; creditable manner hi(troduce4f Qoru Vtnce. and his subject "The Scattered NaUori.T The lecture opened with, a Iiappy com parison of the 1 Jewish racer to" 'the 'diilf Stream. The wondrbus story" of ' the He- bee ws, as found, in the chequered annals of more? tbap; f our thousand phangiBg, yes rici ?HimJla codp4rwn.noi-fijre8 0b all these, which make un the most xe - markable fqt all histories that the wbrld has rfeid'were1 poW4rfuirVH;p!resentey J W lati light'of lniple truth, '"In lahgtiageofJtlie' uluuv -uU -iwiuijii vwoeu,, ... . r - oinersttw.iio uiemnoie-wcww! sW W cumstknees' or i with greater' ten erali eatis- wiw-: ipiij inoiH& irom.ine peart ana intellect ot.ooeof America's highest men, to the strangest, but .perhaps, purest Wall pebpiewhb'everuljiea tbearthH thefforwis cetved'bv arf:insineSr!4 .tiiuliwuiJZA r T"7 - ;, wo. vwuiMw-wu-i nttereflJ! -HohikI Uftr wimH tf. .nni.h.ii.1 ereetedi thc.,-hits. whih r " n. Vhi" 171 -T-,. The evening was propitious every way t ana juaging rrom ine unusually. large atten-. uauv.c uid uiuwcus, mcu Hiv luieuueu to be appropriated tothetrafldmgofan Israel - itishplaceworsMpvnmsthavebeengTat- l T1lTfT rv AArftacnnnrlonoA ? i oar Fnnor Brother. . tlrbthlr f! P TTnrrla 'ia' 'M-lrlorllir f lio - -w..v. . , .uw lunny mau 01 me xress onvenuonana ua.s wuere iiio s. iu ins name come3 in. .1 i .i.-ei e-L He is either a Granger or the Sun of a Granger! and when he's in eood trimW. a Cof sweet.sou,d, After the real iintno.; A i-.t J ott o ..rc I JIAHlAnnl.1 - . . nnrl II. An I I vuuivuuinit , ! uu . t - UIUCI UOTI19 ; took stock, in everything that came along. He was the. centre of attraction, and offered , linlimllpil Bmnepmpnt fnr thtt "(mvoninn I - . r,v n 3 ! f tt lown was the county seat, that orator of zcbulonB. Vance, yet the demonHf r-f tL l """"I 7, sw Ky qharlotte on the.20th of Maynd of WVJf JPP4"S .-A"e has been had in W3mfp reviving bur, knpVfedg'eT 'ioVeW ?taJ gislatarepver the lower f B ,T, hse f?hJ$ , tortbal in'cldertisVf mitbrtmpbVtaHef biouse of which he has' presided during in a few piher places, buf wi will addper5-' but it hasreal.y.been most 'nnproflt sessions. He was an officer i. haps nowhere mider more favorable .1 chr- J able in the wav of tit.hr nm.'ii. w ; lDC Confederate - service and is attanl nn orirl uarfn r.t om ;n -;o!A J i ' .w and webobe tomt'vbu'at NMAferJithat the oVthP CiroH ,; K.;'1 yittXMy,: . a.&ni okhil Lt irst Bantist ChnrMi nnriipnlnrlv fnvnrAfl tetflyaAafc'! Cism :tssws- kKf k-,i ?-it -j. '....?. - viuwwcuuuig DOSinrr of a man. With tlia ;U0-t it1ulHtUu'ki. WJWUiwiU:hWJt--jaS. QSPlffiffi-S:. -- -..jr " . i uuuvuuvm luat, I same nieht that the. HonZ. B. Vance was riAVttSfi iiirifii-i-AU) . ....Vir.La....! -y ' ... J' I 1 HAr.t lf rLrt. ,..Mtw.K-I imdieiicWr whicteomight attehddhat: ithe; -flfri-Uir'-i .J ni'i..., ' rT t-. . 7 "!TV 7 waten oaoinethit.gelsej.wasrtto6 thhtli 1 Ntf memjjeri however, eT?n intimated. )3& '''Wdflt - " " ? ' ' i the rdsvMF.omwme .I..U..UJVUM,, wo ..u . j. nuOTv i iccasion was exce edTpglypIeasant and I i p ! f T B Maanixioli .; nj o-hVlBrnAoW lvSkiSl Tbe RlcbnaondlD'p MfUHmmte ramfthbraSbrs Sf .Hon.. J$? ndaelrlm opo.Genradley.T was met By a fair congregation, to Vhbm tite flfhAVrl : Jphnson ,n reference !-to the statue of. mdwX.iritm SWffittSS IStbnenambntefcp tftatfcftnisUftceTmadiitpbl SIS!Slffllftfe sbrttimVfe fbrVVar photo but to those who know how great As , the birth tQ new honeafoi f raternal rela- ' SffWmif f ithe Royali self-denial practiced by a Nprt CarolinSn it5onBtbe ItrfniBMt I emical exhibition fp August, He wliibstiftfiUttWiDi ?&i?t51 sltfesitfthehieantim6 war G9vernQr epf, thepongregW f A tJS?J? Jfe "J?A f?I,f I MrW f ee tWe inbnes to height, br mult Wcbnsldereollatterihi 'testlrfbuy i0 conhtry. fe -Thb 20th otMriy' -rth, i-.w ,fSJT. &iahiJL..iil. x-, fit P.phday,. xhuu nn. Jav a r w - " - - - - - i raf log of ihe .Press AssocUion. Our heMdibaliherewSl he. .& i ' fi? i PWKWe SfBtjhlgh, eight feet ia W?f "mm KM ?3gK 'Wl- aP. P8 . The New York, J3b-aW says: . trcrttoft aafasKnfeH would be too much5 to ekpect' the fiSg Ji S. t Ifreaideetrto rsider W?JtX- lJut fra.ii theJewish. youths of this city.' The c inatiob of a conrteous invltSion. tb JMnaatanafc ?ece.Beecherahok PrEnUtloniooapi oSf sm Izens tintut Si. a. - A c . T 1 vjl I v.. -..y,-,.;,? .u---rr-tT-- wf. fi'ww mbr at the end bf tbb daV -s Droeeed- and ge0tlem,n9i m fVe rdfc members of ths Proaa CaBvsntion were op.nin than the White Sulphur XiS-'-viti?- Tl-- mmm- yniaIo SahhefeSr fev :m(mt- ?Ms .KfkS ! lftWrswerb lindthemiin , &fMf mmtmmiki ffMmri happyistylfe. fttfbne side bftMicane were BmjfhhwtHmnLLrl.:uAi delight was so unaffected. a nwinfi - ' riAJt iijti a a. i wi r . . j lui . v: Lr. j - r r - . i . . , a w &a uil iiaic laaru hiiiith twtii miii iimf itii New sYprk Tribuna J . The Hornet's Neit of America.. ' 3 j ltiwas to the secluded county of Mecklenbnrg, N. C of , which Char- appelIation,"nearly one hundred years ago. The city of Charjottp, iibtoV "Vi hich 1 C?iwtriteTwtrme-wn,"i now;f wears, Gornwallis'si. i unbompli mentajy aesignawpn, .as ajeatner; in; its pap, jHornet's-, Nests f will proba bly be'a conspfcubas'treature' iBf - the Centetfhlal beletif atioii ' tdr takb plabe5' in'that'eity a fdhraght hence, and for which a North .Carplinajfrpm Cher-,. okee tp .Currituck, is now' making rea!dy.4h'li wbuid be a sad thing if thb historians who are now shedding npon ns;,spch;a flpod of .encyclpedjac. -lore aa to the event tP be commemorated on this occasion, were to -meet at, ChArlotte'on! the day: appointed - f br! ttfe Centennial exercises and vfight out " their differences after 3the manner , of hefNdrtbj Carolinians and Ro'yalista & Alamance.' "Tet1 we'do'noi tbow iliat !itf oald ribt1 be! preferable f tot thoi wbf dy conflict now going on to! " have ,thi issue rather, than that here should boa heated discussion between creduldus patriots and' skeptical his torians ;.(acconiBpied;'by hurlidgibf musty ' manuscripts i at each- other's beads) OTer .every reyolutionaryveht Withh Uxrtfrom5 Con wpien is to8receive centennial honors bated indbedbiit Surely iit'ls'nbt Idb- 1 cessarr tb hgbt over . all 1 the" battles: P thai Revolution: ici ecare 4hat end.'i 1 1 sAjlitOcklenbri, 1 fh J-n5eP?nenc? discpssipn LiiH : uiKuiiNHinn 1 111 1.1 ih I siHr. rpur ixTfaaira no a oawav .iKIliwv :i"f -. ..i f It." u,, disnrovinir,' ihn Af1ilonlnrn ,.io;m W.I V or Pll.npr rtrnirinrv 'nr j ixne wnoie-eroona was traversed. I neany ntty years ago, and we fail to een tnenew expiorers nave found ythingfuimDortanconionHhfcold rflf iOTe qnestipn,as to-, tbe day,, of the, month on. which the patriotic WXilijL-ili- -' LJ-rJA('r. -fr 'iC abUCIlu8 r vuarione iook piace, 1 wording of thDeclara- -ttomot lttdepeodebcetberefadomedi l tion mada' hvv a 14 mM:ttaa., Ar Ji;orth ytlarolina Legislature at the i bwsiuii ui xocv-oi. DUDiisnpfi in nam- 1 phlet form 'then and' in 1846, and prefixed ToTerReved-Statutes in is&4, it stul . devolves -ppon . the sceptics to produce some new evidence 1 tb bvfirtbrniir tKa ' fro'litiAria IF n ti.i I www J uuiviUUO Vi A uuu- uweu originally irom I tha ctoomiinii aF xL. pAiuciuauw ib iub meeting, preserved , not only by those of their descendants who remained in MSS. I emigratea to j. ennessee and other s&ffl&s i . -i : " - . : ; i ! nam in V--.n . I -T iverv' fair! ''til.i intornol aMam :. - j I1 wv.wu w.owlo. Ul IbS III lUUlUlUUa I ' v Wepfe! there isnccess as those at Conb?n T. inrrfrvn . rr.-iMML -lneton. lbron?DOnt the Snnth nrpn. h ww ' . -ii .. ii m ' iSflM10 V1" "J 5cc tested Pld drth State1 wfeereVer'disb AntM ihJJ,nJ. ,if -,i skill o . .....f..w nui mlVi 9Mifrap(tW witbrlCheral in Hthestf P?BMreYj$ Earnest ioawiev frbm tWCamtal inWa - a - ' i 'CriTr monies ana was-attPtiflfirl hv nh.im.l mensec4hiahrTheeam hohb m! ink beer evrdecebnt br thV,tfca f r a jablybenencial invention- .lnWK,Ki;v;,:iiTT.. P". oenents the being, whose, neek i J 't'l iLftAI 1 . i " i . . . I ..11 . . SR. . ----- VTitimtir A nlnn n . O , I . THE OHIO DEMOCRACY AWAKE. Wliere the Qaeitllon of rParty Aa .eendaneyia tbe Nation is to be Set V1 W i ,i . crCoiXM8t:s,3D.,MayC. '1 ; The democratic State Central Com mittee and a larsre number of Demo- oratic politicians fromj; various mparts tion to-day. 4 It was decided to hold the State iuon vention on Ta ne "17 m this"city:Ti"e State Executive Com- v nrittee .were authorized to arran ge ' for a grand ratification: meeting' on " the eveningbf the- day: -t of the Con yention..: rt.; , , ; , .: V Speeches were delivered by a num-' ber of gentlemen,: among: . them Sena tor iThurmanwho said the time had 1 gone5by for carrying Ohio by. 4stunip speeches, v Organization ' by ' town Bbipr, was JSvhati was ifieeded. , He .' ihought.it wasTappafebt to every ope . that unless the Republican party could carry; Ohior this fall its fate is sealed, and; if the Democratic party carry the State; this fal tit would settle' the qoes tioi? of-party ;asceqdancyv:in the na "HscHesaid the Republicans were doing theiri utmostto redeem tlie PH'e rg?naj.i9.n .M by , the se o f money, by misrepresenting the action of the ;laitV Legislature;, and be was sorry -to say by cultivating i a secret WZZfk-;-He' fioughi'thet Democrats should insist lpithck'ngrtvaiid pitha good organization victory was Bsan :; - - j A'i- ,t;L. ..j- . .1 . . ,, .. ,. '.,;.v J Hon, James B f McCreary, Demo cratic nominee for Governor of Ken tuckyfislAhttkefmfediH ... -7- w w ..v w. vuuouiia' 1 1 t . J -He iff TOnri tmTi f ,-t. J able private character-! whon.!. J " V - w . t 1 nephew 4f the 'Hon Thoa. n Al... I Z J "L "U1 wmwu oiaies - 1 r?fcr.''', -a-.6cv"ean oi, excellent n.eiiigence, inor- ?&7 m? .? to our dbmestic TO, cCreary pannot fail ' 1 ? maKe,u? a good Governor. There : 18 also A lihprTrwxi.;,ii;.f aJ-i. I C . I y biuu- hole, his i. . ulua"un WUI gve general satisfac- Urider-f was was. accomplished on the first ballot, llr. -V"rr wuou .naT1Dg o matenaf op- l "" ' "wicaiy, me nominee for Lientenaat-Governor i a young man. son or the distinguished ".f.",1,?iA;rPtilonai personal , . ; I "v ' 1 I WW - . ThA tlrr W--, t i.. I - ' --r ""fi'j"' : i'wT uivjuvut nomo nf o xii. . , mJ' 2"? Jt'!iu l"u Jut ttuuer San Trlt"" SLZ trmf. ... , - ?.Uh,re and also the patbntee. ' We bed ' tb ' SUDDOse ;; that bn ni ! a ! pniiment will, n0w: behorn some-. wnat ot its. borrprs, arid, that the hu-' mouth u rthe more commendabli! , -11 3 . . 1 ITT - QWJce A necav andithey iDureau liir ffona nAwa j . i . . a i."-v-7.rr:T;a. t rvi" 'if !' iil2JeSo'tttLeWM'jfc.on 'M: PemI?Hniprenacwgniir.. qood.HijvpjrjAU Araand. AUf. fun"80-W cr(VaI m lirnn, wgB.in ti nftnm m a r- i b : i e umres wiow luai ? me ra?- - and . immediaie- . 1 iiiaiih iiiiiinHf-rs t r t nn rtnoinAna a t mast put one soon out of his mis- 1 r - aa aW Wlia.lUV.VU V 1 VII' of 1 1 J ' a ' -r,-- i im--t Wr -A - :.fv . . -"' ! ..:f -' : AA - A-: - , W ; t;'::-:- -A A- a -y-A A-vAzAr f -