J if. !- J " "T 7 - t i 1 WKNDULL. i- The 2Ttr.c? in,oneof its rampages nnjong tne old political roosters cokes crosi.Wendell Phillips arid geti an opinion from that worthy "as la an opinion."- Wendell is sorryithe Force Bill didn't pass and remarks for two or three years, while the, ac oomplished , forger, or the -reckless slayer Tof hisfello-raanoften escapes" wiiu uo greater ana somej,i ies a legs punishment.? 'Rightly 'out ; coutem porary -concTudesTthatTthifT Isll UABUETT'S MEDAL ; The publio of ' the South at least .will not soon forget Gen, AV.TjBart WM. -H. 'BERNARD,' ditor and-Proprietor.' ett, who made so patriotic a ep'eeofc . . .." f : " : " , " " a the Lexington Centennial," We. ; ytlUttflGTOti: nl$U learn from theiUiohmood imrV presented Geo, Battlett wHh a medal TERMS TO CLUBS. commembratlvQ of the oooaalon and JO or morj copies, each, lear, po8t-pld.L ! $1.5 WOOgnWlOU Of hU appreciated jeiv It'la not required that 3uba Wmada tip atona Vices On the day of their OelebmUon. Poet-OffiCe.',: The number la a that h tMceeaarY to: PlwilUi v '' i i 8ecaretherUe8totooBewhortttat.SSM V ?! P' thepaperwiubeflIreiAedtosmanyertrot letter which . loe jtkws juOJir Offices Mtheretremibwrlbors, If desired, yto&mt VOttls, AS yOft haVO. atandant e5asion ciabs of io or more. ...... stand centennial harmonica? and ' tn c-Remittaace. must ba mad by cheok, Draft; mpoMO 'frjeyery .quarter! proves I jWere privilege to furqish x the Presk ha!8.??!4-.?i iAfS ?8se?; I?, Postal Mosv.ort -tetfatere jattv I that the conn trv U Wvk l-W.inr friprid fi lodging at night:iU tewsw Mastegi3t.lettwkidfltt;;o;t,, .ntmftu... ! M A. 1 AJ E7. i. W J 'There 'ought to be'a provision Jn the ....:.'. .. . I u'.. uYaus'"s past auu m&in'1 pi , prompt national pacifications I Constitution "rp.nirntf- etfth 'rountv id pa. thapubiiBbefcit i-jjivs' v?i vtt-r - i i I tt abroad antV fnerttaVpaosnS' I tyouldreara-.'of suggesting antfotber tobUsU a work-house for the confinement of v Vf , ' v t v ' - l ti iv rlJ - : V i' v1' -"f-J- mJi,l,nn,.u j it m n I lue cia8S oipaury rogues nere jeierrea to, ' Specimen copies tonrarded bca drL 1 I tt Wii.ni s vliftr JSJ,r k-T;lnW tbanfthatbf GeberalB. "Fi Bal- Sach houses nee4 ' cosf but little, and for t be used, to lock They should be that the onlr altrno,; i.f r- M wrong na tiiat lt.contonnas mo -aia .takft for Pre'sidenVA 'mUi J at pfa self a rG am certain sava hri:rtit - ma A th.e saime time Uherr.mmahe.IleDabhn, n.rtv IW greatly ;o, the oostlof1.the bbpeXoraess. fJJftn,GraEtiV b7;a cla8 .offenders who empUatiqally -the imau.for.tbeaext, their fences ander .President Jrw.reaard to-fa,;econd. r' t. 6rH 'choice, he said: "IfNewaeland- honaes- ,We quote,-uot -approving .... . t I III gratifying to4khbw:tTiatJ word lr f ' wBiaitfeafidJ.M6;rtoti' hlriaidf ( .Mfl;presenvth.e jam mighi i rr rrovtMi'r..W'L; i-'.U.vJ I wk;a 'a tifi.i ,1 V J 1 ; --Li';fI' r4' "Ptpe criminals at night.' b.n s)u.oouniectliiu WtLa 1 ""v" vmavi ouvju uwpo nuu cucer xo r i "yj,,03 wvs "JF1,1 41 uiev can-v 1 employed during thai dayjn worK on the j i I ,ine oouin receivo such 'a permanent pt carry, ne nauon ar Grant QW. Unde?.the new laWwhioli cbes Into V " v,wv"ii "1U "po. wiiere uaaieii.in puem.nigm." . ;.; ?() . YUOritbVi!5li ray opinion tne jjemoerats WHFelect t ! Ve hope'fXhat some t modiboatiott LY STAR READ THIS. r the new 1&w wtif aK ' WEKKI.T I Aral "Rarl Wt o'r'1.: 'nWon.a L V ' l$fiwiihnfctaTt.oin'riMh2 Af f hope" of the laws of punishment;7 to theex"- I ( IT, u so pre-pay postage on tne wbkklt 1 1 RartlAtt -ri Wu i T Ndw'dbVeMhAWnnWinin-f'ni. tnt nf'.'oii.i'-.: .W:'sl;i: Star. whil;ibia will ad.tp tbel ne Cetoterinial.qubtioiiithei5omintt4l4 ?eqnyly5apiaee in, whatUa.feJ cated, orjn some Mother-feasible niani yuuucauoir, we snail m&Ke no I iee uo. nonor to ineraseives ana -.to I uv.eucioseu xueir party s .Tier, win be eitected by :tne uonven 7, ' ,B Hl?.kV SiOil 'I ' - S ' i. i '.; J . it "j. 1 1 I :1 'n.ll ? MMawaMBaMHHMBMaate 1 j- . ,i r . a i in m iinii ii I a t iiott ranrflOQii r . 1 ' 1 ! - 3 advance " in price pfsutecritioex cepi.m rates torabs'W eantfot H stonkwai.i. -nMfaTRRt'! JToM'U'i5itt,a'',aV Vl?00 ; 1 Hoaorthedead'wlifellfoffreJ- j'1 Ooe of .tbeitartest letters ever pub Sr!ev:an. per year The terms of subscription One tion. Otherwise the -matter com jplahieci.of will sooif become acrvnig 'f- and par the postage besides. 4 ppopie? 4iperuesj9re saie, I :- r.a.T Vl""?r. : i Th . - - r'. . I ...i.t : . . . I T.n THQT fiat i.nqroi.tariTahnna r I- i - 1 tn - - . j u'icia wi iuciu. j vii oitbuiuitY. we are 1 . , , , """"ri tn ' . " R ranntlfs k ' . 1 ht I 1 t I-, m ; . . 1 and fpnrintli1 Manu'Iiufn ;Vf: L-' 3 o I V ; . 1 1 s f - Hii tiiw x i -J iuwbc j ou5tiaioaBtu !r9Myia8sera-1 n ji. rj njss jyo ! 5Ta5 ft !Mt.k)19 i4. ." U si .ii I 1.1.1 r"!TfJf i. l Ji011tVKlaiirr . Ifc Vlt ilrnum ;...t T.w. I' r - . -i . - . . 1 t'- t m 1 ... :.- a muanT nairr in i.iiiiikh hi ii i w r iyitii inn 4 1 'did eat-of die wr ionir teftathl Sherman' omo rsJ Confede-' 5 ""-."""7? 7 tT Jl - ""'T"' ;l' uoidva . ,,-Ti temfn. Lentwivsititiai'or tli cefttfeh' 6 fhe:memory ,of U; heroes Mho jleep bs mi. r.. , ; r fxi ra'iHit rfintinnnniir. in rumnm otiAf l v , .... . e Commission appointed 'by5 fih'e' siaiure. ,io ; locate,, tne,;.w espern Lunatic Asylum to better en able .them prosecute their work -visited several aces ihj the North whero new build-; ng8 pr.7pQ accx)lmodaq,(9ff the; U1UD3 oi, io or more, $1.25 per clbpyi.'".A t Under : this new .arrangement rigidljr than-er before ; dess manyHhusa; UmleelhftimpuUUon cast Upon him : ht had m M our snbsenbers wmrf::rmTTinf;iv tiinnvt s : T. . v .V ! " 'J, m . .7 - . 1 1 : names -will be dropped from Our list. A. statement of account will soon sent tq eah subscriber, an4 .we;trQst. an hiu lcspuiiu, WlWWUb. UtiUiy.'iJjg .. v...,. I oervtiu iii'w uue, ;i6u3 ana aiterwarufl i i i , . ... , ,.f f. . ; i.venienniaiwas"c The occasion marks milestone ;onibe way -to the pacincation. n: no qr : : t. CAlff Ci! Mok tJ2-' uve bcanc11 thcy; coaI ot bavo been be tAiir nf tKiVwtVno, Btroie of the:knife':: L'V y; ' l1?0 .Seneronsly TeceiveA Almost fin Winchester 'where it was first othAdi - :v' : on f i I Uvk w-ii.i- m.ai Jztj-- eiebrated. This is 12:1 v vffr readers are cettiUa th6 'benefit"! -Dlasihv'tW rekdl J adonted elsewhere.On atciori 4! I ar3 gettiUg-th benefit pleasing to readT ' iruTi State vchntPmnnrflr,'- Jflnal Sl 01 ..JWAKEi UP.7CL-UBS. v4,. sPf.lW-;L -.. : . . 7. " Tlf ? 1 fi - i . - '.-i i i -i , . i iflfiv win hjvo n a i'. d h 1 1 m an f i j ir i Nowisfctime foV Wetting n nint I eu 7 strong men, wi ino pressure KU ' " " - , j, i i )f defeat knoT memories! tfthtf lostWfS lavor or bold bnttrmely1 totneWEKKLY Star. Rhrw fh Tn.- I .! - . r:,it,.i . , . !... ,. U,r.:'..4: '': ,t. .' . - i " t -. - - , n.Tr Trio rrs-:t r7 .irr, i froth hnnn- hom"'n0flA inn:'A'-., "mu ""s'wua atuu iu vne ainerent . 4 - ' . - I "MV ViliU. AUUU . ULT OUCUC I A No w York Herald man s hatf in terviewed the" Attorney' General - on , i 4 r . . . k , i , , , - i j au a n iLLr?r hiiii kmt TidrrQrinna i tin per tQ 7Jf: fmAMS S07 ;Pierrepontiaidlbelievetlia - and get them to join In. We want Jthns evinced'.took a' practical, shape ; Pfr have .commenced s none1 .too dent; Grant lydoes. not :desire. tot be ,the biggest 8n1bseHptioiilst4&;Korb, and in February, lSforganizeii efV ;P?J Wrk th aatte Carolina.;' ' i ' lorts to collect ; the f remains r Of the ,.f8.f.r.5M:?,aR lS? Jac.o I they are known to me, have reference t,o La O vjonfede 1 I " - . ' " yearly subscribers ; but for 10 or more subscribers the Paper is oniy f 1.25 per copy per year, free of postage. . .r- i . - . . . rate 'dead, scattered' 6 ver kd "VHWH.Vi prpcrasu nation1, in ;, some to other brobablliti kn inA. area-ot twenty ;rnile$' radius rfrom lp wu'1 eany,entnu ient is'that his name j.wilt not be Winchester. beWn. ftn' nn 0tniV I siasm ;almst everywhere.' This;! is 'mtW,V T-xvir" 3 I not tne wav to earrV th TpiiifW l 1 ' , ,rT? - .. t , . mt iionuua vuuyeuiion as mat OI 2Sr 1 866, the Iff Stonewall Cemetery Iwas dedicated, in thtepreseac'elof an i; I l-. a pos sible candidate for the Executive pe can- revebdv iorhhin ow nCr,B 1 immense The decision of the highest .State I sition. I believekhat onr hAvf, , -wwwrw, . . 1 '-''' - : . J ..:fv 1 U ' ' '.i . : I COllTt th.'whih tho nnntui.J Cn4 li;rlnn ..i.- T ;!J '?n i piiawtHjreujouiea, empracing toe-rein- I j . "uju wcuoiui' i uaw.,it mu reMueuc win oe il Thna iMoUii A3n-.-,'! RaibDshtraT:img'linr 1,1 vt ;J i!::'!''? ' rerbaps the Attornev General .. to LETTER AND THIRD TEBAIISSI . the New York Herald, the rrreat I Ashbvw Col. Thos. Marshall anATlanrl Hampshire LeffislaturG ilm nfh.U A!?! Ventilator, some views upon the- re-1 Ashby, and an address by Gov. Hv 'A; is inr Vor of the t wo Democrats, I Sreat expectations." cent letter of Pramrlpnt. fi-ia I Wisp. fiT.A n rlr.0i 1 kU r Ti J Priest add ....... - - i . v-. ill ' , . r ..." ' I I llu i t n . . I. tne tnirq term question; ' While, Mr,! sq. h rhe-ceraetery:xjontaiusi2,S00 l1 iney were,recogni2ed while there COUJSTr.,COMII3SIOrEllS. Synopala of; the Preeeedlne Wllmlnston mm a Tradins l'olnt." t : , -: TJ at. n. .... . u;y;::r,r. " , . r. U1 w.y 1Blue irwwT meet a jkesponS: of the Bpafr -" W wnicn is as discrimi- , A gallant W&tnl officer 'Aiaior place vesTer- ;1!88 11 .is salons., -Under the, above I John D." Mvrick7in thonnlJ :wiiRrift1 Wt'oa.18 to ;i supplement-- of ; a recent memorial oratirin Ail.A orirnm" Thexegularpontbly meeting of County Commissioners took dav.- Present. Chairman Jamps and ConVmissioners Wagner VanAmringe . ticle noticed by us in these columns anaxxixon :-A communication was received from beci -Maine,- speaks' thus" the men "I y Ia"pnrsuance 6f thepurpose indicated whom we love to fibnof - Appomattox, whenV covered all over closing a listdf the imembertof ssald com- I wilminoton as a trading foiht. 7"": SlOT7 tnougti bumbled with de pknywittfa'Tiewof-havingthemYrelieved ..'cffitlesfobe wthe West ' in':- -leaV,sustained by a.'prond conscious t 4 1 , : .1 u"u xLiuurica eivea wi m i(rtnn.Moo i ueruio :enorE. mmxrh Knot..., v y r v.mix u,"Hf o fv jHovuung lor tne Ainerimi .-itr.n nr.'lU:. . . :. I IleSN nf hCrAii "nffi.f '--l,I. I . anv otber I -conquered compelling 'dmira SrfSSS I tion from;the victors lortheir match- a venrimnortant Rrtvnntrra 1 rtH rtr,. 3 -i-: .rr.' u w r , v exemption of firemen. .The communis- cltv of thS Atlantic nn.ti- : .!.. r'.WgswiDn , a . , i, t r ' TtJi 'i t . lit, 1 JI. A 1 1 J 1. i iff J 7m . . . " " .w auua.AV 1 vv vv. wuu im U VtOCCCO. K2LM. 1711 St f lijy 4 Jotherprodocjions of the counties named TV c""nce ana heroism, . even ern: all 6f which weieceivemexrhflnfrmi'ri'Wie thqy laid dowfi Uhpiri "armc ; -Ava n w vtuvibU VU AltC i . I fheappTicaton of 'IJenry Sharplessi . I . ... . .. - I T . ..a. un... . 'UD : fFTI .11 IIILIM lll'IIIIIUU I, - - itvts lu iisiinir n mt nraa loin rn tho t.ii n Mr.n sr.... - . .- ' ' I i -. o ."vty.iiYTiiimngion enjoys ! VVU1W icard i mother rneetin bFtne -V- - 1?JW J?2 1 ,at P.oint object to J honorably burv thVm 11. j A communication from FoyV rela?4 insurance. .This is an taportSHteal that joyful-morning d soldierlv sor. rpw, reverently folded their banners coast5 Bei riSJ!ul -ne .noblest and bravest nnri xous . snoa ana H'-.ruest among itheni - sought j there to over the ports mention- the granted.! -"..-i. nasioeen the aoase Pthe railroad facilities: .i UUV reconciliation is urged 1 UVuftliifeU'iti'''W'-1' ine management of tha. North Carolina 10 the. following beautiful lano-muyp. j jAppheatoonoftheyederar PoiJnt TBoard Itailrpad, whose constructions uiamiS f Over their haJlowS wl fg otTrasfees.'askinejthaxa'taxofthreo'cents ily due to the liberality, and State pride of haverfMoed LA.?a g i beassessedon every $100, Taluatioa of prop- V".'- lJS lalai: 'SA artv a itofmo l- - i v u wiMUJcrviai. interest oi mat . citv l . -V- ",-jvuc--itTjuij-f,aiM( ? ,HnVc VWDsmpj expenses wasrl .For instance: If Wilmington ran PTnnVt; join bands.' for we are (ferred to the next meeting. and , import, at a less coat; than- other iports I miesr bu tit brothers ! 6 ; iTlfcreportof the committee -on f WOrk -P01118-- The freight on a cargo of ialt is so-that the swords we have learn- , ouseiwasreceWedandUpproyed.;,. !,? -feSSoJSa?? ed.to irse sd well; if ever drawn again,' , - ! rnmm'niiio.Hn rk t - -' A" , I" pgipn ana mat top when mav st.nko. nt ; It - ... ... j , , . j - . 4 h.u.wv .uxu a DIUlil, I I.'. ' . , .'. ' vMv?uifWfie;: :Qld IJewbemroad,, tbro.of use;.? It.fs .'neitpurpQso 'iiowi tO;?..V,-V-t:hpnor:ae -vanquished? near the city, was received and referred td '"HPn?..10,10 tne whys.- and wherefores of ;a .ex guagment; De-reserved for- Him 'miL MiM tattfffi who knoweth the hearts of men and Rmiiwu irvi.-. , r t . foreira nhmnnitinh itKaa!0(wU ..s-i 010 oaitieneras are. covered wit h :v... . Sna'beek, was receivedandro mo uiTwoiuuoi uur.iraae irom our etate t uc armies, xnose vast. r the, CommUteejon ltoajda and Bridges,: with . I and which is now partiaiiv accomnlishp.d I nosxs wnose tramn wna qq .-i tm ijflj, Pl ... fV106 f the elrthquake, have vanished an t A, communication from C W. Oldham And d1 now complete would he 'the belted aw Jintft E; f ? VknV4V,V ii r.! ,il ji yi,?f v" abenaUon of . our chief Seaport from the1 - 7 ,nt0 the currents of jnul extcutor ot the estate or James ( Stpkeley, trade which bright belongs to -4f anous commerce.- r. .The broad hi!,. -tlcCeased, id regard 'to the valuation; of now futae tbd:-great4:-wor-k'tfmti?g .the1 Our legions made is trreeir now property belongtogld-thatstale,' waylaid' i If trnv.-ix,,! ,A ' ,"ere1,wouid be seen oi.h 1 : wf kep;ieuben Jones and J. J). ;CaroHna '-institution.-and in rthis? direction -onrtling buds and blossoming flower - Klajnder were rgranted, licenses to retaii niust eur State;' pride Center; We ban no where the1 camp-fires once "glowed :mWi,Ai'ii:,J. '"" ' ldngdr remai&adi'vided State "RflRn ri? brio-ht.lv. Thoi.,nnu . IrHi3? 'ry- "r: ;!y-r;JsternrthCarolinaarevmil j-Cpmtnunication from James Anderson, I it behooves us todirect oni-"hst Zu?Z K?? f018 .f birds where., once relative , to the tax assessment on p'roeiify.- 7buUdkigup-tne-fortimei':ot bur -bwti' State' enoea tne booming of cannon and :warfrefdrred tthetiextrmeetin tw Sr.H P?P:by sending our prodcts to tpe crash of musketry. There would AppiiioaWThomaa his tax in Harnett townshin.. u rartaL. ants, ihstead Of lkTB l???! once .aay mangled 1 1 CtonuiuiUcaUon from JnoTa 6ldenbntUe: 'Nevr LTdrkVad- otheffforelgii-' firr. Ja 1 "? 8he,, whit-t! J -.OTrf fyfftTOiVinnouiue i , We canliet them faces;upturned in voiceless ao-onv tn ci j I nd with less cost of freight;"-"' ! ' the.,tranquil. sky. So was referred to a futnr I Communication' from the Cashier of ihe voiceless agony to nature strives e l : lnenencouraeeonrowarhprrKftnfa'ttVi rto... hidA 1 ail v,or.i u. tablel F i .vJi;Ji: noi;i;7, i.vla ,!;s i .tnes ST' J" ? t i iinr km Mf if irr - nnFiinin js, - uxi . . i . a m- twwwvr uu u a ni 1 1 i. v i nirn r . "liuumg uui uwu ota 16 auu I , j . 1 - r V vc Appficatidn j from the Chairman of the b keeping our money at home." u oiarusteea of Kocky Point townshini ; ' - 1 f -' ' m .m at was referred to th Pnm;c,!, t .woai 4rcu Grand Cliapter. vibi. rwt., "'" " ' " V' 1 ' I ' , xue ltaleien JVewa notice. ihp. nrAnpnin 1 tmir rrrnw ;n 1 . : rr?" 'J . ,!, . ; 1 I ,, . . . - , , r-r T I, ; & " mcii iJicices oniv t lprraity ana unsiffht mess. Ai.l shall not we follow her . example anl bury our old animosities forever, let- he The Board' then took a recessunUl ih& f;that city of many prominent indivialsin olive of peaceandlhe m vrtle . of fra- toorninatlOovrlofc:; -'i : I the Masonic fraternity and Igives' the Dro-1 ternallove and union ? Nav nr,A ' ( An adjourned session of the Board of ecng3 o thcGrandChaPterof to none with County Commissioners was held yesterday. Pns of Worth Carohna The Chap- h.c"ary$ioraii,; may we not drop a Presents Commissioners Morris. iVan Am- ter mef ?n 0Rda3T evening, in its 47th oa- lM M sympathy, a few scat- rmge Wagner and Nixon. 'I. "oa"""-. MaHu.aigajGn "5r;JO v ine quiex Wagn rV'WIlsbnChki'rrnai ;iifl? of , Wilmingtoni presided : W. otr those; wh however mis- Mas called to the chaU ! - BlouK of tolwa.fy'erdlfi 55?lil?eMlll M3h, th.e7 foU?ht iTowUshib claims Presented bv tho f nT pfiest; D' W; Bain,' T.: R. eha C. - ftOTqyvbiows and iilSSeVero &dMN "kneyVr Brad- fe" "P8. persistent J. J. Cassidev a. v.nimM rpU. , ley, T. M. Gardner: W G TTril! J R rrr"r"-. Muuuess courac . v "um-iiiuucc, luwa. , - Gardner, E. II. 3IcQuigg, W. H. Moore. jVLWhi8e 'r Yronski and J. It. Sepaik filled rrcx Letus, then, once more stauili, .. ' . -. - , - . k .7. . ihii T 1 1 t rtonAnit 4-a.. ii i i i ... Johnson 'concedes' that'a nn'natlf iitlnn'.' I Vlead: iftls of vhnn itra l...v; I . was, a " full sitting '.':,F Vr. j;....7 ogaiuB.;af niiru. . errn ,i 1r& WyHnu . tne centre ot the j ?iiuh ot tne uem.oorata ire I - .w.wwia ... V J ... .11111 1 n I A B.rt a .. I The editor of Ihe Huntingdon, .Pa. Jour- . IVarioUs bills presented for the approval sented Grand Chaptef Mir her protectmV shidd nt nil . wl'l 4 in an: arUcle, headed: "On theWing.K "of tne Iwere orderto W Werred'tb 'i-- vontnCarpina. tThe :usuai Iand.w -Sound oat the. o-lad .-rn,i 'Ahastyf iripthrouhMaryland, ,Jirginu Pender county. ! . .mm"t.eeswer.c. appointed. and the Grand Fling. out. the .starry ; banner to tlJ . . i - .juu xvi iiu LUHUKi snnr.inrn t- m ? . . - ' r -I W L . . ... M. . . . - ... does notexist, he mamtainsthat:t1iis enclosure, and theud Caruiinast' thus sayi; "From Wilmington appointment; met the Board and a confer-1 ddre Hatnlatea the Granh Chap- standard tattered guidons ' is no proof that the usage of Proh iw cjary Ji WjY" -- ,bnrp: o ? ItQ weidon. some ofithe i.aViimMt''i.ii'..'l 0ce ensued in referent tn tw jMm I ra ll?e bht prospectsJ;'whica bowlie. Thunderdut: ohovorisjinTimv Q,;, . - ! 'km: . - - I nOrriiA nonTfnln TIT . j I t h a . i i . ... . ' we havt) seen 9urtnp;..occapip4eWat8 in J ?T is no proof that the usage of prohibi-;! buried. i a l3-! J? lion is riptand!should hot!be Wnid-I Separate ot t accord .itHrMiAi I rit7X, 1 eredasconomsivfc . ... I ..; ; ..Ji.ii-;'i'Wn Mj4l-.i;i ci ; jii ,: -n,f? ;U i lllia itniinl v'a,niTIami.''lLii:'i!i '.V-f vlhAin. .(.k. .. '.iJ. Tirii..!' . . I wait . '.',.-.1.7 - .-1j7 1 the minutes and nlnc nTv'fiio1' " : . uieDsenceottne uhalrman;,Comtois- M" . 77 compumenxary to the r 'Vrfjt .4JsaX5UB ana;, proclaim the iWjtiaxhavebechnmd P3Mingsof great joy i, Theday KAMi is entitled1 to M dawriinml-yes,: has already come, is apter even when has- w w uelewnen jn orth and ; South, jaskinaii ij astandtWesr, shalLumteihone elad tv W riJl'JZ. ngpf peace; and eood will and TFra. . aau ncii,uiiir.i - ; .-. . - " r ''I't- r. r ' . 1. - J-- S":s:i Vi.v ; . If .. . .... . . J -j,,.. v ii- I X Utt COnBPTIIXPnnn icr fhnr ' . inv ii a imnununt lM crow:jpossessM tieJ31aekstone8avaiqsmnim f .fxeTay shows f F i " J: u v tJl mm n.u .;7.Jr'"HJ?A,. Wi.:L1Mrithe-Mad of tKewUi;vn "KIWjb,W point .where e deuTownshbos; -;mmwu, tuttwpiiBaoje.panyoi;fu5U f wancnester Ant); I lmf" r'1 V ' a ' iti tjc7j Tp V" TV l drummers made the royalprerogatiye. Yetthispb a r'-l 4liViL-irV-l;fJ, -?-?y -.: I mi '.. Holl CWeli; XJJF0! provided. The T r -r t - v w -vi Mr ii ;imiiijib nrnartBia aw mi w iiiu am n w A-a-rt w - Q. Kockv Point, and Hrl- I r''rK'r 4ruul I " ."iuat 'UBS' , taklugrreceipts for the same. 5 1 T 7" 7 T rj"" W $P?.:Js ,rr iree.taua - happy, , and ;thelr .grmearance .bv.vttie. 1 irpea.;saojwMr tnecaU) oft the Jfi,.H .77r C..- P?wyi?;! ,.,V:.f. j . ,;.u . - ,. .Theyjrarfe of Wit nonchalance andat.;. MBmitm AM rth' rolina .Grand yai: ArchTrIST11, C" ;te8t1: n ana.: instruct. , ,wht iwir a. meetinernf .tha nr,OQn i cfhi r.i tw; " Ji w.'rjT" r"s" v " moou ever m idraira of thelociUin whi zihh ia UU.-i. ... ng Qine.gunsr, ahe gouth rWiU . UernaUoyei and,when theironly strife puaii uciuBmium emulation ot Who y.. uu perpexuaxe, ana onous union of tegeherated says Mr.f Johnson has'wtlkeh'e WTS- - HWi'tl'' rb!y Xul1 of nonchalance andas.; euijBWii i-ised. 8mcl,i692,d;haft soa t 1 meeting of to disBskft ihatritsercisff ;h' see'n 7Town crown worilrf kI S M tk! i! 'Wi donpt mean,ia,inVeiffh acn,; . "Erl .ch Lwas held atine' in that WMtitoM jrjUSaftl P Whment of criihVljye'Stat U.. VT; llu.to be h . Y.V", o -. 7 ne tradition against 1 SrQUnds.;woerp ? repose; t tl0'i olnrirrm,l f T ...v",u.?.fi?" ouences s 'f ijiijt.i ."Mvni ar was Tjanea to the-cha& to be as sieetieTS,-the living pilgrtmU Tiit -i Enclosed I here sencl vorf! a'S thl Ki ! f sex asoecre. j w D-wnwri. :trai. lsolutioosidW Tn2 i S Sw rST in Eng. of the gorgeous vallef and of ih t'rf:"801 fera of the cjrcling m6untains7r?M days of 1 ffa haVenb, 8panmn,Vo Gore; r iSf?!! the force 1 "Pfa !"tlwon ornei ceremopiea 6r.0 t7 y "3 T"TtM",,'v,?'t JR TL ST; Hiss Ellea McCall "W. 1 fl" fT'L' ",TC'U naiaiia, jonn modi '1 14 Charlotte. V. . . - ; K thei.iorr-bf pGeB.aBreckiflrid "t aJsrtnJ att'tibii of the' ilc",-rl " .ie K'WW r nwu' Vmz ti Concord No Jrv a third term island ought much a precedent iirejas the lion against the etblpowcr Iad. very Chief Magistrate United jState: since the) Vashiiijrt(fn has recognized ol his txainple; ant;iibt blie ever d reaniedoOfrdttiia; m e. J ohuson : :dns m not? probable that President Gra be reiiomiuated' or?eVefecled a third term. 1 f ;"-!"" -j ,, j friA be in and v "yu- u puuuiYuiB. r, . uiuvur wuuuucu -jus oesoion-Tnia I rriorl. f r maA ow. . :une fith "for s heri 9 ty.lerdayandjmuch huainessiof. i. fOUl1 W in if Jf 7ra in I pbrtance to the chapter was trinsaeWd "s-l "ff wwara s complete ai Bid At MKfifllOnla nn (K. llVtl. I lllA annrinn nn... . r . ; i 11 . . ' 'Mii i " 11 From the Boston ' AlflvpriiMii '.Tnn. ' iJ i Wftnmigtoh f TM life? ffudiCampaigns of - Geb. n&siIJil jljee Jgrst published) France 'last Heirick? SilisDUry;1 9 f, f&Srfft iiamana repob- hendorei- Whitf -'r-ra -H '"raci ng InstkBied taiictgn't.tihe;,lta-lonet bt "the 'interesting win i meet next, vear I r.h arif pna ii o nhof tntnU: ; hHrserliatives oaf:ory and tlere will alwayn i.iuf.A;i.i:.. i . auu mere wiu mwavn i I a IHSlilliaUnh in 'fncmoriola A him ilmiogton C. AI. Van- re pecially when written by those wht) t nd -Ai WronsWi v' f kii itt lot, l; George W. ,sv . . usuces or ine feace rullio Trio-' I roun anq ;i .a, LBanjiiiit..- kt i fleaMJThUinaVBI? Wuliaihs anil D. ;1V -ore f li I Sh,!r??eejNt1 -.MEd win Brace. .... , - 1 t ryttiisiiijTv' in zfU-..r 'a f4iiiifi s VJ iJT.r i,m(;,u .(; uaz,",- wnson- jxwr.-HBHcesor ine reace-PblHp'THo-" 'oimi-wa .a. Banii-i4,a -iT ,4 .i.j nn,J-: 71: 3 m i . vx j i v uii iu en- u ii ; :c t h v iiain l.rl .. . . . . T r-- t h h ,'dfet STi f rorft ti veniu Hostrr i 1 .. 7Qlbey renritidedfonJeveTv. iasr- fmn iiletojcoljphoi ,tliat.tbe , ul-;. . - . . sMsmM,MMir.rtzM.tM.i. i iiinira i z . i . . . -i r aWii' -v liiwJL'.H uaxnnc-ii iiim ,h -p ihiimi iiiin., AAm jv4 a - : i i rfl bptpjii. nr tim aj n i oi w ' f r .. nr t the third larn.-aMmiM.'A. : 1 ,J ' ? . ... .f. - , "fi ofAdv'tAatJ'.H .JuM:tt .-tuatiot . W 4' t.or- School Comkl6eTW rwAiMidr. f i..n.Vr. noTTl !lM -1 r ia reuuoiuie tati: .Nnnt , PoUni. -r" :.7'- cMar iiKifeu iO' nrosit-;ot onr'townt ; - f b..7i..j u . ; . ... m r . . - . ,i - , WJK,ar.; ortiHmea .: jjovsit. t : tJc;u V! v was a ways ngnx anu , lus wheth in a1V ''i '"tTu : ,e Sr. UO; a afond,' '1 t'i,:",vi ..vf...,;-1 iKiRfflfTi; ; and .. tendered t-. enlod men -of- the ?fUefr i,- m-.-Ji'v1..7 7 ir , f, T:. Clinton No. 40-W.S -Battlev i Hhteissncs of the conflict which placed wneine tb event pf, a relaxation uL-C:?Pt -r i;vJA pee ihAhatf!in..,fjve van ir town of Laurioburfc who wteL.t ih.wt.. i ForfinnA...Li 1 rW-iUt i3s VAT e-f . rh';. - . .i... ..... of his official; gnpi thing iwilh iKavi feti lffieS-- : mMl uutne WV?' jf W4 one cannot fail to Wmire, smasb.YBrii MU a - "if hfcf3iaHdf ubslHish' 'character. a'gilig tnpilibt tfe?7?Wtety ,jL i, r whd.yo 4 ip-ty'.. A"l we can well; understand witfe the' CoMJl Tf'A . ?tfpferp- fSniThif tfi - llmiaAJ of pur, tonxthat BhpuWieeni,. f. u HPfo&o -what achiyalf.isitnd kuigbtlrbeainy the f.9mmmMm&9W lrifWkm mmnMMfa 7SfK?ft, tte.raMwWpr ttsbn;,- Hiirt4S4: it must be Uyest4tStUyea of meats theeoif We: TiSbl report vthe Wilmington lmirket,, eatTSloajandi pose inat:ftyh'iV .TOfeH1 Wfal articles,- living -Is aj.eBtir iu Charlotte. as MTwftfiSrf ;BW Trf5v." , GranVadmSM htXn .6rW. t jfe ( lipfeef ,hn t.Wjbook basgrekt iRSKntfKi tfe&Si'i lltS" PreP: theSlUa menvwfeo vrted the S3kel always bearirarfmons Tappetite '1'- foarth vAmae Wp - wi2 ld ' whrfSt 'lfwietok ap?tiilgi0f pgnishnfs W eHrtte? ahpnld he prpcured thaheyay ba, duly . I r;.i r rfi'T ffiV Winwd ?cery helpf, , been, ; written on.the other sideand iu U. WA' 5 n 7u. tv;!? mau,.wh.o 0iti.Zupj MW r hefSnedta d!SX& . SeiD2'S.& "xuSt to die and Sonders whj tft, ."awhich wiltfiriallbe placed upon ; - ' 7 - - ' J.' 't'.-y r; U!MvrtltHiiigni.W,. Jf;Hift: f; And eyer, n justice donej ,t , , y 7y---y-y;.777;:;:t '7.7-777 v y . :-:-7-:. ' Jv! - '" - .; '-7.. ;--y y . ; -77 -y7;;- ' .1 :' " 77.7. 7 "i".''" . ':rj' '""' - ' S7yJ:lM-l7'v .7'.. -I" - - I " ; ;;- '7 :;;-'.- :..'7-;-;:; v..'.;.-.; .f y,y.: ; y' ;jy- 'i; y. : ' - 7-.:;7::7:7i:y7ft7my:;;77-yy v: y-s'-'F : :i ' 1 - ..vr-- ; :: . :.i ,. . , 7. , ,y ,7 :, -1: f y -; r . ' : VS"' -- -7:;,:v-::..-:,s., .-":;--.a:,:;'- S.v7.;r;-- - -- - ..?v::;7..:vr-,,.;-;.;;i.;::.nr-:7'M,'7 ';. . . -- -; ' - - -; ;.- : -. ; r- .. -. . ;; .'!-.. . -:. . -;, -J '-'; . m -

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